On Saturday, October 3rd at the Prayer Vigil in preparation for the Synod of Bishops now meeting in Rome, Pope Francis said:
On Horeb, he [Elijah] would get his answer not in the great wind which shatters the rocks, not in the earthquake nor even in the fire. God’s grace does not shout out; it is a whisper which reaches all those who are ready to hear the gentle breeze – that still, small voice. It urges them to go forth, to return to the world, to be witnesses to God’s love for mankind, so that the world may believe…
This is the same pope who, in an address to the United States Congress on September 24th, was utterly silent with respect to the Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ over all men and all nations, to say nothing of the duty to serve Him that is incumbent upon all who exercise civil authority; choosing instead to invoke the Old Testament figure of Moses as the exemplar of justice.
As such, one can hardly be surprised that Pope Francis, on the eve of Synod, pointed to the story of Elijah as the quintessential model of he who receives Divine Revelation, almost as if to suggest that the “still small voice” spoken in the 9th century BC was something other than a precursor to the voice of Holy Mother Church; she through whom Christ the King speaks to all the world in resounding tones.
Pope Francis continued:
In this vein, just a year ago, in this same Square, we invoked the Holy Spirit and asked that – in discussing the theme of the family – the Synod Fathers might listen attentively to one another, with their gaze fixed on Jesus, the definitive Word of the Father and the criterion by which everything is to be measured.
Wow, that sounds rather Catholic. I’m afraid, however, that this a revision of what actually took place.
What Pope Francis asked on the eve of last year’s Extraordinary Synod was for the bishops to listen to the people, saying:
To find what the Lord asks of his Church today, we must lend an ear to the debates of our time and perceive the “fragrance” of the men of this age, so as to be permeated with their joys and hopes, with their griefs and anxieties … The essence of our prayer thus emerges within this framework. For the Synod Fathers we ask the Holy Spirit first of all for the gift of listening: to listen to God, that with him we may hear the cry of the people; to listen to the people until breathing in the will to which God calls us.
Be not disturbed by the apparent contradiction; Pope Francis clarified that his desire remains shepherds who are “humble” enough to be led by the sheep as he went on to say during Saturday’s vigil:
Every family is always a light, however faint, amid the darkness of this world …
Every family… Did you get that?
Presumably this means even families like that of his former student, Yayo Grassi, and his gay partner, to whom Pope Francis granted an audience during his recent visit to the U.S.
Pope Francis continued:
Charles de Foucauld, perhaps like few others, grasped the import of the spirituality which radiates from Nazareth … Through his fraternal closeness and his solidarity with the poor and the abandoned, he came to understand that it is they who evangelize us, they who help us to grow in humanity …
You see, for Pope Francis, it is not those who have the office of teaching, governing and sanctifying in the name of Jesus Christ, He to whom their gaze is ever turned, who evangelize the poor and the abandoned, it is the other way around!
And just to be certain that all present understood as much, he concluded:
Let us set out once more from Nazareth for a Synod which, more than speaking about the family, can learn from the family, readily acknowledging its dignity, its strength and its value, despite all its problems and difficulties.
Learn from the family…
Which families?
Well, apparently not the families of so-called “traditionalists” (aka Catholics) who marry in the Church, persevere in fidelity through thick and thin, welcome children into the world as a gift from God, and supposedly have “an ostentatious preoccupation for the liturgy, for doctrine and for the Church’s prestige” (cf Evangelii Gaudium 95).
Why not?
Because families such as these recognize the sheer folly of convening a Synod of Bishops to deliberate possible changes to pastoral practices that can treat of no such thing without undermining the immutable doctrines from which they spring; that’s why not.
All indications are that Pope Francis means to instruct the bishops to listen to the “cry of the people” such as it can be heard in the families of the civilly divorced and remarried, the cohabitating and the homosexuals.
How can it be that the pope, the Vicar of Christ, is intent on such things?
The short answer is simple; he’s a modernist who believes that the Church is “the product of the collective conscience,” and as such, “it is for the ecclesiastical authority, therefore, to shape itself to democratic forms, unless it wishes to provoke and foment an intestine conflict in the consciences of mankind.” (cf Pope St. Pius X, Pascendi Diminici Gregis 23)
You see, for the modernist, according to Pope St. Pius X (the last Roman Pontiff to be canonized before sainthood was turned into the Conciliar Lifetime Achievement Award for Service to the Revolution):
First of all they [the modernists] lay down the general principle that in a living religion everything is subject to change, and must change, and in this way they pass to what may be said to be, among the chief of their doctrines, that of Evolution. To the laws of evolution everything is subject – dogma, Church, worship, the Books we revere as sacred, even faith itself, and the penalty of disobedience is death.
In other words, those doctrinal truths expressed in pastoral practices that “traditionalists” (aka Catholics) understand as part and parcel of the immutable faith, Pope Francis, being a modernist, sees as that which is malleable and ripe for change according to the collective conscience of man in his current condition.
This being the case, he believes that there is every good reason to assemble a Synod of Bishops to fashion pastoral practices in such a way as to accommodate the “cries” of adulterers and active homosexuals.
To be fair, in treating essential matters of doctrine as if they are somehow debatable, it must be said that Pope Francis is simply following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI, the same who established the Synod of Bishops with the promulgation of the Apostolic Letter, Apostolica Sollicitudo.
According to this Letter, the function of the Synod of Bishops includes:
To facilitate agreement, at least on essential matters of doctrine and on the course of action to be taken in the life of the Church.
Indeed, there are no “essential matters of doctrine” upon which legitimate disagreement exists (the name for such disagreement, in fact, is heresy), but alas, Papa Bergoglio, just as Montini before him, obviously believes otherwise.
It is thus that Pope Francis has convened the current Synod of Bishops in Rome, that they might gather the poisonous fruits born of the seeds that were planted by his modernist predecessor of whom he said:
“I am the first pope who … studied theology after the Council and, at that time, for us the great light was Paul VI.”
The “beatification” of seminarian Bergoglio’s “great light” served as a fitting exclamation point to the Extraordinary Synod of 2014.
With this in mind, one wonders what’s in store as Synod 2015 comes to a close; perhaps an announcement concerning an upcoming canonization?
Today, just over a week after Pope Francis left America, Gov. Jerry Brown, like the pontiff trained as a Jesuit, signed into law an assisted-suicide bill. That’s the fifth and biggest state to do so, and soon the U.S. Supreme Court will impose it on everybody (as it did same-sex “marriage,” abortion, etc.). The pope’s visit here was worse than worthless — it was a validation of mass murder and apostasy. Next up, he’s going to dissolve marriage in the name of a perverted “mercy” and effectively cause a schism. Why is God allowing this to happen to His Church? As Fr. Malachi Martin used to say, according to the Church Fathers, the Church is repeating the Life of Christ, and now must undergo the Crucifixion before the Resurrection.
Read and re-read ceaselessly the Holy Gospel… so as to always have before one’s mind the actions, words and thoughts of Jesus, in order to think, speak and act like Jesus, to follow the examples and teachings of Jesus, not the examples and ways of behaving of the world. We fall into this latter so quickly, as soon as we take our eyes off the Divine Model.
— Charles de Foucauld
“…the synod “fathers” from hell believe that it is not necessary to have the wedding garment of Sanctifying Grace in order to receive what purports to be Holy Communion and that there is no contradiction between living in sin, whether natural or unnatural, and being a “good Catholic” who is “deserving” at being “fed” in the Novus Ordo banquet hall…”
Back to the obvious. Modernism is error, it it the policy of belial. The Church and her True Vicars are protected by the Holy Ghost from teaching belial to the universal Church. This is Catholicism 101.
2 Thess 2 “because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.”
All who believe in the VII apostate institution and its non-sacerdotal anti-Catholic rites have received the ‘operation of error’. But one can repent and abstain from iniquity.
“We are Church”—these are the words used to indoctrinate even the very youngest Catholics as they are thoroughly trained in the New (World) Order “church”. The Holy Roman Catholic Church is no longer taught to be the visible Church with Christ as Her Head and the members– the Mystical Body of Christ. It is a Newchurch ruled by “we, the people”. Cut off the head and the body dies. This is where “we” are without True Catholicism—the Traditional Catholic Faith of Our Fathers!!
May I please add to pray for Father Peter Carota, a holy and courageous Traditional Catholic priest who is very ill. Put his name in Google for more info. We need our good, holy priests!!
As usual, Francis conveniently omits some of the most significant verses which follow the ones he cites:
“And after the earthquake a fire: the Lord is not in the fire, and after the fire a whistling of a gentle air. And when Elias heard it, he covered his face with his mantle, and coming forth stood in the entering in of the cave, and behold a voice unto him, saying: What dost thou here, Elias? And he answered: With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant: they have destroyed thy altars, they have slain thy prophets with the sword, and I alone am left, and they seek my life to take it away…And I will leave me seven thousand men in Israel, whose knees have not been bowed before Baal [the small remnant of Catholics left in the wake of the post-conciliar apostasy], and every mouth that hath not worshipped him kissing the hands.”
1 Kings 19:12-14,18
NB the above words, “the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant [the post-conciliar apostasy]: they have destroyed thy altars [this happened to the letter after Vatican II]. they have slain thy prophets with the sword [certainly many have suffered spiritual martyrdom these last 50 years in defense of the faith]”
The above passage has nothing whatsoever to do with a Bergoglian notion of going out to the “peripheries” in order to attend to the effeminate “needs” of “modern man”.
EM, that quoting of Father Charles de Foucauld struck me as particularly vicious. The Transalpine Redemptorists of Golgotha Monastery on Papa Stronsay (through The Desert Will Flower Press) publish a wonderful biography of Blessed Charles.
Just one example of how this use of his name is a scandal (I want almost to say to Pope Francis “how dare you use the name of this holy man to further your evil agenda!”): in the time that Blessed Charles was living in North Africa a priest could not say Mass without an altar server. When a Catholic would pass through his area, Blessed Charles would say Mass with this man as server. So we can imagine his suffering when for weeks at a time no one came near enough to assist. The story tells us of Blessed Charles’ joy when Pius X changed this discipline.
The point being that Blessed Charles was a true son of the Church – he obeyed even at personal cost – he obeyed. Here is a story of a priest who gave all for Christ. Reading it would be a nice antidote to the rottenness we are surrounded with today.
EM, I meant, of course, Pope Francis’ use of the quote, not yours!!!!
you make an excellent point regarding the ceaseless reference to the word ‘family’, as though its existence by name alone, no matter what its form or content, no matter what its relationship to God, is a good in itself.
If this were so why then would our Lord have spoken these words, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do.” John 8:44. Certainly Christ was referring to the existence of ‘family’ belonging to the devil.
To forestall challenge to the rule in place forbidding priests to say Mass without a server, I quote: “Father de Foucauld has his refuge in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the celebration of Mass. But this demanded someone to serve Mass along with the priest, a law which was, with some exceptions strictly enforced at the time. In a letter to Fr. Guerin on April 2, 1906, Father de Foucauld let it be seen that the former slave (who was converted and served at Mass)…would have to go: “the impossibility of saying Mass without him alone makes me keep him. If I were obliged to part with him…might I say Holy Mass, every fortnight, alone, in order to renew the holy species? But in the end when the permission was denied this wonderful, obedient priest said: “…nevertheless, non mea voluntas, sed tua fiat!”
“we must…perceive the “fragrance” of the men of this age, so as to be permeated with their joys and hopes, with their griefs and anxieties”
Is this sodomite couple Francis enthusiastically met at the Vatican nunciature in DC the sweet “fragrance” (ehem, odious STENCH) of the men of this age of which Francis speaks, and of which we must be “permeated with their joys and hopes” (would that be dreaming for them to be joined in “marriage”, and perhaps adopt innocent children as if they were pets to be used as objects)?
Wonderful, IHSV. Awesome.
Yes, and think of all the modern references to “single-parent family” which is an oxymoron if ever there was one. Not to say there are not wives and husbands who carry on without a spouse – widows and widowers for example – but this is God’s permissible will, not the willful break up of a family.
We watch lots of ‘old’ movies and we see a clear pattern in the softening up of America particularly. Starting in the early 1930s most of the dramas, and so-called comedies, revolve around the break-up of marriages. Divorce was starting to be seen as ‘the only way’ and became more and more portrayed as the path to continued happiness.
When did Catholics start to divorce? Remember when Catholic movie stars could not ‘marry’ their lovers because wives or husbands would not give them a divorce?
Breaking News from The Remnant re Pope Francis and Synod!!!!
Many a truth is said in satire!!!!!
I think this is one of the persons we can expect at the upcoming “canonization” of “St” Francis I “The Merciful” by “Bishop of Rome” Francis II (Kasper or Marx, take your pick)
A Catholic writing 100 years ago on the end times couldn’t have made this sort of thing up, even if he tried…
Lord have mercy…
Wednesday 7th October
Our Lady of the Rosary
Say the Holy Rosary. Blessed be that monotony of Hail Mary’s which purifies the monotony of your sins!
St. Josemaria Escriva
Francis touts a false and evil, modernist and relativist, secular and corrupted meaning of “family” in common with the tyrannical elite, a meaning especially contrived in order to destroy the natural and supernatural orders of marriage and the family, the domestic church. Lord, come to our aid.
I wonder why I haven’t seen anything from Louie or the Remnant or Catholic Family News commenting on the new ground of “lack of faith” for nullity of marriage? Is it they are being prudent because no official English translation yet? Regardless what is going to come out from the Synod. This new ground alone would make all marriage presumed invalid. This new ground is against natural law. God gave Adam and Eve the natural ability to give consent to be together as husband and wife when he created Eve. Anyone notice any article on this new ground? This new ground probably accomplished more than what Satan expected to get done with the Synod.
No problem with the quote. But wasn’t Josemaria Escriva a heretic who promote the laity being the same level as the religious?
If I hear the word “pastoral” one more time I’m gonna puke.
We pray for his soul in his crisis. Crisis is always a time of awakening, hopefully to the grace of Truth, hitherto obscured by the familiarity of the status quo.
Offertory of the Catholic Mass: “Receive, O Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God, this spotless host, which I, Thy unworthy servant, offer unto Thee, my living and true God, for mine own countless sins, offenses and negligences, and for all here present; as also for all faithful Christians living and dead, that it may avail both for my own and their salvation unto life eternal…in the spirit of humility, with a contrite heart…[to the Consecration] Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus…We therefore humbly pray and beseech Thee, O most merciful Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, Our Lord, that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to receive and bless these + gifts, these + offerings, these + holy and unblemished sacrifices, which in the first place we offer up to Thee for Thy Holy Catholic Church…together with Thy servant [Name of Pope] and [Name] our Bishop, and all true believers and professors of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith…”
When a pope dies you can’t just stick the name of any other person in the Mass. When a man is raised who is not a ‘true believer and professor of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith’, like the interregnum between the death of the a pope and the crowning of another True Pope, no name is put forth to God. Lord have mercy on all those men who have and do since the second Vatican Council.
PS. There is no offertory in the N.O. service. It is know as the ‘preparation of the gifts’, it is a deliberate lay activity and even if some missals usurp the title ‘offertory’, it is a misnomer.
Msgr. Josemaria Escriva, Conversations, number 85: “The last occasion was here in Pamplona. A student came up to me. He wanted to greet me, ‘Monsignor, I’m not a Christian’, he said, ‘I’m a Mohammedan.’ ‘You are a son of God, as I am,’ I answered him. And I embraced him with all my heart.”
This universalitst ‘son of God’ applied to everyman is what allowed Wojtyla Inc. to bypass the Blood of Christ, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
“listen once again…to the words uttered by Simon Peter. In those words is the faith of the Church. In those same words is the new truth, indeed, the ultimate and definitive truth about MAN: the son of the living God —”You [meaning ‘man’] are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” ” http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/homilies/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_19781022_inizio-pontificato.html
Yes, Danielpan, but few folks are concerned with the mystery of iniquity these days.
Daneilpan, nup, if there is any neo-con, R&R, trad-fashionista concern about the ‘new ground’ it is little more than a squash match between ‘new-grounders’ completely cool with the counterfeit court.
Today is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
“Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practice black magic, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and will save your soul, if—and mark well what I say—if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins.”
Saint Louis de Montfort
Interesting observation. Someone still needs to parse out carefully all the dubious teachings of John Paul 2. I guess that would be a lengthy and laborious task indeed.
However, as any catholic worthy of the name would have been able to tell you 60 years ago, not ALL are “sons of God”:
“But as many as RECEIVED HIM, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that BELIEVE in his name.”
John 1:12
I agree with you 100%. The new rules for “annulment” (aka Catholic divorce) are arguably worse than almost any likely outcome from the Sin-Nod Against the Family (i.e. more dubious and vague Vatican II speak on accommodating sinners into the Church).
I have to say I’m astonished sometimes when I look up into some of the things the commenters post here. Well, well, guess who it was who opened the door into the promoting the idea of “lack of faith” as an argument against the validity of a marriage?
Hoc, you are in contraductiction with Christ. To receive is to assent…to believe.
‘Scuse me, that should contradiction (a curse on auto-‘korrect’ – but I’m starting to think no apologies are necessary).
EM. Do you believe in the Blood of Christ? In fact how many folks who pass through the agora of HTF believe in the Blood of Christ? Is it like a Sunday roast? Anyone can cook it up if they have that Ramsey flare. Or is it like a Grimms tale – a superstition? Or simply an advertisement usurping the word, ‘Catholic’?
I reckon 99.9% of the folks who frequent HTF would have been committed Arians back then…and are ardent Novus Ordites now.
Dear Salvemur,
Indeed I believe in the Blood of Christ…for four years now I have been praying daily the 12 year prayer of St Bridget,which meditates on the 7 times our Blessed Lord shed his Precious Blood…
O Jesus, now I wish to
pray the Lord’s Prayer seven times in unity with the love with which You sanctified this prayer in Your Heart. Take it from my lips into Your Divine Heart. Improve and complete it so much that it brings as much honour and joy to the Trinity as You granted it on earth with this prayer.
May these pour upon Your Holy Humanity in Glorification to Your Painful Wounds and the Precious Blood that You spilled from them.
First Prayer: The Circumcision
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, then:
Eternal Father, through Mary’s unblemished hands and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You the first wounds, the first pains, and the first Bloodshed as atonement for my and all of humanity’s sins of youth, as protection against the first mortal sin, especially among my relatives.
Second Prayer: The Suffering on the Mount of Olives
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, then:
Eternal Father, through Mary’s unblemished hands and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You the terrifying suffering of Jesus’ Heart on the Mount of Olives and every drop of His Bloody Sweat as atonement for my and all of humanity’s sins of the heart, as protection against such sins and for the spreading of Divine and brotherly Love.
Third Prayer: The Flogging
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, then:
Eternal Father, through Mary’s unblemished hands and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You the many thousands of Wounds, the gruesome Pains, and the Precious Blood of the Flogging as atonement for my and all of humanity’s sins of the Flesh, as protection against such sins and the preservation of innocence, especially among my relatives.
Fourth Prayer: The Crowning of Thorns
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, then:
Eternal Father, through Mary’s unblemished hands and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You the Wounds, the Pains, and the Precious Blood of Jesus’ Holy Head from the Crowning with Thorns as atonement for my and all of humanity’s sins of the Spirit,
as protection against such sins and the spreading of Christ’s kingdom here on earth.
Fifth Prayer: The Carrying of the Cross
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, then:
Eternal Father, through Mary’s unblemished hands and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You the Sufferings on the way of the Cross, especially His Holy Wound on His Shoulder
and its Precious Blood as atonement for my and all of humanity’s rebellion against the Cross,
every grumbling against Your Holy Arrangements and all other sins of the tongue, as protection against such sins and for true love of the Cross.
Sixth Prayer: The Crucifixion
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, then:
Eternal Father, through Mary’s unblemished hands and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You Your Son on the Cross,
His Nailing and Raising,
His Wounds on the Hands and Feet and the three streams of His Precious Blood that poured forth from these for us,
His extreme tortures of the Body and Soul, His precious Death and its non-bleeding Renewal in all Holy Masses on earth as atonement for
all wounds against vows and regulations within the Orders,
as reparation for my and all of the world’s sins,
for the sick and the dying, for all holy priests and laymen, for the Holy Father’s intentions toward the restoration of Christian families,
for the strengthening of Faith,
for our country and unity among all nations in Christ and His Church, as well as for the Diaspora.
Seventh Prayer: The Piercing of Jesus’ Side
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, then:
Eternal Father, accept as worthy, for the needs of the Holy Church and as atonement for the sins of all Mankind, the Precious Blood and Water which poured forth from the Wound of Jesus’ Divine Heart. Be gracious and merciful toward us.
Blood of Christ, the last precious content of His Holy Heart, wash me of all my and others’ guilt of sin!
Water from the Side of Christ, wash me clean of all punishments for sin and extinguish the flames of Purgatory for me and for all the Poor Souls. Amen.
Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known
That anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence,
I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother;
To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the word Incarnate, despise not my petitions,
But in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
O divine Heart of Jesus, grant, I beseech Thee, eternal rest to the souls in purgatory, final grace to all who are to die today, true repentance to sinners, the light of faith to pagans, Thy blessing to me and to all who are mine.
To Thee, O most loving Heart of Jesus, do I therefore commend all these souls, and for them I offer all Thy merits, together with the merits of the most Blessed Mother and of all the saints and angels, and also together with all the Sacrifices of the Mass, the Holy Communions, the prayers and good works that are made today throughout the entire Christian world.
EM, you’re quick off the mark with “pre-VII” CATHOLIC witness to back up your antichrist-Novus Ordo preference. Meanwhile the Blood of Christ is like the fruit on a tree which hardly anyone can be bothered glancing at, let alone visting, let alone tasting.
An ‘evil pope’…and an ‘evil Church’, scandalising all with its universal evil.
Lord remove my name from the book of all the folks who say so.
God lets us go after a time…God permitted VII, Novus Ordo, Assisi collectivist-ecumenical devil worship, theology of the body, the equal rights of the Mosaic covenant,…and bergoglio…
2 Thess 2 “because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.”
If you think you know many things and understand them well enough, realize at the same time that there is much you do not know.
Thomas a Kempis
Perhaps I might be really thick, but can you just say something a simple folk can understand? There is a great deal most everyone knows nothing about;… but the means of giving Our Saviour what little is required of us is nothing hidden.
PS. EM quotes are about two thirds Catholic and one third Novus Ordo as if there is no difference. Please read the life of our last Pope Pius XII, so folks don’t sink in the Protestant quagmire LIE of a pope being no more than snake handling pastor.
How can one trust you when you and Novus Order Watch ignore and are blind to Pius XII’s opening wide the doors to heresy and modernism and not only beacause of his lack of prudence and modernist leanings from his reinstatement of Bugnini and his changes to the Easter Liturgy but most importantly him being the first Pope to endorse contraception through the promotion of NFP in his private letter to the Italian midwives, which by the way is no longer private and is quoted by every fake Catholic who wishes to uphold NFP as not sinful when NFP tries to separate procreation from unity during conjugal relations by planning to have conjugal relations only during the presumed infertile times in order to avoid having children. If you can’t see this as an absolute crucial timebomb set off by Pius XII then I seriously question your ability to say who was the last Pope or not the last Pope.
Half the sedevacantists turn a blind eye to NFP and accept it as not against Catholic doctrine. To these types of seds I would have to say now I see why they see and highly promote Pius XII as the last true Pope. It is because they are contraceptors at heart and their Catholic Church convienienly begins with Pius XII and conviniently ignores Pius XI encyclical Casti Connubii that contradicts this foul practise teaching of NFP? They like all other fake Catholics have drunk the coolaid of NFP and can’t even see they are no longer Catholic.
Please go to the website Tradition in Action to read about the strong modernist leanings and vaccilations of Pope Pius XII.
I have been railing against the two Motu Proprios, ab initio. They are invalid, null and void insofar as they are in conflict with the Deposit of Faith, the law of God as revealed and the Natural Moral Law. They deny the essence of marriage, which is part of the Deposit of Faith. It is a direct attack on the truth of marriage, sacramental and natural. It relies on implicit heresy. If anyone other than the pope had written the same, the orthodox prelates and theologians would have condemned it as false and heretical.
Heaven forbid that folks should ‘trust’ anyone/thing other than Christ and His Bride. I am nothing and no one, lest it be a beggar of truth. Are these ‘those’ days of which our Saviour spoke? All the requisite milestones (which had not happened during the days of Trent) are completed.
Lynda, It relies on implicit heresy” …
We all know heresy is dismissed, laughed at, belittled, ridiculed by the devotees of VII…
Thanks guys for your replies. Thank you Lynda for clarifying the issue at Remnant for me. I was afraid something is wrong with my thinking because the masters at Catholic Family News, Remnant have not (or I just missed it) picked this out and used the most alarming language to condemn it(which they should if my understanding of what the new rule means is correct). The Prince of the world is Satan. And the understanding of what makes it valid marriage by our Holy Father is a million times worse than the secular(Satan) ‘s understanding(the new Catholic(Francis) understanding of marriage is that most if not all Catholic marriages are presumed invalid and the way Satan understands secular marriages is that they are valid but just not indissoluble). The two understandings of marriage is almost like the sins of Sodomy and Adultery. St. Teresa of Avila said that even the Devil turns his face away once he seduced someone to commit the sin of Sodomy. As bad as the world that worships adultery is it can’t handle the logic of Francis’ understanding of marriage which defies natural law.
In Hoc Signo Vinces I read the article of your link and I assured you I am not fan of Benedict XVI (in fact I hold the belief that all Popes with the exception of JP I have been material heretics if JP I did not have a chance to condemn Vatican II before his untimely death). I think both huffingtonpost and the Bishop misstated or twisted his words. I maybe worng, I am copying the original words Benedict XVI told the Roman Rota, please help me out here.
“With these considerations I certainly do not wish to suggest any facile relationship between a lack of faith and the invalidity of a marital union, but rather to highlight how such a deficiency may, but not necessarily, damage the goods of marriage, since the reference to the natural order desired by God is inherent to the conjugal covenant.”
So with the last clarifications he seemed to cover himself. In fact when I talk to other Neo Catholics (like they won’t listen to me if I quote something from Casti Connubii or anything before V2) I use Benedict XVI said and the principle of non contradiction since they still remember Benedict XVI as a Pope to prove to them one of them is right on this one and the other has to be a heretic.
EM, Salvemur and others who might read what I write, I sincerely ask for your help! Like EM is quoting St. Louis De Montfort on the power of Rosary. I am confused (believe me I’ve asked many priests and laity already) on the Rosary which I pray every day. I was even in a preparation class for total consecration to Mary according to St. Louis De Montfort(in part because I read JP II’s writing on his experience of devotion to Mary after reading the writings of St. Louis De Montfort so I read “True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis De Montfort before I enrolled in the class). I dropped out half way through after finding out JP II’s horrific acts in Assisi. Here is my question one of the promises of the Holy Rosary is “destroy heresy” and Fr. Gruner said that the Rosary would prevent one falling into heresy and get him out if he is in heresy. As far as we know JP II defended his heresies to his last breath. And in real life I know many who practice black magic pray the Rosary. No one was able to give me an answer(most of the time what I would get is “only God knows maybe without reciting 15 decades of Rosary every day JP II would be even a worse heretic”). Every day I am begging the Holy Mother to let me know about JP II and all those heretics who have a devotion to the Rosary (I think Francis claim he pray the Rosary every day too)
Notice in my comment above I mentioned BXVI “opened the door”, which he certainly did by suggesting a link between lack of faith and invalidity, even if he didn’t go so far as Francis with the new “annulment” rules. A mere suggestion is usually enough to open the door to heresy, even if only slightly, which the heretics open wide open allowing a sewer of filth to infiltrate the Church.
The following paragraph from “True Devotion” may shed some light on your question:
“167. Since Mary alone has crushed all heresies, as we are told by the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Office of B.V.M.), a devoted servant of hers will never fall into FORMAL heresy or error, though critics may contest this. He may very well err MATERIALLY, mistaking lies for truth or an evil spirit for a good one, but he will be less likely to do this than others. Sooner or later he will discover his error and will not go on stubbornly believing and maintaining what he mistakenly thought was the truth.”
Another point to consider I believe is – did Pope John Paul II have a TRUE devotion to Our Lady? The treatise “True Devotion to Mary” deals precisely with this topic, and talks about the difference between a genuine and true Catholic devotion and a false one. Are you aware that JP 2 forbade an image of Our Lady of Fatima to be brought to Assisi during the Assisi aberrations? Now, I think it’s a good thing that Our Lady wasn’t mixed in with the snake and voodoo worshippers, the Buddhists and the Mohameddans etc etc, but the pontiff did it purely out of a desire not to offend the infidels and heretics who might be offended by an image of Our Lady (even though Christ has commended the peace of the world to her)!!!! Fr Maximilian Kolbe said that ecumenism is the enemy of the Immaculata, and yet JP 2 was its most ardent champion and promoter! In addition, the fact that JP II gave us an “updated” rosary with a new set of “mysteries” doesn’t help to give the impression that JP 2 had a genuine Catholic devotion to Our Lady.
Marriage is not a complex matter. It is essential for man. God ordained marriage for mankind from the beginning. Marriage is known to us by natural reason; its part of God’s Law and the Natural Moral Law. Christ raised marriage to a sacrament for the members of His Holy Church. Marriage is unchangeable, fixed for all time. The criteria for a marriage to come into existence are simple and straightforward and understandable to those who’ve reached the age of reason. When people get married, they know they’re married. Invalid marriages are necessarily very rare. If there has not been consent, for example, there is no marriage. The MPs lie about the unchangeable constituents of marriage, making it into something arbitrary that a person can retrospectively decide is invalid if they so wish (annulment granted almost as a matter of course, when a party to the marriage alleges it’s invalid).
I am not talking about questioning the trusting of the true abuses that ‘seds’ point out concerning the false teachings and scandals coming from the hijackers of the Church. I am talking about questioning most ‘seds’s lack of credibility about their ability to decern who exactly was our last valid Pope.
The Holy Rosary can be abused by those in error, maliciously or otherwise.
Then why do you accept a rite that is novelty, contradiction..etc?
Dear Anastasia,
The point to consider is that the Pope is only infallible under specified conditions viz. :
When teaching as Pope; on Faith, Morals, Discipline, or Governance; to the whole (i.e. Universal) Church.
Under other circumstances, he is as fallible as you, or I am.
He wrote a PRIVATE letter to the Italian midwives, in which he taught a personal error. He was not teaching the Universal Church and clearly infallibility did not apply.
Exactly the same situation arose when Pope Honorius expressed his PRIVATE, theological opinion, before the question was settled and became dogma. Everything a Pope says is not infallible. The holy Ghost only protects him from error under the specified conditions.
Yours PL
I am happy to see that you agree that Pius XII erred on the teachings on Faith, Morals and Governance when it came to his teachings on NFP. I however fail to see how his letter to the Italian midwives was not meant to get promulgated out to the whole Church since he was directing his teachings on NFP by teaching and addressing the midwives to go out and to disseminate this teaching to their clients which thus would be disseminated eventually to all women and men of childbearing age and their families and eventually grown children.As far as I can see it meets all your criteria i.e Faith, Morals taught by the pope and to be dissiminated out to the whole world through the Italian midwives to all their clients and families which pretty much means the whole Catholic Church. Which by the way it was wildly successful at doing and we have the results today that show this is to be clearly the case.
It just surprises me how such a hot button topic as contraception is glossed over from those sedevacantist who wish to make it no big deal when it comes to Pius XII.
IHSV thanks a lot for your reply! Yes I strongly suspect JP II had a false devotion to Our Lady too(as discussed in the book “True Devotion”). But the promise is attached to reciting the Holy Rosary alone. And so far I haven’t found any writings on the subject of “abuse of Rosary”. The closest I can recall is an incident described by St. Francis Xavier having witness in India that the slave owners would use the Rosary to count how many stokes being inflicted upon the slaves. But the example still is not reciting the Rosary itself. Remember the promise of the Rosary only requires someone reciting it, no requirement on spiritual dispositions. And it seems to me most Catholics I know who hold heretical positions against dogmas of the Church do recite the Holy Rosary. Just like Protestant heretics recite the Lord’s prayer, the highest prayer can be, yet most remain heretics till death, not converting to the Catholic Faith. I am suspecting Catholics who are opposed to the Church teaching COULD remain obstinate in heresies till death despite praying the Rosary every day like JP II.
Anastasia, I would never concede such. And the above comment does not suggest it. When teaching the Universal Church at Pope cannot err. If any compared that address of PIUS XII to Trent, they have no distance between them.
PS. I have a question, Anastasia.
Why the obssession with criticizing our Last True Pope? He never erred on Faith and Morals taught to the Church. Where does Pius XII differ in his teachings from Trent? He does not. He recommends abstinance at times, as far as I remember the midwives things. Is abstinance forbidden in marriage?
Meanwhile Wojtlya abolished the 1st Commandment. Bergoglio abolishes the 6th and 9th. Ratzinger has done as much to deny the Incarnation, distance the Novus Ordo from the True Church, and teach heresy as any of them.
Danielpan. The father of lies is called father of lies for a reason. Remember St Paul warned that ‘even the elect’, might be deceived by the twisted tongues and two-faced deception of a heresiarch. Wojtyla exploited Our Lady and the Holy Rosary – it was nothing but spin – he exploited, in other words, Catholic Devotion (he was and remains a poisonous stain on the name Catholic). Don’t be afraid of idiots doing wierd things with the Rosary. Remember, satanists do the most horrid things with a consecrated Host if they can get their hands on one. We should be concerned with how we approach the Holy Rosary. At any rate, what you are going through is called receiving the grace to wake up from the lie of the counterfeit institution established at the Second Vatican Council and promulgated through the Novus Ordo. Ave’s for you, dude. Keep the faith and pray to neither deceive nor be deceived. God won’t let you down. The desposit of Faith is nothing hidden, likewise the perverted slanders against Christ and His Bride are not hidden – Wojtyla shouted his slanders from the media roof-tops of the world. He was no Catholic, he was no pope.
Check out the links. They will elucidate the Catholic truth of what is happening.
Very true, dear Lynda.
October 9th, 1958. The date we last ‘had a Pope’.
Because Catholic souls, like de Maria remind us.
Blood of Christ.