For much of the past decade, sincere individuals who genuinely wish to be Catholic have been unable to shake the nagging sense that something is dreadfully wrong in Rome.
Sure, regular readers of this space realize that something most certainly is terribly wrong and has been for a very long time, but that awareness has been growing by leaps and bounds over the past decade thanks to Francis. Even the heretics are wondering, “Is the pope Catholic?”
His crime (or perhaps his gift to the world, depending on how you look at it) is nothing more than implementing the Second Vatican Council far more aggressively than the men who came before him.
Bergoglio is making it plain to all with eyes to see that, taken to its logical conclusion, the conciliar program is a blueprint for globalism and its One World Religion, a humanistic enterprise that encompasses every imaginable religious tradition save for one, the Holy Catholic faith.
The conciliar religion, by contrast, is not only most heartily welcome in the globalist milieu, it is the single most critical part of the entire diabolical endeavor.
You see, unless the counterfeit church born at Vatican II successfully overshadows the countenance of Holy Mother Church, and unless it effectively drowns out her sweet voice as she proclaims the Kingship of Christ, incessantly whispering its false doctrines into the itching ears of fallen men, this masterplan of the Evil One will fail.
And fail it will, the question is not only when, but how many souls will Satan claim for his own along the way.
In the face of this monumental deception, Trad., Inc. has thrown in the towel on the “Francis question,” insisting that we must believe that he is, in fact, the Holy Roman Pontiff.
We must wait it out, they say, until some “authority figure” tells us otherwise.
The good news is that this wholesale rubbish. Holy Mother Church, if one but listen closely, gives us everything we need to have moral certainty regarding Francis – as well as Paul VI, JPI, JPII, BXVI – their claims to the papacy and the nature of the church over which they ruled.
This, and much more, is the topic of this episode of the akaCatholic Podcast.
It pains to me greatly to say this, but I must ask those of you who find akaCatholic – the blog and the podcast – in some way useful in these confusing times to consider offering the financial support necessary to keep it going. I am too proud (a weakness, I know) to blather on in detail about how grave the situation has become.
God’s will be done! Thanks for your consideration, and thank you for reading, watching, and sharing!
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