OK, so a number of you responded to the Gore-Tex video saying that you’d like…
Taylor Marshall weighs in on FMC
Dr. Taylor Marshall has broken his silence to share his reasons for leaving Fisher More…
The non-negotiable Charter of Newchurch
It has been suggested both here in the comment section, as well as to me…
Fort Worth, TX: Microcosm of ecclesial crisis
Who’da thunk it? In the space of just the last month or so, Fort Worth,…
Bishop Olson threatens to hold Jesus hostage
“I told you so” can be bittersweet indeed; in this case, far more bitter than…
Now that I have your attention
I appreciate all of the responses to the Gore-Tex video. They’ve been overwhelming, really. Now…
The Gore-Tex
Well… it is now undeniable: Michael Voris is all-in with the manifesto. Damn shame too….
A Shem and a shame
Having offered my two cents about what is going on at CMTV, and wishing Michael…
Blog issues
As you may have noticed, some idiot hacked into my website and placed text in…
CMTV’s mystery manifesto
The now infamous manifesto, ChurchMilitant.TV Will Not Engage in Public Criticism of the Pope, is…