Behold, we make all things new again. So might I suggest would be a rather…
Good guys finish… well, you know
In follow up to the previous post, let’s take a closer look at the pope’s…
The Pope’s La Vanguardia Interview
The Holy Father has once more made international headlines with yet another interview, this time…
Fr. Longenecker’s conservative condescension
As I suggested in a previous post, as the Catholic world reacts to the “Invocation…
Charismatic stones
From Catholic News Service comes the following video of the Holy Father being “prayed over”…
Celebrating Babel
Among the glorious lessons of Pentecost that have been extolled by the Fathers of the…
Defiling the Master’s Bride
Pentecost is often called “the birthday of the Church,” and to the extent that we…
The stench of an Irish rat
A gruesome story out of Tuam, Ireland, about the alleged mistreatment of children at a…