Cardinal Raymond Burke is back in the news for having once again reflected upon the…
Worshiping at the altar of human dignity
Our first parents, endowed with every good gift and living in friendship with the benevolent…
Understanding the atypical papal acts of Pope Francis
Fr. Edward Perrone, the pastor of Assumption Grotto Catholic Church in Detroit (the parishioners of…
Francumenism: Mission Accomplished
A video recently surfaced in which Pope Francis extends a greeting, roughly seven minutes in…
The scoop on the Novus Ordo
Some years ago, not long before I came to recognize the new Mass for what…
The Real “Francis Effect”
For some time now we have been hearing about the so-called “Francis Effect” whereby the…
Fashion Week
In light of the Holy Father’s suggestion that attachment to the traditional Mass is tantamount…
Searching for love (of the traditional Mass) in all the wrong places
Rorate Caeli has a rather disturbing, but unsurprising, post concerning the Holy Father’s view of…
Forget reformation; it’s time for abrogation
A recent article by Fr. Thomas Kocik on the New Liturgical Movement website, Reforming the…
A Tale of Two Pontiffs
A year has now passed since Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world by announcing his…