Over at Catholic Family News, Christopher Ferrara offers an interesting review of Antonio Socci’s latest book, La Profezia Finale (The Final Prophecy), wherein the author pens an open letter to Pope Francis calling him to account for his various attacks against the Catholic faith.
The book is currently (and is likely to remain) available only in Italian. Mr. Ferrara provides a valuable service to English speaking readers by translating the text; offering for our consideration key excerpts taken from Socci’s scathing criticism of the present pontificate.
If you’ve not yet read it, it’s well worth your time to do so.
It’s not so much the case that there is anything altogether new to be discovered in Socci’s multicount indictment of the Argentine Jesuit bishop-in-white, and yet there is great value in being reminded of his long list of offenses just the same.
How so?
It helps us to regain our perspective and serves as a remedy for the numbness that, understandably, has overtaken so many of us.
Let’s be honest, Francis’ incursions against Catholic doctrine, Our Blessed Lord, His mother, His Bride and His followers have been so relentless that affronts that once rightly provoked our outrage are now treated, for all intents and purposes, as just another day in the papal park; even as we fully (and rightly) expect that things will only get worse under this pope.
In other words, while we hold our collective breath waiting for Generalissimo Bergoglio to outdo himself (as I write, the prospect of a post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation looms), we sometimes tend to forget just how egregiously the revolution he is leading has already undermined the Faith and exposed countless souls to eternal despair.
A partial list of Bergoglian offenses, a number of which are mentioned by Chris Ferrara in his review of Socci’s book, includes:
– His obsession with temporal matters; e.g., the environment and the poor
– His ever more transparent desire to curry favor with the secular media, godless elites and pop culture
– His mocking of traditional Catholic practices (like the Rosary bouquet he was given, and the poor altar boy ridiculed for piously folding his hands)
– His desecration of sacred things (placing a beach ball on the High Altar at Santa Maria Maggiore, the St. Peter’s light show)
– His deliberate avoidance of the name of Jesus Christ in public pronouncements
– His aversion to the Sign of the Cross
– His outright hostility for Catholic doctrine and those who embrace it
– His unwillingness to kneel before the Blessed Sacrament at Mass
– His determined efforts to open the way to Holy Communion for those improperly disposed
Again, these are just some of the horrendous things that we now take for granted as the stock and trade of His Humbleness, but imagine how you might have reacted if someone had come to you just three-and-a-half years ago and told you that this describes the actions of their pastor.
What kind of conclusions would you have drawn about such a cleric?
For me, the answer is simple, but I’ll get to that in just a moment.
Chris Ferrara ends his review of Socci’s book speaking of “the rushing tide of ‘Bergoglianism,’” calling it “a phenomenon unlike anything seen before in the annals of the papacy.”
Having taken a step back to reconsider Francis’ lengthy “rap sheet,” this sounds about right to me:
The Church has had her share of “bad popes” in the past to be sure, but never before has there been one like Francis – a man who clearly and consistently exhibits unmistakable signs of what those with sensus Catholicus can hardly fail to recognize as nothing less gravely serious than demonic influence.
Our Lady of Fatima, whose warnings as given in the Third Secret are so breathtaking that Sr. Lucia could barely put pen to paper to record them, pray for us!
May 13, 1820: “Last night, from eleven to three, I had a most wonderful vision of two churches and two Popes and a variety of things, ancient and modern…. I saw the fatal consequences of this counterfeit church; I saw it increase; I saw heretics of all kinds flocking to the city. I saw the ever-increasing tepidity of the clergy, the circle of darkness ever widening. And now the vision became more extended. I saw in all places Catholics oppressed, annoyed, restricted, and deprived of liberty, churches were closed, and great misery prevailed everywhere with war and bloodshed. I saw rude, ignorant people offering violent resistance, but this state of things lasted not long. Again I saw in vision St. Peter’s undermined according to a plan devised by the secret sect while, at the same time, it was damaged by storms; but it was delivered at the moment of greatest distress. Again I saw the Blessed Virgin extending her mantle over it.” -Anne Catherine Emmerich
I supported Socci by purchasing his book off of Amazon.it. This is an important work–a chronical of these dark days in the Church. Yes, Catholic Family News has done a great service making us aware of the scope of Socci’s criticism. It appears he nails it! I hope Christ gives extra credit at the Last Judgement if you have this book in your library. (Even if you don’t understand Italian).
Why is Francis unstoppable?
When I read these things my mind leaps forward to October 13, 2017: the 100th anniversary of the Fatima Miracles. I truly believe we are about to witness a heavenly intervention. God bless all of you who come to Louie’s page for his insightful presentations.
Because man by his sinful nature is predisposed to doing wrong and most, even most Catholics, will be lost (see the great sermon by St Leonard of Port Maurice). Bergoglio is pandering to the masses and the masses are ALWAYS on the bad side of what is right and wrong…..so of course they love him. The entire so called college of “cardinals” and basically almost all of the “bishops”….and “priests”….renounce Catholicism to some degree or another. That is why he is unstoppable.
The whole world groaned to find itself Bergoglian.
….. and the date of this vision of Anne Catherine Emmerich’s —– May 13.
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:2
Thank you Old Trad Cat and may The sweet Holy Family Of Nazareth bless you and your dear family. Reading the Socci translation was very consoling , though it seems the response Socci received from the Bishop of Rome was just a note to placate him and show that Francis is very charitable to all…..hope I’m wrong.
Just remember that when the king of France refused to consecrate his poor nation to the Sacred Heart the one hundred year mark only started the events that lead to his beheading. That event was not felt by all, it just got the proverbial ball rolling.
Also, the official request didn’t come from our Lord until 1929. So, we remain in uncertain speculation. Our job is to strengthen our souls for whatever might come next. Hoping for an event to relieve us of suffering could bring about disillusionment and loss of faith if the expected date does not bring anything spectacular.
Keep the faith. Pray. Do penance. Pray for Final Persevernce.
Sobering truth.
Now that is a great little quote. 🙂
Also note the year of the miraculous medal, 1820.
Well just watched a more than half an hour tape in which someone said why should we even be so concerned if the Church history is filled with bad Popes. I think Voris wrote an article on CMTV site singing the same tone “Catholics you know we always have bad Popes so stop sinning in listening what the Pope has to say” So first he said Francis is great and we commit a mortal sin to say it otherwise. And now with Francis’ advocating contraception in which Voris can’t defend him anymore, instead of keeping silence like Jimmy Akins he blames Catholics being stupid to even listen to the Shepherd of the Church? Voris sounds like Charlie Sheen, always winning no matter what.