On Thursday night, the eve of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the activist group “Catholics [sic] for Choice” projected pro-abortion messages on the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception as a Prayer Vigil for Life was taking place inside.
In response, Catholic social media exploded with expressions of outrage, some of it coming from unlikely sources.
J.D. Long-García, senior editor of the Jesuit publication America Magazine, wrote an article headlined:
“The Catholics for Choice basilica stunt was shocking. Sacrilege often is.”
The article was quickly shared on Twitter by well-known liberal, Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J.
A number of U.S. bishops also made public statements condemning the act.
In an interview with The Daily Signal, Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington called the act “unacceptable,” saying, “It was chilling to hear that kind of behavior would be conducted.”
Conservative celebrity bishops Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco and Joseph Strickland of Tyler, TX weighed-in via Twitter.
So heinous was the crime that Strickland was initially unconvinced that early reports were true, writing:
“If this is real it is an atrocity. Support of murder projected on the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception??? I pray that it is a fake photo photoshopped for evil purposes. If it is real it is horrible & even faking it is evil.”
Cordileone was quick to indict Satan for his hand in the dastardly affair:
The attempted desecration is enormous. Diabolical. Mother Mary, pray for them, now and at the hour of death. Amen.

Uncle Ted / Donald Wuerl / Joseph Tobin proto-gay… I mean, protégé, Cardinal Wilton Gregory issued an official statement via the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. comparing the perpetrators to Judas:
Those whose antics projected words on the outside of the church building demonstrated by those pranks that they really are external to the Church, and they did so at night – John 13:30.
What do all of these outraged voices have in common?
As far as I’ve been able to discover, not a one of them made even a peep in protest back in 2015 when Jorge Bergoglio turned the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica into a billboard for Climate Change, Inc., the global umbrella operation that funds, nurtures and promotes the international eugenics movement.

Just imagine what Catholic social media would have looked like in the days following the Fiat Lux Vatican light show if the currently outraged persons mentioned above weren’t so thoroughly saturated with hypocrisy.
America Magazine would have swiftly published an article under the headline:
The Fiat Lux Vatican light show stunt was shocking. Sacrilege often is.
Bishop Michael Burbidge would have said:
It was chilling to hear that kind of behavior would be conducted by anyone, much less a pope.
Joseph Strickland would have given his well cultivated fan base a jolt, tweeting:
It is an atrocity. Support of the climate change / eugenics movement projected on St. Peter’s is horrible, it is evil.

Salvatore Cordileone, whose diocesan newspaper celebrated the event, would have noted the demonic influence so obviously acting on the person of Jorge Bergoglio:
The attempted desecration of St. Peter’s is enormous. Diabolical. Mother Mary, pray for them, now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Best of all, Wilton Gregory would have connected the dots for all with ears to hear:
Those whose antics projected images on the outside of St. Peter’s Basilica, Jorge Bergoglio chief among them, demonstrated by those pranks that they really are external to the Church, and they did so at night – John 13:30.