Oh what times, oh what customs!

It’s been a while… Let us begin by recalling the eve of the closing of the Second Vatican Council, when Pope Paul VI said (7 December 1965): The attention of our Council has been absorbed by the discovery of human needs (and these needs grow in proportion to the greatness which the son of the earth claims for himself).
But we call upon those who term themselves modern humanists, and who have renounced the transcendent value of the highest realities, to give the Council credit at least for one quality and to recognize our own new type of humanism: we, too, in fact, we more than any others, honor mankind.
Literally translated from the Latin: we more than anyone else, have the cult of man.
So, according to Paul VI, the Second Vatican Council has been absorbed in its preoccupation for discovering human needs, needs which grow in proportion to the greatness of man. Coming from the mouth of a Pope, it sounds, unbelievably, like a modern-day pseudo-version of what Adam and Eve fell into by giving heed to the Serpent.
As if the Church, before Vatican II, hadn’t already been aware of human needs for the previous two thousand years (!!), especially the absolute need of Redemption.
The Synods of 2014 and 2015 (currently underway as of this writing), dedicated ostensibly “to” the Family—though what some excellent traditional (i.e., Catholic) bloggers are aptly referring to as rather “against” the Family—are going along the very same path of anthropocentrism.
Polemical as they are, we must realize that certain pastoral applicabilities are bent on—as my friend Louie Verrecchio aptly puts it—affirming what needs to be affirmed (in matters of doctrine), and changing what needs to be changed (pastoral practice which undermines doctrine).
More than rumors, it is a publicly known fact that—truth be told—the ever-present modernist heretics are clamoring for local or regional pastoral guidelines to deal with what is essentially the insoluble dogmatic problem of the indissolubility of a valid canonical marriage. Something that not even a Pope can dissolve at will.
When Our Lord elevated the natural marriage of man and woman to the dignity of a sacrament, he very clearly described the nature of said union: they are no longer two, but one… Let no man separate what God hath joined. Thus, a Catholic marriage, being a sacrament or living sign of Christ’s love for his beloved Spouse-Church, there are no longer two persons, they are in fact bonded as one, just as Christ and the Church are one, and yet not identical.
But this means therefore, that in a Catholic marriage, since there are not two persons joined by a mere temporal contract—which can be rescinded and the partners separated—since they are in fact bonded as one, a valid, ratified, and consummated sacramental marriage is by nature and definition, indissoluble. God has so willed it in the very nature of a sacramental marriage.
In our troubled ecclesial times, many no longer understand that sacramental law is based on natural law. That is one major reason why those same many cannot get into their heads that a woman cannot possibly be a priest. It’s not only out of mere ecclesiastical disposition, it’s a matter of natural law and—correspondingly—sacramental law.
In a Protestantized view, there is no sacramental comprehension of the Church, there’s merely a functional perspective. People just perform functions. And in such a limited, non-sacramental view, it really doesn’t matter who you are. What matters is what you do. So, if it’s not a question of being, but just a question of doing things, a woman can do the things a priest does.
But in a sacramentally Catholic perspective, one cannot merely do things, one must first and foremost be in order to do. To be and then to do. And in that order. This is by the very nature of the Mystical or sacramental Body of Christ which is the Church.
So, a woman cannot possibly re-present Christ, God made Man, the eternal High Priest and Spouse of his Holy Catholic Church, his spotless Bride. Why? Well, because a woman is not a man, cannot be a man, thus cannot be the male spouse of the female Spouse that is the Church. What cannot be, cannot be, and furthermore it’s impossible.
If you cannot be, you cannot do. If you cannot be a priest, by its very nature of re-presenting the male Spouse (Christ) of the female Spouse (the Church)—apostolic doctrine in the epistles of St. Paul and St. John (Book of Revelation)—you cannot perform the sacramental functions of a priest. The same applies to two persons of the same sex: they cannot possibly get married. Natural law folks, that’s one foundation for sacramental law.
But of course, lest we fear otherwise, in these Synods, doctrine isn’t going to change! Not formally. Oh no. Those who are pushing for “affirming what needs to be affirmed by changing what needs to be changed,” perhaps were inspired in this year of 2015 by Apple’s commercial line for the presentation of the brand new iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus: “The only thing that’s changed is everything.” That may work well for Apple, but most certainly not for the Church.
This clearly anthropocentric orientation of the Council is one of Vatican II’s trademarks, and indeed, was forced upon the liturgical “reform” that was increasingly present in the never-ending changes in the “ad experimentum” rite of Mass from 1965-1969.
And then the experiments eventually produced the Novus Ordo Missæ in late 1969. There is a saying here in Spain that refers to something that should not be tampered with: Los experimentos… con gaseosa / Experiments… with carbonated water.
But alas, the liturgical “reformers” did not experiment with carbonated water, they much preferred to experiment with something way above them: the sacred liturgy of the Church.
And so, regarding the four traditional liturgical Ember Days, or Témporas—Feria IV (Wednesday), Feria VI (Friday), and Sabbato (Saturday), throughout the year…
Another reason the traditional Roman liturgy “gets it right,” is the fact that it reverences Creation and nature in such a way that it sets aside these special days of intense prayer and petition, near to the changing of the four seasons of the natural year.
Though to be sure, it is also the natural way of things that the four seasons are not uniform everywhere in the globe due to the northern and southern hemispheres where they correspondingly alternate. Thus, alternately and respectively, northern/southern hemispheres: winter/summer, spring/autumn, summer/winter, autumn/spring.
Be that as it may, the four seasons do change at the same time throughout the year all-around, notwithstanding the seasonal differences in the northern and southern hemispheres. And the Church’s traditional four Ember Day liturgical cycle respects this natural course of the seasons.
This liturgical respect for Creation and the natural order is far more important than it might appear at first, for this has a tremendous impact on doctrinal and pastoral respect for natural law.
So, these special liturgical days are called—in Latin and in Castilian Spanish—Témporas, in English Ember Days. That is to say, the traditional Roman liturgy, always theocentric, also refers to God’s Creation: it respects the objective natural course of the seasons, as well as a particular liturgical dimension of Christ’s redemptive Mystery.
So, taking into account the seasonal differences of the northern and southern hemispheres, the Ember Days of Advent (the week following the III Sunday) fall near the solstice of winter/summer and during the beginning of the Church’s liturgical year, when we celebrate the triple expectation of the coming of the Lord—in glory and majesty at the end of time, at present in the hodie / today of the liturgy, and historically at Christmas.
The Ember Days of Lent (the week following the I Sunday) fall near the equinox of spring/autumn and during the primary penitential season of the liturgical year that prepares us for the renewed Christian life of Eastertide.
The Ember Days of Pentecost (during the week of its Octave) fall near the solstice of summer/winter and during that time of the liturgical year that has celebrated the redemptive mystery of Eastertide (Passion, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension—which also has its own special Rogation Days), the sending of the Holy Ghost being its culmination, and the summer (northern hemisphere) harvest of the new life acquired by the fruits of Easter.
The Ember Days of September (after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on the 14th), fall near the equinox of autumn/spring, when we have just celebrated the glory of Christ’s Cross, pleading that its redemptive graces continue to manifest themselves in the twilight of our lives, in accordance with that time of year that is autumn… in the northern hemisphere.
But spring in the southern hemisphere, where the supernatural grace obtained by the Cross is manifested in a renewed life following the winter of our stale, sinful lives, as the Fathers of the Church would say.
The point here being that these Ember Days are well-chosen for these do not depend on how man, how a society organizes itself, but rather on the natural changes in the seasons, as well as a particular mystery of Christ that the sacred liturgy celebrates.
In the Novus Ordo liturgy (at least in Spain, not sure how these Témporas are handled elsewhere), there is only one day (with the option of extending it to three days) that falls on 5 October, an absolutely pointless date.
Why? Because at the beginning of October here, the “pastoral year” begins, the university year begins (or rather, used to begin!), that is, the normal course of things, the normal “work year” begins, so to say.
So as we can readily see, 5 October really is not based at all on the changing of the seasons of the natural year, nor is it based at all on any particular liturgical dimension of the Mystery of Christ… This date is merely conventional, oriented to how a society organizes itself: a clearly anthropocentric liturgical perspective.
And if Novus Ordo Ember Day(s) are celebrated at different times in different countries, it’s even more chaotic and thus more to the point! This is rather akin to what some prelates want at the Synods “on” (sic) the Family: regional decision-making on universal doctrinal and pastoral issues!
Ironically, however, with the relatively new Bologna plan for European university studies, the university year now begins at mid-September! In other words, near the equinox of autumn! And Grade School and High School still retain their beginning at mid-September.
True enough, the “pastoral year” (catechesis, etc.) still begins early to mid-October, but that’s just merely a conventional arrangement; it has nothing to do with Creation nor any particular sacramental celebration of the Mystery of Christ’s Redemption.
So the idea I’m trying to get across is that 5 October was a pointless date to begin with. But given the volatile changes in university academic years (now pushed back from early October to mid-September), in addition to the start of school in general (near the equinox of autumn), 5 October is now an even more meaningless day in which to celebrate an Ember Day.
Another reason why the Novus Ordo liturgy is sadly anthropocentric: its only Ember Day(s) is but once a year (instead of four times a year), with no relation or regard to the natural seasons of the year (Creation), with no particular relation with any specific liturgical Mystery of Christ…
In other words, this date is artificially chosen only with regards to subjective secular and pastoral conventions, but nothing objetive, like the natural changing of the seasons and related to a particular liturgical dimension—Advent, Lent, Pentecost, Exaltation of the Holy Cross—like the traditional Roman liturgy Ember Days.
This anthropocentric liturgical orientation of Ember Days in the Novus Ordo, disregarding Creation, nature, and the associated significance of the Mysteries of our Redemption in Christ, is readily apparent in these Synods “against” the Family.
Those prelates who are relentlessly pushing for admitting divorced and civilly re-married Catholics to Holy Communion, despite an objective state of public adultery, are negating the nature of valid sacramental marriage.
Those same prelates who are similarly pushing for a pastoral downplay of the nefarious contraception mentality, and even Church recognition of the so-called “positive values” of same-sex relationships (“stable ones” in particular are especially valued by the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna and the Bishop of Antwerp) are denying as well the complementary sexual nature of man and woman, and are likewise relentlessly pushing for pastoral approaches which undermine the natural sexual moral order.
What these heterodox prelates are doing in the Synods is the same as celebrating an Ember Day on the utterly conventional date of 5 October discussed above, totally disregarding the natural order of things as created by God himself, preferring to do things “our way,” instead of God’s way.
If we’re not going to respect God’s natural order liturgically, why should we respect God’s natural law, in doctrine and in pastoral practice? The converse is also true, of course: if we’re not going to respect God’s natural law, doctrinally and pastorally, why should we respect it liturgically and sacramentally? Ah, the perennial principle: Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi…
Liturgically, pastorally, and ultimately doctrinally, they prefer to impose upon the Church the likewise utterly meaningless date of 5 October for an Ember Day, instead of four times a year, near to when the natural seasons change, accompanied by the corresponding redemptive Mystery of Christ to guide us along.
The supreme irony of this terribly misguided approach is that those who adhere to it, think they are being pastorally relevant, sophisticated, modern, up-to-date with current trends, and oh yes, merciful.
But in reality, they are doing, essentially, a very ancient and obsolete thing: playing the role of a diabolically-ensnared Adam and Eve, playing at being gods, playing around with good and evil, messing around with Creation, messing around with the natural order.
But… half a moment… Messing around, making a mess… Why, that’s what Pope Francis told the participants at the glorious World Youth Day in Brazil in the summer/winter of 2013! Go and make a mess! Boy, what a mess indeed!
On the flight back to Rome, Francis uttered his infamous “Who am I to judge a gay person sincerely seeking God?” highly imprudent remark. And about a week after the WYD ended, the Brazilian government legalized the “day after” abortive pill. Wow! Just harvesting some pastoral fruit after Vatican II…
Making a mess… in the Synods, too. And in doing just that, in the midst of their blind euphoria, gleefully sing like +Frank Sinatra: “I did it… my way…” Oh, and what about the messy moral quagmire? Ah, that’s been taken care of. The pharisaical, hypocritical, unmerciful traditionalists (i.e., Catholics), will of course take the blame for yet another pastoral mess unleashed, alas, after Vatican II.
Sigh… One would think that all these many, many centuries of experience—since Adam and Eve, mind you—would shed some light on pastoral concerns of today… But no, it turns out that the so-called “progressives” are actually quite outmoded indeed. Paraphrasing the Book of Ecclesiastes, there is no new heresy under the sun…
Thank you, for doing your priestly duty, Father and nourishing souls to enable us to attain Heaven. Thank you for a Catholic sermon to which my soul responds in joy, before my mind has even understood.
But what will people do when the current heresiarch and his non-bishops dissolve through yet another means, that which cannot be dissolved, but which they have already dissolved in the counterfeit church, publicly, by word and deed? Exactly where does the point of non-dissolvability lie for those who wait anxiously to see what apostate-non-Catholic-Novus Ordo Rome will do next? The answer is, it doesn’t matter. You have already declared this with your alleigiance.
There is no syllabus of errors in your church. There is no Social Kingship of Christ in your church. Catholicity is a mere accident for the rites of your church. The is no ‘extra ecclesiam nulla salus’ in your church. And your ‘popes’ are at liberty to make heresy orthodox, and to dismiss Catholic Popes as little more than passé opinionists – just like any thorough-going Protestant.
Fun fact: The Spanish missionaries to Japan taught their flock there how to prepare delectable non-meat tidbits to consume during the fasting Ember days–thus “tempura” entered our world. Remember that next time you are at Beni-Hana.
Akita. Post-revelation prophecy has its place. But is Church and True Petrine Office more important? If a hersiarch and a heresiarchal institution usurp, even Fatima, to keep their positions of perversion, it won’t be because everyone was ignorant of it these days, even if many are.
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control. There is no law against these things!
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.
Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.
Galatians 5:22-26
Dear EM, The Holy Ghost provides the faithful with such blessings. But law is rooted in love and vice-versa.
Any novice Christ-indifferent Buddhist could probably legitimately claim to have ‘nailed’, what they translate as ‘the passions’.
We, Catholics, always, through and by, the Blood of Christ and His Holy Bride, submit to Heaven’s dear request, despite the world’s self-sufficient-certitude.
Amen means, ‘truly’; does this mean truly you reject the claims of Antichrists because the truth of the Holy Ghost is the faith that is met by God Almighty through His chosen and revealed Bride? If so, something Catholic has just happened on HTF.
Wonderful, Fr. Campo.
If one were to recall further that Adam’s sin not only separated man from God (‘Where are you, Adam?’), and from his neighbour (Adam and Eve then felt shame with their nakedness), but also separated man from nature, how much wisdom there was in the old Roman liturgy attempting to breach the divide between man and nature. How much the Mystical Body of Christ heals the divide between man and nature. (What elation my heart feels at just the thought!)
Therefore, not only do the experimental “implementation” and “working out” of VII documents and the Novus Ordo liturgy of Paul VI exacerbate the division between man and nature, but they also further alienate us from our own nature just as the current Synod on the Family is attempting to do.
Salvemur and de Maria,
your attack of Fr. Campo is unnecessary. Frankly, it’s disgusting.
We know your position already. There is no need to repeat it ad nauseum.
May you please, kindly, show some Catholic self-restraint and just stick to the topic at hand.
Alarico: yes, I concur with your observations. Very good points!
dear Alarico,
It’s highly probable that Father engages with those who hold the position often & hears similar statements all the time. I think it can be taken for granted that Father has the level of cordiality to be able to talk with them, even engage in argumentation & offering his own. It can be safely said, that Father also understands that these matters are quite serious, often illiciting quite robust reactions- on both the parts of sedeoccupantists & sedevacantists and for us Catholics all- as with anything, the tendency to take things personally should be avoided in these critical times.
my friends,
Today being October 13 MIRACLE OF THE SUN
Who cannot help but think of Fr. Gruner? May he rest in peace.
Just wanted to mention for those who aren’t aware, that Fr. Gruner wrote a lovely pamphlet of meditations on both the Joyful & Glorious Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary–all taken from pre-VII sources. These are free & can be obtained by getting in touch with the Fatima Center.
You say ‘attack’ the Church says simply what teaches. Don’t worry Alacro, the day will come when the Novus Ordo coffee club will be able to commisurate with its members without annoyances like what the Church teaches about this very much forseen crises.
BTW the ‘you’ in my comment is the Novus Order ‘you’. If you, this time meaning you, Alacro have comment problems simply keep calling the commenter unnecessary and disgusting for repeating the teachings of Holy Mother Church.
PS I was once called a ‘satanic-anti-catholic’ for pointing out that most protestants reject the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. I guess they also thought mentioning truth was a disgustingly unnecessarily impolite attack against good Christian Protestants. Who can say?
Trailer to the movie The Miricle of Our Lady 1952
Our lady of Fatima pray for us
“There is no syllabus of errors in your church (your church embraces the ‘synthesis of all heresies’). There is no Social Kingship of Christ in your church (your false-pope publicly abdicated Christ’s reign in favour of the reign of the UN, and your prelates and theologians concur) . Catholicity is a mere accident for the rites of your church (your church employs novel rites that are at best doubtful, at worst outright invalid, but either way lack Catholicity and should be avoided). The is no ‘extra ecclesiam nulla salus’ in your church (your church declares Protestant sects to have salvific qualities along with the Mosaic covenant, and the practices of muslims). And your ‘popes’ are at liberty to make heresy orthodox, and to dismiss Catholic Popes as little more than passé opinionists – just like any thorough-going Protestant.” All of these marks of your church are condemned by the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
And these truths you declare disgusting and unnecessary.
A Catholic reality check for those who consider such things necessary and not at all disgusting.
Remember the buddha on the altar in the Chapel of St Clare at Assisi, having incense burnt to it by a devotee, all under approving and welcoming orchestration of the denier of the first commandament, Wojtyla. That, is disgusting.
More ‘disgusting and unnecessary’ Catholic truths, by the Grace of God given.
May God give folks passing through the agora of HTF, the grace to check this lecture (part 1,2,3 above) on Catholic Truth and the protection of God the Holy Ghost.
dear salvemur,
Those who call other Catholics or their words & positions defending immutable teachings “unnecessary and disgusting for repeating the teachings of Holy Mother Church” as you so well put it, are merely following their mentor- who blurted similar vile things & criticisms out before them:
dear salvemur,
one cannot point out Modernist Ratzinger enough especially in this time, in which Bergoglio is merely an almost nondescript yet in your face blatantly Modernist plaything. Outstanding, it must be noted -is that in large part bc of Ratzinger, countless faithful today think the following anathematized position is actually Catholic: “we can understand Truth in different ways at different times without there being a discontinuity of the essential core Truth.” If it wasn’t so tragic it would be——-.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
1Cor 13:11-12
The Synod “fathers” are working overtime to make Newchurch appear “Catholic” without actually BEING Catholic. Vatican II set the wheels in motion, the Synod is putting the wheels on the track–full speed ahead. Let us pray that the next sound we hear is one big Crash!!!
The article describes how the traditional ember days were changed to suit man and not God and His creation. Yes they have made a mess. They have been making a mess for awhile. Before the progressives could move forward boldly, the dogma, “outside the Church, no salvation,” had to be dispensed with first. This was done, EFFECTIVELY, during the 1950’s under Pope Pius XII with the Father Feeney controversy. To the general public and most priests and lay catholics, the message went out loud and clear that the Church’s teaching had changed, yes, of course, jews and heretics are saved.
“No salvation outside the Church? Nonsense!” –Cardinal Richard Cushing, The Archbishop of Boston, cardinal in good standing under Pius XII.
By the end of Pius XII’s reign the Church had reached a coalescing point, where She seemed to have committed Herself to salvation outside the Church, yes! From this point what could possibly stop the progressives from making mess after mess.
Everyone knew in those times that BOD & BOB applied in very limited circumstances. Every Catholic knew that. So at the time Fr. Feeney’s position was not as outrageous among everyday Catholics as is portrayed in hindsight by many writers today.
dear my2cents,
You have a way of writing that gets to the point quickly-delightful. You know- IMHO – SSPX’ Bp. Tissier de Mallerais would share that hope in that he is one who always said that VII must be trashed in its entirety & no attempt ought to be made to see it in the light of “tradition.” My take on current happenings is that probably no biggie at sin-nod’s close- but “same old same old” -with minor this & that “pastoral” whatevers–leaving Catholics suffering from a kind of Stockholm Syndrome-breathng a sigh of relief that yes-look at that-there’s a teensy bit of Catholicity left in the fallout.
In the last decade of Pius XII’s pontificate you say that “everyone” knew that BOD applied for those outside the Church. This an interesting question but notice that I used the word “effectively” in all caps. You are aware I’m sure that this is the way modernists operate. You can never pin them down on anything. I’m sure Pope Francis would give you the same answer as Cardinal Cushing would: Well, there is baptism of desire my child, stop being so divisive.
“They rendered it “meaningless” … by riddling it with loopholes. The cynical bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts, Bernard Flanagan, once told two of Father Feeney’s devoted brothers: “Bury it, it’s a dead horse.” It was buried in Worcester twenty-four years earlier when the headlines for the Worcester Telegram, for Friday morning, September 2, 1949, ran:
Holds No Salvation Outside Church
Doctrine to be false
When this headline was sent to Rome with a request for a refutation, nothing happened, not even a letter went out to the Bishops of Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts, so as to warn the faithful about the erroneous headline. (Worcester was not yet a diocese.) A dogma diluted with arbitrary qualifications is a dogma denied. [credit to Brian Kelly October 26, 2011]
Again, back on point, if EENS is EFFECTIVELY denied, what stands in the way. The rest of the “reforms” just need to be implemented at the proper time. Jews, infidels, heretics, all practice divorce, abortion, contraception, etc. but they can be saved! Move on!
Thank you for the links. It is impossible that our Lord would give us Bergoglio as our pope. Impossible. And when you look at the last 50 years it is clear this is not the true Catholic Church any more. Thank you for your posts – I only came to learn about the traditional Church after Francis was “elected”. As a lapsed and then committed Catholic over the years, I knew I didn’t like Vatican 2 but did not know the real truth about it. Now I know a lot more. It is not a pleasant situation, but it is what it is. I cannot support this fake church in any way any more. It just is not right.
1. Prayer. One of the key hallmarks of the spiritual heights of Saint Teresa of Avila is the importance of prayer. Even though she struggled for many years she teaches us this basic but indispensable spiritual truth—Perseverance in prayer! Meditate upon her immortal words of wisdom and memorize: “We must have a determined determination to never give up prayer.” Jesus taught us this supremely important truth in the Parable of the insistent widow and the Judge. This widow, due to her dogged and tenacious insistence finally gained the assistance of this cold-hearted Judge. (Lk. 18:1-8). St. Teresa insists that we must never give up in prayer. If you like an analogy: what air is to the lungs so is prayer to the soul. Healthy lungs need constant and pure air; healthy soul must be constantly breathing through prayer—the oxygen of the soul
Edie, may God give grace to the grace He has already given you, and which have clearly received and not spurned. If the SSPX could do as you have done, for the Glory of God, this terrible tide would turn. But it is all in God’s hands, keep the faith! You are a unique Catholic witness. God bless.
A couple more candles on a true saints heavenly birthday cake:
“Know this: it is by very little breaches of regularity that the devil succeeds in introducing the greatest abuses. May you never end up saying: ‘This is nothing, this is an exaggeration.'” (Saint Teresa of Avila, Foundations, Chapter Twenty-nine)
“I would give up my life a thousand times, not only for each of the truths of Sacred Scripture, but even more for the least of the ceremonies of the Catholic Church.” (Saint Teresa of Avila, Life, Thirty-three, 3.)
Dear de Maria, I think you and I agree (and most who visit this blog) that the primary purpose of the Synod is not to change Catholic teaching –explicitly- but to caste doubt by insinuating to the world that true Catholic teaching is debatable. Once you make that assertion, dogma is nothing more than opinion. When a topic is debatable, it means that both sides of the issue have merit. Absolute truth goes down the drain. The “winner” of the debate does not mean the arguments are correct. It means the arguments are what the audience wants to hear. It’s a dog and pony show for sure. It has been said that “every cloud has a silver lining”. Perhaps the silver lining is the unmasking of the evil modernists who have apparently hijacked the Catholic Church—-or did they? The fight for our Beloved Church continues!
For anyone else wanting Catholic facts rather than Novus Ordo nostalgia – Apostasy cannot come from the Body of Christ.
Apostasy is endemic to the VII fathers and their Novus Ordo sons. The Institution of the heresiarchs which seceded from the Catholic Church after the death of Pius XII by formally and universally adopting heresy in its teachings at VII and novelty in its barren sacraments through the New Order is an open historical fact and a blatant spiritual truth – ‘by their fruits…’ There is no Catholicity in the church of the heresiarchs established upon the secular executive management of Roncalli & Sons.
The Catholic Church is exiled, reduced, ignored, or outright hated by the Roncalli establishment; though she remains, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, and she declares the Chair of Peter to be empty simply in faithful recognition of what Christ’s Vicars taught, whilst knowing the Petrine Office founded upon St Peter remains in perpetuity, but ‘in cruise control’ without a current successor. Without a true successor, the True Church has been ‘interregnum’ since 1958.
Most Sees during the Arian heresy were occupied for up to four hundred years. And the formerly Catholic Sees of the Protestant heresy remain ‘in stasis’ though overrun by centuries of established lies.
During the days of the great apostasy, the Roman See itself is having a long ‘interregnum’ – the Chair of Peter. The Church acknowledges the possibility of a long interregnum, but she most certainly teaches against the perverted idea that the Church can revolt against herself and lead souls to hell through valid Vicars. You cannot, after the death of a Pope or Bishop stick the name of a non-Catholic heretic into the Mass, because, ‘he’s there’. Anyone claiming to be Catholic who accepts the ‘aggiornamento’, the changes and heresiarchs who parade and pervert during an interregnum, must pray for the Grace to be that which they would be – Catholic, and abstain from the interlopers and their ‘aggiornamento’ communion.
Learn to suffer a little for the love of God without telling everyone about it.
St Teresa of Avila
Way of Perfection
Chapter 11
“Cult of Man” — it’s a cult like in the 1970s, where you need to be “deprogrammed” by Ted Patrick: http://www.amazon.com/Let-our-children-Ted-Patrick/dp/0525144501
O, c’mon-dear Ever mindful–you’re a trad & you’re reading Catholic Exchange? But no, I’m not judging you!! Not wearing shin guards today , either, my friend!!! If I knew how to make a keyboard smiley face right now, I would.
dear edie,
You might enjoy this Catechism series–in that one can relax & review actual Catholicity in that it’s Modernism-free. You are right, dear edie, The Bride of Christ is utterly incapable of harboring error. That is the starting point for the sedevacantist position. The position is simplicity itself, as is the Holy Religion. Peace be to you.
Dear de Maria,
Dear de Maria,
My smiley face still get’s lost mysteriously…
It’s a miracle!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Reuters Religion Editor Tom Henegan also interprets Vatican Council II with the Baltimore Catechism error
No denial from Phillip Pullela and Nicole Winfield
dear EM,
smiley face !!!!!
Many of St. John’s apparently recondite statements attributed to Our Lord seem to contradict Lumen Gentium 16.
“If any man will do the will of Him: he shall know the doctrine, whether it be from God, or whether I speak from myself.
“He that speaketh from himself, seeketh his own glory; but he that seeketh the glory of Him that sent him, he is true, and there is no injustice in him.” St. John 7:17-18.
All “men of good will” should recognize the truth of Christ upon hearing those who are sent by Christ. All “men of good will” upon recognizing the truth, true to themselves and the deep longings of their own hearts, should then want to convert.
….convert and be baptized to the One True Faith.
…baptized in the One True Faith.
Satire??? ….or prophecy???? Time will tell!
Thank you – just saw this (October 17). These are hard times indeed – twas ever so, I guess. I certainly appreciate all you are doing for Our Lord and His Church. And peace to you, always.
Thank you, you are too kind. I do want to do what is right, what God wants. I think we all do, but it isn’t easy to know what is and isn’t so right these days. You are a big help!