By: Fr. Michael Rodriguez
To be very clear, it’s not that I’m on “team SSPX” or “team Fellay.” I’m on “team Catholic.”
Thank you! Please keep reminding the faithful of this: we are on “team Catholic.” Below is an excerpt from a talk which I gave recently:
Be faithful to the truth. Be faithful to the perennial teaching of the Holy Catholic Church! And remember, our true identity is Catholic, not allegiance to a particular group. Take heed of the Apostle’s warning in 1 Cor 1:11-13, “I belong to Paul, I to Apollo, I to Cephas, I to Christ.”
Let us be proud and humbled to say, “I am first and foremost, a Catholic.”
And as a Catholic, it is very helpful to remind oneself that in all probability, God—in His mysterious Providence—is using all these groups of Catholics striving to recover the Catholic Faith and Catholic tradition, be they diocesan or religious priests, Ecclesia Dei groups or the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, monasteries, convents, and independents.
The solution will most likely not come from any single one of these groups, but all of them, each in its own way, may very well play a role in the ultimate solution effected by Divine Providence, and Divine Providence alone. It is God Who chooses whom He wills, when He wills, and how He wills. As Catholics, our primary focus must be on God, His Providence, and His Church; only afterwards, and secondarily, should we focus on affiliation with a particular traditional group.
Based on Catholic Church teaching, the definitive solution to this terrible crisis of faith, crisis of truth, will undoubtedly involve the Holy Father, but this does not discount the very real possibility that God may also be using all these different traditional groups.
After all, we do see some very good fruit from each of them, e.g. large families, abundant vocations to the priesthood and religious life, a great love for and devotion to all things Catholic, and a willingness to suffer for Christ and His truth.
On the other hand, beware of the tail of the devil! A lamentable bad fruit that is often found among the various traditional groups is continuous infighting and mutual condemnations—explain to me how this can possibly come from God?
Is this not rather a sign of the seduction of the father of lies and sower of division? Infighting among traditional groups certainly does not provide a good witness to Catholics who are not yet very familiar with tradition or the Latin Mass.
Imagine if the Dominicans and Jesuits had excommunicated each other in the 17th century as they argued over the theology of grace? Or if the Benedictines of Cluny and the Cistercians had condemned each other in the 12th century over the Rule of St. Benedict?
There are plenty of further examples. The Dominicans and Franciscans could have argued over who was the real mendicant order called by God to help reform the Church, or the Cistercians and Trappists over who were the real sons of St. Bernard. Yet God in His goodness and wisdom—in ways that far transcend our limited capacity to understand—uses all of these different groups, and they are all, first and foremost, Catholic.
Our identity is Catholic first, and our primary duty is to adhere to the truth taught by the Catholic Church. To keep the true Faith is the first condition of salvation—is our focus on this, or are we too preoccupied with arguing over matters which at present are clouded and confused on account of the grave crisis, on account of the sinister diabolical disorientation that God has allowed to descend upon all of us as a justly merited divine chastisement?
Louie, Do you believe that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was also a Catholic? If so, then do you agree with his assessment of the Crisis, and the position and actions that he took to try to save tradition and the Catholic faith?
There’s a big difference between the SSPX and the FSSP. The FSSP is not a Traditional group in the sense that they have formally accepted Vatican II and the new mass. If the FSSP was ordered to say the Novus Ordo tomorrow, they would.
While this may be true of some priests of the FSSP, I do not think it is true that all of them would say the Novus Ordo if ordered to do so. I don’t know what their institutional response to such a directive would be, but I am certain that many of their priests would not follow say the Novus Ordo.
Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Dear Father Rodriguez,
…….. in the Church who’s Head is Jesus Christ, will always be Peter, Thomas, and Judas. Also, within, will always be squabbling proud, the know it all deniers, accusers, Pharisees. We cannot exclude the heretics, and liberals (within), who hate all that is Catholic, especially, the Holy Eucharist, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, who like the most foolish fools (children of darkness), believe that ‘they’ have the authority and power to destroy the Church……at times it may seem, and the terror overtakes our hearts, that they have done darn good job at doing it, all seems to be as vanished, so think those whom, God keeps in blindness, because they have lost their trust in God…….. but only the eyes of faith, SEE and HEAR, the sounds of holiness, the sounds of hymns, the whisper of prayers, the joyful bells, calling the faithful to awaken, to rejoice, to be vigilant and obedient…..our Holy Mother Church is ALIVE, she’s calling her children to stay close to her, do not leave, she says…… the gates of hell will never destroy the Church (as the blind believe), the Faith is passing from heart to heart, the eyes see, and the ears hear…….the tree of life is in blossom, and her fruits are almost ripe, but not perfectly sweet, there’s some bitterness, for our own good, to keep us humble and turn our eyes to the Cross, and follow the footsteps of our Lord…….the Royal Way of the Cross, until ‘harvest’.
“Every day she gives birth to new children by the operation of the Holy Spirit. As a vine, her branches cover the whole world. Her boughs are upheld by the wood of the Cross and they reach up to the Kingdom of heaven. Your Church, O Christ, is a strong city built on a mountain, visible to all and enlightening all. We beseech You, eternal King of souls, Christ our Lord, stretch Your omnipotent Hands over Your holy Church and the holy people who belong to You; defend them, guard them, preserve them; combat, challenge, subdue all their enemies.” (Divine Intimacy)
Lord grant us saintly, worthy Priests!
Lord grant us Priests who love the Eucharist!
Lord grant us many religious vocations!
Saint John Marie Vianney, pray for our Priests!
Dearest Mother, dearest Mother, the Mother of Priests, watch over your sons, our sacred ministers. May they ever pray well, and may they ever pray much, for the salvation of souls. Amen.
The Novus Ordo is not Catholic.
Any priest offering it is part of the problem, rather than any solution.
Any priest denouncing the New Order Mass, errors contained in V2 documents, CCC, 1983 Code of Canon Law, etc is worthy of the title CATHOLIC.
For the legions of priests who have yet to arrive at denouncing the errors, you are sincerely in my prayers. May God give you courage and wisdom. Amen.
So I guess Father has his answer. Each comment with the exception of FromPoland repeats the same old song – My group is right, yours/his/hers/theirs is wrong/notCatholic/not Catholic enough or whatever.
Where is our charity? Where is our fraternity? Where is our Catholicity? Where is our temperance, our prudence, our tolerance, our meekness, our humility, our willingness to suffer? Where is our understanding? Where is our love of neighbour? Where is our forgiveness? Where are our BRAINS!
If after reading what Father has to say, with his plea for cooperation in the REAL battle, all we do is continue the sniping how Catholic are any of us?
This has become a waste of time. The plea for sense goes unheard. Here we are a mere five days since Easter Sunday and nothing has changed – no joy, no thanksgiving, no peace. There will never be victory against those who wish to snatch away our Faith unless we learn to work together. I despair of that ever happening if the comments on this blog are anything to go by.
I’m not learning much that’s new here or on most Catholic blogs. We recycle the same bad news day after day. We get the same junk comments snarling at those who disagree with our point of view – using history and tradition as weapons. It’s pretty sad.
God loves us with an unimaginable love. Have we forgotten that in our rush to judge, to complain, to criticize? There’s got to be more to being a faithful Catholic than this.
My daffodils are out, and I’ve started a knitting project. Peace, serenity, joy – all while the waves crash against the rock.
Where do people get this idea that Archbishop Lefebvre did not “accept” Vatican II? He prepared its schemas (which the Rhine Fathers rejected). He headed up the conservative block of bishops. He voted for all sixteen documents.
Archbishop Lefebvre accepted the council for what it was: a mere pastoral council that defined no dogmas and gave no orders to the faithful.
His hermeneutic and that of the SSPX is simple: Tradition judges the Second Vatican Council, and not the other way around.
But its a non-starter to reject the entire council as though it were not an act of the Catholic Church.
Thank you Fr Rodriquez. I’m hearing you as are many others. God bless you.
Thank you Barbara – good luck with the Daffodils and the knitting!
“did they not praise me
for providing wool clothing to keep them warm?”
Job 31:20
Yes, Fr. And Barbara, the sky is falling and we’re running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
We need to be reminded to take hold of Faith, Faith. Reminded that though the sea is stormy Jesus is in our boat. How many times do we read the stories of the disciples and think how silly the apostles were didn’t they trust Jesus? Oh, if I were there, “I, of course, would!” Well nows our chance to allow Our Lord peace to rest in our boat. As Barbara said, let that ocean rip! I am safe with Our Lord. Thank you Father for that gentle reminder and Barbara for that not so gentle one:). We are only human and need constant reminders. That is good that we have each other. God is so Good!
We haven’t decided what the problem is yet. We are in a crises where each proclaimed solution denies a characteristic of the Church. We are in an impossible crises. Taken from the Baltimore catechism:
152. Which is the one true Church established by Christ?
The one true Church established by Christ is the Catholic Church.
And other sheep I have that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. (John 10:16)
153. How do we know that the Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Christ?
We know that the Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Christ because it alone has the marks of the true Church.
Holy Father, keep in thy name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we also are. (John 17:11)
154. What do we mean by the marks of the Church?
By the marks of the Church we mean certain clear signs by which all men can recognize it as the true Church founded by Jesus Christ.
155. What are the chief marks of the Church?
The chief marks of the Church are four: It is one, holy, catholic or universal, and apostolic.
156. Why is the Catholic Church one?
The Catholic Church is one because all its members, according to the will of Christ, profess the same faith, have the same sacrifice and sacraments, and are united under one and the same visible head, the Pope.
Because the bread is one, we though many, are one body, all of us who partake of the one bread. (I Corinthians 10:17)
157. Why is the Catholic Church holy?
The Catholic Church is holy because it was founded by Jesus Christ, who is all-holy, and because it teaches, according to the will of Christ, holy doctrines, and provides the means of leading a holy life, thereby giving holy members to every age.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:17-20)
158. Why is the Catholic Church catholic or universal?
The Catholic Church is catholic or universal because, destined to last for all time, it never fails to fulfill the divine commandment to teach all nations all the truths revealed by God.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world, for a witness to all nations. (Matthew 24:14)
159. Why is the Catholic Church apostolic?
The Catholic Church is apostolic because it was founded by Christ on the apostles and, according to His divine will, has always been governed by their lawful successors.
And I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)
160. How do we know that no other church but the Catholic Church is the true Church of Christ?
We know that no other church but the Catholic Church is the true Church of Christ because no other church has these four marks.
161. What are the chief attributes of the Catholic Church?
The chief attributes of the Catholic Church are authority, infallibility, and indefectibility. They are called attributes because they are qualities perfecting the nature of the Church.
162. What is meant by the authority of the Catholic Church?
By the authority of the Catholic Church is meant that the Pope and the bishops, as the lawful successors of the apostles, have power from Christ Himself to teach, to sanctify, and to govern the faithful in spiritual matters.
On behalf of Christ, therefore, we are acting as ambassadors, God, as it were, appealing through us. (II Corinthians 5:20)
163. What is meant by the infallibility of the Catholic Church?
By the infallibility of the Catholic Church is meant that the Church, by the special assistance of the Holy Ghost, cannot err when it teaches or believes a doctrine of faith or morals.
But the Advocate, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your mind whatever I have said to you. (John 14:26)
164. When does the Church teach infallibly?
The Church teaches infallibly when it defines, through the Pope alone, as the teacher of all Christians, or through the Pope and the bishops, a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by all the faithful.
165. What is meant by the indefectibility of the Catholic Church?
By the indefectibility of the Catholic Church is meant that the Church, as Christ founded it, will last until the end of time.
And, behold, I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. (Matthew 28:20)
166. Are all obliged to belong to the Catholic Church in order to be saved?
All are obliged to belong to the Catholic Church in order to be saved.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” (John 14:6)
167. What do we mean when we say, “Outside the Church there is no salvation?”
When we say, “Outside the Church there is no salvation,” we mean that Christ made the Catholic Church a necessary means of salvation and commanded all to enter it, so that a person must be connected with the Church in some way to be saved.
168. How can persons who are not members of the Catholic Church be saved?
Persons who are not members of the Catholic Church can be saved if, through no fault of their own, they do not know that the Catholic Church is the true Church, but they love God and try to do His will, for in this way they are connected with the Church by desire.
169. Why is the Catholic Church called the Mystical Body of Christ?
The Catholic Church is called the Mystical Body of Christ because its members are united by supernatural bonds with one another and with Christ, their Head, thus resembling the members and head of the living human body.
Again, he is the head of his body, the Church. (Colossians 1:18)
169a. What conditions are necessary in order that a person be a member of the Mystical Body in the full sense?
In order that a person be a member of the Mystical Body in the full sense, it is necessary that he be baptized, that he profess the Catholic faith, and that he neither separate himself from the Mystical Body nor be excluded by lawful authority.
And if he refuses to hear them, appeal to the Church, but if he refuses to hear even the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican. (Matthew 18:17)
169b. How does a baptized person separate himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body?
A baptized person separates himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by open and deliberate heresy, apostasy or schism.
169c. How does a baptized person separate himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by heresy?
A baptized person separates himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by heresy when he openly rejects or doubts some doctrine proposed by the Catholic Church as a truth of divine-Catholic faith, though still professing himself a Christian.
169d. When does a baptized person separate himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by apostasy?
A baptized person separates himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by apostasy when he openly rejects the entire Christian faith.
169e. When does a baptized person separate himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by schism?
A baptized person separates himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by schism when he openly refuses obedience to the lawful authorities of the Church, particularly to the Pope.
169f. When is a baptized person separated from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by lawful authority?
A baptized person is separated from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by lawful authority when he incurs one of the more severe forms of excommunication.
Dear Fr Rodriguez….you just made my day! always a joy to read such clarity and Charity.
I never said any group or society was more Catholic than another.
I said there are Catholics and there are non Catholics, i.e. Modernists.
Anyone who condemns the Modernust errors is Catholic.
Dear Barbara,
If it’s possible, can you please get my email address from Louie, I would like to get to know you, maybe we can correspond.
Thank you Louie.
I agree with you, and that is why they (Bishop’s) are censoring so many of the FSSP priest, they do not want the TLM to flourish.
Amen, Father Rodriguez.
I fully agree with each of the points made by Father Rodriguez. If we are Catholic, we are one family. Different family members for sure, by one family nonetheless.
Why can’t we just all get along?
It’s not that simple, Johnny. There was a huge verbal battle at the Council. Are you aware of that? The progressives took over, and Archbishop Lefebvre stood, along with other devout Catholics, for true Catholic teaching. He appealed to the Pope to change the documents, but without success for the most part.
I think that those who are against the Resistance (which I’m not a part of, I attend an FSSP parish) seem to be against Archbishop Lefebvre, and the are happy that the SSPX is finally moving away from the hard-line stances of the Archbishop. If the SSPX has decided to go make a move toward Rome, that’s their choice. But others who are still loyal to the Archbishop should not be faulted for staying with the course that ABL charted. Rome is not moving away from Modernism, but instead embracing it more than ever, especially the Pope. The Archbishop was right.
I heard Malachi Martin say once, which I thought was a good insight, that the solution to the crisis in the Church, by God’s providence, will come as a total surprise, in a way that nobody could possibly have expected. And then once it occurs, we will look back, and think, of course, that’s it.
A quote from G.K. Chesterton that Cortez told me recently:
“We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we all owe each other a terrible loyalty.”
———- G.K. Chesterton
Of course, Archbishop Lefebvre was a Catholic. He was a defender of truth and the faith that was passed down to him. I firmly believe, in years to come, he will be a canonized saint.
Nothing has changed with the SSPX or Bishop Fellay. They still stand fast for tradition and still honor Archbishop Levebvres position that the door to Rome must be left open. He never said “no deal ever” . He did say “now is not the time”. Bishop Fellay and the Society reject all that is not Catholic and accept all that is. despite all the fear-mongering, nothing has changed.