On Saturday, October 4th at the Prayer Vigil in Preparation for the Synod of Bishops in Rome, Pope Francis urged the bishops to embark upon a “journey of spiritual and pastoral discernment.”
And in what does such a journey consist according to the pope?
It consists in the bishops “searching for what the Lord now asks of His Church.”
While one genuinely naïve may be tempted to think, OK, so far so good, let’s not forget that this Extraordinary Synod has been assembled to discuss, among other things, the reception of the sacraments by those who persist in an adulterous relationship.
Look, it doesn’t take a gathering of bishops to search for what the Lord now asks of His Church relative to matters of this nature, as if His current desire could possibly be one iota different in our day than it ever has been.
All that the Church has ever really needed to discern and to carry out the Lord’s will in such cases is for one bishop in particular – the one in Rome, to be precise – to remain faithful to the doctrine of the Faith and to demand that the rest of the faithful, including the world’s episcopate, follow suit.
But alas, Rome has not been graced with just such a bishop as this; rather has Rome, and therefore the Universal Church, been chastised with a Pontiff who finds it expedient to cavalierly urge that the Synod participants effectively embrace a new definition of the threefold episcopal office.
Rather than serving their respective flocks by teaching, sanctifying and governing the faithful in the name of Christ, that their souls may be impregnated with His grace unto salvation; Pope Francis urged the bishops to “listen to the beats of the current age, and to perceive the ‘smell’ of the flock,” that the bishops themselves may be “impregnated by the joys and hopes, griefs and anxieties” of the sheep!
In other words, Pope Francis desires a church wherein the bishops are reduced to little more than community organizers who give voice to the fickle, and oftentimes self-destructive, demands of the people at large.
And yet, the thick-skulled, intransigent, neo-conservative, semi-Catholic defenders of the post-conciliar church-of-man still go about pretending as if the pope’s agenda is as yet a mystery.
There is no mystery here, folks. Pope Francis is intent on instituting his personal vision of a “poor church for the poor,” wherein her poorness is a poverty born of a lack of confidence in her doctrines, in her identity, and ultimately in her Founder in whose precious Name she is charged to speak.
As it relates to the matters being taken up at the Synod in particular, Pope Francis has already made his opinion well known; he has also made it well known what awaits those bishops who don’t follow suit; e.g., Cardinal Raymond Burke.
Lest there be any doubt whatsoever about the kinds of churchmen whose careers will flourish under Pope Francis following this Synod, consider that he unceremoniously removed Cardinal Burke from the Congregation of Bishops to make room for the man in the video below; a prelate on the rise (albeit whilst visibly inching ever closer to his date with Last Things), whose baggy, lifeless eyes and singsong intonations seem to betray a resident darkness far more properly suited for service to the dictates of Hell than to the halls of ecclesial power.
(I’ll have more to say on this video in the near future. In the meantime, Pope St. Pius X, ora pro nobis!)
What strikes me most now is the similarity with the contraception fight and the response to Paul VI’s very late decision. Here in Canada the Bishops got together to tell the flock “we know what the Church (God) requires of you is TOO HARD. So just go with what your conscience tells you. We understand, we feel your pain, we want to bind your wounds.” It’s called The Winnipeg Statement.
Exactly what is being said now. The requirement that you stick with your marriage through thick and thin is TOO HARD. Therefore, we feel your pain, and we see your bloody woundedness so just follow your conscience.
And when the Pope wants the Bishops to listen to what Our Lord says “now,” as Louie points out, we’re done for.
Get ready to be labeled a fundamentalist, and much, much worse for teaching/preaching perennial Catholic Truth.
Our Lady of Fatima forgive the Popes for not consecrating Russia to your Immaculate Heart. Please hold back the well deserved chastisements Our Lord has in store for us. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
There is one fundamental difference, I believe, between the contraception debate in the ’60s and the current situation with the ongoing sin-od.
The sin-od has been SPECIFICALLY called for the purpose of overturning the Church’s moral doctrine, by Francis, the man sitting in the chair of Peter. This is not an issue of specific bishop’s conferences ignoring Church teaching (as indeed is already the case in Germany, or at the local parish level), but of FRANCIS, CALLING A SYNOD for the purpose of obliterating any remaining semblance of Catholicism within the Conciliar Church.
So, as far as I know, this is the first time in two-thousand years of Church history (anybody reading this please correct me if I’m wrong) where a synod has been called specifically in order to subvert the true meaning of Catholic moral teaching on marriage and sexuality and replace it with a counter-gospel, a góspel of man.
Yeah Vinces, I know, but I’m still having trouble with “the Pope is doing this.” When he first came out on the balcony I thought he looked sort of lost, and shy, and humble. (?!)
Now I am slowly realizing that he is very serious about his agenda. The more I read the more I understand this is all about evolution, Freemasonry, one world religion, and eventually one world government. Every Pope since Pius XII has been telling us what the plan is. Many of us have not paid attention – especially when a Pope or two have been charismatic, or scholarly – well, now we have a Pope for whom the ground has been softened. This is clear when we realize from day one Pope Francis has spoken his plan, and acted as if there was only his agenda. It is almost like he’s a robot – programmed to move forward no matter what, or who, is in the way.
Here are two talks by David Allen White. One on the Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries, and the second on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. When he describes the Sorrowful Mysteries he is really describing our coming agony – and it’s coming fast.
Well, there have been a number of councils and synods which were later declared invalid once sanity returned to the Holy See. But, yes, we are currently in the middle of the biggest crisis to hit the Church in the last 500 years. It started 100 years ago, became obvious 50 years ago, and we haven’t even seen the worst of it yet. Nonetheless, this, too, will pass.
Vatican III here we come. You can be sure there will be no further need for councils since Vatican II has already steered the Church off course and there will be no further need for course corrections. They would not dare bring all the bishops together under the roof of the Holy Spirit again. It seems clear that the present flock of hierarchy doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong anyway. We have this new device called the synod by which the powers that be can control the steering wheel from now on. The whole idea is to open the hole in the damn that is the Church. Vatican II put the crack in initially, and it has stretched over the past 60 years. This synod will test if a hole can be put in now to let some of the waters of heresy and immorality seep through. That is all they need is the rationalization of putting in a hole to lessen the pressure pushing the Church from the other side. In Church history there are no small holes or unimportant cracks. Enough with the analogies! The fact is that once they permit communion to one group prohibited by canon law, there will be no stopping any group from making a sacrilege and mockery of the Eucharist. The Reformation opened the door for 500 years of error. Everybody can believe what they want: sola fide. It has since been a constant erosion to relativism of truth, to our era of error, relativism of morals too. It was always the mission of the hierarchy to walk the damn to make sure it was sound. It seems like no one is on the damn today except for a few noting the danger that is to surely come. The damn is bursting.
I seems lkie we need another miracle like Lepanto again Our Lady of Victory, pray for us. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us. Saint Don Bosco, pray for us.
The so called “Reformation” would not have been as “successful” as it was had not the clergy been so corrupted and the laity so un-catechized.. We have an overwhelmingly corrupt and faithless hierarchy now, and almost total ignorance of the faith throughout the laity, so there is little to hold back the rot – except – faithful traditional Catholic families, who are catechizing their children at home, away from this clergy. Vatican II was the AIDS virus that infected the Church, rendering it unable to fight off the disease of Modernism.
NovusOrdoWatch just linked to 2 letters of Pope Leo XIII on the obedience due to the Pope. They totally demolish the “recognize and resist” position of the SSPX and those who think like them. See them here:
Time to choose people. It’s Pope Francis or sedevacantism.
There can be no doubt in anyone’s mind (those who are thinking clearly and with the mind of Christ) that Bergoglio wants a “No Rules” Church. Rules are so cumbersome. They get in the way of progress! The “Live and let live”/”Who am I to judge?” mentality will allow everyone to live according to his own conscience regardless of God’s law or natural law. If Bergoglio were the Commissioner of Transportation, there would be no traffic lights, stop signs, speed limits, yield signs or any other device to keep traffic moving safely. Everyone would be crashing into one another. I think it is time to put on our safety helmets and tighten our seat belts—Bergoglio is in charge!!!!
Based on two letters wrenched out context that also don’t meet the criteria for infallibility?
It’s not surprising you’re taken in by the errors of nowatch, as the root errors of neo-Catholicism and sede vacantism are essentially identical. But, Catholics who know their faith well are not taken in.
Here is my own response to that organization, which has been posted here before. Though a “targeted” response, it serves as a general rebuttal as well.
Even Fr. Longenecker has suggested that Francis may be complete ungeniune – a micro-managing manipulator who is playing the whole world, in a sense. He offers this hypothesis then backs away from it, but to state it is enough.
Francis is a bad pope – scary bad. The worst – meaning doing the most damage to the Church – ever? Perhaps, though in a sense it’s very difficult to top the man who promulgated the ambiguous documents of that lone “pastoral” ecumenical council along with the New Rite of Mass for the Latin Church – a “received and approved rite”, not.
But, by beautifying that man, along with the rest, perhaps Francis does top him.
That it said, it’s really too bad that there are those who can’t understand that there is such a thing as a bad pope, instead insisting that he’s just not the pope, with the downward spiral of subjective judgement of souls that entails.
Whatever your feeling for NovusOrdoWatch, you should really address the substance of the letters written by his Holiness Pope Leo XIII.
We pray daily that the Pope responds to God’s Graces while there is still time for him to realize that the clear, dogmatic teachings from the past are to be kept under pain of automatic excommunication: All Bishops must correct sin; Unrepentant mortal sinners are not to receive the Eucharist: DECREES OF THE COUNCIL OF TRENT:
..This holy council .. forbids all the faithful of Christ to presume henceforth to believe, teach or preach with regard to the most Holy Eucharist otherwise than is explained and defined in this present decree”
.. In regard to those ..who sin.. reprove, entreat, rebuke them in all kindness and patience..
..if they are unwilling to repent, that others may by the wholesome example of their punishment be deterred from vices, it is the duty of a shepherd, at once diligent and kind, to apply first of all mild anodynes to the disorders ..and afterwards, if the gravity of the disorder should demand it, to proceed to sharper and severer remedies; but if even these prove ineffective in removing the disorders, then he is to liberate the other sheep at least from the danger of contagion.
Session 7 DECREE ON THE MOST HOLY SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST: “it is not enough to declare the truth unless errors be exposed and repudiated..
Canon 11. If anyone says that faith alone is a sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist,let him be anathema. And lest so great a sacrament be received unworthily and hence unto death and condemnation, this holy council ordains and declares that sacramental confession, when a confessor can be had, must necessarily be made beforehand by those whose conscience is burdened with mortal sin, however contrite they may consider themselves.
[eo ipso = automatically]
CHAPTER V-THE WORSHIP AND VENERATION TO BE SHOWN TO THIS MOST HOLY SACRAMENT: .. “give to this most holy sacrament in veneration the worship of , which is due to the true God.[22] Neither is it to be less adored for the reason that it was instituted by Christ the Lord in order to be received.. that in the sight of so much splendor and.. so great joy of the universal Church, her enemies may either vanish weakened and broken, or, overcome with shame and confounded, may at length repent.”
CHAPTER VII-THE PREPARATION TO BE EMPLOYED THAT ONE MAY RECEIVE THE SACRED EUCHARIST WORTHILY: “.. we read those terrifying words of the Apostle: .. no one conscious to himself of mortal sin, however contrite he may feel, ought to receive the Sacred Eucharist without previous sacramental confession. This the holy council has decreed to be invariably observed by all Christians..”
CHAPTER VIII-ON THE USE OF THIS ADMIRABLE SACRAMENT: [who]receives it both sacramentally and spiritually,.. are they who so prove and prepare themselves beforehand that they approach this divine table clothed with the wedding garment.
Was His Holiness Pope Leo XIII a prophet? Doesn’t it seem like he is directly referring to the so-called traditionalists when he wrote the following:
“Similarly, it is to give proof of a submission which is far from sincere to set up some kind of opposition between one Pontiff and another. Those who, faced with two differing directives, reject the present one to hold to the past, are not giving proof of obedience to the authority which has the right and duty to guide them; and in some ways they resemble those who, on receiving a condemnation, would wish to appeal to a future council, or to a Pope who is better informed“
Sounds like Pope Leo had some issues with some Bishops that questioned him. Hence the letters… that were written.. to a couple individual Bishops, and not the universal Church. Of course it’s fun to read into what you want without knowing the whole story and using it to condemn others. Like NOwatch does.
Pope Leo seems to be talking about ‘a condemnation’ here – and that to appeal to someone else afterwards is wrong. Don’t forget that up to our time it was not necessary to pit one pope against another – they all taught what they had been taught.
Poor Leo, he probably had no idea how bad things were to become. Although don’t forget the vision he had that prompted him to ask everyone to pray to St. Michael. He saw Our Lord talking to the Devil – and Our Lord allowed(s) the Devil to have his way – for a time. Pope Loe heard 100 years were to be used by the Devil – and we are reaping the bad fruits of that now.
Our Lord’s Agony in the Garden was partly the agony of having been betrayed by his friends – we are being betrayed too by our ‘friends’ – our shepherds.
It’s the fruits of ultramontanism. Neo Catholics and sedevacantists are two sides of the same coin.
How did I fail to address such substance in my rebuttal, which I’m assuming you did read?
It’s going to take a bloody persecution and hundreds of thousands of martyrs, including in Rome, to get the Church back following Christ the King.
Exactly, In Hoc, exactly. But almost no one with a pulpit or public platform will say so. It’s like being in the Twilight Zone! Can there have ever been such mass delusion in the history of mankind? Blessed Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle . . .
My bad. In my original reading, I didn’t see the quote of Pope Leo.
By the way, the overall article is as good a defense of the “recognize and resist” position that I’ve read. Ultimately, not convincing for me though.
Pope Francis may very well be an apostate. However, what we do know is that numerous things said and done by him are in objective opposition to the unchanging Deposit of Faith and the Natural Moral Law. So, we cannot pronounce that he is not the pope. That must be done by those with the relevant authority. It might very well be the case that he is found to never have been pope because of manifest heresy. Lord, have mercy!
Doesn’t it seem like everything is getting worse faster than ever? Since when does our Church move so quickly…it took only 1 year to put out questionnaires, get results, and begin a synod based on that. Every kind of sin is out in the open and embraced. I don’t have a TV, but I am currently staying with family (while waiting to close on my new house) that does have Comcast tv. That idiot box is more evil than ever! I retire to my room early to avoid hearing that thing. The supreme court refused those states’ cases the other day, further forcing homo-trash upon us. Everyone openly uses foul language, abuses God’s name, and dresses poorly. It just goes on and on, and this synod has me rattled a bit. So, I’m going to pray my Rosary now. Its very humbling that God has given us the grace to see what is going on and allowed us the time to prepare and strengthen our souls…makes me quake a little in my shoes as I’m so unworthy. Please pray for me and my family. I will pray for us all.
Matthew, and fellow Catholics,
regarding your statement, ‘this too will pass’, is much in line with ‘my immaculate heart with triumph’, as well as, ‘the gates of hell will not prevail.” All of it our Lord consoling us, so that we are not ‘troubled by war, and the rumours of war’.
Furthermore, God doesn’t need one person, nor one nation; He could replace the sons of Abraham with ants if he wanted.
But specific nations are now at risk of being lost, as well as specific families and souls! Or better, individual souls, families and nations are all at risk!
St. Michael, pray for us that we may have the peace of God in a warrior’s soul, so that we ourselves and our immediate loved ones do not fall into perdition.
First of all, let’s state for the record that “the gates of hell shall not prevail”.
Speaking of the forces of Lucifer, they have shown their hand.
“German Bishops Stand Behind Kasper” — Schönborn (Austrian province of Germany) Also”
Link here: http://eponymousflower.blogspot.com/2014/10/marx-german-bishops-stand-behind-kasper.html
Author writes:
“The German-speaking bishops in the Synod of Bishops immediately went on the offensive and sought to assume leadership. The new edition of the Rhenish alliance has already taken place in the German language area. The “Liberal” party is well organized.”
Satan’s stormtroopers on the march!
The forces of good are led by Cardinal Burke
Strategy is as follows:
“On the afternoon of the first day Synod, after Cardinal Walter Kasper , Cardinal Raymond Burke also took the floor. He belongs with four other cardinals, as the author of a book against Kasper’s proposal. Cardinal Kasper is, with papal benevolence, the spokesman of the “liberal” party, Cardinal Burke is regarded as the spokesperson of the “Conservative” party. In psychological guerrilla warfare that was tried before the Synod, to set the traditional to beset the Cardinal with rumors and threats of pressure. It is noticeable also that in the external perception of the Synod, what penetrates widely to the outside was represented as the opinion of the “Liberals”, while those of the “conservatives” on the other hand, should have been largely suppressed.”
It’s just like VII, all over again.
Remember, we still have the internet. 🙂
“…his Synod is shaping up as the 60’s generation’s last, great, flipping of the bird to God.”
Over at the Dallas Catholic blog:http://veneremurcernui.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/synod-considers-dropping-language-condemning-sin/
And how will they do it?
‘We need to change the words’:
“Fr. Rosica explained what he believed to be “one of the salient interventions” of the day, noting that according to the presenter, “language such as ‘living in sin’, ‘intrinsically disordered’, or ‘contraceptive mentality’ are not necessarily words that invite people to draw closer to Christ and the Church.””
Yea, that’s the ticket. 😉
…..and this: ” Synod Agenda Line Up Included Plea to “Welcome” Friends with Benefits, Priests with Lovers, Cohabitators, Polygamists in “Parishes”
Link here:http://throwthebumsoutin2010.blogspot.com/2014/10/synod-agenda-line-up-included-plea-to.html
Entire post here… since it’s soooooo good:
Can anyone tell me what this silliness is doing on a Synod agenda?
Why didn’t the bishops find line up gluttons and folks using the Lord’ Name in Vain with a sob story about being unwelcome in parishes?
Surely they could have found a parents of a pickpocketer who wanted to go to the Easter Vigil with their burgler tools.
Why not Sandra Fluke telling us to let women who use contraception in parishes?
Seriously, what a pathetic deceptive distortion of the Mystical Body of Christ, His teachings and Sacraments.
What they really mean to convey is, when they walk into Church, the teachings of the Church grind on their brains and they can’t feel good about the sex they’re having or the birth control they’re using.
What they really need is for Pope Francis to ‘welcome’ sex outside of the Sacrament.
They want Pope Francis to issue an edict that changes the response from taking the actions that brings right judgment, separation, celibacy to ‘welcoming’ the sexual relationship the world has told them is an acceptable use of the gift of human sexuality.
We all know that is as possible as ‘welcoming’ Bishop Conroy and his married lover.
The most disturbing thing about this display is the Pope’s willingness to pit parents and the family against one another when we all have to say and do what we must.
He is willing to destroy family relationships to place himself as the saviour from the teachings of the Saviour.
Yea, Why didn’t they invite Sandra Fluke?
Role models…. not. 😉
oh… and this.
Bp. Scharfenbeger give speech to proddies, proddies not happy.
Fr. Z has the story here:
Real ecumenism rearing it’s Catholic head. 😉
On a PS, it’s bishops like this, that are the future. And no amount of repression by the Begoglistas will stop them.
… and speaking of Catholic (big C… that is) bishops and small “c” archbishops, the below is something to think about.
Let’s call this post ” what the modernists really, really hate when it happens”.
I know. Your thinking: the Franciscan’s of the Immaculate.
Close, but it’s much much more than just that.
One of the modernist Pooh Baah’s (as in the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos) gives us a hint.
Link from the EF here: http://eponymousflower.blogspot.com/2014/10/curial-archbishop-carballo-immortalized.html
Key text:
Last May, the Curial Archbishop (José Rodriguez Carballo- Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the Roman Curia) said in a speech to the Association of Catalan religious (URC): “For religious, the Council is a point that is not negotiable.” “Whoever sees in the “reforms” of Vatican II all the bad things of the religious life, denies the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church “. The Congregation for Religious is “very concerned” about this phenomenon: “We see real deviations” because “not a few institutes” have their growth “there is not just a pre-conciliar, but even an anti-conciliar formation”… “not a few institutions” says Rodriguez Carballo. “This is not allowed, that is, to stand outside of history. This is something that has us very worried in the Congregation. _______
Yes. Everything is negotiable, except VII. 🙂
It’s all about The Council.
Even to the point of “editing” the words of Our Lord to make them fit into the VII docs.
But back to the story.
What is key in the above, and should bring us all a warm and fuzzy feeling inside (because it’s all about warm, fuzzy feelings in the conciliar church) is the following:
“We see real deviations” because (where) “not a few institutes” have their growth “there is not just a pre-conciliar, but even an anti-conciliar formation”… “not a few institutions”
What the Archbishop is saying is that the FFI are just the tip of the iceberg. ” Not a few” can be easily translated as “many, many more” religious communities must be petitioning to return to the pre-conciliar liturgy. And what is troubling is that the “new – pre conciliar oriented” clergy IS the “growth”.
In other words:
Pre concilliar formation = Growth
Post concilliar formation = No Growth.
So taking this information into account, it sheds new light on the FFI repression. We see that the modernists have a huge problem. On the one hand, they need to suppress the “restorationist” movement of the FFI, as an example for the other religious orders who are trying to return to Tradition, just to save themselves. But on the other hand, the intransigent modernist orders are all dying off, and can’t attract new vocations. So the modernists think that if they can terrorize the FFI into submission, they regain control over the other orders and stop the bleeding. And even if they don’t get any new vocations, at least those “restorationinst” orders will not go over into the hands of the SSPX.
One needs to keep in mind that religious orders own their property, so the local ordinary/and by extension modernist Rome, can’t do squat in their cases. Therefore, the brutal and frankly thuggish quasi-bolshevik suppression of the FFI, is intended to terrorize the FFI clerics and seminarians (remember, it’s all about the seminarians) into a binary solution, i.e. it’s either accept the conciliar church, or be defrocking. And this explains why Bergoglio is keeping an “enemies list” or bishops who allow (incardinate) FFI clerics into their dioceses.
The Bergoglian age of Mercy is upon us.
Agnus Dei, miserere nobis.
Dear Georgianne,
Yes, it does seem like a whirlwind of evil has come upon us, and yes it is humbling to know that God has blessed us with eyes that see and ears that hear. And even though we suffer more from this awareness, and from standing up for what it right with the “enemies” of God all around us, -even in our families at times–given the choice of being is this situation or trading places with those who are partially or fully deaf and blind; we have to say we’d rather suffer this. There is far more to pity in those who wander around risking eternal punishment by continually trying to convince themselves and others that they can sin with impunity. A day of reckoning comes to every soul.
As St. Paul reminds us, (paraphrasing) it’s better to suffer with a clear conscience, hoping to do good, than for refusing to do it. God bless you and your family, and we will pray for you. Thank you for your prayers for us, too. We know God is with us so we are never alone, but it’s good to know there are still fellow Catholics around despite all the apostasy we are witnessing. God Bless.
Dear S.Armaticus,
Lifesitenews.com agrees. It seems Liberals are having a field day.
— Ron and Mavis Pirola, co-directors of the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council, spoke to the 191 synod fathers, using a friend’s family for an example and said regarding their Christmas party: “They fully believed in the Church’s teachings and they knew their grandchildren would see them welcome the son and his partner into the family,” added the Pirolas. “Their response could be summed up in three words, ‘He is our son’.” “What a model of evangelization for parishes as they respond to similar situations in their neighbourhood! ..a practical example of what the Instrumentum laboris says concerning the Church’s teaching role and its main mission to let the world know of God’s love.”
–Lifesite’s response: The ready acceptance of a son and his homosexual lover to a gathering where the grandchildren would welcome them into the family is not an example of love or mercy at all. It is in fact a capitulation to sentiment at the expense of both the child and the grandchildren.
Homosexual acts are immoral and imperil body and soul. How can a loving parent encourage their child in behaviors so harmful–? How too could they expose their grandchildren to thinking well of a lifestyle that would threaten their eternal life?
–“No, the right answer is to meet privately.. and explain to them with love and care that because you love him and his friend too, you must urge them not to engage in homosexual acts. You would not permit them to come to Christmas with the extended family because it would encourage your grandchildren to embrace a disordered and dangerous lifestyle. This path is a hard one for sure, but it is the path of love and mercy.”
Dear S.A.
It’s ISIS in the Church (as we think you may have mentioned before).
We’ve got our boots on the ground, as well as our knees. God will supply all our needs-including air support. The only question is-how long till we win this war? For now we keep fighting the good fight and trust Him.
The synod will be used to obscure orthodoxy with heteropraxy… Which is essentially the spirit of Vatican II in a nutshell along with the rotten fruit of modernism. Of course we can’t obey any edicts which endorse open rebellion to the Laws and Traditions of the Church. There is still time to pray that we don’t end up with a robber’s synod.
If there be any comfort for those of us who follow SSPX rather than the notorious SV’s (Dimond Brothers say don’t go to mass… pray rosary instead!), look to France…
Is it a mistake that we’re hearing about these spirited demonstrations against the legalization of homosexual marriages and in vitro adoption for the same? Where else do we see up to half a million protesting in the streets? Her faith was founded in part by Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles, exemplifying the greatest commandment more than anyone outside of Our Lady. She brought us Joan of Arc, to demonstrate in no uncertain terms the social kingship of Christ. From her soil sprung the Little Flower of Lisieux who died a burnt offering of God’s Love. What more do we need? Trust in the mission of SSPX, they have nothing less than the true Roman Catholic Spirit of France behind them!
Viva La France, Viva Lefebvre!
Here’s what Pope Leo said in Arcanum divine sapientiae (On Marriage):
“But, while earnestly exhorting all to a friendly union of will, and beseeching God, the Prince of peace, to infuse a love of concord into all hearts, We cannot, venerable brothers, refrain from urging you more and more to fresh earnestness, and zeal, and watchfulness, though we know that these are already very great. With every effort and with all authority, strive, as much as you are able, to preserve whole and undefiled among the people committed to your charge the doctrine which Christ our Lord taught us; which the Apostles, the interpreters of the will of God, have handed down; and which the Catholic Church has herself scrupulously guarded, and commanded to be believed in all ages by the faithful of Christ. (Arcanum, §38) ”
What is missing in our ‘modern’ Church is the sense that it’s important to “preserve whole and undefiled ” ANYTHING. It’s all so yesterday!
Gee, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, didn’t Our Lady at Fatima mention something like that?
We seem to have a large collection of Cardinals and a Pope who see themselves as nicer than God.
Yes, crawler, since Our Lord already spoke definitively on the matter of divorce and remarriage, using language Kasper finds “offensive,” it would appear that we have a lot of churchmen who think they know better.
Dear Trad Max,
Are you also aware of the many Catholic Prophecies referring to a coming “great monarch” of French decent -after a terrible period of wars and revolutions? Here’s a sampling:
“A Frankish King will one day rule over the entire Roman Empire.” (St. Augustine 5th C.)” “He shall recover the Crown of the Lilies..” (St. Caesar, 5th C.)
“He will come from between the Rhine and the North Sea” – (Monk Hilarion, 15th C.) “He shall mount his horse on the right-hand side, because he limps from one foot ” (Peasant Jasper, Germany)
“In his childhood he will be like a saint; in his youth a great sinner; then he will be converted entirely to God and will do great penance; his sins shall be forgiven him, and he shall become a great saint.” (St. Francis of Paola)
“Having need of a powerful temporal assistance, the Holy Pontiff will ask for the co-operation of the generous Monarch of France.” (Abbot J. Merlin, 13th Century)
“The angelic Pope shall place an imperial crown on his head.” (Busto, 15th Century) “His sword will be moved by Divine power..” (Rudolph Gekner, 17th Century) “He will assemble great armies and expel tyrants from his Empire.”(Cataldus,5th Century) “He will regain Holy Land after terrible wars in Europe.” (Telesphorus de Cozensa, 11thC) He shall extend his dominion over the whole world.” (St. Caesar,6thCen.)
“The good people will triumph when the return of the King is announced.” (Cure‚ of Ars, 19th Century)”
“He will assist the Pope in the reformation of the world.” (Caesar, 6th Century)”He shall reform the Church of God.” (St. Francis of Paola, 15th Century) “By this means the nation’s religion and laws shall have an admirable change.” (Bishop Ageda, 12th Century)
“He shall restore the apostolic discipline.” (St. John of Capistrano 15th Century)
“At the end of his most glorious reign, he shall go to Jerusalem, and shall lay down his Crown and Sceptre on the Mount of Olives.” (St. Remy, 5/6th Century)
Vive la foi sainte!
I note quite a few posters ask St. Michael to pray for and protect the Church in these perilous times. Perhaps we should also consider adding the name of St. John the Baptist to the name of St. Michael. When I reread the account of St. John the Baptist’s life it is like a cold slap in the face. Why exactly did St. John lose his head?
In the present time, ask yourself who matches best the characters in the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist. Herod Antipas, Herodias and Salome. Herodias divorced the half-brother of Herod Antipas, and then married Herod Antipas. Herod Antipas had also divorced his wife to take up with Herodias.
First, it should scream out to you THE PROPHET THE ALMIGHTY CHOSE TO ANNOUNCE THE TIME OF HIS VISITATION WAS MARTYRED BECAUSE HE CRITICIZED WHAT CATHOLICS WOULD UNDERSTAND TO BE AN ADULTEROUS SECOND MARRIAGE. Second, what is the most well-known statement of St. John the Baptist? A quote from Isaiah: “I am the the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord”!
So we have the current spectacle of a “pope” who apparently is dead-set not to call Our Lord’s people to repentance, but rather to confirm them in their sins, particularly their sexual sins! And to make crooked, complicated and confusing the teaching of the Church regarding marriage! Is this “pope” auditioning to be the false prophet of revelation?
What more fitting a way to usher in the anti-christ but for a false prophet working from within the Church to subvert a teaching for which St. John the Baptist was martyred and which Our Lord later affirmed. If this isn’t the end times, the end times will certainly have something in common with our own time! What more fitting way to illustrate that our so-called “Church Leaders” have lost the faith!
I was aware of Jahenny’s prophecy but I had no idea there was so much out there already. That’s a marvelous compilation you have there. Dare we dream it! I hope I get to see it. In the meantime, let St Martha draw out this Tarasque of our age. Amen, fight the good fight!
Excellent observations.
” For John said to Herod: It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’ s wife.”
(Mark 6:18)
One, simply-stated truth ate away at the consciences of the sinners until there were only two choices open to them: repent, or get rid of the one who refuses to stay silent about sin because he holds God’s laws higher than the desires of any man-even the King.
All the talk about “graduality” at the Synod yesterday had me scratching my head. As it turns out, we’ve seen this particular animal in action before:
Cardinal Kasper has spoken about “graduality” in the open as if none of us had ever heard of the “frog in the kettle” story! The fact that this energizer-bunny of novelty and heresy is not only tolerated, but given center stage in the synod, tells you all you need to know about the state of the Church.
Someone should bake a cake with the verse “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” on it and colorfully present it to Cardinal Kasper so he can get an extremely close look at the text, if you know what I mean!
If Pope Francis makes communion for those in adultery an official discipline for the Universal Church, then I believe, after researching the question carefully, that he would lose the pontificate (assuming he legitimately possessed it).
It is possible to go through all of the details, theological arguments, etc. But we can get to the conclusion simply and accurately as follows:
It is impossible for the Church to lead souls to Hell by it’s official universal policy, sanctioned by the Pope for the entire Church.
(Indeed, such a universal policy, because it relates to both faith and morals, must be infallible anyway because it would be an act of the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium….which leads to a major contradiction with only one way out: the Pope loses the office).
…and I don’t think we have to wait for “the Church” to declare him deposed. It is automatic. References for this are a plenty. But besides, who is the church at that point? The German Bishops, or Burke et al.?
-a Non-Sede
ps- I wouldn’t mind being corrected wrt the above, as I want to do the right (and Catholic) thing should such a crisis ever eventuate.
You’re right, Peter, but Pope Francis is much more cunning than that. He like Benedict XVI, John Paul II, and Paul VI will change everything – but nothing will appear on paper – nothing will be taught formally to the Universal Church.
So the hapless boob in the pews (those that are left) will follow along, having heard what they want to hear.
But we will be helpless because there will be no Formal Heresy. God will not be mocked. Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Soon? Please!!!!!!
It’s out and out persecution but where are the cardinals and bishops denouncing it and opposing it strenuously.
Dear Matthew
Thanks for this link to a clear explanation of this issue, which distinguishes between the perfectly fine process of gradually growing holier throughout life; and the error of thinking God’s Laws are also “in process”.
Yes, that could very well happen Barbara.
However, I would say this: if Francis leaves it up to the bishop’s conferences to decide, or even the minister of communion, then we can still trace back the permission to do this evil discipline back to Francis. In other words, the hierarchy under Francis would still be “defecting” from the Catholic faith and leading souls to hell.
Also, it is not only the communicant that would be sinning mortally, but the minister of communion: giving communion to a public unrepentant sinner is, I believe, traditionally understood to be mortal. (cf. Cappello, FM, 1962 “iis nempe qui sunt equidem subiectum capax sacramenti, sed nequeunt eiusdem effectum percipere, cum in statu peccati mortalis versentur sine voluntate sese emendandi”, F.M. CAPPELLO, Tractatus canonico-moralis de Sacramentis, Vol. I, 7th ed., Turin 1962, 48, n. 58).
Peter the Canadian,
Nevetheless, the deposition of a heretical pope requires a juridical act, because the Church is a perfect visible society and nothing can be done unless it be done in public. Thus, even if all the Cardinals remained silent or defected with such a pope, the right to judge him passes to clergy and people of the diocese or Rome. In such a case, I know many in the City who will be there and take action…
I don’t think we need to focus so much on Pope Francis – whether he’s in Formal Heresy, I mean. Because he’s never going to put this on paper.
More important will be what happens at the parish level. There will be priests who will resist directions by their Bishops to give Holy Communion to those in public mortal sin. I think this will all be presented by certain Bishops subtly so as not to arouse the faithful. I know we can’t judge the state of the soul of anyone – I’m more thinking of people a priest knows are living in sin, but who present themselves for Holy Communion. Individual priests will begin to push back. Then the (you know what) will hit the fan.
But let’s face it, this happens all the time and priests look the other way.
@Roman Watcher: I don’t want to start a sede argument, but i believe NO juridical act is required to depose a defecting pope. The reason for this is because then you have the spectacle of a sitting pope arguing with inferiors about the doctrines of the faith. That makes no sense. If the pope, on the other hand, is so foolish as to, e.g., promulgate indisputable heresy to the universal church from the seat of Peter no proceeding is required. The seat is empty as soon as he promulgates indisputable heresy to the universal church. Papal electors , noting the seat is then empty, are within their right to call a conclave to elect a new pope.
The dispute between sedevacantists and non-sedevacantists is for the most part that non-sedevacantists believe that a pope who does not hold the faith nonetheless continues to be pope as long as (1) he does not formally and publicly reject a specific named dogma of the faith by name or (2) propose heresy ex cathedra to the universal church.
It is noted that the non-sedevacantist position inadvertently provides cover to defecting popes who are cunning in their apostasy. The defecting pope can make manifold public statements that are inconsistent with the faith, but as long as he doesn’t say the magic words “I reject defined dogma xyz by name” we are stuck with him.
It seems as if the Borgia Papacy has returned. This pontificate can not end soon enough!
Matthew, Thanks for the link. So this is what we’ve been living through:
“… graduality is a perfectly valid approach… provided… that there is not some objective obstacle which… prevents the individual from progressing along the path to sainthood. …Unfortunately, this key provision has been largely overlooked in the application of the notion of graduality in pastoral work over the last 50 years. … pastors preferred to “meet the people where they are,” and encourage those souls entrusted to their care… In their eagerness to always be seen as friendly and compassionate shepherds, many overlooked or simply ignored the grave sins occurring in their own parishes, among their own flock.”
It’s all about the Kirchensteuer!
Over at RC, this: http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2014/10/german-bishops-stand-behind-mammon.html
“It’s all about the Kirchensteuer.
It’s always been about the Kirchensteuer.
They can’t get enough of their dear Kirchensteuer.
Their god is money,
their religion is greed,
their morality is more and more money,
milked from their golden cow,
the self-declared Catholics of Germany.”
Yes, it’s all about the Kirchensteuer.
Over at the EF blog, a re-cap of the first two days of the “SIN SYNOD”.
Money quote:
“The African bishops spoke mainly about the problem of polygamy, which is perceived more strongly there, but largely ignored in the West, despite the phenomenon occuring in the course of Islamic immigration, if for family reunification two, three or four women are allowed into the country, or of three or four widows receive a widow’s pension. These are facts with which the majority of European countries are already confronted, but which are concealed because of the “culture of welcome”.”
Once more, just in case you missed the main point:
“”The African bishops spoke mainly about the problem of polygamy, which is perceived more strongly there, but largely ignored in the West, despite the phenomenon occuring in the course of Islamic immigration, if for family reunification two, three or four women are allowed into the country, or of three or four widows receive a widow’s pension. These are facts with which the majority of European countries are already confronted, but which are concealed because of the “culture of welcome”.”
Summa summarum: Even though the modernists have stacked the deck, the forces of GOOD are holding their own.
And just to get the flavor of the SIN SYNOD so far, there is a summary at the Catholic Thing blog.
Link here: http://www.thecatholicthing.org/synod_report/synod_report/synod-day-2-openness-leaks-and-fear-of-frankness.html
Money quote 1:
“The mood in Rome is – let’s just speak the truth – tense. According to one quite reliable source on site, it’s not only the “Ratzingerians” like Cardinal Burke who have been feeling an icy wind. It’s also more “moderate” Cardinals and members of the Curia who simply don’t know what to make of what’s going on. And fear what might happen if they say the “wrong” thing – difficult to avoid when things are so unclear.”
Looks like the modernist’s are having a hard time controlling the message. 😉
No wonder all the SECRECY was put in place.
Money line 2:
“I reported on some of the pope’s harshness towards upholders of tradition in yesterday’s Synod Report, an odd homily that might be taken to mean all those over the centuries who had upheld the indissolubility of marriage were somehow authoritarians and self-serving legalists. But the responses to the pope in private – again, beyond the usual conservative suspects and into more neutral, mainstream figures – has been equally tart: “a Latin dictator,” “a Peron,” someone who likes to be center stage in the limelight. And perhaps the most shocking comment of all from more than one person: “His health is bad, so at least this won’t last too long.”
First comment, if the shoe fits….
Second comment, and more importantly, this is the key point: “But the responses to the pope in private – again, beyond the usual conservative suspects and into more neutral, mainstream figures – has been equally tart: “a Latin dictator,” “a Peron,” someone who likes to be center stage in the limelight.”
It looks like the vast majority of the attendants are of the “can’t we all get along” types. They don’t really give a hoot about dogma, liturgy, etc. What they want is peace and quite. And the volatility that Francis and his ideologues have/are generating is quite upsetting to them. Hence the “peronist” labels.
Last and most important, if we are hearing about Francis’s ill health from these types, you know that there is trouble a ‘ brewin.
Please keep in mind, that according to Lenin, it is the “apparatchiks” that are essential to the revolution. And it looks like Francis has lost them 🙂
I read that article yesterday. Yes, BORF (Bishop of Rome Francis) is very Peron-like in his approach (one of the people, the workers, etc.), yet under all the humility is a man who is in complete control and no one dares cross. BORF likely wants to control the message, which explains the secrecy, but nothing in Rome stays secret for very long.
W/r./t the Secret Synod of Sin, Mundabor has a great idea.
Link here:http://mundabor.wordpress.com/2014/10/09/synod-let-the-leaking-begin/
Mundabor writes:
“Dear Bishops and Cardinals of good will, if anyone is reading me now, please take my words to heart.
Let the leaking begin.”
I second that motion.
On an aside. Most mobile phones have voice recorders. 🙂
To Roman Watcher:
Thank you for your comments. I think the weight of the evidence is in favor of the opinion that a manifest publically heretical Pope loses his office ipso facto by the divine law itself (don’t want to get into all the quotes here). But, inferiors cannot lawfully depose a Pope anyway.
“because the Church is a perfect visible society and nothing can be done unless it be done in public.”
I hear you…but perhaps we can act if the heresy is already manifest and public.
Furthermore, (a) a juridical act is not a matter of faith, and is not protected from error (b) there may not be unanimity among the clergy and/or people of Rome on whether to depose the Pope…(in the case of Francis, this is not hard to imagine…that some will love him and others not)..does it go by democratic vote then? (c) a juridical decision itself doesn’t make the falling from the pontificate happen (even John Salza, I believe, agrees on this point)…it just verifies that it did indeed already take place.
I’d be willing to change my opinion if the Church actually teaches somewhere that a Pope, who is suspect of heresy, maintains his office until he is found to be guilty. Or, like if there is some mechanism in place to depose a Pope that exists in canon law or elsewhere.
To Cyprian,
Thanks for your comments.
“The defecting pope can make manifold public statements that are inconsistent with the faith, but as long as he doesn’t say the magic words “I reject defined dogma xyz by name” we are stuck with him.”
This is, perhaps, partly why I stated initially: “It is impossible for the Church to lead souls to Hell by it’s official universal policy, sanctioned by the Pope for the entire Church.”
I don’t think it is true that a Pope can only lose his office by repudiating a defined dogma as such. Otherwise, it would still be possible for the Church to be leading souls to hell, via its official policy, in the meantime….which I am sure you would agree, is impossible.
So, if Francis proposes this communion thing, even if he does not deny any dogma with a formal definition, the policy itself, with the official backing of the Church, leads souls to hell by its direct application, which is impossible.
Looked at another way: the Church would be defecting from her essential mission to save souls under the leadership of Francis….which is impossible.
With the current synod going on, somehow it’s deja vu all over again with the Church of What’s Happening Now.
And the SSPX canonist’s blast Kasper/VII “ecumenical self contradiction”.
And it only took them 7 short paragraphs. 😉
Link here: http://sspx.org/en/news-events/news/moral-ecumenism-bitter-fruit-vatican-ii-5205
Relevant passage:
“The bitter fruits of heterodoxy
Cardinal Kasper is setting up his revolution of Catholic marriage on the basis of ecumenism of which he was the mastermind for years. His rationale is simple and enlightening as to the origins of his foot in the door approach. It sounds something like this:
Just as, according to Vatican II, there are elements of sanctification in other confessions besides the Catholic Church, there could be elements of the sacrament of marriage outside of an actual sacramental marriage.”
One problem with the trendy ecumenism is that it skillfully shoved off clear-cut doctrine on questions as basic as Faith, dogma and the need of belonging to the one Church founded by Christ. Once these ‘troublesome’ obstacles are done away with, the path is cleared for union with Christians, friendship with Jews and all other types of religions.
We have done away with the First Commandment, the worship due to the true God. This being done, no serious problem can stand very long before revolutionary minds. No divine Commandment will stand if the first has been distorted. And distorted it has been long ago! Just recall Assisi, visit to Lutheran churches, synagogues and kissing the Koran.
For the cardinal, it is clear that the dogmatic contradiction of Church teaching which erupted in the post-conciliar period is the model for more obvious contradictions now erupting in the moral arena. Is he not virtually saying that they are linked as cause and effect?
If this is the case, it would make some Pro-Vaticanist-to-the-Hilt shirk with horror. Why? Because, we must conclude with inexorable logic. If Vatican II’s trendy ecumenism is all right, then married divorcees’ Communion is fine! Or, said the other way around, if married divorcees cannot receive Communion, this means that Vatican II trendy ecumenism is erroneous.
Logic a 6 year old could easily understand. 😉
But unfortunately for modernist Rome, they went dialectical :0
And we know how that movie ends? Think U.S.S.R. 🙂
And this. Some more confusion from the bishop of Rome.
“God does not exist”
And then he explains:
“He accompanies us and teaches us to pray. And our prayer should be Trinitarian. So often [people ask]: ‘But do you believe?’: ‘Yes! Yes! ‘; ‘What do you believe in?’; ‘In God!’; ‘But what is God for you?’; ‘God, God’. But God does not exist: Do not be shocked! So God does not exist! There is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, they are persons, they are not some vague idea in the clouds … This God spray does not exist! The three persons exist! Jesus is our companion on the journey who gives us what we ask; the Father who cares for us and loves us; and the Holy Spirit is the gift, the extra gift from the Father, that our consciousness does not dare to hope for”.
What in the wide wide world of sport is he saying?
If Bergoglio’s God is Trinitarian, then how can he turn around and claim that he worships the same God as the Mohammedans or the Jews?
PS. Does the good bishop in this clip remind us of anyone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmm-ZGNCv-8
Your not a man, your a bishop for God’s sakes…….
Reference to BORF’s above quote.
Peter and others,
You must distinguish between heresy as a sin and heresy as a crime; as a sin, as soon as the Pope publicly and manifestly and pertinaciously adheres to a heretical thesis, he looses his office. But that the whole Church knows this with certainty requires the judgement of the College of Cardinals, at lest those who still hold faith and renounce and denounce the heresy. It does not require a majority vote neither of the College nor of the clergy of Rome, the truth of which act is manifest in the principles adhered to by the voters and the faith which they profess. As for the man holding onto the office, he is not the pope and therefore can be judged as falling into heresy, he can be deposed not in the formal theological sense, but in the legal canonical one which regards the appearance of holding office.
Thus “that a pope can be deposed when heretical” is an expression intended to signify “that a heretical man who was at one time validly elected pope, be condemned for having fallen into heresy and with the fact declared by the College of Cardinals, he is not longer considered to be pope by the whole Church adhering in this judgement with them”….
I am thinking of changing my name in this comment section to “A Voice in the Wilderness Crying” in honor of Saint John the Baptist and the defense of the sacrament of marriage.
Anyhow, on that note I would just like to cry out one more time and if need be many more times hereafter, that the time bomb that set the destruction of marriage in place is the heretical teachings against sexual morals that began in the public forum close to a 60 years ago when PiusXII, who ushered in Bugnini and the changes to the Easter liturgy, said in his private letter to the Italian midwives, for pastoral reasons, that the midwives could counsel their would be mothers that separating the primary purpose of the procreative aspects of conjugal intercourse from the secondary unitive aspects for grave reasons like finances, genetics and social reasons would be acceptable. Of course not long afterwords he went on confusingly say “Now, the truth that matrimony, as an institution of nature, in virtue of the Creator’s will, has not, as a primary and intimate end, the personal perfection of the married couple but the procreation and upbringing of a new life. The other ends, inasmuch as they are intended by nature, are not equally primary, much less superior to the primary end, but are essentially subordinated to it.” (PiusXII’s Address to Midwives)
This kind of vacillation of taking both sides of the dispute is not a new phenomena of VaticanII. Many Catholics and Church leadres have decived themselves into actually believing that one can still profess sincerely to uphold Church doctrine and that they can simultaneously use pastoral approaches that teach contrary to these doctrines.
Another such example of this comes from the most controversial statutes in the history of canon law on what are grounds for an annulments. This canon C.1095 is so generously wide, as to quote someone from Restoration Radio, you can drive a truck through it. Here is what Canon 1095 says.
“The following are incapable of contracting marriage:
1. those who lack sufficient reason;
2. those who suffer from grave lack of discretionary judgement concerning the essential matrimonial rights and obligations to be mutually given and accepted;
3. those, who because of causes of a psychological nature are unable to assume the essential obligations of marriage.
I can’t help but believe that the present state of outrageous affairs with this synod on marriage is due to these two poisons, i.e. the confirmation that NFP when used to avoid having children is not sinful and that for most any psychological reason I can have my marriage annulled. This is what has destroyed and degraded publicly the meaning of marriage over the past seven decades.
I can not help but have more resentment towards those who have drunk the cool aid of NFP and have looked the other way with the skyrocketing ease at procuring an annulment than resentment towards the Kasper followers because if it wasn’t for the giving into redefining marriage’s purpose and giving into to separating the primary purpose of marriage from the secondary purpose we wouldn’t be in the outrageous mess we are in today.
Of course I am adamantly against Kasper’s proposals. But should we be so shocked that his followers do not wish to be pressured into pretending through a bogus tribunal hearing that their first marriages didn’t exist and that worst of all that, even though no one wishes to even utter the painful word,that their children from these marriages that they so desperately want to annul are now
confirmed as bastards.
Kasper himself has even acknowledged that NFP has an artificial aspect. This I believe is another aspect that he and his followers see as hypocritical and they don’t wish to pretend that having recourse exclusively to the infertile period is not contraception as we here in the “American New Church” don’t appear to have as much qualms at accepting.
Some are desperate to streamline even further the bogus tribunal hearings in order to avoid the outright apostasy of The Kasper solution. I say if you really want to save the institution of marriage and the sacrament of marriage you have to reject the teaching of NFP when used to separate the primary purpose of procreation and education of children for God’s glory from the secondary purpose of unity in order to avoid having children and we have to question and we have to demand that the tribunal hearings be more honest by rewriting Canon 1095 so that it will make it much harder to prove grave psychological reasons.
May the Divine Assistance remain always with us
Well said, Anastasia! We are so lost. There is such a lack of real thought in our world. I’ve heard it said many times that it’s abuse for ‘the church’ to expect any woman to have 25 children….like that happens to every woman who is ‘open’ to life! I could scream…
We’ve got to teach natural law again. Those snakes (I mean Bishops) in Germany say that nobody know what the natural law is any more – so we need ‘new’ language to explain things – symbols!!!. This is the root of the problem. When men and woman don’t know what their ‘private parts’ are designed for – what happens when you put one into the other – and that this is what the whole natural law affirms – well as I said, we’re lost.
This is akin to asking those who participate in un-natural sexual acts to stop – they have forgotten that a man’s private part is only designed to ‘go into’ a woman’s receptive private part and designed thus by nature….the blank stares are truly blank.
Oh, Dear God, help us to understand who we are as MAN!
BORF, added to everything else, lacks profundity and clarity. What does this even mean? “God never gives you a gift, something that you ask for, without wrapping it up well, without adding something extra to make it even more beautiful.” It means nothing. It’s just BORF putting nice-sounding words together to make people feel good.
Dear Anastasia and Barbara, No offense meant to either of you personally, but we’ve researched these topics more, recently, because those who express these opinions accuse sincere fellow Catholics who follow official Church teachings on these matters- of committing grave sin; yet these views are clearly contradicted by well respected orthodox Churchmen such as Cardinal Raymond Burke, former head of the Highest Church Court -the Roman Rota and others:
-Father Habiger: “NFP can be misused, abused, if there are no compelling reasons for delaying the next pregnancy. But the fault there lies, not with NFP, but with the wrong intentions of the couple.” “NFP is not an evil, or sinful. It is God’s gift..for parents who need a morally good means to help them plan their family responsibly.” http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/resources/life-and-family/natural-family-planning-nfp/is-nfp-sinful/
-Cardinal Burke: “We have to get away from a tendency that developed in recent years of pitting the unitive nature of marriage against the procreative nature of marriage instead of seeing that the two are essentially related to one another.”….“To stress the inseparable goods of marriage, the unity between husband and wife but at the same time the procreativity of their union. That the union of husband and wife the conjugal union is by its very nature procreative. And this is with the great insight of Pope Paul VI, it’s been the foundation of the Church’s teaching on contracepton since the beginning, and that therefore you cannot–the minute you permit an understanding of the conjugal union which sets aside the procreative–the essentially procreative nature of the act and says, “well these acts are good, even though we’re using chemicals or we’re using some kind of a device to prevent procreation because of our unitive”, but it cannot be truly a conjugal union if it’s not at the same time open to the gift of new life.” http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/we-have-to-judge-acts-vaticans-cardinal-burke-dismantles-who-am-i-to-judge
and ON Contraception: :”Contraception is the beginning of the anti-life movement,” “It certainly will favor an abortion culture. It takes the nature of the sexual union and violates it in a very significant way by removing the pro-creative aspect which is inherent to the union of man and a woman, the sexual union, the conjugal union.” … “By removing that it is fundamentally an anti-life act.” The contention is that this act still retains all of its goodness because it is a unitive act. It’s not because the act itself has been so disrupted and violated. They’re sexually united but they’re not giving themselves completely and totally to one another which is the whole meaning of sexual union. Because either one or both are eliminating the natural procreativity of the act.”(interview with the US Bishops’ news service)
and ON the Anullment process:
“Mercy never ignores Truth: Jesus says that a man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. Marriage validity matters gravely, and it’s the height of pride and foolishnes to think the annulment process be disregarded nor “streamlined”, after enturies of development. “the Church has to have an apt process to arrive at the truth.. whether or not a marriage has been null.” “The marriage nullity process is the fruit of centuries of development, and by various expert canonists, one of the great ones being Pope Benedict XIV,” the cardinal said. “For us now simply to say we don’t need that anymore is the height of pride and therefore foolishness.” http://www.catholicworldreport.com/NewsBriefs/Default.aspx?rssGuid=cardinal-burke-media-hijacking-synod-on-the-family-79760/
As Grandma used to warn: “”Don’t throw out the baby with the bath-water”.
Indignus famulus October 9, 2014 12:52 pm Reply
Dear Anastasia and Barbara, no offense meant to either of you personally, but we’ve researched these topics more, recently, because these opinions accuse sincere fellow Catholics who follow official Church teachings on these matters- of committing grave sin; while these views are clearly contradicted by well respected orthodox Churchmen such as Cardinal Raymond Burke, former head of the Highest Church Court -the Roman Rota.
-Father Habiger: “NFP can be misused, abused, if there are no compelling reasons for delaying the next pregnancy. But the fault there lies, not with NFP, but with the wrong intentions of the couple.” “NFP is not an evil, or sinful. It is God’s gift..for parents who need a morally good means to help them plan their family responsibly.” http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/resources/life-and-family/natural-family-planning-nfp/is-nfp-sinful/
-Cardinal Burke: “We have to get away from a tendency that developed in recent years of pitting the unitive nature of marriage against the procreative nature of marriage instead of seeing that the two are essentially related to one another.”….“To stress the inseparable goods of marriage, the unity between husband and wife but at the same time the procreativity of their union. That the union of husband and wife the conjugal union is by its very nature procreative. And this is with the great insight of Pope Paul VI, it’s been the foundation of the Church’s teaching on contracepton since the beginning, and that therefore you cannot–the minute you permit an understanding of the conjugal union which sets aside the procreative–the essentially procreative nature of the act and says, “well these acts are good, even though we’re using chemicals or we’re using some kind of a device to prevent procreation because of our unitive”, but it cannot be truly a conjugal union if it’s not at the same time open to the gift of new life.” http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/we-have-to-judge-acts-vaticans-cardinal-burke-dismantles-who-am-i-to-judge
and ON Contraception: :”Contraception is the beginning of the anti-life movement,” “It certainly will favor an abortion culture. It takes the nature of the sexual union and violates it in a very significant way by removing the pro-creative aspect which is inherent to the union of man and a woman, the sexual union, the conjugal union.” … “By removing that it is fundamentally an anti-life act.” The contention is that this act still retains all of its goodness because it is a unitive act. It’s not because the act itself has been so disrupted and violated. They’re sexually united but they’re not giving themselves completely and totally to one another which is the whole meaning of sexual union. Because either one or both are eliminating the natural procreativity of the act.”(interview with the US Bishops’ news service)
and ON the Anullment process:
“Mercy never ignores Truth: Jesus says that a man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. Marriage validity matters gravely, and it’s the height of pride and foolishnes to think the annulment process be disregarded nor “streamlined”, after enturies of development. “the Church has to have an apt process to arrive at the truth.. whether or not a marriage has been null.” “The marriage nullity process is the fruit of centuries of development, and by various expert canonists, one of the great ones being Pope Benedict XIV,” the cardinal said. “For us now simply to say we don’t need that anymore is the height of pride and therefore foolishness.” .catholicworldreport.com/NewsBriefs/Default.aspx?rssGuid=cardinal-burke-media-hijacking-synod-on-the-family-79760/
[ add http prefix]
There must be a connection with drugs being found in Vatican City.
I see that the hole in the damn ha been given a name: “graduality.” Not only is it a foreign term to theology…it is not even listed in the dictionary. At the heart of a dogmatic shift is a word that we can’t even define yet. Moving right along, folks. I always though confession was the means given by Christ to help us along our way to perfection.
I have it from sources close to authors of new Code, that they now regard it as a monumental failure, on account of the imprecision of language and open ended versage…anyway, almost no diocese is following it. During my recent visit to the Roman Rota I was told that the defender of the bond, whose duty it is to presume validity and defend it against all charges, often does the opposite. There is a money making machine in process, like in the ArchDiocese of Boston, where for several thousands of dollars they will grant anyone an annulment if they but sign a paper saying that they do not consider themselves to have had the sufficient discretionary judgement at the time to marry; a procedure which in canon law (self incrimination) prevents them from lawfully marrying ever again in the Church.
The proper procedure in those tempted strongly to divorce is in some cases separation by decree for a cooling off period when couple refuses to repent of their sin; though in many cases its is one spouse who has transgressed the vows and the other left hanging.
I think we can agree that there needs to be intervention in families and a place to find sound remonstrations. With the moral failure in the clergy, and the exclusion of sound moral men from priesthood and religious life, it is sadly very often the case that couples find traitorous advice at their parishes, rather than the Gospel of the Lord.
In this instance I think Cardinal Burke is being unnecessarily vague. From what I’ve read in Casti Connubii (I won’t quote as it will get too long) the Popes have always taught that marriage has one primary purpose: to bring children into the world and to educate them – for God. Piux XI even references arranged marriages between royal families as true marriages – the couple learned to like/love each other, or not, but the marriage fulfilled its purpose.
The bond created by conjugal love is the secondary purpose. Cardinal Burke is right when he says that “marriage cannot be truly a conjugal union if it’s not at the same time open to the gift of new life.”
However he’s put the cart before the horse. We must say “a marriage is the conjugal union between a man and a woman in a life-long union for the procreation of children, and also for the mutual support in life, towards the sanctification of husband and wife.”
We in this modern world with all the emphasis on romance, and feelings, can’t even begin to understand what life would be like thinking and teaching what Piux XI was talking about. Marriage is a duty for those without a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated religious life. It’s only in the past 100 years or so that all the emphasis had been put on ‘feelings’ as opposed to duty and sacrifice, and suffering.
Roman Watcher, thanks for those insights. What would happen if the Church made marriage really hard to contract? Year long preparation and no sexual relations beforehand for example? Perhaps this could be done by a class in each Diocese. There has to be some remedy because souls pitch themselves into Hell doing what they do now – they fall like snowflakes according to Our Lady.
I would like to see a serious discussion about this: what is the cure for the problem? There is one. God does not ask us to do something that is too hard.
I’m waiting for the house of cards to collapse and for a truly good Bishop or Cardinal to start crying out for the salvation of souls. And there is absolutely no reference to this in all the blah blah coming out of this Synod. It’s all pain, blood, sorrow, injury, and on and on. No Bishop has said “look, my people are going to go to hell unless I do something.”
Don Bosco said that it is absolutely necessary that youth have sound catechesis and weekly worthy communion at mass, be separated left right side according to gender in church and never be left alone till they reach age of adulty hood. The entire mores of modern man are abominable; pants on girls, coed education at all grades, filth of all kinds on tv at all hours, politics of perversions in school systems, books, etc.
We catholics can start by home schooling, I would never let my kids into a pubilc school if I were a married man. Then by proper order of family, where father is head and man, wife woman and collaborator, children inferiors, each dressed according to identity.
Meals always together, mass on sundays always together, loving but stern discipline at home, punishment for moral failures, repentance req of siblings when offending, way of good works to make reparations, responsibility, no dues salaries or stipends for kids, teach them work ethic from youth, 2 be responsible in cleaning home doing chores, and above all teaching them the import of the face the danger of the world the deceitfulness of men, the hope of heaven. We need a radical alteration of the way the world is going, and I think if there were a movement to create catholic towns it would be great.
Dear Barbara,
We agree with the idea that far more emphasis has been placed on “feelings’ in the last century, which accounts for many of the abuses. But that doesn’t change the fact that in both Pius XII’s letter to the midwives, and in Paul VI’s HV, certain conditions were stipulated for determining grave circumstances, many of which have little to do with feelings, and more to do with problems faced by individual couples–such as illness, which those Pontiffs both taught were justifications for what is being condemned here.
One of our points is the utter confusion that has resulted in the Church, from the situation that has developed due to modernist ideas being put into practice outside of promulgation. That has apparently led to individuals deciding to take it upon themselves to condemn even what has been officially promulgated by any Pope since Pius XII, apparently, as long as those individuals consider it justified by things they are convinced run contrary to traditional practices.
So NFP is condemned as sinful, in large part because a post VII Pope- Paul VI authorized its use. And Piux XII’s letter to the midwives is dismissed as “meaningless” even though he stipulated the same things that are in HV, to a body of persons very much involved in their everyday work and lives with the medical practices related to couples giving birth. We’re not saying we know better than all the folks using these arguments, just pointing out the incongruity between claiming respect for the Papacy on some things that are promulgated, and not on others, in order to justify dissent such as this, which leads to setting up a false hierarchy among groups of laity, to interpret the meaning of teachings from the past as they apply to teachings like this, from the present, which are not as clearcut as many of the other issues we discuss here.
Thank you Roman Watcher for your reply. I don’t know that the Church actually teaches that the Cardinals need to jurically depose him before he, canonically, loses his office. But I see some difficulties with this thesis (Cyprian allused to one of them already above). I think I will study the matter further.
But can I get your opinion on something (or anyone else here)? If Pope Francis gives the go ahead to give communion to those in a public state of sin, is that heresy strictly speaking, or is it merely promoting evil discipline?
Thanks for any info! 🙂
Well said. Yet no bishop or cardinal is publicly communicating these truths.
In such circumstances, the Pope would not be pope, by necessity. The procedures would be to make a finding that this was, as a matter of fact, the case. As with an apparent marriage that is actually void ab initio.
Yes, Anastasia. Thank you. We suffer as the despised scattered remnant – and offer it to Our Lord God in reparation for some of the evil betrayal of Him that is dominant in the Church. Blessed Michael and St John the Baptist, pray for us!
Thank you for saying it as it is, Roman Watcher. Even though the majority is so far removed from truth, it cannot readily recognise it.
I have read that there is a possibility of a Catholic community developing near the Clear Creek Benedictine monastery, in Oklahoma I think. Google their site for a real treat.
Many of us know families like you describe. They make lots of sacrifices for Mum to homeschool, and they do without vacations, TV, and fancy stuff – and they do it gladly. I’ve never met such great children – friendly, articulate, happy and sweet – from the toddlers to the university students.
The liceity of NFP goes back to decisions made by the Holy See at least as far back as the early 19th century. I will be happy to provide citations if you need them.
For the rest of you, Anastasia is a perfect example of how questioning the doctrinal decisions of the Holy Father ultimately leads to private judgment and protestantism.
Good news.
Bedlam reigns at the SECRET SIN SYNOD. 🙂
HEADLINE : “Synod: Most Are Against Kasper”
Over at Rorate Caeli, this:http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2014/10/synod-majority-is-against-kasper.html
Best take away:
The African bishops in general showed a great attachment to doctrine and to the current pastoral practice and showed a great deal of “good sense”.
If their is one issue that “broke the back” of the Kasperites, it’s the issue of
P O L Y G A M Y.
How can one logically explain giving the sacraments to one group of public sinners without giving the sacraments to another group of public sinners.
But what is rubbing the reporters the wrong way is this:
“If the decision to cover a Synod with a cloak of vagueness (we underscore that this is the first time in a several decades long history) came from the fear that the participants would be able to do or say whatever with an eye for their love for being on stage, then let me say that this would betray an attitude of profound lack of confidence in the pastors of souls who are responsible for millions of Catholics in the whole world. If the Pope and his collaborators do not have faith in them, how are the ordinary faithful supposed to?”
No kidding Sherlock!
But then again, how can revolutionaries trust the subjects of their revolutionizing?
Can’t just “kill them all, and let God sort them out later”. 🙂
But I digress.
And the final point is this: if most are against Kasper, that means that this is a total disaster for our “Pernonista in Chief”. He can’t get the result he wants, and incurs a publicity disaster in the mean time.
And I leave you with this thought:
“This sounds like, or can be interpreted as such, as a repudiation of Kasper’s theorem. But then why does the “external” image of what is going on at the Synod seem so different? Those who always take a dim view of things talk about an intentional plan to create a certain public opinion and to extend this message to all bishops, priests, convents, and pastoral workers, to orient them into a particular direction: the direction those in charge want.”
Like the old saying goes, “put a fork in this turkey, he is done”.
But only for SIN SYNOD part I
PS Think the BORF “enemies list” has gotten a lot bigger over these past few days. Wouldn’t be surprised if we see a lot of new faces at the SIN SYNOD part II>
… and this, from the DAC blog:
They just. can’t. ever. GET. OVER. IT!!!
“IT” being 1968
Link here:http://veneremurcernui.wordpress.com/2014/10/09/synod-wants-to-make-church-a-friend-of-the-world/
Black pope said this:
“The Superior General of the Jesuits, Father Adolfo Nicolas told Vatican Insider: “The free and open discussion is towards change, towards pastoral adaptation to the changing reality of our time.” But not only that Nicolas put this development in a context that is implicitly directed against Benedict XVI, and John Paul II: “This is an epoch-making sign, because there were forces in these years that have attempted to return the Church to before the great season of the Council.”
DAC comments on above:
“[They can rant and rail all they want, they can introduce all the pastoral novelties imaginable, in the end, their “new springtime” will always, always fail. It will fail because no one will care, because it will not be transcendent, holy, or supernatural. Sure, a lot of people want to be confirmed in their sin, to be patted on the back and told how wonderfully they are doing, but those people don’t go to Church, don’t donate, don’t have children (or very many), and don’t raise up vocations. So your new progressive Church will still die, no matter how much you try to prostitute it to the world – a very carefully chosen phrase, because that is exactly what you Jesuits and other progressives do.]”
So much for the past, being the past. Looks like someone is stuck in it up to their ears. 😉
And one for the “modernist on modernist” hate category.
Prestigious modernist institute and it’s experts on “marriage and family” not invited to the synod on “marriage and family”.
Via Pew Sitter (PS B/t/w best new aggregator out there):
Quote that’s just too funny….:
“In short, it is difficult to find in the Church today an institute of philosophical, theological, and pastoral studies more authoritative and competent than this one on issues of marriage and family.
And yet the incredible has happened. None of the professors of this pontifical institute has been called to speak at the synod on the family that opened on October 5 and will close on the 19th.”
I guess there are modernists, and then there are modernists. 😉
On and aside, maybe a reporter should ask Fr. Lombardi about this obvious oversight. 😉
On an aside, more good news (NOT).
Wonder if it has the official papal seal of approval?
Link here
Breitbart writes:
“The Sisters of Mercy of Silver Spring, Maryland, have released a 2014 midterm election guide that urges voters to favor candidates who support amnesty, climate change, gun control, and Pentagon budget cuts.”
OK Nothing about “marraige and family”?
The NOB’s resident “marraige and family” expert must be at the SECRET SIN SYNOD” 🙂
This must explain why the other “prestigious” papal institute on marriage and family wasn’t invited. 😉
No room at the inn! :0
Who’s up for some eye candy?
From the NLM blog, Upcoming Eucharistic Procession in Virginia Beach!
This Sunday!
If you are in the neighborhood, please attend.
Link here:http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2014/10/event-notice-eucharistic-procession-on.html#.VDd201fDWpg
Was stationed close by way back when. Those were the dark pre-indult days unfortunately. No proper mass to be had anywhere.
Another reason to hate the error of VII. 😉
And this….
Link here:http://www.eyeofthetiber.com/2013/10/20/clown-at-circus-mass-reprimanded-for-honking-sanctus-horn-at-wrong-part-of-consecration/
The church of Francis: where parody is reconciled with reality. 😉
Yes, given Bergoglio’s penchant for quoting Zhou Enlai, I suspect that this could simply be his moment to “let a hundred flowers bloom”.
Footnotes (links must be prefixed with “http:”
Bergoglio quotes Zhou Enlai at the 4:28 mark in this video:
Wikipedia discusses Zhou Enlai’s record here:
Dear Ganganelli,
Please do list those citations for us and anyone else interested–especially the earliest, which we have not yet seen.
Dear Dumb_ox:
Thanks for the most interesting clip.
After watching the video, the thing that strike me is the last part where BORF alludes to “sanity”.
The call me Jorge website also notices that Francis might be off his rocker.
Over at the EF blog, this appeared a couple of days ago: “As Bergolio Was Sent As “Brilliant, But Crazy” into “Exile”
Link here:http://eponymousflower.blogspot.com/2014/09/as-bergolio-was-sent-as-brilliant-but.html
“(Buenos Aires) “Aquel Francisco” ( This Francis ) is a book which appeared last week in Argentina in the publishing house Raiz de Dos of Cordoba. It is dedicated to the life Jorge Mario Bergoglio, particularly his “exile” in the Argentine province of Cordoba. It will bring a new “light to the time”, in which Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio had “fallen out of favor and been exiled” within the Jesuit Order.The priest was then referred to as “crazy and almost irresponsible”. An incident that had affected not only the superior of the Jesuits in Argentina, but also other Latin American countries and also the General house of the Order in Rome. A “series of defamations under which the Pope had suffered more than 20 years ago,” write the authors of the book.”
As you see, the sanity issue comes up often when discussing Bergoglio.
I wonder if it could be the case, that the electors appointed a mad man as the head of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
I think, in all seriousness, this question must be asked.
Poster Matthew put this link up in the Forum. I read it last night and found it very good – actual, recent, well thought out, well documented, and clearly articulated information and advice for use at the Synod – quote from Matthew’s post:
“The second (document) is more recent, having been published in the last few days, and is equally relevant: “Recent Proposals for the Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried: A Theological Assessment” by a group of eight expert theologians, 7 of which are Dominicans:
Worth reading and saving while we wait patiently for the Five Cardinals’ book.
Oh my… a cardinal breaks with the “Wall of Secrecy”… or rather… tells Francis: ” Tear down this wall”.
This over at Hot Air:http://hotair.com/archives/2014/10/09/synod-diary-prayers-with-the-pope-animated-and-fraternal-debate-and-the-eucharist/
“The texts of speeches at the family synod should be released publicly, the Vatican’s doctrinal chief has said.
Cardinal Gerhard Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, told Salt and Light: “These interventions should be published as before. All Christians have the right to be informed about [the] intervention of their bishops.”
“Revolutions eat their children”, according to Jacques Mallet du Pan.
Must have been off of Francis’s must read list…. besides, Zhou Enlai is much more sexy. 😉
But the next question is: What is the difference between “madness” and diabolic disorientation?
p.s. the linked article seems a very sketchy collection of thoughts about the issue. We could actually put together a better argument from listing his reported statements made to close friends, and from his interviews.
The SECRET SIN SYNOD in not going that well for the revolutionaries.
Here are a couple of headlines just from RC:
– Press Office manipulation hiding significant pro-family, pro-marriage and anti-Kasper pronouncements
And this:
Not Even the Pope Can Give Communion to the Divorced and Remarried
Money quote:
It’s a shame, as certainly there have been speeches that deserved being revealed in greater detail. Like this one: a bishop severely criticized Cardinal Kasper’s proposal to give the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried stating that it was, “a medicine worse than the disease.”””
As the picture gets clearer, it looks like what we are dealing with here is a few revolutionaries and their ring leader, trying re-create October 1917 one more time.
Worked for Lenin. 😉
Can we talk?
“I think it is high time that we talk frankly about what is truly happening in the Church. It is quite probable that we are approaching the denouement of this horrible play, a century in the telling, in which the Synod on the Family, currently playing out in Rome, may be the opening scene of the final act.”
Yes in deed.
Those dastardly Ratzingerians might have just won again. 😉
The first time Rome spoke on the matter was as long ago as 1853, when the Sacred Penitentiary answered a dubium (a formal request for an official clarification) submitted by the Bishop of Amiens, France. He asked, “Should those spouses be reprehended who make use of marriage only on those days when (in the opinion of some doctors) conception is impossible?” The Vatican reply was, “After mature examination, we have decided that such spouses should not be disturbed [or disquieted], provided they do nothing that impedes generation”
Prayer Request:
From the Mundabor blog:
Linen On The Hedgerow: Let’s Storm Heaven!
Oct 10
Posted by Mundabor
No time to go into details now.
Mr Richard Collins is still alive.
There is an initiative to pray Pope Venerable Pius XII for his miraculous healing.
My take: let’s do this!
Let us storm heaven with our prayers! But let us all pray to the same man, Pope Pius XII!
If the miracle happens, this will be used towards his beatification and/or canonisation. If it does not happen, it will be many more prayers for Mr Collins anyway.
Let us storm heaven! Reblog this, or link, or encourage your readers to do the same!
Blessed Pius XII, ora pro nobis.
@IF: I was reminded by reading the comment on another blog by someone writing under the name “Damask Rose” that the public ministry of Our Lord began at the Wedding Feast of Cana, which was also the occasion of His first miracle – turning water into wine. Of course, his first miracle prefigured the mass where wine is turned into the blood of Our Savior. I suspect that this is no mere coincidence – the combination of his first miracle and the wedding feast.
It is not really surprising that Our Lord chose a wedding feast to begin his public ministry since the Almighty thought family was important enough that he chose at the time of his visitation to be born into a family and to live the life of a natural son! Obviously family is very important to Him!
Now we have the spectacle of revolutionaries inside the Church attacking the very foundation of the Almighty’s created human order – the family. In fact, it is an even more fundamental attack since it really challenges the Almighty’s creation of the sexes – “man and woman He created them”!
When viewed from this perspective has there ever been a more rebellious generation – a generation that does not quibble about a dogma here or there while remaining “faithful” otherwise like other rebellious generations but challenges the very order of Creation established by the Almighty? And also surreptitiously seeks “to sanctify” an abomination that caused the Almighty to rain fire and brimstone on those who practiced it?
I guess this is how the faithful get to experience some of the agony of Our Lord’s passion. We witness how unthinking brutes in clerical garb make a mockery of His institutional Church, scandalizing those who remain faithful. I suspect the final ignominy of the faithful will be to be handed over by these brutes to the perennial enemies of Our Lord.
It also makes me wonder about exactly what the Antichrist’s “abomination of desolation” will be? The blessing in St. Peter’s by someone claiming to be God of a thousand perverse unions? Isn’t the present Pope laying the groundwork for such an abomination? We truly do live in troubling times.
We also need mention that Our Lady of Fatima warned us that many souls are damned for sins of the flesh! I guess our church leaders also seek “to distinguish” themselves from other generations (not in a good way) by not only seeking to upset the order of creation established by the Almighty but also by ignoring a grave warning given us by the Mother of God!
Blessed Mary ever virgin pray for us! Blessed Michael the Archangel pray for us! Blessed St. John the Baptist pray for us!
This question on sexual purity from a Bishop to a commity in Rome does not ask if it is sinful to have recourse exclusively to the infertile period in order to avoid having children. It asks wether it is sinful to have conjugal relations during periods where the chanches of conception are very low. Of course it is not sinful to as long as one is not purposefully separating the primary purpose of procreation from the secondary purpose of unity in order to avoid having children.
I have yet to see how those who believe that NFP when used to separate the primary purpose of procreation and education of children for God’s glory form it’s secondary purpose in order to avoid having children is not contraception and that NFP does not contradict PiusXII’s Casti Conubii, natural law or common sense.
I have important examples from Church fathers and scripture that clearly teach against contraception and they weren’t talking about of course chemical birth control pills either.
I will demonstrate in acouple of days how manipulations were even made with the New American bible to specifically remove from the words in Tobit as read in the Douay Rheims on the primary purpose as being procreation and replaced “procreation” with “noble purpose” and I will reference Church fathers too.
I hope to be able to respond soon.
dear Indignus famulus,
perhaps that diabolic disorientation requires a certain cooperation of the will, whereas, with regard to madness, not necessarily?