Once upon a time on a sunny Saturday afternoon during the New Springtime following the…
VOCR Interview
I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Joe Bagnoli of Voice of Catholic…
Another response to Eugenio Scalfari
As most readers know, Pope Francis recently sent a letter to journalist Eugenio Scalfari in…
Celebrating religious diversity?
Let’s do a little Catholicism 101: Human beings are called, as the first demand of…
The call to CONVERT
A reader recently shared the following story: An interesting thing happened on my way home…
You tell me…
In my last post (“Rehabilitating Liberation Theology”) I made mention of the fact that popes…
Rehabilitating Liberation Theology?
Back in July of 2012, I wrote, “If you’re not familiar with ‘liberation theology,’ chances…
Sounding the humble trumpet
After dedicating two recent posts to Pontifex Humilis Maximus, I was fully prepared to move…
Pontifex Humilis Maximus – Pt. 2: A denial of the resurrection?
In response to my recent post, Pontifex Humilis Maximus, a FaceBook friend (and sincere Catholic)…
Rejecting Conciliar Leaven
As I’ve said in numerous venues many times, the conciliar text often conveys the doctrine…