And so the effort to grease the skids in preparation for what promises to be the upcoming Synod’s assault on Catholic doctrine in the name of “pastoral solutions” has been ratcheted up a notch:
Specifically, Pope Francis’ recent announcement of an “extraordinary Jubilee” under the title the Holy Year of Mercy.
Called by a more faithful pope at a healthier time, one might well expect this Holy Year to serve as an avenue of grace, but let’s not be naive; any graces derived from this effort will come in spite of its masterminds’ intent.
This Holy Year announcement has all the markings of a well-planned strategy designed to fertilize Catholic minds with the manure of modernism, that the seeds of the Franciscan revolution might more readily flourish.
It appears, in other words, to be little more than an effort to weaken those of lesser resolve who might otherwise resist; with the revolutionaries’ operating principle no more pure than “the more we propagandize today, the less we scandalize tomorrow.”
During his sermon given in St. Peter’s Basilica yesterday wherein he announced the Holy Year, Pope Francis said:
The call of Jesus pushes each of us never to stop at the surface of things, especially when we are dealing with a person. We are called to look beyond, to focus on the heart to see how much generosity everyone is capable. No one can be excluded from the mercy of God; everyone knows the way to access it and the Church is the house that welcomes all and refuses no one. Its doors remain wide open, so that those who are touched by grace can find the certainty of forgiveness. The greater the sin, so much the greater must be the love that the Church expresses toward those who convert.
Translation: When we see someone who is validly married to one person and yet is cohabitating with another in a sexual relationship, we must look beyond the objective truth that comes to us from Christ in order to focus on the subjective emotions that reside in the hearts of sinful men. No one can be excluded from the mercy of God as made manifest in Holy Communion!
Pope Francis went on to provide the following details:
This Holy Year will begin on this coming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will end on November 20, 2016, the Sunday dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – and living face of the Father’s mercy. I entrust the organization of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promotion of the New Evangelization, that [the dicastery] might animate it as a new stage in the journey of the Church on its mission to bring to every person the Gospel of mercy.
Once upon a time, the mission of the Church, day in and day out, was dedicated to the Kingship of Christ, but I digress…
Yes, but the Holy Year of Mercy doesn’t even begin until after the Synod!
Indeed, but it’s not just the actual year that matters; it’s also the assorted initiatives and activities that will take place in preparation for it just as the Synod draws near.
No doubt the various national episcopal conferences will soon announce plans relative to the Holy Year of Mercy; with the appointment of ad hoc committees, the assembly of councils of laity, and calls for the input of dioceses and parishes.
And all of it will be carried out under the direction of the Pontifical Council for Promotion of the New Evangelization under the headship of one Archbishop Rino Fisichella.
This is the same Rino Fisichella who made international news back in 2009 when, as President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, he stated that two Brazilian doctors who performed an abortion on a 9-year-old rape victim do not merit excommunication since they acted to save her life.
As reported in the Washington Post:
The statement, by Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, appeared as the lead article in last Sunday’s issue of the official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.
“There are others who deserve excommunication and our forgiveness,” Fisichella wrote, addressing the unidentified rape victim, “not those who permitted you to live and who will help you to regain hope and faith.”
In this one discovers Archbishop Fisichella’s primary qualification for directing the Holy Year of Mercy effort to propagandize the faithful in preparation for the Synodal revolution; he, Walter Kasper, and Pope Francis, et al., share similarly twisted ideas about mercy and forgiveness.
More recently, Fisichella went to bat for the cause in an interview with Vatican Insider shortly after the Extraordinary Synod opened in October:
“There are passages in the New Testament which I have not heard anyone quote yet but could orient us” toward new solutions. ”Legalism” must be overcome and the Church must embrace people “like a mother, not like a judge”
At this, I trust the point is made:
Far from being the spontaneous decision of a humble pope who allows himself to be moved by the breath of the Holy Ghost like a feather in the wind; the “surprise announcement” of a Holy Year of Mercy is the fruit of careful calculation born of an intransigent desire to circumvent immutable Catholic doctrine.
Do not, however, despair; rather, rejoice!
In all of this one might sense the very undoing of the revolution, which, like a tree that blossoms profusely just before its death, is making one last effort to cement its legacy.
One notes along these lines the comment Pope Francis recently made an interview with the Mexican media outlet Televisa:
I have the sensation that my pontificate will be brief: Four or five years.
It would appear that even Pope Francis knows that time is running short, not just for himself but for those of like mind. In any case, there can be no doubt that Satan, the true mastermind of the revolution, knows as much.
As disturbing as recent events in the Church truly are, it may be the case that the Synod is going to provide an alarm sufficiently piercing to clear the diabolical fog that clouds the judgment of so many otherwise faithful men; ushering in that long-awaited moment wherein each and every one must choose this day who he will serve.
At the conclusion to his sermon yesterday Pope Francis said:
From this moment, we entrust this Holy Year to the Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her gaze upon us and watch over our journey.
Imagine, in the space of just this one sermon, not only has Pope Francis invoked the very King whose decrees he would undermine, he even went so far as to entrust the revolution to the care of the Queen Mother!
How much longer can this possibly go on?
And we know that to them that love God all things work together unto good: to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints. (Romans 8:28)
We may well be living in the lead-up to a conclave that will respond to these terrible offenses against Our Lord by electing the antithesis of Pope Francis; a pope who will repeat after the Psalmist, “Oh, how I love thy law!”
This next pope may even be the very Holy Father who will at long last carry out Our Lady of Fatima’s simple request; that the desire of her Son might be realized as devotion to the Immaculate Heart is placed beside devotion to His Sacred Heart.
With this in mind I say:
Bring. It. On.
“No one can be excluded from the mercy of God; everyone knows the way to access it and the Church is the house that welcomes all and refuses no one. Its doors remain wide open, so that those who are touched by grace can find the certainty of forgiveness. The greater the sin, so much the greater must be the love that the Church expresses toward those who convert.”
That sounds both true, and very beautiful…The only emphasis now is regarding”everyone knows the way to access it”…repentance, contrition, confession, firm purpose of amendment, and absolution…that would be indeed a Year of Mercy
There is a little catch to this mercy thing. A soul must seek it. It is not a blank check to continue to sin and offend God! But that is the impression being given.
This is a mockery of God and His Mercy.
I’ll use it for good. Frequent Divine Mercy devotions. Increased confessions. Calls to repentance – Mercy needs to be balanced with Justice. God is merciful, but if you don’t repent, you go to hell!
Dear Lynda,
You just gave a very apt description of much of this Papacy, so far..
But Louie is right. The more it shows, the more it will engender a counter revolution in those who are Graced by God and willing to respond properly, as it has been doing.
Gideon’s army was reduced by God to a much smaller number, in order to demonstrate the fact that He doesn’t rely on our ability to put fear into His enemies or to conquer evil- that His power alone suffices, and our strong faith in Him and wiliness to do His will, are all that he requires of us.
This is especially so in time of great distress, such as now. 🙂 🙂
Dear Francesco dAssisi,
A hearty Amen!
p.s to Lynda,
We posted a response to your comments about Father Gordon MacRae on the previous blog post. THIS would be a great way for the Pope to help demonstrate God’s mercy–by opening up a new investigation and spot-lighting the highly questionable testimonies involved.
Dear Louie and all,
National Review gives some excellent examples of Pope Francis’ distinct lack of Mercy for contemplatives, in an article called to our attention by “Radical Catholic”
Interesting read. When speaking of Francis’ confusing speeches, the author exclaims at one point:
“What a brain-bruising knot of contradictions. Go out into the world, to defend yourself against worldliness”
Typical Catholic categories like “error”, “heresy”, “scandal”, etc. don’t really capture the spirit of the machinations of this man and his accomplices. Worldly categories like “confidence trick”, “confidence man”, “long con”, etc. all seem to fit what is going on here much better. Wikipedia has an introductory topic on the subject that is worth a perusal.
A few quotes from the entry seem apropos:
“A confidence trick (synonyms include confidence scheme, scam and stratagem) is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their confidence, used in the classical sense of trust. Confidence tricks exploit characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty, honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naïveté and greed.”
* * *
“A long con or big con (also, chiefly British English: long game) is a scam that unfolds over several days or weeks and involves a team of swindlers, as well as props, sets, extras, costumes, and scripted lines. It aims to rob the victim of thousands of dollars, often by getting him or her to empty out banking accounts and borrow from family members.”
* * *
“Stages of the con
In Confessions of a Confidence Man, Edward H. Smith lists the ‘six definite steps or stages of growth in every finely balanced and well-conceived confidence game.’ ‘One follows the other with absolute precision. In some games one or more of these acts, to use a theatrical comparison, may be dropped out, but where that happens the game is not a model one. The reference to the stage is apt, for the fine con game has its introduction, development, climax, dénouement and close, just like any good play. And this is not the only analogy to the drama, for the scenes are often as carefully set; the background is always a vital factor. In the colorful and mirthful language of the bunko man, all these parts of the game have their special names. I give them with their definitions:
Foundation Work
The preparations which are made before the scheme is put in motion, including the elaboration of the plan, the employment of assistants and so forth.
The manner of getting in touch with the victim—often most elaborately and carefully prepared.
Rousing and sustaining the interest of the victim, introducing the scheme to him, rousing his greed, showing him the chance of profit and filling him with so much anticipation and cupidity that his judgment is warped and his caution thrown away.
Pay-off or Convincer
An actual or apparent paying of money by the conspirators to convince the victim and settle doubts by a cash demonstration. In the old banco game the initial small bets which the victim was allowed to win were the pay-off. In stock swindles the fake dividends sent to stockholders to encourage larger investments are the pay-off.
The Hurrah
This is like the dénouement in a play and no con scheme is complete without it. It is a sudden crisis or unexpected development by which the mark is pushed over the last doubt or obstacle and forced to act. Once the hurrah is sprung either the scammer has total control or the con fails.”
Doesn’t this discussion of confidence games capture the spirit of the “Pope’s” machinations?
For those who are educated in the faith and, more importantly, actually paying attention and thinking things through, the Pope hardly seems to be a Christian, never mind a Catholic. But apparently the Pope and his accomplices believe that most Catholics aren’t paying attention or thinking things through. So the Pope and his accomplices seemingly think that they can take advantage of the honesty, compassion, credulity and naivete of the average poorly catechized Catholic to push their agenda.
Note the careful introduction the Pope received – after his elevation – he was a humble man of the people – he carried his own bags, paid his own bills, and cooked his own meals. All to disarm the faithful and to mask the fact that he had an extreme agenda to either remake the Church, destroy the Church, or drive the Church to schism.
Note the careful preparation for the synod – the questionnaires with leading questions handed out to the faithful long before the first synod session, the carefully formulated terminology used during the synod to euphemize gravely sinful activities and to discredit those who honor the perennial teachings of the Church etc.
Now, when it appears that their “long con” is treading uphill against opposition, the Pope declares a “Holy Year of Mercy” as a prop in his effort to fundamentally transform the Church.
To speak of mercy without mentioning sacramental Confession reveals a non-Catholic mentality.
Bergoglio: “From this moment, we entrust this Holy Year to the Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her gaze upon us and watch over our journey.”
Bergoglio manages to blaspheme the Holy Mother of God yet again – even going so far as to perversely call upon her unfathomable mercy as a way to introduce sin into the church!!!
God is not mocked – and Christ, being the good Son that He is – avenges those who mock His Most Holy Mother!!
I, for one, am not as optimistic as Louie seems to be that the sin-nod in 2015 will start to wake up those of good faith. If the perverse sin-nod last year was not enough to shake people up from their slumber, I see absolutely no reason why the upcoming sin-nod will do this. Last year the excuse from novus ordites/pseudo-trads/whatever was: “We have nothing to worry about. No dogma has been changed, despite all the ambiguous or misleading language used in the documents. And hey – there were TWO passages in the post-synodal documents that didn’t get more than SIXTY percent [even though they got over half the vote]!!”
That “only” means we have an overwhelming majority of modernist/apostate bishops in the Catholic Church! YAY!!!
Now seriously – at this stage, I am pretty well convinced that only a direct divine chastisement can start to turn things around.
I’m not holding my breath this year expecting hordes of novus ordites/pseudo-trads to start clamouring for Bergoglio to be evicted out of the Vatican. No chance that will happen. The most we can expect is for people like Card Burke and the likes of Bp Schneider to “resist” (whatever that means) Bergoglio – but don’t expect much else to happen. Perhaps the coming (likely) World War III will cause people to start “beating their breasts” in repentance for their sins and open people’s eyes, but surely not the conclusion to the sin-nod, I believe.
Thanks, IF. I’ve been following this miscarriage of justice for a few years and even exchanged emails through a third party. Fr MacRae has been in prison for 20 years and 6 months. The diocese betrayed him maliciously, apparently seeking to cover up other wrongdoing. The wicked police detective and his unlawful activities, the judge’s abuse of law and the judicial process, and an incompetent (at best) defender, along with a diocese purposely treating him as guilty in the public sphere, all brought about the wrongful conviction. What I find unbelievable is that the judicial system has not acted to undo this wrongful conviction before now. Blessed Michael, the Archangel defend us in battle . . .
All Catholics ought to be praying for him and demanding natural justice in retrospect.
IF, the thing about this case is that not only was there no evidence upon which the court could reasonably convict, but there was sufficient evidence to show that he was innocent, that the alleged incidents never occurred. He was scapegoated to cover for othere in the diocese. I suspect a deal was done behind closed doors to have Fr MacRae convicted.
As far as ‘divine mercy’ devotions go, the Holy Office condemned them in 1959. stating that there were ‘theological problems with the messages’ (Medjugorje anyone?) (the writings of Faustina were a complete mess of heresies – as for the image, I have noticed a kabbalistic theme). But, then, as we are expected to believe, in 1978 the ‘church contradicted’ itself and embraced the Faustina devotions under JPII. The Church cannot say today, ‘this is poison’, and tomorrow, ‘this is medicine’.
During the 1900s, Pius XI and Pius XII noticed a tendency amongst people towards devotions that were more a mockery rather than a veneration of Christ and His Truth, and so they taught against many new devotions bubbling up.
As for ‘divine mercy’ – there was a time when Catholics were cautiioned to removed the ‘divine mercy’ image from their homes and replace it with the Sacred Heart. Now it is displayed in Novus Ordo churches.
PS. what is the ‘manure’ Louis is talking about on this post? I presume it is the new religion – a new religion – real and proper new – the tares though planted amidst the wheat?
But many preach that the new religion is valid? Apparently Padre Pio prayed to die rather than have to participate in the Novus Ordo. God granted his wish.
I guess there are many people who are confirmed in the validity of the Novus Ordo mass/ordination of priests – the lot. Perhaps ‘either or’ is a part of Catholicism? If Our dear Padre had lived – what would he have done?
Perhaps Pio of Pietrelcina would have welcomed the local feminsts, aging and newly recruited, to serve communion and, if he had lived long enough to witness the Montini Novus Ordo Rites of making priest, have had no doubt about their ordination and longed to con-celebrate with them. Perhaps he would have gone, well, they mistranslated ‘for many, to for all in English, but then I speak Italian’! And now they’ve changed it back (according to the priests peccadillos). Perhaps he would have asked JPII for the privilege of worshipping with pagans if he had lived into his nineties. No. We know he would not. And we are encouraged to because?
PPS. the above comment really is in repsonse to a mundabor post where he/she will not permit any comments. In it Padre Pio, who would rather die than participate in a NO mass, is used as lever to support the NO mass?! clever, maybe.
PPS. who can say what sort of manure on the conintuum of Novus Ordo manure any of us has waded through in order to wake up to the ‘idolatrous -manure of it? and had that ‘anathema’ moment?
Padre Pio didn’t need to ‘experience’ it to know by faith and reason – it was wrong.
While I personally do not adhere to the Divine Mercy devotions (although I concede that Sr Faustina was most likely a very holy nun and that she may in fact, have had some sort of mystical experiences), regarding your claim that “The Church cannot say today, ‘this is poison’, and tomorrow, ‘this is medicine’.” – that is true – up to a certain point. Placing a certain book or devotion under censure is not an “ex cathedra” pronouncement of the pope – by any stretch of the imagination. It is merely a prudential judgment on the part of the church which we should humbly submit to. In the case of Venerable Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda, her writings compiled as the “Mystical City of God” were first put under the “Index” in 1681 only for the prohibition to be removed three months later by Blessed Pope Innocent XI. And yes – the censure was only three months, but the mere fact that it occurred shows that the “Index” (or a judgment on a particular devotion by the Holy Office) is not an infallible pronouncement.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystical_City_of_God
Our Lord values the gift of free will so much that He will not forgive us our sins unless we ask Him to. That is why He instituted the Sacrament of Penance in the Church He founded–the Roman Catholic Church. Sincere repentance, a firm purpose of amendment and acts of penance are the ways to Mercy. There is no other. Bergoglio will transform the Catholic Church into the world’s largest protestant denomination. He is on a “mission”. We must pray and fast for Divine Intervention.
Dear Mr. Verrecchio,
Thank you for your excellent insight again.
Your words of hope remind me of the words of hope Our Lady of Good Success gave to us when She said, “Lacking a Prelate and Father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, wisdom and prudence many souls will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger. THIS WILL MARK THE ARRIVAL OF MY HOUR.”
…. Which is, of course, the same Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that Our Lady predicted at Fatima.
Dear salvemur,
I agree with you that we should stay away from the divine mercy devotion. As you said, it was condemned three times: once under Pope Pius XII, twice under Pope John XXIII.
A good link to learn more about this modernist devotion is:
The “new church” needed a New Mass, and a new “Rosary” (the divine mercy chaplet), and even a new “Fatima message” (divine mercy message) —— one that speaks only of God’s mercy with no need for reparation for our sins. In contrast, Our Lady of Fatima spoke of “Penance, penance, penance.”
I agree with you, salvemur, that we should stay far away from this divine mercy devotion.
Too bad all Church doors are firmly locked unless there is a “service” being held, or it’s a tourist attraction . In my opinion Poor Francis is talking to everyone here – heretics, schismatics, atheists, pagans, everyone – come on in – the doors are open – bad. That’s the ‘church’ he proposes – bad.
This priest is offering his sufferings for those who persecuted him, no doubt. A ‘white’ martyrdom. A saint in the making, who may make more saints where he is.
I must disagree with your take on Poor Francis. I know he is a Modernist heretic but he stays just this side of the line – can’t be called out because he mixes just enough of ‘the old time religion’ with the new Modernism – a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. HOWEVER, I think he is really steeped in this Modernism – right from high school, through seminary, and in all the reading he has done – all of it from the Modernists of the late 18th, 19th, and into the 20th centuries – Cardinal Ratzinger, John Paul II, Paul VI, and all Cardinals and Bishops of a certain age, and their students of the next younger decade – all drank from the same well. Poor Francis really believes what he says. He really wants the Church to reform because he thinks the old ways are wrong. He really does want everyone to join him in ‘the church’ which he doesn’t define.
In my opinion we must simply believe he means what he says because there is no indication of objective evil in him. He just happens to believe heresy.
We’ve been told until we’re ready to vomit that Charity is the only game in town. Unfortunately for the salvation of souls – it’s Faith that is even more important than Charity. Even atheists can be charitable to their neighbours.
Poor Francis, like many, many others, has moved on from Holy Mother Church. He is ushering in a new church which will be here within a few years – then Catholics will feel the lash. Remember Henry VIII made everyone sign on the dotted line that he was Head of the Church, not the Pope. How many signed?
We won’t have anything that crude but the times are coming when we who are blessed with The Mass of The Ages will be looking over our shoulders.
Weekly confession for all! Why wait? Avoid the rush! (and I’m only partially kidding)
That is not fair! The Church doesn’t come out with ex cathedra statements on everything!
Wether Sr. Faustina was a holy nun or not is not relevant to the discussion. If there were problems with her writings it was prudent to ask they not be promulgated. From what I know John Paul II dug them out and did promulgate them – but the problematic portions were never pronounced upon. This is not good. I believe she was rehabilitated as a nod to Polish Catholics from a Polish pope.
The entire message contained in the writings of Sr. Faustina sound very much like what Poor Francis is teaching: bring all sinners, in their various categories, to me and I will give them mercy.
Many of us are still struggling to articulate just why this message sounds ‘off’ to us. That’s not all there is! Blanket coverage is Protestantism not Catholicism.
The second part of this devotion which is not good is the Sunday it is now celebrated. Low Sunday is the end of the Easter/Resurrection Octave. As such is closes the bracket around this most important Feast of our Faith. No one denies God’s Mercy, but millions deny His Resurrection – one must not overshadow the other.
As well, the picture of Our Lord does not include His Heart – instead we have ‘rays’ of white and red – this does displace the devotion to The Sacred Heart in itself.
Poor old Padre Pio! He gets dragged into lots of different issues. He was an old man, and in ill health when the new ‘mass’ came in. From my understanding he, like many of his fellow priests were ‘grandfathered’ and did not have to say the ‘mass.’ Padre Pio’s obedience was absolute. If he had been ordered to say this ‘mass’ he would have said it.
He may have even died before the ‘mass’ had filtered down to some of the more traditional orders.
Thank you for the link to the information on Sr. Faustina. This has really got me thinking. Where do we hear so much about mercy these days?
This waaaaaaay off topic, and I apologize but it is striking the similarities between Sr. Faustina’s words of Jesus, and what the Modernist heretics are pushing: mercy without repentance.
Whoa! You are right, Barbara! I had not thought of that. Thank you for pointing out what the modernists heretics are pushing on us: mercy without repentance.
And you are not off topic because, after all, Mr. Verrecchio is talking about “Pope Francis’ recent announcement of an “extraordinary Jubilee” under the title the Holy Year of Mercy.”
It is all connected to what you said “mercy without repentance” ………. to keep us away from Our Lady of Good Success and Our Lady of Fatima’s messages…… and away from True Catholicism.
But there is so much hope, not only in Our Lady’s promises at Fatima and in Quito, Equador (Our Lady of Good Success), but also in my favorite line of Louie’s from this post.
Louie said: “Imagine, in the space of just this one sermon, not only has Pope Francis invoked the very King whose decrees he would undermine, he even went so far as to entrust the revolution to the care of the Queen Mother!”
Imagine that !!!!!!!!!!
Remember what Zour Zlord said follows mercy, justice. If thes people play God with doctrine and discipline, the justice of the Almighty will deal with them.
Remember what our Lord said follows mercy, justice. If these people play God with doctrine and discipline, the justice of the Almighty will deal with them.
The Holy Office condemned a mistranslation
On a personal level….are we only to forgive those who contritely apologise and ask for our forgiveness??
Are we not to share in our Saviour’s prayer..”Forgive them, for they know not what they do ” ???
Could we forgive other’s each and every trespass for a whole year?? A month??? A day ????
What the world wants – and what certain bishops want, alas – is not mercy. but *license.*
Michhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X275oBsuwvc&feature=youtu.be&list=PLZxhyk4vzzQ6EhWiBPIOGf3g72BEro5dhael Matt and Chris Ferrara articulate this mess so well:
Sorry, the above comment got mixed with the link–should have been:
Dear Barbara: You know what they say about opinions and facts? You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
The point I wanted to make about the Synod of the Family is that reports (apparent facts) that came out during and after the Synod indicated that there was a hidden, determined-long-in-advance agenda at work likely being controlled by the Pope and his accomplices. In light of this hidden, predetermined agenda, one can say that the Pope and his accomplices behaved in a fundamentally dishonest manner by convening the Synod in the manner they did. The impression they meant to give was that the Synod was an open and honest procedure where all reasonable pastoral approaches to the crisis in the family would be considered.
How do we know that there was a hidden agenda? Although the Synod was called to address problems in the Catholic family, the normalization of sodomitical relations in the Church was immediately advanced. What exactly does homosexuality have to do with the Catholic family? Why did a majority of the prelates present actually vote in favor of the normalization of homosexuality?
In view of this fundamental dishonesty of the Synod, I suggested that the Synod had more in common with a “con game” or “long con” than a legitimate action of the Church, like a true Synod or Council. In other words, it is just another farce like VII where revolutionaries co-opt the Church to subvert it. For you to disagree with my observation you have to ignore the reports indicating that there was an hidden agenda at work in the Synod.
I would hope Padre Pio would have realized to obey the Novus Ordo Missae was step off the barque and onto something quite different. Padre Pio suffered much because of percieved ‘disobedience’ on the part of his superiors. I really cannot see the Padre turning his back on God in the Mass, having the sanctuary demolished in order to have a movable table, I could not see him wandering around the altar like a dog with a bone or having liturgical dance masses, or being able to sleep at night after having recited a new canon and new rite that has been spread over three years – a new protestant form of assembly. Saints usually prefer death to disobeying God – which is why we get martyrs, which suggests he would have declined where the Novus Ordo is concerned. Imagine if his local bishop (of on mine did) instead of yelling this is my body (cause he always yelled) he yelled out, ‘this is Jesus’ = invalid Mass. Would he have politely continued as if no grave error had occured? The rubrics of the old Mass and the times a Priest could commit a grave sin if he were careless made the whole work of the Mass crucial. There are no such rubrics left – not if a bishop can yell out in his hippie sheet, ‘this is Jesus’ rather than this is my body. I would never encourage anyone to attend the Novus Ordo – is it a protestant Rite first and foremost and no matter how charmingly High Anglican it might look, it is not the Mass of the Catholic Church. The English Martyrs died rather than attend an adulterated Anglican Mass – and Anglican priests certainly had valid orders in those first years of the persecution – but the recusants would not attend the Cranmer protestantisation. By and there is no attempt at a ‘high’ anything reverence in the Novus Ordo. These assemblies and those communities celebrate anti-worship, anti-truth, anti-god – they seem indoctrinated into only caring about having a Sunday sympathy cafe with new age music and ‘priests’ who give lessons on how to make non-rosary prayer-beads that you can then make up buddhist like mantras on – no kidding. What are the words every priest says when marking the ashes one our foreheads and has forever said…thou art dust… We all know, but no – one of my local priests instead said something pithy and upbeat about life. That was the Lent before last. I had had enough of the mockery of God, His Truth, His Son, His Church – and have never been back. I don’t think Padre Pio would have survived the NO even if he had dared to try it.
PS. Here’s a quick comparison between the ‘old Mass’ and the mass imposed upon almost every Catholic Parish by Montini:
Yeah. When I first learned about it I tried to learn all I could and then learned the whole dodgey history of it. But with the solid Sacred Heart devotions there is no lack for tossing out the divine mercy theology.
Let’s examine scripture for a better approach to the situation. My suggestion is that we study reluctant Jonah and his mission to Nineveh for inspiration. Pope Francis perhaps can be viewed as a type or variant of Jonah. Jonah’s mission was to proclaim to the Ninevites the destruction of their city. Jonah suspected that the Ninevites (who were enemies) might repent if their imminent destruction at the hands of the Almighty was prophesied to them, so in an effort to forestall this outcome Jonah fled in the opposite direction. Eventually he did prophesy to Nineveh and the inhabitants did repent. As a result, the Almighty relented and spared the Ninevites as Jonah suspected He might do.
So Jonah was a reluctant prophet because he suspected that his warning would cause the Ninevites to repent. Pope Francis is a reluctant prophet like Jonah, but in a different way. Unlike Jonah, Pope Francis does want to prophesy to the world, but not about the reality of temporal and eternal punishment for sin. Rather, Pope Francis wants to jump to the happy ending (God’s mercy) and leave out the necessary precondition (the repentance of the sinner). So unlike Jonah, Pope Francis does want to prophesy, but like Jonah he is initially resisting what he need do – proclaim the reality of judgment. For how did the Ninevites interpret the naked proclamation of imminent destruction? As a reminder of the reality of judgment and punishment for sin. As soon as they were reminded of the reality of judgment and punishment for sin (destruction) the Ninevites needed no further prompting and simply repented:
“And the word of the Lord came to Jonas the second time, saying:
Arise, and go to Ninive the great city: and preach in it the preaching that I bid thee.
And Jonas arose, and went to Ninive, according to the word of the Lord: now Ninive was a great city of three days’ journey.
And Jonas began to enter into the city one day’s journey: and he cried, and said: Yet forty days, and Ninive shall be destroyed.
And the men of Ninive believed in God: and they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least.
And the word came to the king of Ninive; and he rose up out of his throne, and cast away his robe from him, and was clothed with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.
And he caused it to be proclaimed and published in Ninive from the mouth of the king and of his princes, saying: Let neither men nor beasts, oxen nor sheep, taste any thing: let them not feed, nor drink water.
And let men and beasts be covered with sackcloth, and cry to the Lord with all their strength, and let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the iniquity that is in their hands.
Who can tell if God will turn, and forgive: and will turn away from his fierce anger, and we shall not perish?
And God saw their works, that they were turned from their evil way: and God had mercy with regard to the evil which he had said that he would do to them, and he did it not.”
In view of this I ask that Pope Francis forestall the Year of Mercy so that a Year of Repentance may be proclaimed and completed first. Setting the proper example, Pope Francis during the Year of Repentance can doff his papal white and don sackcloth. Pope Francis can make the focus of repentance the repentance of sexual sin – in particular that of the Church hierarchy who either are practicing sodomites themselves, or who facilitated by inaction or negligence the scourge of sodomitical sex abuse among the clergy.
Bergoglio could take up his rosary (well, someone could give him one – or perhaps he still has the one he nicked of the corpse), pray and fast and pray, doing quiet penance in St Marthas along with his entourage. Even if Bergoglio converted, we would still need a conclave of Bishops born to Apostolicity by the Old Roman Rite, to elect a Roman Pontiff who himself was not a product of any Montini Rite. Does anyone have the figures on how many Montini Bishops there are as opposed to authetic Catholic Bishops? If we could get the numbers on the priesthood proper that would be a place to start. After all Bergoglio is a Montini Rite clergyman. Maybe that’s his whole problem there in one – the undisclosed ‘spirit’ born into him in his innovated ordination is doing its work just as its Watcher planned.
Louie, you mentioned “greasing the skids” for the synod. Gloria tv. news today did a report- from Edward Pentin -on the new papal consulter-appointees to the Synod, with an analysis of what makes them ultra liberal:
“Edward Pentin suspects on his blog that the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops is again manipulating the Synod on the Family. On Saturday the names of eleven consulters of the Synod were published. Most of them are ultra-liberal. Pentin names
–the Salesian Aimable Musoni, a friend of Cardinal Kasper,
–Father Maurizio Gronchi a defender of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
— Father Michele Giulio Masciarelli a buddy of Chieti-Vasto archbishop Bruno Forte, –the Jesuit Georges Ruyssen who wants Holy Communion for Protestants,
— Father Giuseppe Bonfrate, a defender of gradualism.
Pentin also observes that for a Synod on the Family, moral theologians are, so far at least, strangely absent.”
Dear Ever Mindful,
Forgive the mixup if you are referring to a certain post that sounded vindictive to you, but from all we’ve read here (and written ourselves) people are not talking about withholding that forgiveness of which you speak, from anyone.
The distinction that must be drawn here, is between what God requires from a person before He gives absolution, and what we are all called to do internally–from the heart–which is not to hold grudges, and to pray -even for those who persecute us. The latter is also considered “forgiveness” and is to be practiced regardless of the offender’s behavior. It does not require the forgiver to treat the person AS IF they were penitent, ignoring issues that remain which would violate justice to the innocent or the person offended.
What we are all discussing here is also a form of Charity/love for the sinner. Without their knowing the Truth, that God’s judgment of them at their moment of death will require that repentance of which we speak; they are left living in self-delusion, thinking they are saved when they are not. That is a hateful thing to do to anyone. It is what the so-called Mercy being peddled by Kasper and the Pope and their modernist cohorts, consists of. When an unrepentant adulterer goes to Communion, they compound their sins with the worst sacrilege possible. Living in sin darkens the intellect to begin with, and this delusion adds to it, making it more likely they will end up with final impenitence. We assume the basic charity and empathy for souls which you have often exhibited here, would not want that for anyone, any more than we would. The outrage being expressed by so many here, is precisely based on the hateful, callousness of the modernists total disregard for all the souls they mislead with their false teachings. It has nothing to do with any hard-heartedness in those who oppose it, as if we were to wish to see people deprived of any real Mercy. God’s Mercy is there for the asking for those who are sincerely repentant of sin. BUT they need to KNOW that, and modernists are misleading them into thinking it is not necessary to give up the sin, to obtain His Mercy. That’s simple justice –God’s way.
Hope this helps you . 🙂 🙂
I didn’t mean the Synod specifically, I meant that Poor Francis has no hidden agenda – he’s open in everything he says and does. The evil machinations behind the scenes perpetrated by Francis’ minions were truly hidden, but HIS words and actions are straightforward – forward all right – off the cliff.
Where have we heard that before? Don’t tell me there are no translators at work in the world? Or that there were none in the time her writings were looked at? Besides, what would the original have been that was so different from the condemned text? A subtlety here, a subtlety there, but not whole passages about ‘mercy’ to the exclusion of repentance, surely?
Thanks for saying that! I was worried that I came across as pushy and cranky!
Yes, you have pushed all the emotional buttons here, but let’s be fair – Padre Pio was not asked to say the new ‘mass’ and those abominations you list had not come into fashion until after this good priest was dead.
The undisclosed ‘spirit’ you mention is The Spirit of The World. If you have it, dig out “The Creator and The Creature” by Father Faber. In Book III, Chapter III he describes to a T just what The World consists of and how we must flee from it.
This worldliness has infected all of the Bishops, including Poor Francis, who open their arms wide to embrace sinners who are not repentant, or asked to repent.
Worldliness. This chapter is worth the few dollars this book costs. Get if from Tan.
Again, this is not really a hidden agenda is it? Right out there in the open, Poor Francis, or someone in his cohort, has chosen these men. There is no hijacking, no hiding, no skullduggery, no apologies. It’s simply being DONE.
I’d love to know what’s going on in the minds of the few who have spoken up in resistance to this preparation for the Synod. From what I know, this Synod will be open with views aired after each session, unlike the preview. But I doubt there will be open resistance. Who is going to invite schism by speaking out plainly in public?
I doubt it’s possible to mount a public resistance at all. Won’t we see quiet rebellion, quiet resistance at the personal level? Burke and Schneider, and the few others, will continue to offer The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, and continue to appear at conferences, and continue to give interviews – but a big public brouhaha? I don’t think this is possible.
Get your ‘remnant’ hat on.
To say that Sr Faustina’s writings sound like the phony/fake “gospel-of-mercy” of Bergoglio is most unjust. Perhaps you say it out of ignorance, but it makes me wonder whether you – or other like minded people – have actually read her “Diary”! There are certainly references of the need for repentance – and of how He CHASTISES those who will not turn towards Him in humility and repentance, and of the great hatred which God has for even the smallest sin:
From her “Diary”:
“…the Lord Jesus began to complain about the souls of religious and priests, about the lack of love in chosen souls. ‘I WILL ALLOW CONVENTS AND CHURCHES TO BE DESTROYED.’ I answered, “Jesus, but there are so many souls praising You in convents.” The Lord answered, That praise wounds My Heart, because love has been banished from convents. Souls without love and without devotion, souls full of egoism and self-love, souls full of pride and arrogance, souls full of deceit and hypocrisy, lukewarm souls who have just enough warmth to keep them alive: My Heart cannot bear this. (74) All the graces that I pour out upon them flow off them as off the face of a rock. I cannot stand them, because they are neither good or bad. I called convents into being to sanctify the world through them. It is from them that a powerful flame of love and sacrifice should burst forth. AND IF THEY DO NOT REPENT AND BECOME ENKINDLED BY THEIR FIRST LOVE, I WILL DELIVER THEM OVER TO THE FATE OF THIS WORLD…”
1728: Write: I AM THRICE HOLY, AND DETEST THE SMALLEST SIN. I CANNOT LOVE A SOUL WHICH IS STAINED BY SIN; BUT WHEN IT REPENTS, THERE IS NO LIMIT TO MY GENEROSITY TOWARD IT. My mercy embraces and justifies it. With My mercy, I pursue sinners along all their paths, and My Heart rejoices when they return to Me. I forget the bitterness with which they fed My Heart and rejoice at their return. TELL SINNERS THAT NO ONE SHALL ESCAPE MY HAND; IF THEY RUN AWAY FROM MY MERCIFUL HEART, THEY WILL FALL INTO MY JUST HANDS. Tell sinners that I am always waiting for them, that I listen intently to the beating of their heart…. When will it beat for Me? Write, that I am speaking to them through their remorse of conscience, through their failures and sufferings, through thunderstorms, through the voice of the Church. AND IF THEY BRING ALL MY GRACES TO NAUGHT, I BEGIN TO BE ANGRY WITH THEM, LEAVING THEM ALONE AND GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT.
Regarding the divine mercy devotion —– which is “on topic” since Mr. V. is discussing the “Holy Year of Mercy”:
We could actually say that this Year of Mercy was ushered in by Pope JPII when he promoted the divine mercy devotion although it had been condemned 3 times prior (2x John XXIII, 1x Pius XII) with its message of mercy without repentance.
There are too many strange excerpts from the diary which Our Lord supposedly said, such as:
On October 2, 1936, she states that the “Lord Jesus” appeared to her and said, “Now, I know that it is not for the graces or gifts that you love Me, but because My Will is dearer to you than life. That is why I am uniting Myself with you so intimately as with no other creature.” (Divine Mercy in My Soul, The Diary of Sr. Faustina, Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press, 1987, p. 288)
How can we believe that Our Lord has united Himself more intimately with Sr. Faustina than with the Blessed Virgin Mary? At first, we might read this and think, “Oh, that’s beautiful.“ But later it may hit you, “Wait a minute, Our Lord united Himself more intimately with Sr. Faustina than with any other creature? Our Lady was the Immaculate Conception, but she was also His creature, she was created by Him as the rest of us were, albeit with the greatest exalted position free from original sin from the very beginning.”
Above quote taken from:
There are many, many more strange quotes “Our Lord” supposedly said to Sr. Faustina.
It is enough to know that Pope Francis promotes this devotion. Stay away!
Servant of Our Lady,
“its message of mercy without REPENTANCE”??!!
Did you bother reading the two paragraphs I listed above which shows the wrath of Christ in the “Diary” of Sr Faustina towards unrepentant sinners???
It’s funny – but I wrote my first comment in this post fairly neutral as regards the devotion, but as I see the ludicrous accusations which are leveled against it, I am becoming more convinced that they are, in fact, of God! If you have something to say against the devotion, fine, but let it be a reasonable argument!
As regards Francis promoting this devotion, well he also “promotes” the rosary and devotion to Our Lady of Fatima – can we disregard these devotions too by the same argument?
The devil’s best trick is to mix truth with error and thereby lead souls to perdition, so it would be impossible for Francis to carry his plans forward without promoting some legitimate devotions also…
Dear In Hoc Signo Vinces,
Please look at the “objections websites.”
Salvemur gave us this link:
And we have these 2 sites with MAJOR objections:
Dear Indignus Famulus,
Thank you…your comments were both wise and very helpful
Can you cite examples of these alleged passages that speak of mercy to the exclusion of repentance?
I have still to see an example of such a passage.
Dear Richard M,
License is precisely the word. I have been trying to get this across to others also. The liberals, heretics and highjackers are sick and tired of pretending their previous marriages never existed and that they don’t really contracept or NFP it when they separate the primary purpose of procreation and education of children for God’s glory from the secondary purpose of unity. They want an all and out license to divorce and remary and to contracept through the new “deeper meaning” of mariage brought forth since the late 1800’s with Deitrick von Hildebrand writings, PiusXII’s letter to the Italian midwives, Theology of the Body and Humane Vitae.
see below – there is a link to details.
Yes, I have read the complete diary. I’m not sure it’s useful, here, to go through it paragraph by paragraph. But I will say (and yes this is my opinion) that I found it just sounded ‘off’ to me. I’m just a no-body, but I do have a good sense of what has been said and taught by many saints over the years – this did not ring true to me – again, IMHO.
We are told over and over again that private revelations can be believed if they are approved by Holy Mother Church. But they are not necessary for salvation, or even to live a good Catholic life.
We all have our favourites and can sincerely point them out to others, but let’s not get into arguing with each other on this point.
We also have to remember that there are many, many things done by John Paul II that were suspect to say the least. IMHO promoting this devotion was one of them. Anyone who loves it, and prays fervently through the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will surely receive great graces from it. But I’ll stick to The Sacred Heart.
This is a little like quoting Scripture – the quicksand gets deep.
Hi Barbara,
I must disagree with you on this one. It is a certainly that St. Pio (I once spoke to his caretaker, incidentally) understood that the moral virtual of obedience is subordinate to the theological virtue of faith. Unlike the theological virtues, moral virtues can err by either defect or excess; in the case of obedience defect by excess is called servility.
St. Pio did see the Novus Ordo Missae as an insult to the Holy Trinity and a danger to the faithful, and I myself am not the least bit sure he would not have failed to obey a direst order to use it. The phrase in persona christi applies to St. Pio in the Mass probably more than to any other priest in history; he became Christ in almost every sense.
As that famous Intervention pointed out, that Missae is shockingly lacking in Catholic theology and a danger to the faithful by its very nature.
This is not surprising, since according to its very architect it was designed completely deliberately to make the Holy Sacrifice palatable to those who abhor the Holy Sacrifice – those who deny the basic theology of the Mass as the making-present of the Calvary Sacrifice.
The abuses that arose did so because the spirit of the Missae allows it and and even fosters it. It makes the Mass a community meal with a presider; they are there to be entertained and to participate, and the Church, which has thrown open its windows to the world, must do all it can to accommodate “modern man” who is no longer fond of things like absolute truth, penance, and sacrifice.
God bless.
Dear me, if that really was the ‘spirit’ they were invoking in so-called ordinations no wonder the world has overtaken the Novus Ordo sancturay like flies on a carcass in summer.
Point taken. I wasn’t trying to push the “Divine Mercy” devotion on anyone (for me the devotion to the Sacred Heart is still more important), I was merely trying to point out that one of the main points of contention, namely that the devotion preaches mercy without repentance is grossly mistaken. There could certainly be other points from Sr Faustina’s diary which may sound “off” as you point out, but I haven’t seen any listed on this thread thus far.
My own personal theory is that the Devotion does have some legitimate aspects to it, but it may have been distorted or tampered with – of you will – after Sr Faustina’s death (much like the message of Fatima by Cardinal Bertone and Ratzinger in 2000). If I remember correctly – one of the reasons why her writings were censured was due to inconsistencies in the handwriting, suggesting that some of it may have been written by someone else other than Sr Faustina. It might sound a little far-fetched, but perhaps not so much when you consider how they tried to distort Our Lady’s Fatima message too!