Everyone knows that the Second Vatican Council formally closed on the Feast of the Immaculate…
Tag: Paul VI

Montini’s Credo: Rubbish or treasure?
So, why did Montini deem it necessary to craft a new Credo? Would it not have sufficed to simply reaffirm that which the Church has always taught?

Was the “Smoke of Satan” sermon aimed at Abp. Lefebvre?
So often we hear it said – even in some “traditional” quarters no less –…

Youth Synod final doc: Montini’s gift to the LGBT cause
Since the final document of the so-called Youth Synod was approved and made public on…

Recent SSPX Communiqué: A massive failure
On October 13, the Society of Saint Pius X issued a communiqué on the utterly ersatz…

Patron “Saint” of the Catholic Homo-clerical Crisis
In preparation for that glorious day in October when the Conciliar Lifetime Achievement Award for…

Montini vs Bergoglio: Better or worse?
Catholic Family News has published an English translation of a recent interview with Fr. Fausto…

Saint Paul VI: Coming soon, but not soon enough
According to several reports, the “canonization” of Giovanni Battista Montini, aka Pope Paul VI, is…

Francis pays tribute to his “Great Light”
According to Vatican Radio, Francis has sent a message to participants of a conference taking…

Word for the week: “Irreversible”
As yesterday’s post discussed, Archbishop Víctor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández, the alleged ghostwriter of Amoris Laetitia,…