“All are welcome” has become the buzz phrase (and to some extent, the theme song), for so-called “gay friendly” Catholic parishes where one need never fear being held to account to the moral law.
In spite of whatever frustrations one may feel about Michael Voris’ hands-off the pope policy, the video below is worth watching. It goes to show that… are you ready… “all” doesn’t really mean all, and faithful Catholics need not apply.
Toward the end, Michael interviews a young man that should move you to pity. Here he is coming to a Catholic-parish-in-good-standing in the Archdiocese of New York only to be fed stones instead of the bread he deserves. Woe to those who decided that his soul isn’t worth the trouble.
With this in mind, and in spite of the seriousness of this problem, I thought a little truth in advertising may be in order for the various “gay friendly” parishes that dot the landscape, to which end I suggest they consider adopting the following version of “All Are Welcome” as their parish theme song.
Well done, sir. I hope this video goes viral.
Oh man, I couldn’t help but crack up at Louie’s song. Lord have mercy!
Their response to the hypocrisy would be “We mean ‘all our welcome’ in the sense that no one is excluded due to who they are. ‘Homosexuality’ is not a choice, but prejudice is.”
Of course, the glaring error is the refusal to distinguish between orientation and action. The second error is ignoring the fact that even the orientation is not completely immutable.
This is more than just churchmen bowing to the world: This started and starts with the clergy, of course.
Two books: “Rite of Sodomy” and “Goodbye, Good Men”.
We need to finally understand that these philistines are practicing a new religion.
Hilarious song!
I commend Michael Voris for his exposition of the situation at that church.
I also commend Louie for acknowledging Michael’s expose and for posting up that edition of The Vortex on his blog.
It seems the old saying is true: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”
30 years ago, the same powers structures existed in the Church, and the same hypocrisy was practiced, but instead of ” All are welcome” the “mantra’ was “We are a family” and the favorite hymn was “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, and we pray that all unity may one day be restored.”
Instead of promoting and supporting gay-sin, they pushed “new-age” teachings and immoral sex-ed in the classrooms -all slightly less obvious but equally destructive to Faith and Souls.
Abusive Church Authorities seem to typically replace smiles with glassy-eyed stares and icy-voices designed to quickly remove power-threats of any kind.
You come away feeling like you got the wolf -bite of Satan where you the expected the outstretched hand of a Good and gentle shepherd. .
You tell yourself you should be battling just as much for these woe-begotten leaders, as you would for your family, but it’s not so easy because of the scars they leave. Thank God for His Graces and the will to battle on.t.
The following can never be repeated enough:
“At the close of a long life (for I was born in 1905 and I now see the year 1990), I can say that it has been marked by exceptional world events: three world wars, that which took place from 1914 to 1918, that which took place from 1939 to 1945, and that of the Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965. The disasters caused by these three wars, and especially by the last of them, are incalculable in the domain of material ruins, but even more so in the spiritual realm.”
-Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, Prologue to his book Spiritual Journey
Louie, we sang that song at my parish just this Sunday, who knew it was so popular! This is satire of a high standard! Who would want to bet that a ton of Catholics could view this cold and think it is real?
Voris makes an important statement regarding how these things like ‘who am i to judge’, work: ‘Priest and Bishops let them [the ‘seekers’ after truth] remain in their stubborness of heart or their willful ignorance…they [the presiders] get to phrase themselves and pars their words in such a way as to give a green light to the heretical state of heart, without actually coming out and saying it point-blank…they know that the people sitting there are hearing their words through a filter, a filter of rejecting the Church and accepting their sin, and so these priests can speak in somewhat veiled language, but still get their point across.’
This sums up the church of ‘welcome’ that rejects those who actually want to cast off their sin.
Part II of this series is even better:
I regularly watch the Vortex, and I don’t remember seeing Michael Voris hit this hard before.
Thank you for posting the link, Matthew.
The problem with Voris’ reporting is that he sees the Synod of 8 members (Kasper, Maradiaga, et. al) and the upcoming October meeting as a solution to fixing the problem of the Protestantization of the faith. He doesn’t see the men themselves and their heretical ideas as part of the problem. Voris won’t report truthfully on the heretical positions of these men. That’s why I stopped listening to him.
After viewing these videos and observing all that has happened with Catholic education and catechesis concerning SIN since VII, its sad to say but many many souls may have been lost because they died very comfortable in their unrepentant sinfulness because of those famous 5 words that we hear all the time now. We all need to work hard at praying and educating ourselves on true Catholicism.
May God have mercy on us all.
When the Church says that homosexual acts are “intrinsically evil”, isn’t she essentially saying that these acts are diabolical?a
Hey, New Trad; are the five words? ‘who-am-i-to-judge’.
maybe, Michael, but who can say?
I will elaborate. The young man who was interviewed who identified himself as “gay” seems like a “good” person. And yet he engages in diabolical sexual activity. I think that perhaps this young man is sincere and if he was given proper spiritual direction that he would be inclined to change his life and seek salvation. But I think that as we get closer to the source of this evil, that its diabolical nature becomes more clear. This young man is a victim who was seduced at some point in his life by a malicious homosexual man. And now he is posessed by a demon that enslaves him through perverse sexual appetites. Let us pray that our Blessed Virgin will intercede on his behalf and show him the errors of his ways and the true love that only comes from God.
A warning. Beware of falling into the trap of using “psychological” language and concepts such as “addiction”. These are purely secular concepts which were designed to deny the existence of God and to change the way that people think about spiritual disorders. For example, I’m sure you will find no mention of “addiction” in the writings of St. Thomas. These are freudian concepts and Freud was an atheist. I believe one of the early promoters of “psycho-analysis” said something like “if we can turn priests into sociologists then we will have won”. “Psychology” and “evolution” are twin “scientific” attacks on the Church. They share much in common in their goals to create a revolution in thought which strips our culture of its Catholic origins and replaces them with a secular/atheistic culture.
As much as we feel the same frustration you exress with Michael Voris’ “selective” reporting, and feel he has ruined his credibility as a journalist because of that, it may be going too far to assume he thinks people like Kaspar are the answer to the problem.
Though we disagree with his decision to stay silent on the Pope, we watched too many of his fearless exposures of religious, to think he doesn’t recoil when he hears the theology of those like Kaspar, or doesn’t clearly see how damaging it is to the Faithful.
May we ask what gave you that impression? Did we miss something that indicates it? If so, he’s really changed.
Welcome to the “remnant”.. and we second your thoughts.
Thank God there are people like Louie Verrecchio and a growing number of other Faithful Catholics on the web, spreading the truth despite all that has taken place. And thank God Our Lady promised her Immaculate Heart is going to triumph once the Pope Consecrates Russia as she requested–although she said it would be “late”, and many would suffer first.
We discovered some videos a while back by a young guy named Gabriel Castillo, that seem truly amazing–especially for reaching teens and young adults. Has anybody heard of him, or seen enough of his work to recommend him without any caveats?
I became aware of Gabriel Castillo with the publication of his video demonstrating that one cannot receive communion in the hand without loosing particles. I’ve seen a few of his other videos – I particularly enjoyed his snippets of Cardinal Arinze (of “What don’t you kneel? Why don’t you CRAWL?” fame) – but not enough to find out exactly where he is on the spectrum.
Michael, we were grateful for your quotes around the word “good” and reminded of how often that word is misused today in these regards. (Not in what you wrote, of course)
We’ve had dialogues with a person who otherwise appears even saintly, but sincerely believes they had no choice but to be “gay” from their earliest memories of same-sex attraction, while listening to them we can see they believe that with strong conviction, only because that is the message of the pagan world today, which denies them belief in any other possibility and crucifies professionals who try to prove it isn’t necessarily so..
This person searched and prayed,thought and researched, and unfortunately ended up mentally justifying a life of unashamed, ongoing sin, ultimately convinced by the rantings of “Catholic” internet priests who left the Church teachings behind and distorted the Scriptures–claiming God’s Word was never against homosexual acts at all, but (as at Sodom, for eg.) only railing against inhospitality, of all things. (Never mind the numerous statements of St.Paul that say otherwise, very clearly)
While that seems impossibly absurd to us, the darkening of intellect by deadly sins that temporarily satisfy lust, repeated and unrepented, leaves them not only believing such nonsense, but clinging to it tenaciously and spreading it to others with a determination we could envy if it were put to God’s work.
Our two best recourses are prayer, and the truth that sex outside of marriage, including masturbation-whether alone or with a partner, is a sin for everyone- hetero’s as well, and has nothing at all to do with gender inclinations.
Jesus defined his family–brothers and sisters and Mother -as those who keep the Commandments, so that is the ultimate test of what is sinful or “good”. But, as NewTrad pointed out above, this diabolic disorientation begins and ends with the destruction in so many ways, of the meaning of SIN.
If Voris is so down on the sodomites, will he ever mention Pope Paul VI was a flaming queer? BTW Louie, great satire!
Those are the words. I don’t know exactly what the initial intentions were, but I bet many poorly formed catholics and newsmedia took them to insinuate that we should not be judgmental of any kind of sin but to let God be the judge. A BIG MISTAKE.
That may not have been what was meant by the Pope, but as we all know, it has become the hit slogan that has never been recanted or explained.
If anyone hasn’t seen it yet, I recommend watching the movie “The Third Way” (http://bit.ly/1s3ShO6).
I left my comment about this on the next post on Independence Day. Sorry, folks.
Dear Indignus. Michael Voris has a followup video that Matthew posted a link to. It is very hard hitting. He talks about an “apostate church” and accuses many bishops of being part of it. The problem comes, IMO, when he refers to the recent survey in preparation for the October synod. He speaks of the survey in a positive way, while I see this survey as part of the problem. In fact the survey and the publicity surrounding it have already paved the way for the changes that Voris is denouncing. And at this point it does not matter what the October synod does. The changes are already in motion within the “apostate church”. And these changes in the Church with regards to marriage and the family will open the door for even more changes. The next synod will be prepared by a survey on Catholics views on “civil union” and “homosexual marriage”. And again it doesn’t matter whether the synod actually does anything or not, the change will be swept into motion. It is a downward spiral which is accelerating. The Holy Spirit can not stop the Church heirarchy from committing these grave errors, but the Holy Spirit will assist the Church heirarchy in rebuilding the Church once they recognize their errors and repent.
I wonder. Will Voris now give up the “church of nice” monikor and replace it with the “apostate church”? As Louie says, there’s nothing nice and “friendly” about this secular movement which has infiltrated the Church.
Agreed, fully.
Why are these pastors not called out for their sins against chastity?.
It is a despicable, personal violation of the innocent to help flaunt someone–anyone’s– unholy desire to publicize what should remain private– their sexual lives or pride in their sexual “preferences”, with fliers or flags or anything related to it, in a Catholic Church of all places.
That is nothing short of spiritual pornography. Their banners certainly don’t represent the honorable homosexual Catholic who quietly lives a life of celibacy, which is what God requires outside of marriage.
And why do we tolerate the usurpation of such a beautiful, traditional symbol of God’s promise to send Our Redeemer, which is what the rainbow used to mean to Catholics everywhere.
Before this generation that celebrates lust was foist upon us in public, we used to enjoy looking up whenever it rained while the sun was still shining. Maybe it’s time to start ripping down these banners and stuffing them in the Bishop’s suggestion box with a note to that effect, and reminding them of what Father John Hardon, S.J. wrote regarding parents rights and responsibilities in the education of their Children:
Before God, parents have received a sacred trust. No one has a higher trust than they. No one has a higher responsibility… no one can take either the trust or the responsibility away. It belongs to the parents because it is given to them by God. The children they call theirs are first of all His. They came from Him and they are destined for Him.
That is why God became a child: to teach us how simple it is to reach heaven, if only we are humble enough to listen to His words, and for parents, courageous enough to lay down our lives, if need be, for the souls entrusted to our loving care.
You hit on something critical: the darkening of the intellect – and hardening of the will – by repetitive grave sin.
It is a terrible thing to contemplate.
The ‘sin against the Holy Ghost’, which will not be forgiven in this life or the next, is the (possibly repetitive) spurning of grace itself. This is the condition the world as a whole finds itself it.
This darkening/hardening effect raises interesting questions for apologetics and evangelization. Sometimes one does get the feeling that he is dealing with a soul that literally *cannot* accept, or even understand, truth.
Of course, we can never make such a determination; it’s irrelevant (well, almost) as to how we should behave.
Thanks for the info. We have to admit, we’ve not been watching Voris lately due to the frustration his Vortex engenders every time he denounces the laxity of those who don’t talk about what’s going on, and doesn’t see himself as taking part in that activity regarding the Pope.
We agree there is tremendous potential for harm in October, but there is always the chance that something will happen to allow God’s will to be made manifest instead. We don’t stick our heads in the sand like ostriches, but neither should we fail to allow for the possibility of Divine intervention at any time, don’t you agree?
The context of the now-famous quote was as follows:
Reporter: I would like to ask permission to pose a rather delicate question. Another image that went around the world is that of Monsignor Ricca and the news about his personal life. I would like to know, your Holiness, what will be done about this question. How should one deal with this question and how does your Holiness wish to deal with the whole question of the gay lobby?
Pope Francis: Regarding the matter of Monsignor Ricca, I did what Canon Law required and did the required investigation. And from the investigation, we did not find anything corresponding to the accusations against him. We found none of that. That is the answer. But I would like to add one more thing to this: I see that so many times in the Church, apart from this case and also in this case, one looks for the “sins of youth,” for example, is it not thus?, And then these things are published. These things are not crimes. The crimes are something else: child abuse is a crime. But sins, if a person, or secular priest or a nun, has committed a sin and then that person experienced conversion, the Lord forgives and when the Lord forgives, the Lord forgets and this is very important for our lives. When we go to confession and we truly say “I have sinned in this matter,” the Lord forgets and we do not have the right to not forget because we run the risk that the Lord will not forget our sins, eh? This is a danger. This is what is important: a theology of sin. So many times I think of St. Peter: he committed one of the worst sins denying Christ. And with this sin they made him Pope. We must think about fact often.
But returning to your question more concretely: in this case [Ricca] I did the required investigation and we found nothing. That is the first question. Then you spoke of the gay lobby. Agh… so much is written about the gay lobby. I have yet to find on a Vatican identity card the word gay. They say there are some gay people here. I think that when we encounter a gay person, we must make the distinction between the fact of a person being gay and the fact of a lobby, because lobbies are not good. They are bad. If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge that person? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this point beautifully but says, wait a moment, how does it say, it says, these persons must never be marginalized and “they must be integrated into society.”
The problem is not that one has this tendency; no, we must be brothers, this is the first matter. There is another problem, another one: the problem is to form a lobby of those who have this tendency, a lobby of the greedy people, a lobby of politicians, a lobby of Masons, so many lobbies. This is the most serious problem for me. And thank you so much for doing this question. Thank you very much!
oops, correction: The rainbow was not the sign that God would send a Redeemer, but rather the sign of His promise not to destroy the world again by flood.
St. Peter tells us the next time it will be by fire–and those rainbow banners would probably make good kindling.
Matthew, thank you for the link. It was both moving and powerful.
@ A Catholic Thinker : thank you for posting that very thought provoking analysis.
Sexual relations – mental as well as physical – are always and everywhere gravely immoral. They are against nature – which provides for sexual relations between a man and a woman only. Any desire to engage in behaviour that is gravely (mortally) sinful, is therefore, gravely disordered, and cannot be given by God. More and more, the truth and truth-speakers are being persecuted and silenced, not only by enemies of God outside the Church, but increasingly, by those within. It has now filtered down to the local community and even “Catholic” family level. Blessed Michael, defend us in battle . . .
It is frustrating to me (and of course to St. Francis!) that churches named for that great saint have been taken over by a group of this particular sinful persuasion. The church named for him in my city, Portland, is also a ‘welcoming’ place, except to those of us who take seriously the ten commandments, St. Paul, 2000 years of moral teaching, etc, etc. I was there only once, many years ago, before it was common to be out and proud. I had to attend a ‘Mass’ in the church hall, offered on a standard conference table with a tablecloth, using a big round loaf of bread, after which the cloth was shaken out, crumbs flying everywhere. I wanted to cry! This was the Mass where I, my sister, and my mother became members of the 3rd order of St. Francis. I was 19 years old, fairly naïve, and even then suspected the (now obvious) persuasion of many of those Franciscans involved. It was one of the few N.O. Masses I had attended, and was instrumental in confirming me as a Trad. St. Francis was right in his prophecy regarding his order, I am sorry to say.
Sexual relations – between persons of the same sex.
Dear Indugnus. I’ve also stopped watching Voris for the same reasons you mentioned. Two points — both I’ve already touched on. One is that Our Lord taught us that with faith we can move mountains, but clearly faith in God is lacking in today’s Church. Two is that we can see in the responses in the video there is already an expectation that Catholic doctrine or at least Catholic practice will change. And we can also see from the video how that expectation plays out in a real life parish. And we can conclude that the bishop is well aware of what is going on and supports it, otherwise he would use his authority to put a stop to it as in the way that the Traditional Mass is being suppressed. So, even if the bishops at the synod were to make a generally negative statement about for instance “homosexual marriage” this will be ignored and people will continue to repeat the mantra “who-am-I-to-judge”. So I’m saying the train has already left the station and its clear what the destination is and there is nothing on this earth that is going to stop it. Bergoglio is driving the train and the bishops are all on board — some reluctantly. As for those of us who believe in the Catholic faith, we will need to be prepared for the worst.
BTW, I expect it won’t be long before the words “intrinsically disordered” will be removed from the Catechism. After all Vatican II was able to make accomodations for protestants, jews, muslims….. why not homosexuals?
Dear Michael Leon BELOW THIS (There was no other room to post)
You make many valid points, but left out a couple that we hope will alter your conclusions a bit:
1. There are at least 12 of us on this post, who clearly have Faith in God, which if it be His will, CAN move mountains. Join us.
2. Just because the world expects the Church to officially change her Dogmas and Doctrines, and
continuing post to Michael Leon above
and the world may ignore affirmations of teachings, doesn’t mean either of those are certain to happen, or can’t be avoided by an act of God.
While you are absolutely right that things are pointing to the worst possible outcomes, you are absolutely wrong that “nothing on this earth” will stop that.
Jesus Christ is with His Church till the end of time. He Promised that.
He is in every tabernacle that contains a validly confected Eucharist.
All power in Heaven and on earth has been given Him.
The Gates of Hell shall not prevail.
There is plenty to stop what is happening right now. What is needed is fasting and prayer and Faith and Hope. We have the love to do those.
Sweet Chastity, the forgotten virtue.
We went n fetched it for ya:
from my2 cents
All are welcome” may be the slogan for this “church”, but it is not the slogan at the gates of Heaven. We must pray for these poor misguided souls who are lost sheep without shepherds. Lord, have mercy on us all!
Thank you for correcting this to “Sexual relations-between persons of the same sex.” in #20 below. For a minute there, we were worried.
We’re cautious with reported prophecies-even those attributed to great Saints like St. Francis. But this one has such a ring of truth to it, and we’ve found it reported identically in many places, it may be of interest to you, if you haven’t already seen it. Explains a lot.
Dear Indignus. We are in agreement. By “nothing on this earth”, I meant that it will take an act of God to change the direction the Church is heading in. Of course we can be His instruments, but by ourselves we can do nothing. Peace be with you.
Here is a link to a very important video about “What ‘gay marriage’ did to Massachusetts” from the pro-family group MassResistance:
Please watch and share it with others. The facts presented here are chilling. Massachusetts was the first state to legalize “homosexual marriage” in 2004 — just ten years ago.
This video was instrumental in a victory in Finland in the battle against the international homosexual activists. Finland rejected a push to legalize “homosexual marriage”, but you can bet that the “gay lobby” will be back in force to push their agenda. See story here:
Indignus, thanks for the link. I’m not sure if that is what I read many years ago. I just remember that St. Francis didn’t expect great faith or adherence to the order, even while he was alive; indeed, there was already turmoil before his death. But one can certainly bet that satan was anxious to do much damage to such a bulwark of Catholicism, and it has worked on so many fronts! I think of the FFI, and I’m so sorry that so many of them seem to have folded under the persecution, while thugs such as this group in NY trash the name of a great saint who would have had nothing to do with them.
By the way, Louie, I love your ‘hymn’!
Dear A Catholic Thinker,
Though it’s possible you meant something entirely different, we have read that the sin against the Holy Ghost is not necessarily that of repetitive unrepentant sin, but what it can lead to–i.e. FINAL Impenitence, meaning right up to and at the moment of death. There is an important distinction because even when sin is repeated and unrepentant for a very long time, as long as a person lives, they can repent sincerely, and the sin is forgivable. We are sure you know that, and just state this for anyone who may not.
We noticed that accusation against Paul VI on the internet, and checked it out. While we have no conclusive evidence to prove otherwise, we caution against assuming it is so. His first public accuser appears to be an “out” gay man who admitted he was incensed by a homily the Pope gave against homosexual sin, and therefore could easily have acted to destroy the Pope’s reputation as revenge.
The second reference we found, was from a fired employee of the Vatican, who would might also therefore have reason to hold something against the Pope.
Furthermore, of two of the “famous actors” they cite as secret lovers, which we checked further into, one never admitted to being gay, and the other had a wife and children.
We are not saying that proves the opposite, only that it provided us with enough reasonable doubt, to consider the whole thing as unfounded rumor, and therefore possibly terribly sinful slander and calumny, which we are wise to avoid.