In his speech at University of Dallas, Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga gives us a glimpse at…
Author: Louie
A flag waving modernist
On September 21, in a blog post dissecting Pope Francis’ interview in America Magazine, I…
Post-conciliar papacy back on track
In March of 1979, some five months into his papacy, Pope John Paul II issued…
Vivat Christus Rex!
The altar prepared for Solemn High Mass for the Feast of the Kingship of Our…
Faulty Footnotes: aberration or trend
In the course of my reading and research, I have detected what I sincerely hope…
Portrait of a Restorationist
“Restorationism,” broadly speaking, is a protestant movement that seeks to “restore” to Christianity a mythical…
Slings and Arrows: A follow-up
Not even an hour after I posted Slings and Arrows yesterday about endorsers wishing to…
Slings and Arrows
Over the past several months, I’ve received countless emails from readers from all over the…
Blueprint for the City of Man
Pope Francis continued his assault against the “Pelagians” of traditional Catholicism (Homily, 17 Oct. 2013),…
Confusion and contradiction: Signs of the times
Excerpt from an upcoming column: In June, L’Osservatore Romano reported on a reflection given by…