As reported by several media outlets, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (which should be renamed the Pontifical Academy for Lie) has published an article in support of abortion in certain instances.
According to the Catholic Herald:
Rabbi Dr. Fishel Szlajen, who sits on the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, has said scripture justifies abortion in certain rare cases.
As one continues to read the direct quotes attributed to Szlajen, it becomes evident that this isn’t entirely true:
“In only one case does the Bible call for abortion: when the life of the conceptus inexorably threatens that of its mother,” he said. In such cases, the life of the mother takes priority.
Notice that Szlajen didn’t say that Sacred Scripture justifies abortion; rather, he said that the Bible (i.e., Almighty God Himself) calls for abortion.
Abortion is never acceptable. So, do the actual words used in this case matter?
Well, if nothing else, they demonstrate that evil has a way of constantly outdoing itself; always upping the ante. We may well expect this to be so until the final confrontation and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
In the present case, one may notice that the so-called “right to choose” is being overturned; in its place, we find the diabolical notion that God; whose rights supersede those of any man, actually calls for abortion.
The sheer audacity of claiming that God Himself at times asks that we commit mortal sin!
Who can be surprised. I mean, after all, Szlajen is a Jew.
He isn’t pretending to be Catholic, in spite of his appointment to the Pontifical Academy for Life. He doesn’t even self-identify as a protestant follower of Christ; on the contrary, the centerpiece of, and only thing one needs to know about, his religious identity is that it stands squarely upon his explicit rejection of Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church.
There’s a reason Jews are at the forefront of every evil movement on earth; e.g., radical environmentalism, homo-activism, abortion, euthanasia…
In any case, as this story has been making its rounds in neo-conservative “pro-life” circles, it is leaving no small amount of outrage in its wake, and it should.
And yet, I haven’t seen an equal amount of outrage coming from the same quarters in light of the fact that Jorge Bergoglio, who not only insists that he is “a son of the Church,” but the Holy Roman Pontiff no less, made essentially the same claim; namely, that Almighty God Himself asks us to commit and persist in mortal sin.
It [the human conscience] can also recognize with sincerity and honesty what for now is the most generous response which can be given to God, and come to see with a certain moral security that it [adultery] is what God himself is asking amid the concrete complexity of one’s limits. (Amoris Laetitia 303)
Readers may recall that in spite of this, neo-conservative icon Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, gushed over Amoris Laetitia; describing it as “a beautifully written … encouraging roadmap for families.”
Returning now to the Catholic Herald article:
Dr Szlajen justifies this position by citing the Jewish law of the “rodef”, which allows people in certain circumstances to kill someone who is endangering the lives of others.
Cases of anencephaly, irreversible degenerative pathologies and terminal disease where the “conceptus” will certainly die are examples of ‘tzorech gadol’ (grave necessity) where “abortion is permitted with severe restrictions”.
Ah, yes, Jewish law.
The Herald goes on to tell us:
Another member of the academy, Rabbi Avraham Steinberg said the unborn child has “no human status” before 40 days. After 40 days, it has “a certain status of a human being, not full status”.
One may wonder, why in God’s name are any Jews appointed to the Pontifical Academy for Life?
A better question, however, is why not?
After all, every one of the post-conciliar popes have made it crystal clear that they see the Jews as those who presently enjoy a salvific covenant relationship with God, as if Jesus Christ was simply wrong when He said:
“He who rejects me rejects Him who sent me.” (Luke 10:16)
If indeed it is true that the Old Covenant endures, then the “the Jewish law of the rodef” should be taken into consideration by the Pontifical Academy for Life.
The more fundamental answer as to why Jews and their opinions are now treated with esteem in Rome is Nostra Aetate (from the opening sentence “In our time”) – the calamitous conciliar document that makes the outrageous claim concerning the Jews of our time:
The Church believes that by His cross, Christ, Our Peace, reconciled Jews and Gentiles, making both one in Himself. (NA 4)
Yes, that’s right, the Council states that those who, like Rabbi Szlajen, reject Jesus Christ and His Cross, are made one with us “in Himself” in spite of their rejection of Him.
And to make this point, the Council misappropriated Sacred Scripture itself!
Perhaps those neo-conservative “pro-lifers” who are outraged that Szlajen is claiming recourse to the Bible for his grave offense against God, will consider the fact that the Rabbi isn’t doing anything that the Council hasn’t also done.
What the Council did, however, is more egregious still in that its misappropriation of Scripture leads to one to believe that there is no need for the Jews to enter the Catholic Church; a lie that threatens the eternal life of human beings.
As terrible as these stories are coming out of Rome, in part, I welcome each and every one of them; in the hope that they will serve to open the eyes of those Catholics who are presently blind to the pure evil that is being perpetrated in this world thanks to the Second Vatican Council, and its implementer extraordinaire, Francis.
May it please God to grant them sight, and soon.
“As terrible as these stories are coming out of Rome, in part, I welcome each and every one of them; in the hope that they will serve to open the eyes of those Catholics who are presently blind to the pure evil that is being perpetrated in this world thanks to the Second Vatican Council, and its implementer extraordinaire, Francis.”
Louie , I wished I shared your hopeful enthusiasm , I really do.
However, by reading com boxes on every Catholic blog I can find, what I see is neo cons and liberals primarily debating the sodomite issue as it relates to Borgoglio and his comments on Mercy. Hardly anyone speaks about the pro life issues anymore and even less ( with the exception of Trads only) speak about V2.
The Jews were punished once before for their attitude towards child sacrifice. They suffered the Babyloinian exile of captivity after they piled their sacrificed children onto the fires of Gahenna .
“The Valley of Hell
Much later, in the same valley where Israelite children had once been sent to “to burn their sons and daughters alive in honor of Molech” (Jer. 32:35), a constant fire smoldered to incinerate garbage and refuse from the city of Jerusalem.
The notorious valley became the city trash dump. Smoke rose from the burning debris in the Valley of the Children day and night so that Hinnom became a graphic symbol of woe, disaster, and hell, the place of eternal judgment. The Greek translation of Hinnom is gehenna, a word Jesus used 11 times, and each time it is used in the New Testament it is translated hell (Matt. 5:22; Mark 9:43, 45, 47).
In the United Sates the bodies of our aborted babies are treated as potentially infectious biomedical waste, which also includes human tissue such as tumors, amputated body parts, blood-soaked rags left over from surgery, and single use plastics and disposables. Ninety percent of this medical waste is incinerated, according to the EPA’s website, (, producing dioxin as a byproduct, a known human carcinogen. And so begins the destruction and cannibalism of judgment”
This fits in nicely with the Academy for Life /UN sustainable goals.
Soylent Green is here folks.
Sadly, the neo-Cath crowd is feeds daily on the teets of Public Relations Campaigns and sleight of hand denials and dismissals, or the tried and true method of not talking about uncomfortable things.
Corporations and government play around with words and statements to lie and misconstrue and buy time, cover-up and delay justice. People are used to it.
So too the same for the Church, now having adopted the methodology of the World, and under tons of nonsense verbiage, and pretensions of ‘open-ness’, hide behind vagueries and stretching the ‘benefit of the doubt’ far past the breaking point where there’s nothing holding the bundle of sticks together any more.
“God made me do it!” That’s what Adam concluded. Because God created for him the woman. And if God didn’t do that then just maybe Adam wouldn’t have eaten the fruit. And if God hadn’t created the serpent or the Trees, then Eve wouldn’t have been tempted. So you see folks, God set us up! It’s His fault! He was waiting for us to do it! He expected and wanted us to do it! Everyone in Hell screams to remind us about this all the time!
We want a world without consequences or choices. All that Free Will stuff God gave us is the problem. So they conclude that either God is bad, or God wants us to do bad things because in a roundabout way it’s good. Why? We don’t know… but you see, the God they believe in is Darwin’s God. The God who used Evolution, and thus used as His creative Engines -Death, suffering, disease, violence, struggle.
Traditionally those things were seen as consequences for Sin that marred a perfect world.
But the Church that believes in Charles Darwin sees that as all part of the design.
Not that God uses the consequences of evil He did not create to achieve good. But that God created evil itself from the get-go! We are no more responsible for evil than Satan!
Hence just as fish struggled to magically survive into monkies and into people, so too the struggle continues today! The Struggle of the People! The Revolution! The Theology of Liberation! We are Church! And we’re storming our way to the gates of Heaven! We will eat from both trees as much as we like! We shall define reality for ourselves! And we shall also put words into God’s mouth! We will benefit from Lies! And lying to ourselves we shall live!
If God can be so contradictory, then so shall we, contradictory men made in the image of a contradictory God, but we just relabel these contradictions as “mercy.”
Pure Insanity.
But if insanity gives us a survival advantage, then it’s all in keeping with the God of Evolution and Relativity.
Dr. Chojnowski had a brilliant letter exposé about events leading to this unholy council.
I also belive that callmejorgebergoglio blog had this letter published few years ago as well.
Letter by American Jewish Committee requesting that we Catholics change liturgy, because it is too anti-semitic.
“In the interest of better relations between the adherents of the historical monotheistic religions, we request the Church to seek ways of mitigating the impact of the liturgy of the triduum* Were the Church to select passages which would accurately convey its true attitude toward the Jewish people, or to produce or stimulate authoritative interpretation or commentary which would, for once and for all, lift the
charge or implication of deicide from the Jewish people”
“hat such a provocative charge may be found in Catholic
homily five years after the horrors of the Nazi death camps is a source of deep disturbance. Not only does commentary
of this sort misrepresent the intentions of the Church, it must, of necessity, create anxiety and suspicion among Jews.
In the light of the Church’s authoritative and self- critical teaching, is it not time to put an end to the un- Christian use of the Jews as a scapegoat people?
We respectfully request that the Church, rectify, accord- ing to its own precedents and through its own methods, the passages in liturgy and teaching which, in themselves, or
by way of homily, stimulate and reinforce the slanderous concept of the Jews as a cursed, despised, deicide people”
And obliged Vatican 2 sect sure did…
Anyways, fast forward to this horror 50 years later where it is only logical for punishment to fit the crime, to have Jews on Vatican’s pontifical academy for death.
Considering numerous reports of Fatima we’ve all examined over and over again, about apostasy from the top, saint Maximilian Kolbe seeing a banner in 1917-“Satan Must Reign in the Vatican.-The Pope Will Be His Slave”, Malachi Martin when asked by listener that could be it- confirmed that partial content is in fact pope being under the control of satan, St. FRANCIS (the name sure is coincidental, right?)
And when we consider the fact that all conciliar popes buried the secret deeply, being afraid it might be them, as their conscience was bothering them for good reason, do we finally have a winning match, a bishop dressed in white giving an appearance of pope?
And then what bishop Sheen said comes to mind- that false prophet will be recruited among bishops by satan. Could this really be it folks? Gun to the head to save the earthly life if you get the question right? What is your response?
Is Francis the False Prophet, the anti-John Baptist to Antichrist?
Yes, we might not know 100%, but if you had to choose between yes or no only? Honestly, as scary of a thought it might be, I think I would be leaning towards yes.
Furthermore, does anyone know of writings of fathers, saints and doctors about false prophet? There is much written on antichrist, but could not find much on False Prophet.
Meant to say St Francis prophecy about the detroyer
Eyes opened.
From 1960
From 1961
I read Henry Makow all the time. He had this on his twitter feed. You people here are so knowledgable, I’m sure you’ve seen this in the past. Malachi Martin intimated himself with conservative Catholics in his later years. His efforts on behalf of Judiaism prior to, during and after Vatican II are exactly what I would expect from a heretic infiltrator freemason working as a double agent within the Jesuit order. As I have asserted previously, I believe St. Pius X and Fr. Wernz(Superior General of the Jesuits), who died within 24 hours of each other, were murdered. From the historical record, there is some evidence that The Apostolic Constution governing the post Pius X conclave was illegally tampered with to allow iron clad secrecy post conclave, which was contrary to Catholic tradition, and common sense, I might add. In any case, the next pope , Benedict XV, was a protege of a known OTO freemason, Cardinal Rampolla. I believe the takeover of the Catholic Church took place in 1914 with the first conclave to be held completely in secret, perpetually. Masonry effected every aspect of papal governance as the 20th century progressed, but probably Catholic doctrine was effected the least, which is why no astute observers were able to point out the influence of masonry until now, when we have a pope, who clearly is attempting to change doctrine.
This information about Malachi Martin has been available on certain Catholic blogs for a very long time. Trouble is, MM enjoys the status of hero, prophet and teacher among large numbers of ‘orthodox’ and ‘traditional’ Catholics, so convincing has he been in projecting a certain image of himself. He can do no wrong, and anyone who speaks out against him is pooh-poohed and totally disregarded.
Here is a good source of information about him.
It is more than likely that he was a triple agent, that is, one who pretends to be a double agent for the benefit of one side, while in fact being a double agent for the benefit of the other side. In MM’s case, pretending to have access to ‘secret’ information that he ‘revealed’ for the benefit of the Church, while actually working for the benefit of the enemies of the Church.
The red flags have been there all along. Read some of his earlier books, such as “Jesus Now” from 1973 (and so, well after Vatican II), to understand that he was a confused charlatan at best, and a deliberate subverter of the Catholic Faith at worst. He is also on record of having on one occasion conferred Holy Orders on a cleric who was in doubt that he had received the sacrament validly. Then there is his well-known close friendship with cardinal Bea, the darling of liberals, and who at Vatican II was one of the key players in promoting the liberal agenda.
And Card. Bea was the chief go-between for Jews and the Church, playing an important role in presenting their agenda to the Church hierarchy. See, for example, the document already referenced by Katherine.
Are there any Catholics who hold positions on Jewish Councils?
In some of the comments on MM on Educate Yourself it was implied that he may never have been ordained. No one seems to have gone to school with him. So some have questioned his credentials. He is also said to have admitted that he was born Jewish.
In any case, I’ve already admitted my inexpierence with this subject, so I am grateful for your post, particularly the part about him being a triple agent. That is exactly as his activities should be described and what I would expect from Talmudic Jews.
Masonic infiltrators didn’t bring down the Church. Something big happened that caused the Holy Ghost to withdraw His protection. The Lateran Treaty, the founding of the Vatican Bank and Pius XI’s refusal to accede to the requests of Our Lady of Fatima, are responsible.
I knew Malachi Martin so count me in as one who will defend him. John Vennari also knew him and we both believed Martin to have been one who regretted Vatican Two and his time working under Cardinal Bea. His chauffeur and friend called me some years ago relating how disturbed he was that the FBI visited him in the hospital asking him if he knew why Bea traveled under false documents.
Martin came from a Catholic family in Ireland and his friend and driver was also an Irishmen from a large Catholic family. It was Martin’s landlady in Manhattan who ran a writer’s salon and introduced him to other writers and publishers. she was the widow of a wealthy Greek shipper.
Marin grew and became a wiser cleric as he aged , just like the rest of us. He was spot on about the Jesuits in the book he wrote of the same name.
I know he sympathized with Catholics who went to SSPX and were trying to raise their children in the Faith and mentioned several times how concerned he was for them in this millenium which he knew he would fail to see. He completed and sent his last book to his Publisher. Fr Fiore lied when he said it had not been completed.
I am convinced the book was blocked.
Grassemeir of angelqueen is a real estate agent in Ft Meyers, Fl. He defended one Fr Marshall Roberts as a priest in good standing on his blog. The same priest has a history as a disordered priest. Just because your books are published by a Jewish owned Publishing Company is not and indictment .
Remember it was Fr martin who first sounded the alarm about the hx infiltration in the Church.He supported priests financially who were traditional and orthodox and were being persecuted by their Bishops.
I also know Henry Makow. He has published my articles also. The narrative you mention above supported Henry’s blog thesis but is not necessarily an accurate indictment of Martin either.
Malachi saw the corruption in the Vatican first hand and reacted appropriately by exiting. Before you go on about Robert Keiser, keep in mind that Jesuit had mental health issues and spent time in a mental health facility . He accused Martin of carrying on with his wife who divorced him but did not make himself known as a writer till after Martin died and could not defend himself.
Great post Sweep. I believe the truth will come out over time. I too heard that MM had a final book ready exposing his evil deeds and accomplises.
By the way, my last comment posted to the Jewish Law article was deleted before it could be posted. Anyone here know how that would work????
I had posted a comment with a link to an article concerning Israeli harvesting of Palestinian organs and their sale. Out of an abundance of prudence, I have deleted the link, because twice the post was deleted before it could be posted. I realize these types of things can be used for propaganda, but these reports of Israeli organ harvesting have been documented multiple times.
What could possibly be a more callous disregard of human dignity and natural God given rights, than to murder people, lie about their hostile intent, and then sell their organs to the highest bidder?
It hasn’t showed up in the comments. Is there a problem? Is it considered offensive????
Maybe it is offensive to Talmudic Jews, but I know for a fact that many Jews are offended by the actions of the Israeli government and their accomplicies in masonry, etc.
My goodness Sweepouthefilth, Is there anyone you don’t know or haven’t met ?Why do you hide under a pseudonym. With your knowledge and experiences you should have a blog of your own.
Hey gang,
This isn’t applicable to Mary’s comment (which I don’t know why it didn’t show), but now seems to be a good time to remind everyone that comments with more than one link in it are usually caught in the spam filter. I can go back and approve them one at a time by hand, but I put that filter in place so I don’t have to take the time to do that.
If you want to post more than one link, feel free, just put them in separate comments and they’ll post.
Thank you all for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it.
Thank you for the explanation, Louie. Yes, it appears I only put one link in the comment. I attempted to post the comment twice and neither time did the comment appear in the “Jewish Law and the pontifical academy for lie” commbox. I also sent an email from this site with a copy of the comment. Then, as insurance I sent an email from my email. I knew that whatever was blocking my comment was serious censorship.
The long and the short explanation is that Google, Facebook and Twitter are policing the internet for “fake news”. I may have run afoul of their censors.
Discussed that with my writer friends and my husband. Husband felt we would be sued by some very powerful organizations and we did not have the resources to fight them in court. So several friends made sure they followed up on leads and sourced with documented evidence. They also figured my husband was right .
BTW , writer and I did agree that Martin was a womanizer at one time BUT I have tried to convince her in his old age he really did have a heart for the Traditional Faithful.
I believe he may have married Katya Lavanos having introduced her as his “wife”to a prominent man in upstate NY.
On the other hand he did complete the last book which would have been a blockbuster because he told me so directly having wanted to set up a meeting equa distant from our residences. I realized it was too late to add the info on OD and LC I was hoping he would include in his new book and I also informed him i had reason not to trust his priest friend Fiore. That was the last time we spoke. He died shortly thereafter. Lyla Karpf was his Publicist and a friend told me she sounded panicked when she called asking to know why the last book which went to the Publisher and was never released.. She kept repeating it,”… was just like what Fr Fiore said, it was never finished.” Several of us have strong inclinations that Fiore was the double agent. Martin was the loose canon that could not be controlled or predicted as to what he might reveal.
He did know he would die before the millennium because he told me that several times.
I’m old and I know many people personally from pre the www.
I first met Randy at John Vennari’s wedding and we have been friends ever since. Another friend introduced me to Malachi.
Thanks for explaining Louie. I thought maybe my comments were being looked at as problematic too.
Might I recommend “The Talmud Unmasked” as a good source for understanding why certain Jewish elements despise Christianity
It provides clarity as to where certain Hollywood Producers have found their blasphemous sources for movie lines that distort Jesus’ Word.
I wonder what Fr Kramer would say about your view of Fr Charles Fiore. If I remember correctly, the good Fr Fiore sent copies of The Devils Final Battle to various people along with a cover letter explaining his great dismay and his belief that VII was a demonic debaucle. His closing words were to do the First Saturday’s, go to confession, do penance,pray the rosary…..double agent for who might I ask?
You aren’t going to have a successful revolution if you don’t get some of the enemy on the inside. The Modernists and the Talmudic Jews are brothers in the revolution against Christ and His Church and these Jews are as dangerous to the Catholic faith and the survival of humanity as the Communists, Socialists, and Masons.
I wonder how many people stop to think about how much power the Jews have in the world. Not many that is certain.
I recently learned that 90-95% of the packaged and canned foods we purchase cost more due to the fact that the various boards of Jewish rabbi’s convinced food manufacturers to place labels on food that would indicate they are kosher. Look on your food products and you will find a U within a circle, a capital K, or capital KA or other various symbols all of which indicate they are certified kosher. See link below for more symbols.
Too many Catholics are indifferent or naive with regard to the infiltration of the Church. It sounds too much like a “conspiracy theory”. They blame individuals and their personal theology, like Modernism, while people like Fr. Fahey recognized the naturalism spawned by masonry and it’s source in Talmudic Judism as the true problem.
Sweep, I don’t quibble with the notion that MM may have had a change of heart, in his old age, or that he wrote a final book outlining problems with Vatican II. The problem I have with MM is that he clearly was an agent for Jewish enemies of the Church at Vatican II and if he was repentant, he should have made very sure that the message of his repentance got out multiple times in multiple ways before he died. He had to have known such a message was dangerous.
I just tried posting a link to an article from Henry Makow’s twitter feed exposing Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. Twice!! Someone blocked me, twice!! Do we have a problem getting the message out that there is infiltration of the Catholic Church? You bet we do! Common sense should tell us who is blocking the message and why.
Before we had the internet and decided to communicate with that ,we had telephones where we picked up the phone and met the people with whom we had something in common. Our common interest was the Faith and how it we were seeing it being destroyed from within.
…The “good Fr Fiore” supported Mariel Maciel and his Legion and Regnum Christi.
He had become a Dominican and was the spiritual director for a friend who published a Catholic Magazine for home school families. We were in constant communication and she told me what puzzled her about him. Why did he join the Dominicans and hide his wealth when they had to take a vow of poverty? he laughed about that.
Why did he support Magdalen college to the point of leaving his estate to them? Magdalen was founded by an RC business couple and staffed by women counselors who belonged to the cult.
A group of five parents compared they children’s experiences at the college’s summer camp.The stories were horrible with one child being forced into allowing them to chop off her hair at ear level ,another being mocked by the counselors for wearing a chapel veil to Mass. One women sent the email conversation to Fr Fiore who contacted the Dean at the college and four of these mothers received letters threatening a lawsuit.
Fiore placed a graduating student with Fr Kunz and Fiore was the last one to see him alive. The His student friend found the priests mutilated body the next morning. Then he moved in with Fiore in his Monte Cristo estate until the police said he could leave the state. We called a woman who knew Fiore well. She was a writer. She warned us not to trust him because he belonged to the CNP. Which he did. Later we found online that he was the President and CEO of his family business ,Fiore energy company. Was he sincere when he became a Dominican priest and took a vow of poverty? The closer my friend got to who and what the Legion and RC were the more Fiore told her she should just stay home and bake cookies.
Then he had FSSP after his name. Which parish did he pastor and where did he say Mass?
I do not think Fr Kramer knew him all that well.
It was Fr Wickens who said Malachi’s Requiem Mass not Fr Fiore and it was Fr Wickens whom Malachi told me was the sincerest priest he knew.
There’s more but it is private since Fr Kunz’ murder is still an open investigation it is the business of the detectives.
Mary, The Saudis pay the homeless living in Egypt’s graveyards for their kidneys , the Chinese harvest organs from their prisoners in labor camps. It is being done all over the world by nefarious governments and politicians for wealthy individuals . It isn’t exclusive to the Israelis.
It is of course disgusting.
Think of MM this way. A highly educated priest who rose to be the Biblical Scholar for he Vatican and who was assigned to work for Bea.
I believe his disgust grew after years of discovering the Vaican and the Cardinals and Bishops were not what they are presented to be.
Listen carefully to what this Irish priest has to say about his thirty years as a priest and know Martin was in the political belly of the Beast in the Vatican.
Vatican .
Understand that B’nai Brith is Masonry .
Understand that the Vatican borrowed money from the Rothschild bankers ,but first understand who the Rothschild were and how they got started.
Get a bowl of popcorn and prepare to be enlightened.
Here’s another good site for reference on the topic
Mary ,
Then I know you will like this article.
Have you read his books? John Vennari gave me several many years ago
before he became Editor of CFN.
Ahh and this one too–.html
We now know the “Superforce” in the Vatican is the Clerical Lavender Mafia and their many tentacles supporters and sub groups.
This is who “the good Fr Fiore” supported and Martin was very interested in finding out more about them before he died.
This is an excellent site by an ex Legion priest of 23 years.
Sweepouthefilth you certainly should inform The Remnant, Tradition In Action as well as the Fatima Center about these priests, everyone’s been fooled but you. Louie this site is becoming a center for accusations and mysteries. Fr Gruner was duped along with John Vennari RIP. I’m done here
I hope this isn’t too “off topic”. Some in Traditional Catholic circles see Cardinal Burke as a savior. Others say he is a Modernist in Traditional garments used by the V2 church as a operative to deceive and manipulate the true warriors. By putting faith in Cardinal Burke, they have taken off their armor and put down their weapons trusting that Burke and his allies will win the war. Does anyone have any thoughts or inside info on this?
John Vennari was close friends with Fr Martin and he liked Fiore. He was also close to Fr David Hewko of the “Resistance” . In fact that is who presided over his marriage.
What the Remnant or TIA think about either of them, I could care less. People learn and they grow. They are both deceased and the only persons who matter now are the authorities still keeping the Fr Kunz murder case open.
It is a difficult thing to have your premises and beliefs in life challenged and or shattered.
Try hard to imagine how idealistic and faithful men both young and old, who dedicated their lives to the priesthood felt and feel as they are shocked into the reality that their fellow priests Bishops and Cardinals are homosexuals who act out with each other and with laity. How do you think many priests felt as they watched Vatican Two unfold?
How would you respond? Would you become angry? Would you stay inside and under Bishops and Cardinals who enable and protect sodomites ? Would you write books to expose the corruption within, or would you remain silent and a martyr for the cause?
Or would you just abandon everything because human beings aren’t exactly what you thought or wanted them to be?
I knew plenty of clerics who confided they stayed quiet because they did not want to destroy the Faith of the laity.
You cannot change anything if you do not know the truth.
Of course !
Burke supported the Legion and Maciel .
Burke was informed by a parishioner that he gave permission to a transgender
man to woman to start a Religious Order for women . When he ignored her letter she wrote to the Nuncio and of course it went back to Burke from the Nuncio. A friend called this woman who told her Burke made her a persona non grata in the entire Diocese.
Allegedly , according to this same inquiring researcher, Burke was at the scene after the murder of Fr Kunz causing at least one detective to wonder how he was alerted so quickly and how it was he had permission to remove the files from the rectory. Remember , Fr Kunz was exposing satanic sodomite rings within the Church on his radio show and there were many call ins . This was in Bishop Burke’s Diocese at the time.
Like Bl Emmerick predicted…..these were all Faithful Catholics at the time but they did not know who to trust or where help would come from….
Louie , I apologize for monopolizing your combox here .
I have one final comment on this topic.
All your readers should take time to study Mrs Engel’s fine research on Opus Dei.
It is my opinion that this very secretive sect has much to do with the masonic influence on Vatican Two, Among it’s membership is at least one acknowledged Rabbi.
“Rabbi Angel Kreiman Praises Escriva and Opus Dei for
Helping Him and Others to Become Rabbis”
I do not personally know the owners of this site . I have discovered other news articles in the past that corroborate what they say concerning Kreiman.
also, I have read ,”Opus dei in his Own Words” by Escriva and how he visited Lucia as a Dorothean in Tuy shortly after she was asked to put the Third Secret to paper because it was feared she would die before she could. Of note, was Escriva’s crediting her with telling him to found the first OD House outside of Spain in Coimbre. He added she would take care of all his visa’s and paperwork. Then she appears as a nun who has left her Order after 23 years to become a cloistered nun in Coimbre.
After said Lucia’s death , Mother Celine of the cloister was interviewed and stated she and the nuns of the cloister were all OD Cooperators.
Contrasting this with Maria del Tapia’s biographical book of the decades she spent working for Escriva as a Numerary and his secretary, she recounts his comments after visiting Lucia in Tuy to the women in her OD house. Carmen states he referred to Lucia as a ,”silly nun but a good women” adding that he did not want any of his Numerary women to be like the “silly nuns”.
Personally I believe there is much more here than meets he eye .
Sweep, there is so much you’ve written, some I agree me, much that is enlightening, but I have a few observations:
1) With regard to organ harvesting, I am sure it is done worldwide, and I knew about the Chinese already, that’s been known about for many years. The Saudis are puppets of the Israelis. It wouldn’t surprise me if their diabolical activities are coordinated out of Tel Aviv. Henry has had articles showing that the largest modern center for slavery, white slavery and pedophilia, is through Israel. These are not simply disgusting practices, but injustices that cry out to heaven, regardless of the perpetrators or the victims. The problem I have with the report I tried to link to regarding Israeli complicity in organ harvesting, is that it was blocked by unknown players. I am aware that all internet traffic flows through Tel Aviv and the Mossad.
2) Thanks for the links especially the movie with Boris Karloff(!!) on the Rosthschilds. I know about the links on Fahey and MM already. I check on Henry Makow frequently.
3) With regard to MM. Obviously, you have personal knowledge, that I do not have. As I previously stated, I believe MM was an infiltrator, heretic, freemason. Yes, he probably had a metanoia, a conversion. But, given the profound nature of the scandal inflicted on the faithful by Vatican II and Nostra Aetate and changes in Liturgy as well as the Liturgical calendar, we needed more than some final mea culpa by MM in a book consigned to an unreliable traitorous priest. That’s my point, he had a moral obligation to get the word out that what he had done was morally wrong, scandalous and needed correction, and I’m not referring to any sexual indiscretions on his part.
Our essential disagreement has to do with the infiltration of the Catholic Church, which, as you know, I believe started in 1914, not 1958. I believe the infiltration was by freemasonry, which you are aware is intimately connected to Bnai Brith. The problem with masonry is that the members are sworn to obey their masters, on pain of death. They have to follow orders. Or else. So from 1914 on, the Catholic Church was controlled by outsiders, likely, bankers. They probably were controlled by bankers prior to 1914, but only indirectly. With the election of Benedict XV they had an insider with their world view in charge of the Vatican. Now, now, they could bring into the priesthood more easily the candidates they wanted to see: masons, the criminally insane, the sexually perverse, and yes those are sodomites. My point is this, the prevalance of sodomites in the priesthood is a RESULT of infiltration, a consequence of the evil intent of masons to destroy the Catholic Church. And destroying it, is what is happening. Even if every sodomite were hunted down from every diocese and every religious order, the infiltration would not be touched if the puppetmasters are still allowed to manipulate their puppets, the Popes and Cardinals. Remember the movie, “The Producers”, where Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder tried to produce a play guaranteed to fail, in order to fleece money from little old ladies? That’s what the infiltration of the Catholic Church looks like. Even if the homosexual actors were eliminated from the play, it would still be offensive and the motives of the producers to produce a flop would remain the same. The 20th Century Catholic Church was a production very like, “The Producers”, an operation engineered to fail. Oh, and by the way, my father-in-law, God rest his soul, peeled potatoes with the Army, during WWII on Long Island with Zero Mostel.
It is scandalous and surreal to have these rabbis (or anyone else who doesn’t hold to the Church’s teaching on abortion) to be members of the PAL. These rabbis, members of the PAL(!), are actually advocating for the murder of certain unborn children. There are no words except for maybe Ann Barnhardt’s “diabolical narcissists.” Ann talks about these people as those who openly promote evil, and knowing themselves to be untouchable, sit back and take pleasure in how others instead of condemning them rather enable them. I think that even more than these rabbis, the diabolical narcissists are the prelates who appointed them to the PAL and continue to support them. Pure evil.
“The Church believes that by His cross, Christ, Our Peace, reconciled Jews and Gentiles, making both one in Himself. (NA 4)”
I think that this is referencing St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians:
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
That is to say that in Christ Jesus and His Catholic Church the old enmity that existed between Jew and Gentile is now overcome in both having become Christian and putting behind them the Old Covenant and paganism.
“Yes, that’s right, the Council states that those who, like Rabbi Szlajen, reject Jesus Christ and His Cross, are made one with us “in Himself” in spite of their rejection of Him.”
Therefore, I don’t think the word “Jew” in NA 4 refers to contemporary Talmudic Jews but to the Old Covenant Jews who at the time of Jesus and St. Paul embraced the New and Everlasting Covenant.
I know you said that you wouldn’t be commenting further on this topic and if you don’t respond to me, I’ll understand, but I’m very confused as who MM really was as I hear very conflicting views about him from fellow Catholics. I’m hoping that because you knew him, you might be able to answer some questions:
-1. Was MM a Jewish agent sent to subvert Church teaching on Judaism at Vatican II?
-2. What did MM think about Cardinal Bea?
-3. Did MM repent of his role at Vatican II?
-4. Why didn’t MM publicly repent of what he had done and point out who the individuals infiltrating the Church were?
-5. Did MM really read the 3rd Secret of Fatima?
-6. Was MM laicized?
-7. Was MM an exorcist? Can a laicized priest conduct exorcisms?
My confusion with MM is that, if he did evil and then truly repented why didn’t he simply inform everyone about it in a clear way? I’ve heard some of his interviews in which he said that he wrote factition (factual accounts hidden in a fictitious narrative) in order to avoid lawsuits. I also heard him say that he couldn’t reveal the content of the 3rd Secret because he had been sworn to secrecy BUT if someone asked him directly if the Secret contained anything about this or that then he would answer. To me all of this appears as probably someone playing games with an audience: he says he knows but can’t say exactly what unless someone asks him directly. Its almost like playing “you’re getting hotter…you’re getting colder…” These are life and death issues, physical and spiritual ones, not a game so I just don’t get MM. I hope you can help.
I met Malachi at a book signing and talk for his book “Windswept House.”
There was a small group present and the man who told me about it was a former SSPX seminarian , then a Deacon. Martin was his Aunt’s Spiritual Director. She attended private TLM Masses in his apartment with a few close friends of his if I recall correctly.
The elderly Irishmen Joe G , who drove him places and was his friend was also there. Joe and I remained friends after Malachi died and he would also visit him in the hospital. I have since lost touch ,but he was already in his mid or late eighties when he used to call me. He told me when he visited Malachi during his first hospitalization that Malachi mentioned the FBI had visited him asking why Cardinal Bea traveled under false papers which Martin found surprising. I think people gave MM to much credit for his activities in the Vatican since he was one of many priests assigned to work for Cardinal Bea.
I was told he only was asked to assist at Exorcisms in the Diocese of NYC and was not an Exorcist himself.
I recall after his death the Jesuits released a statement that he had requested of PP6th and was given permission to leave the Order. Laicized if you will , released from his vows except for chastity , again only as I recalled reading from his former Jesuit Provincial after his death.
He expressed a deep sorrow imho, for young Catholic parents trying to raise their children in the Faith . I saw it and it was genuine.
He did say he read the Third Secret , having been called in as an expert linguist.
He did allege he took a vow . John V did like him also and believed him when he said he regretted what happened to the Mass as a result of Vatican 2. He told me so and he said Martin had brought a bottle of good wine to the dinner or lunch they had.
MM was disgusted with the sodomites in the Church and claimed the perverse Enthronement Ceremony of Satan really did happen co celebrated in other places around the world and he mentioned Bernadin in a NC or SC Diocese. RCF followed up on the child victim there who was a married women by that time and named her with the pseudonymn ,”Agnes” and she allegedly went to the Vatican to give her testimony. Cardinal Gagnon backed that up.
I believe all this is still online on the Roman Catholic Faithful’s old website.
I know Malachi was very concerned for the Catholics and traditional priests he saw suffering too because of what was happening in the Church which included a little old nun whose habit was held together literally with safety pins because her Order was being destroyed by the new modern Superior and she was only allowed to keep her habit and work as an Extern because she had nowhere and no one to go home to. Joe had brought her to meet Malachi. Malachi was also fond of Fr Wickens who said his Requienm Mass and he told me he should be a Bishop if the Church was in it’s right mind. I believe his last book was a real tell all from what he told me when he called and it was finished and sent to the Publisher the previous Dec. We last spoke on the phone the March before he died. I also know he wanted all the rot to come out concerning the clerical sodomites.
He was pressed for the Third Secret by everyone and he did get to the point that he would confirm something by nodding if someone asked him if it was an element of it. Whether or not that was breaking his vow or if he broke he vow of chastity I do not know . But as far as being an agent for the Jewish or clerical masons himself, I do not believe it. From our conversations he saw the nationalized Bishops and the perverts as more a threat to the Church institution than anything else and of course the changes in the Mass since Vat 2. I cancelled the meeting he asked to have about the LC and OD because I told him in particular I had great distrust of someone who claims to be his priestly friend . He wrote to me asking for a specific name and I told him. Shortly after some people like Rick Salbato claimed online they could not get in touch with him. Remember when Martin was doing those radio shows he was pretty old and not well. My impression was he wanted to have everything he knew that he saw as a priest come out but others did not. The mystique that blossomed about him was after people read “Keys of This Blood” with hints of what he called the “Superforce” in the Church and then the “faction” ,”Windswept House” which clearly spoke about the Satanic enthronement ceremonies………sexual child abuse rituals.
If you followed Steve Brady’s RCF you could easily fill in all the blanks.
I hope this helps. He did believe in Garabandal which I have reservations about.
His book “The Jesuits” was spot on according to a very good priest I knew who was a Jesuit and also left. Much more mystique has been made to surround Malachi Martin than is or was warranted.
Thank you for writing back so quickly and as detailed as you did. I will look further into MM at RCF. God bless you.