On Monday, the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team announced that it has re-invited the homo-militant group known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – a bunch of drag-fags who dress up as Catholic nuns – to participate in its annual Pride Night event.
After initially announcing that the “Sisters” were slated to take part in the event, backlash from outraged Catholics caused the Dodgers to rescind its invitation.
Evidently, the queen’s wheels squeaked even louder and so they ended up getting the grease (as if they needed it): The Dodgers issued them a public apology and re-invited them to take part in the event, only this time with honors.
According to a statement released by the Dodgers:
After much thoughtful feedback from our diverse communities, honest conversations within the Los Angeles Dodgers organization and generous discussions with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the Los Angeles Dodgers would like to offer our sincerest apologies to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, members of the LGBTQ+ community and their friends and families.
We have asked the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to take their place on the field at our 10th annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night on June 16th. We are pleased to share that they have agreed to receive the gratitude of our collective communities for the lifesaving work that they have done tirelessly for decades.
According to a statement released by the “Sisters,” the group will receive the Dodgers’ Community Hero Award “for service to the LGBTQIA2S Community.”
Naturally, Catholic outrage was promptly re-ignited, and rightly so.
Here, however, I’m going to focus on the bogus, namely, the conciliar counterfeit collective and the degree to which its response to the situation shows just how devoid of sensus Catholicus it truly is.

At first glance, the Tweet from Catholic Vote seems to be on point, and while it doesn’t miss the target altogether, it is at best a glancing blow. Before I explain, let’s consider other such reactions:

The Archbishop of Los Angeles struck a similar chord, albeit without naming the Dodgers organization.

Gomez had previously Tweeted a link to a statement issued by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles that reads:
The decision to honor a group that clearly mocks the Catholic faith and makes light of the sincere and holy vocations of our women religious who are an integral part of our Church is what has caused disappointment, concern, anger, and dismay from our Catholic community. The ministries and vocations of our religious women should be honored and celebrated through genuine acts of appreciation, reverence, and respect for their sacred vows, and for all the good works of our nuns and sisters in service of the mission of the Catholic Church. From providing a quality education for inner city students, to serving the sick, the homeless, the hungry and so many others in need, to caring for the souls of our faithful through prayer, our women religious have dedicated their lives to the Catholic faith and mission, sharing God’s loving grace with others. The Archdiocese stands against any actions that would disparage and diminish our Christian faith and those who dedicate their lives to Christ.
The Archdiocese calls on all Catholics and people of goodwill to stand against bigotry and hate in any form and to stand for respect for one another and for the religious beliefs of our communities of faith. Let us also show our care and respect for our women religious by sending a message of support to their communities through phone calls, letters, and posts on their social channels, supporting vocations by donating to their orders, and/or making donations in their name to the programs they support. Let us show the world how much our women religious mean to us and our Church.
You get the picture. So, what is wrong with these responses?
The problem is twofold; both with regard to what they say, as well as to what they do not say. Sprinkle in a heapin’ helpin’ of hypocrisy and there you have it, precisely the kind of reaction one might expect from the conciliar counterfeit collective.
First, let’s look at what they say.
Note that each one of the above respondents chose to mount a passionate defense of women religious, as women, as if the drag-fags and their godless hosts are guilty first and foremost of belittling the valuable contributions made specifically by women.
I get it. The gender-bending left is deeply invested in feminism and its maniacal mantra, “The future belongs to women!” The conciliar clowns cited above evidently think their responses are clever, as if to show the wokesters and the world at large, See, we’re more feminist than you are!
Archbishop Cordileone even went so far as to accuse the Dodgers and the drag-fags of blaspheming women religious, a charge that in Catholic parlance overwhelmingly if not exclusively concerns offenses against Almighty God.
In any event, what all of the above fail to realize, precisely because their worldview isn’t Catholic, is that they’ve allowed the diabolical agents of the Evil One to set the agenda.
They seem to have forgotten (if they ever truly believed) that “our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
The statement from the Archdiocese of LA could hardly be more humanistic:
The Archdiocese calls on all Catholics and people of goodwill to stand against bigotry and hate in any form and to stand for respect for one another and for the religious beliefs of our communities of faith.
Communities of faith? To the Catholic mind, there is only one so-called community of faith the beliefs of which are worthy of respect and defense, but not so for those with minds infested with the conciliar version of religious liberty.
If the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence called themselves a religion, what would the likes of Catholic Vote, Archbishop Cordileone, and Archbishop Gomez do? Would they call on people of good will to respect their beliefs too?
Senator Marco Rubio publicly challenged the Commissioner of Major League Baseball, Rob Manfred, asking, “Why are you allowing an MLB team to honor a group that mocks Christians through diabolical parodies of our faith.”
Bill Donohue, the blubbering loudmouth head of the Catholic League, ranted on and on about bigotry, vowing to send a letter of his own to Manfred “about this unprovoked assault on Catholics.”
Is that what this is all about, offenses against us?
This brings me to what all of these responses fail to say.
As you may have noticed, the statement from the Archdiocese of LA mentions “women religious” no less than five times, heaping praise on them at every turn.
To my knowledge, however, one woman who hasn’t received any mention from anyone in response to this scandal is the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, whose title is being directly and explicitly mocked by the homo-activist group.
Where are those rushing to defend the honor of Our Lady? Where are voices being raised in outrage at the grave offenses being heaped upon her Son, Jesus Christ, as well?
In truth, this is where our righteous anger should be focused. How dare those degenerate scum bags mock Mary Most Pure, the Mother of God!
Is the lack of such focused outrage surprising? No, not really, not when one considers how very few self-identified Catholics, even those who sincerely wish to be faithful, see the world through Catholic eyes.
As for that heapin’ helpin’ of hypocrisy…
One wonders, when was the last time Sal Cordileone and Jose Gomez took stock of what passes for women religious in their respective Sees? Do they even know how many of them are attached to that collection of dikes known as the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)?

When the city of San Francisco named a street after “Sister Vish-New,” Co-Founder of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, did Sal Cordileone protest, or would doing so be a little too “Church & State” for his conciliar tastes?
The drag-fag group has been headquartered in his archdiocese for the entire time he has been there. Has he ever spoken out against their irreverent mockery of Our Lady, Our Lord, and His Church?
Is Cordileone doing anything to reign in the homo-fest at Most Holy Redeemer parish, a flourishing gay enclave located smack in the middle of his See?
What exactly is Jose Gomez doing to make sure that the LA Religious Ed Congress is no longer an event where homo-activists are routinely invited to give lectures and lead workshops?
Major League Baseball has been hosting Pride Night events in their archdioceses for a decade or more. Have either one of these men ever denounced these public celebrations of diabolical deviancy?
In conclusion, be well and truly outraged, my friends: Be outraged on behalf of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Bride, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Be outraged as well that so many of those who dress in Catholic garb, presenting themselves to the world as defenders of the faith, are little better than men in drag themselves.