On May 7, the Metropolitan Museum of Art held its annual Met Gala, this one titled “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination.”
In addition to kicking off an exhibit displaying priceless papal vestments and other regalia spanning fifteen different papacies on loan from the Vatican, the event also featured a parade of celebrities, many of them scantily clad, wearing an array of blasphemous outfits that served to make a mockery of the Catholic faith.
Present at the Gala was the glad-handing buffoon Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, who was instrumental in securing the Vatican’s support for the event and even lent one of his miters to pop star Rhiana (pictured on the right).
Entertainment media outlet The Wrap reported:
Dolan conceded that the miter was a good match for the pop star’s beaded white corset dress with matching jacket and clutch… “There were some aspects that looked like kind of a masquerade party, a Halloween party,” he conceded. “I didn’t really see anything sacrilegious…”
Nothing sacrilegious? Decide for yourself.
“I was teasing my auxiliary bishops, who were teasing me about Rihanna and I said, ‘Hey, you guys should not complain because she’s volunteered to do some confirmations,’” Dolan joked.
These people aren’t even pretending to be Catholic any more. And why should they? Neither does their leader. (#FAKE POPE)
In any case, according to Edward Pentin of National Catholic Register:
The Pontifical Council for Culture chose to collaborate with an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York because of the Met’s significance to culture and potential global outreach, but officials were unaware of the widely criticized gala that took place on Monday night.
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council [and] … The Pontifical Council’s involvement dates back to the latter half of last year. Anna Wintour, the editor of Vogue, a fashion magazine, says she had the idea but struggled to attract the Vatican’s interest, sending many emails but never receiving a response.
Pentin continued:
The Pontifical Council for Culture wanted the focus to be on the Met’s exhibition of fashion, Catholicism and art rather than Monday’s Gala, viewed by many of the faithful as a sacrilegious mockery of the Church.
Seriously, is there any reason whatsoever to believe that the exhibition, which runs through October, is going to be a testament to Catholic piety?
Eventually, photos of the exhibit itself will surface, and rest assured, they will glorify neither God, nor his Church, nor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Count on it.
In contrast to Pentin’s report, the New York Times is telling a different story: How the Met Got the Vatican’s Vestments.
It was the culmination of years of negotiations, two stalled visits to Rome, and walking the tightrope between Anna Wintour, the powerful editor of Vogue and a Met trustee, and the many powers in the Vatican.
According to the Times, the process of securing the Vatican’s participation began in earnest in June 2016 when curator of the Met’s Costume Institute, Andrew Bolton, made a pre-arranged visit to the Sistine Chapel to meet with the priest who serves as its keeper of the sacristy.
Slate, in a report of its own, dates the beginning of the process even earlier.
Met curator Andrew Bolton has said he first approached the Vatican about this hypothetical exhibit in 2015.
The point is this: It is patently absurd to insist that this event and its related activities took the authorities in Rome by surprise.
As reported by the Times:
Archbishop Georg Gänswein said yes to the dress.
The dashing former right-hand man to Benedict XVI, the fashion-plate pope, he is now prefect of the papal household under the more austere Pope Francis. In May 2017, Archbishop Gänswein sat in his stately Apostolic Palace office as Andrew Bolton, curator in charge of the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, showed him a look book of couture masterpieces that Mr. Bolton felt matched with certain Vatican treasures …
The archbishop gradually became enthusiastic as he and Mr. Bolton discussed the role of beauty in the church and Mr. Bolton explained his vision for the project that would explore the way the Catholic church had served as an inspiration to designers through the centuries. Then things really started rolling.
About his meeting with Archbishop Gänswein, Bolton told the Times, “He’s like a movie star, it’s like meeting George Clooney.”
At this, it is time to give Mr. Bolton a proper introduction.

The Times went on to report:
Mr. Bolton received authorization from senior Vatican officials to borrow the vestments. He was also granted full access to the Sistine Chapel Sacristy and became so close with its custodian priests in his 10 trips to Rome that they entrusted him with the hidden chamber’s keys and opened secret doors, behind which elderly nuns ironed the pope’s white vestments.
Yes, one can only imagine just how close Mr. Bolton became with any number of Vatican officials. Even so, there was work still to be done back home.
He asked Emily Rafferty, a former president of the Met with connections to New York’s Catholic community, for a hand. She suggested Mr. Bolton work with James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large for America Magazine, who was appointed last year by Pope Francis as a consultor to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications.
Father Martin said that one day, after embarrassingly spilling hummus on his pants earlier, he went to a Met conference room to review the storyboards the curators had pinned to the walls with thumbtacks. He was impressed by what he described as the “real attention to Catholic sensibilities” behind the pairings.
Martin, we are told, suggested that Bolton get in touch with Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

In February, the Met delegation, including Mr. Bolton and Ms. Wintour, traveled to Rome to officially announce the exhibit alongside Cardinal Ravasi, who not only participated in the news conference, but also rubbed shoulders with Donatella Versace. She told him she thought his crimson vestments were beautiful. He said he replied: “The purple is even better.”
And we’re supposed to believe the claim made by Edward Pentin’s sources that “[Vatican] officials were unaware of the widely criticized gala that took place on Monday night”?

At this, the answer to How the Met Got the Vatican’s Vestments is obvious; the Vatican (and indeed many parts of the Church) is teeming with homosexual deviants – men who are very much drawn to the fashion industry, which also happens to be teeming with homosexual deviants.
Readers may recall that Benedict the Abdicator stated in his book, The Last Conversations, that as pope he was aware of a Vatican “gay lobby” that was made up of four or five people, but that he managed to break the group up during his pontificate.
Four or five people? Who does he think he’s kidding?
Oh, this reminds me… Whatever happened to that 300 page dossier that was delivered to Benedict prior to his departure; the one that allegedly detailed a vast underground gay network in the Vatican?
Yes, I know, it was handed over to the Argentinian, who shortly after his introduction to the world as Francis the Humble promoted the flaming homo-deviant Battista Ricca to prelate of the IOR (Vatican Bank); the same of whom he famously said, “Who am I to judge?”
From there, he has dedicated his “so-called pontificate” (to quote dear Fr. Gruner yet again) to preparing for, introducing, and then enforcing Amoris Laetitia – a document that was immediately identified on these pages as grease for the gay lobby’s skids.

As I recently commented to a friend in light of the Met Gala scandal, I suspect that even the most cynical among us would be shocked to discover just how extensive the Vatican gay network truly is.
Even without knowing for certain how far and high its tentacles reach, simple observation alone suggests that it had at least some kind of hand in Benedict stepping aside. Whether that means that he himself has a bribe-worthy skeleton or two to keep hidden, or that perhaps someone very close to him does, is anyone’s guess.
In any case, all indications are that the Vatican’s gay network not only exists and is powerful, but is quite possibly running the entire show in Rome.
“These people aren’t even pretending to be Catholic any more. And why should they? Neither does their leader. (#FAKE POPE)”
Unfortunately, there are still lots of trad folks still pretending they’re Catholic, such as Remnant, 1P5, CFN, etc.
No doubt, they are at the highest levels and they are Legion.
This is just another fist in the eye of traditional Catholics. It is just so entertaining for the sodomites in charge to openly destroy the church, but stuff like this is just plain fun for them. To put papal vestments in close proximity to SM headgear, a “bondage mask”, that’s delicious. To see Madonna writhing while wearing a crown of thorns and an open cross bodice, wonderful. And why summon little boys from the Sistine Boys Choir, have them come all the way over here to stand there and sing with men? Now why would these pagans be interested in that, one might reasonably ask. Come on, we all know why. The backdrop, possibly taken from the Sistine Chapel, just happened to mostly contain the figures of nude men.
This is a Catholic Sodomy Fest, and there was our champion Cardinal, saying “Bravo!” as he did to the NY homosexuals, and as he did to the takeover of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, when it was commandeered by the gay lobby a few years ago.
God help us. In fact, only God can help us.
Anyone with half a gaydar can see the wickedness you describe. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.
Anyone surprised by this just hasn’t been paying attention.
Anyone who finds this more disgusting and sacrilegious than the heretics posing as Catholic hierarchy needs to wake up.
This ugly, vicious, sacrilegious event (with the laughing approval of Timothy “the Laughing Clown” Dolan) took place in May, the Month of Our Lady. The saddest part (IMHO) is that it just doesn’t matter anymore. The V2 fake church will continue as usual and N.O. catholics who still go to church, will continue to go to church. Why? Because they really think they are being catholic when they walk through the doors and when the basket comes around they’ll dig into their pockets and make their contributions. Do they know that their presence and support are allowing business as usual for the V2 fake church? If Catholics (or “catholics”) really want to experience the history, holiness and atmosphere of True Catholicism, a visit to The Cloisters Museum in NYC (see Google) is second to assisting at a validly celebrated Mass of All Time. Therein, you will find a vast collection of truly Catholic artifacts from Catholic Europe going back many centuries. Rockefeller, the benefactor, didn’t have a religious bone in his body, but God used his desire to collect things as a gift to the Catholic world. Perhaps, Dolan, NY’s Cardinal, should visit and remind himself what a truly Catholic display should be, although I think he is beyond help (humanly speaking). Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
Louie this is where I was heading in my previous posts.
To my mind the RC Church is not catholic anymore.
As Prisca pointed out they are not even trying to hide their sexual orientations anymore. Last night my email was filling up faster than I could read it . someone sent me a quote from Fr Peter West’s Facebook page. He advised outraged laity in NY to with hold their donations. I said “Uh oh ” to myself because I knew that was an axe drop . They really do not mind your outrage because they can say you are prideful , but to hold back your donations , well , that is a whole other kind of insult.
Their god is Mammon , so that is sacrilege.
Louie, I have a friend who just did not make a frivolous guess. Benedict and his brother are both black mailable. But I hesitate to say that is the sole reason he stepped aside. I believe it had much more to do with his name being floated on lawsuits here and elsewhere in the defense of Bishops who requested permission to defrock certain pederasts when he headed up the CDF and sent letters back of refusal advising they just transfer these priests. Hence, he remains in Vatican City under the protection of full immunity by way of zero extradiction.
Keep up the great work, Louie. Expose the putrid cancer in Holy Mother the Church which seeks to destroy her. It’s interesting to see how these sworn enemies of the Church are getting bolder. They don’t even hide their contempt because they know their friends in the Vatican will go along. Their pride grows by the day but as always, pride cometh before the fall and may God have mercy on them when they fall. May it be very soon.
I must admit, the pagan celebrities put more thought and care into what they wear than the typical NO “cleric.” The celebs wouldn’t be caught dead wearing polyester ponchos. I am actually encouraged by this episode because it shows us that it really is traditional Catholicism that the world opposes. The NO has officially been assumed into the modern culture.
I want Judas Council hirelings like Card. Dolan to suffer horribly, be reduced to ashes, and be buried head first in the suffocating depths of darkest eternal hell. Am I evil?
Pray for him Alfonse he faces a terrible punishment .
But in the meantime…………..
Please give him a call and ask why he is supporting the demonic mocking of Jesus and Mary. Contact: Cardinal Timothy Dolan Phone: 212-371-1000
Please tell me this is Fake News.
Is this why the Vatican needs more Exorcists?
Vatican invites Katy Perry to talk about Transcendental Meditation
This event was blasphemous on so many levels. Dolan mocking the sacrament of Confirmation, saying the very scantily clad woman wearing his mitre was going to start doing them, was a most violent slap on the face of Our Lord.
Questionable that this trial balloon foreshadowing of a feminine clergy will revive our Protestantized Church. What the Church has done is to reveal itself for what it has become: an outrage, an embarrassment, a theater of the absurd. This is the fruit of Vatican II folks. How do you like it?
That call is a waste of time and money.
dowd–We already have a feminine clergy. This was their “coming out” party, as Louie so accurately says. You described it perfectly! Only God can “fix” this now.
Has Bishop Fellay made any statements about this diabolical event? I’m not holding my breath, but we could always hope.
2Cents , exactly what a priest pastor friend said to me over 20 years ago. “They keep talking about women priests, that’s what we have the most of.” , and he wasn’t kidding . He was totally disgusted at the mandatory priestly retreats he had to go to. He had to get it off his chest. “FrX running down the hall in the middle of the night screaming he was a woman in a man’s body. The entire clique buzzing about their get togethers. We have only four or five straight men in the entire Diocese.”
That was when I really woke up to how pervasive the disordered gender boyz were in the priesthood.
2 Vermont, of course the call is a waste of time and money but sometimes you have to vent or you will blow a gasket like one man did in our former parish
when he entered the sacristy and smashed a beautiful statue of the Infant of Prague on the altar. He wanted to speak to the priest but he told him to come after Mass and when he did the fairy queen told him he had no time to talk to him .The man was distraught and obviously at the point of a breakdown.
I still done think the call would have helped that man. It would only delay his reaction a little longer.
So well summarized and said Evangeline! God bless you.
Prostitutes all of them. And why? Because of the massive submission our world has bowed down to in order to submit to the new world order’s redefinition of human sexuality starting with the modernist foundation of redefining God’s primary purpose and plan for the marital act, (which has infected over90% of the population inMHO) to be whatever man”s desires wishes it to be, ie exchange of the power and effects of the sex act for whatever man”s goals may be in this transaction,( earthly wants and security, lust, power, control, financial security, emotional security, self destruction, you name it. The choice is yours) rather than submitting to God’s laws on marriage, fidelity and the hierarchy of male and female roles and to the hierarchy of the purposes of the conjugal act being procreation and education of children for Gods glory.
Wait a minute. Is this the kind of “us against everyone else in Catholicism” I will find in the new newspaper? Do you have ANY friends anymore or is this the sole repository of the faith? I’m so tired of the us against them among traditional Catholics in general and especially “us against everyone else because we’re the only ones who have it right.”
You’ll definitely get through to Timmy if you tell the Admin you want to send him some Bark Hot Dogs free of charge.
He said Coco Chanel prefers Lausanne to New York anyways and the party at Gifferhorn in Gstaad together with Valentino and Giammetti and his petite pugs is much more chic than the Met.
Cardinal Dolan also has a Facebook page. There are ways to contact the NY Diocese.
Lenny you certainly are in the know, lol. I wouldn’t be able to pull out any of those names.
What I meant by this wasn’t that one wouldn’t/couldn’t get in touch with him. What I meant was even if you do get in touch with him it is a waste of time and money.
No I meant the remnant et al are pretending the NO are catholic when the NO isnt even pretending anymore. We trads should all take the NO for what their actions claim: a different religion than ours.
Actually, sweep, Katy Perry was called to the Vatican so that Pope Francis could tell her she must go to Confession in order to save her soul. Now THAT’S FAKE NEWS!
I cannot recall who broke the story, but the use of these Church treasures and sacramentals for perverse so-called fashion statements was known at least a month ago. There were already pictures of the obscene and blasphemous costumes. For the National Catholic register and the other bergoglian cover-up squads to claim that this was done without the knowledge of the Vatican is so sickeningly, well, sickening. I can’t think of any other word.
Stop it Tom! Please.
We all agree that Louie is knowledgeable, approachable, straight talking and a totally traditional Catholic and treats everyone with respect. Great! But so is Michael Matt. Sure – their approaches are very different but so WHAT?
I do have huge reservations about 1P5 who, rather than accept questions or disagreement in any way, shape or form, ban their posters by the bus load, but their hearts are in the right place.
However we MUST stop butting heads with other Traditional Catholics and concentrate on protecting Catholicism.
One more point if I may. People come on here to gain clarity, advice and information on the Faith which they have missed out on because Vatican II removed Catholic teaching from schools and colleges. So this malicious in-fighting between different Traditional groups hurts those people and causes massive stress and unhappiness. THAT is unforgiveable and needs to stop right now.
At least traditional Catholics should remember what they said about the first Catholics in the early days of the Church………..”See how these Christians love each other!” God bless.
One cannot protect Catholicism if one insists that the Catholic Pope can promulgate heresies. From Montini to Bergolio we have had nothing but a steady stream of vatican sanctioned heresies, yet “trad” folks like Michael Matt et al erroneously insist these “popes” are Catholic. That belief does just as much harm to the Catholic faith as does Bergolio’s blasphemies.
It would have been good if Cardinal Dolan done his work and ask for hefty donations off these rich people to help the poor. And afterwards then he can mingle with poor people and give them help when ask for it. Serve others not yourself.
The Vatican is claiming it did not know this was going on. In this immediate technological society we live in, such a claim is ridiculous.
As for gays in the priesthood, I have personally observed a great influx in the last 30 years: both in the parishes as well as monasteries. Prior to Vatican II, homosexuality was a deterrent to Holy Orders.