In a previous post, I promised to look a bit more closely at Cardinal Burke’s presentation as given in Louisville, KY, on July 22 at the Church Teaches Forum; pointing out whatever good and praiseworthy things he had to say, while also shining the light of truth on those things that are false and dangerous.
Bear in mind as we proceed that the theme for the conference was “The Message of Fatima: Peace for the World.” We’ll return to this at the conclusion to this post.
Let’s begin our examination with some positive statements offered by Cardinal Burke:
Some time ago, a Cardinal in Rome commented on how good it is that the secular media are no longer attacking the Church, as they did so fiercely during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. My response was that the approval of the secular media is, on the contrary, for me a sign that the Church is failing badly in her clear and courageous witness to the world for the salvation of the world.
While one may rightly express frustration at the Romanitas by which Cardinal Burke takes aim at Francis without naming him, there can be no doubt that he is charging His Humbleness himself with “failing badly.”
More noteworthy, in my view, are the following statements:
In a diabolical way, the confusion and error which has led human culture in the way of death and destruction has also entered into the Church …
For whatever reason, many shepherds are silent about the situation in which the Church finds herself or have abandoned the clarity of the Church’s teaching for the confusion and error which is wrongly thought to address more effectively the total collapse of Christian culture …
Observing the centennial of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, we must recall how her Message or, as it is sometimes called, her Secret, is principally meant to address a widespread apostasy in the Church and the failure of the Church’s shepherds to correct it.
Once again we find Cardinal Burke publicly affirming a truth that he once rejected; namely, that the Fatima message concerns a crisis of faith within the Church – an abandonment of the Church’s teaching that is properly called “an apostasy,” and what’s more, it is “diabolical.”
In isolation, these statements are “good and praiseworthy” indeed.
As we know, however, they were not given in isolation. In fact, they were delivered in a presentation that also included any number of very dangerous propositions that directly undermine the message of Fatima and the warning that Our Lady came to deliver.
What Cardinal Burke clearly fails to realize is that the apostasy of which Our Lady forewarned is precisely that which entered the Church “in a diabolical way” at Vatican II.
He even went so far as to suggest to his audience that “our response to the exceedingly difficult times in which we are living” must include entering more deeply into the teachings of the Council via the new Catechism of the Catholic Church – a work that is masterfully laced with modernist poison.
Specifically, Cardinal Burke said:
We know what Christ teaches us in the Church. It is contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in the official teaching of the Church. His teaching does not change. In the midst of the present confusion and division, we must study more attentively the teachings of the faith contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and be prepared to defend those teachings against any falsehood which would erode the faith and thus the unity of the Church.
Recently, the traditional-conservative blogging priest, Fr. Z, perhaps even motivated by His Eminence’s address, expressed a similar sentiment:
We need saints to rise up in our day. We also need lay people, the rank and file, to put their noses collectively into books like the Catechism of the Catholic Church and get informed.
Fr. Z even provided a handy-dandy link to Amazon to make it easier for his readers to purchase the book.
In reality, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is the last place anyone who is serious about their faith needs to put their nose!
Make no mistake: The CCC exists for the sole purpose of propagating the conciliar faith – not the Catholic faith – it is, in fact, a major contributor to the “confusion and division” bemoaned by Cardinal Burke.
Many examples can be cited, but let’s consider one that Cardinal Burke unwittingly provided in his address when he said:
There is also [in society] the denial of the freedom of religion which attempts to hinder, if not snuff out completely, any public discourse about God and our necessary relationship with Him. With the denial of the freedom of religion comes the attempt to force God-fearing individuals to act against their well-formed conscience, that is, against God’s law written upon the human heart.
Needless to say for regular readers of this space, “our necessary relationship” with God can in no way be lived apart from an abiding recognition of the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King and the duty incumbent upon all individuals, societies and states to publicly honor, worship and serve Him.

That particular doctrine, however, has no quarter in the Catechism of the Catholic Church – a text that proposes to teach the Council’s novel notion of religious liberty as put forth in Dignitatis Humanae, which insists that man “must not be prevented from acting according to his conscience especially in religious matters.” (CCC 1782)
Stated more clearly elsewhere, man, according to the CCC, has a “rightful freedom also in matters of religion.” (CCC 1907 quoting Vatican Council II, Gaudium et Spes 26)
In other words, the CCC is promoting the error, long since condemned by the Church, that man has the right to choose whatever religion his conscience happens to find most suitable; even if that religion (as all false religions do) constitutes an outright rejection of Our Lord’s Kingship; a doctrine that receives only lip service in the new Catechism:
It does not contradict a sincere respect for different religions which frequently reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men,” nor the requirement of charity, which urges Christians to treat with love, prudence and patience those who are in error or ignorance with regard to the faith …
The social duty of Christians is to respect and awaken in each man the love of the true and the good. It requires them to make known the worship of the one true religion which subsists in the Catholic and apostolic Church. Christians are called to be the light of the world. Thus, the Church shows forth the kingship of Christ over all creation and in particular over human societies. (cf CCC 2104, 2105)
One notes the conciliar phrase “subsists in” (cf LG 8), which amounts to the practical denial that the Church of Christ, wherein alone exists the one true religion, is the Catholic Church.
In any event, what we see here is the mission of the “Church Militant” (an expression not found in the CCC) – to bring all men and all nations under the “sweet and saving yoke of Christ the King” (cf Quas Primas) – has been reduced to one of endless faith sharing; i.e., it is a mission to dialogue.
The missionary task implies a respectful dialogue with those who do not yet accept the Gospel. Believers can profit from this dialogue by learning to appreciate better those elements of truth and grace which are found among peoples, and which are, as it were, a secret presence of God. (cf CCC 856) [Emphasis in original]

Thus has the mission given by Our Lord of baptizing the nations and teaching them everything whatsoever that He commanded (Matthew 28:19-20) become one of learning, wherein even the Church stands to benefit.
In order to accept the CCC’s false teaching, one would have to believe that this “secret presence of God” allegedly found in the false religions can in some way add to the fullness of Divine revelation entrusted to the Holy Catholic Church alone!
Many more examples could be provided attesting to the poisonous nature of the CCC, but I trust that the point has been made.
In conclusion, Cardinal Burke’s presentation not only failed to promote The Message of Fatima: Peace for the World, it promoted the exact opposite; precisely that which Our Lady came to prevent.
In fact, Cardinal Burke (inadvertently, to be sure) contributed to the spreading of Russia’s errors; the centerpiece to which (as I argue HERE) is the rejection of the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King.
What’s worse is that the innocent, trusting in His Eminence, are led to believe that Our Lady of Fatima will be well served by following his deadly advice.
Cardinal Burke’s address received a great deal of positive coverage in Catholic media, which, at least in my reading, largely chose to heap praise on his denouncement of an “idolatry of the papacy” to the utter exclusion of any condemnation of the grave errors that are addressed here; i.e., none saw fit to issue a warning to the innocent.
This is why Cornelia Ferreira, our other contributors, and yours truly are determined to swim against the tide that has overtaken so much of traditional Catholicism (names named HERE), and to defend the message of Fatima in its fullness regardless of cost.
A well-reasoned and necessarily pointed reply, Louie. May I ask you personally what specific catechism and other traditional works you recommend one ought have in these diabolically disoriented times?
Of course Burke promotes the CCC. Burke is a conciliar modernist promoting the conciliar faith and not the Catholic faith. You said it perfectly. What do we call people who preach a faith different than the Catholic faith? What does St Paul tell us to do to those who preach a gospel different than that which was handed down? Surely St Paul does not want us worshipping God on Sundays with these false gospel promoters. Every trad needs to wake up and stop this silly notion that we just have a “bad” pope. We don’t have a Pope and the V2 sect is not Catholic. You need to finally admit this fact.
Thank you for asking, Bosco49. I just added a link in the post to the Roman Catechism – the Catechism of the Council of Trent.
Thank you for providing a link to the Catechism of the Council of Trent. I need to order a copy. I read some comments from the link above. Some said that it has poor print. Here is a link with better quality of print (for those of us whose eyes are getting weaker). God bless you, Louie.
Sadly, this version is more expensive.
The Catechism Explained: An Exhaustive Explanation of the Catholic Religion
Francis Spirago and Richard F. Clarke
“We already possess in abundance catechisms and religious manuals which appeal only to the intellect; books which do not aim at the warmth of expression and the fervent, persuasive eloquence which appeal to the heart, the force and vivifying power which affect the will through the influence of the Holy Spirit.
This Catechism aims at cultivating, to an equal extent, all the three powers of the soul: the understanding, the affections, and the will. It does not therefore content itself with mere definitions. The principal object proposed in it is not to teach men to philosophize about religion, but to make them good Christians who will delight in their faith.
Consequently questions of scholastic theology, doctrines debated among divines, are either omitted altogether or merely receive a passing mention.
The author has endeavored to divest religious teaching of the appearance of learning, and to present it in a popular and simple form. Technical terms, in which almost all religious manuals abound, even those intended for children, are carefully eliminated from his pages since, while useful and necessary for seminarians and theologians, they are out of place in a book intended for the laity.
Popular manuals of religion ought to be couched in plain and simple language, like that used by Our Lord and the apostles, easy of comprehension; for what we need is something that will touch the heart and influence the will, not cram the mind with knowledge unattractive to the reader.
The present book is, moreover, not an adaptation of catechisms already in use, but an original work, intended for practical purposes. Attention may also be called to the fact that the teaching of the Church is not presented in a dry, abstract form, but is rendered attractive and interesting by illustrations, comparisons, and quotations from well-known writers.”
Save money while also not supporting Amazon whose founder, Jeff Bezos contributed $2.5 million to the campaign to legalize “gay marriage” in Washington State and makes donations to the state’s two ultra-progressive, heretical Catholics and obtain the better version of the Catechism of the Council of Trent online for free:
A better one for free:
Read the late Solange Hertz’s “Americanism: The Star Spangeled Heresy”. Way ahead of her time in 1992 as it outlines Americanism’s 200 year rise to become the official teaching at Vatican II. When the dictatorship of relavitism that now constitutes the United States system of Church-state relations is now the “ideal” for the Novus Ordo, what hope is there for Christ the King? Card. Burke is but another hired hand doing his earthly political master’s bidding. Read the book—cheap on Amazon. Solange Hertz was one of the first women admitted to Georgetown and she was a brilliant Catholic thinker (she died in Virginia in 2015 in her 90s) who saw what was coming from the outset.
Dearest Louie,
In your appraisal of the evil which Burke promotes, you had this to say:
“In fact, Cardinal Burke (inadvertently, to be sure) contributed to the spreading of Russia’s errors; the centerpiece to which (as I argue HERE) is the rejection of the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King.”
What is patently clear of “Cardinal Burke”, whether in truth he is even a priest, is that he has, as a matter of objective reality and therefore without any existential question remaining, received the “operation of error”, which Saint Paul speaks of as being the Supernatural operation by which those who do not love the Truth, receive the lie into their intellects and fully believe it as though it was indeed true, good, and beautiful. Burke is utterly influenced by the mystery of iniquity, which is fully empowered in our time, having left not one human person in this world untouched. Burke, as are all the rest of us, whether knowingly or unknowingly, yet remains fully culpable for his free will assent into this dark evil, which he persistently promotes, as though it were a good. As Saint Paul made exquisitely clear in 2 Thess 2, this “operation of error” would leave the entire world veiled in the deception of the mystery of iniquity, as “he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way”, as the only “he” which this “he” can be, is the Holy Roman Pontiff. Once the Roman Pontiff, real and true, was to be taken out of the way, by virtue of all of the powers given Satan, the person of the Antichrist would be revealed. This “operation of error” is the Supernatural operation freely given to all those who reject the grace of Almighty God, that which is both freely given and completely undeserved, such that their willful rejection of God can be accomplished. This is the utter manifestation of a mind gone mad and yet remaining fully culpable, which now in the midst of its diabolical disorientation, views freedom as personal license in utter contradistinction to that which true freedom indeed is, as the submission of the miserable human creature’s will into the Will of Almighty God and His One True Church, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
As Saint Paul foretold, it would be this “operation of error” which would ultimately cause the Great Apostasy, as the “rebellion”, which would precede the revelation of the person of the Antichrist. In the midst of this Great Apostasy, “he who now holdeth”, would be “taken out of the way”, allowing for the mystery of iniquity to bring forth the “son of perdition”, as the person of the Antichrist. The operation of error would have to be writ large, spread over the entire universal Church, such that when Satan, by virtue of his preternatural powers being unleashed in accordance with Almighty God’s Providence, would then effect the summa and summit of his deceptions, as his church, the church of the Antichrist, would then take control of the temporal edifice once held by the Holy Catholic Church, as a thief in the night. This church of the Antichrist would have to be all dressed up Catholic, including the appearance of the men who wear the robes of the Church, masquerading as though they are Her Shepherds and including the one as Her Chief Shepherd, while at once and in truth they are Her murderers, the emissaries of Lucifer which they are as liars and deceivers par excellence.
This grandest of all deceptions as the summa and summit, which the world has heretofore not known, would have to be near complete, as our Blessed Lord and God, Christ the King commanded: “When the Son of Man returns, will He find any faith left upon the earth?”. Dearest Louie, in the midst of all of this, it remains a mystery how you can yet refer to this man Burke, while promoting the errors of Russia, somehow doing this, “inadvertently, to be sure”. In truth, whether he accomplishes his evil inadvertently or with full knowledge, he is fully culpable, as are we all. And this truth was given us by Saint Paul, inerrantly, as the “operation of error” to believe the lie as the truth, being fully received with one’s own free will assent. May Almighty God allow our reception of His grace. I pray this helps. In caritas.
As for LG8 I think is prophetically described the coming Novus Ordo ecclesial state to a tee. The Novus Ordo is no longer, as an organized institution or a cult of religion, the Catholic Church, but elements of it subsist in the tiny minority that cling to the faith. I was baptized into it but and am not if it. Somehow I came back to the True Faith. I experienced early on its glaring defectibilities. Many communions growing up were 100% invalid due to invalid matter recipes being used in my archdiocese (one of which was analyzed by the CDF and declared invalid), while the Lutheran form of consecration introduced grave doubt into all of the other “liturgies” celebrated from 1967-2011. Hence since this new religion is defectible—it cannot, and will never be the Roman Catholic Church.
The best one, just $4.00 on Amazon:
Louie you have covered the situation with respect to Cardinal Burke in your usual thorough fashion and I congratulate you on your work and the clarity of your thought. I do wonder whether you are amongst those persons, who, like me, believe that the Collegial Consecration of Russia will not occur before 13 June 2029?
If you are, then I strongly urge you to encourage Catholic people to start preparing for the Minor Chastisement by doing as much prayer, penance and sacrifice as they can manage – at least, if they do that, there is a chance that the Minor Chastisement may be averted.
Catholics, especially those of the semi-traditional variety are so starved for a leader to follow that they fall for the likes of ” Cardinal” Burke. He is as wishy washy as they come. Why not listen to the teaching of some authentic men of God, Bishops who are faithful to the Catholic faith. I know of at least three- Bishop Mark Pivarunas, Bishop Donald Sanborn, and Bishop Daniel Dolan. If we paid more attention to the teaching of men like these we could more clearly follow Christ and not waste our time chasing shadows and hoping for what will never come!
It’s a bit hollow to keep paying lip service to Quas Primas when so many traditionalists are enamoured of the serial adulterer Trump, the Amoris Laetitia Catholic Bannon, the Communist Bernie Sanders, the feminist heretic Gorsuch, the schismatic Putin, and the vile sodomite Milo Yiannopoulos.
They are as guilty of the “errors of Russia” as Bashful Burke and must be condemned in toto.
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus!
Ahhh, omniscience. One can only wish.
Thank you, Katherine.
Why support the purveyor of the culture of death, Amazon?
But *they* are not princes of the Church, expounding erroneously on Catholic doctrine and willfully leading souls to their destruction.
The leaders in the U.S. have always been purveyor’s of the errors of Russia from its birth as all have been merely naturalist’s-both on the right and on the left. In other words, none have believed nor worked to establish Christ’s rightful authority over man and nations and established the anti-Christian principles of Freemasonry into the fabric of the nation. Eventually, Freemasonry has to give way to totalitarianism which is coming closer to reality with each passing day, as man and nations cannot survive living under the lies of Satan who is the author of Freemasonry. Add to the equation the wealth, power and influence of the “in name only Jew”, which has substantially increased since the birth of Israel, and their rejection of Christ who is the Messiah, and the current Church leaders spreading the lie that they need not convert to Catholicism to be saved, you have a Masonic/Jewish influence like no other in history. The goal of both is, of course, to destroy the Catholic faith and Catholic Church and they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams in doing so.
Mr. Myers, I am expecting a chastisement very soon, and I can’t see the Consecration being done until after one occurs, but where does the June 13, 2029 come from?
Thanks for the reminder. I already have her Beyond Politics book, but I’ve been meaning to get the other four. To avoid Amazon, I just now ordered them all directly from the publisher, Tumblar House.
What’s up everyone? The Humungus would like to chime in and say that the infamous heretical sentence in Lumen Gentium #8 (hereafter LG #8), which is so often reviled, is not actually heretical if read in the light of paragraph #2 of Vatican Council II document Orientalium Ecclesiarum, the Decree on the Catholic Eastern Churches, promulgated the very same day as Lumen Gentium, 21 November 1964.
Before many of you reach for your stick-ball bats and take a few swings at me, be patient and bear with me while I spell this out for you. I know that many of these comment section insights tend to be lengthy and boring, but I promise that this will not be lengthy.
Let’s begin by quoting verbatim the allegedly heretical sentence from LG #8 that is the occasion of so much confusion: “This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the Successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him.” Note that in the Pauline Books and Media translation of Lumen Gentium, this is the sixth sentence of paragraph #8.
At this point keep a close eye on the word “society,” which is a kind of a code word in the text for the term, “Church of Jesus Christ.” In other words, we are being told by LG #8 that the Church of Jesus Christ subsists in the Catholic Church, and thus there appear to exist two entities, one a spiritual entity (the Church of Jesus Christ), and the other a concrete entity (the Catholic Church). It is the purpose of this brief analysis to show you that by the Council text there is meant only one entity, not two, and that according to LG #8, the term “society,” i.e. the Church of Jesus Christ, refers to the visible Catholic Church if read in the light of Orientalium Ecclesiarum #2 (hereafter OE #2).
Let’s continue by looking at a prior sentence (the second sentence) of LG #8: “But the society structured with hierarchical organs and the Mystical Body of Christ are not to be considered as two realities, nor are the visible assembly and the spiritual community, nor the earthly Church and the Church enriched with heavenly things; rather they form one complex reality which coalesces from a divine and a human element.”
In the above sentence, quoted exactly, we see the word “society” again, which we know to mean the Church of Jesus Christ. Notice that the society in sentence six and the society in sentence two are one and the same society. In sentence six it is described as “constituted and organized” and in the prior sentence (sentence two) it is described as “structured with hierarchical organs.” Those two descriptions are in harmony with each other and the word “society” in each sentence is referring to the same thing.
Now here is where we take a look at OE #2, which will shine a torch on LG #8 sentence six so that we can understand it better. The first sentence of OE #2 says: “The holy Catholic Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ, is made up of the faithful who are organically united in the Holy Spirit by the same faith, the same sacraments and the same government.”
Notice well that OE #2 explicitly states that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. We can now equate the Catholic Church and the Mystical Body of Christ, and use the term, Mystical Body of Christ, as a token for the term, Catholic Church. Let’s go back to the second sentence of LG #8, the sentence which says, “But the society structured with hierarchical organs and the Mystical Body of Christ are not to be considered as two realities, etc . . .” and modify it by substituting the words, “Mystical Body of Christ,” with “Catholic Church.” We obtain the result: “But the society structured with hierarchical organs and the Catholic Church are not to be considered as two realities, nor are the visible assembly and the spiritual community, etc . . . .”
Do you see where this is going? Remember that the word “society” refers to the term, Church of Jesus Christ, and that this word and term is also part of the unfortunate sixth sentence of LG #8: “This Church constituted and organized in the world as a SOCIETY, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the Successor of Peter . . . .”
So the preceding text of LG #8 (the very helpful second sentence) says that “the society structured with hierarchical organs and the Mystical Body of Christ are not to be considered as two realities,” but we know from OE #2 that the term, Mystical Body of Christ, is the same thing as the Catholic Church. Thus LG #8, with the help of OE #2, is telling us that the society (the Church of Jesus Christ) and the Catholic Church are not TWO realities, they are ONE REALITY. Praise Jesus, they are the same thing.
I don’t know about you, but to me it seems like the suspicion of heresy associated with LG #8 is greatly mitigated, or even pulverized by this (dare I say) discovery. One thing that is not mitigated or pulverized is the unhappy ambiguity and muddle that the sixth sentence owns. In a round-about way it is practically saying that the Catholic Church subsists in the Catholic Church. We know that the Holy Spirit is not responsible for confusion unless the confusion serves as a chastisement of some sort. Since Lumen Gentium was promulgated in 1964, the culprits who attracted God’s wrath in this instance are likely dead already, and may they rest in peace.
I suspect that some great and formerly great men of the Church may be lurking this site. Perhaps somewhere there is a 97 year old retired priest or bishop who attended the Council sessions and when he reads this comment he’ll fall off his chair laughing because of all the fuss created by that one sentence in LG #8. Hopefully he won’t hit his head and die from the fall. If he does die, he’ll die with a grin on his face.
Anyway, I guess I lied when I said that this comment wouldn’t be lengthy. Note that I never indicated that it wouldn’t be boring. I’ve said enough. Do what you think is best. Please let me know what your thoughts are about this “discovery.”
Smile and be happy because you are all awesome and God loves you. I’m going to take the rest of the night off.
The Humungus.
Very squishy, just like V2. Many thanks, Ever mindful. You’ve confirmed what I’ve suspected: the Spirago and Clarke book is infected with modernism.
I should have searched the date before asking the question. A sure sign of my age! I realize that will be 100 years from Our Lady’s request of the Consecration. I was thinking she asked for it a Fatima in 1917, but she only warned of Russia spreading its errors.
Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Sarah are the best the post Conciliar Church has to offer. They are obviously both imbued, more or less, with the errors of Vatican II. We are going to have to wait for Our Lady to restore order in the Church. What we can’t do, is to judge the souls of those who follow the Novus Ordo paradigm with pure intentions.
Because I noticed you were sending people to Fordham U. which is a Jesuit cesspool of homosexual corruption and sickening political.
” The word of God strikes the heart like a thunderbolt. The thunder of the divine menaces awakens those asleep in sin, indifferent as to their salvation.
The word of God banishes sin. “It acts on the soul,” says St. Jerome, “as a plough on the soil, loosening the hardened surface, rooting up the thistles of vice.” The word of God kindles the flame of charity in the heart of man; like fire, it consumes the rust of sin, it promotes the growth of virtue; or it may be compared to the gentle rain that cometh down from heaven to soak the earth and water it, and make it to spring, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater (Is. lv. 10).
He who shows indifference towards the word of God exposes himself to the risk of spiritual death and eternal damnation. Just as a man who refuses to take food will surely die, so those who do not hear the word of God, which is the food of the soul, incur spiritual death.
In this life we are travellers on the long and dangerous journey from time to eternity; and as the traveller who walks by night without a lantern strays from the right road, so we shall not reach the end of our journey without the light of God’s word to illumine our mind and guide us to our final end. The word of God is the sun of the soul, without which the spiritual life will droop and fail, as nature would if deprived of the vivifying warmth and radiance of the sun.”
The Catechism Explained
“Dearest Louie, in the midst of all of this, it remains a mystery how you can yet refer to this man Burke, while promoting the errors of Russia, somehow doing this, “inadvertently, to be sure”. In truth, whether he accomplishes his evil inadvertently or with full knowledge, he is fully culpable, as are we all.”
As we are all fully culpable, how can you be so critical of “this man Burke” since, due to the operation of error, you yourself could be deceived.
John314: All true about Fordham but the difference is their Internet link doesn’t force me to pay for their corruption.
John314: I could have included a link with the same Catechism for a sede website. Would that have been less objectionable to you?
Good morning John314,
You simply misunderstand the nature of the “operation of error”. You are suggesting that the “operation of error”, which as a Supernatural operation, is somehow imposed onto the human person. God imposes nothing John314, or He would not be Deus Caritas Est. The reception of the “operation of error” is a free will choice of each human person and it is freely given to those who reject God’s grace, that gift which is both freely given and completely undeserved. While at once, the reception of grace is the only means by which we miserable human creatures can choose the good over the evil, each and every time we are offered the choice. The operation of error, in perfect contradistinction to grace, allows the receiver to believe the lie as the truth, as opposed to receiving the truth in grace as truth, which is a reflection of the One Who is Truth, as Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God. I pray this helps. In caritas.
The Vatican II documents have no value to the faithful Catholic as they are merely pastoral in nature rather than dogmatic, except that they have served to confuse and divide us while claiming the primary purpose of the Council was to seek “unity”.
The Catholic Church has defined the meaning of “Church” unambiguously and one need not waste time trying to understand Modernismspeak in its purposeful ambiguity.
Pope St. Pius X’s Catechism is an example of this clarity:
10 Q. Who are they who do not belong to the Communion of Saints? A. Those who are damned do not belong to the Communion of Saints in the other life; and in this life those who belong neither to the body nor to the soul of the Church, that is, those who are in mortal sin, and who are outside the true Church.
11 Q. Who are they who are outside the true Church? A. Outside the true Church are: Infidels, Jews, heretics, apostates, schismatics, and the excommunicated.
12 Q. Who are infidels? A. Infidels are those who have not been baptized and do not believe in Jesus Christ, because they either believe in and worship false gods as idolaters do, or though admitting one true God, they do not believe in the Messiah, neither as already come in the Person of Jesus Christ, nor as to come; for instance, Mohammedans and the like.
13 Q. Who are the Jews? A. The Jews are those who profess the Law of Moses; have not received baptism; and do not believe in Jesus Christ.
14 Q. Who are heretics? A. Heretics are those of the baptized who obstinately refuse to believe some truth revealed by God and taught as an article of faith by the Catholic Church; for example, the Arians, the Nestorians and the various sects of Protestants.
15 Q. Who are apostates? A. Apostates are those who abjure, or by some external act, deny the Catholic faith which they previously professed.
16 Q. Who are schismatics? A. Schismatics are those Christians who, while not explicitly denying any dogma, yet voluntarily separate themselves from the Church of Jesus Christ, that is, from their lawful pastors.
17 Q. Who are the excommunicated? A. The excommunicated are those who, because of grievous transgressions, are struck with excommunication by the Pope or their Bishop, and consequently are cut off as unworthy from the body of the Church, which, however, hopes for and desires their conversion.
18 Q. Should excommunication be dreaded? A. Excommunication should be greatly dreaded, because it is the severest and most terrible punishment the Church can inflict upon her rebellious and obstinate children.
19 Q. Of what goods are the excommunicated deprived? A. The excommunicated are deprived of public prayers, of the Sacraments, of indulgences and of Christian burial.
20 Q. Can we in any way help the excommunicated? A. We can in some way help the excommunicated and all others who are outside the true Church, by salutary advice, by prayers and good works, begging God in His mercy to grant them the grace of being converted to the faith and of entering into the Communion of Saints.
Dearest Katherine,
Thank you greatly for that. The True, the Beautiful, and the Good are understood as they only can be, intuitively, as by virtue of His explicit signature on our hearts, that of course, as the signature of God Who just Is, as our Almighty Triune Godhead, in the divine Persons of the Almighty Father, the Beloved Son, and the Holy Ghost. In caritas.
Rand Miller has Bishop Sanborn ever outlined the steps to elect a Pope? I watched Bishop Mark Pivarunas’ video on how to elect a Pope. He is basically using the formula of the Great Western Schism sounds very convincing at the beginning. The electors would not be the Cardinals alone but the whole Church like they did it before. But the only problem is in the Great Western Schism electors include clergy appointed by anti Popes, that can not be done now because even those electors from all over the Church were appointed by false Popes they were Catholics, they held to the same Faith even not certain who was the real Pope. But now Vatican II clergy are simply not Catholics how can they elect a true Pope?
Uh, let me see. VII “religious liberty” teaches that “man has the RIGHT TO CHOOSE whatever religion his conscience happens to find most suitable.” So the same idiotic RIGHT TO CHOOSE “based on conscience” principles of the PRO-CHOICE pro-abortion infanticide movement were being promoted throughout the world by Catholic Church leaders through the idiotic RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHATEVER RELIGION “based on conscience” principles since VII way before abortion was even legal and than, despite teaching this false and dangerous relativist RIGHT TO CHOOSE principle for years, they somehow wonder how there could be so many RIGHT TO CHOOSE Catholic pro-abort politicians and so many RIGHT TO CHOOSE pro-abort Catholics voting for them. smh
Katherine: Did you forget something? Not one of the answers that you listed from the catechism of St. Pius X defines what the Church is. Humungus.