In the opening paragraphs of Laudato Si we read:
Both [environmental and social damage] are ultimately due to the same evil: the notion that there are no indisputable truths to guide our lives, and hence human freedom is limitless.
Then, about midway through the text, the following rhetorical questions are posed:
But if these issues are courageously faced, we are led inexorably to ask other pointed questions: What is the purpose of our life in this world? Why are we here? What is the goal of our work and all our efforts? What need does the earth have of us?
Had the task of expounding upon these brief but potentially important excerpts been left to the hand of any of the pre-conciliar popes of the last century or more, there can be no doubt whatsoever that its contents would have been overflowing with exhortations to turn to Jesus Christ, pointing very clearly to Him as the Light of the world Who alone is Truth incarnate, and to the Holy Catholic Church, the solitary Ark of Salvation established by Him for our salvation.
That this is the case, in spite of the bitter experiences of the last half century, is really nothing extraordinary; rather, it is precisely what one should rightly expect from the even simplest of pastors, and much more from the Vicar of Christ.
Jorge Bergoglio, however, is no ordinary pope, and Laudato Si is no ordinary encyclical.
In fact, the latter can hardly even be considered a genuine contribution to the papal magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church.
Those who have read even a handful of the encyclicals of the pre-conciliar popes cannot help but be taken aback by the fact the “humble” Pope Francis actually takes himself so seriously as to imagine that Laudato Si should be considered as one among them.
I have little doubt that, within most of our lifetimes, Laudato Si will be recognized by even moderately serious Catholics as having no value whatsoever other than to remind the faithful just how much havoc one disastrous pontificate can wreak on the Church and on the world.
That said, it does pose a danger in that we can well expect it to be leveraged by the enemies of Christ in furtherance of their agendas.
As such, it is right that much “ink” will be spilled, including here in this space, discussing the key points of Laudato Si.
At this, and without any further ado, let’s just cut to the chase:
The number one most important lesson to be learned from the document’s 40,000+ words is the indisputable reality that the Catholic Church in our day; more precisely, the men who are leading her and duly running her into the ground, the Bishop of Rome chief among them, has little concern for the mission that was given to the Church by Christ the King.
Are there nuggets of Catholic treasure to be found scattered throughout the “encyclical’s” voluminous text?
Certainly, but one can say the same of the preaching that is offered at the praise and worship services of the heretics, but only a fool would seek to nourish his Catholic faith in such an environment.
This being the case, while other Catholic commentators are busy deceiving themselves and others, perhaps even unknowingly, by cataloguing the oh-so-rare jewels contained in this latest pile of rubbish from Rome, as if doing so is of any more service to God’s people than giving them a glass of poison with which to wash down their vitamins, I’m going to focus on the far more important aspects of the text; namely, its dangers.
For starters, let it be said that the document is, just as expected, dreadfully long.
Evangelii Gaudium was longer still, but in the case of Laudato Si it’s not because it contains a wide array of thoughts and ideas; rather, it’s mainly because it repeats the same thoughts over, and over, and over again.
In reading it, one may be tempted to think that they are being treated to the ramblings of an elderly man who is quickly losing his mind to dementia.
I, however, tend to think that it’s more accurate to imagine that we are being treated to a tactic that is deliberately intended to overwhelm the poor reader, with the idea in mind that the repetition of certain legitimate points will somehow lend credibility to those of a more dubious nature, ultimately making the whole lot more palatable.
Whatever the cause or motive for its verbosity may be, Laudato Si could easily be pared down to half its current length, and still pose a serious danger to the faithful and to those who are seeking the truth.
It has already been well publicized that Pope Francis has adopted as his own much of the alarmist rhetoric of the enviro-revolutionary enemies of the Church.
Consider, for example, this very limited offering of citations:
Human beings to degrade the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate…
The melting in the polar ice caps and in high altitude plains can lead to the dangerous release of methane gas…
If present trends continue, this century may well witness extraordinary climate change and an unprecedented destruction of ecosystems…
We can see signs that things are now reaching a breaking point…
The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.
Some Catholic media characters of questionable credibility are attempting to paint poor Francis as the well-meaning victim of unreliable, perhaps even evil, advisers who have misled him on such points.
Granted, it is rather obvious that large portions of Laudato Si were indeed ghost written by the agents of environmental activism, the same who have successfully managed to hoodwink countless millions of dimwitted souls the world over.
That said, if Jorge Bergoglio the individual allows himself to be among them, that’s one thing, but let’s be very clear; he is entirely responsible for the way in which he leverages the unparalleled power of the papacy.
There simply is no excuse for using an instrument such as a papal encyclical to promote the kinds of nonsense found in Laudato Si.
It truly is nothing less than an abuse of the Petrine Office, to say nothing of his utter unwillingness to “gather” with Christ, as is his duty. On the contrary, Pope Francis is a notorious scatterer, and Laudato Si is, like Evangelii Gaudium, but a tool of his condemnable trade.
He’s also, as the following makes known, magnificently hypocrital.
Many professionals, opinion makers, communications media and centres of power, being located in affluent urban areas, are far removed from the poor, with little direct contact with their problems. They live and reason from the comfortable position of a high level of development and a quality of life well beyond the reach of the majority of the world’s population …
A simple example [of harmful habits of consumption] is the increasing use and power of air-conditioning. The markets, which immediately benefit from sales, stimulate ever greater demand. An outsider looking at our world would be amazed at such behaviour, which at times appears self-destructive.
Let’s be honest; in spite of walking around in beat up shoes, being driven about in modest sedans, wearing cassocks with tattered sleeves, Pope Francis lives about as far removed from the impoverished people of the world than anyone on the planet.
In fact, he lives rather like a king and as well he should; he’s the Vicar of Christ who is King indeed.
Jorge Bergoglio probably spends more time in air conditioned rooms than the average middleclass American. He has taken no less that nine international trips via jumbo jet over the last twenty-eight months, even though he can (if only he were willing) fulfill the duties of his office perfectly well without ever leaving Rome. His “humility” is such that the Holy See now has to maintain two papal living quarters, and his occupancy of Casa Santa Marta has undoubtedly created a need to spend extra money and energy to house those who would have otherwise stayed there.
If all of this isn’t enough to set off your hubris alarm, Francis even goes so far as to say:
Here I would state once more that the Church does not presume to settle scientific questions or to replace politics.
The irony of such a statement appearing in this novel-length enviro-manifesto boggles the mind!
So let’s recognize much of Francis’ hollow words for what they truly are; patent hypocrisy unworthy of any man, much less the pope, and an embarrassment for those of us who, wanting nothing more than to be Catholic, are willingly governed by the man.
Among the kudos being given to Francis for his misguided efforts in Laudato Si concern the stance that he takes against population control, specifically as it relates to abortion; an evil rightly associated with the environmental movement.
Overlooked in the process, however, is the “on-the-other-hand” that he offered immediately thereafter:
Still, attention needs to be paid to imbalances in population density, on both national and global levels, since a rise in consumption would lead to complex regional situations, as a result of the interplay between problems linked to environmental pollution, transport, waste treatment, loss of resources and quality of life.
Pope Francis doesn’t offer any concrete solutions to such “imbalances,” so it’s unclear what he has in mind.
Even so, one cannot help but notice that curiously missing from Laudato Si is any mention of the evils of contraception and sterilization, both of which are fundamental planks in the enviro-revolutionary platform, large portions of which Pope Francis foolishly chose to lend the prestige of the papal seal.
Perhaps most transparently shameful of all is the pope’s unwillingness to present immutable truth without qualifiers that have the effect of reducing the voice of Christ that comes to us through His Church to the level of mere Christian “opinion.”
The document is littered with phrases like, “for Christians… for believers… according to the Bible… Christian thought sees… in Christian understanding…” etc…
At one point Pope Francis even asks:
Why should this document, addressed to all people of good will, include a chapter dealing with the convictions of believers?
Rhetorical though the question may have been, I couldn’t help but say aloud as I read this, Uh… because it comes from the pope, the visible head of the Catholic Church that alone is in full possession of, and is obligated to teach, everything whatsoever that Jesus Christ commanded!
Pope Francis would seem to have a different sense for the Church’s place in this world.
For him, far from being the Mystical Body of Christ wherein man encounters, and enters into communion with, his Creator, the Church is just another community of individuals searching for truth.
Pope Francis tells us:
In union with all creatures, we journey through this land seeking God…
All indications are that Pope Francis simply doesn’t believe that the Holy Catholic Church alone has the fullness of Divine Revelation and the right, and indeed the duty, to pass judgment on the personal and social obligations of humankind.
No, that conviction would be far too triumphalistic for the man whose desire for Laudato Si is no loftier than “to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home;” an aspiration better met with another letter to the editor of La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari, than a make-pretend papal encyclical.
So intent is Pope Francis on avoiding any appearance of possessing the authority to speak in the name of Almighty God (setting aside for the present moment the fact that this authority doesn’t pertain to much of Laudato Si anyway), he actually claims as recourse for his calls to action, get this, the demands of the youth!
Young people demand change. They wonder how anyone can claim to be building a better future without thinking of the environmental crisis and the sufferings of the excluded.
If the Church, and therefore the pope, is not called to lead mankind on the way to eternal life as she speaks with the unique authority granted to her by Christ, what exactly is her role?
Citing his predecessor, Benedict the Abdicator, otherwise known as the “Green Pope,” Francis states:
This is what makes for the excitement and drama of human history, in which freedom, growth, salvation and love can blossom, or lead towards decadence and mutual destruction. The work of the Church seeks not only to remind everyone of the duty to care for nature, but at the same time “she must above all protect mankind from self-destruction” (cf Caritas in Veritate),
Don’t let the reference to “salvation” fool you into thinking that Pope Francis is in the least bit serious about the real mission of the Catholic Church.
That he is not is made clear when he states:
Many people in these [overcrowded] conditions are able to weave bonds of belonging and togetherness which convert overcrowding into an experience of community in which the walls of the ego are torn down and the barriers of selfishness overcome. This experience of a communitarian salvation often generates creative ideas for the improvement of a building or a neighbourhood.
Pay very close attention to Jorge Bergoglio’s sense for salvation; it is an “experience” that is facilitated by the “community” as people “weave bonds” among themselves.
How is it, one wonders, that the pope himself can seem to dismiss with such apparent ease the need of entrance into the life of Christ and His Holy Catholic Church as the solitary way of salvation?
He tells us near the conclusion of Laudato Si:
At the end, we will find ourselves face to face with the infinite beauty of God (cf. 1 Cor 13:12), and be able to read with admiration and happiness the mystery of the universe, which with us will share in unending plenitude.
Here, Pope Francis is misappropriating Sacred Scripture in order to lend the appearance of Catholic thought to that which is ultimately heretical; namely, the false notion that all persons without qualification will one day enjoy the beatific vision.
There is more that could be said of this mockery of papal magisterium known as Laudato Si, but at this it should be clear enough that all roads therein lead back to the aforementioned single most important lesson it has to offer:
The Rome of today has lost the Faith in such considerable measure that even the local Bishop – he who exercises universal authority over the Church – has neither the desire nor the capacity for engaging in the mission that was given to her by Christ the King.
I suggest printing out the document from the Vatican website…using about 80 pages of paper (when I printed it). Read it aside a campfire (it will make good kindling) as you “enjoy” the changing climate of the novus ordo springtime of the Church.
” Are there nuggets of Catholic treasure to be found scattered throughout the “encyclical’s” voluminous text?
Certainly, but one can say the same of the preaching that is offered at the praise and worship services of the heretics, but only a fool would seek to nourish his Catholic faith in such an environment.”
QUESTION: Is it wiser to completely ignore the encyclical, or to read it , discerning the nuggets from the lumps of coal ?
There are just to many lumps of coal, a waste of time reading, ambiguous language, that I went through with the pastoral documents of Vatican II, to me a continuation of the fruits of that council.
I ask a question how do we determine what from a pope is binding and what is not?
What are the rules? Is it anything that touches on faith, morals, and salvation? Is that the case does Pope Francis explicitly mention any sins in the document?
Dear Ever mindful,
The harm reading it can do depends a lot on the ability of the reader to do that necessary “discerning” of truth from falsehood. For the sake of the many who will likely be confused and/or misled, (IOHO) it would be charitable for those who have enough awareness and knowledge to safeguard them, to read it and prepare to help others out of their difficulties, as we encounter them. Louie’s efforts will be of great help in that regard, as he zero’s in on the worst problems. And since most people are not going to bother with such a long reading, it’s the essentials that will stay in people’s minds and influence their political and moral decisions, that would seem to beg thorough examination.
Dear I F,
Thank you for wise counsel.
We are spiraling down pretty darn fast. It’s like a bus on a mountain road that the driver has died. I think it will get much worse before and during the Synod in October.
If Our Lord and Our Lady do nothing soon, there will not be much left, except for a few small pockets in the Church. “When the son of man returns, will there be any faith on earth?” I think we are close!
Put on your seat belts, there is major turbulence ahead!
Vatican Council I, Dogmatic Constitution on the Faith (1870), DZ 1792. “Further, by divine and Catholic faith, all those things must be believed which are contained in the written word of God and in tradition, and those which are proposed by the Church, either in a solemn pronouncement or in her ORDINARY AND UNIVERSAL magisterium to be believed as divinely revealed.”
‘The number of the damned is incalculable.’
St. Veronica Giuliani
I guess Our Almighty God made a lot of mistakes and defects when He created the universe, especially the planet earth. Thank God, we have Bergoglio to tell us how these errors can be corrected.
If Bergoglio really wants to write an encyclical which would benefit mankind, why doesn’t he tackle the problems of self-mutilation such as body piercing, tattoos, unnecessary extreme surgeries to alter appearance and, of course, Bruce-to-Caitlyn (or the other way around) gender fiascoes. Maybe he’s afraid the world won’t like him for addressing these issues or maybe it will make him look too judgmental.
October will come….and go…and we can rejoice in November….ever mindful of the King of kings…
Sunday 22 Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe solemnity
Week II
I need to vent a little about CMTV’s breaking news about the encyclical and Voris being careful to dodge criticizing the Pope to instead blaming it on bad advisors to Francis.
1. First of all, Pope Francis would have to be pretty much an idiot to not know that such advisors are bad. Either that or he is simply grossly negligent. This isn’t bad advice in the same vein as being told something that he cannot independently verify himself. Pope Francis has every means to know who he is or isn’t inviting in and talking to. Michael Voris therefore wants us to imagine Francis to be an idiot. He doesn’t say this, but that’s the only natural conclusion we can reach if Pope Francis is supposedly this clueless about where all this is going. So no, I don’t for one second believe Francis is clueless or an idiot. Given all his actions thus far Francis is totally on board with all of this. He’s surrounded himself with his own personal hand-picked advisors whose words he prefers to hear, while getting rid of the handful of prelates who know what they’re talking about.
2. Pope Francis therefore knows well the company he is surrounding himself with. The only benefit of the doubt we can give him is that he imagines that by doing so he is somehow fulfilling ecumenism and ‘opening doors and windows’ further that such ecumenicist unity will be achieved and worldly utopia be brought about, because he actually believes that this is what God wants and is oblivious of his heresy which is also strategically stupid, and has proven to be a gross failure. All of which indicates that the Holy Spirit wills that for this hours Francis should be led by the blind rather than the Holy Spirit leading him.
3. Michael Voris compares Fatima to this confusing encyclical… What? He states that we do not need to pay attention to the non-Catholic portions of Pope Francis’ encyclical anymore than we are bound to pay attention to ‘private’ revelations like Fatima… How bizarre. I think Voris is worried about something… perhaps some conclusion that people are reaching. Sure Michael Voris is free to ignore Fatima… to his and our peril, because this is highly imprudent. Because Fatima warned of the present situation we are dealing with in the Church today, and if only the Michael Vorises of the world had listened to Our Lady of Fatima, perhaps this situation wouldn’t be the parody that it is today. I think it’s honestly Mr. Voris who has the bad advisors or is now being a bad advisor himself, given that Fatima warned about the present state of affairs, that Fatima has the only solution to the present state of affairs, and that Fatima further warns about a far worse state of affairs if we continue to ignore its message.
Fatima has a score of 100%, and ChurchMilitantTV is dangerously close to failing because it is scared of marking down the right answers and has instead advised us all to fill out the wrong bubbles on the scantron cards lest the right answer prove to be to critical of the headmaster.
The Queen of Heaven knows better than Michael Voris, but Mr. Voris like Francis, is free to follow other advisors.
The rest of us will take the MIRACULOUSLY PUBLIC, not private, revelations of Fatima to heart. God didn’t spin the sun in the sky for hundreds of thousands, nor convert a whole nation, not entrust a message to His Church to reveal at the right time with a task to making it public and committing to itself a performing a very public consecration ceremony of a large public country for very public reasons, because God intended it to be private to only Sr. Lucia for which everyone, including the Popes are free to ignore. NONSENSE! Mr. Voris! It’s time to be a MAN and MAN UP like you’re always encouraging us to do lately!
GOD THE CREATOR, who made us of carbon to breathe out carbon using our miraculously designed circulatory system, while blessing us to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth… was WRONG ALL ALONG!
No! No! Stop! You carbon makers! Stop multiplying! Your counstant breathing out and need for industry to support your CO2 producing needs is against Creation! This is against God’s Will!
God’s actual Will versus the Surprising Spirit of God’s Will!
MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS A HOAX! It is only to eliminate the ‘poor’ through ethnic cleansing of this entire class of people by curbing their breeding. By TAXING the rest into submission which further destroys families which further naturally curbs breeding. By handing over control of ‘carbon’ that therefore ALL LIFE ON EARTH and the movement and decisions of ALL MANKIND to a cartel of powerful criminal elitess working for none other than SATAN HIMSELF!
All because of bunk science who ignore history and buy into climate models based on the HERESY OF EVOLUTIONARY LONG AGES when in fact our Earth is young, and Climate and life change more rapidly than the current Heretical Scientific Consensus believes according to its thoroughly atheistic philosophies!
ALL DRIVEN BY HATRED OF MANKIND first and foremost! That elevates man as a proud being more capable of controlling and affecting the universe more than God Himself! The same Sun that God makes to dance in the Sky affects the world’s climate on a level far greater than mankind could ever imagine! These same stupid scientists who cannot prove the Earth goes around the Sun and believe in stupid superstitions and fairy tales of fish turning into people, are now to be believed when they couldn’t predict next week’s weather with any certain accuracy???
As the world catches more wind of this climate scam, held together by nothing more than the words of consistently lying liberals for emotional election bait, and as the people begin to turn against their criminal governments, Pope Francis is ensuring they see the Catholic Church as the enemy as well! Because he is giving the impression of making the Church collude with these beasts like a whore! And monstrous heads like Obama and Trudeau and the entire U.N. will use her and throw her away when they have bled her dry!
“I, however, tend to think that it’s more accurate to imagine that we are being treated to a tactic that is deliberately intended to overwhelm the poor reader, with the idea in mind that the repetition of certain legitimate points will somehow lend credibility to those of a more dubious nature, ultimately making the whole lot more palatable.”
Who was it, exactly, who said, “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth”?
Pope Francis, the flagrant heretic and enemy of the Faith that he is, is colluding with the evil NWO eugenicist tyrannical world government. He has been doing this for a very long time before being elected.
And even the dumbest among us can deduce, with enough reading/research of course, that this was WHY this scoundrel was elected in the first place. The v2 sect, non-Catholic obviously, HAS to keep their end-game plan in order. It will fail in the end but will do immeasurable damage in the process.
You have nailed it. MV has backed himself into a proverbial corner. His report was excruciating to watch. His credibility was melting as he spoke. Bad advisers? Really??? You would think PF was a boy king of 16 rather than the Vicar of Christ at 76. It was the poor equivalent of “the dog ate my homework” or “The devil made me do it!” Unfortunately, that line was funny when Flip Wilson used it but it is closer to the truth in the wonderland of PF. And its not one bit funny.
Louie, Thanks for another great commentary. LS is just surreal. Coming from a Pope truly defines “diabolical disorientation”. Only excuse is that if he is suffering from undisclosed dementia which shouldn’t be discounted. Absent the latter, this is another chapter (albeit very long) in the ongoing embarrassment known as the Pontificate of Pope Francis. It is very sad if one thinks about it. Besides yourself, I believe Chris Jackson’s commentary over at The Remnant offers valuable insight as well. I know you will agree.
Agree with you and “feel your pain”. I can see the steam coming out of your ears. Some folks might call it “anger”. Given the circumstances I would call it “righteous indignation” which is a virtue when called for. Louie is great as usual. May I suggest you also read Chris Jackson over at The Remnant. Equally as brilliant with a bit of relief thrown in. Like Louie, a classic to bookmark.
Mr Goebbels
From CFN’s John Vennari:
“Francis declares that God’s punishment of the deluge was due to sins against justice and peace.”
Which fits right into the Oktober Sin-Nod…
“Marrying and giving into marriage”…
Does that sound familiar at all… 😉
How big of a “carbon footprint” has been left behind Francis’ trips around the world so far?’
Wouldn’t he have saved a ton of those “evil” CO2 emissions by scrapping the WYD extravaganza in Rio and asking the young people instead to stay at home and pray the rosary with their friends and family?
Ironically, the WYD events & Francis’ trips are some of the biggest “Carbon-footprint” events in the world, for sure…
Dear Lynda,
I’m writing on behalf of my mother who noticed that you and your son are in financial straits. For two years, she’s been reading your comments and your analysis of the crisis in the Church on various blogs and really enjoys them.
Is there any way we could help you? Please let me know how to get in touch with you outside of the combox.
God bless
Thank you for the link…some welcome belly-aching laughter to be found there.
Papal encyclicals are magisterial and the faithful are obligated to assent to every jot and tittle in them. These days, most Catholics are taught that if Church ‘authority’ does not explicitly propose that something is to be believed with divine and Catholic Faith (de fide divina et catholica) then we are free to ignore it or ‘sift’ it for what we think is Catholic enough to float the boat. This is very protestant. We basically get to be our own pope. Encyclicals, canonizations (infallible), liturgical laws, disciplines imposed are all part of the magisterial matter of a Pope. To ‘sift’ this magisterium with the approach that it is full of defects and therefore must be sifted is again, very protestant, and again we would have to be experts in the Faith such that we simply don’t need magisteriums or popes. “He who hears you, hears Me.”
Basically the extraordinary magisterium (deemed infallible) applies to solemn dogmatic definitions (Immaculate Conception, Papal Infallibility etc.) and the universal ordinary magisterium applies to encyclicals, homilies, pastoral letters (not necessarily infallible) – both, however, require the assent of the Catholic faifthful.
Repeating Rich’s quote, “The first Vatican Council tells us that, “all those things are to be believed with divine and Catholic faith which are contained in the Word of God, written or handed down, and which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by her ordinary and universal teaching magisterium, proposes for belief as having been divinely revealed”. The second Vatican Council teaches, “Each and every matter declared in this Dogmatic Constitution the Fathers of this Sacred Council have approved. And We by the Apostolic Authority handed down to Us from Christ, together with all the Venerable Fathers, in the Holy Ghost approve, decree and establish these things; and all things thus synodally established, We order to be promulgated unto the glory of God…I, Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church. There follow the signatures of the rest of the Fathers.” Both demand the assent of the faithful without sifting. If we believe Montini and Bergoglio are Popes we must give assent to their teachings in total.
“For the teaching authority of the Church, which in the divine wisdom was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact for ever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men, and which is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops who are in communion with him…” Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos.
“In defining the limits of the obedience owed to the pastors of souls, but most of all to the authority of the Roman Pontiff, it must not be supposed that it is only to be yielded in relation to dogmas of which the obstinate denial cannot be disjoined from the crime of heresy. Nay, further, it is not enough sincerely and firmly to assent to doctrines which, though not defined by any solemn pronouncement of the Church, are by her proposed to belief, as divinely revealed, in her common and universal teaching, and which the Vatican Council declared are to be believed “with Catholic and divine faith.” But this likewise must be reckoned amongst the duties of Christians, that they allow themselves to be ruled and directed by the authority and leadership of bishops, and, above all, of the Apostolic See. ” Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Sapientiae Christianae
The Roman Pontiff ‘daily’ exercises ‘teaching authority’ to which the Catholic must ‘allow himself to be ruled and directed.’ As such, if Bergoglio is Pope, the discussions about his encyclical should be about how to apply his teachings faithfully.
That said, Bergoglio’s ‘ecological conversion’ is an abuse against every saint and scripture passage and holy name he has appropriated to try to get this Titanic ‘awareness’ encyclical to float in faithful circles.
Here is a big picture take on what is happening. Quote from “Notification about women wearing male clothing” written by Cardinal Siri in 1960.
While obviously not about the environment it contains the following paragraphs. We must always return to first principles instead of being caught up in the details:
“Men may come and men may go, because God has left plenty of room for the to and fro of their free will; but the substantial lines of nature and the not less substantial lines of Eternal Law have never changed, are not changing and never will change. There are bounds beyond which one may stray as far as one sees fit, but to do so ends in death; there are limits which empty philosophical fantasizing may have one mock or not take seriously, but they put together an alliance of hard facts and nature to chastise anybody who steps over them. And history has sufficiently taught, with frightening proof from the life and death of nations, that the reply to all violators of the outline of “humanity” is always, sooner or later, catastrophe.
From the dialectic of Hegel onwards, we have had dinned in our ears what are nothing but fables, and by dint of hearing them so often, many people end up by getting used to them, if only passively. But the truth of the matter is that Nature and Truth, and the Law bound up in both, go their imperturbable way, and they cut to pieces the simpletons who upon no grounds whatsoever believe in radical and far-reaching changes in the very structure of man.
“The consequences of such violations are not a new outline of man, but disorders, hurtful instability of all kinds, the frightening dryness of human souls, the shattering increase in the number of human castaways, driven long since out of people’s sight and mind to live out their decline in boredom, sadness and rejection. Aligned on the wrecking of the eternal norms are to be found the broken families, lives cut short before their time, hearths and homes gone cold, old people cast to one side, youngsters willfully degenerate and—at the end of the line—souls in despair and taking their own lives. All of which human wreckage gives witness to the fact that the “line of God” does not give way, nor does it admit of any adaption to the delirious dreams of the so-called philosophers!”
Oh, that Bishops, Cardinals, and Popes would write Truth like this good Cardinal. The whole thing is well worth a read.
And this is why Satan uses unfortunate souls like Poor Francis as his tools. The end is the same: bring souls to Hell. The means is the same: attempt to destroy Holy Mother Church.
Big picture: Francis and apostate, heretical prelates are simple fools who while thinking they do good, have reached out for the shiny bauble of man-worship dangled before their eyes by Satan.
Johhno, I fear you are right and have unveiled the true purpose and intent of this document. This document is not ‘revolutionary’ in the least, but is meant to support the deplorable modern financial/cultural/ status quo of the western nations with its social engineering and Godless utopian aims.
Look, folks, I’ll confess that have not read this…this… ‘ista’… Laudo Si, nor does my soul which hungers for truth and a pure heart even draw me to ‘ista’ document, and I thank all courageous men like Mr. Verrecchio, Mr. Ferrara, and Mr. Vennari who have to do this dirty work for us. But having confessed this, does this bunch of hogwash called Laudato Si purporting to deal with what is ‘natural’ mention ‘NATURAL LAW’ at all? Does this …this…thing mention ‘SIN’ and the consequences of real and personal sin as well as that of ‘ORIGINAL SIN’ and their general effect on our cities our environment and on nature?
A brilliant piece from The Remnant:
Interesting concept! Pope’s encyclical re-written by a future CATHOLIC Pope!
De Maria, Lynda, Rich, Salvemur, just wanna say I’m damn proud to have met you!
Lynda, get my email address from Louie and drop me a line.
dear Peter, –The pleasure is/was all mine. Please pray for me. There are two threats before me-that of homelessness again in 6 mos. The other is that I was scooped out of that situation in the first place by an entity which does not allow me to display a Crucifix or image of Our Lady. The latter is much more threatening, for I would arise from my wheelchair, drop my crutches & die before I’d remove an image of The Immaculata & hide it. Peter, you’ve referred to your postings earlier as “bleatings.” My good man, that sort of shoutng from the rooftops has helped an ignorant oldster such as me to exactly have the courage to cope with what faces me.
Dear de Maria, Please get my email from Louie and drop me a line.
Dear Euntes Ergo, Thank you and thanks to your mother for your Christian kindness. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned such personal matters here – it was down to a combination of wanting to let de Maria know she wasn’t alone in having that particular cross, and feeling safe among a group of committed Catholics, which is very hard to find in “real” life. As for help, some prayers would be very appreciated (as were those by others here). I’ve been saying for some time, we committed Catholics, necessarily suffering in a hostile world, linked by the Internet, ought to be trying to find real life connections, especially among those living in the same country or geographical area. The persecution is upon us and for the most part we have not formed communities in real life to help sustain each other, in the Faith, in the moral and physical life. We are very isolated and vulnerable. After the horrendous imposition of sodomy as a public institution, public “good” here in Ireland, I suggested on a couple of orthodox Catholic sites that people who’ve engaged for years online on the sites that were from Ireland make direct contact with each other. I’d be very glad to have direct contact with you but I’m not up to much writing, etc., due to illness. I’ll email Mr Verrechio and ask him if he would be able to forward my email address to you. God bless you and your mother.
There’s nothing wrong with carbon dioxide. Essential for life.
Will do.
dear Peter, — I don’t know how to do that.
Can we the readers here do anything to help (other than pray)? I’d advise trying to get and give help and fellowship from a community of orthodox Catholics, a traditional Catholic parish. We all need a community, however small, of true Catholics, true friends in Christ. Will pray for you. God bless and protect you.
dear Lynda, thank you-may I please ask for the particular intention in your prayer that I may never, ever disavow the Faith during face-to-face confrontation but that I bear prudent Catholic witness. The first of these will occur mid-week. Thank you from my heart.
Louie please help.
Thank you Lynda, since we are not anglophone my mother’s English is not quite fluent in writing and therefore she is ashamed to write you herself 😉 But as her intermediary she wants me to tell you that you wrote above in your comment is spot on. We are looking forward to receiving your e-mail address.
God bless
Dear jacobum,
Thanks for this link. We owe Mr. Jackson big-time, for the analysis as well as the groans and chuckles.
dear Peter- Is it possible for you to, instead, get my email from Louie and drop me a line?
In short, no. The only mention of sin is with regards to hurting a tree basically. Natural law gets not a single mention. It mentions natural ‘habits-resources-reserves-environments-disasters-forests-bacteria-ecosystems’ and the ‘natural right’ of a ‘campesino/peasant famer/agricultural-proletariate’ to own a certain amount of land. The entire wretched ramblings of this apostate is an ode to JPII, liberation theology and the United Nations. The only thing remotely Catholic going on is the abuse of the bible quotes and the memory of a couple of real saints which the communist in the white skull-cap appropriates to give folks like the Akins and Keatings of the world a reason to make their morning coffee.
Of the 172 footnotes not a single one references pre-Vatican II.
Hey Peter, de Maria and others interested. This site: will allow some further contact. I’m not on it yet. But may well do. If you get on disqus ( ) you can comment on the Remnant pages and on Novus Ordo Watch – for NOW click the “permanent link” at the bottom of each article to access the comments page.
have a comment awaiting moderation with a link for contact – if it doesn’t get displayed, nevermind. Your on my rosary (and your kids, de Maria) – God keep you.
if you email I’d be happy to pass received and forward any contact details.
Lynda, if you use the email peter and de maria would be more than happy to get your details.
“An outsider looking at our world would be amazed at such behaviour, which at times appears self-destructive”
Dear EuntesErgo, I sent that email, with my email address for you, to Mr Verrechio last Saturday, 20th. I’ve been too sick to check this website since then. God bless.
A pretty fair commentary, except when you get to the “everyone will see God” passage. Yes, it’s vague, and shouldn’t be. But your interpretation is the worst possible reading one could give it, and is that just?