Yesterday afternoon, the Jorge Bergoglio Show was filmed before a live audience at San Paolo della Croce parish in Rome. The truly sickening spectacle that took place there (a portion of which can be viewed in the video clip below) called to my mind the following words taken from the 1971 hit song, American Pie:
Oh and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan’s spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
What truly died yesterday was the innocence of sweet little children; their trusting hearts ruthlessly sacrificed at the hands of evil men Hell bent on worshiping themselves.
During a highly staged Q&A session, a little girl by the name of Carlotta asked (obviously reading a prepared text):
When we receive baptism, we become children of God and people who are not baptized are not God’s children?
Before we get to the answer, it must be said that truly these men have no shame!
Just imagine the amount of planning and preparation that went into this disgusting display: the scripting of questions, the casting of unsuspecting children for use as props, the strategic pre-production placement of lighting, microphones and cameras in order to record themselves in the act of exploiting these little ones.
Moving on…
The star of the show (stage name, Francis) responded to the question Carlotta was told to ask just as one may have expected. Following are some excerpts:
We are all children of God. Everyone, everyone. Even the unbaptized? Yes. Even those who believe in other religions, far away, who have idols? Yes, they are children of God …
But what is the difference [concerning those who are baptized]?
God created everyone, loved everyone and put conscience in the heart to recognize good and distinguish it from evil … But when you were baptized, in that conscience the Holy Spirit entered and strengthened your belonging to God and in that sense you have become more daughter of God … This Holy Spirit makes us more children of God, gives us more strength to behave like children of God.
Next up was a boy named Eduardo, who asked:
How did you feel when they elected you Pope?
At this, the lead character replied:
I only felt that God wanted that, I got up and went ahead. I have not felt anything spectacular, but perhaps, this answer seems a little boring, but I have not felt fear, I have not felt a special joy. I felt that the Lord wanted that, and moved on.
So there you have it: Those who pressed Benedict to step aside, the St. Gallen Mafia, and Jorge himself had nothing to do with it – the Lord Himself made the choice!
In any case, Eduardo’s question was written into the script for no other reason than to make it somewhat less obvious that Carlotta was merely setting the stage for the climax of the event; a tear-jerking final question and answer.
At this, we have arrived at the video clip (about 1 minute in length). I invite you to watch it, but be forewarned: It will absolutely break your heart.
Here is what you just saw:
A precious little boy named Emanuele timidly approached the microphone, but he couldn’t bring himself to speak. Francis prodded him, “dai, dai” (literally, “you give, you give,” meaning, come on, come on).
The boy began to weep, saying, “Non ce lo faccio” (I can’t do it).
At this, a priest (perhaps the pastor of the parish), who just happens to be nearby standing at the ready, approaches the boy. Watch the video clip again; this time carefully.
The priest takes hold of the boy’s arm, and if you pay close attention, you will notice him give it a firm squeeze as if to bring him to heel. He then gestures toward the stage and evidently tries to take the boy by the hand, but the child pulls it away and covers his face.
Emanuele is obviously terrified.
The kindly pastor responds by giving him a nice little hug as the people clap. He then proceeds to push Emanuele forward toward the stage; even though he clearly does not want to go.
Bergoglio then begins calling the boy to come (vieni da me) as the priest pushes the poor weeping child forward; ultimately lifting him onto the steps.
It is perfectly obvious that the masterminds of this event planned beforehand to put Emanuele on stage so he could be exploited as a prop. They knew damned well that the boy would break down in tears, and when you hear the question that he was instructed to ask, you’ll understand how.
Once on stage, Uncle Jorge had the boy whisper “his” question in his ear; after which he announced to the audience:
I asked Emanuele permission to say the question in public and he said yes.
Then, as if to quote little Emanuele, he offers:
“A short time ago my father died. He was an atheist, but he had all four children baptized. He was a good man. Is papa in Heaven?“

The answer given is once more predictable and perfectly pathetic, but even more condemnable is the crime that was committed against this little boy.
Emanuele appears to be no more than six or seven years old at best, and yet we are supposed to believe that he is worried about the eternal fate of his recently deceased father because he was an atheist?
Don’t get me wrong, a Catholic should have such a concern, but a small boy from a Novus Ordo parish?
Please, tell me who instilled the Faith into this poor child at such a young age. Let me guess… the pastor who hustled him up on stage against his will, right?
But he had all four children baptized. He was a good man.
Yeah, sure, little Emanuele came up with this all by himself.
Folks, this is child abuse, plain and simple.
“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mt 18:6)
Ain’t no millstone heavy enough…
Louie, this reminds me of a series of videos I sent Randy a few years ago.
They were opus dei featured recruitment presentations given to mainly teen girls in former soviet countries. They were pathetic displays of choreographed hand picked teen girls who allegedly spontaneously stood up when they raised their hands in the audience to testify how wonderful it was to join opus dei and work in their Houses.
Missing was the ten hour a day work schedules and the mandatory donations to the cult of the bulk of one’s own paycheck. Also missing was the fact that these slave laborers have limited opportunities to speak with their families back home and even less time for visiting them.
Desperate for employment and without funding for college ,these young girls were being presented with a future and education as low paid domestic workers cooking cleaning and washing for the Numeraries who live in these Houses and who ,although allowed to work outside the cult in some cases , are still required to hand over the bulk of their wages.
It was so obviously scripted that the audience members who did speak read from their notes stumbling over what was supposed to be their own account of how privileged and happy they were.
When did the Catholic church turn into a marketing sector for fraudulent faith driven profits? It appears that opus dei tactics are now selling us another pope using children again as props for a new type of revolutionary catholicism .
………The World Youth Days were contrived by opus dei Sodano and supported by these same cults . Regnum Christi youths were encouraged to loudly chant ,”JP2 ,we love you!”at these events. Now Borgolio would have the youth believe the new church is not the church of their parents and grandparents.
Whenever and wherever there is a planned cultural and or political revolution the Youth are the first to be sent out. Hitler Youth and the Communist Youth come to mind.
However, the Scriptures have another message for youth encouraging the wisdom of the elders and parents and how youth can only benefit by heeding parents and grandparents through the Wisdom of God’s Natural Law.
We have seen how pederast clerics take advantage of children from broken homes or where the father has left or died. Now we await the report from the Pittsburgh Diocese GJ Investigation which promises to make the others like Boston and Philadelphia pale in comparison.
Still parents, who are supposed to be entrusted as the spiritual directors of their own children continue to allow clergy to use their children to promote their own “loving merciful” and revolutionary agendas.
Right reason turned upside down on itself as rules for radicals.
I saw the video.
What bothered me was what you noted Louie, the unlikely nature of the question from a child this age. It doesn’t make sense, children don’t ask questions like this, unless they are deeply immersed in Catholic theology and thought. Even then, it would be very “unusual” to have a child ask such a question. It does not ring true. He isn’t old enough to grasp the idea his father may be there, and certainly not due to his being an atheist yet having “his four children baptized”. Set-up question, fake. Even if he had this concern, he would have spoken of it to his mother or other relative, who should have encouraged him and consoled him. It would occur to no child to take this to the pope. No child his age should be, or likely would be, worried about such a thing.
But it gets worse. The child says “I can’t do it…I can’t do it…”, he doesn’t feel ABLE to comply with someone by asking the question! He has emotionally folded, can’t do as he was asked, but as he finds out, it is not an option, he HAS to. The grip the priest has on his arm is something to notice right away. He did not put his hand on his back, a supportive hand, but a grip, and a tight grip. Since when can a small child, a baby really, not change his mind? Are children not allowed to change their mind? This one couldn’t. He had a part to play.
We don’t know what he said. He could have asked the question, but this is so far fetched, and perfect timing with the recent hell-scandal. These men are so obvious, good grief they don’t even bother to be subtle! Why bother, I guess.
I didn’t know about Carlotta’s question. We’re in the realm of ridiculous, people coercing children, who themselves have no idea of what real children act and sound like so they don’t realize they are giving it away by their silly scripts.
A real journalist could get the backstory on this poor child and check things out.
Poor little boy, my heart goes out to him, but then, the church has no real care for these boys. They allowed them to be sexually molested time and time again, and still can’t be bothered to do anything about it except write a check to compensate for a life ruined.
These shameless people use the innocent and them toss them aside like a used dish rag. Reminds me of the woman who was cited as the miracle for , Mother Teresa canonization. She complained afterwards that she felt as if she had been used and discarded after those in authority had gotten from her what they want. It’s all show. How shameful
Great point Evangeline….they do not have children and are clueless as to how children normally behave.I am reminded of Groeschel’s statement that these little boys sometimes seduce the priests. Yeh right sure they do.
Having cared for many many patients with dementia let me assure everyone , there is truth in dementia because they do not pre screen their statements.
Bringing the sheep to slaughter. Monsters every one of them. If they can’t exploit their bodies, they will exploit their minds and souls. Where are the parents? Numb and clueless.
I would just like to say, as someone who does not have children, that you don’t have to have your own children to know how children act/behave. The issue here isn’t that they don’t “have” children.
It reminds me of children brought to haunted houses on Halloween. The children are dragged in crying in fear. If this isn’t child abuse, I don’t know what is.
There are many who will fall for this charade… Ok, practically everyone will fall for it. And they will become quite angry if you try to open their eyes. Of the few who see through it, most will not want to discuss it.
Psalm 11
… 2 Save me, O Lord, for there is now no saint: truths are decayed from among the children of men.
3 They have spoken vain things every one to his neighbour: with deceitful lips, and with a double heart have they spoken.
4 May the Lord destroy all deceitful lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things.
5 Who have said: We will magnify our tongue; our lips are our own; who is Lord over us? …
No of course not, the issue is that people who do not have children or spend time around children do not have the best sense of what they say and do. It’ s the same phenomenon when you see a sitcom or program and you think, no kid would say that.
Proverbs 9:7 -10 He who corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will still be wiser; teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
And oh, for the days a pope would, if ever confronted by such a situation, would say something like “We know God is loving and merciful, and we can trust God no matter what”. I would be tempted to say anything to that child, if that were a true situation, I admit, because I couldn’t help but console a heartbroken child. I’ve told children their pets were in heaven, I don’t agree with allowing children to be upset, but I’m not the pope. This was not a teaching moment, it was a console a child moment. Again, the whole thing is weird, since when do children’s little questions get turned into such news? Only now, when a child’s question puts Catholics in the position of having to be Scrooges who would tell a hurting child “Your daddy is likely in hell dear”. He knows that is impossible, so the solution has found a problem. They made sure of it.
God forgive me if I’ve become the world’s biggest cynic and have misjudged this moment. But I don’t think so, and nothing these men have done indicates they deserve the benefit of the doubt.
Perhaps better stated….you have to have been around children or remember what it was to be a child.
Using a child n this way would therefore be something one would not want to do. Although ,in the background there appears to be a mother ,grandmother or teacher encouraging the boy to recite his lines.
No, I think I claim the title of Saint Cynic .
Just in case you were wondering..
Amen. In caritas.
These perverts shouldnt be anywhere around young boys.
When it comes to the attitude we should have regarding the V2 fake church being a cynic is an heroic virtue, worthy of sainthood. We need more cynics.
Another day, another scandal. Let’s make reparations.
Evangeline, I mostly agree with you. However, to my knowledge, other than Judas Iscariot, Satan and the demons, the Church has never said WHO exactly is in Heaven or Hell. Our Lady of Fatima certainly spoke about the many souls who go there- but not WHO. That said, we must rely on God’s Mercy and Justice when hoping that our loved ones and friends who either died a non-Catholic or worse- would end up in at least Purgatory. That is why, to this day, I still pray for the souls of my family and friends who never died a Catholic. Only God knows the state of their souls.
Tom, you get the “Understatement of the Day” award.
Trust me Irenaeus,
The older you become and the more you know , the more life and living itself
becomes a continual act of reparation and thanksgiving.
When I read of this account elsewhere, it was obvious to me that it was staged. However, watching the video (thank you, Mr. V!) I got a sick feeling in my stomach at the absolute evil behind it.
Im glad Mr V doesnt hand out gold stars like a achool marm in clerics.