By: Cornelia R. Ferreira It would seem that my previous article, Fatima Through the Lens…
Month: July 2017

Heroes die hard, but enough already
In just the past few weeks alone, some of the biggest names in neo-conservative herodom…

Bishop Schneider: Resurrecting a dead hermeneutic
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has authored yet another essay (published at Rorate Caeli) on Vatican II,…

Cibavit eos
{With my priestly blessing to the readers, +Father José Miguel} What with the…

URGENT: A retraction concerning Fr. Raymond Blake
On Wednesday, July 19, Dr. Peter Chojnowski kindly published on his blog a brief article…

The company one keeps says a lot
We can tell an awful lot about a man based on the company he keeps….

Concerning Russia’s errors: What are we to do now?
Shortly after publishing Cornelia Ferreira’s article, Fatima Through the Lens of Vatican II: As Illustrated…

BREAKING: Benedict issues clarion call to all bishops
The message sent by Benedict to be read aloud at the funeral of Cardinal Meisner…

Dr. Peter Chojnowski: A Thomistic, Catholic perspective
Having had the honor of speaking at various “traditional Catholic” (if you’ll forgive the redundancy)…

Mystérium Fídei
Hic est enim Calix Sánguinis mei, novi et ætérni Testaménti, mystérium fídei: qui pro vobis…