Matthew Schmitz, deputy editor of First Things, posted a piece on the First Thoughts blog…
Have the wolves taken over?
At his Mass of Coronation, I mean, the inaugural of Pope Benedict XVI, the Holy…
Too many kings in the kingdom
According to CWN: The Synod of Bishops will undergo changes so that it can be…
Go ye therefore and call a synod
Pope Francis has called for a Synod on the Family and Evangelization, the Preparatory Document…
Reform of the Roman Curia
In a recent interview with Fr. Thomas Rosica of Salt and Light Television, the Ambassador…
Let your “yes” mean yes
A Catholic News Agency article says that well-known, and highly regarded, Italian journalist Anotnio Socci…
Crisis in the Church: The hierarchy responds
I’d like to share with readers just a handful of comments taken from recent emails…
A fork fast approaching
As I stated in a previous post, the modernist by definition is a cunning creature,…
Redefining Christ
In his speech at University of Dallas, Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga gives us a glimpse at…
A flag waving modernist
On September 21, in a blog post dissecting Pope Francis’ interview in America Magazine, I…