On 27 March, Professor Roberto de Mattei delivered an address in Washington, D.C., on the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance at Fatima.
The complete text of the address has been published at Rorate Caeli and it is well worth reading in full as the celebrated Catholic historian offers many excellent points and interesting insights.
That said, there are certain points with which I must disagree with Professor de Mattei.
For instance, he states:
Discussions that have opened up in recent years about this “Third Secret” risk however in obscuring the prophetic force of the Message’s central part, summed up in two decisive sentences: Russia “will scatter her errors throughout the world” and “in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”.
Frankly, I am surprised to find such an illogical assertion coming from Professor de Mattei; especially since he states elsewhere:
The message revealed by Our Lady at Fatima contains three parts, called secrets, which form an organic, coherent whole.
The “discussions” to which he refers are those that concern the still hidden text of the Third Secret; namely, that which conveys the very words of Our Lady herself!
How can such discussion “risk” obscuring the “prophetic force” of the message that she came to deliver?
In truth, the exact opposite is true:
Failing to keep the discussion alive and pressing for answers as to the hidden text would be tantamount to destroying the coherency of Our Lady’s messages, and worse, complicity in the cover-up that seeks precisely to obscure them.
It is no secret (no pun intended) based upon the testimony of trustworthy men that the hidden portion of the Third Secret concerns a warning, the contents of which, in part, were described by the future Pope Pius XII as follows:
“The dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her soul.”
More specifically, there is good reason to believe that this portion of the Third Secret concerns “a bad council and a bad Mass.”
This, I would argue, is more appropriately considered the “central part” of Our Lady’s prophetic message, and for a very simple reason:
Russia never would have been able to spread her errors throughout the world as successfully as she has if only our churchmen (specifically, the popes) had faithfully followed Our Lady’s wishes; not just by means of consecrating that nation to her Immaculate Heart, but also as it pertains to the still hidden text.
To be more specific:
If Pope John XXIII had revealed the Third Secret in 1960 as Our Lady requested, and more importantly, had he heeded its warning thereby pre-empting the disastrous events that unfolded at Vatican Council II, the nations of the world would have more readily recognized the philosophy of atheistic Communism and its Utopian ideals as errors.
As it is, the greater part of the world, while not identified as “Communist” properly speaking, has come to embrace the tenets of secularism, humanism and relativism that Professor de Mattei rightly described as being rooted…
…in the theories of materialism and Marxist evolutionism; in other words, on the denial of any spiritual reality and any stable and permanent element in man and society.
That “permanent element in man and society” is most cogently expressed in the Church’s doctrine concerning the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ; the same that was deliberately ignored at Vatican Council II in order to make room for a new ordering principle called “Religious liberty.”

Professor de Mattei, whose book The Second Vatican Council – An Unwritten Story I highly recommend, would most certainly agree.
In his Washington lecture, he said:
“Unfortunately the Catholic Church has promoted, and is promoting, this ‘peaceful coexistence’ with evil.”
Indeed it has, and the protocol manual that guides modern day Rome’s diplomacy with the Devil is derived directly from the text of Vatican Council II; most notably the document Dignitatis Humanae – which I have described as an “Apostolic cease fire” by which the mission of Christianizing the nations as given to the Church by Christ the King was effectively abandoned.
Professor de Mattei goes to some lengths to describe precisely what he considers the “errors of Russia” to entail.
He states:
Russia’s errors are those of an ideology which opposes the natural and Christian order, by denying God, religion, the family and private property. This complex of errors has a name: Communism and has in Russia its universal centre of diffusion.
Professor de Mattei further points out:
Too often Communism has been identified with a purely political regime, neglecting its ideological dimension, whereas it’s precisely its doctrinal dimension that Our Lady highlights.
I agree entirely, which is precisely why the “central part” of the Fatima message cannot be properly understood apart from a discussion about the still hidden text of the Third Secret and, therefore, Vatican II – the “bad council” that launched an all-out assault against the traditional doctrine concerning Church-State relations and the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King; thereby making it possible for Communistic ideology to flourish.
With this in mind, I would submit that the “errors of Russia” of which Our Lady forewarned primarily concern the separation of Church and State and atheism.
NB: These particular errors came to feature prominently in Russia in 1917 – the year of Our Lady’s appearance at Fatima, and 1929 – the year in which she returned to Sr. Lucia, as promised, to formally request the consecration of that nation. [Please see HERE for an in-depth examination of this topic.]
Nearing the end of his lecture, Professor de Mattei said:
The antidote to the dictatorship of relativism [as epitomized by “the errors of Russia”] is the doctrinal and moral purity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It will be Our Lady and not men, who will destroy the errors that threaten us. Heaven, though, has asked for mankind’s concrete collaboration.
I agree with these sentiments entirely.
That said, let us acknowledge that even the most sincere among us (including yours truly) have fallen victim, in some degree or another, to the diabolical disorientation that has come to define the post-conciliar age.
This, I believe, is why our efforts to spread the message of Fatima so often seem to reflect a diminished sense for the primacy of Jesus Christ.
Let me be clear: I am not singling out Professor de Mattei or anyone else; indeed, I include myself in this observation.
As such, I have come to believe that it is necessary for us “Fatima Crusaders” (to borrow the name of Fr. Gruner’s publication) to undertake a certain reorientation; making it plain in our writing, our conversations, and our conferences that our confidence in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary rests squarely upon our humble embrace of the “sweet and saving yoke” of Christ the King.
As I write on this Good Friday, contemplating the Passion of Our Blessed Lord, I cannot help but think of the “Crowning with thorns” that was carried out at Vatican Council II as He was unceremoniously dethroned in favor of mankind.
As stated above, it was this as much as anything else that made it possible for the dictatorship of relativism, secularism, materialism and atheism epitomized by “the errors of Russia” to spread like wildfire.
As such, we do well to acknowledge that the remedy is first and foremost the Social Reign of Christ the King.
Bear in mind, this is not in place of the Fatima message given by Our Lady, who is, after all, she who always and everywhere instructs her children, “Do whatever He tells you.”
Rather, the Fatima message and the Kingship of Christ go together.
You see, when our attention, and more importantly, the pope’s attention, is focused once more on the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King; only then will the words of the Queen Mother be taken seriously.
One follows the other, and I would submit to you that the virtual enthronement of man in the place of Christ the King at Vatican II lies at the very heart of our failure to abide by the wishes of His mother, Mary, Our Queen.
As the Professor rightly pointed out, Our Lady’s wishes include “mankind’s concrete collaboration.”
He said, “The call to penance in the Fatima message is also a call to combat the errors which are corrupting the whole of society today.”
Yes, but how?
For those who are willing to embrace the previously suggested reorientation; basing our efforts to spread the Fatima message on the primacy of Christ, the words of Pope Pius XI as written in his magnificent Encyclical Quas Primas provide the answer:
While nations insult the beloved name of our Redeemer by suppressing all mention of it in their conferences and parliaments, we must all the more loudly proclaim his kingly dignity and power, all the more universally affirm his rights. (Quas Primas 25)
In our day, unlike the day in which Pope Pius XI wrote, it is necessary for us to proclaim the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King, not just to the nations at large, but to Rome where He is insulted daily!
So, let us do so confident that it is only when our churchmen are willing to once more affirm our Redeemer’s rights that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will at long last be near.
On this Good Friday, let us remember to pray for the repose of the soul of John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News, who fought valiantly at Father Gruner’s side to spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima.
May Father Gruner and John Vennari rest in eternal peace.
I enjoy your point about Christ the King. This is a hard topic to discuss, and I can’t even articulate it well, surely, but I sometimes have reservations about the primacy that Catholics place on Our Lady as opposed to Christ. I love Our Lady, and have a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, but there are times I feel a bit antsy about where our focus lies. With today being Good Friday, when we recall what Our Lord suffered, and that He did this for each one of us, even though we acknowledge the suffering of Our dear Lady, we really must place that primacy in Christ alone. He is our rock and our salvation, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Thank you for mentioning this rather challenging topic.
Dear Evangeline,
There is no primacy placed on Our Lady as opposed to Christ. Christ came to us through Mary, who leads all souls to her Son. Devotion to Mary pleases Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Even in our own humanity, how could we not love someone who loves our own dear mothers. “To Jesus, through Mary”. Please, Evangeline, never be antsy about devotion to Mary. Is she not Our Mother? May Our Lord and Our Lady, bless you always.
Luke 2:25-35
25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 And inspired by the Spirit he came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the law, 28 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,
29 “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace,
according to thy word;
30 for mine eyes have seen thy salvation
31 which thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples,
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and for glory to thy people Israel.”
33 And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him; 34 and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother,
“Behold, this child is set for the fall[d] and rising of many in Israel,
and for a sign that is spoken against
35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also),
that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed.
Mattei has little creditability in my opinion. He tried to blame the disaster of Vatican II on a media-run “virtual council” rather than the Council itself.
By the way, Pope John XXIII did two things that ensured “the errors of Russia” would spread. First, he rehabilitated the Progressives who Pope Pius XII had identified as perpetrators of errors within the Church. Yves Congar, Henri de Lubac, Hans Kung, Karl Rahner, Edward Schillebeeckx, Marie Dominique Chenu and JOSEPH RATZINGER, to name a few. Congar, Kung and Lubac were selected as advisors to the theological commission that prepared the Council.
Secondly, he implemented the Pact of Metz which established that Vatican II would not condemn Communism or refer to the Soviet Union and the same demand was made for other topics such as atheism and peace. (See information on the Pact of Metz here: http://traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/a007ht.htm
“Father, the Most Holy Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last times of the world but she made me understand this for three reasons. The first reason is because she told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Hence from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility.
The second reason is because she said to my cousins as well as to myself that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others.
The third reason is because in the plans of Divine Providence, God always before He is about to chastise the world, exhausts all other remedies. Now, when He sees that the world pays no attention whatsoever then, as we say in our imperfect manner of speaking, He offers us with a certain trepidation the last means of salvation, His Most Holy Mother. It is with a certain trepidation because if you despise and repulse this ultimate means we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Spirit. This sin consists of openly rejecting with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers. Let us remember that Jesus Christ is a very good Son and that He does not permit that we offend and despise His Most Holy Mother. We have recorded through many centuries of Church history the obvious testimony which demonstrates, by the terrible chastisements which have befallen those who have attacked the honor of His Most Holy Mother, how Our Lord Jesus Christ has always defended the honor of His Mother.” -Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima’s interview with Father Augustin Fuentes, December 26, 1957.
John Lane took Roberto de Mattei to task last December here, for anyone who’s interested:
Bishop de Castro Mayer:
“May the Most Holy Virgin, our Mother, who at Fatima maternally forewarned us of the gravity of the present situation, may she give us the grace to be able, by our attitude, to help and to enlighten the faithful in such a manner that they will distance themselves from these pernicious errors, of which they are the victims, deceived as they are by many of those who have received the fullness of the Holy Ghost.”
Archbishop Lefebvre:
“What, then, must we do? Confronted with this unleashing of the devil against the Church – for it is indeed that – what are we to do? We must look at things in terms of the supernatural. The devil is at large today – this is perhaps one of his last battles, an out-and-out conflict. He is seeking to attack on all fronts. If Our Lady of Fatima said that one day the devil would mount to the highest spheres of the Church it is not perhaps incorrect. For myself, I affirm nothing, I condemn no one, but if it be true that she said it, it could happen…”
Sr. Lucia to Fr. Fuentes 1957 (the phrase “diabolical disorientation” is not mentioned in this interview):
“That which afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus is the fall of religious and priestly souls. The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag numerous souls to hell. … The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of lay people and thereby lead them to final impenitence(…)”
Cardinal Ottaviani 1960:
“It suffices to cast a rapid glance at what is happening at this moment in the world, in order to recognize that without the intervention of the Mother of all mercy near the All-Powerful, the world risks becoming pagan once more, a paganism more deplorable than the first paganism, because it is aggravated by apostasy. We are witnessing a veritable deluge of sins, a deluge which leaves behind it a nauseating quagmire, infected by immorality, lies and blasphemy.”
Sr. Lucia, June 6, 1958 :
“God wants my voice to be heard throughout the world, like an echo of His, setting out what the Message of Fatima was and still is as regards God and souls, in time and eternity, in order that minds may be enlightened as to the path of Christian life that they must follow and as regards the errors that they must shun so as not to let themselves be deceived by false doctrines. ”
Maryloveher. Three good references you quote. Note the French language nuance in the second quote. All around the target but not into the bulls eye. Others would call a spade a spade.
Sister Lucy reports it in plain English. All of what she reported has now happened, of course. Cardinal Ottiavani in 1960 – words hidden from the lambs in this part of the World, until recently- hidden in the sense that we were distracted with worldliness, until the hook struck.
Now the flock is almost completely scattered by the successive hirelings, and their minions
Rejoice He is Risen, this Day and gone into Galilee
Best we follow him there, but not through Damascus {too many state sponsored terrorists} but to our chapels where He Is, in the Most Holy Exposed Sacrament. Holy Easter to all who embrace Christ crucified
Deo gratias
As a convert from the Protestant faith, I had to wrestle a little with this. But when I realized that Our Lord TRIUMPHED over sin and death on the Cross, but He has given it to His Blessed Mother (and ours) for Her Immaculate Heart to TRIUMPH in this final battle – with our help of prayers and penance – it made perfect sense. She does everything to help Him, and we should do everything to help her. We all work together as God planned. And Jesus is never slighted by the devotion we show His Mother, the Queen of Heaven.
Happy Easter!
Please sir, spread the message that the Consecration of Russia had to do only with the conversion of Russia and the end of its spreading of errors. Sister Lucia in videotaped comments available on youtube stated that the consecration of Russia in 1984 was accepted and that the fall of communism and the conversion from atheistic communism was the conversion promised by Our Lady.
However, the third part of the secret related NOT to Russia or its errors but rather the problems in the Church we are currently experiencing. The solution to this is to hold fast to tradition and right and proper worship of Our Lord. People keep holding to some false notion that these problems will disappear if only some pope will do the consecration in a manner they approve of since Sister Lucia’s approval wasn’t good enough for the 1984 consecration. Truth is, the restoration of Christ as King will only come about within and without the Church the same way it did during the Arian heresy; by penance, faithful worship and fidelity to the teachings of Christ as received from the apostles.
And while the vision of the third part of the Secret has been revealed, the message part from Our Lady has not.
And a Happy Easter to you, Dennis!
We have been given one sentence of the Third Secret, “In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc.” (by a faithful remnant?).
Happy Easter to you, Louie, and to everyone who reads this blog.
Dear Louie and Friends,
Please consider the following text that is written below.
Could this be the third secret?
I find it remarkable in this year – 2017 – that a renowned graphologist analyzed this note and determined that it was indeed Sr. Lucia’s handwriting!
I am amazed. Does anyone else think this is a possibility?
Please take a minute to review this and consider it. Haven’t we each had to
“re-think” so many things in our search for the hidden Truths? Making our way through these matrixes the enemy has crafted for us?
Please consider that the “Vatican-revealed” part of the 3rd secret (about the pope going up a hill and getting shot at by arrows) may not even be true. It makes sense to me that the whole thing is a lie. Why would they tell us any of the truth? Maybe their “revealed” part of the 3rd secret is just NOT TRUE!
Remember that there are 2 Sister Lucy’s! They put in an imposter.
Why give any part of the true 3rd secret, especially when it could do so much damage to their destructive plans?
Maybe Our Lady has just revealed it (3rd Secret) to us? It is Her year, after all.
Is God not capable of anything? Why not reveal it to us now?
“An analysis was made by a well-known and highly regarded Spanish graphologist – handwriting analyst – Begoña Slocker de Arce (here), whose long list of credentials are impressive. She compared the possible undisclosed one-page Third Secret – published by Tradition in Action on our Fatima Issues page on April 27, 2010 – with Sister Lucy’s handwritten First and Second Secrets (written by her definitively on August 31, 1941).
After a detailed analysis and study of the two handwritings, the expert concluded in her report that “the 3rd document” – the Secret TIA published – had been drafted “by the same hand” as the first two documents known to be definitively written by Sr. Lucy of Fatima.”
Here is the proposed text of the Third Secret of Fatima:
“Now I am going to reveal the third fragment of the secret;
This part is the apostasy in the Church!
Our Lady showed us a Church, but this was a
Church of hell, and an individual who I describe as the ‘holy
Father’ leading a multitude that was praising the devil,
but there was a difference from a true holy Father, the gaze,
this one had the gaze of evil.
Then we saw the same Pope entering a Church,
after some moments, but there is no way to describe the
ugliness of that place, it looked like a gray cement fortress
with broken angles and windows similar to eyes;
it had a beak in the roof of the building.
Next, we raised our eyes to Our Lady who
said to us: You saw the apostasy in the Church.
Because the dogma of the faith is not conserved in Rome, its authority
will be removed and delivered to Fatima. The cathedra [or chair] of Rome will be
destroyed and a new one built in Fatima.
In the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone of Peter’s tomb
will be removed and transferred to Fatima.
This letter can be opened by the holy Father, but it must be
announced after Pius XII and before 1960.
If 69 weeks after this order is announced, Rome continues its
abomination, the city will be destroyed.
Our Lady told us that this is written, [in] Daniel 9:24-25 and Matthew 21:42-44.”
Above text taken from:
It’s always sad to see former friends turn on one another and tear each other to pieces.
Perhaps what is needed is introspection about why the self-professed “Traditionalist” movement, instead of forming a united bulwark against (alleged and real) modernist errors, is instead turning on itself.
Some say: “I follow Lefebvre”, others “I follow Fellay”, others, “I follow the FSSP”, others “I follow Sanborn”, others “I sit alone at home because you are not pure enough for me”.
Happy Easter, everyone.
Here’s a link to a YouTube video (picked at random) that presents the Pope’s audience hall in Rome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WC-pVdGgK4
This building does resemble the description in the proposed text:
“there is no way to describe the ugliness of that place, it looked like a gray cement fortress with broken angles and windows similar to eyes…”
Wow between Servant of Our Lady’s comment and crawlers’ response, obviously something demonic is at work. That video matches well what is recently being described as the possible 3rd secret. Wow. Super demonic bunker.
Obviously a devil worshipping structure.
Pope Pius XII: “The dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her soul”.
And this divine warning was not heeded by Pope Pius XII himself when he changed the Liturgy of Holy Week which led to the altering of the Faith, theology and the soul of Catholicism when the next two popes opened the door and windows to allow the errors of Russia to spread, and every pope since then has been complicit in doing so, but particularly in the entire “reformation” of the liturgy into a counterfeit, man invented Novus Ordo liturgy, and the theological and philosophical errors of Modernism were adopted, and thus rejecting the True teachings of Christ, of the Apostles, and of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church as the Modernist either doubts, denies, or substitutes the lies of Satan for the True Faith.
It does not matter whether or not the Third Secret of Fatima was or is ever revealed because we know from Sacred Scripture that the Antichrist will rise and reign and the only way this can happen is if there is a Great Apostasy including the majority of Catholics as the teaching and living the True Faith is the only bulwark against stopping this future event.
AlbertusMagnus, what you have stated here is FALSE.
The Mother of God was not interested in making Russia a democracy. When she spoke of conversion, she didn’t mean that Russians should become protestant democratic Americans, but CATHOLICS.
The Consecration of Portugal and its after effects were a mini-example of what would occur with Russia, where the population became overwhelmingly Catholic. For another example, see the results of the Conversions affected by Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The Consecration of Russia was never done. Period. Sr. Lucia’s years of testimony refuted the alleged falsities attributed to her following the cover-up in 2000, such as yours, that the consecration was ever done or that revisionist history that the 1984 consecration arbitrarily achieved this despite John Paul II attempting to consecrate Russia again following the failure of the 84 consecration for all the same reasons Lucia said the other consecrations prior had failed. Only World Consecrations were done, and never with the union of the world’s bishops, and nowhere were any of them made as AN ACT OF REPARATION for Russia’s sins and errors. Russia today is even more sinful in the eyes of God than it ever was in the periods prior of Communism considering that sins such as sodomy etc. are legal, and the Russian people remain OUTSIDE the Catholic Church whose presence is miniscule.
The first grave Error of Russia was to be in schism from the Pope and the Holy Catholic Church. From here all the rest of the errors follow. The bishops in union with the Pope is intended as a demonstration against that of the Russian Orthodox schism.
Because the Popes have failed to obey Our Lady of Fatima and NEVER consecrated Russia together with the world’s bishops, the errors of Russia have spread all over. America is also turning communist as Lucia prophecied. Communist/Socialist/Marxist groups and policies are on the rise, fester college campuses and professors and are even now the main vehicle of the current heretical ‘Pope’ and bishops who occupy the Church and who, like you and others of defend the false 84 consecration DENY that CONVERSION TO THE CATHOLIC FAITH is the MOST NECESSARY POINT of this entire affair.
MOSES DIDN’T NEED ALL OF ISRAEL TO ‘hold fast to Tradition’ or do ‘penance faithful worship, fidelity’ etc. IN ORDER TO RAISE HIS HANDS AND PART THE SEA.
In fact in EVERY CASE these fantastic things occurred DESPITE THE BELIEF OR ATTITUDES OF THE PEOPLE, and in fact occurred BECAUSE the people lacked belief. BUT those whom God COMMANDED to do these things believed.
THE POPES SINCE PIUS XI for various reasons, DID NOT BELIEVE. That or they fell to some duplicity. Or Both. SAD FACT.
While to ‘hold fast to Tradition’ or do ‘penance faithful worship, fidelity’ certainly does help, it only helps to make us holier and to better petition God to alleviate the chastisements or to bring about the solution through our prayers. In and of themselves they DO NOT FULFILL the CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS GOD DEMANDED OF HIS VICARS WHO HE WARNED THEM THAT IF THEY FOLLOWED IN THE DISOBEDIENCE OF THE KINGS OF FRANCE THEY TOO SHALL SUFFER THEIR FATE.
Frankly, we must admit that we do not actually know about the legitimacy of the Vision or what it’s related to.
Fr. Hesse, for example was skeptical of that released vision. Maybe it is related to the 3rd Secret, or could be a fabrication, or could be something else Lucia saw that might be prophetic, and was chosen because the Vatican could attempt to use its vagaries to spin whatever they wanted out of it.
I personally believe it is a true vision of Sr. Lucia’s, but the content of the 3rd Secret had more to do with events in the Church during the 1960s when it was supposed to be released officially by Pope John XXIII. Very likely that it referred to Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Mass.
One must ask, for a child who had seen HELL itself at such a young age, what could possibly be so much scarier that she would have trouble writing down and sharing the 3rd Secret?
The only conclusion I can come to is that somehow, the means given us to escape going to Hell – The Holy Mass, the Sacraments, the Doctrine and Morality of the Church – was going to be compromised to a very terrible extent that it would in fact endanger us further rather than save us.
And some, are Lukewarm, and refuse to pick a side, instead accusing others of being divisive; and believing themselves holier and superior, they leave random comments to show off their holiness in public like the Pharisees, thanking God that they are not like the rest of the Trad riff raff. Then put the icing on top of the cake that reads ‘Happy Easter’ but everyone knows that such a cake, like the person who made it, is only worth to be spat out.
Sister Lucy stated, “many times the Most Holy Virgin told my cousins as well as myself, that many nations will disappear from the face of the earth, that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation. …”
Wow! Thank you, crawler. What a disturbing video. That satanic looking “christ” has always disturbed me, but I did not realize the serpent-like features of the whole room.
But what do you think of the proposed text of the 3rd secret?
The man (Atila Sinke Guimarães) who “deciphered” it was a friend of John Vennari’s. (See this link):
Mr. Guimarães is well respected. So, does anyone consider this as the possible 3rd secret? I think perhaps it has been found.
When Lucia (supposedly) writes “an individual who I describe as the ‘holy Father’ leading a multitude that was praising the devil,
but there was a difference from a true holy Father, the gaze,
this one had the gaze of evil,” this puts an entirely different perspective on things.
No longer are we considering a pope walking up a hill blessing dead corpses. No. He is instead “leading a multitude that was praising the devil!”
I could see why Lucia would have grave difficulty writing this down and why Our Lady had to appear to her to help her. No one had ever written such a thing about a pope before.
Really! It never did make sense to me that Lucia took so long and had such difficulty writing down the 3rd secret until I read this one. This one make sense to me. Of course she could not write down that the pope had evil eyes and was leading people to praise the devil.
No that would be difficult for a devout nun to write.
I understand the implications of considering this perspective, as even Fr. Gruner believed the Vatican-revealed 3rd secret. But Fr. Gruner would want us to discover the Truth. And as I said before, who amongst us here have not had to reconsider our neo-con beliefs?
I know there are some who were not fooled all along, but most of us have had to re-learn and re-think almost everything. Louie has taught me so much here on his blog. Please investigate this possibility.
Does anyone here consider that the 3rd secret of Fatima has, in fact, been revealed?
Excellent points, Johnno.
If you do not mind, I would love to know your opinion on the proposed 3rd secret revealed by Tradition in Action.
(I wrote about it below.)
What do you think?
Johnno, please see what I posted below. I, too, always wondered why was it so difficult for Lucia to write the 3rd secret down?
Prof Q – prima facie what you opine, may have observational merit. BUT a house divided…a building built on sand…Wait until the Seven Hilled City topples. Then look who unites with the Immaculate Hearts, His and His Mother Mary. King and Queen together for those who keep the Faith.
Head of the Church and Mother of the Church. Where ever they are, the Church is. Sabre rattles done away with.
Jorge B is and the others like Paul 6th, Head of the Snake. Guess She, surrounded by the 12 Stars will crush that head in due course also. Our Lady of Good Success – Ora pro nobis.
St Peter Ora pro nobis
The truth is simple, clear, unchangeable, brings light, not confusion. Well said, Johnno.
Well said, Katherine.
And so concerning what you said above, do you think that the antichrist will come BEFORE the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary? I have heard many say that Our Lady’s Triumph will come first, then a period of peace, then the antichrist some time in the future. Which do you think will come first?