Over the past few days, a story has been circulating around the Catholic blogosphere about…
What makes a Catholic, Catholic?
What makes a Catholic, Catholic? A simple question with a not so simple answer; one…
Of “Heavenly light” and Fanciful Tales
In his well-written, extensively footnoted, and most excellent book, “The Second Vatican Council: An Unwritten…
Trippin’ with Fr. Barron
Over the past few years, Fr. Robert Barron has emerged as the quintessential icon of…
Patron Saint of Kasperian Saboteurs
Cardinal Kasper’s presentation to the Consistory of Cardinals in February, wherein he proposed potential pathways…
Celebrating the Scourgers
“At the heart of this Sunday … are the glorious wounds of the risen Jesus.”…
Christ the Most Benevolent King
In just four verses, the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew tells us more about…
Holy Week all over again
Here we are, just a few days into the Easter season, a time of unparalleled…
Perverting the Resurrection
It is Easter; a season wherein Catholics are moved to contemplate anew the glorious mystery…