Quick (by necessity) note to readers. First, I appreciate every reader and commenter here, even…
Choose this day…
My FaceBook feed is littered with conservative Catholic commentary about the “real” Nelson Mandela, some…
Christi Gaudium
DISCLAIMER: Any resemblance to recent Apostolic Exhortations is purely coincidental. CATHOLIC REFLECTION CHRISTI GAUDIUM OF…
The deafening silence of “conservative” Catholics
For those who, surprisingly, can’t quite get their hands around Saturday’s post… This isn’t real…
Karl Keating, where is your Catholic Answer?
As reported by Vatican News Service, Archbishop Buti Tlhagale, President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’…
The Devil’s reach
Nelson Mandela has earned all of the effusive praise he’s receiving from abortion rights groups…
Oh, how we need a Council of Vigilance!
My first impression of Evangelii Gaudium was that it demonstrates once more the Holy Father’s…
A not-so-happy birthday
Fifty years ago today, Pope Paul VI promulgated the Second Vatican Council document, Sacrosanctum Concilium,…
Jorge Bergoglio Goes to Rome
It’s my nature, for better or worse, to shoot from the hip all-too-often, but I…
A closer look at Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga’s speech
Forgive me for beating this wretched horse to death, but for those who can tolerate…