On December 21st, various cardinals and superiors of the Roman Curia gathered in the Sala Clementina for the annual Christmas Address; a message intended not just for those in attendance, but for all who work there.
For many among the Curial staff, this isn’t exactly the most wonderful time of the year.
Recall, if you will, the Bergoglian Christmas Addresses of years past as Francis used those occasions to diagnose the body’s assorted “diseases” and to berate its members.
It was in this environment – one described by insiders with increasing frequency as a “climate of fear” – wherein Francis delivered his 2017 Address; one that contained what can only be understood as a threat so thinly veiled as to be explicit.
Francis began in earnest by reminding the Curia that, according to Canon Law, it “‘performs its function,’ in the name and with the authority of the Supreme Pontiff, ‘for the good and service of the Churches.’”
Given his obvious disregard for Canon Law as it concerns canon 915, the level of hypocrisy here is almost beyond belief.
In any case, the point being made was clear enough; I’m in charge and you work for me.
Francis went on to say that the work of the Curia relative to the pope is one of “diaconal primacy,” of which he said:
[It] is above all the expression of a firm desire to imitate Christ, who took on the form of a servant.
The point being made in this case was equally clear; You exist to serve me.
Francis continued:
This theme of a ministerial and curial diaconia reminds me of a phrase in the ancient Didascalia Apostolorum, which states…
Before we get to the threat that follows, let us stop here for just a moment to ask a question (rhetorical, to be sure):
Is there any chance that the “diaconal theme” just so happens to remind Francis of something Apostolic, or is it more likely that the exact opposite is true; namely, that he began crafting his message with a very specific point in mind, and then went about searching for a theme from tradition with which to connect it in order to make it sound “Catholic”?
Returning to where we left off:
… a phrase in the ancient Didascalia Apostolorum, which states that “the deacon must be the ear and the mouth of the Bishop, his heart and his soul.” For this agreement between the two is linked to communion, harmony and peace in the Church, inasmuch as “the deacon is the guardian of service in the Church”. I do not believe that it is by chance that the ear is the organ of hearing but also of balance; and that the mouth is the organ of both taste and speech.
Again, I remind you of the atmosphere in which this message was being delivered; the climate of fear. As such, there can be no doubt that his audience – in particular, those who are not on board with his agenda – heard the threat loud and clear:
There are those among you, my faithful servants, who are my ears, and make no mistake, nothing you say will go unnoticed. What’s more, from their mouth will I receive a report.
Francis continued:
Another ancient text adds that deacons are called to be, as it were, the eyes of the Bishop. The eye sees in order to transmit images to the mind, helping it to take decisions and to give direction for the good of the whole body.
Get it?
There are those among you, my faithful servants, who are my eyes, and make no mistake, nothing you do will go unnoticed. What’s more, I will “take decisions” as I see fit based upon the reports that I receive.
Don’t believe it?
Just ask Cardinal Gerhard Muller, who as head of the CDF was forced by Francis to dismiss two trusted aids who were overheard saying things that displeased the “boss.”
As if anyone in the Curia needed to hear another word about their duty to serve Dear Leader, Francis added for good measure:
The relationship that these images suggest is that of communion in filial obedience.
You will obey…
At the conclusion to the Address, each of the men in attendance received a small gift; a book, but the most valuable thing that they, and their underlings, received that day was fair warning – Big Humble is watching.
Allegedly tapping the phones too.
Peter’s Pence must’ve found its way into Obama’s pockets so that he could spare some intelligence resources to take time off from spying on Trump Towers to give Francis a hand.
Ecumenism is Peace
Doctrine is Slavery
Sin is Strength
To bad Francis doesn’t realize that as closely as he is watching everyone around him, God is watching him ever more closely. If Francis was a man of faith he would be trembling with fear, but he doesn’t.
I too believe that is exactly what he intends. What a putrid worm of a man.
There is no rational explanation for it besides that interpretation. He gets bolder by the day! What is it going to come to, public whippings by him of those whose names have come to him by way of his cowardly sycophants? It is repugnant to consider this man as pope. He is more a worm than a man. Why is there not one man capable of standing up to this tyrant?
Do not allow your hearts to be troubled. Whatever this man does or does not do, God will judge him justly, as He will each of us. Everything is in God’s hands.
It is right that Louie is exposing the evil that has enveloped the man who should be the one teaching, preaching and sanctifying the world for the glory of God which might lead some out of the darkness into the light. Pray that it does.
A true leader leads by inspiration. A coward leads by threats.
Worm ridden indeed.
What everyone IS missing here.
#1 There are old guard hx’s running some of the financials in the Dicasteries.
i.e Escriva’s friend Cdl Poletti’s former secretary known as “Jessica”.
So when Borgolio was handed the red book full of all the problemos in Vatican City after he was elected ,he did see the expenditures up up up and the income down down down. So he appointed outside accountants and bankers to reel in the expenditures. That meant Prelates ( like Burke ,YES Burke) and others could not be living in luxury in apartments and villas at below fair market rate. Uh Oh……..
#2 The lavender clerical club ( which has the goods on many Prelates) rebelled and sure enough there was a backlash. Files were even stolen from the Vatican that were related to past misdeeds banking and otherwise. i.e. The alleged file on the costs of hiding and caring for Emmanuela Orlandi.
#3 How did money laundering and the Vatican thefts get so bad?
Well for one thing Movements like the Legion and opus Dei secretly ran their businesses under the mantle of Catholicism, Ordained priests and sent big checks to
Vatican City without any real oversight from the Papacy. curial Prelates let this all go on while accepting bribes. For instance ,a nice Mercedes from Maciel to a Secretary of State which btw, is the most powerful position in the Church, bar none.
Then he made sure his friend became the next Sec of State who purchased a block in Rome that housed the largest homosexual bath house and spa.
So while Borgolio appears to know nothing about Catholicism , he sure knows Vatican City is a sinking financial ship. He is a Jesuit . On the other hand, Escriva and his OD have been steering the financial barque of Peter for a very long time.
Managing to have their peerless narcissistic leader canonized and becoming a Personal Prelature , on the backs of blind slaves who live in OD Houses and hand over their salaries , is a lucrative business. Most especially, because the Prelature owes them nothing ,not even social security or pension when they get too old or infirmed to work anymore. They are not even Religious because they do not belong to an Order in the Traditional sense ,only their prievsts are considered part of the Order. The Vatican does not have access to their financials or their files.
People, the Pope they just canonized was sick and suffered from Parkinson’s for a long time, while the OD spokesmen Navarro Valles kept telling the world he was still functioning in his mind. No he was not.
Ratzinger who succeeded him was himself black mailable , so they elected a Jesuit who apparently is not up to the task himself……
Truth be told , who the hell else is?
The evil Modernists in the Vatican can no longer hide their perverted ugliness. If this doesn’t convince you, nothing will.
As we celebrate the birth of Our Lord and Savior, let us all envision the profound beauty and awe inspiring image of the First Nativity which is in total contradiction to the sickening scene displayed above.
May the Holy Family save us and shine the light of heaven upon us during the dark day ahead.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
It;s even worse than we think. These little cherubs do not have happy faces either.
There’s hope…….always hope