Quoting St. Thomas, Pope Leo XIII, in Sapientiae Christianae, wrote, that in times of necessity, each Catholic is obliged “either to instruct and encourage others of the faithful, or to repel the attacks of unbelievers.”
“The chief elements of this duty,” Pope Leo explained, “consist in professing openly and unflinchingly the Catholic doctrine, and in propagating it to the utmost of our power.”
This is certainly the duty of the Catholic Press, which must necessarily be free of error. It must help Catholics hold to the Catholic Faith “whole and undefiled,” as mandated for their eternal salvation by the Athanasian Creed. Souls are influenced by the Press. To lead even a single soul astray through negligence or human respect can land one in hellfire.
Unfortunately, since the Council, conservative Catholic papers have spread the mixture of truth and error characteristic of conservative Churchmen. But the traditional press could be counted on to staunchly defend the Faith – until recently. It is now obvious that formerly traditional papers have lost their vigor, content to report the morsels of truth spoken by conservative leaders whilst studiously ignoring their errors; stressing what unites, rather than what divides, in order to achieve some common good.
This is tragic, because, as Leo XIII reminds us, “to keep silence when from all sides such clamors are raised against truth,” is “insulting to God and … incompatible with the salvation of mankind. This kind of conduct is profitable only to the enemies of the faith,” as it “emboldens the wicked.”
The numbing of traditional Catholic journalism has produced a void in the propagation of Catholic Truth.
The Catholic Inquisitor is being launched in the hopes of filling the void, with the help of God’s grace.
Its articles, reports, and in-depth analyses promise to be presented through the eyes of the perennial teachings of the Catholic Church, “in exactly the same meaning and always in the same explanation which the Church held previously” (cf. Oath Against Modernism).
Its publisher and editor will be Louie Verrecchio, renowned for this hard-hitting blog, akaCatholic. In line with the policy of akaCatholic, The Catholic Inquisitor will likewise not seek to gain allies by “accompanying” the voices of falsehood.
Do consider helping this highly-needed and courageous initiative by taking out a subscription, as well as by prayer. In this way, you will contribute “in spreading abroad the light of undefiled faith,” as Vatican I and Pope Leo XIII have enjoined us to do.
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I would like to encourage all readers of AKA Catholic to buy gift subscriptions to the Catholic Inquisitor for family and friends.
In this raging battle for the righting of the Barque of Peter we must do all we can. Things are really ramping up with the destruction of the Faith by Rome.
Truth mixed with error is error.
Have subscribed to “The Catholic Inquisitor” and looking forward to receiving my editions. We must never tire of preaching the truth, thank you Louie and Cornelia for your relentless efforts to do so in and out of season.
“The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: ‘Here is the wolf!’ when it enters the flock or anywhere else.
–St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, Chapter 29