On November 19, the SSPX published an article entitled, Can a Catholic in Good Conscience…

Who is Taylor Marshall? Part II: Infiltration
By: Dr. Jesse Russell In 2015, Indiana attorney David Wemhoff published what is perhaps the…

Gender-bending in Baltimore: A small part of a big plan
National Catholic Register published an article yesterday revealing the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s complicity in encouraging…

Who is Taylor Marshall? Part 1: The Crucified Rabbi
By: Dr. Jesse Russell Something strange has happened to traditional Catholic media. For at least…

Election 2020: The outcome is certain
[NOTE: This article was originally published at Renew America] As I write, the mainstream media…

Good vs Evil: Nowhere left to hide
Take a good look at the photograph above. What do you see? Most people, I…

President Trump, the FSSP, Church and State
On September 8, 2020, Fr. Ian Bozant, FSSP, Administrator of the National Shrine of St….

The Case Against “ABORTION CONSENSUS” – The Prolife Movement at the Crossroads
By: Randy Engel [Note from the author: This article was originally part of a series…

BEWARE: March for Life Deceiving Supporters
After having read the post, Carl A. Anderson: A Knight in Anti-Life Armor, a kind…

FACT CHECK: Bader Ginsburg and the age of consent
It is an uncontested fact that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (may her name be blotted out!)…