As I write from my humble abode in God Bless America – land of the free (e.g., where the “right” to enter into a gay sex pact under the guise of “marriage” is secure) and home of the brave (e.g., where our leaders are boldly committed to allocating more than half-a-billion taxpayer dollars annually to fund human slaughterhouses) – the ides of June is upon us, and you know what that means:
It means that the Fourth of July, otherwise celebrated here as Independence Day, is just around the corner, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is gearing up for its annual religious liberty observance.
Previously known since its inception in 2012 as the “Fortnight for Freedom,” the fourteen day observance leading up to July 4 has been revamped and renamed as “Religious Freedom Week.”
When asked about the change in a video interview with John Allen of Crux News published six weeks ago, Archbishop Kurtz, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Religious Liberty, said:
I think people who are familiar with Shakespeare understood “fortnight” and things like that but the average person I’m not sure it’s in common parlance what we’re saying…
So, after six years and God only knows how many millions of dollars spent on branding, marketing and advertising their Americanist propaganda, the USCCB has come to the conclusion that the “average person” in the pews (the same who have been footing the bill) simply cannot be made to understand such esoteric British expressions as “fortnight” – unlike, I suppose, people of presumably above average intelligence like themselves.
In any case, an excited Archbishop Kurtz went on to tell John Allen about the Conference’s new plan for wasting the faithful’s hard earned donations:
Each day will involve obviously education, a reflection and then prayer and action, and I think you’re going to be pleased as you see the material on it. One day we’ll focus on migration, one day we’ll focus on international affairs, another day will of course be on healthcare, another day on foster care…
Oh, yes, how pleasing; a laundry list of social justice issues!
Consider the reflection published by the USCCB for Day Two, which reads like a United Nations / Democrat National Committee bumper sticker:
“Let’s pray and act to keep kids first.”
Getting more specific about this year’s effort, Kurtz said:
We have a Committee that’s really at work, and in these seven days we’ll have videos, we’ll have opportunities of resources and we’re going to have one common flyer, if you will, that I think it’s going to fit well into a parish bulletin…

Yes, they are really at work, alright, but for whom? (HINT: It’s not Christ the King.)
At this, John Allen directed viewers (all 300 or so of them to date) to the USCCB website where the various reflections, prayers and other resources are made available.
Having held my nose and taken the time to examine them, I can report the following:
The USCCB has made a conscious decision to leverage “Religious Freedom Week,” and more generally the ongoing activities of the Committee on Religious Liberty, to promote its entirely earthbound political agenda.
In other words, the primary mandate of the USCCB Committee on Religious Liberty is not really about religion at all; not even generically speaking. It’s true purpose is to play a supporting role in promoting the Conference’s leftist position on pet public policy matters; chief among them at the present moment, immigration – the focus of Day Five of Religious Freedom Week.
Throughout the interview, Kurtz repeatedly highlighted his Committee’s supporting role:
Especially if there are difficulties within governmental regulations or laws, that will always be a bit of better bread and butter. In that regard our Committee is really second fiddle … If it’s education, and you get it, if it’s, if it’s migration, then and, and, there’s rights and dignity of people being challenged, we want to be second fiddle in that … Our committee is going to need to be able to in a sense play second fiddle to international peace and justice, to make sure that this is in the front burner as we talk to people throughout the United States.
And you get it, right John?
Yes, of course John Allen gets it. After all, he works for Crux News, which is funded by the Knights of Columbus, and the Knights – under the direction of Grand Poobah Carl Anderson, who held a number of posts in the administration of President Ronald Reagan – is swimming ears deep in the USCCB / Americanist Religious Liberty cesspool.
In fact, the USCCB’s call to action for Day Four of Religious Freedom Week includes a plea for donations to … you guessed it … the Knights of Columbus.
In Catholic parishes from sea to shining sea, preparations are underway to join in the “Religious Freedom Week” festivities, with local Knights of Columbus councils playing a key role in organizing and sponsoring the events; which include, of course, public recitation of that dreadful and blasphemous “Patriotic Rosary.” (See disgusting image above)
In sum, if nothing else, we can at least congratulate the USCCB for not pretending that the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King and those of the one true Church that He Himself established enjoy any primacy in their eyes.
As the reflection for the final day of Religious Freedom Week makes all the more plain:
When we speak up for religious freedom, we do so not only for ourselves, but because we are called to defend the dignity of every individual and community that seeks the truth about God, including Muslims, Jews, and others who do not share our Catholic Christian faith.
Lord save us from these faithless men!
Oh no, that Rosary! When I saw that Body of Christ crucified on a hammer and sickle, I thought that was pretty accurate. The Body of Christ crucified on the flag of the USA, heartbreaking but I guess maybe accurate too? His Kingdom is not of this world.
So – the plan of the Freemasons and Illuminati [which are, and always have been, stuffed to the gills with Catholic Prelates] has come to fruition after over 50 years of their patience and manipulations in chipping away at the very foundations of our beautiful Faith and devotion to Christ our King!
Our Lady warned us; umpteen holy seers and saints warned us; and faithful priests and Cardinals have warned us of the primary aim of the rabble in my first sentence and it is now openly visible for all to see ………the REMOVAL of God as King, Master and Creator of the world and His being replaced by MAN as a shabby imitation of a god.
We only had to listen to the Blasphemy of the Francis person saying that God could not be God if man didn’t exist [ How’s THAT for heart stopping profanity?] And don’t forget his Good Friday “Stations of the Cross” a year or two ago which ignored the agony of Jesus and replaced it at each station with his pet social issues – all written by Bergoglio’s communist friend!
Vade retro satana numquan suade mihi vana.
Have these satanic stooges READ the descriptions of Hell? If not they damned well should. As our precious Mother said THAT is where “Bad pastors” are leading millions every day.
“Yes, they are really at work, alright, but for whom? (HINT: It’s not Christ the King.)”
Johnnie Ireland?
All brought to you by:
Effeminate dreck. Smells like novus ordo.
(The Apostleship of Prayer, Fr. Henry Ramiere)
One hint is to follow the origin of promoters of Climate Change politics. The United Nations and first Al Gore whose father was on the board of Armon Hammer’s Occidental Petroleum .Hammer was a bona fide Communist and an accused backroom botcher abortionist in the soviet union. He almost broke his neck stepping over his wife after she fainted the airport so he could embrace Gorbachev. Lord Monkton and the Laponto institute were absolutely correct tracing the Perestroika Deception and the alleged fall of communism right back to a global free trade deal enabling Communists to freely enter global politics under the guise of climate change.
First thing Gorby did was to set up his “Green Cross” in Presidio offices.
Oh and BTW……….he made sure that AP did not buy into the opus dei catholic media propaganda that he was a secret catholic when he visited Assisi with his daughter.He reiterated ’07 to the Associated Press in’07 that he remains an atheist Marxist Communist .
Conspiracy Theory ….no fact……The origin of the Climate Change communist political movement first was brought to you by Al Gore and then Gorby and the UN. now Francis .hmmm?
Gore’s backer and Gorby’s friend Hammer, was first Lenin’s buddy.
Has anyone here ever watched the USCCB Conference on TV? I stopped watching it years ago because it was just too embarrassing. The Opening Prayer “hymn” was “Morning Has Broken”. Shouldn’t it be “Come Holy Ghost”? The Princes of the Church (?) look totally bored and clueless. The topics were totally mundane. I couldn’t sense anything holy about it. But I’m sure the menus were delicious! DVR it if you have insomnia. That is what it is good for, IMHO.
I did years ago when Bishop Bruskewitz stood up and addressed them from his chair on the clerical sodomite seminarian issue. I will never forget how he was met with scowls of could hear a pin drop as he glanced around and took a hard swallow. Arroyo even commented on what appeared would be met with actual physical attacks by his fellow pervs uh, I mean Prelates.
Randy covered one Conference and was shocked how the Latin Rite Bishop of Palestine or Bethlehem ( you can correct me Randy forgive me for not recalling exactly) anyway he begged for their help and was totally ignored.
Excellent articles and bibliography on communism:
HI Melanie, I posted a comment to you at the end of the thread in the previous post that you might find interesting concerning Vatican Two and the changes
prophesied and approved by the Bishop of Nantes at the time.
I would encourage everyone talking immense smack about the USofA to enlighten the rest of us about what nation is a better place to be Catholic.
AdolphusJr is rafting/riding Trousersnake River (if memory serves) so y’all will need to respond in his absence.
Thanks Sweep! I’m actually reading it now, well not this second but I am reading it. Some of it is confusing. It just seems a little different from what I understood of Bible prophecy but…I’ll finish it. She speaks a great deal about Our Lady of La Sallete. I had gotten the impression from what I read that Melanie Calvat went flaky and started making up messages. Also my local Novus Ordo is the Missionaries of La Sallete and it was there that my confessor told me that we didn’t need to go to Confession anymore because we say the Confiteor during the Mass and the whole Extreme Unction for all, etc. So…I had this overall poor impression of La Sallete and never really read about it. Maybe I’ll revisit.
What bible translation would you recommend? I have a Douay Rheims but that can be tough to read at times for me. Is there a more modern English version of it? Or would it be ok use RSV-2CE?
Ok Sweep, I don’t understand this at all. 3/4 of the world will die but that is not the end of the world. That just precedes a holy Monarch and a freed Pope that was imprisoned? This just doesn’t make sense to me. How many times does the world have to end? How many times does an indefectible Church die then rise again? Because Jesus Christ died and rose once. I don’t mean to sound like I’m scoffing at this, as Marie-Julie Jahenny sounds holy and heroically virtuous. But, I don’t understand how this would fit Church teaching.
Melanie, I have already posted this before I think but before Solange Hertz became ill i was invited by a Melkite Catholic Archamandrite longtime friend to come down to Front Royal VA. He worked for Seton Home Study there and since we were going through a difficult time insisted we come for a rest and spiritual boost. He and another friend footed the bill for my family and a friend’s family. So kind and wonderful to all of us.
Solange Hertz was looking forward to meeting me for lunch but sadly she was not told by our mutual friends the weekend we planned to arrive and was out of town. After I returned home to NJ she called me and told me she wanted to discuss her recent research into Melanie Calvat. Solange had a impressive bio God Have Mercy on her soul. This was before she suffered a stroke. Anyway she told me she was able to read all available communications Melanie wrote prior to her death to friends and relatives and that in the booklet Imprimatured by the Bishop of Lecce ( sp?)
she had repeated exactly what she said from the beginning shortly after the apparitions .Solange said the French Bishops and clerics suppressed it because they did not like it and from that moment on she was slandered as a liar and was said to have only embellished the messages later on in life. She lived virtuous life, suffered the stigmata and was befriended by other Bishops in Italy. This is what Solange told me she wanted me to know on the phone and I believe her wholeheartedly because she was one brilliant French lady. She graduated from the Sorbonne University at sixteen if I recall correctly ,married and had six children .Her husband was a US diplomat who went missing in Vietnam . Solange was a Traditional Catholic and wrote quite a few books on Free Masonry. I told her my husband inherited many Masonic books from his father.She lived in VA and was cared for after her stroke by a loving daughter for some time. I deeply regret missing our lunch together . Below is exactly what she told me on the phone.
What do you mean by “what nation is a better place to be Catholic”? You have to simply be Catholic regardless. America aborts her babies and allows homosexual “marriage”. That’s a good place to be Catholic? We, assuming you are American as I am, are a disgrace.
Melanie all that was taken down allegedly while she was in ecstasies. It is jumbled because she was allegedly conversing with Heavenly beings and the transcribers did not have the other side of the conversations . There are other versions that place her words into some kind of context. The part I found interesting were the very clear details of how the Mass would be changed and how older priests would reject it but eventually almost all would accept it. There is a particular quote as to the origins of the new formula prayers to be said by the priests.
The entire Great Monarch prophecies seemed to me to be tied up with French Catholic Monarchial sentiment having endured the French Revolution as a direct attack on Catholicism by Free Masons in the Louie and Marie Antoinette’s court. Recall the prophecy of St Margaret Mary
of the request to Consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and later it’s link to one apparition at Fatima?
Catholics in France are still waiting for the restoration of their Catholic Monarchy. In fact, Prince Henri de Bourbon told me they still have a piece of the crystal decanter that contains some of the oil that the Dauphine was annointed with thanks to St Jean de Arc…..found hidden in a wall of one of the French estates when it was being refurbished.
I confess as with Bishop Marcel LeFebvre and his connection to the Vichey regime during the war, I am neither an expert on French Catholic politics or all of their relics , prophecies and saints.
Just get to the part about the Mass and the changes Jahenney spoke about. That was why I thought of that booklet.
I like both the Douhay and it’s Concordance but this Orthodox Teaching Bible was recommended to me by several good Byzantine Catholic priests because the commentaries on the passages come from the Early Church Fathers Like St John Chrysostom ( whose numerous homilies were recorded for posterity) when the East and West were the one Christian Church.
LOL……..I think Melanie of LaSalette had even a worse impression of the Bishops and priests there !
They treated her horribly but sure built one huge Church and Shrine there to attract Believers from all over the world.
Kinda like they did to Padre Pio…….anyone remember the pictures in the News of the glitzy glass encased waxed corpse carved by a Madam Tussaud’s sculptor who used goat hair for the dear man’s hair and beard? The gold gilded walls and the adult female acolytes running around his shrine?
Too bad he isn’t in the wax sculpted sarcophagus.
Here Melanie read this segment. The booklet gets more specific
( at least my version does) and actually says where the words in the New Mass originated from.
This sums it up more briefly.
Ha, I’ve thought along a similar line. I’m seeing these Priests who don’t believe in at least two of the Church’s Sacraments and they are missionaries of an apparition of our Lady that have backhandedly been dismissed as the ravings of an easily influenced silly woman? And the message has our Blessed Mother literally WEAPING over our fate, yet these Priests go forth with the polar opposite message of no worries. Could you come up with a better way to discredit a message from our Blessed Mother without actually condemning it? I will definitely take a look at this writing from Solange Hertz. Thank you.
Just ordered one thank you! Looks like it’s exactly what I’m looking for.
Ah Blunder, still obsessed with so many temporal natural matters, I see.
Not to mention, I am waiting for the day when we get fired from our jobs because we refuse to call TG folks by their preferred “pronoun” or new name. So much for so-called “religious freedom”:
Yes, Blunder, living as a Catholic in the USA is at least better than living as a Palestinian in Palestine, although that could change since we both have the same masters.
Religious Freedom as most Americans define it (like Blunder), is a heresy. The only relgion that has any freedom and a right to exist is the Catholic religion. The fact that the USCCB (and Blunder) promotes the heretical notion of religious freedom is no surprise.
Melanie , I thought to add this here as tribute to another good priest undermined by a “disordered “priest.
The name of my Archamndrite Melkite Catholic priest friend in VA was Fr Constantine Belisarius.. i knew him for several decades and we were close friends over the miles. He started out as a Jesuit and did his actual novitiate in the cell of Teilhard de Chardin, whom he eventually came to despise.He spoke many languages and spent time as a priest in the Middle East.
He told me Malachi Martin was accurate in his book ‘The Jesuits”. Fr became a Melkite Catholic priest . He resided in Front Royal VA where he had a small parish and worked s a Latin and Religion teacher for Seton home study school. In the last years od his life he saw many large Catholic families move to his area from all over the country whose father had lost their jobs .
He struck a deal with a local restaurant owner to provide a large all day buffet on Sunday for his parish families at a minimal cost, five dollars I believe.
He subsidized the Sunday buffets with his own monies.
I do not think many people knew that about him. We visited him several weeks before he died and i gave him a large number of icons I owned to distribute to his parishioners as he saw fit.
He tod me then that his new Bishop in New England whom he never met, hated him an was disparaging him to other priests and they told him about it. He said he did not understand why. After he died I found out our last cross dresser pastor from years earlier who denied the Real Presence in a homily and stole all the church accounts and rectory furniture has just returned to the priesthood as a Secretary to the new Bishop !
Father had been instrumental in having him removed by the previous Bishop whom he knew well. Was the recent slander he heard from fellow priests coincidence? I think not.
Here’s a sweet tribute by a 12th grade boy.( Much closer to the Our Lord than the Bishop or his secretary , I think)
Scoff away. You’re correct – it doesn’t make sense and you’re unde no obligation to believe it.
But of course Solange Hertz, though having read original stuff, couldn’t produce it. Yes.
America is far from perfect. Evil is always right around the corner. You can’t name a single place where it’s better to be a Catjolic and a human being. Academic condemnation of religious liberty and of America is silly. Name me one State run by Catholic rules where things worked out. You can’t, because we live in a fallen world. However, I can name you one where the Church’s most enthusiastic defender, when given a dose of horniness, syphillis, and needing a son, turned into its greatest persecutor.
Oh and just because that one tribute to Fr Belisarius came from a TFP student does not mean either he or I would ever endorse joining that group. Like Louie stated elsewhere on his blog, he is not a groupie and honestly I would NOT join ANY Catholic Movement today based on following a human being dead or alive.Here’s a more appropriate tribute.
I for one never wanted to be a “Catjolic.”
IslesRoo1. your welcome (below). I sent one as a gift to a counselor and she asked Fr Belisarius (mentioned in an above link) if it was alright for a Catholic to read since it is Orthodox……His answer was ,” Yes of course , and you will love it!” She has since told me throughout the years just how much she does and has learned.
Incidentally ,last night CMtv hosted a webinar with running comments addressing the homosexual agenda within the Catholic Church. It seems the focus was on rebutting fr martin’s twitter comments and talks from what I heard. I did not hear the fact that Francis appointed all these pro homosexual clerics and Prelates to their positions of power and influence.
( of course the Opus Dei cult cannot openly do this ).
The repeated remarks by James Martin that gay people need to live, “….a fully integrated life” was addressed and that phraseiology along with others quoted is meant to condone the sexual acts of sodomites ,which was very clearly explained.
The false topic label of “Homophobia” applied to Catholics and Catholicism in general was also addressed. Simon Rafe said Catholics do not fear homosexual persons but rightly point out the sexual practices they choose that will lead them to hell. At that point I wished I could have screamed hat what we do fear and abhor is the concerted effort to normalize and naturalize a psychological sexual disorder to our children in the schools, CCD classes and by the Borg and his Bishops !!!
Some years ago, I was involved in an email exchange with Simon Rafe re the SSPX (when I was closely associated with the SSPX). I could only described Mr. Rafe’s attitude as “vicious”.
Blunder, you (like others) just absolutely refuse to (or cannot) contribute anything other than secular, temporal, or naturalistic input. Does it really matter how nice one place is compared to another if you wind up in hell?
Congratulations, Blunder. You have won the “Red Herring” award!
You’re taking philosophical and theological concepts and attempting to apply them, discovering that reality doesn’t quite align, and then twisting reality to fit. Condemning the US for not being a Catholic monarchy is idiotic. Monarchy is not a superior form of government. Society did not peak in the Middle Ages, nor was that period a Catholic utopia. Religious liberty is not an ideal Catholics should support in the strict philosophical or theological sense. But in a nation where Catholics are a minority, you have to find a way get along. Two thousand years of religious warfare in Christianity accomplished nothing. Denying that reality and using abstract ideas to denigrate your country is madness.
Again, find me one example of where Catholics are better off. Just one. And think about what would happen here on Planet Earth to Caholics if the American hierarchy constantly condemned everyone else and declared that no religions had any legitimacy and that Church law should be the law of the (again, Catholic-minority) land.
Actually, if you talk to law enforcement officers, most will tell you anecdotally that when they receive domesticate disturbance calls from sodomites they have fear. Crazy and violent. Now, that will only remain anecdotal bc it’s politically incorrect but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
And who would that be? lol
2 Cents, When Rafe first hooked up with the Voris /Brammer Opus Dei project, it was revealed he was involved with lesbian roll playing games on the Internet for which Voris made an online apology. Sort of..
“As recently as August 15, the website hosted the text of “Castle Dracula: A Tunnels & Trolls Solo Adventure by Simon Rafe.” Signed and dated “Simon ‘The Darknight’ Rafe, Baptism of Our Lord, 2010,” the work contains a paragraph vividly describing a sexual encounter with “a beautiful Elven woman” revealed to be “Asrel, the goddess of love, life, health, healing, beauty and sex.”
Rafe gives the player a series of options in the scenario: “If you would like strength and vitality, turn to 70. If you would like health and life, turn to 383. If you would like true love, turn to 467. If you would like sex appeal, turn to 203. If you would like sexual potency, turn to 366. If you would like make love to the goddess (even if you are female – Asrel is an equal-opportunity lover!), turn to 11.”
A domain name registry search showed that Simon Rafe, working from the physical address of St. Michael’s Media, used the e-mail address “” to register at least one domain name. It was for a Catholic organization whose stated aim was to oppose “promotion of heresy in many Catholic educational establishments and other venues which should be a source of Catholic orthodoxy.”
Your correct Melanie and Joseph Scambria explains how illicit drugs play a huge role in the aberrosexual subculture he was involved with. Self medicating with mood enhancing illicit drugs and alcohol more often than not is the direct result of not being able to deal effectively with an underlying emotional psychological trauma. Something that was pounded home and we saw often in the Psyche hospitals.
And this Patriotic Rosary was written by A Friend of Medjugorje following the promptings of Our Lady of Medjugorje. This is not surprising.
Its EASIER to be a sinner in America than almost anywhere else….I’ll concede that without argument.
That’s quite true. Don’t place too much emphasis on private revelation. A Catholic is not bound to accept them, and they can lead to confusion and imprudence
But more importantly, a Catholic is not only under no obligation to accept the Novus Ordo Missae, Vatican II, the new rites of Orders or the people who promote them; one must positively reject and avoid them.
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 (KJV)
GIVE me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” —Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Read the history of the Church of Christ and you will discover it was Catholicism both East and West that brought a more virtuous civilization to the known world.
Pope Leo 1 stood down Atilla the Hun at the River Po who had already savaged and conquered the European and Asians continents. During the Middle Ages it was Christianity that introduced chivalry and increased respect and care for women and children.
Was there violence, wars and poverty of course. But it was also noble Catholic Queens like St Elizabeth of Hungary who taught her nation and husband to practice Charity according to Christs Gospels. It was St Scholastica sister of St Benedict who fostered education and the sainted Monk himself who fostered a Christ like Rule of prayer and sacrifice for his Order.So yes Catholicism did bring order ,virtue , respect and scholarship to an otherwise heathen pagan world and it worked best through a benevolent Monarchical Christian system of temporal governing.
The Masonic Revolutions did away with most real Monarchies and as a result we are sliding back into paganism and gnosticism.
I guess my assessment of Rafe wasn’t too far off. Why does Michael Voris stick with they guy. I don’t get it.
We finally agree, blunder. There is no obligation to believe private revelation. To me its all a waste of time because as usual, these promised chastisements if the world doesn’t repent often deal with natural events, like great calamaties and scary end of world scenarios. While this should scare the naturalistic soul to conversion, the Catholic who practices his or her faith has nothing to fear from these temporal chastisements. As Christ said, “fear only him who can destroy your soul.”
Blunder, Blunder. You are anxious of many things. 2 Vermont and Rich have chosen the better part and it will not be denied them. Remember that passage, Blunder? You are a Martha, worried about human respect and things of this world.
Wow 2 Cents, that’s a loaded question.
Suffice to say , Michael led a sodomite lifestyle . Allegedly married a male partner ironically on a cruise, who later died . He was also asked to leave Dunwoody Seminary . Voris revealed his past life in a video mainly because the NY Diocese threatened to out him I read.
A rather goofy opus dei priest who worked at the CM media apparently was angry Michael chose to come out in a Vortex and quit. Allegedly, same priest ( referred to as the Spiritual Director) did a tell all to E Michael Jones, who subsequently wrote this ebook .
Randy encouraged me to read it and tell her my thoughts. What motivated Jones to turn on his one time friend?
Randy went into it further looking for that truth as always and wrote ,”All the Opus Dei Men Behind the Curtain” .
I encourage you to read both. The “Spiritual Director” priest recounts to Jones, Michael’s angry outburst at the CMtv office allegedly blaming his mother who knew about her husband’s alleged sexual abuse of their son, Michael . That actually makes sense since no one is born that way and there is almost always a childhood sexual abuse trauma of some kind that can be traced back. Michael like Joseph Scambria , knows this too well I surmise. May God Have Mercy on all of us living in this era of diabolical disorientation.
People don’t migrate. Animals migrate. By describing the non-white invaders as “migrants,” the (((engineers))) of Christendom’s final destruction reveal, to those with eyes to see, the functionally animalistic, beastly role of these hordes upon hordes upon hordes of non-white invaders of white, and only of white, countries—that is, those countries rooted in Christendom. Their beastly role? To bring stench, disorder, chaos, and ultimately destruction to every last vestige of Christendom.
And (((their))) greatest trick is to propagandize whites into believing that they ascend the heights of virtue by willingly contracting the pathological complex of WEOSX (white ethnomasochist oikophobia and suicidal xenophilia) and thus facilitating their own destruction. This is very much part of the diabolical disorientation flowing from the European rejection of Christ and thus Logos.
Exactly! “Diversity” = White Genocide. Didn’t the Deuce win the Kalergi Award?
Of course we are NOT OBLIGATED to believe in any private revelations even if approved by Popes. But from what I read on this blog and so many others is that irregardless of certain Church approved private revelations from the past as distant as Quito and Our Lady of Good Success……..and even that of St Francis……..Catholics today are echoing them as present day experiences.
“”I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas, and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words which are odious in My Sight. When the fatal hour arrives where the faith of my priest is put to the test, it will be these texts that will be celebrated, in this second period.”
“The first period is the one of My Priesthood, existing since Me. The second is the one of the persecution, when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion will impose their formulas in the book of the second celebration. Many of My holy priests will refuse this book, sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately, amongst them are those who will accept it.”
On May 10, 1904, Our Lady describes the new clergy and its liturgy:
“They will not stop on this hateful and sacrilegious road. They will go further to compromise all at once, and in one blow, the Holy Church, the clergy, and the Faith of my children.”
She announces the “dispersion of the pastors” by the Church herself; true pastors, who will be replaced by others formed by Hell: “…new preachers of new sacraments, new temples, new baptisms, new confraternities.”
Italians are getting fed up.
Italy turns right: 80% support Salvini’s powerful anti-illegal immigration measures, poll shows
Good to see you back, Dr. Josef Mengeladolphus.
(((No homo)))
(((OK tbh (((yes))) (((Homodolpohus)))
(((You))) are (((notcatholic)))
How was riding Trousersnake River?
Bingo, bingo, and bingo, astute sir. Never do we hear that Asia needs more “diversity,” or that Africa needs more “diversity,” or that Mexico needs more “diversity.” We hear only that countries of the Eurosphere need more “diversity,” thereby proving that “diversity” is code for white genocide and thus the annihilation of those charged, after Christ’s murder by the cursed Jews, with propagating the gospel throughout the world.
And, I say again, the devil’s great trick is having convinced white people to promote their own destruction by pushing “diversity.” This mad, suicidal new gospel of “diversity,” this devil’s gospel, has filled the void in the European soul where the true gospel previously flowered. The European soul is teleologically structured to spread a gospel; it will be either the true, life-infusing gospel of Christ, or the false, death-directed gospel of Satan. The true gospel takes only one form and, rooted in Logos, is lucid; the false gospel takes many forms—that is, it’s legion like its father the devil—and is often murky via such strategems as assuming a false halo (e.g, humanitarianism). Wordlings eagerly embrace the various forms of the devil’s gospel, as it gains them the approval they crave from their fellow worldlings. But the small band of Christ’s followers must be prepared, like their Master, to be hated and slandered not only by wretched worldlings, but also by many Judases adorned with false halos.
Excellent point, (((Upthebutticus))) (((AdolphurJr)))
I wouldn’t surprised if there’s an un- or under-reported recovery of the Faith, and thus of Logos, and thus of reason in Italy. Hence more and more Italians are seeing that the African invasion of Italy must be stopped and reversed.
Note: cuckservatives and CatholiCucks often effectively say this: “I want [insert Eurosphere country here] to become non-white through LEGAL, not illegal, immigration.” May they one day come to see that not only must illegal non-European immigration be stopped and reversed, but far more so must LEGAL non-European immigration be stopped and reversed, for the invaders are being allowed to take over by mostly LEGAL immigration. Such is today’s reigning diabolical disorientation.
Beelzebub is drunk again. Sad.
We must also be sure to turn away (((underendowedbetamales))) like ((AdolphusJr)).
Hashtag bigot
Hashtag norobotcanpackfudgefasterthanyou
Wow. You really are very drunk tonight. Seek help.
Says the SoyBoy whose posterior o-ring is still recovering from SoyBoyDay on Trousersnake River.
Hashtag (((interracialgayAdolphusJr)))
Adolphus, I have to say that attempting to channel your madcap bigotry isn’t easy. But hashtag fortyyearoldinvoluntarilyvirginAdolphus” hope u enjoy the lulz
Wait, so you are a troll?
Man, am I confused around here!
I have never before witnessed the insane rage of somebody who missed their liturgical dance class.
Confusion is evidence of the devil and his minions at work.
In the comment section of this blog , we just call him Blunder, the “Catjolic” Troll.
It surely is sad to witness these hints of Blunderpuss’s disintegration. Just think of how dark and twisted the reality is. Indeed I fear it’s of Silence of the Lambs basement-dweller tranny proportions. Alas, such is today’s reigning diabolical disorientation.
No. I’m not as good at nonsensical rants and stringing together made-up insults as AdolphusJr, though. Admittedly, I haven’t had the same amount of practice. Nor do I have a YouTube channel with me wandering around with a GoPro muttering bigoted stuff, which he does, as you’ve seen. The triple parentheses is something he uses a lot – it’s an alt-right way of insulting Jews. He takes any topic on this or any blog and goes full bore into his canned white supremacist polemics. People like this are to be mocked until they crawl back into the holes from which they came.
The fact that few here object to his garbage – and some excuse and defend or even agree with it – speaks volumes about how this disease infests Traditionalism.
The attacks on Alphonse above wreak of sodomite slang to homosexual porn cliches .
The ONLY time I have ever read anything similar was in crude handmade booklets handed out at a so called “Parents Rights”talk given at one of Bishop James McHugh’s parishes back in the early nineties. Grandparents and parents were ‘treated’ to booklets in which aberrant sexual acts were crudely drawn on one page with detailed explanations of the acts and techniques described on the right page. The ploy was revealed to scare parents into enrolling their children into Diocesan schools and failed after lay audience members exposed it as such at the microphone.
The enraged Bishop arrived later and fired his Parochial School Superintendent when he was informed how his plan failed.
Sadly, the poster here using what appears to be some of the same kind of sodomite slang inferred against another poster. He appears very familiar with same sex porno terminology.
I am beginning to understand his motivation to Troll and disrupt conversations on this blog
As someone under the age of 75, yes, I’m familiar with all sorts of slang. As are most people. I notice you have no problem with AdolphusJr’s use of triple parentheses and bigoted slang. (And that you have a made-up story to reinforce your point whatever it was). Why would you embrace someone as obviously unwell and un-Catholic as AdolphusJr?
M Voris who, because of his admitted past debauched life experiences , recently exposed the techniques used to promote the LGBTQ agenda within and against the Catholic Church.
I do not think it coincidence that we read the same ploys being used here against Adolphus and others by another poster above .
Verbal assaults such as labeling someone “homophobic’ “liar”a “racist”and a “hater” are all common techniques used by the sexually disordered to discredit anyone who speaks the truth and is perceived as a threat to the cultural acceptance of aberrosexual behaviors.
Well I’ve never called AdolphusJr a liar. Your stories, however, if we are to believe them, mean that like the Catholic Church’s own version of Forrest Gump, you’ve had a front-row seat in every event touching the Catholic Church over the past 50 years. And that you’re close to everyone from Cardinals to Malachi Martin, and that you have secret documentation and information on many things that, when asked, you can’t produce. As I’ve said before, I have no doubt you genuinely believe your own stories. But they’re not true IRL.
AdolphusJr consistently, and with no promoting or connection to any article or discussion, reflexively and enthusiastically expounds on the superiority of the white race, demands the subjugation and repression of homosexuals and brown people. What do you call that?
I don’t see how calling out liars and bigots is advancing the “LGBT agenda.” But perhaps you once had tea with St. Josemaria Escriva, and he told you it was, in which case I stand corrected.
I am excited about the Catholic Magazine Louie is launching because I know I will be reading solid Catholic analysis of current conditions in the Church and Mrs Engel will be one of the contributors. I often bemoaned to her the fate of being born into these times and she has always encouraged me. I am still under 75 but was Blessed enough to have a pre Vatican Two Traditional Catholic educational foundation followed by day to day coverage of Vatican Two in Religion Classes taught by our Pastor during the actual Council itself. I paid attention. I am witness to the inconsistency and rupture with the past and with what the Church always taught .
My experiences and observations are not made up stories and this is why Mrs Randy Engel has always insisted we are Blessed to live in this time and bear witness in defense of the Truth.
Magisterial teaching includes past and present. Heretical changes in interpretation of defined Doctrine and Dogma is one huge red flag we must always speak out against.
BTW, I had to actually look up one nasty homosexual reference to Aldolphus.
Indications of disordered sexual proclivities are obsessions with anal and penile references along with slurs against chastity, especially when used in same sex porn slang.. They can be read in the above rants against Aldolphus Jr. Both very sad and disgusting.
Oh, please. First of all, normal straight men make fun of each other using vulgar colloquialisms about homosexuality all the time. It’s not “gay porn slang.” You embrace the bigot AdolphusJr, who calls people who disagree with him “stinking sodomite” and “SoyBoy” and “feculent”, but clutch your pearls and fall to the fainting couch when someone does it back to him. Betwen the soft, weak, shrinking violent Trad male and the small-statured but flamboyantly angry alt-right crackpot, there are plenty of normal men who talk like that.
That should be “shrinking violet” not “shrinking violent” lol
I think there is tremendous caution with private messages because the devil is much smarter than us and he mixes truth with lies. And he knows just what truths to mix in there because he is a fallen angel. In contrast, Church teaching is trustworthy. There was no controversy w/Melanie’s first message to keep Sunday holy and not take the Lord’s name in vain. But there was controversy w/her later messages with some writings about the message placed on the index. To me, this still warrants caution. The Blessed Mother has historically stressed obedience to proper authority and Melanie in her later letters sounds just a tinge begrudgingly obedient, I don’t sense a spirit of docility and obedience that I’d expect. I remain cautious.
Perhaps Adolphus Jr was wise enough to recognize the square peg trying to push itself into a round “o ring”
posing as “Catjolic” ?
Having been ,married to what people have described as a “man’s man” for just about fifty years and being exposed to “how men talk to each other” , I can attest to the fact that they do not argue using homosexual slang. Rather, they are more blunt in the clarity of insult.
Having a “Front seat”? Yes I have and I’ve paid attention because I have children I wanted to raise as Catholics in the Truths of the Faith. Fortunately, I have met good clerics and other Catholics along the way who have made their acquaintances and friendships. I have been asked to be a Speaker on occasion and have done quite a bit of research requested by the same.
I view it as a Corporal Work of Mercy to instruct the ignorant such as yourself. Be of good cheer , I have always believed in praying for those who hate me, insult me or I have caused to be angry at me.
Pray the Rosary every day and always speak the Truth.!
I have to say, that I’m a bit shocked that I am reading sodomite slang in any of the comments here. I’m well under 75 and have only been introduced to these vulgar concepts from Bergoglio and now Blunderbuss. I’m pretty free w/ the benefit of the doubt but I will no longer read his comments. Any inside sodomy lingo, they can keep to themselves.
Blunder has reached the breaking point, it seems. It was bound to happen. As a Judas Conciliarist, his sole purpose in coming here is to attack actual (“traditional”) Catholics, whether they be our cherished elderly brethren, women, or anyone else. But in the foaming frenzy of his mad diabolical arrogance, Blunder didn’t expect the blowback he now regularly receives here. He’s now losing it. Quite a sad sight to behold, even though we’re surely seeing here only the vaguest shadow of his actual breakdown.
I’m sorry, I should have asked earlier – what precisely are you classifying as “gay porn slang”?
It’s one thing to attempt to present a well reasoned debate as to why one is disregarding Traditional values taught b the Church ,even if it is contrary to Scripture.
It’s quite another to lower oneself to endorsing the homosexual agenda by using their same terminology and defenses to attack a Christian who opposes their lifestyle choice.
To reduce that kind of verbiage to mere “colloquialisms” is an affront to any decent Catholic who professes the Faith.
Again, Sweep – what exactly was the language you’re claiming is “gay slang”?
Actually, I was hoping for a stronger, foaming-at-the-mouth reaction from you, as has been your custom when insulted or outed. It helps people to see the kind of dangerous bigot they’re embracing. But you’re either taking your meds again, or are a far worse of a sociopath than I thought. Or maybe you really are what Traditonal Caholicism is all about.
Agreed on the whole. I salute you, Sweep! (Though I dissent from any characterization of sodomite perverts as having made a mere “lifestyle choice,” as such worldly terminology was introduced to morally neutralize this blasted perversion.)
Anyone can read your filthy insinuations in this blog post comment above and you know it. I am so reminded of Francis doing the same when he used the same kind of language to attack media outlets who reported his own words.
I am also disgusted that Voris did not lay the responsibility for appointing these sodomites to positions of power and influence in the Church such as Frs James Martin, Paglia , and so many others, right at the feet of Francis.
Yes he said they do not belong in the seminaries but he knows all too well that the damage has already become overwhelming and he cannot or will not remove them. I believe you know that too which is why you are so boldly attacking men here who oppose and are frustrated by the homosexual clerical advances in the Church and the country.
Voris used the term in the video I posted above. He made the point that people choose to actively participate in abhorent sexual deviant acts rather than being born that way . He should know having admittedly left that choice of an abnormal sexual lifestyle.
Perhaps the terminology which he clarified, was a throwback to his own one time well used defenses?
So you can’t point to any of my words or phrases that are “gay porn slang”. Not a one.
Since I’m not familiar with gay porn (but apparently you are) I’d love to know what exactly this slang is. I know you won’t answer.
But you can and do segue into insults about Voris, Pope Francis, Fr. Martin, Abp. Paglia, and the clergy as a whole.
And defend the white supremacist I actually did insult with vulgar innuendo.
And you’re a better Catholic than the Pope.
Yes we agree you are here to foment anger since anger and hatred are the LGBTQ proponents tactic to affirm the phony label of “Homophobia”so well hackneyed for their “cause” of cultural and religious acceptance.
Nuff said , continue to rant away .
The snowflake Judas Conciliarist Blunderbuss thought he could come here and steamroll us all with incessant virtue-signaling, tone-policing, and concern-trolling. He was quite wrong.
sweep–Like so many others, your experience of growing up in the 50′-60’s in a truly Catholic environment, mirrors my own youth. What baffles me is that family and friends who shared this Catholic upbringing either have left the Church entirely (not because of V2); don’t think anything of substance was changed after V2 (the mass just went from Latin to English); admit that the Catholic Church has undergone a transformation, but they think the changes were good and it’s about time the Church conformed to the world. How many catholics out there know anything about Tradition? I understand those born after V2 may be totally clueless and attend church robotically or attend only when family obligations arise. Those who remember the V2 church don’t take the time to wonder what happened. They have other more pressing things to worry about—like what color to paint the kitchen. The question is: How to wake up the sleeping giants who could make a huge difference if only they cared. St. Bernadette is quoted as saying what frightens her the most are “bad Catholics.” Let’s pray that Louie’s newspaper gets into the hands of these sleeping Catholics who could make the difference if only they would take a stand against the Modernists who robbed them of their birthright.
That was to AdolphusJr, not you. If you look closely, you’ll notice that I don’t use the word homophobia. He doesn’t fear gays. He hates them and want them to be executed.
Still can’t point to a single “gay slang” term I used, can you?
Is Our Lady reminding us of St. Bernadette’s quote about “bad Catholics?
A false claim to Palestine;
“Moreover I swore to them in the wilderness that I would scatter them among the nations and disperse them through the countries, because they had not executed my ordinances, but had rejected my statutes and profaned my Sabbaths….” (Ezek. 20:23,24).
Accordingly, there can be no question of a right based on a divine promise. By Divine Right, the Holy Land can only be Catholic, as was the Saviour of mankind, Head of the Mystical Body the Church which came into being on the Precious Blood shed in the Holy Land.
‘…… since we both have the same masters…….’
“…..’THEY’ who control the credit of a nation (s) direct the policy of the government….”
“…..remembering that what is morally wrong cannot be politically good.” “Since peace within societies and between nations must be founded upon justice, it stands to reason that there cannot be any justice or peace in a world where the manipulators of money control the economic order to their own advantage. The Christian social order of the nation inevitably breaks down.”
(Rev. Denis Fahey ‘Money Manipulation and Social Order’)
Sweep, sorry to interject, but in the comment section of another post you mentioned that, centuries ago (11th century?), the Orthodox were treated similar to how trads are today, and you linked to a book you recommended everyone read. Can you elaborate on what you were referring to and provide the link to the book again? I’d like to take a look. Grazie.
2 Cents , I think for me to have been paying attention at the time was simply Divine Providence. My maternal Grandparents literally escaped Lithuania before the Bolshevic Revolution but when Russians were already occupying their territories. My maternal grandmother was very Catholic having been born and raised in this town / city when it was more of a village.
She brought with her an ancient book of prophecies My mother said when she would read it to her at nine when she was sick she had to turn the pages with a flat hand because the pages were so old they would crumble.
She repeated them to me as best she could remember . I think my grandmother wanted her to know them and pass them down which is why she would ask her to read from the book to her when she was sick.
Then I had the pastor of our Church teaching us all about what was being discussed at the Council while it was going on. He was by no means traditional or even conservative but had to think when he had no answer for my questions. He was a blessing in disguise. Also my father was always sick and was slowly dying in our home with rheumatic heart disease. He was the tenth open heart surgery performed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester ,Ill, ,but only had two years to live afterwards. For a child raised in a pious Catholic environment watching her father slowly die going down to 80 pounds and suffering so badly, it was natural to turn to God for help. All I could do was pray. That is why I paid attention . I think most Catholics just went on with their lives and activities accepting the radical changes just like you said, thinking it was all a good thing for the Church to become more worldly.
I remembered the old prophecy that,”When the Church and the world are one end you think the world has gone crazy , either you are the crazy , or you are living in the End Times.” ( I can imagine the comment about that here from one poster. )
“””I think people who are familiar with Shakespeare understood “fortnight” and things like that but the average person I’m not sure it’s in common parlance what we’re saying…”””
You know what makes this statement by the US Bishops ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS????
One of the MOST POPULAR VIDEO GAMES in the world right now, if not THE most popular one at the moment, one that all the kids and young people, teens and even adults and celebrities have been playing for the past year… is a game called… (drumroll)
—————————************* FORTNITE *************—————————
A video game where one of its big modes is having you and your team-mates survive a competition for a fortnight’s period of time.
We’re talking about a global, millions of people, mass market, youtube streaming sensation, record-breaking phenomenon!
These worldly-chasing bishops and their marketing firms are so completely out of touch with the actual world that it’s just completely embarrassing to see!
If there’s one thing God and the devil share in common, it’s a sense of humour. And the Bishops of the Council of the World are the punch line.
Suzanne Pearson
Reclaiming a Stolen Legacy
I have read so many books. Perhaps one of the best is, “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church “by Malachi Martin in 1981. He was a Scriptural Scholar for the Vatican at one time. He gives a good background of the Papacy complete with historical facts and anecdotal evidence from commentaries preserved in writings. For instance one I recently came across was that Pope Gregory who disdained the Greek language and did not care to learn about the Byzantine Catholic Eastern Churches, at a time when the primacy of Roman See was formerly being established , received a communique from the Patriarch
( Bishop) of Constantinople demeaning him for his claim of temporal and religious power of the whole Church when he had no interest in the understanding the Faithful in the East , their customs , Liturgy, history etc.
Grecory replied wryly,”” AntiChrist then must surely be at hand.”That was in the year 595.
IMHO more importantly for our reference today we can see that it was well accepted that for the Christian Church to accept ecumenicism was a sign of the approach of the Antichrist.
Interestingly, this is why more recently one of the monasteries on Athos with very elderly Orthodox monks rebelled against their Patriarch Bartholomew for aligning himself with what they see as Ecumenism promoted by the current Papacies in the Roman Catholic Church. I have followed both their persecutions and rebellion and the entire matter centers around the ancient significance of Ecumenism linked to the time of the AntiChrist keeping in mind they have literally thousand of ancient Christian Codexes in their private monastery collection. I think the number is 7000 to be more exact.On their website they had complained since PP6th visited them and prayed there that Ecumenism marked the time of the Anti Christ.The entire thing became a violent tug of war.
Oh Ignatio I just remembered . It was one of he books by Vatican Archivist Barbara Frale that she wrote while doing her PhD thesis for the U of Venice. Since she works in the Vatican Secret Library she also came across a letters written to the Popes by Eastern Patriarchs requesting the return of stolen relics from the fake fourth Crusade launched by greedy aristocrats in Venice in order to sack Constantinople to recoup financial losses they incurred from the genuine Crusades. One of the relics was the Shroud.
Yes, that’s the one I was thinking of. Many thanks!
Melanie, despite several requests, Sweep won’t say what “gay porn slang” I used, and can’t because I didn’t. I certainly did insult AdolphusJr and crassly indicated that he was a homosexual, as he frequently does to those who disagree with his white supremacist views. Neither of them have a firm grasp on reality. Hers is influenced by a very active imagination, his by extreme alt-right websites. Avoid them.
When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.
William Shakespeare
Well 2 Cents at the risk of people jumping up and down about my posts……..
( No we are not obliged to believe approved Catholic prophecy)
BUT Marie Jullie Jahenney mentioned that for a while miracles will be suspended at Lourdes during these times
( meaning corruption within the Church and loss of Faith after changes in the Mass and lax disregard for the Sacraments by clergy).
I know people who have high regard for Fr Ripperger on Sensus Fidelium and I was surprised he mentioned in one video he thinks Marie Julie JaHenney should be looked into and considered by the Vatican at this time. That was all he said on the topic.
““Satan aims at preventing the acknowledgment by States and Nations of the Catholic Church as the One Way established by God for ordered return to Him (after death)…The first step towards this is to get all religions, including the Jewish religion, put on the same level as the Catholic Church…This putting of all religions on the same level is usually called…the separation of Church and State.”
–Fr. Denis Fahey, C.S.S.p.
“The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism”, pp.7-10
Fr. Fahey explains why the Catholic Church never supported religious freedom and the true Church never will for the simple reason stated above.
Fr. Fahey, like Fr. Gruner, was, one can reasonably assert, motivated by good and holy intentions.
But those intentions (with which the road to Hell is paved) ultimately led both men to say and do things that weren’t Catholic. Actually, they were diametrically opposed to what the Church teaches.
And, at the same time, you can still draw some good from the good they did, without subscribing to and embracing the bad. Such is the reality of fallen Man.
Would be encouraging to see a Trad – any Trad – being intellectually honest and acknowledging this.
Not holding my breath, but still holding out some hope.
One of my favorites! I read all of his books but sadly loaned them out and never got a one back !
Your welcome Fr Fahey !
“In 1950, Fr Fahey republished a work by Msgr. George F. Dillon, DD, ” The War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization.” After reading a summary, Pope Leo XIII approved the work and funded the publication of an Italian version. He openly denounced the collaboration between the Bavarian Illuminati and the Freemasons, as well as the collaboration between Lord Palmerston and the Carbonari. He was also critical of the Alta Vendita document, Napoleon Bonaparte’s supposed ties with the Masons, and the secretive character of the Fenian organization.The republished book was entitled, Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism.,1950.
The central theme of the book alleges that atheistic Illuminism, through the infrastructure of Grand Orient Freemasonry, driven by the ideology of the philosophes laid the foundations for a large scale, ongoing war against Christendom in general and the Catholic Church in particular. The document claims that this had been manifested primarily through manipulating the outbreak of various radical liberal republican revolutions. Particularly those which are focused on atheism or religious indifferentism in their anti-Catholicism.”
As his Wikipedia entry shows, Father Fahey, who died in 1954, was a tireless crusader for God. Fahey promoted the Catholic social doctrine of Christ the King and was involved in Irish politics through his organization Maria Duce.
“Fahey firmly believed that “the world must conform to Our Divine Lord, not He to it.” This often saw Fahey in conflict with systems which he viewed as promoting “naturalism” –particularly Communism, Freemasonry and rabbinic Judaism.”
He left behind a large body of work that upheld his view that mankind indeed is under siege by powerful Satanists. “
Obviously you mean well, but you have no clue that what Frs Fahey and Gruner represented was Catholic militancy based entirely on Magisterial (pre-V2 encyclicals) and Marian (Fatima) truths. In other words, what these two great priests upheld and espoused was 1000% CATHOLIC.
……You represent, the ‘sad’ fruit of the JPII generation (all post-Vatican II popes)…..the NEW SPRINGTIME, who defend the rights of men, rather, then the RIGHTS OF GOD!…….MISERERE!
Sad how UNMILITANT 99% of Catholics are today, which, sadder yet, includes 95% of those claiming to be TRADITIONAL Catholic!…….truly, diabolical disorientation.
May God bless all soldiers of Christ!
Jesus Maria Joseph I love Thee, save souls!
“Sad how UNMILITANT 99% of Catholics are today…”
Au contrare, many “Catholics” today are militant…. against the Catholic Faith.
Are there any clergy today who have taken the place of Father Fahey? Off hand, I can’t think of any. That doesn’t mean I have not met good and holy priests. What I am referring to is someone who has proven to be a real Crusader for Christ the King and His Church. Someone who is not afraid to go against the system and does not back down when challenged. I know this is a tall order, but I am hoping someone out there could enlighten me. If there is such a priest, I hope Louie includes him in his newspaper.
In the Conciliar Church? I think you’d be hard-pressed to find such a priest.
“The question of Christ the King is the great question of the century!….We are a party of Christ the King. All policy that is ashamed of this Name should be cleaned out of the parliaments of Christian nations. Christ must reign in the legislative bodies!
We were not baptized and confirmed for nothing. It should be obvious when we speak…..This is what we want to prepare.
Therefore let us go and make CHRIST KING, first King of our minds and King of our hearts, then King of our families and finally King of human society. The encyclical of Pius XI on the Kingship of Christ must not have been written in vain…..Come, let us go there and make Him King, Him alone!
“Above all, our vocation as sons and daughters and soldiers and apostles of God requires of us;
O Lord, Lord, Almighty King……
Let the nations know that
God is Thy Name;
Thou alone are the
Most High over all the earth…..Psalm 82:19
From Poland, I beg to disagree that ,”Obvious you mean well” although, I can understand based on the way Blunder presented his last comment above. However, if you start at the top of his comments posted on this page , you may understand better what I am saying. Mr Blunder has been disparaging Traditional Catholicism from the onset of any of his posts. He does not like Mr Verrechio has to say nor most of the regular readers and posters here save one.
Fine if he disagrees in a civil manner but he goes much farther in calling people liars and then onto using pejoratives of sheer filth !
He is not here to learn a thing or debate in an intellectual Christian manner.
The only priests who are not afraid to speak the truth are sedevacantists priests. SSPX/FSSP/ICK priests have to pull their punches and all diocesan priests are either cowards or sodomites.
An orthodox Catechism is also important:
This was published in 1921. I like it as it is divided into three parts: faith, morals, the means of grace.
The last priest I knew like this died in 2016.
Perhaps there are still a few but they are probably only known to their parishioners and among some acquaintances.
Then there were “Rock star” priests who have fallen from the heights of popularity to the depths of obscurity, crushing the hearts of hopeful Catholic laity who were their groupies. Eutenauer , Corapi, Roberts , Cipolla ,Groeschel just to name a few.
I’ve always been curious about what happened with Corapi. I was so happy to see a Catholic Priest come out strongly against Notre Dame giving Obama an honorary degree and then all of a sudden there were allegations of some scandalous relationship w/a woman and then he had a very brief website as a Priest or not as a Priest but sheep dog? And around this same time a very elderly Priest was arrested in handcuffs from Notre Dame for defending unborn babies. It was such an awful time. I’ve just wondered, was he attacked by the Church and lost his faith? Was he attacked spiritually by the demonic; his appearance and behavior did seem to go way off track? Anyway, he remains in my daily prayers. It’s sad to see someone who at least appeared to be on the side of good so completely defeated, whether by his own hands or others. Maybe he realized everything had gone to hell in a hand cart and became a contemplative, praying unceasingly for us? That’s what I like to assume.
I agree with you……sigh!
As Dietrich von Hildebrand wrote ‘the great secularizing error of our time; the idea that religion should be adapted to man rather than man to religion’ (Trojan Horse in the City of God)…….a plague, that has poisoned many Catholic hearts (Ave Maria….)…..the quicksand of humanistic irreverence, indifference, corruption, confusion, blindness…..the rotten fruits of the post-Vatican II ‘glory.’
I think Blunderbuss, represents those that are very confused and blind……May God grant him the grace and desire to love His Truth, above, himself. Let us offer ‘Ave Maria’ for his conversion!
I wish everyone – and myself – a happy journey toward the only real aim in life: salvation.
I am not familiar with all of these men, but aren’t they all Vatican II religionists? If so, then they don’t fit the bill either.
At least 10 years ago, Fr. Groeschel was giving a talk (Catholic radio), about the Most Holy Eucharist……very inspiring. A man called the radio, he introduced himself as a Baptist preacher, he thank Fr. Groeschel for his heart was touched, he asked Fr. Groeschel……’Father, should I become a Catholic?’, the foolish Father Groeschel responded……..’be a good Baptist.’…….Miserere!
In other words, this is what is called ‘new evangelization!!!’
I knew one priest ,he was also a retired canon lawyer. His number was given to me by a friend because I had some questions. He agreed with me about the need for Proper Intention to validate any Sacrament. Not necessarily on the part of the priest but for the recipient.The question arose because we know so many sodomite men have been encouraged to enter the seminaries by Homosexual Rectors and Vocation Directors. How can they have the Proper Intention to validly receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
The Church does not “supply”in these cases and sadly we do not have the knowledge to read hearts BUT their is a good chance many if not all of these men are invalid priests.
He agreed and said there is a need for the Vatican to redefine “Proper Intention” for greater clarity and assurance for the Faithful.
This is why we left one Eastern Rite and I avoid another, I knew the sodomite priests and they ALL were active !
Three priests I knew were very upset when Bishop Pitaki called the priest back to parish duty who was the host of “Light From the East” on EWTN. They knew he lived with his same sex partner for decades and were concerned he would scandalize the Faithful as a pastor.
Well, he did. Apparently his new bishop removed him so he posted a “Go Fund Me” for his law suit.That came down also because in his fury he stated he went out of his way to buy his medication at a pharmacy where no parishioners would see what he was buying. He has a blog site which was also disparaging the current Bishop and all his former parishioners.Granted he now has removed most of his hate speech against them too.
Probably on the advice of his attorneys.
How sad is it when the Faithful do not know where their donations are going?
To fund AZT medications for HIV infected priests.
To fund settlements for lawsuits with secrecy clauses.
To fund Diocesan lawyers who defend the Bishops in clerical pederast cases.
To fund trips to high priced vacation spots for Bishops not to mention the conference topic of this blog post.
Meanwhile the Apostles advised Faithful communities to help support widows and orphans in their parishes.
Know any Catholic widows or orphans who are getting things paid for if they are not illegal immigrants?
I have a dear friend whose first job as a teenager was to work for Children’s Village in NY which Groeschel ran at the time. Her parents were told her third grade brother had dyslexia.
( transposing of letters and numbers with boys at this age which most grow out of) .Anyway ,they sent him to Children’s Village to be diagnosed and treated. Now in his fifties she recently asked him how they treated him for it. His only recollection was being told to draw penises !!!!
Groeschel fell from grace when he gave an interview and said in cases of clerical abuse , some time the children seduce these priests !……..Boom , off the air and out of site. Dementia?
i can tell you from experience caring for hundreds of dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, that most of the time they repeat the truth about long term memories but they are unable to censor
their conversations dependent on who they are speaking to anymore.
If I remember correctly it was Groeschel who gave the diagnosis of all clear for the disordered Urrutigoity……Or , Urootagroiney as one former SSPS seminarian told me he was nicknamed in Winona Seminary.
Tom A …..Just look at how Joseph Scambria wrote he went to see Bishops and talk to them about the sodomite priests in seminaries and rectories. He said all of them threw up heir hands and said there was nothing they could do about it. look at all the good priests like Frs Haley and Minkler to name just two who complained to their Bishops.
Gone , they are all suspended or turned up dead like Fr Minkler.
Aside from the Mass ,all the prayers and sacramental rites, being changed thanks to Vatican Two, vocations into the NO of decent well meaning men also went by the wayside.
“If I remember correctly it was Groeschel who gave the diagnosis of all clear for the disordered Urrutigoity……
Or , Urootagroiney as one former SSPS seminarian told me he was nicknamed in Winona Seminary…..”
….sorry, but I do not understand what you mean…….
In order for a priest to profess the Catholic faith he would have to denounce the Novus Ordo and denounce Vatican 2. If they accept those two things as coming from the Catholic Church, they are compromised and cannot be trusted to tell the truth to the faithful. Its a very simple yes or no issue. Is NO/V2 Catholic or not? If no, then all who accept it are not objectively Catholic. If yes, then sedes and SSPX should stop their opposition and submit. To date no one has ever been able to explain to me how the teachings of the NO and V2 are what the Churh taught prior to 1958. If someone could logically explain it to me, I would assent. All I get when I ask that question is crickets. At least the modernists are honest enough to admit that it did change because it had to become relevant to the world. So by their own admision it is a different faith.
From Poland , Groeschel gave his all clear opinion to Bishops who asked him as to whether previous pedophiles or ephebophiles priests who went for treatment were alright to be around children again.
Hysterically stupid opinion since Fr Fitzgerald who started the Order of the Servants of the Paraclete quickly realized there is zero effective treatment .
From Poland, my friend who knew him at Children’s Village and his father and sister years ago said he was not certified as a Pysche counselor or anything at that time.
She wondered how he was in charge.
IMHO he did not even have common sense much less a Catholic sense.
Compare the false Vatican II teaching on religious freedom with the true teaching of the Catholic Church:
Vatican II Declaration on Religious Liberty (from the Masonic-led Protestant and French Revolutions):
Under the guise of demanding the right to practice religion from atheistic states, the Vatican II decree actually promulgates a heretical notion of religious liberty — the right to choose any religion, be it true or false. They base this notion on the so-called “rights of man”:
(Paragraph 2) “The Declaration of this Vatican Council on the right of man to religious freedom has its foundation in the dignity of the person, whose exigencies have come to be more fully known to human reason through centuries of experience… Revelation does not indeed affirm in so many words the right of man to immunity from external coercion in matters religious. It does, however, disclose the dignity of the human person in its full dimensions.”
The Vatican II decree demands that states concede false religions the right to exist:
(P.2) “This Vatican Council declares that the human person has a right to religious freedom… The Council further declares that the right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person, as this dignity is known through the revealed Word of God and by reason itself. This right of the human person to religious freedom is to be recognized in the constitutional law whereby society is governed; thus it is to become a civil right.”
(P.2) “Therefore, the right to religious freedom has its foundation, not in the subjective disposition of the person, but in his very nature. In consequence, the right to this immunity continues to exist even in those who do not live up to their obligation of seeking the truth… and the exercise of this right is not be be impeded?”
The Infallible (true Catholic) Church Teaching on Religious Liberty:
The teachings of the true Church, regarding first the rights of God, give us a true notion of liberty — the right of man to seek the truth, induding the true Faith:
“Liberty is a power perfecting man, and hence should have truth and goodness for its object. But the character of goodness and truth cannot be changed at option. Those remain ever one and the same and are no less changeable than nature itself. If the mind assents to false opinions, and the will chooses and follows after what is wrong, neither can attain its native fullness, but both must fall from their native dignity to an abyss of corruption. Whatever, therefore, is opposed to virtue and truth, may not rightly be brought temptingly before the eye of man, much less sanctioned by the favor and protection of the law” (Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei).
As His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII said, “It is contrary to reason that error and truth should have equal rights.” The Popes, the true Vicars of Christ on earth, have had the perennial duty to root up and destroy heresy while planting and nourishing what is true. Divine Justice and the integrity of the true religion demand that error be condemned and that the forces of evil be thwarted. Evil and error can be, at most, tolerated in this vale of tears. Never can it be said to have the right to exist.
Pope Pius IX, in the Syllabus of Errors, condemned the proposition “that it is left to the freedom of each individual to embrace and profess that religion which by the guidance of the light of reason he deems to be the true one.”
Both Pope Leo XIII, above, and Pope Pius IX, below, condemn the notion that states should sanction false religions:
“They do not hesitate to put forward the view which is not only opposed to the Catholic Church, but very pernicious for the salvation of souls — an opinion which Gregory XVI, Our Predecessor, called absurd. This is the view that liberty of conscience and worship is the strict right of every man, a right which should be proclaimed and affirmed by law in every properly constituted state… When they rashly make these statements, they do not realize or recall to mind that they are advocating what St. Augustine calls a liberty of perdition” (Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura).
As somebody once wrote;
“In this bleak winter of the Faith, may the Immaculate Heart of the ever-Blessed Virgin Mary be our refuge and the road that leads us to God, and may She and Her Spouse, the Holy Ghost, illumine this present darkness foretold in the Third Secret of Fatima……the diabolical disorientation that gripped the Church hierarchy, including the papacy, halfway through the last century…….”
“Non praevalebunt.’ It stands written in the divine Gospel that the gates of Hell shall not triumph…..
Where there’s no ‘fear of God’, Satan reigns!
Its an absolute clear cut contradiction to pre 1958 Church teaching. This V2 document could not have come from Holy Mother Church. It had to come from an imposter.
The heresy truly is clear cut for those with eyes…
It is impossible that a true pope could have promulgated this heresy.
Melanie-Your assessment of Father Corapi is exactly my sentiments. In an unplanned private encounter with Father Corapi some years before all this happened, he confided that both he and Mother Angelica had targets on their backs. I didn’t know what he meant then, but I know now.
A true pope cannot be an enemy of Christ.
Unfortunately he said the NO and belonged to the imposter sect. If he was a traditional priest, the sodomites in Rome would have no power over him.
These ‘Bishop’s’ Hypocrisy is absolutely mind blowing !
They are proposing no communion or excommunication for Border Patrol workers!
What about abortionists?
Pro abort politicians?
Pedophile clerics they have covered up for?
Meanwhile these Bishops are making millions off of illegal immigrants from our tax dollars with their clinics and resettlement businesses.
Google Ann Corocran’s Resettlement Watch and put Catholic Bishops into the search engine.
I am amazed.Dolan is preaching about this on CNN quoting Scriptures to welcome the strangers after demeaning Our Lord and Our Holy Mother at the Met abomination with James Martin?
How can they be True Bishops? Sure sounds about right when Jahenny said they were formed in hell !!!
These imposters are not going to fool Catholic Border Patrol Agents or ICE. These phony Bishops are ticked that law enforcement could finally interfere w/their human trafficking business. They have been treating these people like they are their very own commodity. Monstrous. If they are fooling anyone anymore, those people are sick and they need to get their head out of the sand. NO are bad guys.
The most charitable thing the NO fake bishops could do is to deny someone their fake sacraments.
These Bishops have One God but he is not THE ONE TRUE GOD, because they worship Mammon !
They celebrate sodomy.
They ignore the butchers of abortion.
They have been covering up for clerics who sodomize and rape children.
They punish priests who do the right thing and turn pederasts over to the authorities.
They have endorsed a creature of the OWO named Borgoglio.
Both they and Borgoglio have tacitly endorsed Communism .
They use their alleged spiritual power as a tool for politics.
They allow and participate in profane Liturgies.
What more can be said?
We need ACTION, not WORDS, but who can we turn to? I’m stumped! It isn’t Cardinal Burke and it isn’t the SSPX. Where are the Generals? Where are the soldiers? Of course, we must pray, but where are the warriors in this war? Heaven help us!
That is why no one who wants to be a holy priest offering worship pleasing to Almighty God can do so if they are in any way associated with the false fake conciliar cult of man church. Jesus warns us that we cannot serve both God and Mammon. These “good” priests that everyone loves to idolize and pity have to pick sides. They either stick with Bergolio and his new church of man or leave. I am tired of hearing about so called novus ordo good and holy priests. Its not possible to be holy and say the novus ordo. The novus ordo is so corrupt and blasphemous that we should all stop associating it with Catholic or Bishop or Priest unless we denote it as FAKE catholic or FAKE bishop or FAKE priest. There are only a very very small nimber of validly ordained old bishops and priests left in the fake church. They will have to answer for their willingness to abandon the faith handed to them for this new gospel. May God have mercy on them and all of us.
The counter offensive will come. Right now we are in the darkest hour. We are at Dunkirk, we are at Corrigedor, we are scattered and hiding like the Apostles on Holy Saturday. We feel abandoned and on our own. Christ promised a triumphant return and His enemies will be crushed. Stand firm and do your duty as a Catholic soldier. Hold fast to tradition and give not one inch of your ground to the enemy. In all great human conflicts of war, there were a few who were destined to be a the right time and place to hold the enemies advance against impossible odds. Think of the Spartans holding the pass against Xerxes. This is time that tries men’s souls. We must hold the line and wait and fight. The generals you seek will come and with them a great army will arrive. He will return.
I think the soldiers are at home praying their Rosaries 2 Cents, waiting for their Heavenly General to let the Commanders arm drop.
Almost daily these Prelates do something even more obvious which should wake Catholics up. God always allows time to convince and save the most souls possible . Maybe this really is the separating of the wheat and chaff spoken of in the Apocalypse because people are being forced to take sides.
Either you are with God or against Him.Just stay close to His Mother as she did with St John at the foot of the Cross. Isn’t it interesting that the Apostle St John wrote the last book of the Bible too?
At Knock there was a silent apparition. St John with the Scriptures open to the Apocalypse, Our Blessed Mother gazing towards the direction of France , and St Joseph. On the very days LaSalette was being honored , affirmed and blessed by a visit from the Pope?
In 1994 I sat right across from Fr Hardon with about twenty other women in the room. We all represented Catholic Home schooling leaders for our respective states and were there to discuss just what to do about the ploy a Sr Dudick , Stravinskas and others who proposed denying our children the Sacraments UNLESS we used their watered down modernist catechisms and CCDs.
Fr Hardon said we should, ” build Bridges with our Bishops.” I reminded him we had been there and tried that with their filthy sex ed in their schools.
I recall an older woman getting out of her chair and walking up behind me and whispering ,”You tell him , Honey!”…..I think she was the rep from Missouri.
Let Fr James Martin build his damned bridges to hell ,there are only sodomites on the other side living in their luxury estates on the backs of poor Catholic families.
Our responsibility is for our own souls and for those in our family.
Pray ,speak the truth to those in your path and after thanking the Father for His blessings , privately tell Him your concerns as Jesus told us to do.
……………LOL the joke is that THEY have been denying us the Real Sacraments for about fifty years now.
Think this pro LGBTQ Bishop would ever roll out Biblical quotes against killing your own children and harvesting their body parts?
NAAAAAA…….they support the March of Dimes that uses the same baby tissues to make vaccines.
Illegal immigrants who break the law make money for the USCCB through Fed “charitable TAX dollars”.
Hypocrite who quotes Scripture and Blaspheme Heaven at the met!
Tom, you will not find me praising any NO priest OR SSPX FSSP as “holy”,
in fact for years i have been correcting friends in the NO Groupie think for doing exactly that. The ONLY men in the NO that I will speak up for are the ones who have the courage to report to their Bishops and the the authorities the pederasts among their fellow clergymen.
They are usually swiftly punished , suspended and or exiled.
These are “decent” men, but not to be idolized as “HOLY”.
And soon this Fall we will have a sainted known sodomite Pope who brought us the New Order of the Mass to join forces with the New World Order.
That HAS TO be a marked milestone for Heaven pointing to the end Times also.
They have to be drunk on the blood of the saints and martyrs to do this. Just like Dolan fighting the family over the corpse of Fulton Sheen……..
A Wolf in a Monks Habit
You wonder why these animals were never prosecuted ?
You wonder why Ireland by in large has lost the Faith?
“Eric Witchell is a serial paedophile. In the 1970s he ran Williamson House where he preyed on pre-pubescent boys and young teenagers. He and his accomplices drove at least three of them to commit suicide; and another two to attempt it. One of his charges was supplied to Enoch Powell MP, for abuse. A select few were transferred to the notorious Kincora Boys Home when they reached 14 years of age. At Kincora they became fodder for MI5 ‘honey trap’ blackmail operations.”
From an Irish Magazine
If anyone reading this site believes this is a conspiracy theory or that the Hierarchy that is so concerned about illegal immigrants being separated from their children by Child Protective Services ,a law passed by Obama’s Administration now being blamed on Trump, go get your own head examined.
What if this happened to YOUR child?
“Kerr recalls that as a very young child, perhaps when he was only 8 or 9, he was abused late one night in the dark by a man whose face he never saw. He slept in a room on the first floor with other small boys. His bed was closest to the door and next to a wall. The abuser appeared as if from nowhere and violated him before disappearing. The figure materialised out of the darkness again on a number of occasions, never once revealing his face. Kerr had a small teddy bear which he gripped and bit while he was being raped. During these assaults, his face was pressed up against the wall. The experience was not only excruciatingly painful but psychologically devastating.”
From Ireland’s political and cultural magazine
Thank you, Tom A., and sweep for your responses. Sweep–in one of your posts, you mention the name Stravinskas. Are you referring to Father Peter Stravinskas of EWTN fame. I think he basically disappeared from view, perhaps working under the radar. He is supposed to be somewhat traditional and conservative, but still firmly entrenched in the New Order. I know some people who think he is on the side of tradition, but I have my doubts. Am I being a cynic (again!)?
2 Cents…..Yes he is on his own side of luxury wealth and fame.
I know of his proclivities and disorders from other priests.
and this………..for which they never get punished
“But in a nation where Catholics are a minority, you have to find a way get along.”
The only way to get along with the heretic, the liar, the evildoer, the tyrant is to compromise or capitulate. Too many Catholics have done and continue to do both and that is why so many have stopped believing and joined Christ’s enemies.
Why haven’t Catholics worked to make the U.S. and other nations Catholic? If the minorities of radical feminists, atheists, and homosexuals have all succeeded in making our culture the culture of death, why can’t we minority Catholics succeed in reversing this deadly culture? Because very few have the passion and courage as the radicals do. Your comment about getting along perfectly reflects this complacency and our Lord, Jesus Christ cannot reign if our minds and hearts are not committed solely to Him.
Related to a post of yours above, Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch is indeed an essential site. It should be spread far and wide, along with allied sites like Vdare, American Renaissance, and The Occidental Observer. Happily, groups like the perfidious (((SPLC))) and soy boys like Blunderpuss hate such really real sites, thus providing conclusive proof of these sites’ merits.
A little history on the threatened excommunications of Catholics in Germany.
Churches are subsidized there in part through the government reimbursing them some of the taxes they collect from the populace.
Is it any wonder German Bishops want communion for all now?
“Catholics make up around 30% of Germany’s population but the number of congregants leaving the church swelled to 181,000 in 2010, with the increase blamed on revelations of sexual abuse by German priests. ”
“Unless they pay the religious tax, Catholics will no longer be allowed receive sacraments, except before death, or work in the church and its schools or hospitals.
Without a “sign of repentance before death, a religious burial can be refused,” the decree states. Opting out of the tax would also bar people from acting as godparents to Catholic children.
“This decree at this moment of time is really the wrong signal by the German bishops who know that the Catholic church is in a deep crisis,” Christian Weisner from the grassroots Catholic campaign group We are Church told the BBC”.
Dolan and other US Bishops never learn from the mistakes of other Bishops .
And our Heavenly Father brings good even from evils. I thank God that it costs about $10,000/yr per child to attend Catholic School because I would have trusted the Church to educate my children in my naïveté. Educating them myself, I’ve accidentally saved them from a great religious deception and I pray that we all finish the race.
Some of the U.S. bishop’s have always been wolve’s in sheep’s clothing.
Concerning the “ecumenical” and “interreligious” primacy of the Novus Ordo church, here is a little bit of history:
Pope Pius XI exposed the heretical underpinnings of ecumenical and interreligious movements, assemblies, and conferences:
“Certainly such attempts [at interreligious unity] can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little, turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion.
(Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos, n. 2)
The first efforts at interreligious unity had been made by unbelievers in the 19th century. In 1893, the world’s first-ever interfaith gathering took place in Chicago, Illinois, from September 11-27. Known as the “World’s Parliament of Religions”, it included representatives from Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Christian Science, Bahá’í, and others. Even Roman Catholic prelates participated in the interreligious event, most notably Archbishop James Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, Archbishop Patrick Feehan of Chicago, and Archbishop Patrick Ryan of Philadelphia.
Commenting on how it was conceivable for Catholics to even countenance participation in such an event, Fr. Francis Connell wrote in the American Ecclesiastical Review in 1943:
“This gathering embraced representatives, not only of the Christian and the Jewish creeds, but also of the Mohammedan, Confucian, Buddhist, Shinto and Theosophist religions. The general sessions lasted from 11 September to 27 September. Besides these general meetings, there were 48 particular denominational congresses held in connexion with the Parliament. One of these was a Catholic congress, which lasted a week and was attended by thousands of Catholics, both clerical and lay.
…As was to be expected, latitudinarianism — the idea that all forms of religion are good — was expressed frequently in the course of the Parliament. One of the objectives of the gathering, according to the previous statement of the committee, was “to inquire what light each religion may afford to the others”.
…The papers read by Catholics at the general sessions were straightforward and simple expositions of the Church’s teachings. However, there was no pronounced attempt to give an explicit and emphatic refutation of the doctrine of latitudinarianism which non-Catholic representatives were so fond of expressing. It seems very probable that the Catholics who participated had not anticipated the extreme liberalism that pervaded the Parliament.
(Fr. Francis J. Connell, “Pope Leo XIII’s Message to America”, American Ecclesiastical Review, vol. 109 [October, 1943], pp. 244-256)
Pope Leo XIII intervened in 1895 and, in an Apostolic Letter to Archbishop Francis Satolli, forbade any future participation in interreligious congresses. Fr. Connell comments as follows:
With characteristic prudence and moderation the Holy See waited two years before passing judgment on the participation by Catholics in the Parliament of Religions. Then the decision came in the letter [mentioned]. Though couched in the form of a suggestion and pervaded with benignity and kindness, the message of Leo XIII unquestionably manifested disapproval of the part which Catholics had taken in the Chicago Parliament of Religions and forbade future activities of a similar nature.
Of course, the theme underlying this papal warning is the basic Catholic truth that Catholicism is the only true religion, intended by God for all mankind. Catholics may not regard the existence or the propagation of any non-Catholic religion as something, which in itself is good and praiseworthy; they may not directly encourage or promote the religious activities of any non-Catholic group. Discussions and conferences on religious topics with persons of other religious conviction are not in se wrong; nevertheless, they are frequently accompanied by the danger that Catholics will compromise the principle that their religion alone is true, or at least give the appearance of such compromise. They may also endanger the faith of those Catholic participants who are not sufficiently instructed in theological matters to answer objections that may be brought against the Church’s teachings. The ruling of Pope Leo XIII was substantially identical with the prescription of the [1917] Code [of Canon Law]: “Let Catholics take care not to have debates or conferences, particularly of a public nature, with non-Catholics, without the permission of the Holy See or, if the case is urgent, of the local Ordinary” [Canon 1325, §3].
(Connell, “Pope Leo XIII’s Message to America”)
Instead of interreligious gathers, where the Catholic religion would simply be present as one among many and thus be put on an equal footing with heretical and even Pagan creeds, Pope Leo recommended that Catholics hold their own congresses, to which non-Catholics can be invited to hear the Church’s true teaching expounded and to have their objections answered.
Fr. Connell sums up the Catholic position as follows:
Personal tolerance and Christian charity should be extended by Catholics toward those of other religious beliefs. They are the sheep who are not of Christ’s fold, yet they are very dear to His Heart. But those fundamental Catholic principles — the exclusiveness of the Church’s claim to be the one true Church, the sinfulness of putting Catholicism on a parity with other religions, the solemn duty of Catholics to preserve their faith from harm — may never be compromised, however kindly we may feel toward those who are not of our faith.
(Connell, “Pope Leo XIII’s Message to America”)
This is the clear, consistent, unmistakable, traditional, and only truly Catholic position.
Thanks, sweep. It appears that Father S. is one of many clerics who do not want to jeopardize their comfy positions by defending Christ’s Church from the evil powers in the Vatican.
These “clerics” are useless.
From the time of the Early Church. The Fathers of the Church understood from the Scriptures and the first Apostles, that Ecumenism marked the approach and reign of the AntiChrist.
Is Borgolio the False Prophet?
He refuses to judge the great sin of sodomy in explicit clear language even so, he uses their language to condemn his critics. Hmmmm?
So, what was the outcome of that investigation? I forget.
This is another great example of why most people cannot and will not ever support a Catholic theocracy. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is a far better way to go if you’re innocent than a court of public opinion, rumor, gossip, and innuendo. The same people who rail against freedom of religion try and convict people in their own minds based upon their own biases, without anything resembling due process. This terrifies normal people.
No blunder, it terrifies worldly people and heretics.
As far as Stravinskas is concerned and judging by his filthy perjoritives posted above, Blunder would support a cleric who supports this.
Lay Catholics KNOW what Stravinskas is all about .
I wish there was a way to say I agree with you more than 100%. You just wrote what I have thought for a long, long time. It is diabolical disorientation and it is rampant in the secular AND religious world, the rejection of the true Gospel and it’s evil replacement, with virtues such as dogged political correctness, perpetual tolerance of sin and evil, relentless positivity, and so on. To those with a discerning spirit, it has created a world of madness, one we hardly recognize.
There can be no serious doubt but that Satan is behind the wholesale movement in academia and the culture which has caused the West to hate itself, reject it’s founders and history, and elevate to deity-status whatever is outside the West. This has created a fatalistic self-loathing in general, and from there it was easy to convince people they ought to bring in their own replacements, get out of the way so that they can assuage their “guilt” over things that happened long before their grandparents were ever born. It’s worked beautifully, and although Europe is beginning to see how late it is and that their own governments are working against them, the US is not yet there, with so many who are totally asleep on these issues, and then the USCCB and the pope tell the people we need to take in all “migrants” if we want to consider ourselves good Christians. And it works! I agree with Bishop Kurtz, many people are actually willfully dumb. They don’t know and they don’t care to know. What’s important is what Kim Kardashian is doing this weekend, and that new album by Jayzee and Beyoncé.
We are going to experience what Europe is experiencing now, if we don’t wake up soon and state the facts, Islam is completely incompatible with the West. But the moans and cries that will arise, and it will start with the bishops. The ways out of this are narrowing by the day. This is more than a worldly concern I might add, this is a battle for survival of civilizations. Islam should be beaten back to the Middle East and Africa, and Christendom should defend it’s western lands, but not enough of us comprehend the existential threat we are facing, nor the suffering we are bringing upon ourselves and our grandchildren.
I totally believe in giving people free reign on comments, because only a forum of open discussion is a critical part of life in a society, and necessary for the free exchange of opinions and ideas.
Plus I really dislike heavily moderated com-boxes, it makes me feel like a child!
That being said, vulgarity and an obvious goal of mocking in order to silence must be limited or stopped, or the environment stops being conducive to the free exchange of opinions and ideas, and in addition, is patently offensive.
Blunderbuss, you really need to dial it back. You’re over the top.
There is no effective “treatment” because as homosexuals, which most sexually abusive priests are, they are attracted to post-adolescent boys (81% of the victims in the church) and you can’t really stop a disordered obsession. To abusers, it’s certainly not abuse, it’s “love” and good for the boys.
We need to call out the bishops and the church. When we see on Facebook or some other place the presidents newsfeed, we should call out the church and the bishops on our tax dollars going to them to bring an invasion into our nation.
LOL…………..and you who condemned Trump supporters because a porn star prosti accused him of having consensual sex with her based on a photo op and the fact a lawyer paid her extortion money to protect his image?
The Bishops have been paying childhood clerical pederast victims off for fifty plus years just to keep it from coming our to the public.
Can you be more hypocritically one sided? I think not since your homo slang rant display above against Adolphus Jr……..
This is what can happen when parishes get fed up with their donations being misused.
This is somewhat off subject but I wanted to wish all of your faithful Catholic father’s a blessed Father’s Day. And pray that the unfaithful father’s in the USCCB repent and convert to the true Catholic faith and live up to their duty before God to faithfully shepherd the flock.
More apostasy from the U.S. bishops prior to 1943:
The Heresy of Americanism:
This heresy which was condemned by Pope Leo XIII is the denial of the influence of the Church’s social doctrine in the civil domain. It’s ultimate consequence is the denial of the rights of God and the supernatural order. It is a denial of the supernatural order established by God. This heresy is called “Americanism” because Pope Leo XIII wrote his encyclical (Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae) to Cardinal James Gibbons, condemning the false notion of Catholicism that he was working to establish in the newly founded continent of America which was founded by non-Catholics. This meant that Cardinal Gibbons and a number of other prelates tried to compromise with the false principles as were enshrined in the American constitution. Americanism is not a condemnation of America as such but a condemnation of the false notions as introduced into the faith by means of the American prelates. It is more than ever important to remove the blind fold in this regard since many Catholics while claiming to be Catholics are not Catholic but “Americanists” who deny the influence of Christ and His Church in the social sphere. For this reason Americanism leads to the Public denial of Christ the King and ultimately to the destruction of society since there can never be a true peace without Christ, the Prince of Peace.
“We must repeat with the utmost energy in these times of social and intellectual anarchy when everyone takes upon himself to teach as a teacher and lawmaker – the City cannot be built otherwise than as God has built it; society cannot be set up unless the Church lays the foundations and supervises the work; no, civilization is not something yet to be found, nor is the new City to be built on hazy notions; it has been in existence and still is: it is Christian civilization, it is the Catholic City. It has only to be set up and restored continually against the unremitting attacks of insane dreamers, rebels and miscreants.” – Pope St. Pius X, Nostre charge apostolique.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, blunder.
Another good read written by Solange Hertz
The Star-Spangled Heresy: Americanism
by Solange Hertz
4.29 · Rating details · 7 Ratings · 2 Reviews
Americanism is a heresy which five different popes have condemned. But what is it? Perhaps the best characterization of Americanism was given by Leo XIII’s biographer Msgr. T’Serclaes: “A spirit of independence which passed too easily from the political to the religious sphere.”
“That the Church and State ought to be separated is an absolutely false and pernicious error … It limits the action of the State exclusively to the pursuit of public prosperity during this life, though this is only the proximate raison d’etre of political societies.” – Pope St. Pius X in Vehementer
“It is unlawful to follow one line of conduct in private life and another in public, respecting privately the authority of the Church, but publicly rejecting it; for this would amount to joining together good and evil, and to putting man in conflict with himself; whereas he ought always to be consistent, and never in the least point not in any condition of life to swerve from Christian virtue.” – Leo XIII in Immortale Dei
“Believe me, the evil I denounce is more terrible than the Revolution, more terrible even than the Commune. I have always condemned liberal Catholicism, and I will condemn it forty times over if it be necessary!” – Pius IX”
Sweep, you’re confusing me with someone else.
Never said anything about Trump here. Or anywhere.
For the eighth time – what “homo slang?
Made it up?
Making stuff up = lying?
Sweep = liar?
Smoke what?
I went to Mass today.
I smelled incense.
You stayed at home and cashed your pensionser’s check.
And mumbled to yourself about how much you hate the Catholic Church.
I’m going to hell and you’re going to heaven.
Tear up ur passport, then.
You won’t?
Posted above
“Americanism is not a condemnation of America as such but a condemnation of the false notions as introduced into the faith by means of the American prelates. It is more than ever important to remove the blind fold in this regard since many Catholics while claiming to be Catholics are not Catholic but “Americanists” who deny the influence of Christ and His Church in the social sphere. For this reason Americanism leads to the Public denial of Christ the King and ultimately to the destruction of society since there can never be a true peace without Christ, the Prince of Peace.”
Tom ,Let’s not forget the filthy homosexual slang name calling blunder posted above to Adolphus Jr, nor his equating sodomy with alcoholism or gluttony ,BUT he went to Mass today and knows his Catholic Faith?
sweepoutthefilth May 20, 2018
“Simply because that is BLASPHEMY against the Natural Law of God. You live under a worldly propaganda delusion.”
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Blunderbuss May 20, 2018
“Not so and not what the Church teaches, either. The Church teaches that different people do have different inclinations toward different vices, be it homosexuality, unsanctioned hetetosexuality, gluttony, alcoholism, anger, etc. in fact, the church urges special compassion toward those with this particular inclination and you instead argue for special stigmatization. You are choosing to declare – based upon a few fringe positions, and against scientific consensus and Church teaching – homosexuality solely a product of nurture and exclude nature entirely. You are conflating natural law with fallen human nature.”
FYI Blunder this has always been Catholic teaching.,
“There are particular mortal sins that are so evil that they are said to be sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: murder (Gn 4:10), sodomy (Gn 17:20-21), oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (Jas 5:4).”
All this in mind and the sodomite slurs you posted above against another poster all speak to your knowledge and practice of the Faith.
“THE STORY OF THE UNITED STATES IS ESSENTIALLY A CATHOLIC ONE” (The Work of the Catholic Church in the United States of America).
So little known yet indisputably authentic, of how the Nordic seamen, the Vikings, brought Catholicism to America as early as the 8th and 10th centuries. This testimony is complete with anumber of names and dates to substantiate the claim….’two facts;’
First; In the year 1015, the martyr-saint King Olaf II of Norway, commissioned missionaries to preach the Catholic Faith from Norway to Greenland. According to Father Zaratti, historical records confim that these missionaries landed on the northernmost part of the North American continent, eventually traveling southward.
The second fact, comes a bit later in time, but still before Columbus’s discovery, and is also pertinent to our probe. Father Zaratti writes: “A rare and tangible relic of one such expedition has come to light. On a wide, flat millstone found by a Swedish farmer from Alexandria and Kensington, Minnesota, is this Viking inscription; “HAIL VIRGIN MARY, SAVE US FROM HELL. YEAR; 1362”
The stone, now in the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, thus bears the first Catholic prayer to be found in this region of the world proves, furthermore, that these Vikings, who were Catholic and venerated the Mother of God, had brought the true Faith to America.
One favorite scheme of the typically dishonest historians is to completely ignore – as if it did not even exist that vast body of historical data which chronicles what took plae between 1492 when Columbus claimed the Americas for Christ the King and therefore as the exclusive moral and geographical domain of the holy Roman Catholic Church and 1620 when the Protestant Pilgrims first landed at Plymouth Rock…..128 years later!!! Generation after generation of mis-educated American students……to be exact, the HERESY OF AMERICANISM.
It is also known that artifacts have been discovered proving that Irish Catholic missionaries arrived here even before these Catholic Vikings.
(“The Conquest of the North Atlantic,” by G. J. Marcus).
Do they know that Our Lady of Guadalupe – and NOT the Statue of Liberty (the gift from the French Revolution) – is a Patroness of the Americas?
How about Venerable Mary of Agreda, who not only wrote our Lady’s biography, but miraculously catechized the Indians of New Mexico?…..The history which was not taught, even in Catholic Schools, would fill textbooks to overflowing…..(Utopia).
“The Cross in the Sand,” by Michael V. Gannon – ( St. Augustine, Florida, the nations eldest city…..celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – the Catholic worship with its origins in the Last Supper, Gethsemane and Golgotha – followed by a communal meal at which the Seloy natives were cordially and graciously accepted. This truly momentous occasion took place in 1565 – 56 years before the widely celebrated though dishonestly accredited ‘first’ Thanksgiving in 1621.)
“Discovering a Lost Heritage – The Catholic Origins of America,” by Adam S. Miller – (did you know that there were settlements by Catholics in New England before the Pilgrims arrived in 1620?)
America is a gift of God; Americanism the legacy of mostly godless men.
….excerpts from ‘No King but Caesar’ by Hugh Akins
Ninth time now – what “homosexual slang” did I use? previoisly it was “gay porn slang”.
You have an interesting relationship with the truth, especially for someone who claims to be more Catholic than the Pope.
Sweep, From that exchange, it seems like his purpose may be to try and convert you to the Novus Ordo religion because that is what his religion teaches about sodomy. It’s a little ironic that proselytizing is the only sin left in this religion without sin, where 2+2=5. It couldn’t be more clear that we look at two very different religions, one being true, Catholicism and one very evil, the New Order.
In the same letter, the holy Pope did not neglect to draw attention, to the ‘footprints of the Catholic Church’ that were conspicuously visible throughout the North American continent in its earliest days.
For the most part the writers of history, like the writers of current news, books, and periodicals, are no lovers of truth and therefore no friends of Christ or Christian civilization. Father Edward Cahill writing in his monumental work, ‘Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement,’ said:
“Modern so-called history is largely a conspiracy against the truth.”…..It is exactly that, which any serious student of history can easily ascertain…..that America was once not just partly Catholic but ENTIRELY so (the paganism/pantheism of the pre-converted savage natives notwithstanding), countless dishonest historians have nevertheless successfully white-washed this truth for more than two-hundred years. (‘No King but Caesar’)
Using a Catholic combox to recruit for the extremely un-Catholic white supremacist movement is pretty low. Wouldn’t want to be in your shoes – or, rather, size 5 black leather boots – on judgment day.
“The things which (Our Lord) commanded include His moral precepts as well as the doctrines of Faith; and they bind individuals and peoples, and nations, and kingdoms, and those who rule over them. To talk about the separation between religion and politics is to talk at random by those who know no better; it is to talk impiety, or it is to talk apostasy, in those who have understanding; for what are politics but the moral of society; the morals of men collected and living together under public law? The same law which governs the individual governs households, and the law tht governs households governs the State. The legislature is as much bound to observe the moral law of the Gospel as the individual, as any private man; and therefore politics, so far from being separate, are a part of morals. The are morals applied to the public society of men, to the public action of nations, to the legislation of governments, to the executive authority of princes, for which reason to attempt to separate between religion and politics, is to shut up the priests, as it is said, in the sacristy; it is a revolt of the world endeavoring to shake off the yoke of Jesus Christ. If He be the King of the world, which He has redeemed with His precious blood, He will judge the kings, and the princes, and the legislatures, and the nations of the world for the laws which they have made…….”
Henry Cardinal Manning
“Once one has studied the heresy of Americanism, it becomes more evident that errors of Vatican II were simply the result of Americanism invading the Church, especially considering the fact that the American hierarchy was one of the strongest forces at the Council advocating religious liberty, fraternity and equality.” (“The Sword of Christendom,” by Fr. Stephen DeLallo).
Just as Heaven is above earth and the soul is above the body and the supernatural is above the natural, so is the Church ABOVE the ‘state.’
(No King but Caesar)
Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for the conversion of the President and his family, and all those who are movers and shakers of this government, of the ‘we the people’ of every stripe, especially, the so-called Catholics, who’s hearts have been poisoned with the ‘American heresy’……….lest…….Miserere!
Blunderbuss: To be Catholic in the US is simply living in the shadows, out of the Light of the Truth who is Christ, satisfied with whatever crumbs the enemies of Christ throw our way.
Here is a portion of a sermon given in 1877 by Fr. Francis Xaveir Weninger who had it exactly right:
“Would to God that every father and mother, every youth and maiden, lived the holy life our faith demands of the children of the Church!
Oh, how many irreligious and unbelieving men in our day, especially in AMERICA, (my emphasis) and to a greater or less degree everywhere, would do the same, if all children of the Church lived as holy faith teaches them to live! If all the Catholics here in America lived a holy life in accordance with their duty as children of the Church ALL AMERICA WOULD SOON BE CATHOLIC (my emphasis). And among Catholics themselves, how many souls would be saved! how the net would be filled with human souls, if, in every family, man, wife and children sanctified each other by word and example!”
Without the true foundation of recognizing the Social Kingship of Christ as ruler of Heaven and earth, all governments whether run by leftists, rightists, or centrists can never bring unity or peace to the people. Notice how “the people” always vacillate among the Naturalist’s running for office (or the Catholic in name only) when one party fails to give them what they want as the newly elected party also fails to give them what they want because they do not want what God demands from them. They do not want to do God’s will but their own will.
Action: After turning to God in prayer, in performing acts of reparation for our own sins and the sins of the world, in consecrating ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who can we turn to? The only bishops and priests who are still teaching and preaching the whole, true Sacred Deposit of Faith and Sacred Tradition are the sedevacantists. Whether one believes their position that the Chair of Peter has been vacant since Pope Pius XII or not, they are steadfast in their defense of the one, true Catholic religion.
Isn’t through the grace of God that we were given the eyes to see and the ears to hear? Let us continually pray that His grace extends to all those who believe the heresies promulgated by the false prophets and wolve’s in sheep’s clothing.
Conscience: ” faith has been falsified and many people let themselves be influenced by Liberalism & Modernism. That is why they are ready to believe that all religions save. If each man’s faith is according to his conscience–if it is conscience that produces faith–then there is no reason to believe that one faith saves any better than another, so long as the conscience is directed towards God. We are now being told that man does not receive truth but constructs it. Yet we know, and our intelligence corroborates this, that truth is not created–we do not create it. With truth there is no past or present or future. Truth belongs to all times, it is eternal”.
“An erroneous conscience makes life easier for man, Untruth, keeping truth at bay, would be better for man than truth, It would not be the truth that would set him free, but rather he would have to be freed from the truth, Man would be more at home in the dark than in the light. Faith would not be the good gift of the good God but instead a burden. ”
Ecumenism : ” We cannot unite truth and error so as to form one thing, except by adopting the error and rejecting all or part of the truth. Ecumenism is self-condemnatory.”
Melanie, only about fifteen to ten years back a statement was made by Catholic Healthcare professionals that homosexuality was an emotional and mental illness.
It is only after the massive homosexual sodomite clerical revelations that the Vatican under this alleged Pope has swung into high left gear to embrace homosexuality.
This new stance is obviously perpetrated to take the public pressure off the obvious homosexual priests in ministry like Fr James Martin who has even gone one step farther suggesting “integration” into normal social norms , meaning their sexual acts.
Voris was correct in that analysis.
This is where Blunder’s “catjolic” theology stems from.
An active sodomite is not worse than say an alcoholic or a glutton as seen in his previous post I reposted above.
Melanie , I find it very odd that the Blunder continues along his path of pointing his finger at every Traditionally minded Catholic as having a mental problem ,while ranting at Alphonse in print using filthy sodomite porn terminology ( as evidenced above in his posts closer to the beginning of all these comments) and dismissing Traditional Catholic teaching as something the Church no longer believes or teaches.
He is trying to engage us on each specific slur s he can defend such as “normal” male talk. Even if it were ,what normal Catholic male would post such filth on a Catholic discussion site ?
An essay on the pitiful, most pitiful likes of Blunderpuss:
On the Infestation of Small-Souled Bugmen
Also notice Blunderpuss’s foaming contempt for anyone he thinks is elderly. He has nothing but great things to say about sodomites and Jews, but boundless contempt for the elderly and anything redolent of tradition.
Blunder the Bugman is indeed a thoroughly processed Judas Conciliarist.
So still can’t point to a single “filthy sodomite porn terminology” word or phrase. Tenth time I’m asking you.
I believe the technical terms for what you’re doing is “calumny” and “lying”.
Alphonse , I noted his contempt for what he believes all Traditional Catholics are, “pensioners” and over ” 75″, neither of which category I find myself in ,while judging from his posts replete with sodomite colloquialisms , his age mindset to be under 20.
If this is His religion which he so vehemently defends , I can almost guarantee it is not the same as the majority of posters here.
I think most here already read it above .
I will not repeat your filth in print and you know it.
The “technical” terms you refer to are nonsensical because it is in our face truth.
Funny, “pensioner” isn’t commonly used in the US. Along w/assuming sodomite jargon is common guy talk; this guy seems a bit out of touch for Everyman Novus Ordo guy.
None of what I said is “filthy sodomite porn terminology”. I most certainly did say that AdolphusJr was gay and enthusiastically so – as he says to many people here.
As with your imaginary Masonic books that you refuse to produce, you’re just making stuff up.
I hope Louie has a new blog entry soon.
Melanie , I believe his protestations are a bit over the top. Like the pot calling the kettle black .
” I most certainly did say that Aphonsus Jr was gay and enthusiastically so – as he says to many people here.”
Alphonsus Jr calls so many people gay here? Cite instances please aside from yourself which was inferred in your defense of sodomy in the re pasted post above equating the act with gluttony and alcoholism along with your disgusting language .
You are right Melanie “pensioners” isn’t a common term in this country . Retired is.
He mentions smelling incense at his NO church last Sunday. Incense is not commonly used either in Nervous Ordo Masses here either. According to what we experienced guitars ,, female altar servers, and liturgical dancers are much more common .Certainly distorted inclusive Gospel homilies are.
Agreed !
Not to belabor the point but in one of his first posts to go entirely off the rails, he talks to himself like Gollum. AlphonsusJr may have been correct surmising intoxication but I think Miss Barnhardt used a perfect word for this recently, “manifesting.”
– OK, to be fair, it’s mainly me and Ganganelli;
– I said people are naturally predisposed to certain vices. How you misinterpret something while literally quoting it one sentence earlier is beyond me.
– Comrade, you are correct, I am Soros troll in Moscow. Actually, I’m an American, living in America.
– Plenty of places use incense. I’ve never seen a liturgical dancer anywhere. You appear to have gone to every parish in the USA that doesn’t where every priest is a rapist. I think you’re again making things up. Abuses do exist, but saying that there’s something wrong with a guitar or implying that liturgical dance is a common thing is absolutely ludicrous.
And, Melanie, it’s absurd for you to invoke someone who was determined liable for fraud and a bunch of other stuff in arbitration. Look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Just google her name and NFA.
Gee, ask and ye shall receive! lol
Up and down the East Coast and mainly in the Middle Atlantic states, NY included almost all have been literally atrocious as if the Catholic Church no longer exists. Chicago area also and up and down the West Coast. You must live in the niddle of the country since i am told areas like Kansas have been late to hop on the Novus Ordo kaboose to hell. I had many exchanges with Bishop Timlin and his allowance of “Skanky and the Coal Miners” Polka Masses. He said he lets anyone follow their spirituality……….That’s great but what happened to Catholicism?
Let’s hope the new blog isn’t turned into another Blunder show! Enough is enough!!!
Again, you’re making things up. I’ve been to Mass in all of these areas. Most are quite reverent and appropriate. Where did you read this? You cannot have experienced it IRL.
But we can all do our part to prevent this sort of thing from arising again both here and for that matter within Mr. Verrechio’s new publication and just ignore an individual who is posting in a manner which is manifestly lacking in good faith and true charity.
One does not try reason with one who has made it very clear that he will not hear reason. It would make no sense, and more often than not make matters worse for both the other and yourself.
It’s as simple as that.
Hey Louie. I’ll never forget reading your “Fortnight for Freedom” post from 2012. I think the few remaining scales from my eyes vis-a-vis TRUE Catholicism fell off after I read it. That was six years ago. I can’t being to imagine how much worse things can get in the next six. But I take GREAT solace in the fact that you are on the front lines of this battle. Keep fighting. And let our prayer be “Lord, strengthen our faith in You.”