If the Society’s beautiful new Immaculata Church is ever profanated – God forbid! – a reconsecration would become necessary.

The Life and Times of Abp. John R. Quinn & Friends-Part III
Archbishop Quinn argued in favor of reopening for “dialogue” the papal teaching on contraception in Humanae Vitae.

The Life and Times of Abp. John R. Quinn & Friends – Part II
“That Quinn grew in sensitivity and understanding of the gay community was owing to his experience of, and love for, the parish of Most Holy Redeemer”

The Life and Times of Abp. John R. Quinn & Friends – Part I
The McCarrick scandal focused on the East Coast homosexual network in AmChurch. Now, it’s time to turn our attention to the equally important West Coast network

Consensual Sex with Minors: Does Fr. Martin approve?
Silence would only go to demonstrate support for the effort to lower the age of consent, thus normalizing the sexual exploitation of children.

Standing at the Precipice: Taking the leap of faith
For some, taking the leap of faith serves as a remedy for pride. For me, it was just the beginning of that battle in earnest.

The Hour is Late: Time to face uncomfortable questions
Brian McCall, CFN’s Editor-in-Chief, has proposed the idea of us coming together to engage in a video conversation about the issues under discussion here…

Integrity Check: Examining the Novus Ordo Missae
Is it really possible for the Church as Holy Mother to dispense a poisonous rite to her children, thus endangering them?

Is Bergoglio Leading a Synodal Revolution?
“Whoever participates in the synod has the right to a vote. Be it a man or a woman.” – Francis

Montini’s Credo: Rubbish or treasure?
So, why did Montini deem it necessary to craft a new Credo? Would it not have sufficed to simply reaffirm that which the Church has always taught?