So often, we hear what Christopher Ferrara calls the “false friends of Fatima” speak of Our Lady’s appearance as if it was scarcely prophetic; much less a divine warning.
They would like for us to imagine that Our Lady’s message was ultimately little more than a repetition of that which the Church has always proclaimed; i.e., a call to conversion that encourages acts of sacrifice and reparation for the sins of mankind.
It is true that wherever Mary appears – whether it be in present-day Mexico City under the title of the Virgin of Guadalupe, or in Fatima, Portugal, or even in Sacred Scripture, we find that Her deepest desire remains ever the same.
It’s a desire that is summed up in the simple yet life-giving statement that she made at the Wedding Feast at Cana:
“Do whatever He tells you.”
And yet, there is something unique about Fatima; even beyond the dire warning that Our Lady issued concerning the Church and the “suicide of altering the Faith, in her liturgy, her theology and her soul.”
Indeed, the Blessed Virgin issued a similar warning in Akita, Japan.
At Fatima, however, we find a unique complementarity between the central message of Our Lady’s appearance in Portugal and the role that she played at the Wedding Feast at Cana.
It’s a complementarity that beautifully reflects the reciprocal love between the Virgin Mother and her Divine Son.
You see, while Our Lady’s mission is always and everywhere to point the way to Our Lord saying, “Do whatever He tells you,” at Fatima, we discover that it’s the will of her Son to reciprocate, in a sense, pointing the way to His Blessed Mother as if to say:
“Do whatever she tells you.”
In the first part of the secret at Fatima, Our Lady made it known:
“God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart.”
In 1936, Sr. Lucy wrote to her spiritual director, informing him that she had asked Jesus why the consecration of Russia is necessary. His answer is at once beautiful and immensely important. He replied:
“Because I want My whole Church to acknowledge that Consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
As for why is this so important to Our Lord, He went on to tell Sr. Lucia that it was His desire to “put the Devotion to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart beside the Devotion to My Sacred Heart.”
At Cana, Mary desired that Jesus should be publicly acknowledged for who He truly is; the Son of the Most High God. She wished to establish devotion to Him, and so she set the stage for a great miracle, the result of which, according to St. John:
This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him. (John 3:11)
At Fatima we find that Jesus desires that Mary should be publicly acknowledged for who she truly is; the Mediatrix of all graces. He wishes to establish devotion to her Immaculate Heart, and so He set the stage for a great miracle, the result of which will be the conversion of Russia and a period of peace.
In both cases, the cooperation of men is critical.
At Cana, the servants dutifully did as they were instructed.
At Fatima, the glory of Mary was made manifest before upwards of 70,000 people in the miracle of the sun.
And yet, do our churchmen believe?
May it please the Lord to grant us a holy pope who not only believes, but will do as Our Lady requested.
Good Friday morning Louie,
In the time of great apostasy, it simply cannot be understood as to be within the realm of human possibility, that we would encounter a “period of peace”, the likes of which most would consider “peace”, as to be known to them in this world. As our Blessed Lord commanded in the Gospel of John, 14: “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” If one approaches that command of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, in the discipline of contemplative prayer, with His command as the lectio divina, it can be held that the “period of peace” may not be what the world sees as “peace”, most particularly as the Church is in apostasy. As our Blessed Lord and Redeemer commanded, “Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” Can we begin then, in any sense of truth, in this particular understanding (“Not as the world gives…”) to believe that the “peace”, a miraculous “peace”, which was to follow the conversion of Russia to the One, True Faith, would be a “peace” that the children of this world would somehow come to know, short of their own personal conversion as well? Perhaps if the Consecration had taken place in accordance with the divine Will, as God allows for our participation in His great Mysterium Fide, the world would have known peace as to be existentially evident in the world. In the great apostasy, although many are baptized as the children of God as a prerequisite for great apostasy, they have rejected the gift of grace, that which is both freely given and completely undeserved, and are spiritually blinded to that “peace”, it would seem to be, as the “operation of error” is received by them, in lieu of grace which is freely rejected, experiencing thus the darkness, much in the same way as the children of this world.
It is under these kinds of circumstances that false prophets are received by the “itchy ears” of the apostate and perhaps the time of the False Prophet as forerunner. Could it be rather, that the “peace” which will be or is being received, as a consequence of not having any actual and true conversion of Russia, as the “errors of Russia” have been and are being spread as is existentially evident and known as res ipsa loquitur, is an interior peace, as the Peace of Christ Jesus which is known in one’s own deepest interiority, as from the very “fibers” of one’s being, and not as the world gives? This is the Peace that would have been known by Peter and the Twelve, in the midst of the tempest, as Christ Jesus was in eclipse, not seen by them, resting in the hull of the boat. This very same Peace that was bestowed upon them after the Ascension, at the Pentecost of the Holy Ghost, which as Christ Jesus foretold would not have happened, had He not suffered His holy Passion and Death.
Lastly, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart will of course be known to all, from the beginning of time until the end of time, as her Immaculate Heart beats in perfect and infinite synchrony with her Sacred Heart, at the time of the Final Judgment. As Russia was not Consecrated in accordance with the divine command of Our Lady of Fatima, perhaps the miraculous Peace and the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart will be manifest in ways that are not readily recognizable to a Church in apostasy and a world in dismay. In caritas.
Ummm, no, I believe the context of Fatima’s messages was pretty clear. Within the context of predicting World War II and World War III and marxism etc. Peace here meant it exactly in all forms – the absence of war, the absence of Marxism in all its forms, no persecutions against the Church, and a more unified religion under true Catholicism.
This period of peace is also prophecied in Revelation for 1000 years. So it seems inevitable. But only after much suffering as the modernist Church failed to take the easy way out handed to them on a platter with the Consecration of Russia.
Good Friday afternoon Johnno,
As you are suggesting yourself to be an exponent of so called, “Millenariansim”, please read the Catholic Encyclopedia explanation found here: .
In the balance this ideology, although initially developed by some early Church Fathers, perhaps in opposition to the desolation proposed by the Gnostics, has never been held as part of the deposit of Faith. In caritas.
Didn’t Our Lady of Fatima say that the eventual consecration will be “too late”. If correct, then I take this to mean, “sorry, you should have done it earlier”. Thus the earthly peace with no wars we could have received will never come.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
God bless.
Hello pigg0214 —
Our Lady promised at Fatima, “In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, which will be converted, and a period of peace will be given to mankind.”
The above was taken from Fr. Gruner’s site here:
(It is in the answer to question #10.)
God bless you.
Great article again, Louie. When you write about Our Blessed Mother and Fatima, it is especially inspiring!
It is, as you say, now Our Lord’s wish that we become His Mother’s servants and “Do whatever SHE tells you.”
As we learned in the Consecration to Our Lady using St. Louie de Montfort’s method of Total Consecration —- we must do all things
“Through Mary, with Mary, in Mary, for Mary.”
We are in that time, as you point out.
It is Our Lord’s desire to
“put the Devotion to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart beside the Devotion to My Sacred Heart.”
Amazing, isn’t it? Just to ponder it.
May Her Immaculate Heart Triumph soon!
I haven’t looked too far into the 1000 year reign, but could it mean the 1000 years where Christendom flourshed, from Charlemagne to the French Revolution?
I have heard the same, only a little different —- that the 1000 year reign of Christendom was from just after Constantine to the Protestant Revolution.
Who knows
Father Gruner did not RGUBK RGAR fEABCI
He didnt think Frank was POPE.
“Because I want My whole Church to acknowledge that Consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
A great miracle was needed because God knew that men would doubt the great triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the Whole Church.
It would seem that the 2nd Letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, speaks to us in the existential now and it does so exclusively for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. This “seeing and hearing” by virtue of the reception of grace alone, as each and every perfectly miserable human creature can only remain as such, as properly understood, from his own immanence this side the veil. And thus, Saint Paul had this to say,
“… For the mystery of iniquity already worketh,
only that he who now holdeth do hold, until he be
taken out of the way. And then that wicked one
shall be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall kill
with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with
the brightness of his coming, him whose coming
is according to the working of Satan, in all power
and signs and lying wonders. And in all seduction
of iniquity to them that perish, because they receive
not the love of the truth, that they might
be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation
of error, to believe lying. That all may be
judged who have not believed the truth but
have consented to iniquity.”
This mysterious commentary on the Papacy of Saint Peter and of course his successors, as commanded by Christ Jesus, spoken as,
“…only that he who now holdeth do hold…”,
and then dearest brethren in Christ Jesus, Saint Paul says,
“…until he be taken out of the way…”.
That which is most chilling and realized at the very deepest interiority of one’s own person, is Saint Paul’s next statement,
“And then that wicked one shall be revealed: whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming,…”.
What we are witnessing is the, “…until he be taken out of the way…”, my dearest brethren, as this speaks as res ipsa loquitur, for those with eyes that see and ears that hear, through the reception of grace alone. Those who “do not see and hear” were also foretold of by Saint Paul as understood in this passage,
“And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish, because they receive
not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying.”
Once again, the utter and final import of “love” is spoken of here, as the love of the Truth, who is the divine Person of Christ Jesus, is perfectly necessary, “…that they might be saved.”. All of the machinations that can be contrived of the “theologians” are nothing more than a smoke screen of deception, feeding the “operation of error”, if not received in love of the Truth, which can only be hard and especially so in this time of as heretofore never understood, darkness.
It remains to be understood here in this language of Saint Paul, with certainty, that he spoke of the time, a particular time, when the Holy Roman Pontiff would be, “…taken out of the way.”. In truth, there is no other way to read of this person of whom Saint Paul writes, within the context in which he writes, as being other than the Holy Roman Pontiff, as the singular, human person who, according to Saint Paul, “…only that he who now holdeth, do hold,…”, and in that “hold”, the Holy Roman Pontiff prevented the spirit of iniquity, for a limited time, to make manifest as the person of the Antichrist,, over the centuries of Holy Church history. The negative derivation of this statement is simply to conclude that there will be a time when the Holy Roman Pontiff will be, “taken out of the way”, in accordance with the inerrant proclamation of Saint Paul, and because of that very act of the Holy Roman Pontiff as Chief Shepherd, being “taken out of the way”, the door is then open for the person of the Antichrist to enter the world, and in so doing being made manifest to the world, which of course then ushers in the “end of time”. We know with certitude, as Saint Paul also teaches in this Epistle, that God will send many, the “operation of error”, that they may believe the lie and in believing the lie, they will be damned.
Lastly, as Saint Paul also writes in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, the fundamental requirement for all of this to make itself manifest in time and space, and as we know with the certitude of the inerrancy of the Holy Writ, the “apostasy” would have to precede it. The “apostasy” could only be accomplished by virtue of having most of the world’s Christians (read as baptized Catholics, as heretics are already outside the Church by virtue of their heresy which is opposed to Faith, and as thus they are already deceived, having received the operation of error to believe the lie), fall away from the One, True Faith without even knowing they had, as they have received the operation of error, having falling victims to the allure of the world, through our concupiscence, and the deception of the Evil One. This entire paradigm of deception could only be accomplished by Lucifer’s aping of Holy Mother Church, Her One–True–Faith, Her Religion, Her Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as Her highest liturgical expression, as the re-presentation of His Holy Death on Calvary, Her exegesis and catechesis and as thus Her theology, and finally Lucifer had to ape Her Papacy. This is the ultimate deception of contorting true and holy obedience into an aping of obedience, which instead of leading souls on the narrow path to salvation, places them on the wide path to eternal perdition. The Freemason Roncalli, who simply could not have been Pope by virtue of his latae sententiae excommunication as a Freemason, before his false elevation to the Chair, as a baptized Catholic outside the Church cannot be Pope in truth, opened the door for the next Freemason and rabid sodomite, Montini. Giovanni Batista Montini, as “Pope” Paul VI, aped the Singular and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, contorting the Holy Roman Gregorian Rite into the ideological worship of man, as the novus ordo missae. This in lieu of the singular, right worship of God, as proclaimed by Saint Pope Pius V, in his “Apostolic Constitution”, “Quo Primum”, July 14, 1570, whereby as he solemnly proclaimed and he pronounced it to be, his directive by the Council of Trent in doing so, making manifest in time and space the reality that there is only One, Roman Rite of the Holy Mass, and that One Rite can never be added to nor subtracted from, one iota, until the end of time. And as thus, dearest brethren, we are obligated to give our individual free will assent into the acceptance of this reality, in authentic and holy obedience, as solemnly proclaimed by the Holy Roman Pontiff and Saint, Pius V. Or, we are obligated to submit to the pernicious, insidious, and subversive maleficence of “Missale Romanum”, as authored by “Pope” Paul VI, after bearing witness to 48 years of the poisonous fruits, which can only be brought forth from a tree with an evil root, of the so called, “novus ordo missae”, as that very tree. We have to submit to one, as we simply cannot, as properly understood ontologically, submit to both, as they remain in the absolute, antithetical relationship to one another, and as being cannot both be and not be, at the same time and under the same respect. Only one of these can remain the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass until the end of time as they are antithetical to one another. One, True, Roman Church, with One Religion, created by One God, can only have One Rite of worship as its highest form of liturgical expression, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. One depicts this bloodless Sacrifice for us in time and space as temporally understood and the other cannot, as being cannot both be and not be, at the same time and under the same respect. Saint Pope Pius V solemnly proclaimed from his Apostolic Office that there could only ever be ONE ROMAN RITE and that was the Gregorian Rite, until the end of time. Amen. Alleluia. I pray this helps. In caritas.
In Caritas, I believe one of the manifestations of the “operation of error” is visible in the very issue of the Mass. To say the NO and the Roman Rite are two forms of the same Rite is simply a contradiction. If one accepts this contradiction, ones thought processes begin to operate with an internal error. Like a computer virus. Eventually it will render the computer inoperable, but it can also cause all sorts of skewed results. This is exactly what we see in the V2 sect. Complete contradiction and confusion. So rampant and devestating is the error that even those who have isolated themselves from the infection (ie SSPX), find themselves succumbing to its black hole gravitational hole of lies as they try to defend the legitimacy of those who promulgate the error. In the computer industry is usually requires a total reformat of the memory and reloading of the original program. This is exactly the way the Church will be restored. At some point all the NO V2 errors will be swept clear and Tradition restored.
A writer once said that Mary is the echo of God. When we say Mary, she says God. So true. Her only desire is to see God more loved by we wretched humans. She never thinks of herself, but her Son does and that is why He want so see devotion to her Immaculate Heart established along with devotion to His Sacred Heart. Despite the hatred of men for her Son, His will will be done. Her reign will come at the proper time. I hope it is very soon.
Hello Tom A,
Please forgive me, as the development of the metaphysics of what you say, is by virtue of its very nature, tedious. As you suggest, the idea that this novus ordo creature beast thing is another “form” of “the same Rite”, is an all but perfect lie. When one views this query of “two forms–same Rite”, under the proper philosophical lens of Thomistic metaphysics, the answer which one is left with, is the ontological reality that because the metaphysical “matter” (the “two forms”) is ontologically distinct, as each of the “two forms” is distinct, each with its unique metaphysical substance as one form and the other form (the so called “two forms”), that in reality they simply cannot be, “two forms of the same Rite”. One form is labeled as the Roman Gregorian Mass and the other form is labeled as the novus ordo mass, while these so called, “two forms”, simply and utterly cannot be made manifest in reality as “being” under the “same Rite”, as the Rite represents the “metaphysical form”, which gives expression to the metaphysical matter (again, the “two forms”) and by doing so, yields its being in time and space. The metaphysical form (expressed as the “same Rite”) gives the metaphysical matter (expressed as the “two forms”) its very meaning, while the “matter” simply allows for the placement of the form into time and space, such that it can be known in the temporal realm of existence.
That was awful but now the application of an analogy may help bring the metaphysical description to life. Using the word, “explosives” as the metaphysical matter, while “9mm bullet” and “thermonuclear warhead” yield the metaphysical form, which again gives the matter its expression in time and space, we can now make the comparison with the “two forms” of the “same Rite”. The “two forms” are analogous to the “explosives”, while the “same Rite” is made analogous to “9mm bullet” and “thermonuclear warhead”. This illumines the metaphysical absurdity of suggesting that “two forms” can be of the “same Rite”, as it is clear that in the analogy of explosives as matter, the forms of “9mm bullet” and “thermonuclear warhead” are almost perfectly dissimilar in their comparison, yielding an utter absurdity in the suggestion that they are in anyway alike, other than they both go “bang”. Comparing the holy and august Gregorian Rite replete with its organic genesis over centuries, while also knowing of its sacred continuity over the ages, in contrast with the novus ordo missae, creature beast thing, contrived as an ideological and diabolical concoction in the mind of the Freemason Annibale Bugnini, is tantamount to the contrast of the 9mm bullet with the thermonuclear warhead. The realities of bullet and nuclear bomb are so utterly dissimilar, that to edify they’re analogy as explosives, is an all but complete metaphysical absurdity, in the same understanding as it is to edify the analogy of, these “two forms”, as being contained within the “same Rite”. In caritas.
The Fiery Prayer for the Apostles of the Latter Times
———– by St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort
There is but One God. One sacrifice. Two forms can but indicate two different entities. But He is not two but One and Holy. The only consecration is the traditional one. The other is just a memorial meal. QED.
“Do whatever He tells you”–These are the last words of Our Lady recorded in Holy Scripture. Powerful! Our Lady speaks for Her Son and we must listen!
St. Joseph, Patron Saint of Fathers, bless all fathers today.
Good Sunday morning Simple Shepherd,
Amen. Alleluia. In caritas.
A Pope will probably rule on this in the future and until then I suppose you are entitled to your opinion. And of course the “QED” is a non sequitur.
John. If the current Pope is unable to figure out that there is just One God neither will his successors. Given the continuity arguments they advance each tries to outdo the predessor in modernist babble.
It’s obvious to these lambs the hirelings hold the sheepgate.
Some opinions are simply that – opinions. Other “opinions” are not formed by the individual, but rather are Truths based on facts which we are bound to believe as Roman Catholics per the infallible and Magisterial teachings of HOLY Mother Church.
It seems to me that 4 or 5 “Popes” have already ruled on the question of two forms of the same Rite. So either the matter is settled and there are two forms of the same Rite, or no Pope has ruled on it yet, seeing how there hasn’t been a Pope these last 50 years to rule on the matter. Take your pick, John314.
“Do whatever He tells you.” Those words have been passed down to us for 2000 years. Christ passed His authority on Earth to Peter and his successors. It then stands to reason that we must still do what He tells us through the legitimate successors of Peter. This is why I only briefly comsidered the RR position. For me it was either Francis is Pope and thus I owe him assent due to his authority to teach me OR Francis promotes evil while masquerading as a Pope. There cannot be an in between position that says he has authority to teach me but I know better so I refuse to assent and in fact now resist. That does not sound like Mary’s last recorded words to us. She did not say, “Do whatever He tells you, if you agree. Otherwise challenge Him on it since you know better.”
Hello Tom A,
The truth really is simple, isn’t it?; and simple as it is hard. As you plainly wrote above and as our Lady and our Mother commanded, “Do whatever He tells you”. The “whatever” is the quintessential telltale sign, isn’t it? “Whatever—–He tells you”, is precisely what we are commanded to do. As sheep, we cannot somehow tell the Chief Shepherd that he is wrong, as he cannot be wrong as he teaches us, in Truth. As men with the faith of children, we cannot tell him what we choose to do and that which we choose to deny. However, whenever we are told by the one who claims to speak as the Chief Shepherd in this world and yet we simply do not recognize his voice, because it is foreign to our ears, while at once it is foreign to Truth, Whose name is Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God, we know then as we hear it, that it is the voice of a wolf, masquerading as the Chief Shepherd, preparing to devour us.
In the balance Tom A, the so called “R&R” position is based in the vice of cowardice, as it does not want to acknowledge just how dark this darkest of times in the existential now truly is, for this world. That same R&R paradigm, while accusing those who know that any “Pope” who embraces material heresy simply cannot be Pope, of invoking “authority” that we do not have, we are simply acknowledging that the voices we hear claiming to be the Chief Shepherd simply cannot be, as these voices speak a language foreign to the Truth. The R&R paradigm is also apparently blind and deaf to the words of Saint Paul in his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, where he tells us the time will come when, “…only that he who now holdeth do hold, until he be taken out of the way.” Their Catholic blindness is in effect no different than the Protestant blindness apparently, in not understanding specifically whom Saint Paul is speaking of there, as there can be no other man that he could be speaking of, than the Chief Shepherd as the one as “he”, “…he who now holdeth do hold…”. The fear would likely then follow as Saint Paul tells us further that once this occurs, the spirit of iniquity is unleashed as the person of the Antichrist is revealed. What aught actually cause unmitigated trembling though follows next, as Saint Paul allows for the knowing that many will be deceived into not seeing this, “…because they receive not the love of the truth…”, and as thus they have received the “operation of error”, as they have chosen to deny the grace which allows for the light to see the truth of this summa and summit of deception. We fast and we pray, we weep and we suffer, as the perfectly imperfect human creatures that we are, always and only in love, reflecting the Love of the One Who is Love, Jesus the Christ. Thanks be to God. Praise be to God. Amen. Alleluia. In caritas.
Dear Louie,
Is there still a way to contribute to you through Amazon? The Amazon “tag” that used to be on the right side bar on your posts has been removed.
Please let us know. Thank you.
The “Pope” speaks with his friends. The One World Religion beckons. Do whatever he tells you(?) Who and what is this man, really? I know he is part of this grand “operation of error”, and I pray that you all do, too, and that your eyes may be opened to see the Truth, through Grace:
Exceedingly disturbing video!
One World Religion furiously pushing its agenda.
After seeing that cooky video, anyone who has a shred of Catholic sense must recognize that all this bull which has been flourishing since the early 1960s is exactly what Our Lady of Fatima was warning about. This is it. It will only get very worse before it gets better. This just grosses me out. So repulsive to a Catholic that knows some Truth. It’s just so opposite of Truth. So see through and wicked corny. I mean wicked. I hate it. And shouldn’t we? I hate what is opposite of God. Demonic.
Please read attachment in order to decontaminate after viewing that wretched video:
Good morning A Simple Beggar,
Thank you for linking this quintessential display of the “unity” of man with the “unifier” as the very “religion of man” itself, as the summa and summit of the Luciferian, Freemasonic deception of “peace”, at once and for all. What is truly frightening is the continued witness to the power of the “operation of error” that has been made manifest in the world, allowing for what would seem to be an implacable (but for the renewed reception of grace as is always possible until each draws his last breath) deception which views Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as Francis, as though he could possibly be the Holy Roman Pontiff. This man never speaks publically, the name of Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God, as True God and True Man, consubstantial with the Father into eternity, even in an “homily” at the now infamous, “Santa Marta”, yet alone when he is concelebrating the “religion of man” with pagans, infidels, and atheists, masquerading as “friends”. Saint Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, has never had such an imminently powerful message for all of mankind. Let us intensify our prayer, fast, sacrifice, and suffering for the good of souls, as our time is shortening, with the preparation for the revelation of the person of the Antichrist looming in our very midst. In caritas.
QED mentioned above can be read in two contexts. The first is the modernists have proposals of two offerings, One Rite.. The TLM as all will agree, eventually is the One Sacrifice of Calvary. They cant demonstrate the Holy or the Efficacious in their memorial Meal. Unless of course thats their intention on the day of celebration. Meaning its a fleeting memory.
No, the TLM is for All times.
Its entirely possible an new construct will be invented to “share the Ecumenical” agreed conclusions, since they harp on as does Shonborn, about bridge building between the “great religions”
He clearly doesn’t believe Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the Sin of the World. He seem to still be looking for that “other Light” he speaks of.. watch the video on utube with Rabbi post the Poster boys and girls of the Friendship Banner.
Their vanity has confounded them to seek in others what they lack in their own faith. [read : belief]
This the deception In caritas reminds us of, that which St Paul spoke clearly .
The one removed – set aside – could he be Benedict – now removed- [hidden or in hiding] opening the gates for the Antichrist..?
Thank you for the correction.
God bless.
Thank you, Cortez. Your link is an excellent anecdote to the poison in that video.
I know what you mean. I become physically ill whenever I view It’s so bad I might just stop going there. THAT is certainly not our religion much less the actual Church – the Bride of Christ. No – that’s got to be the Harlot or the Whore, and that description fits with the video perfectly.
Who wants to continue to dare to attend a Mass which is said “in union with” Bergoglio (Una cum). I don’t.
And Benedict is part of the gang who brought us here and is also complicit as he promoted Vatican II and its heresies as well. There is only one logical conclusion left, folks. The Chair of Peter is empty and the Papacy has been taken out of the way just as forewarned in 2 Thessalonians Ch. 2.
Simple Shepherd seemed to imply that the Novus Ordo mass was invalid when he said “The other is just a memorial meal.” I was referring to a future Pope ruling on the validity of the N. O. He should also rule on it’s liceity which actually is more important.
Amazon is an evil organisation, an integral part of the worldwide NWO tyranny.
The only way to save one’s soul is to be hated by this apostate world.
John 314. I recommend you read Robber Church by Henry Patrick Omlor and Res Sacramenti by Pierre Denzil Meuli on the lack of validity of the novu ordo mass. The modernists in general Herald their “new” theologys and sacraments to separate “matter and form” . In today’s organic creativity their contextual compositions lean more towards conscience and discernment when partaking of these “new offerings” hence one suspects their bold “ordinary versus extraordinary” amounting to the same Rite. See the contradiction? I don’t think we lambs need a Council to determine common sense.