Pope Francis’ down-to-earth style has been stirring debate from the moment he stood on the…
Papal Defender Fife, reporting for duty
In a recent NCR Blog post, Jimmy Akin tries to counter some of the displeasure…
New Evangelization continued…
In the last post, I said that comments offered on this blog inspire new posts….
A note of thanks
I want to offer a note of thanks to readers of this blog, and especially…
Catholic Questionable Answers
Back in the day, Catholic Answers seemed to be focused on defending the faith against…
That’s what I’m talkin’ about
We talk about the “New Evangelization” an awful lot these days, don’t we? In fact,…
Diocese of Pittsburgh gives up on search for Baptist communications director
According to a post on the FaceBook page of Ann Rodgers, the Anglican religion writer…
Does Vatican II qualify for an imprimatur?
In 2003 / 2004, the first of the Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II study…
Rejecting poisonous prose
As I wrote yesterday, the faithful Catholic is required to reject anything that conflicts, either…
Litmus test for full communion?
In my last post, I quoted Archbishop Muller’s sense, which one can reasonably assume is…