On Friday, May 14, Jorge Bergoglio (stage name, Francis) addressed the opening of a meeting held in Rome called the General States of Birth. The online meeting was hosted by the Forum of Family Associations, a European “organization that unites 47 national associations and 20 regional Forums representing the reality of 4 million families.”
I heard of the address from a “contributing writer at National Catholic Register” who hailed the presentation in a Facebook post, writing:
VATICAN—This speech by Pope Francis took place yesterday, addressing Italian leaders including PM Draghi.
Note his support of growing families and pregnant women in the face of the demographic winter in Europe.
Also note the (Catholic) journalists who SHOULD have reported this *good* news for life who chose not to do so…
Remember, this is the same Francis who, in 2015, publicly complained about Catholics breeding “like rabbits” and then bragged about chastising a woman who, in spite of having had seven c-sections, was pregnant with her eighth child. And now he’s supporting growing families and pregnant women?
I was intrigued, so I read the address as reported by the “Holy See Press Office,” and guess what I discovered?
It just as easily could have been delivered by Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), or the UN Secretary General, António Guterres. Surprised? Nah, me neither.
After acknowledging “the urgent issue of the birth rate” and saying that it’s “fundamental to reverse the current trend,” His Humanist went on to deliver a 2,000+ word speech that mentioned sustainability and subsidiarity a dozen or so times, but Jesus just once.
Oh, and by the way, Bergoglio’s solitary mention of Our Blessed Lord for whom he is pretending to be Vicar was offered in the context of yet another blatant misrepresentation of Sacred Scripture. He said:
There is a phrase from the Gospel that can help anyone, even those who do not believe, to direct their choices. Jesus says: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Mt 6: 21). Where is our treasure, the treasure of our society? In the children or in finances? What attracts us, family or income? There must be the courage to choose what comes first, because that is where the heart is bound.
In reality, far from offering earthbound advice to atheists, Jesus was encouraging believers to store up treasure in Heaven:
And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:16-20)
Well, at least Jorge managed to say the Name at the mention of which every knee shall bend (even his, willingly or not) once, but guess what he didn’t bring up at all during his address on the European demographic winter?
If you said contraception and abortion, each of which are not only responsible for Europe’s tragically low birth rate but are central to the plans of the globalist elites for whom Jorge labors, you are correct!
Serving his taskmasters well, Jorge placed blame for “the lowest number of births since national unity” as follows:
… not only because of Covid, but because of a continuous, progressive downward trend, an increasingly harsh winter.
That downward trend, according to Francis, is due to “the uncertainty of work” and “the increasingly unaffordable costs of raising children.”
In other words, the low birth rate is not indicative of a moral problem, but rather an economic one. (One wonders if the WEF provided talking points for Jorge.)
Being a dyed-in-the-wool globalist himself, Jorge could not help but give another shout out to the COVIDS, saying that “the dramatic birth rate and the frightening figures linked to the pandemic demand change and responsibility.”
“Sustainability rhymes with responsibility: it is the time for responsibility to make society flourish,” he said. “Here, in addition to the primary role of the family, the school is fundamental.”
He went on to say:
At school one does not mature only through grades, but through the faces one encounters. And for young people it is essential to come into contact with lofty models that shape hearts as well as minds … they mature if attracted by those who have the courage to pursue big dreams, to sacrifice themselves for others, to do good to the world in which we live.
I have no idea what’s going on in European schools, but here in the United States teachers’ unions are playing the COVID card for all its worth, insisting that it’s unsafe for educators to go back to work in the classroom, even as they demand an ever-increasing piece of the taxpayer pie. So much for lofty role models willing to sacrifice.
Those who may wish to torture themselves further can read the rest of the address via the hyperlink provided above, but at this I presume it has been made sufficiently clear why an authentically Catholic journalist would choose not to report on the address.
The “good news” it conveyed wasn’t for life, but rather for the WEF, the UN, and globalists everywhere: Jorge Bergoglio is still on the job at the helm of the counterfeit church, doing his level best to lead the sheep to slaughter.