Yesterday, at the General Audience, Francis graciously continued his “catechesis” on the Mass; thus offering authentic Catholics everywhere yet another opportunity to suffer in union with Christ for the good of His Mystical Body, the Church.
With this end in mind, let’s take a closer look.
At fist blush, this particular installment may not appear quite as offensive as the others.
Bear in mind, however, that Francis is slowly building an edifice – “brick by brick” if you will – by which the faithful are ostensibly being led toward a deeper understanding of the sacred rites; one that rests (and must either stand or fall) upon a foundation that, as we have already observed, includes the following:
– “Mass” and “Eucharist” (Holy Communion) are strictly interchangeable; i.e., to participate in the one entails reception of the Other.
– The primary essence of the Mass is not Sacrifice, but rather “encounter” and “experience.”
– The priest serves merely as “presider” over the community assembled.
This week, Francis began examining the Novus Ordo itself, beginning with the so-called “Introductory Rites;” more specifically, the “Greeting” – The Lord be with you / And with your spirit.
His Liturgicalness explains:
We are in dialogue; we are at the beginning of the Mass and we must think of the meaning of all these gestures and words. We are entering a “symphony,” in which various tones of voice resound, including times of silence, in view of creating “agreement” among all the participants, namely, to recognize one another animated by one Spirit and by one same end.
In other words, the “Greeting” is intended to help the faithful “to recognize” (or stated otherwise, to experience) the communal nature of the rite, which can be likened to a “symphony.”
Francis is obviously rather enamored with this metaphor of the Mass as “symphony,” repeating it twice. Truth be told, it is very fitting given his distorted view of the Mass.
I mean, what would Mendelssohn’s “Italian” Symphony sound like without the oboes or the horns?
Incomplete, deficient, lacking…
And so it is with the Mass, at least insofar as Francis is concerned, unless the community is there gathered.
Francis goes on:
In fact “the priestly greeting and the people’s response manifest the mystery of the gathered Church” (Ordinamento Generale del Messale Romano, 50). Expressed thus is the common faith and the mutual desire to be with the Lord and to live in unity with the whole community.
Here, Francis is quoting the General Instruction for the Roman Missal (GIRM), and one can only marvel at the hubris of the post-conciliar “reformers” who thought to paint something as earthbound and anthropocentric as “the gathered Church” (specifically, the people assembled) as a theological “mystery.”
On this point, Cardinal Ottaviani had this to say in his famous “Intervention”:
In the New Mass, the role attributed to the faithful is autonomous, absolute–and hence completely false. This is obvious not only from the new definition of the Mass (“…the sacred assembly or congregation of the people gathering together…”), but also from the General Instruction’s observation that the priest’s opening Greeting is meant to convey to the assembled community the presence of the Lord:
“Then through his greeting the priest declares to the assembled community that the Lord is present. This greeting and response express the mystery of the gathered Church.”
Is this the true presence of Christ? Yes, but only a spiritual presence. A mystery of the Church? Certainly–but only insofar as the assembly manifests and asks for Christ’s presence.
This new notion is stressed over and over again…
His Eminence’s point is that the presence of Jesus Christ in the Mass is not simply a matter of the assembly asking for as much; rather, our Lord (who is both High Priest and Sacrifice) is present in the Mass even apart from the assembly, and in a Real and substantial way (not purely spiritual) in the Most Holy Eucharist!
At this, we must acknowledge that the Novus Ordo GIRM has more to say on this topic:
The acclamations and the responses of the faithful to the Priest’s greetings and prayers constitute that level of active participation that is to be made by the assembled faithful in every form of the Mass, so that the action of the whole community may be clearly expressed and fostered. (GIRM 35)
Get that?
The action of the whole community…
As I wrote when discussing the General Audience of last week, Francis’ so-called “catechesis” – for as Protestant and pathetic as it is – just so happens to be an accurate reflection of what the Novus Ordo Missae has to say for itself.
Keep this in mind as we continue with this exercise moving forward:
Francis is painting a false picture of the Mass indeed, but he is simply handing on the rotten fruit, born on a tree rooted in the Council, that was first crammed down the throat of the faithful by his “guiding light,” Paul VI.
This article should illustrate why the dubia amd all the hoopla over Francis is a distraction. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to get all excited over the “errors” of Bergolio before the “errors” of Vatican II and the NO are dealt with. And seeing the type of men who now occupy the once Catholic Cathedrals and Churches, they are not the ones to deal with the problem. They are the cause if the problem. So unless you plan on physically removing Bergolio from Santa Martha and removing his white cassock, the only other way to remove him is to stop recognizing him and his NO buddies as Catholic clergy.
I found this short explanation of what the Novus Ordo is pertinent to Louie’s series on Francis’ catechesis on the Mass:
The Six Marks of the Novus Ordo Mass
Fr. Stephen Somerville
At the Good Friday trial of Jesus, Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” To this day, people are still wondering about truth, and where to find it. When St. John the Apostle wrote the introduction to this Gospel, he said to us, “In the beginning was the Word, the Word of God … and (this) Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we (Apostles) saw his glory … full of grace and truth. Jesus, the Word of God, is full of truth. We must constantly refer to Jesus to know the Truth.In the very first prayer of the traditional Roman Canon of the Mass, we pray God the Father to bless our sacrifice which is offered for the whole Church, including all right-thinking believers and teachers of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith.
Thus in every Mass, we recall that Jesus is full of truth, and has given us a faith that makes us right-thinking believers. Let me remind you of one article of our Catholic Faith. This article or truth is spelled out in the Secret Prayer of a Sunday Mass after Pentecost. This truth is that God has enacted one perfect sacrifice, that of Jesus His Son, in place of all the victims that were sacrificed under the Old Testament before Christ. We pray God to receive this one perfect sacrifice and to sanctify it in order to help us all to attain salvation.
So, briefly: Jesus, full of truth, has given us a right-thinking Faith that says the Mass is a perfect sacrifice of Jesus’ very Body and Blood, that replaces all the Old Testament sacrifices.
It is sad that the Protestants do not accept this notion that the Mass is a true, though bloodless, sacrifice of the real Body and Blood of Christ. For Protestants, the Eucharist is merely a religious meal that is a symbol and memorial of the Last Supper of Jesus. It is not a true victim-sacrifice offered by an actual priest. This contradiction of our Catholic faith means that we cannot expect Protestants to be right-thinking believers, even though we may pray for their conversion. What is more, you know that there are other notions or articles of the Catholic Faith that Protestants do not accept. Examples are the Seven Sacraments, the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of Holy Mary, and the Infallibility of the Pope.
But let us return to the Mass. In 1969, Max Thurian, an important protestant theologian, who helped found the ecumenical Taizé community in France, made this statement: “It is now theologically possible for Protestants to use the same Mass as Catholics.” (1) Protestants offering the same Mass as Catholics? How is this possible? How can we all be right-thinking believers?
To answer these questions, remember that the Liturgy Commission set up by the Paul VI in early 1964 was mandated to prepare a reform of the Mass and all the other liturgy services of the Catholic Church. This commission, called Consilium, did in fact reform the Mass, quite promptly, and the Pope did approve and promulgate this new order or novus ordo of Mass on April 3, 1969. We have the English version of this new Mass that is used in Catholic churches thencefroth around the world. It is quite different in many respects from the Tridentine Latin Mass. How should right-thinking Catholic believers evaluate this new Mass of Vatican II? What should we, as Catholics, think of the novus ordo Mass?
To answer this serious question, let us briefly describe the new Mass in the language of expert theologians and liturgists.
First, they describe it as Ecumenical. This means designed to foster unity and agreement with non-Catholic beliefs. Thus it becomes important to “accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.” One must emphasize what we believe in common, and tone down the beliefs we do not share. The new Mass has changed many prayers, especially the Collects, to speak less of Hell, less of eternal punishment, less of the world as the enemy of God, less of the need to fast, and so on.
The novus ordo Mass is next described as antiquarian. This means emphasizing the alleged early, original features of the Mass in the time of the Fathers, that is, the first four to six centuries of the History of the Church. It means recovering supposed early simplicity of worship, and other primitive qualities. It means diminishing or removing the enrichments of the Catholic Mass that were developed in medieval, baroque, and post-reformation times. It means a more austere, more bare-bones and elemental kind of worship.
Some of these simplifications include less bows or genuflections by the priest, shorter prayers, less use of bells and incense, less feasts of saints, less statues and holy water, and so forth. This then is the antiquarian aspect of the new liturgy.
The third quality is to be community-based. Now the community is the horizontal dimension, that is, around us. The alternative is the vertical dimension, that is, above us. It means pointing to God, to heaven, to the angels. The novus ordo tends to emphasize the community more than God, here more than hereafter, goodness in human society rather than in the mystical body of Christ. Notice that new churches, that is, mass buildings, are wider and lower, with little or no tower that points up. Notice the big entrance lobby for people to meet and chat, horizontally, rather than to pray to Heaven, vertically. Notice the new sign of peace, when the congregation has a surge of hand-shaking. The new Mass, then, is community-based.
The next quality is that of a democratic church. This means literally government by the people, rather than by priests and Bishops and Pope, which is hierarchic, not democratic. It means that the Mass should be led not just by the priest, but by many lectors or readers taking turns, by many communion ministers, including women and even teenagers, by many ushers or so-called ministers of hospitality, and above all by a parish liturgy committee that decides the style and structure of the various Masses. The cantor or song leader is another player on the team of the democratic liturgy.
A fifth trait of the novus ordo is to be desacralized. This means rendered less sacred. It means signs of reverence or mystery, of transcendence or heaven should be reduced to a minimum or removed. Some of these eliminations in the Mass were mentioned earlier, under the antiquarian quality of keeping the gestures of only the early age of the Church.
Other trimmings of the sacred: we see in no more communion railing, no more Latin language, simpler less ornate vestments, and in priests who do not even wear some of the proper vestments, but remain more casual. Many priests no longer wear clerical attire even outside the Mass. They celebrate Mass facing the people, not God. They act more as a chairman or president of a meeting, rather than as a sacred minister before God. This is the desacralized liturgy.
The sixth and last adjective to describe the Vatican II Mass is Protestantized, that is, harmonized more with Protestant views and practices. This is a theological area, that is, it touches on what we are taught and do believe about God, the Sacraments, the Church and so forth. Because of the ecumenical urge, and also the urge of the Modernist heresy, the designers of the new liturgy have certainly made Catholic worship more Protestant in tone and content. We could call this quality deviance, because liturgists are deviating from traditional Catholic belief.
The six marks above (along with associated ideologies) align well with Bergoglio, to wit:
1. Ecumenical (indifferentism)
2. Antiquarian (anachronism)
3. Community-based (socialism)
4. Democratic (egalitarianism)
5. Desacralized (secularism)
6. Protestant (skepticism)
Clearly an inversion of Catholicism.
No offense to Verrechio and his site, both of which I truly appreciate, but the hoopla over Mr Bergoglio is the GRAVEST distraction. I personally think that Fr. Ratzinger is getting a huge laugh out of the whole kerfuffle.
From another com box………….
Unless we have Divine Intervention ,we can safely say the Vatican is shot to hell now.
“Just today the Vatican announced Accenture (an LGBT promoter) Corp. will take over its Communications. There is no end to it. Accenture signed a brief supporting the homosexual plaintiffs in the Obergefell vs. Hodges decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, which forced all fifty states to recognize gay “marriage.” It also contributes money to the “Human Rights Campaign,” an American gay lobbying organization which has in turn given the company a 100 percent pro-homosexual rating. When will the pope get it?”
I think we need to keep in mind how misled an overwhelmingly large number of Catholics have been for many years. Some like myself were born long after V2 and had to find our way to the truth. Louie is helping shine a light on the bridge people need to take to come to the full truth. Many people were taught V2 errors and its all they’ve ever known. What Louie is doing is important. I do not deny that a certain kind of focus can harm the souls of some people, but giving the information itself does not do the harm I don’t think.
Bergoglio does “get it”. He is part and parcel to the Vatican gay subculture which is in control. They just can’t hide it anymore. It’s “out of the closet” and they are proud of it. Recently, a priest in Milwaukee announced from the pulpit that he is gay. He got a standing ovation from the congregation and his bishop thinks there is nothing wrong with it. There is no such thing as “sin”.
Flee from the NO cesspool. They no longer profess the Catholic faith.
Well said. I myself was born in the decade following V2 and have had a tortuous journey towards Roman Catholicism after being brought up in the Impostor Church with the Impostor Mass and the heavy influence of the Opus Dei. Thanks be to God for His Mercy and grace.
I understand intimately where all these N.O./JPII/Opus Dei/neo-Catholics are coming from. They’re not all demons. They need our good example, our charity and our prayers. We have to be alter Christi for them, not bitter, unsavory people who suck all the air out the room.
What they ultimately need is the truth. If it offends them, so be it. Truth is the ultimate charity.
They plan on canonizing PP6th,
Hired the pro hx Benedictines for the Nativity display.
A plethora of bishops and priests praised the Ms piggy who just came out at the pulpit.
Have turned Catholic teaching upside down.
It could not be more in our face.
Sorry Tom, but from the Diocese’ I came from, there was a clique of “disordered” clerics who ran all the TLM Masses too.
Do you never cease to sweep IN the filth?
Step #13—Get away from the N.O. fake church
Ironically, my 2cents, with regard to that article you linked, I’ve recognized, as others have, the persecution of practicing the Catholic faith in various circumstances within the novus ordo church. One example was when my children were preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. In the diocese of Baltimore, it is required that all candidates view a film which introduces the horrors of pedophilia. This is supposedly so that they could recognize its ugliness if it rears its ugly head during their preparation while volunteering during their preparation. What may I ask does any of this have to do with the sacrament of Confirmation? Nothing of course. This, introducing pedophilia to innocent children without mentioning it to parents first, is supposedly, to them, a band aid to the scandal of the pedophilia in the church. So, scandalizing innocent children once again, in the name of Confirmation, is what the diocese considers a fix to the atrocities of the pedophilia within the Church. This is what the youth are first served at orientation for preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thankfully, through Our Lady’s intercession, Our Lady of Good Success, in particular, my children were confirmed completely outside of the preparation, but only because I defened and guarded my children. Of course there was much persecution, heartache, anxiety and harassment for my defending my children and Our Lord’s scandalized Sacrament. So, preparation for Confirmation = intro. to pedophilia at the forefront. Yeah, that’s a nice first impression of the sacrament of Confirmation, especially for the few innocent children among us. Scaring and scandalous. It has nothing to do with Our Lord’s Sacrament of Confirmation. I imagine many milestones are lined up and ready to go.
Dear Cortez,
When the cigarette companies started to put warnings on their packages, it was not to protect the consumer, it was to protect their own company from any lawsuits which could come about because of their poisonous product.
The same could be applied to this situation where young children are taught not to trust anyone within the Confirmation class. Instead of getting rid of potential abusers, if you get victimized—“well, we told you so!!”
God bless you for protecting and defending your children, Cortez.
Appears to me that has been Borgolio’s job and he is doing just a fine job thank you.By your comment one can see he convinced you it’s sinful to judge sodomy !
Hey, if you don’t mind taking your children to a parish where pervs reside or wondering where the priest’s hands were before he placed the Sacred Host on your tongue ,that’s up to you !
But personally , after being warned by one former pastor ( God Bless his moral courage) , we knew not to allow my children to go to Confession to a pervert who already scandalized the previous parishioner’s with families right out the door. We wondered why here were no children at all in the pews !
Those parents made judgements based on what the so called priest said to their children in the confessional .
Stick your head a little farther down in the dirt and you won’t see , hear or speak about the evil !
Great analogy 2 Cents and as usual right on the money !
Heck, Lily Flower ,you won’t even see all the dirt !
My comment has nothing to do with Bergoglio — and everything to do with you and your typical comments here.
Talk about heads being stuck “somewhere”…
Heck, Filth Sweeper, appears you’ve swept yourself so deep in tabloid-style/personal spewing comments, you don’t need to stick your head anywhere!
So, you do not like my absolutely truthful comments lily flower?
What experiential recantation do you not like?
Please let me supply you with references .
I can do that.
If it wasn’t for Randy Engel and her excellent coverage in the “Rite of Sodomy”along with a few great priests we were close to and a Cardinal , I would have not believed how many sodomites we were being exposed to either!
Oh I am so sorry you do not not want to read the TRUTH
despite the fact that Richard Sipe and other Catholic clerics with the expertise and curriculum vitae can estimate we have over 50% active clerical sodomites in the church and that every single one of them knows who is who and either keep quiet for fear of retaliation or just leave. The rest are afraid of blackmail real or hx hissy fit contrived.
Lily Flower where the heck do you live? In no man’s land? If you lived in NJ south of the center ,you would know the Del Mem Bridge Commission has been hiring straight good former Catholic priests for years who just could not take it anymore living in the rectories with the sodomites. I had a catholic lawyer tell me that and sure enough when a friend called because her beloved pastor left after a Diocesan priest meeting with the deceased infamous Bishop Mchugh , he quit too and I told her where she might see him.
Yep , he was working a toll booth on the Bridge and her children were begging him to come back through the window.
Lily lady , you must have been in the dark for a very long time! You wanna talk about the SSPX? Trust me if you dare, we know about the who is who in and out of there too.
You need to get around lady an start meeting some more priests without your rosey colored glasses on !
Please explain your comment in detail and ask for some references. I will be more than happy to provide links if you can read.
I agree that they need the truth. There shouldn’t be any compromise with the truth, and it would be harmful if there was. But its one thing to say, “the answer is 4″, and another to say ” see how 2+2=4 not 5?” We are dealing with some people that haven’t been taught to “count”, have actively been taught they shouldn’t “count”.
It must be horrible to not see the truth Lily.
We are living a Great Apostasy and apparently you are blond to it. As blind as many of our Prelates who , while sleeping on the job not only allowed the disordered into the seminaries but now as Bishops and Cardinals themselves defend the perverse they themselves welcomed many children have committed suicide after being sexually abused? One of our pastors who died of AIDS had five to his count.
Now because of it being all out in the open via lawsuits
they are suspending these priests who themselves most likely were victims of abuse themselves.
Just recently one hurled himself off a building in Chicago.
Regarding Sweep’s comment above–I recently got into a conversation with a neighbor whose son is a N.O. priest. She told me that when her son was in the seminary, he would invite fellow seminarians to the home of his parents to visit. She was shocked to see that all of them were extremely effeminate. Should we be shocked? Has the Holy Priesthood become the perfect vocation for gay men? The very thought of it makes me sick!
I think accepting that Francis can not possibly be the Vicar of Christ will be the first step for many good-willed Catholics. Therefore, I do not mind the focus on him at this time. However, I predict that this will change to include more than just Francis. It is the logical next step for these same Catholics once they learn the truth about how Vatican II led to Francis.
Louie, have you read Father Cekada’s book “Work of Human Hands” on the changes in the New “Mass”? Even for those who do not agree with his sedevacantist position will find this book enlightening.
I agree, Vrasz.
The words of The Lord in Matthew 7 & 10 and those of St. Paul in 1st Corinthians 9 & 13 speak for themselves with regard to what we’re talking about.
That said, Merry Christmas to all here.
Which only shows that the problem in the NO isn’t just the New “Mass”. Too many Catholics think “if I can only get to a TLM things will be okey dokey”. It’s a good first step, but any TLM associated with the NO church is still a mass associated with the NO church. Oftentimes those priests have doubtful orders too.
Yes, Merry Christmas! I am so thankful for the online community of devout and knowledgeable true Catholics that have been a comfort to me, in a world where it seems like almost everyone I encounter is misled, confused, or have willfully rejected Christ. The gravity of the present time would be even more difficult to accept as being REAL, and act accordingly, without knowing there are others that understand and see the truth as well. It’s so horrific, it feels overwhelming sometimes. God Bless you all and thank you!
Yes. Such small glimpses into such things will tell you there is a MUCH bigger problem. 2 just quickly came to my mind. One was when I was on retreat and 2 priests had us college kids watch some totally irrelevant movie about a seminarian who struggled with thoughts of sodomy and whether or not he should be welcomed into the seminary. The movie was meant to leave us with feelings of pity for the poor guy they wouldn’t admit. It made no sense to me at the time, but 1 of those priests that made us watch that garbage soon left the priesthood to live with a sodomite partner.
And then there was this other story about one if my relatives who was in seminary and went to a retreat or something where there was a kiss on the lips for part of the Mass. Of course he left.
2 Cents, it is sickening beyond belief. Especially in light of the fact that sincere and humble Catholic souls bare them to these pervs in the Confessional without realizing they are being counted as an enemy by the same.
The Lily does not like what I have to say and maybe neither do many souls seeking answers who read Louie’s blog , but I am bound in conscience to tell what I know in truth for the fear that others will travel the same long road to find a holy, sound and sane place to give Honor and Glory to God.
I did not find it in SSPX , despite the fact that several priests decided I knew the Faith well enough to recommend me as a teacher for one of their retreat houses. What I found there was a cult with inner workings less than catholic or admirable.
I was asked along with several other lay people to join a priest in Siberia in his desire to open the first Catholic Church there after the alleged fall of communism. We stayed in contact although we decided not to go. He realized communism was alive and well ,especially within the Hierarchy. A wonderful elderly monastic priest educated me on how the Bishops and Cardinals operate in influencing secular politicians for their own financial benefits ( which the laity may think is for the One Holy Catholic Church, but in reality is towards the destruction of Catholic families ).
The Legion, in particular, opened my eyes as to how a lay movement
like Regnum Christi , can cause harm to those who see through them and their Founder and choose a different path for the benefit of their soul.Opus Dei did the same but on a more serious level. They manipulated the church institution so as to have their Founder made a Saint for the illusion of the seal of Papal judgement of their sanctity and authenticity.
What happens to those who see the truth of all these sham organizations?
They are marginalized , called names and branded as “evil” by the blind who desperately need an earthly idol and do not know Christ’s own teachings.
Marginalized, despite the fact that the present Pope preaches vehemently against marginalizing anyone. All the while true Catholics who know the Faith and were taught it from the cradle , are being labeled as “rigid”or “fundamentalists”and being chastised for speaking out as per the alleged pure intent of the Lily above.
This all bespeaks of the fact that we are nearer to the time of power given to an earthly Deceiver. Those who are Faithful will find themselves outside the church institution and even more persecuted , rather than inside, only because they see or dare to speak the Truth.
I have challenged the Flower poster to ask me specifics as to what she abhors in my comments so that I may offer links to back my statements up.
2 Vermont you are correct. I witnessed one takeover of an Independent chapel where an obedient priest associated with Ecclesia Dei was allowed by the Bishop to live, start his own Order and celebrate the TLM Mass. He confided the Bishop had sen in a Diocesan to “learn’ the Latin Mass and help him out while wondering why the priest never lived there and where he went for long weekends and nights. The Diocesan Chancellor came by several times threatening the five lay people who held the deed to the property that unless they turned the deed over ,the pastor would be expelled. They did and the pastor was given twenty minutes to collect his belongings and leave.
The “helper” priest was immediately made the new pastor for the “TLM Diocesan Mission Church”. The “seminarians” left as did a Deacon who would shortly be Ordained.
The chancellor was made a rector for a seminary in Rome and is now a bishop himself, rewarded for his efforts in garnering the property for the Diocese and following through with the bishops threats and lies to get the property for nothing. There are all new TLM pew people there now, many Hispanic and Italian , who have not clue to the underhanded dealings that secured the property for the Diocese.
My contacts within the Diocese have assured me the priest is part of the lavender clerical clique that was favored and operated for the original Bishop who so wanted that property.
The former TLM pastor of ecclesia dei reassured me I was correct .
All this was done with the help of the KoC whose top members worked closely with the Bishop and his gay clerics.
So much for these “Special Catholics” who like to be part of a Group.
Even Bella Dodd specified the communist party members a, aside from the hx’s entering the seminaries, targeted Groups like the Holy Name Society for infiltration to take down the Church
Dear Cortez, It is beyond words that we have to protect outselves and our children from so many bishops, priests, religious who are enemies of God and the Holy Faith. We are abandoned orphans. Let us cleave to God and ask for the intercession of His Blessed Mother. May God bless and protect you and your children. We are united in the True Faith and the unavoidable suffering to be faithful, particularly from those who run the institutions of the Church for several decades. May we have final perseverance in the Faith.
Years ago one priest who worked in the Vatican told me to always shine the light on the cockroaches so others could see and watch them scatter.
What you were exposed to was for grooming purposes. They wanted to see who among you was interested.
Thanks for sharing this because I was incensed when sex ed was being presented in such vile terms and s underhanded so as the parents would not see the “resource material” the teacher used. Then when they decided to put it up for a vote in my state an old Cisturcian monk who said daily Mass for us told us to write to our state reps. I did ! But suddenly he stopped telling us to take action. Walking out of Mass one morning after the Rosary , he called me over to the bushes where he was standing by my car.
He said he noticed I looked puzzled during his homily .I answered that I wondered why he stopped telling us to protest sex ed K-12. Head down, he confided it was the Catholic Bishops who had lobbied for it ! He told me this was a crime of the biggest magnitude against the souls of the innocent He said the Pro Life moniker was a lie and these same Bishops were instructing pastors not to say anything against abortion during Sunday Masses, ” Because it offends too many people in the pews!”………That was in the Eighties long before the clerical child abuse was made public!
You see long ago they started to aim for even younger than college age, all the way down to kindergarten!
My niece who is about to retire from her public school teaching job told me only a few weeks ago that homosexual behavior is being taught so that children are encouraged to experiment with it. She said the boys are not so overt but that it is girls in the hallways kissing and touching other girls and then she wide eyed emphasized, “The teachers are encouraging this behavior! ”
………..sorry to offend your sensibilities here Lily Flower , but when it comes to children ,I will always scream the truth out loud and clear !
“What you were exposed to was for grooming purposes. They wanted to see who among you was interested.”
Wow sweep that finally, after 28
years, makes sense to me ….why they showed that stupid movie. That retreat was one of many in preparation for a summer long volunteer experience. During that summer one of my fellow, college aged volunteers was insistent that one priest that showed that movie was a sodomite, as he kept doing special favors for one of the guys on that trip all the time. Naive me, thought she was crazy for saying that over and over….obviously she was right. Wow.
How sick.
Oh Yes,
Its Divine Intervention time, or down the drain we go.
Save your Soul. Because they wont.