At yesterday’s the General Audience, Francis continued his series on the Mass. He began:
Taking up the catechesis on the Eucharistic Celebration…
Let’s stop here for a moment.
I must admit, the phrase “Eucharistic Celebration” – the word “celebration” in particular – raises my hackles.
Yes, many faithful churchmen have referred to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in such a way, but when a man like Francis does so, you can bet your bottom dollar that he means something very different.
What’s more, there can be no doubt that the average undernourished Novus Ordo Catholic hears, and experiences, something very different as well.
In English, the verb “celebrate” has a number of meanings.
It comes from the Latin celebrare – to perform – and it is this from which the Church derived the name for a letter whereby a priest may obtain permission to offer Mass in another diocese; it is called a celebret.
The Latin celebrare can also mean to honor or to glorify.
In current (if not common) usage, the word “celebrate” can mean to perform a solemn religious ceremony publicly and with appropriate rites.
All of the aforementioned meanings are the sense in which churchmen like Archbishop Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani employed the word “celebration” with respect to Holy Mass.
The word “celebrate” can also, and more commonly, mean to mark something by festivities, or to engage in a joyful social gathering, and there can be no doubt that this is precisely the way in which it is employed, received and acted upon in Novus Ordo Land.
That rant out of the way, let’s now look at the content of this week’s General Audience wherein Francis focused on the “penitential act.”
He began by pointing out that “the priest’s invitation is addressed to the whole community in prayer, because we are all sinners.”
Those familiar with the Traditional Roman Rite recognize the profound significance of this statement better than most as the Confiteor, in the Mass of Ages, is first recited by the priest individually, and then by the servers on behalf of the faithful.
It is no mere coincidence that the ecumenically-sensitive architects of the Novus Ordo did away with this; the point being to diminish the unique identity of the priest as he who offers the Holy Sacrifice in persona Christi.
Addressing this matter in his Brief Critical study of the New Order of Mass, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani said:
The Confiteor which has now become collective, he [the priest] is no longer judge, witness and intercessor with God; so it is logical that he is no longer empowered to give the absolution, which has been suppressed. He is integrated with the fratres.
Also suppressed in the Novus Ordo is the bodily disposition of both the priest and the faithful as, in the Traditional Mass, a profound bow accompanies recitation of the Confiteor.
Ironically, Francis said in his treatment of the new “penitential act”:
One who is aware of his miseries lowers his eyes with humility.
And yet, not in the Novus Ordo.
Francis made mention of the fact that the Novus Ordo version of the Confiteor, unlike the traditional form, includes the phrase “and for what I have failed to do,” saying:
Yes, also in omissions, namely, of having neglected to do the good that one could have done.
Of this additional confession, Cardinal Ottaviani said:
In all this welter of curtailment a single enrichment only: the mention of omission in the accusation of sins at the Confiteor.
In fact, in his entire study on the Novus Ordo, this is the solitary element that His Excellency saw fit to praise!
Overall, yesterday’s General Audience contained much that is unobjectionable, and yet the Devil being the Devil…
Speaking of those rare occasions in the Novus Ordo when, “From time to time on Sundays, especially in Easter Time, instead of the customary Penitential Act, the blessing and sprinkling of water may take place as a reminder of Baptism,” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal – 51), Francis said:
Especially on Sunday, the blessing and the aspersion of water can be carried out in memory of our Baptism, which erases all sins.
Wait just a minute.
Did “the people’s Pope” just declare that the “sprinkling of water” in the Novus Ordo “erases all sins” (in Italian, cancella tutti i peccati), both venial and mortal?
If he did, can anyone really be surprised?
After all, this is the same Francis who stated:
It can no longer simply be said that all those in any ‘irregular’ situation [that is, those involving adultery or fornication] are living in a state of mortal sin. (Amoris Laetitia 301)
Clearly, the distinction between venial and mortal has been blurred, if not eradicated altogether, by Francis already.
Be that as it may, having watched the video and noting his inflections, it is apparent to me that Francis was speaking of Baptism as that which wipes out all sin; not the aspersion of water.
There’s no telling how many people actually took the time to watch the video (and can understand the Italian) versus the number of those who simply read the text.
Admittedly, the number of each is relatively small, and yet, one can easily imagine that many among the latter group, especially given the source, came away with a false understanding.
Oh well, confusion is simply part and parcel of life in the Church at this dreadful moment in time when a purveyor of heresies, who isn’t even Catholic in any meaningful sense of the word, is left to go about virtually unchallenged, acting as if he is the pope, and offering “catechesis” on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Tune in next week to discover how, presumably, he will manage to mangle the Gloria.
Ahh, yes, confusion, the hallmark of the devil. Is there anything he likes better?
New movie ……….Vatican Deception
I think the wording of the Gloria is the least of our problems.
From Vatican Radio:
“The Pope mentioned other forms of the penitential rite, such as the singing of the ancient Greek Kyrie eléison, or the blessing and sprinkling of water to remind us of our Baptism.”–penitential-rite-prepares-us-for-eucharist.html
I can not read the original of Francis’ statement, but in English the antecedent of “which” is unclear. Does “which” refer to the Baptism, which indeed wipes out all sins, or to the asperges, which can not do that. I am not sure whether you can read the original? Is the antecedent clear in the original?
My conclusion is this. The sodomite clerics and their protectors who tell us not to judge , are apostates and the arch enemy of Catholic parents and Catholic family life.
I care not whether they are validly Ordained consecrated or elected , because I know Scripture is the Word of God and Jesus Christ is the Word Made Flesh and the
sexually perverted Bishops have proven this to me without a shadow of a doubt.
Years ago, I sat in in a Catholic parish seminar for Catholic Parents hosted by Dame of Malta, Joyce Lively from the Camden Diocesan Pro Life Office under Bishop McHugh who was the Vatican’s pick to represent the Church in Pro Life issues.
All present were handed a crudely hand made booklet complete with illustrations of sexual deviancy on one page and definitions of the acts on the opposite page. Gasps could be heard from parents and grandparents alike, who were treated to these utterly perverse mimeographed copies. The Speaker from the NY Catholic Diocese stressed that this was what would be given too all children in the Public School systems, along with condoms to prevent the transmission of AIDS.
Ms. Lively told the packed auditorium that the only way to prevent children from being exposed to this was to enroll them in the Parochial Schools and she just happened to have a book there where you could sign your children up for enrollment.
What the people there were NOT TOLD was that Bishop McHugh and his cadre of NJ Catholic Bishop friends , had “lobbied the state reps to insert K-12 sex ed into the Public School curriculum”. A Cistercian Monastic priest, Fr Julian Bruni (RIP),
in obvious alarmed grief informed me of that fact after daily Mass at the Monastery Fatima chapel..
Now I know how Bishop McHugh was able to reproduce such a filthy hand drawn informational of the truly perverse deeds of sodomites! He was one of them !
I wondered why and how McHugh had a clique of homosexual priests under his wing as I met one after another and was informed by Diocesan employees about their active sodomitc lives.
Thanks to Randy Engel here’s more of an eye opener….
In case you missed it , this is one of the late Bishop McHugh’s boyz ,who finally “married” one of his own kind. Fr Carl Marucci’s touching “wedding “. Gee I wonder of they had to attend Pre Cana?
…and we are supposed to believe that the “catholic” church is still Catholic?
The catholic church was in covert apostasy , but now they are out in the open.
Conservative Catholic clerics have been asleep at the wheel since the turn of the last century and now they are too afraid to speak out. Sodomites are cowards, We NEED and want real men to lead the church and administer the Sacraments, not wanna be women !
Yes there is, grab as many catholic souls from Almighty God to burn in Hell along with him. A most gratifying thing for the devil seeing that he’s in a loose loose situation.
Like St John C said ,” the Halls of hell are lined with the skulls of bishops. “
St Paul said that the church is the pillar and foundation of the faith. So yes, but it’s not the church that’s spitting out all this heresy, she is more the victim wrapped in chains, a prisoner submerged in a vat of wine silenced by her enemies within. The keys of St Peter has been taken out of the way, a most dreadful epoch for the church. Mystery Babylon the whore has taken over what we see is a drunken skunk instead still using a part of the catholic image to Keep the blind, blind.
Sorry, I can’t take serious any link that believes that Benedict’s resignation was “clearly forced” or that the liberals “hijacked” Vatican II.
May I also add , they know that to keep their agenda to destroy the church going , they have to maintain control and support of the majority which took decades to build, drawing a fake skin over their eyes is how they believe they will win in the end, but Francis has been blowing their cover to the point that even the sleepy heads are waking up which is why Louie keeps saying, bring it on Francis. They have the buildings but we have the faith, so the church is still here, abiet though without leadership.
I don’t consider queers dressed up as priest as catholic priest, they are all fake.
Actually Benedict was perfectly blackmailable…………..
Bergolio only confuses those who foolishly believe he is a Pope.
Bergoglio sows confusion every time he opens his mouth. However, Bergoglio is not confused. He knows exactly what he is doing. It is up to the entire Catholic world to reject him entirely and resolutely. Where are the Soldiers of Christ to lead the charge? Have they all put their weapons down?
So, at 90+ and even closer to death, why doesn’t he come forward? Why doesn’t he stand up for Catholic truth against Bergoglio?
Sorry, not buying it. If anything, he realized that Bergoglio would do a better job of furthering the destruction of the so-called Catholic Church….so he willingly handed over the reigns.
All one needs to know about Ratzinger is summed up in the heresies he promoted at Vatican II. Nothing he said or did as head of the conciliar CDF or as conciliar “pope” recanted any of his heresies. At best one can say he lamented that the novelties introduced after V2 did not produce the springtime promised.
Yes 2 Cents ,
It appears the clergy have dropped all of the laity in their support of the Papacy.
Of course there are those who exited either for a secular life or for another religion where they can still be employed. Then there are the few who quietly support the Catholic laity in anonymous fashion.
I often wonder where the “True Apostles” are that Our Lady said should show themselves to us in the latter times during her apparition at LaSalette.I knew a few, but they have all passed on from this world. That is why I believe we are farther along than we think.
I believe Trads that place their Faith in Benedict , SSPX or FSSP will eventually realize they were mistaken also. FSSP have disordered in their midst and SSPX allowed the same to split the Faithful of their community too.
Eventually people catch on .
But Jesus did promise he would not leave us Orphans during his Ascent to the Father. so with Our Holy Mother we must pray for the Holy Ghost to come and Comfort our souls.
Birds of a disordered feather perhaps?
Gorgeous George sees to both Pope’s needs.
So both have a nice sustainable life ,even though one is “MOST HUMBLE”.
Reminds me of the nauseating advertisements for The Ellen Degenerate
Show pumping the host , hostess, whatever IT is, as the most charitable woman on earth doing good for the masses.
Sweep–Your comments reminded me of the profound words in Francis Thompson’s beautiful poem “The Hound of Heaven”:
“All things betray thee, who betrayest Me.”
Don’t look for Truth, Peace or Consolation from those who have betrayed Christ.
2 Cents , How odd you should mention that !
A dear friend who died one year ago had given me that poem over forty years ago ! She said I reminded her of it.
We cannot endure anymore of these false Shepherds.
sweep–we don’t have to endure them. Just keep seeking Christ. He is never far from those who seek Him.
2Vermont, I’d be way over my head trying to deconstruct Vatican II, but Pope Benedict himself has alluded to “wolves” in the Vatican and “the lavender mafia” there, as well. There is something odd and unexplained about his resignation, given that it was, while no without precedent, something rare and unexpected…not to mention that, more than four years later, Benedict is still with us, and appears to be mentally sound.
That, I do not believe. Prior to being Pope, Benedict had been a faithful and orthodox Catholic. The idea that he was hoping Francis would do the damage seems preposterous.
2Cents……..We attended an ecclesia dei mass. Afterwards, we approached the priest asking when we could go to Confession as we were new to the area and it was neither offered prior to or after the Mass. He said we would have to call the rectory to make an appointment I handed him our phone number and requested he call and tell us when he is free.
Never heard…………perhaps he lost the note , but imho , saving souls is a priest’s primary duty to God. Requests for the Sacrament of Penance should not be brushed off so quickly. Yes we can look at parish bulletins on the internet and take a chance on an unknown priest but not everyone has an I phone or a computer.
After having experienced a cross dresser who absolutely had no concept on how to hear a Confession or even what to say and a priest who was known to say filthy things to children in the confessional, we are cautious,
Ratzinger? Faithful? Orthodox? You have got to be kidding! He may be faithful and orthodox to the V2 NO religion but he is not faithful or orthodox to the Catholic faith.