From Benedict the Abdicator to Francis the Calumnizer
In spite of the considerable weight that Pope Francis near-daily adds to the Cross that…
The Washing of Feet
On this Holy Thursday, I offer this examination of the “Maundy” in honor of, and…
CNS: Shamefully misrepresenting tradition
The Tradwriter responds to a recent video from Catholic News Service glorifying the Second Vatican…
Redefining the common good
Even after studying and writing and speaking about the conciliar text for more than a…
The Fr. Ray Kelly Concert Tour
It is telling commentary on the deplorable state of the Church to witness so-called “conservative”…
What’s it to you?
A traditional (sorta) reaction to YouTube sensation Fr. Ray Kelly, Ireland’s singing priest…
The Apparent Death of the Catholic Church
FROM CONFLICT TO COMMUNION: Lutheran-Catholic Common – Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 Vatican Surrenders…
BIG Announcement
I’m really pleased to announce the Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II Forum! (Also accessible…