The Collect for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity in the Traditional Roman Rite…
Tag: Nostra Aetate

The Judeo-apostasy of the conciliar church
The Jews killed “Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matthew 1:23); they persecute His followers, and they are the adversaries of mankind.

Bergoglians grovel before their Jewish taskmasters
Readers will recall that Jorge Bergoglio (stage name, Francis) was called on the carpet several…

Jewish law and the Pontifical Academy for Lie
As reported by several media outlets, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (which…

Soros, the Vatican, the Council and Fatima
Last year, at the Fatima Conference in Chicago, attorney Elizabeth Yore gave a riveting presentation…

The Council’s anti-Catholic response to Islam
I just finished reading an article that has been popping up in my social media…

“Hermeneutic of continuity” leads to loss of Catholic faith
Readers of this space are by now familiar with the 10,000 word treatment on Nostra…

Recent document on Jews exposes neo-con hypocrisy
On December 10, 2015, the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews published a…

Recent document on Jews merely a symptom
While it is right to express outrage over the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with…

Francis rejects Nostra Aetate, snubs Jews!
On August 6th, Pope Francis announced that the Catholic Church, following the lead of the…