Recently, two persons of note – Monsignor Nicola Bux and Cardinal Walter Brandmuller – have suggested that Francis, in light of the current crisis surrounding Amoris Laetitia and the dubia, would do well to make a “profession of faith” similar to that which was made by Pope Paul the Pathetic in 1968.
In a June interview with Edward Pentin of National Catholic Register, Monsignor Bux declared:
We are in a full crisis of faith! Therefore, in order to stop the divisions now in progress, the Pope [Francis] — like Paul VI in 1967 [sic], faced with the erroneous theories that were circulating shortly after the conclusion of the Council — should make a Declaration or Profession of Faith…
More recently, Cardinal Brandmuller, expressed a similar idea in an article written for the German publication Die Neue Ordnung (translation courtesy of Maike Hickson), saying:
In a comparable situation – that is to say, in the confusion concerning the right interpretation of the Second Vatican Council … he [Paul VI] proclaimed with great concern for the truth and the clarity of the Faith … ‘Creed of the People of God.’
Francis, it seems to me, just might be willing to do precisely this, and I do mean precisely.
That is to say, Francis may be perfectly willing to repeat word-for-word the so-called “Credo of the People of God” that was professed by Paul VI on 30 June 1968.
After all, Francis has said concerning himself and his fellow seminarians, who were “formed” (if you will allow) after the Council, “For us, the great light was Paul VI.”
With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at Montini’s Credo – a text that, surprisingly, seems to have largely escaped (at least in my reading) the scrutiny and the criticism that it so richly deserves.
Before we do so, let us briefly consider the widely repeated words of Paul VI, spoken nearly four years later in June of 1972, concerning the “smoke of Satan”– words that are often recalled as if to suggest that even he recognized the Council’s diabolical nature.
In truth, the exact opposite is true.
[NOTE: The Holy See website has a secondhand account of this homily, in Italian, with quotes attributed to Paul VI.]
Upon reading the entirety of the Holy See’s report, one will find that Paul VI went on to expound upon the activity of Satan as he perceived of it, saying:
We believe in something preternatural coming into the world [the Devil] precisely to disturb, to suffocate anything of the Ecumenical Council, and to prevent the Church from blossoming in the joy of having regained full consciousness of Herself.
As one can plainly see, Paul VI did not imagine that Vatican II was influenced by Satan; rather, he believed that anything that slowed the spread of the Council’s novelties and its thrust toward endless innovation was demonic!
No wonder Francis (aka “the God of Surprises”) considers him “the great light!”
With this in mind, let us now proceed to the “Credo of the People of God” wherein we find the pope who gave his approbation to each one of the Council documents, Paul VI, prefacing his “profession” by saying, in part:
We shall accordingly make a profession of faith, pronounce a creed which, without being strictly speaking a dogmatic definition, repeats in substance, with some developments called for by the spiritual condition of our time, the creed of Nicea, the creed of the immortal tradition of the holy Church of God.
With some developments called for by the spiritual condition of our time…
Needless to say, those “developments” are of the conciliar kind. Still prefacing his Credo, Paul VI went on to say:
We have wished our profession of faith to be to a high degree complete and explicit, in order that it may respond in a fitting way to the need of light felt by so many faithful souls, and by all those in the world, to whatever spiritual family they belong, who are in search of the Truth.
In this, we see a tip of the papal mitre to the false religions of the world; one of the rottenest fruits of the Council, and one that will reappear in the text of the Credo itself as Paul VI professes:
We give thanks, however, to the divine goodness that very many believers can testify with us before men to the unity of God, even though they know not the mystery of the most holy Trinity. (Credo, art. 9)
This is nothing less than a show of deference to those who plainly reject Jesus Christ; in particular, the Muslims and the Jews.
This, of course, is precisely one of the so-called “developments” that were allegedly “called for by the spiritual condition of our time” at Vatican II.
[NOTE: Paul VI is echoing the sentiments expressed in the conciliar document, Nostra Aetate – Latin for “our time.”]
Under Pontius Pilate He suffered—the Lamb of God bearing on Himself the sins of the world, and He died for us on the cross, saving us by His redeeming blood. (ibid., art. 12)
What would a “profession of faith” from Paul VI be if it failed to comfort Protestants in their error?
Specifically, one might note the convolution between redemption and salvation; one that is well in keeping with the Protestant error that considers Christians “once saved, always saved.”
Is the wording deliberately crafted in such a way, or is it just a moment of sloppiness?
I don’t know, but either way, it fails, and miserably so, to reflect a “great concern for the truth and the clarity of the Faith” that Cardinal Brandmuller suggested.
He ascended to heaven, and He will come again, this time in glory, to judge the living and the dead: each according to his merits—those who have responded to the love and piety of God going to eternal life, those who have refused them to the end going to the fire that is not extinguished. (ibid., art. 12)
In and of itself, this article is defensible. When read in context with the Credo’s treatment concerning what it means to respond to the love of God, however, it is not, as we will see in our examination of article 27.
At this, we come to the Credo’s ecclesiology.
She is the Mystical Body of Christ; at the same time a visible society instituted with hierarchical organs, and a spiritual community; the Church on earth, the pilgrim People of God here below, and the Church filled with heavenly blessings… (ibid., art. 19)
Having read the Credo in its fullness, one will note the absence of any reference whatsoever – either direct or otherwise – to the Church Militant.
In fact, the traditional understanding of the Church Militant, the Church Suffering, and the Church Triumphant is fully usurped in favor of the following as found in the Credo’s final article (no. 30):
We believe in the communion of all the faithful of Christ, those who are pilgrims on earth, the dead who are attaining their purification, and the blessed in heaven, all together forming one Church.
[NOTE: If anything is as repulsive to the conciliar mind as the Church Militant, it is the Church Triumphant.]
The article continues its description of the Church, calling her:
… the germ and the first fruits of the Kingdom of God, through which the work and the sufferings of Redemption are continued throughout human history, and which looks for its perfect accomplishment beyond time in glory. (ibid.)
The Catholic Church is not merely the “germ” of the Kingdom of God; i.e., that which develops into said Kingdom, rather, she is the Kingdom of God here present.
We encounter a similar line of thought in article 27:
We confess that the Kingdom of God begun here below in the Church of Christ is not of this world whose form is passing…
Bear in mind that to the likes of Paul VI and his conciliar confreres, the “Church of Christ” merely subsists in the Catholic Church. (LG 8)
Be that as it may, the impression given is that the Church on earth is not quite yet the Kingdom of God; rather, the Church herself is evolving.
Furthermore, to refer to the Church as the “first fruits of the Kingdom” (art. 19) is to blur the reality of the Mystical Body of Christ as a society both human (sinful and called to grow in virtue) and divine (resplendent with every perfection).
At this we come to the Credo’s treatment of the Mass, the deficiency of which comes as no surprise given that the author of the text promulgated the Novus Ordo.
Of particular note are his words concerning the priest and his actions as carried out within the Mass.
We believe that the Mass, celebrated by the priest representing the person of Christ by virtue of the power received through the Sacrament of Orders, and offered by him in the name of Christ and the members of His Mystical Body, is the sacrifice of Calvary rendered sacramentally present on our altars. (ibid., art. 24)
The priest does not simply “represent the person of Christ” at Holy Mass; rather, he acts in persona Christi in so profound a way that it is Christ Himself who offers the Holy Sacrifice, which is not merely offered by the priest in the name of Christ as the Credo maintains.
As promised, let us now look more closely at article 27 wherein Paul VI expounds upon “an ever more ardent response to the love of God,” which, according to article 12, will result in one “going to eternal life.”
NB: The following is presented, and appropriately so, in the text of the Credo (which was committed to writing in an Apostolic Letter issued motu proprio) under the heading, “Temporal Concern.”
But it is this same love which induces the Church to concern herself constantly about the true temporal welfare of men. Without ceasing to recall to her children that they have not here a lasting dwelling, she also urges them to contribute, each according to his vocation and his means, to the welfare of their earthly city, to promote justice, peace and brotherhood among men, to give their aid freely to their brothers, especially to the poorest and most unfortunate.
So, reading article 12 in context, we may come to understand the Credo to say that those who “promote justice, peace and brotherhood among men, to give their aid freely to their brothers, especially to the poorest and most unfortunate” are synonymous with those who are “going to eternal life.”
This aptly describes the mission and mindset of post-conciliar Rome in general, and the Bergoglian agenda in particular, does it not?
The text immediately continues:
The deep solicitude of the Church, the Spouse of Christ, for the needs of men, for their joys and hopes, their griefs and efforts, is therefore nothing other than her great desire to be present to them, in order to illuminate them with the light of Christ and to gather them all in Him, their only Savior. This solicitude can never mean that the Church conform herself to the things of this world, or that she lessen the ardor of her expectation of her Lord and of the eternal Kingdom.
Don’t let the reference to the “eternal Kingdom” fool you.
As context in this case aptly demonstrates (to say nothing of the behavior of Paul VI and those who followed him), the “deep solicitude of the Church” as articulated in the Credo entails “temporal concern” first and foremost, with the salvation of souls receiving mere lip service at best.
In conclusion, like all things diabolical, the “Credo of the People of God” as professed by Paul VI is composed of both eternal truths and condemnable lies.
So too is the text of Vatican II that inspired it.
As such, when certain men-of-the-Council – like Monsignor Nicola Bux and Cardinal Walter Brandmuller – presume to suggest that Francis will do well to follow the example of Paul VI vis-à-vis his profession of faith (so-called), as if this will in any way positively impact the present crisis, we can only pray for them and those who are misled by them, that the scales may fall from the eyes of all concerned.
How about just the first two lines of the Athanasian Creed:
1. Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith;
2. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.
Good points, Louie. And even if Paul 6’s Credo had been perfect, it wouldn’t have mattered because, like Humanae Vitae (itself defective in many ways), he never would have enforced it. For example, by excommunicating Kueng, Schillebeeckx, Rahner, Curran, et al.
Oh, and here’s what happens when Popes don’t enforce doctrine: you die: your family, your country, your people, your religion. All dead as a ducat, dead. And not just Paul 6, but JP 2 and Benedict 16 enforced doctrine about as strongly as a kitten. A new report shows Italy quickly is being taken over by Muslims due to a terminal birth rate among Italian Catholics due to abortion and — yes — contraception, and high birth rates among the illegal immigrants (so praised by Bergoglio, who fetes abortionists AND Islamists). Here’s the report: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/07/20/report-immigration-crisis-causing-unprecedented-shift-in-italys-demographics/
Thats not true at all, they absolutely did strongly enforce their “doctrine” by excommunicating Arch. LeFebvre as a warning to others that they better get in line with the VII program or else.
Those quotes worked fine when “EENS” was still considered the primary dogma of the Church but not since after 1854 when “invincible ignorance” or “IINS” seems to have become the primary dogma of the modern Church which makes using quotes like those of St. Athanasius and other Fathers and Doctors of the Church 100% useless and meaningless as far as I can see.
Francis could not even profess this creed the way it is, due to the indirect reference to Hell. The last I checked, Francis believes that souls that do not go to Heaven are “annihilated,” and that there is no further punishment. He would consider Paul VI cruel and unmerciful to suggest that “those who have refused them [the love and piety of God] to the end” go to “the fire that is not extinguished.” Francis does not believe in such a fire.
Hey, I have a crazy idea. Instead of some made-up “creed” how ’bout Francis and all his appointees (thinking of Rosica and Martin particularly) sign the Oath Against Modernism? As long as we’re being wild here, how ’bout all priests, bishops (hi Balise!), religious, and “lay leaders” (particularly “Catholic” politicians and CEOs and those that are trustees of “Catholic” institutions like universities and hospitals and work in “Bishops Conferences,” chanceries and parishes) sign it too? You know, in “solidarity with the Holy Father” and all that. That way we poor plebs that just sit in the pew (and, to quote Jimmy Stuart, “do all the living and the dying” around here) can have confidence that “our betters” aren’t really Gnostic Freemasons/Communists but are, you know, “Catholics in good standing” to coin a phrase. Heck, I’d sign it too, not that that would matter to them.
Italy has a ‘lowest low’ birthrate which means it is impossible for its population to recover. Entire nations have in fact been “annihilated” just as Our Lady of Fatima predicted. Too late for the West.
As for Francis, he already told the world his profession of “faith” back in October 2013: “I believe in God, but not in a Catholic God…..there is no Catholic God”. Quite a clear and concise exposition wouldn’t you say?
jarms, how wonderful it would be to see your “crazy idea” come to fruition! But I think the only oaths that will be demanded will come from those who serve the evil one. They will demand that we faithful pledge allegiance to the one world church or life will be made very difficult for us. In all things, to God be the glory!
Pretty much sums up full bloom Modernist Heresy in one sentence. Papa Fiasco has not hidden who he is or what he represents. He is the natural progression of the Conciliar Popes before him. Barring a supernatural intervention the “Popes” following him will be worse.
1) “I believe in God, but not in a Catholic God…..there is no Catholic God”.
2) Papa Fiasco has yet to genuflect at the consecration during any Mass he says.
3) Clear Words followed by Clear Actions. Conclusion? Not Catholic.
Zechariah 11:17 “Woe to my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! Let his arm be wholly withered, his right eye utterly blinded!”
Papa Fiasco does not genuflect before the “consecrated” host at his NO worship services because Papa Fiasco realizes that the NO worship service along with NO rites of ordination no longer do what they once did. Its only stubborn semi trads and cuckservsative catholics who havent figured it out yet. The average NO “mass” goer on a typical summer weekend shows up in shorts because he knows his Lord and Savior is not really present. They are there for the cookie. V2 and NO are NOT Catholic. Stop lying to the remaining confused faithful by telling them to remain in union with an apostate.
Superb Michael Poulin. That description is John Paul 11- it describes his illness’s to a tee in his final days. The sword struck him and he fell wounded at the hand of the assassin . He recovered from that – yet still he persisted in the modernist mind set. So then his health faded with the marks as the Prophet described on his body. We ought to mark that well. May God have mercy on his soul, and ours. Our Lord made the blind see and the palsied man whole. These blinded apostates are being struck in the opposite direction for their unfaithfulness, I suggest.
Louie, more bad news on the radar. There could be a rubber stamp heading towards the Devils playground, Medjorie for “7” of the first apparitions [ Note the “ape” of Fatima with 7 truthful events} Who knows what they will do to get rid of the other “thousands of reported appearances”, and still counting.
But Archbishop Fernandez the scribe for AL id calling opposition to it “a death trap”. If he only realised the analogy for the proponents. Lord have mercy on us.
As per the Catholic Herald reported comments.
“He will when he gets there” –AB Fulton Sheen
It doesn’t matter anymore. Is this all part of the “operation of error” that St Paul talked of in 2 Thessalonians?
The whole point is that the Lambs are to read the signs of the Times. The wolves in sheep’s clothing who castigate those who challenge their blasphemies, are not to be dissuaded. Common sense with the power to reason are requisites. For the half hearted, feckless Catholics of V11 era, there is no excuse for wilful blindness; the minions of the devil have played their cards in the open. They thought they had a Royal flush. We have All Queen of Heaven. Game over when ever She and Her Son says so. Period.
Hello The Papal Subject,
Indeed, the “deceiving influence” or the “operation of error, as Saint Paul writes of it in 2 Thess 2, is the means by which the Great Apostasy has achieved its being in reality. How else could the overwhelming majority of the 1.2 billion baptized Catholics in the world have left the One True Faith without every knowing that they had and yet while even in their intellective state of unknowing, they are willfully outside the Church, where there is no salvation? They now believe as the church of the Antichrist (aka: conciliar church) teaches, in the religion of man, preaching the gospel of man, all for the purposes of man, such that man can become God. The conciliar church is the abomination of desolation, as it is all dressed up Catholic while it controls the very edifice of the Church, and yet it is as perfect as perfect can be, this side the veil, a deception writ large that has taken even the elect. This conciliar church of the Antichrist is perfectly devoid of anything truly Catholic, with its sacraments changed into those of the beast, not of Christ Jesus. Anyone who believes that these conciliar popes from Roncalli onward could in actual fact be the Vicars of Jesus the Christ as they blaspheme Him, while leading countless souls to eternal hell, is receiving the operation of error, such that they receive the lie as though it were the truth. Christ our Lord and our King commanded, “You are either with Me or you are against Me.” The Vicar of Christ simply cannot preach a different Gospel, the gospel of man which defies Christ’s teaching, and yet be the Vicar of Christ in Truth, as this defies the ontological reality of the law of non-contradiction, placing an affront to Truth, and His name is Jesus the Christ. In caritas.
The Church is both human and divine, fallible and infallible. Sin is mixed with holiness, even in her pastoral government and legislative work. What is canonically licit may not always be morally good. The laws of the Church do not therefore impose themselves with the same absolute right on the interior adherence and on the obedience of her members. The Ordination conferred on His Apostles by Christ gives each priest a personal power over His Body and Blood. But this power is dependent on the collegial power given to the hierarchical Church, a power of co-operating with Her Lord. And her mystic participation in every Eucharistic Sacrifice is manifest through the set of liturgical regulations which determine, according to the will of the Church, the confection, distribution and application of the fruits of the Sacrament. The rites and rubrics fixed by the Church guarantee her co-operation in the work of Christ and bring about the mystic fulfilment of this work. They (the rites) therefore determine the liceity of the Action.
!!! To contend that its author Pope Paul VI is not the legitimate Authority is an evident act of schism. In a cases of conflict like this, typically Lutheran reasoning would oppose the visible hierarchical authority and appeal to the invisible authority of some holy, spiritual Church of its dreams .!!! Whether it is a matter of the centuries-old Mass, longstanding rites, or the New Mass, it is always the one Mass of Christ and of the Catholic Church, valid therefore and licit. God would not allow the appearances and the laws to be so deceptive, nor would He permit that a rite of divine institution codified by the ordinance of the Roman hierarchy should be neither valid nor licit. If that were the case, the Gates of Hell would have prevailed. There would be no more Church.
Under these conditions, what divine and ecclesial good is there in this Mass ? The good still reaches those who celebrate or participate in this Mass with a Catholic faith, a sincere obedience to the Church, and a pure intention, and who furthermore preserve themselves from the snares of error or lukewarmness. On the other hand, to be attached to the New Mass through a liking for heresy and profanation is a crime. Those who have adopted the heretical intention of the authors of this rite commit the sin of heresy during the very Mass itself and, by profaning it, they cover themselves in sacrilege. Their crime is proportionate to the importance of their participation in the Action and the number of faithful who are thereby led astray. Finally, those who follow the orders of their superiors out of a blind and therefore disordered obedience, place themselves in grave danger of being caught in the trap laid for them.
The solution, however, is not to deny what by God’s grace remains common to all, namely the Presence of Christ and the authority of the Church maintaining the validity and liceity of our Catholic Masses. The solution lies primarily in a appeal to the innovating Pope to justify himself in the faith by proscribing Lutheran and modernist heresy and by excommunicating the heresiarchs, and to fight against the appalling liturgical disorder by insisting that the noble discipline of the Church is respected. Then the Church of all times will decide, and all will be well.
No sede disputes the fact that they are in schism with apostate Rome. That’s the whole point. To seperate oneself from heretics.
I wonder what inspired the cover art work for the book being held up by Msgr Bux.
The figures seem to depict a picture of Bat Man figure standing beside a ‘girl next door’ young woman – entitled ” With the Sacraments you don’t joke around”
Whatd that all about? A pity Paul V1 had not read that title before he set Bugnini loose.
As for Bat Man- was he one active in Gotham City – facing the “Joker” , the Riddler, Penguin and others – all Holywood (sic) characters of notoriety.?
Now we have papa Fiasco on stage…with dastardly deeds done dirty & deep as in AL.!
All jokes aside, look around you and how many Catholics are laughing – too many it seems. And to distraction.
The weeping and gnashing of teeth are reserved for those caste into the Outer Darkness. Sobering in every respect.
St Louis, Feast day 25th August – ora pro nobis.
Happy feast day Mr V.
Good morning Simple Shepherd,
What we need to fully understand is that Bugnini was Montini and Montini, Bugnini. Both Freemasons. As a Freemason, Montini had already left the Church definitively as objectively, by virtue of his latae sententiae excommunication, which was contained within the free will act of his becoming an emissary of Lucifer as Freemason. Therefore, he was outside the Church and as thus not Catholic. A non-Catholic cannot be Holy Roman Pontiff with metaphysical certitude. So called “Paul VI” was an active sodomite, including during his tenure while holding the Chair of Saint Peter hostage, and fully undermining the reality of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. The deception is so near perfect, as they occupy the temporal edifice with all its trappings, which was once and for 2,000 years controlled by the Church of Jesus the Christ, now controlled and operated by the so called, “conciliar church”, which is more sagaciously understood as that which it can only be, as it stands in utter contradistinction to the Mystical Body of Christ, and that is the church of the Antichrist. See the work of Don Luigi Villa, who received a Papal Mandate from Pius XII and was working at the initial behest of Padre Pio, to root out ecclesiastical Freemasonry from its highest places in the prelature all the to and including, “the pope”. I pray this helps. In caritas.
correction: all the WAY to and including, “the pope”.