“Mother Angelica (92) R.I.P. Called home to heaven on Easter Sunday.”
That’s the message that Dr. Scott Hahn (Professor of Theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville) delivered to his Facebook followers upon news of Mother Angelica’s death.
This Santa Subito moment should be enough to make even the marginally well-catechized wonder if the popular EWTN host and convert to Catholicism is still carting around some serious Protestant baggage.
As unfortunate as it is to have such concerns over a man with so much influence over Catholic minds, that’s nothing compared to the red flags that were raised (once more) by the humble Bishop of Rome.
According to the Bergoglian News Agency (formerly CNA):
Pope Francis on Wednesday offered a special blessing for Mother Angelica following her death on Easter Sunday, expressing his confidence that she is already in heaven.
“She’s in heaven.” The Pope pointed to the sky as he spoke these words to members of EWTN’s Rome bureau, who brought an image of the late Poor Clare nun to his March 30 general audience as a sign of affection and remembrance.
Looking at reaction to this story on social media, it appears that the vast majority of Catholics are, not surprisingly, utterly confident that the pope is absolutely right: Of course she’s in Heaven! Mother Angelica, pray for us!
Even so, I’ve been pleased to see how many others, albeit a minority, were rightly disturbed by the pope’s comment in light of our solemn duty to pray for the dead in spite of any signs of sanctity the deceased may have exhibited in life.
Among those who recognized the great disservice that Francis’ quasi-canonization represents are any number of (for lack of a better description) “Novus Ordo” clergymen.
On the one hand, it’s good to know that these men still possess enough sensus Catholicus to realize just how uncharitable, and frankly un-Catholic, it is to discourage the faithful from praying for the dead, even if only implicitly.
On the other hand, however, it is deeply disturbing in that it only goes to show just how little so many of them truly know, or are willing to admit, about the deficiencies of the Novus Ordo rite itself.
If the pope’s behavior in this case is cause for concern, how much more should one be outraged to discover that Roman Missal for Novus Ordo Missae – in its official text – likewise discourages prayer for the dead? If that’s not bad enough, the Missal actually contains assurances of eternal beatitude, not only for the deceased, but for those present at the funeral Mass as well!
For instance, the Roman Missal for the new Mass provides the following “Final Commendation and Farewell” as an option:
“Although this congregation will disperse in sorrow, the mercy of God will gather us together again in the joy of his kingdom.”
Consider for a moment the “us” about whom this text is speaking:
In the vast majority of cases, the deceased isn’t very likely to be a person of considerable sanctity like Mother Angelica, but rather an individual like most of us; i.e., one of demonstrably limited holiness. (Heck, the majority of self-identified Catholics today rarely even bother going to Mass much less confession!)
In all cases, the “us” that comprises “this congregation” and thus are assured of entering the joy of God’s kingdom frequently includes an assortment of heathens, heretics and even outright enemies of the Church!
This is just one example of how the official text of the Novus Ordo leads individuals away from the true Faith.
Think about it: If one were to take the words of this Mass to heart, they will necessarily come to believe in something false.
This is no small matter! A faithful Catholic should be able to consume every last drop of Holy Mass – every word, every gesture, every sight, every sound – utterly confident that doing so will lead to an even greater Catholic faith!
The cleric who recognizes this terrible situation for what it is, and yet takes comfort in saying, “But I would chose one of the better optional prayers,” deceives himself if he thinks he is doing enough. Being “Father” means more than just leading the people in the building; it means caring in some way for the souls of all the faithful and taking steps to protect them from the wiles of the Devil to the fullest extent possible.
As every single clergyman worthy of the name Catholic would surely insist, the Mass is the supreme prayer of the Church and is also therefore that which most profoundly expresses the Catholic faith. Lex orandi, lex credendi.
That is why prior to the invention of the Novus Ordo no serious Catholic could even imagine that a day might come when Holy Mother Church would produce and promulgate a Missal that impresses upon the faithful thoughts and ideas that run counter to the true Faith.
Such a thing, they would surely insist, is utterly impossible!
And guess what; it is absolutely correct to think in this way.
Indeed, Holy Mother Church is incapable of so misleading her children. The liturgy that she provides is as pure and as holy as she is; with no trace of error whatsoever.
Bear in mind, when we speak in this way of Mother Church and her holiness, we are not speaking of her members; not even the most pious among us.
As it concerns the sacred liturgy, it is important to realize that the Mass – even though the rite bears any number of cultural and other human elements that take nothing away from its purity – does not come from the members of the Church; i.e., the rite of Mass is not, properly speaking, the product of human hands even in its individual outward signs.
“The visible signs used by the liturgy to signify invisible divine things have been chosen by Christ or the Church” (Sacrosanctum Concilium 33).
The liturgy is given by Christ, entrusted to the Church, and received by her members (including the pope); as such, we have every reason to fully trust in its purity.
And yet, as the above treatment of the funeral Mass makes perfectly clear, the Novus Ordo Missae contains “visible signs” (in this case, the text of the Missal) that cannot be understood as signifying “invisible divine things” that are by their very nature pure and free of any hint of doctrinal error.
The obvious question then is this:
If not from Christ through Holy Mother Church, from where did the Novus Ordo come?
The answer is also fairly obvious, as are the implications, though acknowledging as much is a solid food that relatively few are willing to digest:
The Novus Ordo Missae came straight from the hands of sinful men who have neglected their solemn custodial duty, most especially Pope Paul the Pathetic; each overstepping their bounds so egregiously as to give the innocent children of the Church the impression that this new rite comes from their Holy Mother and therefore contains nothing but good food for the soul.
Does the new Mass still contain elements of holiness and goodness? Certainly, but let us recall the Scriptural warning about “a little leaven.” A glass of water with 2% arsenic is still 98% pure, and what mother or father among us would give this to their child?
In the Novus Ordo Missae, the Lord has allowed an unprecedented evil to take place; a masterful deception wherein innocent people who want nothing more than to be fed the truth are being led into error, and in the context of the Mass no less!
Incidentally, this has nothing whatsoever to do with validity.
Simply because a Mass may be “valid,” does not mean that it is necessarily devoid of poisonous elements that can lead to a loss of faith; e.g., even Puppet Masses, Homo-Masses and Clown Masses can be valid, for crying out loud.
In this case, however, we’re not talking about liturgical abuse, but something far worse; doctrinal impurity in the Missal itself.
This is a terrible truth to admit, but it’s a truth nonetheless…
As for why the Lord has allowed such a terrible thing to occur, we do well to consider the answer He gave to the disciples when questioned about the man born blind:
“That the works of God should be made manifest in him.” (John 9:3)
One may rightly say that all of the evil allowed in this world serves as an opportunity for the works of God to be made manifest, if only we are willing to treat it as such; in spite of knowing that persecution may be our reward here on earth.
I know for certain that a substantial number of clergymen read this blog. With this in mind, I wish to offer a challenge to our priest-readers, if I may, asking that you ponder the following, perhaps even sharing your thoughts either in the comment section below (anonymously if you prefer) or with me privately:
– Are you willing to defend the text in the Novus Ordo Roman Missal that assures all present at the funeral Mass that they, without distinction, will be gathered together in the joy of God’s kingdom?
– If not, are you willing to say that this text is given by Holy Mother Church to her children in spite of the dangers it poses (e.g., discouraging prayers for the dead, encouraging false belief that all without distinction are saved…)?
– In other words, are you willing to assert that the faithful who expect the entire rite of Mass to be free of all doctrinal impurity expect too much?
– Can you find even a hint of doctrinal impurity in the Missal of Pius V?
– If indeed you do recognize the gravity of the dangers posed by the official text of the funeral Mass, how can you be confident in the purity of the Roman Missal for the Novus Ordo as a whole?
– Perhaps most importantly, how are you going to defend the family entrusted to you from this terrible and unprecedented evil wherein even the official Mass poses a danger to the faithful?
I wouldn’t blame Paul VI for the NO. Pius XI failed to promote the First Saturday Devotion of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Pius XI failed to Consecrate Russia when the formal request came. Pius XI introduced financial corruption into the Church by appointing Bernardino Nogara to head the Vatican Bank.
Pius XII was the first liturgical meddler. Pius XII sought out Bugnini to revise the Holy Week Liturgy. Pius XII kept Nogara in his position as head of the Vatican Bank. Was the Holy Spirit supposed to hang around this mess and prevent Vatican II and the Novus Ordo from happening?
I am not a great fan of the current EWTN. However, I do have great respect for Mother Angelica and believe that she is on her way to heaven and is very much in need of our prayers. As Catholics, it is our duty and responsibility to pray for the souls in Purgatory who, in turn, will pray for us. Saying that Mother Angelica is already in Heaven is no big deal in the Novus Ordo Church. The congregation at every funeral mass is told that the deceased is in heaven–regardless of how they lived their life. What a pity! So many souls in Purgatory with no one to pray for them because “they are already in Heaven”. Please let us all keep Mother Angelica, and all our departed loved ones, in our prayers. She was unable to speak the last 15 years of her life. I think she would have had plenty to say! I also believe she was “silenced” because she was too outspoken. Imagine what she would say about Francis! No—I have no proof of this. Just a feeling.
I received further indication of the Novus Ordo mentality (and I use the word generously) this morning, during a chorus rehearsal in a NO church. A fellow chorister, a member of our host church, was describing how his parish had merged with another years ago and the other church closed. “However,” says he, “that building was then bought by the St. Pius X group, you know, that black mass group.” I didn’t know whether to take him out right on the spot, or laugh….until I remembered that this was the same “Catholic” who wears Obama T-shirts to rehearsals during the summer. The Novus Ordo destroys the Faith, the mind and souls. God help us.
I always loved Mother Angelica, her zeal, her courage, her strength….etc., but above all I loved her sense of humor. Regardless, what good or negative is said about her, personally, I would not dare to judge her. Over the years, I have heard many testimonies from people that have gone from despair, that this world offers, to have their hearts set on fire for the love of God, by huge influence, and encouragement that Mother Angelica has offered to each, and every person, who came into her path, by God’s grace, and design.
The week after Easter Sunday, after the passing of Mother Angelica, I watched EWTN a lot, I was very impressed. For the repose of her soul, not only Sorrowful Rosaries were offered, but Holy Hour, Stations of the Cross…..and many other prayers with the intentions for the repose of her soul. All done with most reverence, holiness…….all traditional, it was almost hard to believe, that it was Novus Ordo, even if I wanted to go to Novus Ordo around where I live, I could not find one with reverence…….what a madness! I have almost cried, praying for the unity of all Catholics, because only united can we stand up against the enemy (within) of Christ the King, and the holy Roman Catholic Church.
O Sacred Trinity, three Persons and one God, Give rest to the souls of the faithful departed!
Thank you, My2cents, these were my thoughts, but you said them so much better then I could. I never watched EWTN after her stroke on 9-11-2001, as I was there at EWTN when it happened. Found her on u tube and there I can hear all that she said.
Archbishop Lefebvre, Montreal, 1982:
“I had the occasion to see for myself what influence Fr. Bugnini had. One wonders how such a thing as this could have happened at Rome. At that time immediately after the Council, I was Superior General of the Congregation of the Fathers of the Holy Ghost and we had a meeting of the Superiors General at Rome. We had asked Fr. Bugnini explain to us what his New Mass was, for this was not at all a small event. Immediately after the Council was heard of the Normative Mass, the New Mass, the Novus Ordo. What did all this mean?
It had not been spoken of at the Council. What had happened? And so we asked Fr. Bugnini to come and explain himself to the 84 Superiors General who were united together, amongst whom I consequently was.
Fr. Bugnini, with much confidence, explained what the Normative Mass would be; this will be changed, that will be changed and we will put in place another Offertory. We will be able to reduce the communion prayers. We will be able to have several different formats for the beginning of Mass. We will be able to say the Mass in the vernacular tongue. We looked at one another saying to ourselves: “But it’s not possible!”
He spoke absolutely, as if there had never been a Mass in the Church before him. He spoke of his Normative Mass as of a new invention.
Personally I was myself so stunned that I remained mute, although I generally speak freely when it is a question of opposing those with whom I am not in agreement. I could not utter a word. How could it be possible for this man before me to be entrusted with the entire reform of the Catholic Liturgy, the entire reform of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, of the sacraments, of the Breviary, and of all our prayers? Where are we going? Where is the Church going?
Two Superiors General had the courage to speak out. One of them asked Fr. Bugnini: “Is this an active participation, that is a bodily participation, that is to say with vocal prayers, or is it a spiritual participation? In any case you have so much spoken of the participation of the faithful that it seems you can no longer justify Mass celebrated without the faithful. Your entire Mass has been fabricated around the participation of the faithful. We Benedictines celebrate our Masses without the assistance of the faithful. Does this mean that we must discontinue our private Masses, since we do not have faithful to participate in them?”
I repeat to you exactly that which Fr. Bugnini said. I have it still in my ears, so much did it strike me: “To speak truthfully we didn’t think of that,” he said!
Afterwards another arose and said: “Reverend Father, you have said that we will suppress this and we will suppress that, that we will replace this thing by that and always by shorter prayers. I have the impression that your new Mass could be said in ten or twelve minutes or at the most a quarter of an hour. This is not reasonable. This is not respectful towards such an act of the Church.”” Well, this is what he replied: “We can always add something.” Is this for real? I heard it myself. If somebody had told me the story I would perhaps have doubted it, but I heard it myself.”
“Afterwards, at the time at which this Normative Mass began to be put into practice, I was so disgusted that we met with some priests and theologians in a small meeting. From it came the “Brief Critical Study,” which was taken to Cardinal Ottaviani. I presided that small meeting. We said to ourselves: “We must go and find the Cardinals. We cannot allow this to happen without reacting.”
So I myself went to find the Secretary of State, Cardinal Cicognani, and I said to him: “Your Eminence, you are not going to allow this to get through, are you? It’s not possible. What is this New Mass? It is a revolution in the Church, a revolution in the Liturgy.”
Cardinal Cicognani, who was the Secretary of State of Pope Paul VI, placed his head between his hands and said to me: “Oh Monseigneur, I know well. I am in full agreement with you; but what can I do? Fr. Bugnini goes in to the office of the Holy Father and makes him sign what he wants.” It was the Cardinal Secretary of State who told me this! Therefore the Secretary of State, the number two person in the Church after the Pope himself, was placed in a position of inferiority with respect to Fr. Bugnini. He could enter into the Pope’s office when he wanted and make him sign what he wanted.
This can explain why Pope Paul VI signed texts that he had not read. He told Cardinal Journet that he had done this. Cardinal Journet was a deep thinker, Professor at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, and a great theologian. When Cardinal Journet saw the definition of the Mass in the instruction, which precedes the Novus Ordo, he said: “This definition of the Mass is unacceptable; I must go to Rome to see the Pope.” He went and he said: “Holy Father you cannot allow this definition. It is heretical. You cannot leave your signature on a document like this.” The Holy Father replied to him (Cardinal Journet did not tell me himself but he told someone who repeated it to me): “Well, to speak truthfully I did not read it. I signed it without reading it.”” Evidently, if Fr. Bugnini had such an influence on him it’s quite possible. He must have said to the Holy Father: “You can sign it”. “But did you look it over carefully”. “Yes, you can go ahead and sign it.” And he signed.
But this document did not go through the Holy Office. I know this because Cardinal Seper himself told me that he was absent when the Novus Ordo was edited and that it did not pass by the Holy Office. Hence it is indeed Fr. Bugnini who obtained the Pope’s signature and who perhaps constrained him. We do not know, but he had without a doubt an extraordinary influence over the Holy Father.
A third fact, of which I was myself the witness, with respect to Fr. Bugnini is also astonishing. When permission was about to be give for Communion in the hand (what a horrible thing!), I said to myself that I could not sit by without saying anything. I must go and see Cardinal Gut -a Swiss -who was Prefect of the Congregation for Worship. I therefore went to Rome, where Cardinal Gut received me in a very friendly way and immediately said to me: “I’m going to make my second-in- charge, Archbishop Antonini, come that he also might hear what you have to say.”
As we spoke I said: “Listen, you who are responsible for the Congregation for Worship, are you going to approve this decree which authorizes Communion in the hand? Just think of all the sacrileges, which it is going to cause. Just think of the lack of respect for the Holy Eucharist, which is going to spread throughout the entire Church. You cannot possibly allow such a thing to happen. Already priests are beginning to give Communion in this manner. It must be stopped immediately. And with this New Mass they always take the shortest canon, that is the second one, which is very brief”
At this, Cardinal Gut said to Archbishop Antonini, “See, I told you this would happen and that priests would take the shortest canon so as to go more quickly and finish the Mass more quickly.”
Afterwards Cardinal Gut said to me: “Monseigneur, if one were to ask my opinion (when he said “one” he was speaking of the Pope, since nobody was over him except the Pope), but I’m not certain it is asked of me (don’t forget that he was Prefect for the Congregation for Worship and was responsible for everything which was related to Worship and to the Liturgy!), but if the Pope were to ask for it, I would place myself on my knees, Monseigneur, before the Pope and I would say to him: ‘Holy Father do not do this; do not sign this decree.’ I would cast myself on my knees, Monseigneur. But I do not know that I will be asked. For it is not I who command here.”
This I heard with my own ears. He was making allusion to Bugnini, who was the third in the Congregation for Worship. There was first of all Cardinal Gut, then Archbishop Antonini and then Fr. Bugnini, President of the Liturgical Commission. You ought to have heard that!”
Couple of years ago, I was on a pilgrimage in a holy place, where Our Lady appeared, with a very holy traditional priest. We saw many old magnificent churches, but in one of them there was on the side Altar, an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, mind you this was a Novus Ordo Church, immediately, all of us kneeled to pray to offer our thanksgiving, including our priest, who prayed the longest, we all had to wait for him. I felt tremendous joy, this was proof to me, that Jesus Christ was (is) in the Holy Host in the Novus Ordo.
Lord, May Your Church always remain pure and living? May she chant Your praises under the guidance of the holy angels! We pray to You for all her members; grant them pardon and remission of all their sins; grant that they may sin no more. Be their defense; take away from them all temptation. Have pity on men, women, and children; reveal Yourself to all, and let the knowledge of Your Holy Name be written in their hearts” (from and Ancient Liturgy).
Lord increase our faith!
Pius XII was hardly the first liturgical meddler. There had been many changes before him; whether we’d call them “meddling” depends on your POV. Most of the earlier changes had been made to the Office rather than Mass, so they were not as obvious to the laity as the Holy Week reforms, the “greening” of Sundays under John XXIII, or the Novus Ordo itself.
It is eminently reasonable to lay the blame for the NO at the feet of Paul VI. He empowered the Concilium, approved their work, and promulgated their cooked-up rites. He was – quite literally – the ONE person in the world who could have prevented it, but enthusiastically promulgated it.
The answer was not obvious to me. To me the answer is that these men apostatised from the faith when they started a new religion. Either El Humblergoglio is Catholic or he’s not. Either the Novus Ordo church is Catholic or it is not. If it is Catholic we should shut up and obey, or if it is not we should hold to tradition. Some of the four marks are missing from the Novus Ordo. How is it one in faith and does it still teach holy teaching? Open your catechism to the four marks and you tell me. Even having a visible Church doesn’t save the indefectability of the Church if it is missing a few marks.
One can surely express hope at the graveside of those you love…
206. In committing the body to its resting place, the community expresses the HOPE that, with all those who have gone before marked with the sign of faith, the deceased awaits the glory of the resurrection. The rite of committal is an expression of the communion that exists between the Church on earth and the Church in heaven: the deceased passes with the farewell prayers of the community of believers into the welcoming company of those who need faith no longer but see God face to face.
The act of committal expresses the full significance of this rite. Through this act the community of faith proclaims that the grave or place of interment, once a sign of futility and despair, has been transformed by means of Christ’s own death and resurrection, into a sign of HOPE and promise.
When carried out in the midst of the community of faith, the committal can help mourners to face the end of one relationship with the deceased and to begin a new one based on prayerful remembrance, gratitude, and the HOPE of resurrection and reunion.
Into your hands, Father of mercies,
we commend our brother/sister N.
in the sure and certain HOPE
that, together with all who have died in Christ,
he/she will rise with him on the last day.
Merciful Lord,
turn toward us and listen to our prayers:
open the gates of paradise to your servant
and help us who remain
until we all meet in Christ
and are with you and with our brother/sister for ever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
I just got back from another NO rock band mass. Of course the priest said that Mother Agelica is in Heaven. It takes all my strength not to writhe in the pew. I said 3 rosaries and prayed for Mother Angelica’s soul immediately. It’s all I got. I can’t take much more. I have a visual now during mass – me kneeling in a small boat where Our Lord takes rest. All I can do is stare at Him as I kneel and pray to show that I trust in Him even though the sea continues to rage. I must admit that He all to often is disturbed by my lack of faith and wakes and glances at me. I am weak. Even I lack faith and trust in Him. This is rough water though. Right?? Also, I think if He’s there than I’ll be there too, with Him. It takes all my strength to show no outward signs of distress. Not to worry though, I tell myself, any posture goes at the NO mas.
Our Lady of Good Success…pray for us!
Makes one wonder is Paul VI had a little secret and was being blackmailed, eh?
I recall reading the story of a great saint who died and was required to genuflect in purgatory before going to heaven….can’t remember where I read this…that said,Louie touches on a very important question to our dear priests in this post. The hour is certainly late and the damage is still being done in epic proportions and while I believe in the promises made by Our Lady …that Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph, our cooperation is vital.Her priests are facing a very serious choice as their responsibility to save souls is a commitment that they willingly made and it is irreversible . They will sooner than later have to recognize that the Novus Ordo Mass needs to be eradicated , there is no conspiracy going on the tragedy is being fulfilled in real time and I fear that the coming exhortation will jolt more than a few priests to that realization. The lame excuse that the people would be disturbed or traumatized by changing the mass back again doesn’t wash…they had very little problem thrusting the changes on the people after the VII council and sadly most went willingly.
Well said, Theresa. I hope you’re right about the priests being jolted. But realistically and sadly, they won’t be.
My POV as I have explained, deals with the Church before the rebellion. I refer to the Church when she still had a fighting chance. Anybody can kick a horse after it has fallen. Pius XI and Pius XII shirked their sworn apostolic duty to preserve what had been handed down to them and turning a deaf ear to Holy Mary, Mother of the Church.
And what of the financial corruption introduced into the Church by Pius XI and Pius XII: “And when He had made, as it were, a scourge of little cords, He drove them all out of the temple, the sheep also and the oxen, and the money of the changers he poured out, and the tables He overthrew”. -John 2:15
If my extended family decides to go to church, then any ol’ Novus disOrdo will do. Last year my uncle died. He was a faithful Catholic, and his children wanted to cremate him. I couldn’t take it. I told them that cannot happen, ya’ll sadly do not understand what you’re doing, give me the responsibility for this funeral. They gave it to me without an argument, and my uncle had a proper Requiem Mass. A few of them were upset when I told them, at Father’s request, not to approach the Communion rail because they don’t practice the Faith. Too bad, so sad. Straighten up, and fly right.
It’s an act of Charity to do all I can to help my family because the priests in the Novus disOrder won’t do it. They just refuse to do it.
This year my sister is marrying a Protestant in one of those buildings that says “Catholic” on the sign and that’s the only thing Catholic about the place. The tabernacle is gone to some side room, there is a sofa table on a carpeted stage, there are 2 jumbo-trons, 1 on each side of the sofa-table-stage. There is a big band pit to the right of the stage. It’s anything but Catholic, so I am not attending that nonsense. Straighten up, and fly right, Pretty Girl, ….. and of course, I’m the bad guy again.
You cannot trust those NO priests to do the right thing because it is a different religion. I will never, ever have anything to do with that New Order Protestantized Religion.
God bless you, Georgianne, for bringing the truth of the Faith to relatives. Thank God, some of them listen. The truth is not tolerated in most apostate families (most Catholics are actually apostates as they reject the content of the Faith and moral law). We need to be prepared for and even thankful for the hatred against us when we speak the truth.
That’s one very lucky uncle.
Only if you know nothing about Montini.
Yup, another brain washed useful idiot of the NO. Torkay next time you see the useful idiot, that fellow chorister, ask him what he thinks of black masses and satanists desecrating the Eucharist. I imagine he’ll be opposed as we all should be. Then ask him if he receives Communion in the Hand every Sunday or daily. If he says yes, which I imagine he will, then say, at least satanists only desecrate the Eucharist once or twice a year. You desecrate the Eucharist at every mass! No one at the SSPX receives Communion in the hand nor do they receive Our Lord from a “permanent deacon” or a “Eucharistic Monster”.
So frustrating to see so many useful idiot Neo-catholics. They are driving the Catholic Church to Hell some knowingly and some unknowingly. Why can’t they learn how important it is to read instead of regurgitating the lies they’ve been told. I may have lost it and actually hit the moron and I’m not even a current member of the SSPX . Thank God for Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX Bishops and Priests! Without them we’re doomed!
The Masons Alta Vendita plan was to never elect a Masonic Pope, however; I think they may have succeed at this with Paul VI. Reaffirms my suspicion that Paul VI was a Mason in secret with the goal to destroy the Church from within. After all I’ve heard Bishop Fellay say,” Paul VI’s mother is buried in a Masonic Tomb.” Haven’t seen it myself but definitely trust the source.
Truth Seeker, I totally understand your frustration but remember we are in the greatest Crisis the Church has ever seen and lived through, therefore; the solution will never be a simple one as you and I and many traditionalists want and would love to think because a simple solution would remove that constant uneasiness from our conscience that the modernists have infiltrated the Catholic Church with and created a gray area. We must use that uneasiness of our conscience as fuel to spread the truth and hold to Tradition and at every opportunity speak out against the errors but realize that we as individuals cannot solve this great crisis. Only the pope can through the consecration and Unity of Traditionalist.
“During the final weeks, days and moments of her earthly life, Mother was surrounded by the love, prayers and devoted care of her Sisters, Friars, Knights, faithful nurses and many, many friends. She was regularly fortified by the Sacraments, and the Mass for Easter Sunday was celebrated at her bedside just hours before she went to her eternal home.”
Who wants to guess when the LAST time ‘mother’ was fortified w/the sacraments – or even one sip of water from the tip of Dives finger?
“Wolfe said Mother Angelica had a bone fracture that developed because she had been bedridden for months [why not tell us what bone was fractured? What is the Obama Care murder plan for a 92 year old woman w/such a fracture? Hospice, i.e. starvation?] and began crying out in pain Friday.” [at which time she was put into a morphine coma? Or did she continue to scream for 2 days? while they said mass and prayed and devotedly took care of her?]
When the Apocalypse speaks of lying signs and wonders of the Antichrist, got to imagine planned deaths of “saints” for Easter Sunday (the Resurrection of Christ) by drugs and dehydration ranks high in the catalog of crimes.
Meanwhile not one ‘prolifer’ raises a cry of disbelief.
Even if the Novus Ordo had no doctrinal impurities it would still be illicit and schismatic simply because it is a new liturgy. Making a new liturgy is against divine law, and therefore, even if it is the most finely crafted piece of liturgical piety, God does not want it. See Father Paul Kramer’s book, “The Suicide of Alteration the Faith in the Liturgy,” for a full exposition of this doctrine.
Of course Benedict XVI stated in his Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, that the “Ordinary Rite” and the “Extraordinary Rite” are different versions of the same rite, because, as he realized, since no new liturgy can be created, no new liturgy has been created…but, just saying it does not make it so, especially at this late date. Back in 1969 they were singing a different tune.
a “permanent deacon” or a “Eucharistic Monster”.
I prefer – Running dog imperialist gangster
“Most of the earlier changes had been made to the Office….”
The idea that St. Pius X’s change to the Breviary was somewhat of a precursor to the NO Mass is a trendy idea in trad circles, but is flat out wrong. This myth has been propagated over and over again in different locations – but the late Fr. Hesse addresses this myth far better than I could at 31:20:
There has been a continuous cycle in the preeminence of the Temporale vs the Sanctoral calendars. Just as there’s historically been a cyclical neglect to the minor orders (that also started well before Vatican II). It will likely continue to cycle forever. Putting them in balance will require continued adjustment as new saints go into the calendar.
The change of the Psalter arrangement that went back to around the 4th century changed solely on the basis of Papal authority OTOH… keeping in mind that the Breviary affects an individual priest multiple times a day on pain of sin, whereas the Sacrifice of the Mass is a restricted by Canon Law… it’s only surprising it took 5 decades for the same justification to be used on the Missal. Certainly reducing the burden on the clergy was laudable… All of the future prelates of the Council, and more importantly, all of those who formed them were shaped by it.
The larger issue being that Popes who were themselves unimpeachable on orthodoxy didn’t just pass on what they received… The Eastern schismatics show that Tradition ossifies without Authority to validly interpret it… the 20th century showed Catholics the opposite: Authority unbound by Tradition, instead of carefully guarding and preserving it.
“The change of the Psalter arrangement that went back to around the 4th century changed solely on the basis of Papal authority”
No, No, and No. Did you even watch the video? The Psalter change was a clear example of a change in order to LEGITIMATELY return to the purpose of the Psalter in the first place, totally unlike the New Mass.