Catholic social media has been all abuzz in recent days over a NJ parish, Church…

Gender-bending in Baltimore: A small part of a big plan
National Catholic Register published an article yesterday revealing the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s complicity in encouraging…

Macy’s launches “Girl who wants a penis” for Christmas
I was in my kitchen a few evenings ago chopping garlic while the local TV…

Lessons from the Tommy Tobin affair
On June 1, the first day of so-called “LGBT Pride Month,” Bishop Thomas Tobin of…

ALERT: PBS Promoting Sodomy and Communism Among Children
By: Randy Engel – US Coalition for Life Dear Friends – Every tax-paying American citizen “contributes”…

BEWARE: Recent “Clergy Sex Abuse” study is a ruse
Over the past week, a number of neo-conservative Catholic media outlets – National Catholic Register,…

Youth Synod final doc: Montini’s gift to the LGBT cause
Since the final document of the so-called Youth Synod was approved and made public on…

Did Francis just throw a “Pride Month” bone to gays?
In the most recent edition of that dreadful “Pope Video” series, wherein Jorge Bergoglio plays…

Fortnight for Freedom: “By their fruits…”
From those intrepid fishers of men here in the United States of God Bless America…

LGBT Pride: Placing blame where it most belongs
As I write, it is June and yet another so-called “LGBT Pride Month” is upon…