In this episode of the Patria Podcast, Dr. Jesse Russell and I discuss John Paul II:
Who was he, and what was his real relationship with Our Lady and her Divine Son, the Redeemer of man?
The podcast is available for download in audio only format at SoundCloud and will be available on iTunes in the near future.
You brought up the term New Pentecost, while I am in agreement with you on that. It is a phrase used by St. Louie de Montfort which has me pondering is it really possible to have a New Pentecost in a legitimate way instead of a modernist way? St. Louie is probably talking about how God will have to pour out the Holy Ghost on those who survive the great tribulation and will get a chance to build a Catholic civilization, for the reign of Mary, despite having been molded in liberalism as we all have been.
Probably a good majority of conservative priests have been inspired to their vocation by either Pope John Paul II or Pope Benedict XVI. I used to think the biblical term cockle was referring to cocklebur, but cockle is a grass weed that one cannot distinguish from wheat by shape or texture of the leaves and stems at a young age like most grass weeds. It can only be distinguished from wheat once it heads out, in other words, once it bears fruit! So it’s painful for all us Catholics to see not wheat heads popping out, but cockle heads, so sure it has an extra sting for priests to come to the realization that they may have been inspired by cockle. But we really do not know if these popes were first degree weeds or they were perhaps simply absent minded for failing to connect the dots after being molded by first degree weeds. It’s only because we were all sleeping that we have not submitted a dubia to all of the conciliar popes! Part of the reason why we slept is because till things really started to go south, it seemed like rash suspicion to be questioning and disagreeing with the popes!
There are many who are mad at Jesus for not weeding His field and for deciding to separate the wheat from the chaff at harvest. In other words, the way some write online, they are going to be completely shocked to find some wheat in the Novus Ordo, or even tribes of tradition who shake different colored pom poms then them!
Whenever i hear “New Pentacost” by these faithless modernists it is repulsive, it is blasphemy, same with their “New Advent” and “New Evangelism.” The evidence is substantial now, that these are deceitful, whitewashed terms/tombs for the anti-Christ. Their “New Evangelism” is lies, sometimes garnished with their now infamous ambiguous terms. We are witnessing our Apostle Paul’s prophesy about ear ticklers and their goats who eat anything. “Black Advent” and “Poisonous Evangelism” are the true terms for this evil movement, this tremendous falling away.
Almighty God, strengthen our faith in Jesus The Christ, our Salvation.
I watched the episode. Unless I was reading into things, it appeared to me that Dr. Russell is still having a very hard time wrestling with all of this. Louie seems more settled in his thoughts, etc although he is still searching. Dr Russell reminds me of where I was back in 2013. Louie reminds me of where I was a year or two later.
The Holy Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is OK to receive Our Lord from a lay person whose hands have not be consecrated by the power of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It is OK to receive Our Lord in the hand which invites the Holy Eucharist to be manhandled. It is OK to receive Our Lord standing instead of kneeling. It is OK to receive Our Lord without being in the State of Grace. Anyone who believes these desecrations, which was a result of Vatican 2, whether clergy or laity, is NOT Catholic.
It’s a “New Pentacost” for the NO sect because it is a new religion. And a false one at that.
few things in one comment
“Taylor Marshall and Ryan Grant on Heretical Popes”
I avoid dr Marshall but do like Rayan Grand’s podcasts – a lot of info there. Usually Grant does not touch present church’s situation directly in his talks. My guess is that subject of this one was picked by dr Marshall. For those familiar with Grant not much new stuff in the interview. What surprised me a little is change of tone of dr Marshall comparing to what I remember from few years back. He is part of ‘the clans’ and goes along clans’ lines. He was polite toward sede, too polite imo, giving then credentials they don’t deserve.
Speaking of ‘clans’. Chris Ferrara was lately humiliated publicly. Or rather he humiliated publicly himself. Chris Ferrara has a good chance to get clean, to admit that he was in error, that he tried to bend truth and mislead readers. He can accept consequences of his actions. It can be huge. Humility surely destroys all devil’s work. I don’t hold my breath.
I wont comment on Louie’s remarks re this interview. There is too much to write.
Good info re Galilleo in comments. Thanks. If true, I wonder if Sede’s date (1958) will be pushed back? Or, maybe, there will will be change in way of thinking… I don’t hold my breath for this one either.
Patria Podcasts
nr 4 (yes, yes. I got the message). Things are getting clearer.
There are many issues I agree with Louie, many issues that irritate me as much as him or even more. Our conclusions, though, are different. He rejects the Church. I know: one can make argument that only the Dark Church has been rejected but in reality True Church goes along with the Dark one. L. makes many mistakes in reasoning, sometimes contradicts himself – this can be explained by live session where not every thought can be reflected upon before it gets out. Nevertheless amount of mistakes and type of mistakes indicate how his mind works. And this is mind of a Sedevacantist. Again, too much to go after every example and also, because, imo, Louie is not able to receive criticism properly at the moment. I’m not saying that he is not intelligent, contrary, he is quite intelligent but uses intelligence against the Church. Not intentionally. I’m sure he is convinced he does good things.
Maybe I point to one irritating issue. He overuses word ‘obviously’ and ‘clearly’. The are psychological and rhetorical reasons he does that. Effect is that he manifests his state of mind more than anything else. To get idea what I’m talking about see video, lately circulating around, comparing March for Life with some feminist’s march. There is a scene where a man in pink hat says that Hillary Clinton clearly would be better president than Trump (or something like that). What he says is clear to him the same way as some facts clearly lead our host to his conclusions. Conclusions are not expressed verbally (intelligence at work) but implied in no doubtful way.
nr 5 About JPII. Not much new info. Louie summarizes part of our knowledge. He creates, false imo, impression that there are only two possible positions: JPII was without fault – in this case there is possibility he can be a true pope, or he did err and in this case institution he headed is Dark/Conciliar Church not Catholic. Of course he presents evidence that “obviously” leave no doubt which possibility is the correct one.
I bet each one of us can present more of, at least, dubious examples relating to JPII. What matters to me is that Louie does not even try to analyze presented examples. He goes right after conclusions he wants to reach. (Sometimes this method is called ‘propaganda’.)
In both interviews I see no signs of love toward the Church. This is harsh statement. Please, keep in mind that this is not about reality but about my perception. One can argue that all what was said flows out exactly out of love to the Church, but what I see is hate toward Dark Church applied evenly toward True Church – sede style.
I hoped AKA will become a place where people like me, rejecting errors but not rejecting the Church, can exchange notes, create some plan of action, support each other, something like that. I found no such a place yet. Unfortunately AKA slid toward Sedevacantism. AKA has fallen. AKA is SedeTube now.
I really wish I’m wrong but I can pretend no more. I’m out. I also cancel my ‘Inquisitor’ subscription as it is unthinkable that my money support Sedevacantism. Thank you all. I do not doubt about your good will but good will is not enough.
There is no such thing as a “Sedevacantist” or a “Clan [member]”; there are only Catholics and non-Catholics, those who adhere to the unchangeable Holy Faith, and those who reject it.
Receiving the Holy Eucharist (assuming that is what you have in the Novus Ordo sect) standing is NOT a desecration. You through that word around very carelessly and incorrectly. In the Byzantine Rite, at the Divine Liturgy, we stand when we receive Holy Communion–under both species as they say in Latin–there are no kneelers in the Churches except perhaps one reserved for Holy Confession-which we do in the Church itself. It’s a difference in theology I do not want to go into here-but it is interesting and both sides have solid Catholic doctrine behind them. More to the point: worry about if the Novus Ordo “Rite” is a valid Mass–I agree the laity should NOT be handling the Body of Christ or distributing Communion. These are but signs of a MUCH larger problem that goes back at least to Vatican 2. No amount of facing ad orientem, kneeling for Communion, or Latin hymns is going to fix a problem of error and even heresy-those are problems of lack of the orthodox Faith, lack of hope, and most of all, lack of love for the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
Unthinkable-or unthinking on your part? Go back to the Vatican 2 sect to your “Pope” Jorge Mario Bergoglio who esteems the Moslems (like anybody else we heard of in this broadcast), canonizes-almost–Martin Luther, makes the schismatic Eastern Orthodox brother “Patriarchs” in other words throws Eastern Rite Catholics under the bus (like anybody else–ok you get the message), brings pagan worship into “Catholic Churches” (see like anybody, etc.), is praised by Freemasons, betrays Chinese Catholics to the Communists and who grovels to the Jews. Let’s see-the Moslems, the Eastern Orthodox, the Protestants, the pagans, the Freemasons and the Jews–did Jorge miss any of the enemies of the Church? He is always happy most of all not over the liberals, homosexuals, semi-pagans, and Modernists, who remain in the V2 church-no he has them already but the “Trads” who remain or return and refuse to call him what he manifestly is.
Kneeling was the “ordinary” way to received the Holy Eucharist in the Latin rite. Changing from kneeling to standing became the norm after V2. Who in the Catholic Church was complaining? Those who physically could not kneel were accommodated. It was just another means to minimize the awesomeness of the Holy Eucharist regardless of what they do in the Byzantine Rite. I agree with you. The bigger problem is lack of faith which became apparent with all the changes after V2.
“The bigger problem is lack of faith which became apparent with all the changes after V2.”
Dr. Russell is still quite R&R. After all, he wrote for Mr. Matt’s newspaper. That’s a lot of baggage to toss off the train.
He’ll come around hopefully.