It seems that we are in the midst of an awakening of sorts among some neo-conservatives, as persons once loathe to level public criticism against the Heretic-in-Chief are now beginning to speak of the disaster that is Francis more forcefully than at any time in the past.
The tipping point arrived with the credible allegations made by Archbishop Viganò, who testified that Francis turned a blind eye to the homo-shenanigans of Uncle Ted McCarrick, and even made of him a trusted and influential advisor.
This is all well and good, and yet it is noteworthy that it took Viganò’s bombshell to finally incite anti-Bergoglian outrage on the part of certain neo-con commentators; his numerous blasphemies and heresies, on the other hand, not being quite enough to do the trick.
Over a period of years, Bergoglio has committed a laundry list of grave offenses against Our Lord, Our Lady, and our Holy Catholic Faith; even going so far as to declare in an Apostolic Exhortation (so-called) that God is unjust and actually wills that persons should violate the Sixth Commandment (Amoris Laetitia), but even this wasn’t enough to provoke the indignation of many.
Then Viganò drops his bombshell, and boom – the floodgates of outrage come flying wide open! One wonders, why is that?
The answer is revealed in an article entitled Being Frank about Francis, posted at the neo-conservative website Catholic World Report.
Written by Dr. Douglas Farrow, a Professor of Theology at McGill University in Montreal, the article, which makes a number good points and has been rather well-received in many traditional circles, begins with, and is constructed around, a quote from Fr. Thomas Rosica, who wrote:
Pope Francis breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants because he is ‘free from disordered attachments.’ Our Church has indeed entered a new phase: with the advent of this first Jesuit pope, it is openly ruled by an individual rather than by the authority of Scripture alone or even its own dictates of tradition plus Scripture.
About this, Dr. Farrow writes,
Well, since we are being frank, let me say that a finer example of a disordered attachment could scarcely be found. Francis does not appear here as the successor of that Peter whose only mandate is to confess Christ and to safeguard the sacraments of the gospel, thus feeding the flock and strengthening his brethren. He appears rather as Jesus himself appeared – as one so vested with the Spirit as to take authority over scripture and tradition. And this, if taken seriously, is heresy of the rankest kind.
At this, a number of red flags appear. First, it must be said that Jesus does not take authority over Scripture and tradition; He pronounces on them authoritatively as He is both the Author and the Subject of each.
As for Peter and his successors, it is not adequate to say that their “only mandate is to confess Christ and to safeguard the sacraments of the gospel.” While the pope is indeed the servant of Scripture and tradition, he governs with sovereign authority over the entire Church; an authority that reaches even beyond her confines as he calls the secular States to account for “everything whatsoever that Jesus commanded.”
What is evident already, and will become even clearer as we proceed, is that Farrow has embraced a typically neo-conservative (that is, erroneous) concept of both Our Lord and the papacy.
Farrow points to “Fr. Rosica’s fawning ‘clericalism of one,’ if I may put it that way,” saying that it “confuses Peter with Christ.” And while he alludes to the Viganò bombshell, ultimately he concludes:
The McCarrick scandal, let us all admit, is just one powerful gust in the swirling tempest that now surrounds Francis and threatens to capsize both his pontificate and the barque of Peter itself.
The real problem, as Farrow sees it, is what he called “the error of papal personalism.” He writes:
Francis has deflected attention from proper papal authority in order to enhance or protect his personal authority – the very authority so aptly described by Fr. Rosica …
What, then, is the solution? To resist clericalism? Yes, and especially this “clericalism of one” that places the pope beyond all criticism and beyond all accountability.That will not be enough, but it will be a start. For the pope may be subject to no earthly authority the equal of his own, but he remains subject to the authority of Christ, of which he is by no means the only repository, nor in most matters the sole interpreter.
Fair enough, but then his argument comes apart as he continues:
The point is rather that it is wrong to treat Francis – or any pope – as if, like Saul, he were indeed a sovereign, an absolute sovereign against whom no hand must ever be lifted save, at most, to trim some small piece from the hem of his garment, lest one be found guilty of sinning against the Lord’s anointed.
Zeroing in on his main point, Farrow quotes Canon 331 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which reads:
The bishop of the Roman Church, in whom continues the office given by the Lord uniquely to Peter, the first of the Apostles, and to be transmitted to his successors, is the head of the college of bishops, the Vicar of Christ, and the pastor of the universal Church on earth. By virtue of his office he possesses supreme, full, immediate, and universal ordinary power in the Church, which he is always able to exercise freely.
Farrow then admits, “That certainly sounds like sovereignty…” Yes, it does, and it is well that it should! Just as Our Lord Jesus Christ is most assuredly King, so too is the pope a sovereign. Those two truths go together in such a way that if one were to lose sight of the former, the latter will necessarily be overlooked as well.
Dr. Farrow illustrates this for us impeccably as he continues:
…but what kind of sovereignty? Not the personalistic kind that Rosica favors, nor even the political kind that the people of Israel favored when they demanded that a king be appointed over them, nor yet the military kind favored by Ignatius.
Note well here that the bishop of Rome is the vicar of Christ, not the vicar of God. God has now but one vicar, the God-man himself, who is the Church’s true head and its only proper sovereign and high priest. Peter exercises something of the sovereignty vested by God in Christ, for Christ has in turn vested that something in him and his successors, together with the apostolic college, in the form of magisterial judgment and binding juridical authority in the daily life of the Church.
Duly noted. Dr. Douglas Farrow is – like apparently pretty much every other neo-con professor of theology who enjoys “full communion” in the conciliar church – woefully ignorant about the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The bishop of Rome is the vicar of Christ, not the vicar of God.
Sorry, but drawing a distinction between Christ and God smacks of heresy. That said, we do not address the pope as “vicar of God” for good reason; it concerns the nature of the Kingship of Christ as well as the sovereign power of His vicar.
You see, Jesus Christ is King, not simply because He is true God who has always had sovereign authority over all of creation; rather, He is King “as man in the strict and proper sense” (cf QuasPrimas). We will return this point momentarily.
Peter exercises something of the sovereignty vested by God in Christ, for Christ has in turn vested that something in him and his successors…
That “something” in the case of Christ is “all authority in Heaven and on Earth,” and it wasn’t so much “vested” in Him – as if Our Lord has been granted the authority to rule in the name of the true Sovereign, God – rather, “all authority has been given” to Him “as man” (ibid.); i.e., it is properly His to exercise in His own name – Jesus Christ.
As far as His vicar, the pope, is concerned: He is the visible head of the Church on earth, who is indeed himself a sovereign inasmuch as he rules in the name of, and with the authority of, Christ who is both Head of His Mystical Body and King.
As is stated in Pastor Aeternus of the First Vatican Council:
Hence we teach and declare that by the appointment of Our Lord the Roman Church possesses a sovereignty of ordinary power over all other Churches, and that this power of jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff… (cf Pastor Aeternus, Ch. 3, no. 2)
Some English translations read “…a pre-eminence of ordinary power…,” however, the Latin potestatis principatum is frequently rendered as sovereignty of power as above, and more importantly, the power of the Roman Pontiff has traditionally been understood as such. This much was signified by the papal triregnum – the papal tiara – at least until such time as Paul VI made a show of relinquishing it.
As unfortunate as that gesture was, it was an accurate reflection of the Second Vatican Council’s veritable annulment of the Social Kingship of Christ given that the papal tiara signified, in part, the temporal power of Christ and thus His vicar; that is, his authority to insist upon the Sovereign Rights of Jesus Christ, the King of kings, in the face of all other earthly power.
As previously noted: The Kingship of Christ is intimately related to the true nature of the papacy. Given that Pope Paul the Pathetic did not possess the Faith necessary to proclaim the former, why would anyone expect him to positively portray the latter?
In any case, the sovereign power of the pope is, of course, not unlimited. On this note, Dr. Farrow is correct. As the Vatican Council states:
For the Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by his assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles. (ibid., Ch. 3, no. 6)
Be that as it may, given Farrow’s convoluted understanding of the Kingship of Christ, it is no surprise that he does not truly understand the nature of the papacy. This he made plain as he went on to effectively reduce the pope to a glorified administrator:
But Peter is not himself a sovereign, properly speaking; he is merely a steward, with very specific responsibilities. It was and is a mistake, whether by titles or by customs or by laws or by scruples – here we may indeed challenge some of the old charts, which were rightly corrected at the Second Vatican Council – to regard him as if he were something other or more than that.
So there you have it – it’s all about allegiance to the Almighty Council – the manifesto of the counterfeit church! This is the reason why so many neo-conservative commentators were not moved to indignation by Bergoglio’s assault on authentic Catholic doctrine, nor his numerous offenses against Our Lord and Our Lady.
You see, the neo-cons, whether they are fully conscious of it or not, belong to the church-of-man. As such, when the popes and the bishops violate the sacred duties entrusted to them by Christ, the best they can muster is a bit of handwringing over alleged ambiguities, or some disproportionately mild form of criticism of the “Holy Father’s” words and deeds no matter how odious they may be.
But violate the faithful’s trust, their dignity, and their rights, and look out!
That, apparently, is the only unforgiveable crime in the twisted world of Newchurch.
Great point Loiue. Where was the outrage for the heretical blasphomous teachings coming from Amoris Latitiae?
This whole catastrophe and can of worms we are witness up close clearly demonstrates that we are reaping what we have sown by turning a blind eye for about a century now to the mortal sin of divorce and contraception. Where is the outrage on fraudulant annulments and redefining and twisting the hierarchial purposes of marriage through NFP? We are in this sodomitical mess precisely because of the acceptance, silence and turning a blind eye on God’s laws for marriage and purity.
Amen and amen. Why just this accusation regarding grave moral evil but not the sustained, repeated, blatant, public, egregious heresies, blasphemies, sacrileges, effective apostasy, persecution and suppression of faithful bishops, priests and religious, and employment of outright enemies of the Faith and morals to work on behalf of the Church . . . All this has been twisted, misrepresented by many claiming adherence to the True Faith, they’ve pretended it could be in conformity with the Faith, or even just the most fundamental natural moral law; or on the other hand is ignored completely. Diabolical disorientation. Evil complicity with outright attacks by Francis on God and His Holy Laws and the Holy Faith. God save us.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. All of this points to the fact that we have two separate churches, and we are struggling to keep them under one umbrella, but it is never going to work. VII made a break for it, they wanted a new church, and they got it. Sometimes fights break out, as the Newchurch wants it’s way and Catholics try to hang on to Catholicism, but there is no doubt these are two separate entities, two different organizations. No organization could hold itself together in a recognizable form when the CEO’s and the ordinary folks can’t agree on terms.
We are fighting over the carcass. Who will win? I don’t know, I don’t have any idea, hopefully Catholics will, but it’s going to be a long, drawn out battle with probably no identifiable “winner” in our lifetime, maybe not until the heavens open up and Jesus returns to us. Can we at least keep our Holy Mass and sacraments? Maybe, I don’t know that either, nor does anybody. Let’s hope we do, but, no matter what, Christ is our King, Savior, and Redeemer, and He is with us to the end. What all this madness has done is crystalize my faith and help me realize it is all about Christ. If I end up on an island with my bible, that will be enough. If I don’t get to keep that either, oh well.
But while there is life, we need to fight these rotten, homosexual predators, these liars, these narcissists and hirelings, with everything we’ve got. I can’t say if we get to keep the church, but I can say I want to fight them all my life if I must, and make those men miserable, if it is within my capability to do it. It is the good fight, and we must fight it whether we may be successful or not.
May God take our poor human efforts, as at Lepanto, and magnify it into something He can use to help restore His beautiful church.
This is why I’m not on board with this ‘Resign’ campaign.
First the matter should be clarified as to whether Benedict properly abdicated and whether Francis was legitimately elected.
It’s very easy to do. Sit Benedict freely down in front of a camera and interrogate him. In all likelihood Benedict could simply say that he was just waxing poetic about remaining in the enclave of Peter and retaining the ‘munus’ and that’ll be the end of that chapter.
And then Francis needs to be examined under pressure to answer the dubia and all manner or other scandal. Then informed about what the proper Theology is, then made to recant his errors and sign with his own hand a syllabus with the proper teachings. Any refusal will see him declared as a heretic, deposed and a state of sedevacantism thus in effect.
The modernists want Francis to focus on ‘bigger things’ like the environment and Muslim economic migrants/invaders.
The real Catholics also have ‘bigger things’ we would like to be focused on – like HERESY and the entire VII paradigm.
Once Francis has answered or deposed for these bigger things, we’ll freely hand him over to be tried for the abuse by the secular authorities.
Which is why Francis will never resign, because when it is convenient for him, Francis too believes in the very power and immunity of the office he holds. All the collegial, mercy, dialogue nonsense was all just verbal salad dressing. The openness to dialogue Francis claims to love has come to an abrupt end when reporters on his aeroplane pressed him about Vigano’ charges. To which there is now to be his own holy silence, except not, because he is freely sniping at us with his judgemental overtures from his homilies as he accuses us of judging everyone else and not minding our own business and forever dialogueing all that gossip about the company he keeps and the lengths he goes to to look after them and shield them from the authorities.
So after Vigano, which Cardinals are going to step up to the plate?
Forget about Burke, that guy was only in the press recently telling us he’s still patiently waiting for answers to the dubia.
Maybe when America finally goads Russia into WWIII it may quite literally light a fire under them to do what is necessary, or they can wait until everybody’s dead and the survivors can finally pick up the pieces.
Dr. Farrow writes: “He (Francis) appears rather as Jesus himself appeared – as one so vested with the Spirit as to take authority over scripture and tradition.”
On the other hand, Francis’ good friend and supporter, Antonio Spadaro SJ, revealed (to those still blind) the reality of Francis’ pontificate. In his August 31, 2108 tweet he said:
“The Pope draws energy from conflict and sees that his actions upset them (those he accuses of causing wounds and so much damage to the Church like the pseudo-Catholic American media) as a sign. The driving force of the pontificate of #PopeFrancis manifests itself precisely in the paroxysm of the backlash that it generates and that is thrown at him, crossing over him without moving him. Discernment goes forward and reveals the intentions.”
In other words, the “energy” of Francis is derived from the conflicts, wounds, and damage to the Church he creates and loves the backlash thrown at him and thus, it doesn’t bother him in the least. He is going forward with his true intentions which every person with an ounce of common sense ought to realize by now are the complete destruction of the true Catholic faith.
Supposedly, Francis sees this as a form of penitence and a reflection of all of the wrongs and condemnations Christ suffered with his further saying: “About Pope Francis: he accepted the pontificate using the formula ‘in spiritu penitentiae’ (in the spirit of penitence). His prayer of offering to the Lord had always been to imiate him in enduring ‘todas injuries y todo vituperio’ (ES 98) (all wrongs and all condemnation).”
We are living through the Great Apostasy, and with the defiance of God, comes loss of moral reason and contempt for objective truth, supernatural and natural. One obvious sign of this perversion of objective truth and reason is the prevalence of that terrible lie once clearly opposed by the Church’s popes, bishops and priests as well as all right-thinking persons, that God has given us a nature for anything other than marriage between man and woman, ordered to procreation and rearing of any child God may bless a marriage with (regardless of whether a particular person’s path is to marry or not, to becomes a priest or religious, etc.) The whole idea of “homosexuality” is a lie constructed to destroy objective moral order, reason, and truth, perverting minds and will especially of the young, to the terrible absurd lie that some persons have been given the evil tendency to desire sodomitical relations, rather than oppose any such temptations, which are not from God. There is no such objective reality as a “homosexual” person, only persons who decide to adopt that false description of themselves or others, or persons who have at various times, temptations to such perversion, and who either oppose them as evil or entertain them, or those who may have sinned more or less, in thought, word or deed in respect of unnatural sexual relations. One cannot repent of such sin and choose to identify one’s person with that perversion, to adopt any such evil tendency as an integral part of one’s person.
The objectively-evil tendency may stem from different things, some may originate as a result of damage to the psyche from having been sexually assaulted as a child, to where one makes a wilful decision to adopt such an evil tendency. But all persons of the age of reason must oppose any such tendency whether it has first arisen through no fault on their part, or otherwise. All of us have a duty to resist temptation to evil of any kind.
Please forgive the poor sentence construction; I suffer from cognitive problems due to illness.
I think that no matter what else people will tolerate—new mass, new morals, new ecumenism, etc., they will never tolerate queers messing with their boys and young men. The revolution was moving along nicely under JPII, but the Romans 1 curse (Rom 1:24-32) will eventually rear it’s ugly head among evildoers.
Sweepoutthefilth there are a lot of us who miss your valuable contribution to the discussions. Please come back. Speak your truth quitely and clearly. No need to dialogue with anyone or enter into disagreements. If they are vexatious to the sprite ignore them. There are a lot of us who valued your contribution. In Christ Our King and Mary our Mother. All for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls.
This is so sweet. Totally agree, I miss Sweep.
It’s not the same without you Sweep, please come back.
St. Matthew 13-24,30: “The Kingdom of Heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seed in his field. But while men were asleep, his enemy came and oversowed cockle among the wheat and went his way. And when the blade was sprung up and had brought forth fruit, then, appeared also the cockle. And the servants of the goodman of the house coming said to Him: Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? Whence then hath it cockle?
And he said to them: An enemy hath done this. And the servants said to him: Wilt thou that we go and gather it up? And he said: No lest perhaps gathering up the cockle, you root up the wheat also together with it. Suffer both to grown until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers: Gather up first the cockle and bind it into bundles to burn, but the wheat gather ye into my barn.”
THE INDEFECTIBILITY OF THE CHURCH (‘Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma,’ Ludwig Ott):
“The Church is indefectible both her imperishableness, that is, her constant duration to the end of the world, and the essential immutability of her teaching, her constitution and her liturgy. This does not exclude the decay of individual ‘churches.’ THE CHURCH IS INDEFECTIBLE, THAT IS, SHE REMAINS AND WILL REMAIN THE INSTITUTION OF SALVATION, FOUNDED BY CHRIST UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD. (Sent. certa.)
The Vatican Council I says of the Church that she is ‘unconquered stability’, and that she ‘built on a rock, will continue stand until the end of time’ (ad finem saeculorum usque firma stabit).
“The indefectibility of the Church was contested: by the spiritualistic sects of antiquity (Montanist) and of the Middle Ages (Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan spiritualists), who promised a new age of the Holy Ghost, in which a more perfect Church of the Spirit would dissolve the secularized Church of the flesh; by the Reformers, who maintained that under the Papacy the Church had degenerated and departed from the teaching of Christ; by Jansenists , who accused the Church of obscuring individual truths of Faith; by the Modernists, who maintained a substantial development in teaching and the constitution of the Church.
“Christ built His Church on a rock in order to give her a save foundation in ALL STORMS (Mt. 7,24), and promised her ‘the gates of Hell shall not prevail” (Mt. 16, 18). In this the imperishableness and indestructibility of the Church is clearly expressed, whether one understands by the gates of Hell the power of death or the power of the Evil One…….”Behold I am with you all days even to the consummation of the world” (Mt. 28,20).
“St. Augustine says: “The Church will totter when her foundation totters. But how shall Christ totter?….as long as Christ does not totter, neither shall the Church totter in eternity: (Ps. 103, 2, 5 ; Ps. 47, 7; 60,6).
“The intrinsic reason for the indefectibility of the Church of Christ lies in her inner relation with Christ, who is the Foundation of the Church (I Cor. 3,11) and with the Holy Ghost, who indwells in her as essence and life-principle. St. Thomas teaches that ‘in the past the Church built on the foundation of Christ, and of the Apostles, has verified the truth of her invincibility, by her resistance to destruction , when threatened by errors, and by the assaults of the devil.”
This is no surprise. NuChurch is all about the natural order. So of course, when there is a change or development concerning the natural order (ie sodomy, divorce, contraception), there is always forces of “progress” vying against the forces of “restraint.” This naturalism even creeps into the Latin Mass movement. For most, they just want their Latin Mass for aesthethic reasons so as long as NuChurch provides them with indults and FSSP/ICK ghettos, they are happy. Its all abouy fulfilling a natural desire of worship “style.” The abuse scandal really rocks the boat since it dramatically effects the natural order and disturbs the modernist dogma of all sex is ok as long as its consensual. But when dogma, doctrine and Truth itself were destroyed at V2, hardly a peep from anyone. I am sorry but I cannot sympathize with NO Catholics who are “outraged” over this scandal. In fact, I hope the whole rotten fake Church comes tumbling down. But even that will present a problem, for it will cement in the short memories of the culture that the problem with the church was predator priests when the real problem is a faithless anti-religion called V2.
What you just posted in no way resembles the NO conciliar anti-Church. So while I deeply and firmly believe everything you just posted, I cannot hold to any explanation that regards this faithless NO V2 sect as the indefectible Church you just described. The NO V2 sect is defective so it cannot by the magesterial teachings you just quoted, be the Catholic Church.
Hi all, Friends sent me your posts and at this point I had to ask if they were responsible. Thank you all for your dear comments .
I am seriously concerned that the “Resign ” campaign is being engineered by Opus Dei and those lay people and clerics involved with this group.
ALL of the New Evangelzation groups are suspect, Opus Dei being the wealthiest .
While I do not agree with every point Barnhardt makes, she did hit the nail on the head when she wrote that the Legion and RC were created as a racketeering and sexual abuse organization instead of a real catholic religious Order.
Ex LC and RC people I know ( and I do know numerous people who were in this group) , all reported the same to me. Several of whom have asked me to look into a possible connection between the Legion and drug trafficking. They DO NOT trust Cardinal Burke and frankly neither do I.
It is regrettable that many ,especially converts, who came into the Church under P JP2 ( mainly because of his alleged Pro Life stance) and were injured by the Legion and Regnum Christi, quickly joined Opus Dei after Maciel was exposed. I do not know whether it was for a career as professional catholics or that they felt they can only be considered “REAL CATHOLICS” as Michael Voris once stated on his Real Catholic tv production funded by Marc Brammer of Opus Dei ,employed by Moody Financials.
But I do KNOW this for sure. If Opus Dei luminaries are planning to become the new improved face of the Catholic Church , I believe we will be in a worse mess than what he have now.
Cardinal Poletti , Escriva’s friend and Promotor who obtained the St Appolinaire Basilica in Rome for Escriva and his followers, was definitely embroiled with the Magliana Mafia ,to the point he allowed it’s murdered boss to be buried in a diamond studded coffin in the Baslilica’s crypt that was reserved for Saints and Popes. Italian Catholics revolted. Only after the more recent calls to investigate the mafia with the kidnapping disappearance of the Vatican employee’s daughter Emmanuela Orlandi , was his tomb opened and his remains buried back in a regular cemetery. In fact, it is well known that “Jessica’ the Vatican City’s nickname for the deceased P2 Poletti’s secretary ,is on the leadership team for another Vatican City Bank, if I recall correctly it is APSA.
Opus Dei has left a strange trail of banker bodies in it’s wake. Ex Legion persons have told me they believe Maciel patterned his organization after Escriva’s.
I left this blog following a trail of posters cursing me to the point of accusing me of being a “Pious demon”. What really disgusted me though ,were those who accused Mrs Engel of writing for the money and to “sell her books”. NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH !!!!!
Again , I cannot express enough gratitude to her for being there to report the truth while we searched one parish after another discovering all the pervert Bishops and priests within first hand.
Too bad if you SSPXers do not like the truth that Williamson allowed quite a few to flourish in the Winona Seminary under his leadership too ! As I stated many of them have started their own thing now because they do not want any oversight unless it is by a pro homosexual coverup Bishop.
As I said before , I have known Mrs Engel for over thirty years now having met her in John Vennari’s small backyard wedding reception. If you believe she is in this for wealth and fame , you need your head examined. Believe her when she reports on the Opus Dei complict corruption that I believe is standing in the wings to become the new face of fake “traditional”Catholicism .
Barnhardt is beginning to see part of the picture too and absolutely none of you who commented about Mrs Engel can accuse her of this !
“The Lesson of St. Adauctus: If You’re In This Fight For Credit and Earthly Glory, You’re In It For The Wrong Reason
I’m seeing a lot of girlish whining about “not getting credit” and being “plagiarized” by people who are otherwise doing excellent work in this war against the Freemasonic-Sodomite coven of infiltrators into Holy Mother Church – specifically George Neumayr (who is engaging in actual journalism in Washington D.C), Steve Skojec of 1Peter5, a valuable clearing house of information, and ChurchMilitant. There may be others, but those are the main people I see engaging in whining and pissing matches over “who gets credit for what”.
Dear TomA,
Yes. The problem, as you allude to, is this implosion fits precisely into their diabolical scheme, as it always has been in play, since the nascent genesis of the church of the Antichrist, aka: conciliar church in 1958. While they destroy this creature beast thing from Hell, and the world believes, as you write, that it is indeed the “Catholic Church” that was the problem and now its finally “gone”, they will from the ashes of the chaos which they lust for, as Lucifer is their prince, resurrect the one world church, the church of man, under some other title, whose wellspring is of course, as it only can be, the church of the Antichrist, all dressed up Catholic in the metaphysical accidentals but in substance, devoid of all things Christ Jesus, as the abomination of desolation. Their scheme revolves around ab chao ordo, out of chaos, order, as the new world order. Amen. God bless and keep you and yours’. In caritas.
Exactly my thoughts and the whole truth, Tom.
I’m about to “check out” on the whole diabolical entity and anything to do with it whatsoever, as it is so utterly diabolically disgusting. I don’t think Christ would have us even glancing at such filthy news regarding HIS ENEMY. I do NOT need to place a visual in my mind of “2 ‘priests’ in a car in Miami,” or Uncles with their “nephews”, “nitey-nite, baby”, or anything of the sort. I don’t need to fill my mind each day with such thoughts, much less discuss them.
Has anyone ever even thought about THAT??
Yes, I am still waiting to hear how the Vatican II sect has the four marks of the Catholic Church. Heck, does it even have one??
Either the above is ‘truth’, or it is not? For ‘truth’ cannot be according to one’s convictions. Does this truth apply to all generations in every age, or not?
Did Our Lord say, that the ‘weeds’ and good ‘wheat’ must grow together until the harvest’, or not?
If there is no grace coming from the sacraments, even from the Novus Ordo valid ones (I can hear the gnashing of the teeth), then the gates of hell have prevailed, as Satan has destroyed the channels of sacramental grace.
St. Paul wrote that the Eucharist is celebrated in memory of the death of the Lord ‘until He come again’ (1Cor. 2,26). Is there any problem with understanding this?
Our Lord’s words are for His Church, “I am with you all days even unto the consummation of the world.”
Is the ‘consummation of the world,’ as we speak, according to you and many like you?
Our Lady of Sorrows, ora pro nobis!
Johno: “So after Vigano, which Cardinals are going to step up to the plate?”
Answer: No one.
What a great point and so true of the ultimate plan, In Caritas. Order out of chaos. NOVUS ORDO Seclorum.
Is it any wonder that Our Lord would tell us in the Apocalypse to “Come OUT of her my people”?
True, much better to contemplate:
“O mystic Pelican, Jesus, my loving Lord,
Cleanse me of my defilements in Thy blood adored:
Whereof one single drop, in Thy sweet mercy spilt,
Would have the power to cleanse the world of all its guilt.”
Thomas Aquinas
Blessed Sacred Heart Friday everyone!
One more thought regarding Vigano’s “Memorium”. I found it interesting that he mentioned he might be risking being chopped up and thrown into a cement mixer . Why? Because that is exactly what led to the opening of the head of the Magliana Mafia boss’s tomb in the Opus Dei owned Basilica’s Rome crypt. She was last seen across the street from the basilica. Her brother who suspects an opus dei connection, has been demonstrating in Vatican Square with a growing number of Italian supporters for years.
The deceased mafia boss Enrico dePedis’ former mistress called into a radio station and reported he had told her they kidnapped her and chopped up her body and threw it into a cement mixer on the order of ArchBishop Paul C Marcinkus , former president of one of the Vatican Banks.
Most of this story has evaded the knowledge of American Catholics along with the Vatican Bank scandal and alleged reports of an Opus Dei connection which have all fallen into a memory hole just like the Third Secret of Fatima.
I think FromPoland makes a cogent point. It’s a problem though, because the Novus Ordo IS a new religion and it progresses farther & farther from the truths of the Church just as any other new religion would. Maybe when He said I am with you all days, he didn’t necessarily mean in the Holy Eucharist. Eg, was He not with Catholics who were for some reason deprived of the Sacraments? If you throw a Catholic in the gulag w/no Priests, must he abandon all hope because Jesus Christ is no longer with him?
Welcome back, sweep. Your comment makes me wonder that, in addition to the disgusting perverted sex scandals, how many murders have been committed by those who pose as Our Lord’s servants and shepherds. How far will these monsters go to protect their “earthly kingdoms”? I would love to see an investigation on these activities committed by the evil imposters. Am I being too paranoid? I just can’t get myself to trust what is going on under the guise of “the catholic church”. Sweep–continue on as a commenter here, but PLEASE do not engage with those who bait you. Stay on the High Road. Do not be tempted to respond to every comment from those who only want to set a trap.
YES! I’ve thought about that, too.
From Poland, just because we cannot explain how Christ can keep His promises in this time of Apostasy, does not mean that the NO church is the Catholic Church by default because we observe it with our senses. You are making the argument that there must be a Church I can see always so the one I see must be the Church. Thats a fallacious argument. Just listen to what the NO Church says about itself and listen to what it teaches. Then compare that to what the Catholic Church taught prior to 1958 and see if they match up. They should be essentially identical. Are they? I know you would say there have been drastic errors introduced since V2 and in the NO. These errors indicate a defection. And since as you pointed out earlier, the Church is indefectible, the church you observe with the errors cannot be the Catholic Church. Its simple logic and reason.
“I found it interesting that he mentioned he might be risking being chopped up and thrown into a cement mixer.” Minor correction. Those weren’t the words of Archbishop Viganò, but of Msgr. Lantheaume: “My goal is not to reassure you, but to tell the truth ! Bishops are neither unscathed nor untouchable: they are all just as much sinners as are others !!! let it be said once and for all… they do not enjoy papal infallibility…! But of course as soon as one tries to tell the truth, you have your head cut off, or you “have a bad spirit”…. it’s been over twenty years since I said what I had to say…. now believe what you want, but I can tell you as being the direct witness that Vigano is telling the truth: I was the direct witness ! these may be the last lines I write… if I am found chopped up by a chainsaw and my body sunk in concrete, the police and the hacks will say that we have to consider the hypothesis of suicide !!!”
Dear Melanie, you wrote…….’Maybe when He said I am with you all days, he didn’t necessarily mean in the Holy Eucharist’.
Please, read the Gospel of John, chapter 6 very carefully. When Our Lord said:
“Amen, amen, I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life; and I will raise him up in the last day…….etc.”
Many of his disciples murmured, and were scandalized, and walked no more with Him….they left.
” Then Jesus said to the twelve: “Will you also go away? And Simon Peter answered Him: “Lord to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we have believed and have known that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus answered them: “Have not I chosen the twelve? And one of you is a devil.”
…..what you worry about is what the ‘weeds’ profess. Don’t forget among them is good ‘wheat’, that know the faith, and live by the faith, even ‘saints’ known to God. It is always the ‘remnant’ only, who in every age carry the ‘torch of faith’ in spite of Satan and his hirelings, from the time of Our Lord. He did not convert the whole world, nor, did He heal all from their blindness, and confusion. He performed miracles, only on those who’s hearts were seeking ‘truth’, for they were converted. For the ‘proud’ and ‘stiff-neck’, belong to Satan. God is not a ‘tyrant’, He gave us ‘free will,’ to choose Him, or reject Him……this is the guilt of the worldlings.
His Church is in Passion, in ever age, until the end of time…….Will ‘we’ go away?
’Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma’…….
”Since a Sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace it follows that only God, the Originator of all grace, can institute a Sacrament as ‘causa principalis.’ A creature could institute a Sacrament as ‘cusa instrumentalis’ (ministeralis) only. God’s power in regard to the Sacraments is called ‘potestas auctoritatis,’ the creature’s power is called potestas ministerii. Christ as God possesses ‘potestas auctoritatis,’ as man ‘potestas ministerii.’ The latter, on account of the Hypostatic Union of Christ’s human nature with the Divine Person of the Logos, is called ‘potestas ministerii principalis’ or ‘potestas excellentiae.’
All Sacraments of the New Covenant were instituted by Jesus Christ. (De fide).
Christ instituted all Sacraments immediately and personally. (Sent. certa.)
“Who is the Originator of the Sacred Mysteries (Sacraments) if not the Lord Jesus? These Sacred Mysteries come from Heaven” (St. Augustine)
Christ fixed the substance of the Sacraments. The Church has no power to alter them. (Sent. certa.)
The Sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for the salvation of mankind. (De fide.)
As Christ instituted the Sacraments and bound them up with the communication of grace they are necessary to us for the achievement of salvation (necessitate medii), even if not all are necessary for each individual. The efficacious reception of a Sacrament can, in case of necessity, be replace by the desire for the Sacrament (votum sacrament) (hypothetical necessity).
The primary minister of the Sacrament is the God-Man Jesus Christ. (Sent. certa).
The secondary minister of the Sacraments is man in the wayfaring state. (Sent. communis).
The validity and efficacy of the Sacrament is independent of the minister’s orthodoxy and state of grace.
For the valid dispensing of the Sacraments it is necessary that the minister accomplish the Sacramental Sign in the proper manner. (De fide.)
The minister must further have the intention at least of doing what the Church does. (De fide)
Only a person in the wayfaring state can validly receive a Sacrament. (Sent. communis.)
Excepting the Sacrament of Penance, neither orthodox belief nor moral worthiness is necessary for the validity of the Sacrament, on the part of the recipient. (Sent. communis.)
For the validity of the Sacraments in the case of adult recipients the intention of receiving the Sacrament is necessary. (Sent. certa).
In the case of adult recipients moral worthiness is necessary for the worthy or fruitful reception of the Sacraments. (De fide.)
The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Consecration, when they are received validly but unworthily, revive after the removal of the moral indisposition, that is, the sacramental grace is conferred subsequently. (Sent. Communis.)
The ground for the revival lies, on the one hand, in God’s mercy, on the other hand, in the absolute impossibility of repeating these Sacraments. In the case of the Eucharist, revival is improbable, because this Sacrament can very easily be received again.
The revival of Baptism was taught even by St. Augustine ; “That which is already given (Baptism) begins then to be efficacious to salvation when the former unreadiness for Penance is replaced by true Penance.”
Do not fall for the “Eucharist” trap. God told us in the Scriptures that the Sacrifice would cease, and Sr. Lucia told us that the final two remedies given by God IN OUR TIMES are devotion to the Immaculate Heart and the Rosary. The Sacraments are THE remedies, so why would she say something like that? Many approved prophecies also speak of the cessation of the public Sacrifice. When one connects all the proverbial “dots”, recognizes that the entity in Rome cannot POSSIBLY be Christ’s Church, and studies Church Law with respect to Jurisdiction and the Sacraments (not the opinions of this or that group), there’s is only one true and proper conclusion left. “A doubtful Sacrament is no Sacrament.” We are forbidden to partake in doubtful Sacraments. Period.
Ursula that is beautiful. Thank you.
Interesting that the two of you reply…very interesting….in a very good way.
And what does one then do? You do what the true Catholics of the French Revolution did. Do they not call Vat2 the “French Revolution in the Church”? They do, and it was a type of our time, but they miss the ENTIRE point.
’Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma’…….
“Christ is, as Pius XII say in the Encyclical “Mystici Corporis”, the Founder, the Head, the Conservator and the Redeemer of His Mystical Body, the Church.
On the Cross, Christ consummated the building of the Church. That which He once began on the Cross He continues by ceaseless intercession in His heavenly glory. (Rom. 8,34; Hebr. 7,25; 9,24).
The Old Covenant ceased and the New Covenant sealed with the blood of Christ began. Water and blood are two essential elements of the Church and therefore the Church herself. On the Feast of Pentecost the Risen Christ strengthened the Church, with the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost who descended upon the Church and led her into the beginning of her public activity just as He Himself at the beginning of His teaching activity was publicly attested to and inducted into His Messianic Office by the descent in visible form of the Holy Ghost upon Him.
The Council of Trent teaches: “Christ Jesus continually infuses strength into the justified as the head to the limbs and the vine to the grapes.”
“Our Redeemer Himself conserves with divine power the society founded by Him, the Church.” (Pius XII)
“St. Augustine says: “Christ (=the Church) preaches Christ, the body preaches its Head and the Head protects His Body……the body and the head compose ‘the whole Christ”.
“The Holy Ghost is the Soul of the Church.” (Sent. communis). St. Thomas calls the the Holy Ghost the Heart of the Church.
“St. Augustine compares the working of the Holy Ghost in the Church to the working of the soul in the body; ‘What the soul is for the body of man that the Holy Ghost is for the body of Christ, that is, the Church. The Holy Ghost operates in the whole Church that which the soul operates in the members of the one body.”
“As the soul quickens every member of the body and bestows a definite function on each, so the Holy Ghost, by His grace, quickens every member of the Church, and allocates to each a definite activity in the service of the whole. Through one He works miracles, through others He proclaims the truth; in one He preserves virginity, in another marital chastity; in one He affects this, in another that. As the soul does not follow the member that is cut off from the body, so also the Holy Ghost does not dwell in the member who separates itself from the body of the Church. (Sermo 267, 4, 4).
St. Augustine says: “Only the body of Christ lives from the spirit of Christ….Whilst thou then live of the Spirit of Christ? Then be in the body of Christ! The Spirit does not pursue a separated member.” (Sermo 267, 4, 4).
On the other hand, it must be inferred from the generality and sincerity of the Divine desire of salvation, that he also, who entangled in invincible error, does not know the true Church of Christ, can receive the supernatural life given by the Holy Ghost outside the body of the Church. Such a person however, must have at least an implicitly desires to receive the Sacrament can attain to the grace of Baptism.”
“Not only those members who are holy but the sinners also belong to the Church.” (Sent. certa.)
“Certainly our Holy Mother Church shows herself without stain in the Sacraments with which she begets and nurtures her children; in the faith which she preserves ever inviolate; in the holy laws which she imposes on all in the evangelical counsels by which she admonishes; and finally, in the heavenly gifts and miraculous powers by which out of her inexhaustible fecundity she begets countless hosts of martyrs, virgins and confessors. The Church is holy in her origin, her purpose, her means and her fruits……Schism, heresy, or apostasy are such of their very nature that they sever a man from the Body of the Church; but not every sin, even the most grievous, is of such a kind.” (Pius XII, ‘Mystici Corporis’).
“The four properties of Unity, Sanctity, Catholicity and Apostolicity, since they appear externally and are easily recognizable, are not merely properties of being, but at the same time, outer marks of the true Church of Christ.” The Holy Office, under Pius IX (1864), declared: “The true Church of Christ by virtue of Divine authority, is constituted and is knowable by the four characteristics, which we confess in the Creed as an object of the Faith.”
Thankyou Charmagne for the correction. The statement really jumped out to me , not for what it said , but for what it did not say. Something I am sure that was on the priest’s mind as having happened before in Vatican City itself and bespeaks of the corruption that concerns most Italians to this day.
The point I was trying to drive home is that although most decent Catholics are welcoming the calls for the clerical sodomite coverup resignations , but are they aware that an even more secret society akin to Freemasonry is positioning itself to fill any empty positions of authority.
Opus Dei has it’s own dirty secrets they have covered up.
I appreciate your encouragement My 2 Cents . You reminded me of the beautiful Novena to the Sacred Heart by our dear Padre Pio !
I try to say it everyday .
Look what they did to their own fraternal priest saint while he was on earth even placing a recording device in his confessional ! Look what they did to his body which was not in his grave when they opened his coffin . A sculptor was hired from the Toussant wax museum in he UK to make a new Pio, using goat hair for his beard and hair and they built a beautiful for profit shrine to make money off of his notorious sanctity. The first advert photos in the News for his shrine featured adult women dressed as Acolytes who worked there. I do not believe he would approve.
You will find his novena to the Sacred Heart here.
Yes, Tom, it disturbs me too, but I think that people are literally blind to the Truth. They just can’t see a connection from Our Lady of Good Success’ warnings of the crisis in the Church which would take place during the 2nd half of the 20th century, to Our Lady of Fatima’s insistence that the 3rd secret must be revealed before 1960, to 3 “canonizations” of Popes during preciously perfect Vatican 2, to 2 completely different looking women aka: Lucy etc. etc. People are physically blind, for whatever reason and those who can see in various degrees are tortured by their cluelessness. It makes me squirm that to hear priests say that the absence of safeguards is to blame for 300 priests in PA and some others who “coincidentally” committed the same crimes. This is actually Satanic worship in Our Lord’s Church. This cluelessness is a punishment to us all, especially those who have seen Truth for a time. What is worse than abortion and harming innocent children? One spit upon in Our Lord’s Holy Face.
These infiltrating satanic predator “priests” and their proteges are a mere facet, a fruit to a much larger agenda…how about physically gutting Our Lord’s Church, rearranging the Church calendar, imprisoning The Mass, and keeping it hidden from our Catholic family born post Vatican 2, virtually overnight. That is Our Lord under attack. Our Lord. My heart bleeds for these clueless. I was one of them. So was Louie. It is good to see some Truth, worth any pain. I ask Our Lord to bring it on as I can take it. I do pity us all.
Pius XII pretty much teaches that the V2 NO imposters cannot be the Catholic Church. I do not know how you can read it any other way.
“Saint Peter Damian (1007-1072), wrote the ‘Book of Gomorrah,’ which he dedicated to Pope Leo IX. In it he bluntly exposes and energetically condemns the immoral conduct of many Catholics of his time. Lax and poorly educated men, unworthy of their state, had infiltrated both the monasteries and the ranks of the secular clergy. Simony was practiced in the buying and selling of ecclesiastical offices, including the episcopacy. There was meddling by the civil authority in ecclesiastical affairs and in the nomination of abbots and bishops. The high dignitaries of the Church were often feudal lords, with the riches and the vices associated with such. Concubinage and marriage were common among the secular clergy and, even more sadly, with the approval of the faith. And, as the saint says, the ‘cancer of sodomy,’ including pedophilia, had proliferated, above all in the monasteries…….etc.”
“Today, like then, with prayer and the example of the saints, and the firm hand of pastors, the sons of the Church can return to the way of faithfulness (as they did in every age… emphasis) in order to fully carry out the mission of being ‘salt of the earth and the light of the world.” (Juan Cardinal Sandoval Iniquez, Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara, June 30, 2015).
The blessed Jonah in a cheerful voice:
“All thy billows, and thy waves passed over me. And I said: I am cast away out of the sight of thy eyes: but yet I shall see thy holy temple again.” (Jonah 2-4,5)
“The Church is not a continuous phenomenon through history. Rather, it is something that has been through a thousand resurrections after a thousand crucifixions. The bell is always sounding for its execution which, by some great power of God, is everlastingly postponed.” (Bp. Fulton Sheen)
Jesus Mary Joseph I love You, save souls!
Sweepmark has returned in full fury, and opens with a lie about “friends sending posts” as opposed to the truth, which is “I have been furiously refreshing this page hoping that someone says something about me.” Or perhaps “I created another fake account to invite myself back.”
After that, from her verbally incontinent pie-hole* (or, rather, lie-hole) erupts a voluminous slurry of incoherent, unsubstantiated, hot, steaming gossip and lies, with such gems as:
– slandering Opus Dei
– slandering Cardinal Burke
– invented Mafia conspiracies, possiblly the result of conflation of Godfather Part III and Real Life
– slander of other Traditonal outlets that have banned her
– strangely vigorous and repeated Randy Engel-worship
– random name-dropping
– a Padre Pio conspiracy theory
– a misattributed quote, and a laughably weak excuse when called out on it.
Missing are links to fake news or lunatic sites that spew the filth in which she likes to wallow.
*Before I get calumnied for being vulgar, as sweepmark has done with several others here, “pie-hole” is slang for mouth because you eat pie with it. There is no sexual or homosexual connotation.
From Poland, I love simple because the truth is simple but you’re simple isn’t the truth. I’m not getting whether you are confused or just not telling the truth. You present the above as if it’s a parallel to today because both times saw a great deal of sin, including sodomy. All times saw sin, the depths of depravity being variable. What we see now is heresy coming from the alleged Pope and that is new. And that is something that the Church teaches will not happen so we can know that it isn’t the Church teaching heresy. That is simple and that is true. The Church has been eclipsed by a fraudulent facade, not even a religion but religion destroyer, and that is why sin abounds. But increase in sin is a symptom and you are presenting it as the problem, which isn’t true. I hope that you’re just confused.
Welcome back Sweep. You’re a mine of information re OD etc.
This is off topic but may I ask – are you aware of Opus Dei having any Satanic connections in their wheeling and dealings? Ann Barnhardt said something about this and I’ve been unable to find anything of it on the WWW. Though the more I read of OD the more I find it believable that it could be the case.
Having a friend who is an OD supernumerary, one thing I’ll say about OD is that most of the people involved with them eg supernumeraries, cooperators etc are completely clueless and blind about the nefarious deeds of their dear leader and organisation. It’s a cult after all.
Cortez , yes we were lied to over and over again.
If you are a convert or were too young to remember we WERE awaiting the release of the Third Secret in 1960. We ALL waited anxiously ,so much so that our school Principal Sr Cecily had to announce on the intercom that Pope John XX111 ,decided NOT to release it. The moans coming from every classroom echoed in the hallways. We were told it had to be released by 1960 at the very latest or on the event of the last Fatima Seer’s death. All forgotten in the bin of historical truth now.
” I do agree Michael Dowd that the two Lucys story should be all over the mass media. I remember waiting for 1960 to learn what the third secret was. I used to tremble watching a TV show called : Zero 1960. Malachi Martin spoke about it a lot with Art Bell on national radio. So it was out there — lots of people were waiting. But what did we get instead? A fake Lucy who told us everything was fine. The whole world needs to know about the deception and betrayal of the Mother of God’s warning.
What we see today is all God’s timing. He has taken charge of the clergy mess. He will take charge of this. As it says in today’s reading of Ezechial 34:1-11: I myself will look after and tend my sheep.”
Taken from a comment on……..
@HerveTheBard: Amen.
Anyone who has the least doubt about what the histrionic “sweep” is up to would do well to read the following cautionary tale:
As for the sedevacantists who seem to provide the only traffic to this site (apart from the seriously deranged “sweep”): meditate on this. Did our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ depose the evil high priests Annas and Caiaphas, who willfully took part in the greatest crime of all – crucifying the Lord of Glory? No. He submitted to the will of His Father, and Divine Justice eventually took care of the whole rotten lot of them.
If the church is going through her Passion (and all the signs point that way), then for God’s sake, follow the example of her Founder. Don’t become a home-aloner hikikomori pecking away at his laptop, or a wannable “tough guy” spewing Chuck Norris cliches that you will never be able to live up to in the flesh.
Warydoom, Sodomy is definitely Satanic especially the sodomite rape of children . Louie posted this below also.
The Gaztelueta sex abuse case: Opus Dei on trial – Part I
The Gaztelueta sex abuse case: Opus Dei on trial – Part II
I believe the recruitment of young women, especially those from poor homes as in the former soviet countries and South America , under the guise of providing them with an education in hospitality , to become wage slaves in an Opus House for Numeraries wherein they work ten hours a day cooking cleaning and washing for a low salary which in large part is pre appropriated as a donation to Opus Dei is evil. I believe that limiting and alienating members from their family is pure evil. I believe using their own Opus Dei Physicians and Psychiatric services to medicate their own members is evil. Maciel did the same. However, OD is NOT a religious Order for it’s lay members, even those who commit themselves to living a life of chastity and work outside while residing in an Opus Dei House.
They are obligated to turn over their paychecks to Opus Dei .
If we read the countless testimonies of those who do leave they are shocked how little money they have in their accounts and far too many have even lost contact with family and friends.
Their obligatory Spiritual Direction is not kept confidential as with the Sacrament of Confession and yet it is used to control them as with were complaints from former members of Maciel’s Regnum Christi.
I recommend you request Mrs Engel’s “Opus Dei Watch” and or read the “Opus Dei Guidebook” site which is still under construction. ‘Odan” and “Opus Dei Alert” are also on google. The “Opus Dei Parents Guide” ,was written by the Garveys quite some time ago and I believe is still available on “Odan”.
Interestingly , Fr LaBarr ( if I recall his name correctly) who was an Exorcist for the Diocese of NY ,endorsed their booklet especially warning of the cult like recruitment tactics used by the sect.He complained he received no less than forty phone calls attacking him for his endorsement.
There are also a disturbing connections with Escriva and Lucia dos Santos. In his own book Escriva relates visiting with Lucia as a Dorothean nun for 23 years living in Tuy , right after she penned the Third Secret of Fatima and sent it to her bishop for the Pope. He claims it was she who told him to open the first Opus Dei House outside of Spain in Coimbre promising that she would handle all necessary paperwork ,visas etc. Contradicting his claims his own Opus Dei secretary of decades ,Carmen Del Tapia, writes he referred to Lucia as a “silly nun” after he returned to Spain. Then we find Lucia allegedly suddenly became a cloistered Carmelite nun in Coimbre and after the death of the alleged Lucia , Mother Superior Sr Celine admits in an interview that all the Carmelites in her convent were Opus Dei Cooperators.
For further study read .
“Beyond the Threshold” by Escriva’s long time secretary and or the very informative “Their Kingdom Come” by Robert Hutchison.
Carmen’s book can be tedious reading in places but it really gives the reader an inside look at the life inside these Houses by
allowing the reader an informed digestion on the alleged sanctity of Escriva and his so called “Way”.
They (Paul VI) changed the sacraments, including the essential form. Apart from baptism and marriage, how can you be certain they are still valid? I would really like to know. And what are we to do if there is any doubt about validity?
Read the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, chapter 14.
Or visit the SSPX or FSSP.
Any other response is exactly what the enemies of the Church were counting on.
Every FSSP priest is ordained by a NO bishop who was ordained by the defective 1968 Rite of Episcopal Ordination. Therefore making every FSSP sacrament doubtful. The FSSP has also accepted Vatican 2 and all its heresies as coming from Holy Mother Church. For that matter so has the SSPX.
Prof Q, by recommending FSSP and SSPX you are implicitly saying that there is something wrong with the Novus Ordo. We know from magesterial teachings that Holy Mother Church cannot give Her children faulty doctines nor disciplines nor liturgy. But that seems to be what you are implying. So I ask you, is it your contention that Holy Mother Church, acting through the Authority of the Roman Pontiff, gave the flock a faulty defective liturgy that you “judge” we should avoid?
Thank you, sweep. I’m so happy you mentioned Padre Pio. He is my “go to” Saint. “Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry”—-Good advice especially during this uncertain times. I believe he said that in the end, there will be a false church. Here we are!
Dear Melanie,
“It is easy to find Truth; it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it………The intellect makes mistakes, but the will sins” (Fulton Sheen)
Simply put it, I have posted the above to encourage, not to confuse, for over and over again, many loose faith, trusting themselves, rather then God……..the doubters are scandalized, and always predict the end of the Church in every age, only to be overwhelmed by a sudden burst of Christian energy, and the faithful will stay true to what they believe, in spite of the adversary and his hirelings.
God is Just, not one escapes His Judgment!
God in His good time, exposes all the ‘evil’ within the Church, as He, in His Wisdom exposes the ‘darkness’ of our soul……He disturbs it’s conscience, and moves one to repent… other words, love the sinner, hate his sin, for this is how God loves, and forgives, but only with our cooperation.
“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies.” (2Corinthains 4:8, 10).
As G. K Chesterson wrote…….’Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had God who knew the way out of the grave……..’
…….unless souls are saved, nothing is saved.
We have to remember, that one day we all will have to be judged by God. This is the forgotten truth, even among many practicing Christians.
May God bless all soldiers of Christ!
When I saw the headline last week about the two “priests” caught in Miami, I couldn’t click on it. Our Good Mother wants us to stay clean. It exhausts our poor earthly mothers when we disobey, soil, rip, and pop the buttons of our good clothing, Let us not do that to our Perfect Mother!
It really is the perfect time to “check out”. This demonic fiasco is not in our control.
@my2cents……If, you truly believe St. Padre Pio’s advice, then, why you worry so much?
Didn’t Our Lord say; ‘Fear not….for I have overcome the world! For the enemy ‘within’ is of the world, that is, the Prince of the world….Satan!
The worst enemy has always been of His own household. Our Father who art in heaven…… All Knowing God, who gives in every age, accordingly to the ‘whims’, of ‘we the people,’ for His greater good, and for the good of saving souls!
Take comfort that those two sodomites are not true priests of the Catholic Church. The new Rite of Episcopal Ordination of 1968 is very troublesome.
Thank you, From Poland. I wasn’t aware that I was giving the impression of worrying so much. I think “deep concern and sorrow” describes my feelings more accurately. I appreciate your comment. “Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry” is wonderful advice from a great Saint, but it is still a tall order. Let us all Trust in the Lord with All Our Heart. God bless.
At the end of the day, each one of us must come to the only one truth …….how little we know, how little we understand. Our wisdom is not God’s Wisdom. For our wisdom is foolishness to God, as the holy Scripture says…..for our own good.
As Bp. Fulton Sheen said; ‘man is at his worst if he falls into despair, but he is at his best if humbled.’
God save us!
Thanks for the link to the excellent post above Simple Beggar.
Our Lord Jesus Christ did indeed promise His followers at His Ascension that He would not leave us orphans and that He would ask the Father to send us the Holy Ghost.
Jesus, I place my Trust in You !
In caritas, I couldn’t possibly agree more. That is exactly what I see playing out here. I think I mentioned this before to TomA, that I fear many people will abandon all religion before even considering they’ve been fooled by a fraud. Some will think that their entire belief in God was the fraud. I wrote a very long letter to my Dad about my thoughts on this crisis and ended w/you probably disagree but it may be helpful to your faith as this progresses to have heard these things. I was expecting him not to mention it at all, as not to embarrass me, and just talk about what we were cooking next time we spoke. He was floored that I’d imagine he’d disagree. He agreed 100%. He’s a very mainstream conservative Catholic and I was surprised but, the fact is I’m also a very mainstream conservative Catholic. The truth does shine out for those willing to see it.
An update (or perhaps I missed the comments yesterday): sweepmark is now shilling for the Chojnowski “investigation” into Sister Lucy that has to date liberated $25,000 to date from the trusting and gullible.
As an academic, surely he knows that citing unnamed “experts” about things outside their field isn’t good scholarship. Like the super-secret, anonymous plastic surgeon who apparently is a photography expert.
By all means, follow sweepmark’s links and read that nonsense and see for yourselves. The fact that she is endorsing this is another significant piece of evidence – actual evidence, a first-hand source, not gossip or hearsay or rumor – of her malfeasance.
I would challenge her defenders (at least, the ones who are not her alter-egos) to explain just how this latest torrent of verbal sewage in any way relates to the article or even to the Catholic Faith.
Herve !
Why are you so obsessed with Sweep?
Something she says must be hitting a nerve with you.
Enough already!
She is very clear and clarifies everything she posts.
You make this blog unpleasant because you don’t stop at sweep.
And No, I am not her ” alter – ego “
Very strange.
I don’t need an expert to tell me that the two aren’t the same person. I have a working set of eyes given me by Almighty God with which to see all of the evidence I need to arrive at the proper conclusion.
The True Church is ONE. It does not have two forms of Worship but ONE. Those two groups recognize the Novus Ordo sect as Catholic which it is not. They are compromisers. They are Satan’s “escape routes” which lead into the very same pit.
If in doubt, Holy Mother Church (Christ) commands that in good conscience we must stay away.
Ursula and others: All the new rites are absolutely valid. There is no doubt. I am not questioning anyone’s sincerity, but sedevacantists have opinions which conveniently support their primary theory, which of course is sedevantism. That’s it. It’s politics. What to do? Take opinions on the internet or elsewhere with a grain of salt and go to the best liturgy that is convenient for you to go to and trust in a merciful God.
Yes Herve, why the obsession? Generally, I don’t even read most of her posts. They are too long. Plus, we already know that the NO sect is infested with sodomites so it should not be a surprise that sodomites get caught performing sodomitic acts. My point is that even if the entire NO sect were all truly hetero and celibate and models of prudence and virtue, they would still be the most evil sect on the face of the earth for aping the true Church and poisoning the faithful with the heresies if V2 and the NO. For heresy is a far greater evil than even sodomy. The other constant complaint against Sweep is that she is impugning the character of various “prelates.” Well most of these prelates say the NO fake mass so they deserve to have their character impugned just for that alone. But way too many trads give the NO sect a pass on doctrinal issues and focus on the below the belt issues. This falls right into the “left-right” paradigm the masons set up to destroy the faith.
Or she can just read the Rites herself and compare. Plus who is John 314 to declare Rites valid? Other than modernist sources who gave us the heresies of V2, what authoritative magesterial source can you quote to say NO Rites are valid?
AMEN, Tom. Just yet another distraction of Satan to keep people’s minds off and away from the REAL issue and the True Church.