On 20 December, the man posing as the Holy Roman Pontiff leveraged the upcoming Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord as a vehicle for promoting the humanist ideals that are part and parcel of the United Nations’ globalist agenda.
In a video published by the Unholy See, Jorge Bergoglio (stage name “Francis”), standing side-by-side with UN Secretary General António Guterres, issued a message that begins:
It is beautiful that we celebrate this meeting in the days before Christmas.
Bear well in mind the opening sentence; it tells us that what follows is Jorge Bergoglio’s Christmas Message to the world.
Never mind the ramblings of December 25th when he offered a cheap imitation of the traditional Urbi et Orbi message from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica – that was aimed at self-identified Catholics who, in spite of so much evidence to the contrary, are still convinced that he’s the pope.
The message delivered on 20 December with his UN puppet master looking on approvingly, that’s the one intended for the peoples of the entire world.
Just seconds into his message, Bergoglio professed what amounted to a tacit denial of the Blessed Trinity, effectively reducing to nil the divine sonship offered to humankind exclusively by Jesus Christ, true God and true man, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as he said:
These are days when our eyes go to heaven to entrust to God the people and situations that most touch our hearts. In this look we recognize ourselves as children of a single Father, brothers.
He went on:
We give thanks for all the good in the world, and for all those who commit themselves free of charge, for those who spend their lives serving, for those who do not give up and try to build a more humane and more just society.
Notice that immediately after acknowledging that the Christmas season is approaching, he went on to give thanks – not for the birth of Christ and the gift of salvation that He alone can give – but for people.
From there, reading from a prepared text in Spanish, he established the theme of his four-minute-plus ramble, saying, Lo sabemos, no podemos salvarnos solos.
The English translation offered on the Unholy See website reads, “We know well that we cannot be saved alone.” On this, I am calling B.S.
In other words, even after so many well-documented heresies and blasphemies, there are some in Rome who still remain committed to putting Catholic lipstick on the Argentinian pig.
As I confirmed with Fr. José Miguel Marqués Campo, a faithful priest and friend living and working in Spain, while the English provided is a feasible translation, it may just as easily be taken to mean:
We know, we can’t save ourselves alone.
This translation is more in keeping with the Italian that is given: Lo sappiamo: non possiamo salvarci da soli (with salvarci being reflexive, meaning “to save ourselves”).
More to the point, We know, we can’t save ourselves alone is far more in keeping with the fact that Bergoglio does not mention the Savior (you know, He who was born on Christmas Day) even once, but rather goes about lecturing humankind on how it must go about saving its own hide and improving its own lot in life – this life, to be precise.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the Psalmist writes:
It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man.
Under the inspiration of the Evil One, Jorge the Heretic proclaimed:
Trust in dialogue between people and between nations, in multilateralism, in the role of international organizations, in diplomacy as an instrument for understanding and understanding, is indispensable for building a peaceful world.
Bottom line, folks, with every passing day more evidence is heaped upon other evidence that Jorge Bergoglio is an anti-pope – an utter and complete fake – and head not of the Holy Catholic Church but of an imposter church.
In sum, his entire Christmas Message to the world can be summarized as follows:
Who needs a Savior when we have each other?
“… he went on to give thanks – not for the birth of Christ and the gift of salvation that He alone can give – but for people.”
Just like the whole of Wojtyla’s “pontificate.”
MMF-Have you read JP2’s “Crossing the Threshold of Hope”? It’s all about Man, Man, Man! I started to circle every time he mentioned “man”, “human” and the like. After a while, I gave up. I was getting writer’s cramp. His 28 year “pontificate” gave the V2 “pseudo-church” wings. JP2 set the stage. Bergoglio is dancing on it.
Okay even I, a hard core cynic, am finding it completely astounding at the petite reaction of Catholics and the world to the Pachamama Occult Celebration in Vatican Hall the other day. In all seriousness I do wonder if these people would react to a virgin sacrifice at the altar. Would they? Or would they do the dance and cross their arms and click their heels three times. I really don’t know.
I want to in all sincerity once again ask what difference it makes that Bergolio is not the pope. I don’t think he’s the pope either because pope’s cannot destroy the faith!
But if 99% of the world thinks and acts as if he is, what is our little dissent?
He is an evil toad. May God deliver us from him soon!
Evangeline–Sadly, perception becomes reality. He wears white. He lives in the Vatican. He is referred to as “The Pope”. He fears no one. Perversion and corruption go unpunished (on this earth.) He is the Emperor with no clothes. I understand and share your frustration.
Yes, I’ve read some of “A Dope Crosses the Threshold,” but I have to say, there is no way I could plow through the whole thing and not wind up committed to a twitch farm. I WOULD, though, like to perform a word count on the number of times Wojtyla uses the pronoun “I.” Karol Wojtyla was visited by the devil and was told that he would “be as a god.” And, so, there you have it: His Magnificence fell for it—the oldest trick in the book—and we can all see what it has led to. Just look around at the wasteland that was once Catholicism. You’re right that he gave the V2 fraud “wings.” It’s been my conviction for the longest that Wojtyla was THE most damaging of any of the so-called V2 popes (and the most damaging of any of the Church’s human enemies.
MMF, I agree. Let us not forget that JP2’s greatest love was acting. The “papacy” gave him a huge stage–the entire world and a captive audience. He knew how to look holy, but those close to him say he was a total egomaniac. He may have paid the price in the end. That is for God to decide. However, the damage to the church that he inflicted cannot be fixed without Divine Intervention.
Jorge’s antics are deliberate blasphemies against the Gospel preached to us by Christ. The Apostles were deligated to continue that preaching, Paul being the one who warned us of those who would preach “another gospel” to us. He told us to flee from them. Vatican II was the devil’s Big Show in which he insidiously offered to Catholics that “other” gospel. His minions, beginning with “John XXIII” and his successors, were his lackeys who implemented that gospel, chief among them “John Paul II.” I mention JPII because he more than any of the others was the charismatic master of deceit who convinced most of those who called themselves Catholic that this new gospel wasn’t really new at all—no, it was rather a profound revelation of who man (divine, glorious MAN!) was and what man’s profound (he liked to use that word a lot) mission was. That mission, according to His Magnificence, was to “dialogue” with all things non-Catholic so as to reach a deeper level of his (man’s) essence and identity. Such a mission runs contrary to previous Catholic teaching in that it encourages Catholics to turn their backs on the 2000 years of Church teaching, beginning with Christ Himself, that Catholics are to CONVICT anything which conflicts with The Gospel rather than “dialogue” with it. That teaching also admonished Christ’s faithful to set an example of holiness before this wicked world so as to show the way to salvation for those who were seeking the truth.
The fact that most Catholics did not, and still have not, recognized and resisted this great deception is confirmation that “a diabolical disorientation” has befallen the world here in the end times. The Vatican II “popes” effected that deception. The clown now reigning in the Vatican is just the final icing on the cake of the complete, they hope, destruction of Christ’s Church. I do not judge any of them. That is God’s business. I rather hope that they renounced their error before meeting Him in judgement.
MMF: “The Apostles were delegated to continue that preaching, Paul being the one who warned us of those who would preach “another gospel” to us.”
I just made the connection between St Paul and Paul VI. Isn’t it interesting that one who bore the same name was the one who is responsible for preaching “another gospel”? Coincidence?
Ahh, but it’s such a nice gospel PVI preached, isn’t it. There are no “musts” other than “Thou must be caring,” and “Thou must condemn anything smacking of inequality,” and “Thou must smile a lot.” But what is “caring” without the hard work of physically helping those we care about? Also, the fact is, there IS inequality in God’s creation: some people can be theoretical physicists, some cannot; some people can sing, some cannot; etc. And what’s with this maniacal obsession with smiling? Any photo—and I mean ANY—of Vatican II bishops, clergy, or even diocesan employees shows everyone grinning from ear-to-ear. It doesn’t matter what the occasion is that the photo is capturing. It’s phony. Nobody in pre-Vatican II days was obsessed with this universal, perpetual smiling nonsense.
Let’s hope a few more like Archbishop Vigano emerge to confront our diabolical Church Pied Piper in 2020.
I love this combox on the weekend.
“But if 99% of the world thinks and acts as if he is, what is our little dissent?”
Some thoughts on this:
>Our little dissent is potentially of infinite value to God whose love for us is incomprehensible, since our rejection of this anti-pope may well be a part of the salvation of our souls, that by God’s grace: we have sought the truth; had our eyes open to it; are trying to respond to it totally and trying to persevere in the Catholic faith unto death.
>Even if 99% of the world does not see it, as Paul IV stated in Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, that doesn’t give Anti-pope Francis any validity: “(nor for it to be said that it [the anti-papacy of a known heretic] has thus acquired validity) through…obedience accorded to such by all…”, so our rejection of him is an act of fidelity to Christ (Who is the Truth) and the Catholic Church He founded to preserve His unchanging revelation.
>Lastly, while we can be the catalyst God uses to offer others the grace to save their souls, we cannot save them ourselves or force them to accept that which God offers. As such, after praying for the conversion of sinners and sharing the Truth with them in so far as we are able, we must focus on our own salvation rather than dwelling on how many presumably choose to walk the easy and wide road that leads to destruction.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, and to the other readers of this blog.
All the best,
Kyle of Canada
Dear Kyle–Thank you for your very thoughtful, insightful, and logical comment. God bless.
Bishop Antonio de Castro of Brazil, (1904-1991) strongly opposed satanic modernism before, during and after Vatican 2.
“Bishop de Castro Mayer was especially outstanding for his refusal to accept the post-conciliar changes in the liturgy. Until his forced retirement in 1981 the traditional Latin Mass was celebrated throughout his diocese, along with all the other traditional Catholic practices and devotions – and he was to continue this battle even when replaced by the Liberal Bishop Navarro. The majority of the priests in the diocese of Campos (336 of them!) resisted the Modernist orientations of the new bishop and remained faithful. Bishop Antonio was thus able to maintain a completely traditional “diocese” within a diocese, with around 40,000 faithful, which he organized in parallel chapels to protect the faithful from the enemies within.”. (from website Carmel Books)
Our Lord Jesus is greater than demonic creatures.
Thank you Kyle and My2cents and all.
I wouldn’t hold out much hope of that happening, frankly.
Even if a small few have intentions which are worthy, each one of these bishops and cardinals are all trapped in the same ahistorical, theologized-to-death hyperpapalist box.
Oh! yes! SAINT wojtyla !!!
or should I say “Holy Wojtyla” ?
or “Beloved Wojtyla” ?
mmmm…. as far as I know, the worst of the pack was Montini… as he abrogated The Mass, to put in place the “Luthers dinner” and to enforce the “teachings” of the CV2… Or to kickstart the Conciliar Chuch,
Montini was rotten. The Milan police have a fat file on him detailing his, uh, off-duty “recreations” while Bishop of Milan. However, he didn’t have the charisma and the drive of Wojtyla, two attributes which were necessary to peddle “!!!THE COUNCIL!!!” before the world in a way that the sheep would not awaken. No, we couldn’t have them wake up to what was actually being done to the Catholic Faith. It took a high-energy actor (and a liar) like Wojtyla to pull that off. I will agree with you, though, without Montini’s hard work for the (((boys))) behind the curtain the V2 fraud would never have gotten off the ground.