In his most recent newsletter, Eleison Comments, Bishop Richard Williamson stated:
As Solzhenitsyn said, Russia would never have fallen into the Communist Hell if it had not turned its back on God. Almighty God allowed that Hell in order to bring “Holy Russia” back to Him. It took several years, but that return to God is now taking place all over Russia, even if the conversion is not yet Catholic. Patience. The Consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart will see to that.
It’s always dangerous, in my opinion, to imagine that we have figured out the mind of God; e.g., to state with confidence, God has allowed this in order to facilitate that.
Sure, we see such things with a certain degree of clarity in biblical texts, but only insofar as we read them through the eyes of the Church in the context of salvation history.
It is presumptuous, however, to suggest that we possess such clarity of vision when speaking of recent events and the age in which we live. Rather, it is enough simply to say that God allows evil in order to bring about a greater good.
It is all the more dangerous, for all intents and purposes, to imagine that we can out-prophesy the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Indeed, the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart will most certainly bring about that nation’s conversion to the Holy Catholic faith and inaugurate an unprecedented period of peace, just as she said.
In the meantime, however, Our Lady has been very clear about what we can expect of Russia, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with a partial, much less laudable, “return to God” clothed in the culture of schismatic Orthodoxy.
Is it possible that pious yearnings are presently being aroused in the hearts of the Russian people; moving them closer to God?
Certainly; such are the ways of grace, even in the most dreadful of conditions.
That is a far cry from suggesting, however, that a return to God is now taking place in Russia as a nation.
In fact, we have it on good authority that this is not the case.
After showing the three shepherd children a vision of Hell during the apparition of 13 July 1917, Our Lady warned that if humankind did not stop offending God, He would punish the world “by means of war, hunger and persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father.”
The instrument of said punishment?
Our Lady spoke very clearly of the consequences of failing to perform the consecration:
Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, raising up wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations will be annihilated.
As the following video (about 12 minutes in length) makes plain as Vladamir Putin rattles Russia’s sabres, the warnings of which Our Lady spoke are unfolding right before our eyes!
I do not doubt that Bishop Williamson means well, but it seems that he has lost sight of the true message of Fatima to some degree; offering his readers a view of Russia that can be reconciled with neither Our Lady’s warnings, nor with current events.
So, I’m assuming a well meaning propagandist for Mother Russia would be called a useful idiot?
“I do not doubt that Bishop Williamson means well, but it seems that he has lost sight of the true message of Fatima to some degree; offering his readers a view of Russia that can be reconciled with neither Our Lady’s warnings, nor with current events.”
The other possibility is that Bp. Williamson is right and you are wrong.
Bishop Willliamson has “lost sight”? In July of last year, you wrote:
“Russia has been chosen by God in the manner well described by Fr. Nicholas Gruner who wrote:
“Russia, out of all the nations in the world, has been chosen to be specially blessed and set aside for the service of Our Lady. Russia is a vessel of election chosen by Heaven for our time, whether for mercy or for justice.”
Yes, the “fruits” most certainly “span” the globe: a counterfeit church with a Lutheran Antipope and a Protestant Mass combined with, in absolute numbers, the most murderous and sodomitic century and counting in all of recorded human history (just about a complete match of Leo XIII’s vision of Satan’s “100 year reign”). We are undoubtedly living through a “great apostasy” that cries out to heaven for vengeance. Will the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary happen before 2029? Or will “the three days of darkness” Chastisement prophesied by Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (beatified by Benedict XV in 1920) come to pass instead? Will a Holy Pontiff be “chosen by God to withstand the storm” as Blessed Anna Maria foresaw and then finally perform the Consecration? She also claimed that the ascension of this Holy Pontiff would induce whole nations to come back to the Church and that “Russia, England, and China” would be among them.
At a time when the murder of unborn babies (estimated at 1.72 billion in just the last 40 years) and the sins of Sodom have become acceptable and “legal”, should we not begin to wonder why God doesn’t punish mankind severely soon? Better yet should we not welcome it? Something has got to give or Stephen Hawking may well be spoken of as one of the great prophets of “peoplekind’s” final emancipation from Voltaire’s “écrasez l’infâme”!
Russia will be converted and there will be peace. What will happen in the meantime? We better be prepared spiritually. The Third Secret of Fatima holds the key.
Recall Golitsyn’s Perestroika Deception. Cornelia Ferreira’s expositions of the subject are excellent. She really hits the nail on the head. It is quite conceivable that Russia is still very much the base of operations for world communism (and its new brand, Globalism). All of this anti-Russia stuff from the Western left and the leftist press may be a ruse. The communists are masters of deception. They operate both sides. That is always their strategy. We must never forget that their ideology is dialectical. What has happened to our society after the supposed fall of the Soviet Union? Communism has been emboldened. The UK is on the verge of electing an admitted former KGB agent, Jeremy Corbyn, to be their next Prime Minister. Despite Brexit and other seemingly encouraging signs, Europe is completely beholden to the long-term agenda of the EU, which former higher-ups in the USSR (like Gorbachev) admit is a Leninist-style organization. The Vatican has been completely taken over by communists, with the five-year plan of Comrade Bergoglio on the verge of utterly decimating whatever is left of the Catholic religion. The hierarchs of this new church are all socialists. Marxists dominate every institution in the Western world. Their promotion of immorality and every stripe of perversion, their fomentation of ethnic tensions, their false flags, this is all a strategy to control our society. We are on the verge of witnessing the final victory of communism over the West, while China is becoming more and more powerful (and more and more hardline). Is it possible that Russia is the one orchestrating all of this? Bishop Sheen said that the head of the Antichurch will speak ex cathedra from Moscow.
I couldn’t possibly agree more. I’d love to know why when Bella Dodd testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee, “In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within. The idea was for these men to be ordained, and then climb the ladder of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops,” no one batted an eye? No medieval style inquisition? Pope Pius XII not the least perturbed? I’m starting my own little McCarthy list here and Williamson, Kramer and Gajewski just made it on there.
I have send an email (June 22, 2017) to Poland, to a friend, he spends lots of time over the years in Russia…..speaks Russian fluently, reads and writes. Asking him about what is his opinion regarding Putin, for some say he’s a Communist, and others, that he’s a very good Christian loved by the Russian people.
Here’s his reply: (I tried my best to translate)
“My opinion is only one. He is extremely ‘ruthless’, intelligent, shrewd, educated KGB man. His first job was, to be a spy in USSR embassy, what was then Eastern Germany. He speaks at least three languages. His wealth is estimated to about $5 bln. Ruthless executioner, personality of a psychopath. Under the guise of democracy he reigns as a dictator. To his nation he pretends to appear as an Orthodox. In fact Orthodox Church is under the shoe of the government. There’s no talk about Communism, nor, Socialism…….all deals are made thru Mafia (Russian), corruption is every day reality. Opposition to democracy is overthrown and their leaders disappear in unknown circumstances. In Russia reigns the mentality of ‘world power’…….very powerful manipulation of the people. There’s about 6% wealthy people. People of this nation must be led with an iron fist. Enormous amount of people addicted to alcohol and drugs. Venereal diseases, HIV is like a plague. Figures concealed. Last time I went to Stalingrad….poverty, corruption, schemes. Very similar is in Belarus. (for those who think that these little countries are independent from Russia……Putin is the main President of all, the others are only on the paper….peons.”
“You must not trust Putin! He is a hypocrite and a dictator. For his power and wealth is ‘god.’ They have perfected the media to the world. Falsehood…..and only falsehood. This is only in few words a picture of Putin’s ‘truth.’ ”
Our Lady of Fatima, May God hasten the pope in Rome to ‘consecrate’ Russia, lest many more will perish!
Louie, you are spot on. Just recently, Putin compared Christianity to communism and spoke well of Lenin. He is also well known for building many mosques in Russia. The orthodox church in Russia is controlled by the KGB and does their bidding. Russia will punish the world just as Rome utterly destroyed Jerusalem. The popes since 1929 have ignored the plea of Our Lady to consecrate Russia and we will reap the bitter fruits.
I’ve been following Mr Putin , and I have to agree with Fr Kramer which is Putin as the patience of Almighty God. It’s America news media whose going about demonizing Russia. Sure Our Lady told us that Russia is the key to either world punishment or world peace. Yes Russia is the chosen nation is it any wonder why she is so hated among western leaders ? After all they are all worldly chasing after the New world order system bush senior promoted and continues to be push to this day. With the exception of Trump who’s not interest in any such system. Look at the geopolitical situation of western civilization.every single western government puppet is touting the same jargon from every NATO member nation with the exception of turkey. Why they are a member still puzzles me.
You don’t have to read Gods mind , He clearly spelled it out n Our Lady’s message. Sadly the one part of the message which contains more details of Gods justice is locked up at the Vatican. And no one can assume anythIng about it because we simply just don’t know it. Maybe the problem here is too many reading Russia sunrise fiction. Perhaps someone sent a copy to the bishop.
But just Maybe the problem here is too many American nukes set up around Russia’s boarders. You ve got the biggest military deployment since WWII placed around her boarder, and given Russia’s diplomatic policies on the world stage with the US flexing its military muscle n staring Russia down at its boarders, is it any wonder sabre rattling from Russia is a threat. Perhaps if we were surrounded by nukes we’d most likely feel the same way. One thing about Putins leadership I’ve learned is that he’s a reactive leader, he acts when it’s necessary. If the situation was reversed what would the US do ? Attack as usual. The Russian people are worried. it will only take 3 mins and all hell breaks loose if their very updated high tech defensive system is launched. Recall what Putin said to Obama back in the 90s when Obama was trying to bully him. Putin responded ” back off or we will turn you into dust.” This talk isn’t new Louie. Putin keeps reminding the blood thirsty war mongers in Washington. Who keep playing chicken all a big game to them. Or they are simply living in a false sense of security that the US is untouchable. Putins been warning themfor years now since he came to power. The man is a brilliant leader. Better than anything we’ve had in years all we get is puppets with rubber lips.
Well, I don’t think Bishop Williamson, Fr Kramer, and Gajewski are double agents, personally. I think they mean well and are misguided. I liked Putin myself and often defended him until I started delving into Golitsyn. In such a deception, good folks are bound to be deceived. It doesn’t mean that they’re not really good. Some of Pius XII’s actions are inscrutable, to be sure. He was sort of caught up in the whole renewal thing, I think without realizing where it was really heading. He was also quite sick towards the end of his reign. I actually believe it’s possible that the conciliar popes have been KGB agents. Roncalli and Montini were known socialists, for one thing. Wojtyla was allowed to travel unrestricted throughout the Eastern bloc, a privilege typically reserved for party members.
Rabbi Berl Lazar, speaks about Vladimir Putin in Central Chabad-Lubavich, N.Y.
This was also send to me from Poland…..this is my brief translation from a long article on Polish blog, last year:
In the heart of Orthodox Russia, the satanic Chabad Lubavitch is calling on the ‘antichrist’.
Hanukah on the Square of the Revolution by the walls of Kremlin.
Members of Chabad Lubavitch, worship NOT God…….they worship Satan. They hate Christ and His Church.
…… note; for the first 10 centuries, there was no Orthodox Church, but ONLY Catholic…..this is the reason why Our Lady of Fatima, specifically, asked that Russia must be converted to the One True Apostolic Catholic Faith!
The fact, that in the reign of Putin, this has become a tradition, that the enemy of Christ is celebrating ‘antichrist’ in the center of the Orthodox Moscow +++ characterize Putin, and his ‘antichrist reign!’
Error correct not the early 90s but early 2000s. Gosh I’m getting old.
You gotta give up the grudge concerning Russia and the propaganda that goes with it. Devil worshipping is done in every nation what you gonna do when the time comes and Russia is consecrated to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart ? Continue to hate her for what happened in the past ? Don’t you realize that the Russian people suffered probably more that the polls did ? Millions of Russians died , come on man you should know by now that the western leaders agreeded to give Poland to Stalin. That was part of the deal to take down hitler. In Russia today abortion is outlawed yet over here we support it with our tax dollars so who’s the bigger evil ?
Substitute Jew or Israel for Russia and your post makes perfect sense.
Russia is notorious for abortions:
Dear Kellyann,
Hate is a cheap shot……it’s about truth. What do you know about suffering of the Russians and Poles? My family was in the camp in Germany, and my two uncles were in Siberia for 25 years. My first language was Polish and Russian. I love Russia, many of my relatives still live there. I have friends who travel there all the time.
I get most of my information from traditional Catholics in Poland. You get your information from the sources in this country, and from Fr. Kramer…… you know ‘propaganda’ reigns, according, to the whims, and feelings of ‘we the people’. Diabolical disorientation is what divides Catholics, and the Hand of God keeps many proud in blindness, justly, for God is Just!…….Miserere!
…….to Bp. Williamson, Putin is returning Russia back to God.
Sorry, I just can’t get this warm and fuzzy feelings for the man.
Let us pray that God will humble the enemies of His Church!
Putin is KGB PERIOD ! Even by any other name (FSB) he still smells atheist Marxist Communist.
He took his “Americans are stupid” lessons from Gorby.
Andropov hatched the Peristroika Deception and Gorbachev ran with it.
(Get the Americans and the opus dei media to say he is a Baptized Christian and Reagan and Weyrich will agree to get us into the global free trade market if we cut our domination of our Soviet Satellite nations that the idiots awarded to us after WW2. After all, we already resettled enough our communists into these nations ,like Poland and Lithuania ,Estonia, Latvia and the Ukraine.
It worked for Gorby so now Putin is a secret Christian too. LOL !! )
Most Americans do not understand the dialectic.
Thesis vs Anti Thesis = Synthesis. Just like we see in Rome now.
JP2 did not defeat Communism. He allowed it to go underground and take a different form, which made it more dangerous and powerful. An invisible enemy is the worst enemy.
Pius XII was a freemason like his friends Cardinal Gasparri and Cardinal Rampolla. The Sedevacantists have him all but canonized. He was Pope Pius XI’s Secretary of State when XI died in 1939 just before the start of WWII. Pius XI was about to make a major address condemning Nazism when he suddenly died in February. Peter Eisner, the author of The Pope’s Last Crusade, and I, believe that Pius XI was poisoned to prevent him from giving that speech. Peter didn’t say he believed Pius XII was responsible, but he probably is the chief suspect. I have no illusions of grandeur concerning Eugenio Pacceli.
Not old enough Kellyann. I lived it like From Poland .My grandparents and aunts escaped the Russians from Lithuania. I spoke the language until I was four.
If you want to read an excellent book .Read ,”Radiance in the Gulag”.
Like the author my aunts was a secret RC nun, only she never spent time in the Gulag as did the author. the author helped compile the Chronicles of the Catholic Church in Lithuania, which chronicles Catholicism under the Marxist Communists , Yeltsin and yes, Gorby .
Nijole came here and spoke in Lithuanian Catholic Churches in the nineties . One statement I will never forget was ,”Gorbachev and Putin are more diabolical than Stalin.”
Do you know how Putin made his money in the KGB to begin with? He was assigned to the Leningrad district by yeltsin the drunk. In charge of food dupplies for the people of what is called St Petersbugh again. He made deals with all the importers of fish and other food stuffs and resold it for export pocketing the profits while the Russian groceries were left bare shelved. This is not “hate” this is fact. Facts you can hear from so many Russian immigrants and before them dissidents. They were all starving throughout Russia and that is one reason Gorby came to the table during the Moscow economic summit . Yeltsen was the Deputy in charge of the district who appointed the young Putin to his post in Leningrad. The cities were renamed after the fake fall of communism in’89. Now the communists who remain want them renamed back to soviet era names.
“Russia’s Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov wants cities renamed Stalingrad and Leningrad. Russia’s Communist leader has voiced support for a referendum to rename the city of Volgograd as Stalingrad, and has suggested that St. Petersburg readopt its Soviet-era name of Leningrad.Jun 9, 2014.”
BTW, you will read about how the true Russian Orthodox Believers sheltered and hid the Roman Catholics who were being pursued by the KGB.
The chronicles of persecution of both Catholics and Orthodox in every soviet occupied nation were handed over to the Vatican.
It is online and in his lectures on youtube.
The Demoralization of America was Andropov’s KGB plan and it worked for the most part.
If Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, and Hitler were all Illuminati puppets, (plan for three world wars, etc.) which they were, WHY do we think things are any different (or better) NOW???
That’s stupid.
I stand by my research. If you have evidence to the contrary, produce it. Peter Eisner and Msgr. Jouin, an ecclesiatical mason sleuth, were sources. All you have is ad hominum attacks.
Even before East and West Germany officially were united it was KGB Putin who was sent there to destroy all the sensitive STASI Communist files. Germans recall the large incinerators burning day and night for weeks and Russian military trucks carrying large amounts of boxed documents from the STASI headquarters headed back to Moscow.
No he’s not a Marxist Communist anymore just ask one of the former KGB spys he ordered hit or Viktor Yushchenko of the Ukraine or the Russian female journalist or anyone else who dares to really confront him.
Yep Putin is a REAL Christian .
The same Williamson who is enough of an insane Holocaust denier that he got himself expelled even from the SSPX? Wouldn’t it be better to ignore him and distance yourself from him?
As for the whole “faked” fall of Communism…nobody denies that Communism is alive and well in other parts of the world. China. Cuba. But in the former Soviet Eastern European states it’s quite dead. Visit The Czech Republic. Go to Lithuania. See for yourself. And Russia is a dictatorship, not Communist.
Gruner and Co. we’re undoubtedly shocked that the Berlin Wall fell, as it disproved a lot of their theses, so they came up with a pretty hard-to-swallow concept of all of these conspiracies within conspiracies rather than admitting that they were incorrect. I have no doubt that Gruner was personally a saintly man, but the sad association he had with Kramer, Sungenis, etc. and his Putin-sympathizing later in life was just wrong. (Go look up Kramer’s videos on YouTube and see how inane the man is, and how many of his lunatic prophecies turned out to be 100% wrong and as fake as Sungenis’ PhD.).
And I see a couple of people managed to somehow drag the Jews into this. Just stop with the anti-Semitism already. You want to know why people like the SPLC go after Trads? Look at the filth your fellow commenters are writing in comboxes.
Not that I am a big Glenn Beck fan but he did do a “documentary” type program on Russia called the Red Storm on his series called The Root back in 2014 which explained how Russia is not to be trusted and how it may be using it’s “Orthodox Faith” as a tool for it’s agenda. Like I said I am not a Beck fan but the research seems pretty on point. Russia is not to be trusted.
Thanks for policing the site Morris.
The absence of Communism does not indicate the absence of collusion with malicious intent. I don’t believe Catholics or foreign priests are welcome in the new Russia although the heretic Orthodox Church is given every official aid and consideration. And, of course, the Talmud adherent but not Torah loving Chabad Lubavitchers hold a great deal of power. Even a casual reading of the Talmud conveys the anti-Christ and anti-Blessed Mother sentiments of it’s authors and interpreters. The power plays taking place today between Theresa May and Putin constitute a dangerous escalation of schoolyard bully tactics. Billions of lives are at stake. I would hope that in London, Paris, Rome, Moscow and Washington that cooler heads would prevail. I just went to Mass and prayed to our Good God that I would be permitted to fast today for families. I’ll keep these illustrious diplomats in my prayers.
I think that it’s difficult to assess Bp. Williamson’s larger view on Russia and Fatima from just one paragraph in his Eleison Comments.
+W only gives an eventual conversion of Russia, but he doesn’t say that Russia won’t be a further instrument of chastisement for the West before that.
In fact, a year ago I watched a video in which he described how Russia may indeed invade Europe, because Putin consider’s the West to be a threat to Russian sovereignty. I’ve been trying to find that video, but haven’t been able to do so yet. The video gives a good overview of his views regarding Russia and the West.
And I see someone managed somehow to defend and justify the SPLC. Just stop with the anti-Catholicism already. You know why Trads go after the haters of Christ and His Church? Just look at the filthy lies their fellows (such as the SPLC) are spreading about innocent Catholics and Christians, with intent to cause as much harm as possible.
I’m neither defending nor justifying the SPLC. But you should not justify the hatred of Jews that many combox Trads seem to be unable to contain, even when articles have nothing to do with Judaism. These people give Traditonalism a bad name. Most normal, rational Catholics are turned off by this sort of hate. You can have the best conversation ever with someone about the merits of the Latin Mass, but if your friend then butts in with “and we all know who’s responsible…the Jews” then the person you’re talking to will run for the hills, and rightly so. Until and unless the Traditonalist movement rids itself of the people who advocate the persecution of Jews, agitate for the execution of gays, and other similar positions that are more ISIS than Jesus, it’s going to turn most people away and invite the attacks of places like the SPLC. Don’t pretend you don’t see what I’m talking about in this very series of comments.
Mary, no sede I know thinks Pius XII is a saint. He is simply the last true Pope. Pius XII was a disaster in his governance of the Church. The last sainted Pope is Pope Saint Pius X. So before you throw out generalizations, do a little research.
Yes, there are extreme views by trads regarding Jews and homosexuals, which I don’t agree with. But….we cannot take opposite view and say that Jews are always benign or that there are not Jews who are organized against Catholicism.
When the film, “The Passion of the Christ” was being filmed, the SPLC went after Mel Gibson. They alleged that there would be anti-Semitic events that would take place as a result of the film being released. Well, they were wrong. There were no anti-Semitic events. None at all. The SPLC did not want Mel Gibson to make a truthful film about Our Lord’s passion and death.
Mel Gibson did modify the film to please the Jews, but they still went after him, and he was persecuted by not only the Jews in Hollywood, but the SPLC as well. So don’t try to infer that the SPLC are a harmless group of Jews. They are not.
I too am sick and tired of their always butting in. Morris how will you help the Traditionalist movement get rid of these people? Do you have a plan to revoke their memberships?
My dear Tom A, there is a great deal I agree with sedes about, but Pius XII is not one of them. The assumption, and it is an assumption, that he was the last validly elected pope, I am sure cannot stand up to scrutiny. If God gives me the grace, the time and the resources, I will prove that he could not have been validly elected, because he was at least an accessory to the murder of Pius XI, he was a heretic freemason before election, which election was suspicious in and of itself, if you read of it’s history, he consorted with all sorts of modernist liturgists and theologians who later became prominent in the dismantling of the traditional rite of worship and the mass. If sedes don’t think he was a saint, I can’t tell by Novus Ordo Watch, because they sure do make the point that he was a great pope, with every decision he made. All of his actions should buttress the conclusion that he was a great pope, but his beliefs and membership in an organization(freemasonry) that would be used to manipulate the papacy ARE issues. Any honest reading of his actions and decisions and writings, leads to the conclusion that they were not consistent with traditional Catholic thought and belief. Any pope elected under the conclave rules mandating post-conclave secrecy, is invalidly elected. Such secrecy is contrary to Catholic tradition, to Catholic morality and Catholic common sense.
Have you ever studied the holocaust from a traditional Catholic POV? Or do only accept the politically correct view of the situation? Isn’t it possible that there were far less than 6 million Jews who died or were killed in the holocaust? You may say that numbers don’t really matter, and you may be correct, to a certain extent.
I don’t believe that the Jews should have been rounded up by the Nazis and sent to camps. But I also don’t believe that Catholic priests should have been rounded up and sent to camps either.
Unfortunately, numbers tend to matter in Talmudic Judaism, associated with the founding of Zionist Israel. Six million was the majic number, which was needed to justify the founding of Israel. There are ramifications to the holohoax. That doesn’t mean that many innocent Jews as well as non-Jews did not die in Germany and Poland. They certainly did. But it was not the way that the ADL, SPLC and others purport it to be. The Holocaust was a terrible travesty of justice, but it has been used for political ill-gain by the Jews.
Personally I think they should be persecuted and executed. Heck! They’re not even normal or rational; they agitate, they advocate, they pretend, they even butt in – yes, butt in. They turn people away, they give Traditionalism a bad name!
And worst of all, they invite – invite, I tell you – attacks from the good folks at the SPLC and their friends, who as we know would not hurt a fly. How dare they?
Punish them for their audacity and insubordination, I say! Send them to the gulag – yes, that’s the answer. That will get rid of them once and for all.
Jesus, by speaking the truth, gave his group of followers a bad name. He took a position that invited attacks from the High Priests and Pharisees, and they found a way of getting rid of Him.
I think you misread NOW. I think they understand the disasters that unfolded due to the weakness of Benedict XV, Pius XI, and Pius XII. Yet in their official magesterial teachings, these Popes profess the Catholic faith unlike the conciliar false popes.
Jesus did not tell people to murder homosexuals, nor did he tell people to persecute people of other faiths.
I’m not sure how much clearer I could have been in my initial response that I don’t condone or support the SPLC so I’m not sure why several of the responders keep bringing it up. They’re a bad organization. Me. No. Like. SPLC.
But when someone says “Trads are anti-Semites” and you respond “no, we’re not, but the Jews are out to destroy the world” and use words like “holohoax” (see Caimbeul’s remark below)…don’t you see how you are absolutely 100% validating that accusation? Just like how, on an article about Putin, not Jews, several commenters couldn’t help but somehow pin bad things on Jews? If the Weather Channel had a combox and the forecast for Sunday called for rain, they’d say “There go those perfidious Jews again, using their weather control devices, raining out my Sabbath while theirs is sunny and bright,” (which would actually be more theoretically possible from a scientific standpoint than many of the Jewish conspiracies I’ve seen.)
Please try this experiment. Go talk to a regular Catholic. They will have met some Jews who are sleazeballs. They will have met far more (gasp) Christians who are the same. They will know and be friends with some Jews who are wonderful people. They will not want to hear Holocaust denial or Jew-bashing. Because they are good, rational, moral people.
Stop defending people who hate Jews. This kind of irrational extremism is pure poison for the Traditonalist movement.
I tried your circular reasoning experiment today. It worked!! Thank you for the antidote to the poison. My regular Catholic friend will sleep well tonight knowing that your experiment will protect the Traditionalist movement, although he said he didn’t know any Jewish weather forecasters.
You’re not really paying attention to what’s being written. You said that Bishop Williamson was expelled because he is an insane holocaust denier. However, Bp. Fellay is on record as saying that +W was expelled because he did not agree with the SSPX reconciling with Rome. That’s the real reason.
You say that you don’t support the SPLC, and yet you don’t allow for any Catholic explanation of what really happened with the holocaust. You seem to believe the SPLC and ADL version of the situation. Maybe the situation is not black-and-white, as you seem to believe.
There are trads who are anti-Semitic, even going so far as to say that Jews aren’t quite human. That’s a huge problem. Do you really think that most trads believe that sort of thing? They don’t. It’s only a few fringe-types who think that way, and they taint traditionalism because of it.
Please try to actually read what is written, rather than just react emotionally.
VCR, what you’ve said about Putin is actually a case of fake news.
The quotations attributed to Putin were taken out of context from a documentary about a certain monastery in Russia and the persecution the Russian Orthodox monks suffered under the Communists.
When Putin was “comparing” Christianity to Communism, the context was that Putin was highlighting how Communism was attempting to ape and copy Christianity and co-opt it for its own ends, with regards to its social doctrines and also in how it kept around an ‘incorrupt’ body of Lenin to be venerated like a saint.
These quotes were ties to another out-of-context quotation from Putin concerning Lenin’s body where he said he had no plans to remove it. But this was only with concern to not wanting to get rid of what is arguably a historic site where Lenin’s body rests, and not at all a comment about favouring Lenin or anything Lenin stood for.
The Western media completely distorted what Putin was saying.
And Benedict was a Hitler Youth.
What does that say?
Plenty of good Germans were also part of the Nazi Regime and fought for Hitler. Towards the end some were trying to get rid of him and also were corresponding with the allies. One Luftewaffe officer refused to bomb civilians in England and was replaced.
Point is, just throwing around a label of ‘KGB’ on Putin doesn’t tell us anything. Particularly if anyone still buys any of the nonsense the Western MSM portrays Putin as.
Putin is indeed of a different stripe of globalist, and is the more rational member of the global mob. Which is because Putin is a genuine nationalist of his country. So despite himself wanting a global force like the U.N. within which to broker agreements, he still believes in the individual sovereignity and puts his nation’s interests first. Which reasonably also includes the traditional interests of the nuclear family and the Orthodox Church. Whatever his actual profession of faith is, the fact that he relies on Orthodoxy and the family will always be an asset that will bring him success versus the godless west, regardless of his own personal convictions.
King Cyrus wasn’t a Jew, but even he acknowledged the God of the Jews for his success.
Likewise, God perhaps wishes to use Russia in a manner similar to the Cyrus and the Persians as far as a blessing, or like the Assyrians and Babylonians as far as a chastisement. The latter because Israel itself had become far worse than these other nations.
“And Russia is a dictatorship”
Proof? Or do you simply like to repeat what is told to you on the American made-in-China Teevee set?
“Gruner and Co. we’re undoubtedly shocked that the Berlin Wall fell, as it disproved a lot of their theses, so they came up with a pretty hard-to-swallow concept of all of these conspiracies within conspiracies rather than admitting that they were incorrect.”
Some good old-fashioned manure from BlunderBullShuss!
I guess BLunder doesn’t even watch American TeeVee anyway, because at least he’d have been informed about the current state of the NATOStates versus Russia situation, which is unfolding exactly as Our Lady of Fatima prophecied, much to Blunder’s embarassment alongside the rest of the NuChurch propaganda that John Paul II multiple world-consecrations without the Bishops worked and that everything was going to be allllllriiiight…
” I have no doubt that Gruner was personally a saintly man, but the sad association he had with Kramer, Sungenis, etc. and his Putin-sympathizing later in life was just wrong. (Go look up Kramer’s videos on YouTube and see how inane the man is, and how many of his lunatic prophecies turned out to be 100% wrong and as fake as Sungenis’ PhD.).”
BWAHAHAHAHA! Now we know for a fact that BlunderBum is getting his information from none other than Karl Keating!
Sungenis has already proven what an embarrassment Karl Keating is and his PHD is legitimate. Something Keating did not know, nor care about to properly ascertain in his hit-piece.
Fun Fact: Keating, like BlunderBS here, both believe the Jews still have their old Covenant, which Blunder himself stated in the comment here awhile back and that neoCaths like him have no choice but to hold in order to salvage the heretics and heretical statements coming from the Vatican Council II lovers.
This is why Keating had such a raging hatred of Sungenis and how that rivalry got started, because Sungenis exposed it and exposed the neoCaths like Keating, who himself threatened that he would get his ecumenistic friends over at B’nai Brith to attack a Catholic man upholding the actual Catholic Faith in the face of heretical bishops who say the Jews Covenant is still in place, not replaced by Christ with the New Covenant and therefore do not need to convert.
BlunderBS, please get your theology correct and your facts right. it’s not your fault you’ve been poorly instructed, but it’s now time to get your faith straightened out.
And no Blunder, it is not anti-semitic to call Jews to convert, to criticize the Holocaust industry as outlined by Jews such as Norman Finkelstein, to criticize certain things done by the State of Israel, or to question certain things about what occurred to the Jews during WWII. Otherwise you might as well screm “HOMOPHOBE” at every… oh.. wait… Blunder already does that… because obviously according to him, Trads want to kill homosexuals and throw them off of the roofs of buildings.
Except Blunderhead isn’t aware that it WAS JEWS who were engaging in talks (ecumenical dialogue) with the Vatican who (quote naturally) wanted the Catholic Church to alter the Holy Mass and Teachings to favour a dual-covenant theory, the downplay the necessity of baptising and conversion for Jews etc.
That’s part of the merits of the Old Latin Mass – particularly praying for the CONVERSION of the Jews, which Blunder believes doesn’t need to happen, or that to state otherwise is somehow very offensive to Karl Keating’s friends at B’nai Brith.
Here’s something Blunder doesn’t know about or doesn’t want you to know about and he is trying hard to prevent us all from discussing its implications:
November 17, 1961
“His Eminence Agostino Cardinal Bea, President
Secretariat for Christian Unity
Collegio Bio Brasiliana
Via Aurelia £27
Rome, Italy
Your Eminence:
In accordance with the conversation between yourself and
the representatives of the American Jewish Committee, Messrs.
Ralph Friedman and Zachariah Shuster, that took place in your study on July 13th, we send you the enclosed memorandum entitled, “Anti-Jewish Elements in Catholic Liturgy”.
This document will supplement the material contained in
our memorandum on “The Image of the Jews in Catholic Teaching sent to you on July 13th.
We are most grateful that you have agreed to receive on
November 26th the eminent Jewish theologian, Professor Abraham J. Heschel of New York City; Dr. Max Horkheimer, Professor of Philosophy and Sociology at Frankfurt University in Germany; Zachariah Shuster of Paris, Director of the European Office of the American Jewish Committee, for a discussion of these documents.
We are confident that your discussions will contribute markedly to the realization of our shared objective of improving mutual
As we have indicated in our July 13th letter, we are prepared
to make available our resources of additional scholarship,
research, and other services that you may regard as helpful both prior to and subsequent to the convening of the Ecumenical Council.
As we sought to indicate in our letter of December 15>, I960,
to His Holiness, Pope John XXIII, it is our profound hope that
the Ecumenical Council will regard the suggestions contained in these documents as an approach for improving significantly relations between Catholics and Jews in various parts of the world.
We believe that a serious and comprehensive re-examination of Catholic teachings about the Jews, and directives that would resultin the implementation of the findings of such an examinationthrough the many channels available to the Church, would constitutean historic turning point in the relationships between ourtwo great historic peoples and traditions.
In behalf of the American Jewish Committee, I express our
warm appreciation for your gracious interest and fraternal cooperation demonstrated in our relationship in recent months. It is our hope the coming months and years will bring us into even closer and mutually helpful association.
Respectfully yours,
Louis Caplan
Sorry, Tom A, I even take issue with the idea that the enyclcicals and other writings of Ben XV, Pius XI &XII are free from error. If they were heretics and/or invalidly elected , their office is not protected from error as would be that of a validly elected pope. These papacies need to be reviewed by a competant, knowledgable Catholic theologian/historian.
It should be pointed out that Putin’s actions are a result of America’s pulling out of the previous ABM treaties and escalated the arms race again with their missile defense programs, and adoption of the first-strike scenario and the Wolfowitz doctrines; which the Russians, in order to maintain a deterrent, decided to do by creating more manoeuvrable missiles.
At first I was always led on by the idea that Russia and maybe Putin would be the instigators, considering they are named as the source of the chastisement, but I see this as both. The errors of Russia, starting with the schism and not just Communism, have spread and infested the whole world, including America, as Sr. Lucia prophecied.
And God will likely use Russia in the same role as Assyria and Babylon – to punish a fallen Israel. Just look at Bergolio and Rome. It’s not Russians that are being invited to speak at the Vatican to encourage open borders and depopulation and abortion and all manner of vice.
And frankly I do not buy that Putin is pulling the strings of both sides of the American political aisles, or is controlling the U.N. or Europe or any of that nonsense.
It is demonstrable now on many levels the Russia is better morally, in word, if not in deed at a state level versus the Western world. So naturally just as in Biblical times, Russia would be granted victory over conquering the remainder of the world as a punishment.
But let’s also highlight that Russia being morally better today is still far more morally worse than Russia was back in 1917, and God wasn’t pleased with it then either. So even if Russia is victorious in a world war today, it will still be at a terrible price.
Of course as you caution, none of us know how things will unfold. For all we know the Americans can assassinate Putin at the World Cup, and install a puppet, and that moron will inevitably launch the nukes. Because we’ve already seen how well their Syrian “freedom” fighters are. Let’s not forget that the only reason North Korea is the way it is is thanks to America as usual. Likewise for the current state of the Ukraine, Libya and the forgotten still ongoing war in Afghanistan. Remember that?
So frankly I don’t at all blame Putin for the current paradigm. He’s the sanest one left regardless of whatever cloak and dagger stuff he has to do, I mean, are any of the precious darlings around here knowledgeable of what it takes to be a leader in a world run by Satan? Was King David a saint or a killer?
Here’s the point:
Until then, weep for yourselves and for your children. It’s not going to get better. Not even in Russia. But at least we know that Russia will survive. Also France and Rome and the Middle East.
Will North or South America and the UK still be around? Or will those nations disappear like Atlantis? And will it actually be because of nukes, or is God Himself bringing the fire?
Recall that the people at Fatima were terrified because they saw the Sun falling upon them.
Recall St. Peter’s prophecy that as there was a deluge of water, the next would be a deluge of fire.
Look up recent scientific findings that seem to intimate strange activity in the Sun in our days, which actually is a factor for the weather and other strange temperatures and shifts in climate, and not any man-made sources no matter how much Francis tells you turning off the air conditioner will change the cosmos.
World War III will certainly happen because as the news shows certain people WANT it to happen. But the nukes will likely not be the end of it. God has a bigger weapon than Putin, Trump and the Korean Rocket-man put together.
Where Sungenis got his PhD:
You can and should want Jews and all non-Caholics to convert to the Catholic Faith. You should not deny that the Holocaust happened or make up absurd conspiracy theories to vilify Jews – or call for them to be persecuted.
Communism and Zionism are one and the same. The question is, are the Zionists still using the infrastructure of Russia to accomplish their aims?
The “Catholic explanation” of the Holocaust is that six million Jews and several million others, including many Catholics, were systematically murderer by the Nazis. This is also the “historical”, “accurate” and “actual” explanation.
I’m glad you say you don’t support anti-Semtism. The comboxes of most Traditonalist sites suggests that it’s more than just a few who are of this persuasion, though. Perhaps it’s just a trigger for the crazies. I sure hope so.
Yes, seriously.
Here’s Sungenis in his own words:
“R. Sungenis: First, I have a US accredited Bachelors degree (George Washington University) and a US accredited Masters degree (Westminster Theological Seminary), and these are sufficient to teach in Texas.
Second, I obtained a Ph.D. from an unaccredited university for my own personal reasons, not to use in an academic institution.
The Ph.D., however, is not “phony.” The degree is issued by Calamus International University (CIU) which operates under the governmental authority of the Republic of Vanuatu, a government that, similar to Denmark, does not require governmental-approved accreditation to issue degrees. Because CIU is a private university, it obtains its accreditation from a private institution, namely, the International Association of Distance Learning.
The CIU degree, however, is just as rigorous as many other US and EU accredited degrees in that it requires at least two to three years of intensive research in one’s area of expertise, and must include the supervision of both a professional academic advisor (mine was Dr. Robert Bennett, Ph.D. in physics) and the academic dean (mine was Dr. Morris Berg), which must then be finalized by the writing of a PhD-style dissertation. The dissertation is then examined by a committee of qualified Ph.D.s who either approve or disapprove of it. My dissertation was on the Galileo affair and was approved as “excellent” in nine out of nine categories. The dissertation was then developed into the book Galileo Was Wrong. ”
“R. Sungenis: I have never denied that many Jews suffered or lost their lives in German concentration camps. I only question the number of Jews who lost their lives simply because the Jews themselves have made it an open question. This is admitted, for example, by the caretakers of Auschwitz who changed the number of Jews who died from 4 million to 1 million.”
There is no “Catholic” explanation for historic details of the Holocaust, any more than there is a “Catholic” explanation for the massacres of the Plains Indians or the Holodomor.
The historians are free to argue about the accuracy of the numbers of the dead and revise them, either less than 6 million, or even more than 6 million. That one may agree or disagree with a figure is not at all a matter of “Catholic” interest outside of the general observations that such events are horrible, and a result of man’s sin and prophesied in the 2nd Secret of Fatima.
What is considered to be the “historical”, “accurate” and “actual” explanation, is also considered the “politically correct” explanation for strategic interests, and it is pretty damn weird that for some reason looking into this topic or questioning it is NOT ALLOWED or else you get thrown in jail and are somehow labelled as being someone out to kill all the Jews simply by inquiring about it, whereas we can examine and revise the numbers of all the other death tolls committed by the Communists, the Armenian Genocide, the African genocide, the native Americans, The Iraq War etc. etc.
Frankly, I don’t know anything about the Holocaust numbers and have never personally bothered to look into it to tell you who’s right, having never personally counted them myself. Sungenis is entitled to be wrong, if he is, but this in no way counts as some fault of his character for looking into it and having an opinion in his spare time outside of distorted character-assassination attempts by people like Karl Keating, and you Blunder who go around spreading this nonsense in an attempt to puff yourself up on some non-existent moral high-ground so that you can look down upon all the Trads whom you calumniate with your very broad brush and attempts at poisoning the well.
Show me where Bishop Williamson denies the holocaust? He denies the 6 million figure which if anyone dare question they get the likes of Blunderbuss accuse them of being a Holocaust Denier. Is that a sin? Is it a dogma of Holy Mother the Church? No, but it is of the fake conciliar church. Williamson got thrown under the bus by the leadership of the SSPX for questioning a dogma of Holocaustianity. That’s all. And Blunderbuss wonders why people bring up the jews when he is the one does the hatchet job on a fine upstanding bishop. Loyal to ++ Lefebvre. Golly you like get your ad hominums out don’t you. Sungenis is an equally fine upstanding Catholic demolishing another shiboleth: heliocentrism.
I couldn’t agree with you more. It is said that the country of the USA has been at war all its existence barring 16 or 20 years. America has embraced Communism and has fulfilled most, if not all of Lenin’s Communist manifesto. Sister Lucy said that Russia would chastise America. The religion of Americanism has blinded herself to the fact that she has become the Great Satan. No wonder she needs chastising!
Putin strides the world like a Bismarck, a Colossus. Other world leaders are pygmies in comparison to him. The man inherited a nation that had been devoured by Wall Street corporate bankers and allowed Jewish oligarchs to inherit its industries. He has kept his nation together, crushed two Chechen uprisings led by Saudi Arabia, paid off all Soviet Union debt and has the lowest debt of any major nation. Whether we know that he is a Christian, or not, he certainly leads a nation along traditional Christian morality; for which he is hated by the Satanists in the West. He attends midnight Mass (all three hours of it), visits monasteries and has funded the rebuilding of over two thousand Orthodox Churches. For all the years that the Vatican has failed in her mission to consecrate Russia which could have saved millions from the Communist pogroms, not forgetting the losses she suffered at the hands of Nazi Germany, has Our Lady decided that she won’t intervene in that poor forsaken country (a schismatic Church, yes, but a people who have a great devotion to Her), I submit, no.
As regards Britain, Our Lady of La Salette has told us that Perfidious Albion would return to the Faith. This is what I pray for every day!
A lot of this makes a lot of sense but one question.
How come the US has so many missiles pointed at Russia from Europe?
And what threat is Russia to the US, US has the first strike policy,
But it could be the world gangs messing around. Russia ,China, US, Israel, ect.
I continue to find it interesting that the call for the Consecration of Russia causes such strife and division among Catholics.
So you’re saying that Bishop Williamson is right but Louie – quoting Our Blessed Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Akita – is wrong? My goodness, your arrogance is breathtaking.
Lenny B – Russia has been chosen in the “Final Analysis” – that is still to come – and it won’t happen until AFTER the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart by the Pope and ALL the Bishops of the world at the same time.
So Louie is perfectly correct. Russia is still spreading errors and will continue to do so until the said consecration has been carried out. Bishop Williamson has an overly optimistic view of the situation.
Dear Louie, Have you read the article, “Chess in Three Moves” by Francesco Lamendola, Dec 25, 2017 referenced in Eleison #557, March 17, 2018 by Bishop Williamson? The translation may not be accurate but Lamendola states that on 17 January 2017, Bishop Fellay SIGNED the AGREEMENT with “pope Bergoglio” “…definitively accept to recognize as fully legitimate and operative the Second Vatican Council, in all its deliberations, therefore also for what concerns the ‘Nostra Aetate.’ ”
This meeting was at Santa Marta, attended by Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta as well. Can you please verify that an agreement was actually signed–or not? This is a bombshell to me–did I miss something? Was the agreement signed and pigeonholed somewhere? Lamendola Scacco in tre mosse.html
Yes your grandparents n aunts in the darker days of communism when it had burst out in all its glory but what about today is Russia coming down on Poland like a red dragon devouring Catholics ? I think not . Don’t forget she devoured Russian Catholics as well your brothers n sisters in the church , is Poland so thirsty for vengeance willing to give her lands to NATO to be used as a launch pad for nukes agianst Russia. No mention of that now is there? All I see is a grudge held agianst communist USSR from her brief n dark past. Yet you hold no grudge agianst Churchill ( Great Britain ) and Roosevelt ( US) for setting up the whole arrangement in that Poland along with other nations to become communist nations under the red flag. And the red army made the biggest sacrifice after all Germany was surrendered to the Russian red army who took out the bulk of the Nazi regime. But it was the nazis who attacked Poland to launch the Second World War. Sure communism is no better but honestly your holding a grudge won’t give Poland any satisfaction. Vengeance is mind saith the Lord.
If Putin is so atheist why is he kissing an image of Christ ? Why does he cross himself, outlawing abortion , supporting moms n babies and placing the family above everyone else such as homosexuals who he’s offered to give a one way ticket to LA ? Banning gay pride marches and even going so far as to revoke some of their drivers license because he knows they are mentally unstable ? Don’t forget it was Stalin who first supported both. Now Putin is reversing everything. KGB he was but yet he stated his view on communism which he grew up in as a bomb they placed under Mother Russia that blew up. Putin isn’t after your blood my dear. He’s a populist. But here we are in a new Cold War with American nukes surrounding her boarders. Nobody wins in war , so why beat the war drums ?
only sources I have is history. It’s all I got to go on and the people suffered greatly. This I know well. Did I experience it no. I’m not from that generation but my great grandparents were and they suffered starvation as a result of the war. Death n a great lost of our male population which we are just finally recovering from. History is suppose to be one of our greatest teachers taking pot shots at one leader for a nations dark past won’t gain anyone any brownie points.
Perhaps the Blessed Mothers Rosary has given me a soft heart since she instructed us to pray for the conversion of that poor nation. Perhaps I should stop praying for that poor nation. Perhaps it’s a complete waste of time. I cannot appeal to the Blessed Mothers help to bring peace to the world with hatred in my heart. Maybe it works for the polish people but not for me , Hungary for example one of the most atheist European nations holds the same grudge as catholic pols do so what’s the difference ? Now with Poland rising up agianst The EU demands to open their boarders and allow the immigration flood to pour in. I figured Poland was more catholic than the rest of us. But sadly all I see is the western media demonization of Putin well at play here. Now here we have something else to be worried about Erodogan of turkey, his spokes person recently in Canada announced the upcoming turkisk election in 2019 with the success of Erdogan being relected the Ottoman Empire will again be established. You may want to look to the east for the next threat to Europe. As Erodogan has vowed to bring the Ottoman Empire back to its full glory by 2023. He does after all have the second biggest army in NATO. He’s praised up in the western media as some kind of hero. Now that the skytes picot is nearly wiped out with only Assad in Syria left, there may be trouble brewing in the near future for Catholics n not just in Poland. There won’t be any peace. Everyone will be going to war with veryone one else. Lots of blood to be spilled if that happens. Propaganda is in every nation the world is rotton with propaganda. There’s lies in every corner. So where’s my hate ? Oh yes thats right my hate lies in the desire for peace. Funny when I read about the great saints who forgave their killers before they died I taught that was a great example to follow. Perhaps I didn’t read it right.or perhaps they were wrong to do so.
i never said Bp Williamson is right or agreed with his view. At this point I’m just waiting for the pope to do the right thing and obey Our Lords Instructions ….. is that too much to ask ? Apparently so. but saber rattling about Russia and Russian leaders now I don’t think Our Lady instructed us to do that DD. or at least I’ve never read her saying anything about holding a grudge.
Oh yes Russian leaders are all evil. They are all sinister working to destroy the west. Our number one enemy. Thats what our media tells us.
All the more reason to pray for the consecration don’t you think?
It’s not FatherMonk. It’s getting worst by the decade.
That’s a great question. But it appears Russia is a great threat. imagine if Russia planeted nukes around US boarders you’d never hear the end of it. My best Guess is…it all stems back to the Cuban missle crisis.
I’ve been combing through files registered with the UN on the Russian federation trying to find some evidence that Russia Is still hard core communism. No success yet. It’s either Russia is actually turning over a new leaf in their government system or thy hide themselves well. I can’t seem to find any proof of what they are accused of nowadays. Just a lot of opinions out there in agreement with the New York Times.
Also the first policy is no longer in effect, that ended with bush jr n Putin.
I’ve never read that Sr Lucy said that , all I ever read is that America will be consumed by communism. And seeing that communism was started in Russia with the support of rich American investors given lenin his 25 million US dollars to support his campaign for the Russian revolution it could very well be post WWII the move of the Frankfurt school from germany to the US. The chaistisement started a very long time ago.
Bishop Williamson was not kicked out of the SSPX because he denied that 6 million
jews were gassed in the chambers there were no gas chambers!
He was kicked out of the sspx because of the modernism of Bishop Fellay and his brown nosing of the pope which Bishop Williamson dis agreed with.
Link correction:
This all you need to know about Bp Williamson.
That’s as it should be.
Truth is divisive.
One need only turn on the news lately to see which side has it right.
Dear SOTF,
Your mind seems very closed. Have you ever considered evaluating Putin by looking at who his enemies are? ( )
enemies like:
1 George Soros
2 LGBT evangelists
3 Hollywood
4 the MEDIA
if he is angering the above, then I’m all for him….
additionally under Putin
1 GULAG ARCHIPELAGO has become mandatory reading for all Russian children
2 thousands of Churches have been rebuilt and newly built
(are you like Jack Chick, thinking that the Orthodox are a fake church with fake Sacraments?)
3 Abortion has been banned after 12 weeks….lest you say that is proof he’s not Christian, then tell me please if there is such a restrictive law in America…
4 LGBT propagandizing of minors has been banned. ….if America goes to war with Russia, then whose side will God be on?
5 (oh I forgot to mention) has banned internet pornography
(that prompted a sneering comment by Pussy Riot’)
(oh yeah, SOTF= sweepoutthefilth), I’m going to have to call BS on your statement
>>>Nijole came here and spoke in Lithuanian Catholic Churches in the nineties . One statement I will never forget was ,”Gorbachev and Putin are more diabolical than Stalin.<<<
Putin was a faceless bureaucrat in the nineties, toiling away in St. Petersburg for a mayor who eventually lost. He may have had some inside track to power, but it was not known to the public. Either Nijole was a prophetess or your statement is wrong.
So…on the word of a Jewish writer, Emmy award winner, PBS correspondent, in other words, a worldling, you cast aspersions on a Catholic Pope that there is absolutely no evidence against, just rumor and innuendo, gleefully spread about by persons who need a new reading list. You have no respect for Pope Pius XII or the truth. We have a great deal of information regarding Pope Pius XII and there are concerning things, but not at the level you are implying. You are basically implying that he was a murderer. What on earth is wrong with you?
It is true. There are many enemies of the Church. In fact, the whole world outside of the Church, is our enemy.
What kind of Christian leader, who has virtually absoute power in his country, opens it up to making Islam a state religion and building mosques? There a many photos of him with the Jews and wearing his little skullcap.
What is it about Putin that fascinates all of you naive people? He is evil. He kills and imprisons all of his enemies. He has divorced his wife and taken up with young women. He has never repented of his KGB past and above all HE IS NOT CATHOLIC. And what part of God using Russia to punish the world, as Our Lady warned us, do you not get?!
Time and time again people who actually live in Russia try to warn us. Roman Catholics have historically been brutally persecuted in Russia and their freedom is still very limited. The consecration has not been done, there is no coversion in Russia. You are insulting Our Lady to think otherwise. It is She and only She who will work this miracle, not Putin.
Dear Esteban,
I’d like to respond to your comment by quoting you in <<>> and responding in CAPS (pardon my shouting!)
>>>What is it about Putin that fascinates all of you naive people? He is evil. He kills and imprisons all of his enemies.<<>>He has divorced his wife and taken up with young women.<<>>He has never repented of his KGB past<<<….NOR HAS ANY AMERICAN PRESIDENT EVER APOLOGIZED FOR DELIBERATELY VAPORIZING 100K WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI. OH, I FORGOT, ONLY THE LOSING SIDE NEEDS TO APOLOGIZE!
Esteban, sorry, some of my post got deleted….let me respond to your quotes from the ‘middle’…
>>>What is it about Putin that fascinates all of you naive people? He is evil. He kills and imprisons all of his enemies.<>He has divorced his wife and taken up with young women.
<>He has never repented of his KGB past<<<
>>>What is it about Putin that fascinates all of you naive people? He is evil. He kills and imprisons all of his enemies.<<
First of all – Lets stop saying Russia spread it’s errors. The communists who took over Russia spread their errors. The Orthodox Christian Russian people suffered horrendously at the hands of the communists and millions of them were martyred for their Christian faith. Why do you over infatuated with Fatima Catholics not realize or recognize this. I am Catholic, but I think it is shameful how you don’t even know what Russia went through. And for Bishop Williamson to say “it was only a few years” is ridiculous. Russian people suffered at the hands of the communists for over 70 years. Why don’t you interview some Orthodox people and get their perspective on Fatima?