The Italian Catholic daily, La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, recently reported that Pope John Paul II had a mystical experience wherein he foresaw an Islamic invasion of Europe in the Third Millennium.
That story has since been translated into various languages and is garnering a great deal of international attention.
The source for the story is one Msgr. Mauro Longhi, an Opus Dei priest and longtime personal confident of the Polish pope, who in a lecture given on October 22nd (the “Great” one’s Novus Ordo feast day) revealed publicly, apparently for the very first time, a private conversation that he had with John Paul II in 1993.
According to Msgr. Longhi, John Paul II shared with him the following:
Tell this to those whom you will meet in the Church of the third millennium. I see the Church afflicted by a mortal wound. More profound, more painful than those of this millennium, it is called Islamism. They will invade Europe. I have seen the hordes come from the West to the East. They will invade Europe. Europe will be a cellar – old relics, gloom, cobwebs, family memories.
This, Monsignor Longhi described as but one of John Paul’s “nightly visions.”
As if to provide corroborating testimony, Msgr. Longhi told his audience that he had spoken with the Polish Cardinal Andrzej Deskur (d. 2011), who was arguably one of Wojtyla’s closest of friends, for insight into the mystical experiences of the late pontiff.
According to Longhi:
‘He has the gift of vision,’ Andrzej Deskur told me. I asked him what he meant. ‘He speaks with God incarnate, Jesus, sees his face and also sees the face of his mother.’
When asked for how long he enjoyed such privileged conversations, Cardinal Deskur said, “From his first Mass on November 2, 1946, during the elevation of the sacred Host.”
At this, a few observations are in order…
Without going so far as to suggest that any of the abovementioned claims are mere fabrications, the timing of their revelation raises a number of questions.
Strange, is it not, that Msgr. Longhi is just now getting around to letting the world know about this vision – more appropriately, warning – of John Paul II?
One can well understand him believing it prudent to keep it to himself while the “visionary” was still alive, but John Paul II died over a decade ago; five years into the Third Millennium – the very time he was instructed to reveal the warning.
Could it be that he intended to reveal it sooner, but was afraid to do so in light of the Islamic world’s violent reaction to the infamous Regensburg address of Benedict XVI, given just eleven months following Wojtyla’s death?
Or is it the case that Msgr. Longhi, prior to Europe being overrun as it is in our day with Islamic invaders posing as refugees, previously thought the vision so fantastic as to perhaps be untrue, and so kept it quiet for fear of sullying the reputation of his dear friend, the so-called “Great” one?
Whatever the case may be, Msgr. Longhi has at last delivered the warning, along with the visionary’s instructions for how to address the Islamic assault.
According to Longhi, John Paul II said:
You, the Church of the third millennium, must contain the invasion. Not with armies, armies will not be enough, but with your faith, lived with integrity.
So, what do I make of all of this?
The entire affair, all of it, comes from the Devil.
First, let’s consider the instructions left behind by the visionary:
The Church must contain the invasion…
Contain it?
The implication here is obvious – even the most violent adherents to Islam enjoy the right to religious freedom; after all, the Council to beat all councils said so!
As such, the Islamic invaders mustn’t be defeated or otherwise forced to abandon their assault against God and man.
Not with armies…
Contrast this with the way in which the Church successfully addressed the Islamic invasions of the past; e.g., in eighth century Spain commencing with the Battle of Covadonga, and in the sixteenth century, most notably in the Battle of Lepanto in 1570.
In addition to being military confrontations, what do these examples have in common?
The Church and her defenders entrusted themselves (NB: trust) to the protection of Our Blessed Lady.
In our day, much of the “Church of the Third Millennium,” more specifically those who exercise authority in her name, no longer have any real trust in the Mother of Our Lord.
They prefer instead to place their confidence in man, the Council that deified him apart from God, and the pope who for nearly twenty-seven years dedicated himself to its implementation – “John Paul the Great.”
Contain the invasion with your faith, lived with integrity.
This is the Council’s mandate for the church of the “New Pentecost,” aka the church-of-man:
It is no longer mete to condemn errors, much less to do battle with the false religions of the world, it is enough simply live one’s faith, in this case, the conciliar faith, and somehow all of us – apostates and infidels alike – will converge at the nexus of all truth.
Needless to say, this is quite unlike the mission that Christ entrusted to the Church Militant.
John Paul II has been canonized a “Saint,” which ostensibly means that he has provided the faithful with a “heroic” example of what it means to live the faith with integrity.
In the present case, we are being asked to believe that this includes embracing the Council’s suggestion that Muslims and Catholics worship the same God, reverencing the blasphemous book of lies known as the Qur’an, and joining the Polish pope in praying (and publicly, no less) “May St. John the Baptist protect Islam.”
[NOTE: This prayer of John Paul II was offered in Jordan in the year 2000, seven years after he told Msgr. Longhi of his vision.]
Is this behavior of a man who daily (if Msgr. Longhi and Cardinal Deskur are to be believed) spoke directly with Jesus and Mary?
The very idea is preposterous.
In spite of this, there are many (of the neo-conservative kind) who are apparently convinced that John Paul II, as evidence by the growing Islamic menace in Europe, had indeed served the Church as God’s special messenger.
Long story short, my friends, Msgr. Longhi’s revelation has been perfectly timed; that is, from the perspective of the Evil One; the Adversary of God who would like nothing better than to distract humankind from those warnings and messages that truly are of divine origin and meant specifically for our day.
Clearly, the Catholic world, and even the secular world to an extent, has a healthy appetite for the mystical. This can be a good thing given that God does indeed choose to enlighten and guide His Church, and indeed all of mankind, in such a way; e.g., the visions of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who Our Lord commissioned to establish devotion to His Sacred Heart, and the great graces that flowed therefrom.
This appetite for the mystical can also be used by the Devil, however, to deceive those who depart from the confines of the true faith.
As I write, needless to say, the most critically important mystical manifestation of Divine solicitousness concerns the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima.
I do not believe for a moment that it is mere coincidence that Msgr. Longhi’s conference took place just days nine days after the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s final appearance at Fatima and the great miracle of the sun that attests to its authenticity beyond any reasonable doubt – a moment in time when interest in her message is surging.
It’s as if the Devil is saying:
So, you want to follow visionaries? Pay no attention to those three uneducated little shepherd children, I’ll give you a visionary – the greatest pope of the age!
That the entire affair is but a diabolical ploy to distract the world from the message of Fatima is most explicitly evidenced by Msgr. Longhi’s explanation of John Paul’s prophetic vision of a “wound” on the Church; one “more profound, more painful than those of this millennium, it is called Islamism.”
These wounds of the second millennium, Msgr. Longhi explained, “referred to those of Communism and Nazi totalitarianism.”
As most readers of this space are well aware, the “errors of Russia” of which Our Lady warned at Fatima are directly related to Communism.
What some may not realize is that one of the most aggressive and, for some, compelling, arguments leveled against the authenticity of Our Lady’s warning as told by Sr. Lucia concerned the rise of Naziism.
Surely, it is said, the spread of Nazi totalitarianism was the most dangerous threat facing the Church and the world at that time; not the so-called “errors of Russia.”
Sr. Lucia’s recollection, therefore, cannot be trusted – at least insofar as this particular part of the message is concerned.
[NOTE: The chief purveyor of this opinion was one Fr. Edouard Dhanis, S.J., (b. 1902, d. 1978) who devoted much energy to refuting the Fatima message save for a generic call to prayer and penance; an attitude widely embraced in modern day Rome.]
The takeaway from Msgr. Longhi’s presentation, which effectively addresses both the supporters and the detractors of Fatima in one fell swoop, is obvious:
The age of Fatima’s relevance, if ever it existed, has most certainly passed. Today, we have bigger fish to fry, “it is called Islamism.”
Is the Islamic menace a problem?
Of course it is, and let us not forget that it is so precisely because it is a tool of Satan. It is not, however, the potential “wound” on the Church to beat all others.
That distinction belongs to none other than the content of Our Lady’s prophetic warnings as issued at Fatima; the great apostasy that will begin at the top, the spread of Russia’s errors even into the Church, the suicide of altering the Church’s faith, in her liturgy, her theology, and her soul, a bad council and a bad Mass…
The only way to effectively address the Islamic assault on Europe (and elsewhere), which is undoubtedly real, is not to continue practicing the empty conciliar faith; rather, it is to recover the true faith of the Church Militant.
So, was John Paul II a visionary?
Yes, I believe that he was, but the visions he was given came not from Heaven, but from the very pit of Hell.
I’ll just say it… I’m of the opinion that Msgr. Longhi is either lying or greatly exaggerating…
For one thing, this ‘prophecy’ is hardly something that requires some supernatural insight. In high school I could’ve told you that Islam was on the rise and that naturally it would be a competitor on the world religion stage as we were always reminded in our own Catholic World Religion classes that Islam was the fastest growing religion, almost as if that was something to admire. Anyone with any sense could have come to the same conclusion.
Also, even assuming John Paul II said that, he’s still dead wrong! Islam is certainly not anything “more profound, more painful” than anything of this millennium. Hell, the only reason it is getting a resurgence is thanks to the efforts of stupid secular nations like the United State of America with a long history of false flag terrorist operations and which directly funds, arms trains and utilizes Islamic Jihadists for its own hegemonic goals. Israel even treats ISIS militants in its hospitals before sending them back out again.
And to imagine that it’s somehow Islam’s fault that the Church became,”afflicted by a mortal wound” is laughable. The mortal wound was self afflicted by modernism and their modernist council. It wasn’t Muslims who did all this, though they will happily buy up our churches and turn them into mosques once Fr. Novus Ordo clears it out so as to earn money to pay victims of his homosexual abuse.
So unless all these infiltrators into the priesthood were secretly practicing Islam, John Paul II did not know what he was talking about.
In charity perhaps he might’ve been sent a vision as a warning. Like kings in the Bible who saw a dream that disturbs them. But then those kings were wise enough to subject their dreams to the interpretation of one of God’s prophets. but since John Paul II no longer sought the advice of Sr. Lucia, he instead interpreted it himself and naturally came to the wrong conclusions and adopted the wrong solution.
So was all his kowtowing to Islam therefore an act of cowardice? He saw war coming and decided to make peace, not by the means God provided, but through the Councilliar thinking?
So does that make John Paul II the patron saint of cowards? Because that’s certainly what Msgr. Longhi is unintentionally implying considering John Paul II’s actions!
“Peter, Lovest Thou Me?”
……..every Vicar of Christ must answer for…..Miserere!
“Jerusalem must become the city of man, in which the believers of the three great monotheistic religions +++ Christianity, Judaism and Islam – live in the ‘full liberty and equality,’ as do the believers of other religious communities, in the recognized guarantee that this city is the sacred patrimony of all, is destined for the adoration of the One God, of meditation and the work of ‘fraternity.” (At the end of Wednesday’s General Audience, to hasten the outcome of the Middle East conflict, John Paul II invoked, no doubt unconsciously, the revolutionary trilogy ‘liberty, equality, fraternity……’Peter, Lovest Thou Me? by Abbe Danie Le Roux).
What’s worse: Islam or Modernism?
Peter was not yet Pope when these things occurred. The recent men recognized as Popes are and were all heretics prior to “elevation” (easily proven) and as such said elevation and all their subsequent actions are invalid. That is the infallible teaching of Holy Mother Church, and what we must wrangle with as we seek and pray foe the Truth of the matter with all our hearts.
When, at Caesarea Philippi, Peter made the memorable confession of faith in the name of the Apostles: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” Christ said:
“Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam, et portae inferi non praevalebunt contra eam.” St. Matthew 16:18
Did JP II ever do public penance for scandalous, hellish acts like kissing the filthy Koran or hosting the horrific Assisi events?
God is All Seeing…….a very JUST JUDGE!
If JPII loved the Koran so much he was willing to kiss it, why would he warn of an Islamic invasion? Nothing about JPII makes sense.
Typo Louie! You wrote that JP prayed that St John the Baptist “protest” Islam when you meant to say “protect”.
A model of diabolical disorientation.
The reason Islam is a threat is because Islam doesn’t allow abortion, in contrast to the Conciliar Church, which IN FACT DOES. Abortion was no big deal to John Paul the Great who, aside from the odd remark or mention in the odd encyclical, couldn’t be bothered to excommunicate one single Catholic politican in any Western country, precisely when abortion was EXPLODING in the 1970’s to 1990’s and a vertitable ‘who’s who’ of proud Catholic politicians in each of these nations was leading the charge! Oh, but of course none of this bears classification as one of the “scourges” of the 20th Century.
Not to mention that “entire nations” were “annihilated” under his watch as predicted by Our Lady of Fatima. He did nothing to stop the plague of abortion and contraception—-he in fact personally appointed many bishops and cardinals who dissented on these issues. And people dare call this man a saint?!?
No doubt about it Louie, it’s from the Father of Lies himself. How wicked he is!
I have always believed that Medjugorje was and is an ongoing Satanic charade meant to turn the faithful away from the Fatima message.
The koran-kisser who mysteriously warned of the evils of islime years ago. Yeah, sounds legit.
I really dont see anyone on this site preface his name with “St” in front of it. Slowly but surely sincere Catholics are getting it.
The “in front of it” wasnt necessary…lol.
In using the work “Islamism” rather than “Islam,” an implicit distinction is being made between an ideology and a religion. JPII expresses a foreboding of the ideology rather than the religion in order to have it both ways. He can prophesy on the growth of an ideological menace and not criticize the false religion behind the menace.
Great point.
Modernism, for if you are spiritually dead and they (Jihadists) cuts off your head, it’s hell for you in the pit. But if you are covered in the grace of God from the true faith, then the sword of Mohammed will speed up the race to heaven.
Needless to say despite the butchering we see of Christians in the Middle East, they ( Islamist ) are usually more reluctant to kill a Christian over another religious group , they’d prefer to subject you to the jezia amd make your life miserable, but on a conquering quest of jihad by the sword which removes stealth jihad they do not hesitate.
It all depends on what stage of jihad they are operating in. But rest assured in the fullness of jihad of the sword. they will take and convert most of the children, inslave the women and kill the men.
”Tis a good thing the Polls are resisting the Islamist invasion of stealth jihad, for many countries on both sides of the pond have foolishly put their blinders on.
PAX to you too, Poland
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. –
Numbers 6:24-26
But if they believe that Francis is a true pope, then they should be calling JPII a Saint. Francis canonized him as such.
As a decoy.
This is too funny, how can a so called great pope kiss a dirty evil book and call it a holy book on top of that and then turn around and call it a wound on the church. Was he craving for martyrdom? if anything the pope acted out his part as a Demhi, before the secular government leaders in the west did. Did anyone notice how the imam was grinning from ear to ear ? That’s exactly what the devil was doing when the great conciliar pope did such a thing. The Holy Father subjecting himself to the book of Islam, aka devil book, the book that along with its other books govern and dictate to the Moslems how they are to live, and that they are bound to killing Christians as a sacred Islamic duty, the pope did this in front of the world, for what exactly ? To promote peace with one of the mortal enemies of the church ?
This MSGR must think that all Catholics are obtuse when it comes to the the teachings of the Koran and the actions of the great conciliar pope.
I can just imagine what Fr Hesse would say to such foolish and utterly false claims.
Regarding Hitler’s ideology of nazism , he got most of his material for the ideology from Islam, he was good friends with the sultan and visit him many times in Jerusalem on many occasions where he consulted the ottoman sultan on different tactics of warfare. In Islam he learned about building a perfect race , except it was to be a perfect white race instead of a prefect Arab race. Hitler admire Mohammed, and Christianity was nothing but flabbiness and weak in his mind.
Ever wonder where he got the idea to order all Jews to wear a yellow Star of David, to identify them as Jews publicly? It an idea which he was advised by the sultan to use on Jews to kill them. It stems from the same ideology that the great C pope kissed and called a holy book.
So we have communism / Marxism inside the church scourging us spiritually and we have nazism/Islamism coming to scourge us physically. They all hate each other, but hate us even more.
As Mohammed said in his last will and testament on his death bed , ” To conquer the west you must first break the cross in Rome. ” so was the pope signaling to the Moslems that the time is now ripe to break the cross when he publicly kissed their evil book?
One wonders !
Today’s visionary works like someone sitting in a room with a bunch of people looking out the curtain window and seeing the blackest heaviest water filled clouds and sky ever along with constant bolts of lightning and boisterous thunder and than “prophesizing” to the room of people how its going to rain any minute now and then the people treat you like you’re some type of prophetic genius. Well, thats what this “islamic invasion” and past “final battle over marriage and family” etc. “prophesies” remind me of along with every single one of the phony false visionaries/apparitions of Mary that also feed off the gullible thanks to the same silly premise of “prophesizing” about something that is already happening or in some cases has already even happened or was already predicted about in the Bible or prophesized by some authentic mystics from the past.
It’s not just cinos but many tinos have been falling for for this silly stuff lately also.
I have never read anything on this site before but I challenge the spirit of this post as being comparable to the Catholic position (aka Catholic). Implying that the holy father St JPII who devoted his life to, and prayed daily for, you while on earth (and no doubt continues to to this day) was receiving demonic visions is at best slander.
I agree that there are many scary things happening out there today with Islam but I don’t believe a legalistic approach free of compassion and love is the way to deal with it if we are to succeed in the true conversion of hearts (and if we are to imitate Christ).
You may disagree with some of the things he did during his pontificate… that is your right but attacking St JP II’s character to this degree is more comparable to demonic activity than anything St JP II did. “He does not gather with me scatters.”
Can this really be the Catholic position and Spirit on these issues?
St John Paul II pray for us.
As St. Paul said ” do not extinguish the spirit , but prove all things and hold fast to that which is proven true. ”
Almighty God said that he will give visions n prophesy to many in the last days.
Our Lady of Lourdes life giving water that is famously known to heal even cancer must be false as well eh!
The free masons in the west is telling employees working in certain corporations that Islam will rule the world including North America, Are you content to live under sharia ? Do you honestly think jihadists care weither you love them or not? If so I hope your praying for their conversion. Because they need it badly. Pope John Paul reminded us not to be afraid. I wonder if he understood what it’s like to live as a Christian in a country governed by sharia,
He kissed a Koran! The Koran is a book of lies that deny the Divinity of Christ. By this gesture one can only surmise that he too approves of those who deny the Divinity of Christ.
Dear Dean Spiller,
Perhaps you can enlighten us regarding JPII’s Assisi Prayer Meetings with just about every “religion” (including snake charmers) giving credence to pagan religions. Do you believe that the gods of Hindu, Buddhism etc. have power to grant peace? Why would a pope of the Catholic Church believe this? Can this really be the Catholic position and Spirit coming from the Vicar of Christ? Were these interreligious prayer meetings in imitation of Christ? Would Our Lord and Our Lady have put their approval and blessings on these acts which created so much scandal. I, and I believe others, would welcome your thoughts on this topic. Thank you.
Like so many today, you’re woefully uninformed. Abandon all wretched sentimentality, man-up, and face the hard facts. See:
The Secret of Pope John Paul II’s Success
Friends, notice that the devastating essay on JP II linked above isn’t listed in the archives of the new CFN site:
Thus it appears that just as The Fatima Center has watered down since Fr. Gruner’s death, so is Catholic Family News since John Vennari’s death. Sad. The devil is on the rampage.
Hi everyone, thanks for your responses, this is obviously an important issue.
My Point is not that all the things that Pope Saint JP II did can be held up to a microscope and judged to be perfect but that he is the vicar of Christ and to speak about a canonised saint of the church like he was a heretic surely has to beg the question: if you don’t trust the Church instituted by Jesus, against whom the gates of hell will not prevail, in canonising him then whom do you trust? At what point do we start looking for a new church?
No I think jihadists probably wouldn’t care if I love them or not, but maybe if they got to experience that love at some point in their lives they may not have gotten to the point where jihad was an option to them. My mission as a Christian is to do my best to love them anyway because that’s what Jesus told me to do, whether that love is accepted is not something I can control.
I don’t know what Saint JP II understood about living as a Christian under sharia law. He did know what it was like living as a Catholic in communist Poland (which he was instrumental in over-throwing) and with no remaining family by the age of 21. This always struck me as the source of his boldness in constantly telling us to be not afraid.
I am probably nowhere near as smart or as well read as you all so I will not try to give thoughts to each point made in that article (though judging me to be sentimental in my assertion that we love our neighbours did make me feel a little judged since it was the writings of JP II taught me that love is not just a feeling but an active choice of the will).
I will say this: if we believe that the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ and inspired by the Holy Spirit then it is worth looking at the movements of the Holy Spirit within the Church… we would have to be blind not to see that we are being led more and more by our last 3 popes to get out there and evangelise.
I believe what St Pope Saint JP II was doing throughout his pontificate was trying to lead by example, showing us how to evangelise effectively. I feel like maybe we are the ones that didn’t follow his lead to a great enough degree. Having a pope that is accepting people of other religions may make life hard for the theologian but it makes life a lot easier for the purposeful, everyday evangelist.
What it taught me is that if I want to share my faith in a meaningful way with someone I have to understand and love that person first. Blindly exhorting someone to believe in Jesus and his Church or burn in hell, just so that I can feel like I have “checked that box” is not going to do much to get them (and possibly me) to heaven. If I truly love as Jesus loves today, that person has to know that I care about them and respect their beliefs before I can even begin to talk about God. That means that sharing my faith is longer than 1 conversation, it’s the way I live my life and am the extent to which I am able to be merciful and compassionate to others. Pope Saint JP II had a deep conviction of the dignity of the human person and that was something he tried to teach us over and over again (many say that is why he did not step down later in his pontificate, to show us the dignity and worth of human life no matter how old or seemingly useless to society they grew)
Just a thought: the original meaning of Pontifex is “bridge builder”, something to think about in light of Pope Saint JP II’s actions.
@Tom A
Should he have kissed the Koran? I can see a lot of sense in saying no but I do understand the spirit in which he did it and I trust that as with all things God can use it for Good.
To answer your questions no I do not believe that there is any power held by any god but the Holy Trinity and having read much of his writings I can say confidently that neither did Pope Saint John Paul II.
Saint Theresa of Calcutta did not agree with hindu’s on the divinity of Christ but she met them where they were and served them. In the same way JP II did not agree with all teachings and beliefs of other religions but he still met them where they were and treated them as human beings. Personally I have found that not recognising that someone’s religion even exists is not a great place to start talking about your faith… should he have done it? I would not assume to make that call, scandal is an issue and I am sure there were many who were shaken to the core when this happened. I could not see and weigh up all the pros and cons of such an ecumenical prayer meeting: some were scandalised and caused to see the church as relaxing its’ teaching on salvation, others were encouraged by the compassion and solidarity shown in these meetings, to join the Church. I will say that Mary Magdalene could well have been a snake charmer before she met Jesus.
Dean, I would say that you were right if he had called this meeting as the Vicar of Christ to convert those of other beliefs. That was clearly not his intent. I wonder if the snake charmer or anyone else of another “religion” who did participate in these events, was converted to Catholicism. That would be interesting to know. In any event, I appreciate your response.
Pitiful. Just plain pitiful.
Dean, It is clear that you have adopted the faith of the modernist Church of Vatican 2 and the Novus Ordo mass. I can tell by what you say. What you may not know is that prior to Vatican 2, the Church taught basically the exact opposite as to what is being taught today by those who occupy what was once the Church. If you believe that the Holy Ghost inspired the Church to do a 180 on theology in order to adapt to modern man, then by all means become a new evangelist and stick with the New Church. I happen to think we are living the Great Apostasy and predicted in Matthew and foretold by St Paul. I do not believe waht was once true can suddenly become false even if proclaim by what appears to be a catholic council and a catholic pope. If you are truly interested in the truth, you should read the Papal documents of the Popes prior to Vatican 2. Start with Pius XII and work your way back. Or start with Trent and work your way forward. If you are honest with yourself, you will quickly see that the Church before and after Vatican 2 are two entirely different entities inhabiting the samw space. Christ warned us of this great deception in St Matthew’s Gospel chapter 24. St Paul warns us in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 about those who do not love the truth will receive the operation of error to believe a lie. Remember Dean, it is harder to convince someone that have been deceived than it is to deceive them. You Dean have been deceived by what you believe is the Catholic Church. The historic record is there, all you need to do is read the documents for yourself.
John Paul II was a modernist, a universalist, and a pan-religious secular humanist who did unfathomable damage to the Catholic Faith and Church over 27 years of his disastrous pontificate. Just because Weigel crowned him “the Great” and an apostate canonized him, means nothing in the eyes of God. Wake up, stop praying your JPII chaplet of “luminous” mysteries and come back to the true and authentic Catholic Faith which rejects the errors and falsities of aggiornamento.
Mr Spiller, do you know what indifferentism is?
Dean, you’re too nice a person to crush with my usual, merciless vitriol, but that is your greatest issue… are the perfect showroom display product of the “church of nice”. They must be proud. I read your post and I now want to hug a puppy. It’s a great religion you have, but it’s definitely not the Catholic Faith as historically understood and defined. I pray you are blessed with the grace of knowing “the Faith apart from which, it is impossible to please God” as Saint Paul wrote. God bless.
Dean, I would add that you are the one, by following John Paul II, who is entering into a ‘new church’. He in fact said so at the start of his disastrous pontificate: “Entrusting myself fully to the Spirit of truth, therefore, I am entering into the rich inheritance of the recent pontificates. This inheritance has struck deep roots in the awareness of the Church in an UTTERLY NEW WAY, QUITE UNKNOWN PREVIOUSLY, thanks to the Second Vatican Council… (Redemptor hominis)
“It must first be kept in mind that every quest of the human spirit for truth and goodness, and in the last analysis for God, is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The various religions AROSE PRECISELY FROM THIS PRIMORDIAL HUMAN OPENNESS TO GOD. At their origins we often find founders who, WITH THE HELP OF GOD’S SPIRIT, achieved a deeper religious experience. Handed on to others, this experience took form in the doctrines, rites and precepts of the various religions. In every authentic religious experience, the most characteristic expression is prayer. Because of the human spirit’s constitutive openness to God’s action of urging it to self-transcendence, we can hold that “EVERY AUTHENTIC PRAYER IS CALLED FORTH BY THE HOLY SPIRIT”, who is mysteriously present in the heart of EVERY PERSON” (Address to the Members of the Roman Curia, 22 Dec. 1986, n. 11; L’Osservatore Romano English edition, 5 Jan. 1987, p. 7).
“Assisi Prayer is a “visible illustration, an exegesis of the events, a catechesis, intelligible to all, of what is presupposed and signified by the commitment to ecumenism and to the interreligious dialogue which was recommended and provided by the Second Vatican Council.”
(Christmas address of the Pope to the Cardinals and members of the Curia on 22 December, 1986, L’Osservatore Romano, 5 January 1987, page 7)
By his own admission, JP2 stated that his first love was acting. For more than 27 years, in the role of pope, the world was his stage, loving every minute of it. This was the foundation of his “papacy” which opened the door to a man-centered new religion.
What was canonized by Pope Francis was not the man Karol Wojtyla but the media image of Pope John Paul II who is emerging as a useful icon to advance almost any cause propagandists want to advance in his name.