It has long been rumored that a secret Vatican commission has been assigned the task of creating a so-called “Ecumenical Mass;” a rite recently described by Italian journalist Marco Tossati as “a liturgy designed to unite Catholics and Protestants around the Holy Table.”
Well, akaCatholic is now able to report that a high-ranking curial official (a cardinal who I hope to be able to identify by name soon) has unequivocally confirmed, in writing, not only that the committee was actually created, but that its work has been completed, and what’s more, the “Mass” it produced is as bad, or worse, than imagined.
As will become clear, there can be no doubt that Francis is very pleased with the results.
Following are some excerpts taken from the Cardinal’s somewhat lengthy missive (written in Italian and translated into English) wherein His Eminence severely criticized the newly created Mass.
After carefully reviewing the text produced by the committee, His Eminence stated that the new rite has “every possibility of satisfying the most modernistic of Protestants.”
He went on to reveal that it is being presented in the “Instruction” that accompanies it, as:
“A sacred meeting or assembly of the People of God … to celebrate the memorial of the Lord. Thus the promise of Christ, ‘where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them,” is eminently true of the local community.’” [NOTE: Here, His Eminence is providing a direct quote taken from the “Instruction” for the Mass]
His Eminence went on to observe:
This promise [“Where two or three are gathered…”], which refers only to the spiritual presence of Christ with His grace, is thus put on the same qualitative plane, save for the greater intensity, as the substantial and physical reality of the Sacramental Eucharistic Presence. [Emphasis in original]
Just as one may have expected, a considerable effort was made to downplay those things in the Mass that Protestants find objectionable.
For instance, the Cardinal writes:
As is only too evident, the emphasis is obsessively placed upon the supper and the memorial instead of upon the unbloody renewal of the Sacrifice of Calvary.
Getting to the heart of the matter, His Eminence observed that the rite not only obscures, but even amounts to a denial of certain dogmatic truths. He writes:
It does not, in a word, imply any of the essential dogmatic values of the Mass which together provide its true definition. Here the deliberate omission of these dogmatic values amounts to their having been superseded and therefore, at least in practice, to their denial. [Emphasis in original]
The Cardinal even went so far as to say that “faith in the dogma of the Real Presence is implicitly repudiated.”
In other words, it’s not Catholic!
Again, we cannot be surprised to find that this is the case. The only question was how the committee would go about denying the “intrinsic value of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.” Now we know.
His Eminence tells us that the new rite:
“…changes the nature of the offering, turning it into a sort or exchange of gifts between man and God: man brings the bread, and God turns it into the ‘bread of life’; man brings the wine, and God turns it into a ‘spiritual drink.’ … By suppressing the continual reference to God in the Eucharistic prayers, there is no longer any clear distinction between divine and human sacrifice.” [Emphasis in original]
As we have long noted in this space, Francis is focused almost exclusively on earth bound activities; most notably, so-called “social justice” and service to the poor.
The Cardinal observed that the rite makes these man-centered priorities evident:
There is a danger that the uniqueness of this offering will become blurred, so that participation in the immolation of the Victim comes to resemble a philanthropical meeting, or a charity banquet.
His Eminence further observed that the rite is designed in such a way as to strip the priest of his unique identity (surprise, surprise). He writes:
The priest’s position is minimized, changed and falsified. Firstly in relation to the people for whom he is, for the most part, a mere president, or brother, instead of the consecrated minister celebrating in persona Christi … Not a word do we now find as to the priest’s power to sacrifice, or about his act of consecration, the bringing about through him of the Eucharistic Presence. He now appears as nothing more than a Protestant minister.
The Cardinal suggested that his criticism, severe as it is, only scratches the surface:
A complete evaluation of all the pitfalls, the dangers, the spiritually and psychologically destructive elements contained in the document—whether in text, rubrics or instructions—would be a vast undertaking.
Even so, the courageous Cardinal did not hesitate to conclude:
By way of compensation, the new Liturgy will be the delight of the various groups who, hovering on the verge of apostasy, are wreaking havoc in the Church of God, poisoning her organism and undermining her unity of doctrine, worship, morals and discipline in a spiritual crisis without precedent.
If all that has been said thus far isn’t disturbing enough, the truly terrible news is that the “Mass” described by the Cardinal as having “every possibility of satisfying the most modernistic of Protestants” isn’t just coming to a parish near you; rather, it has been celebrated daily all over the Catholic world for nearly half-a-century!
As some readers have already discerned, the high-ranking curial official quoted in this article is none other than Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani and the BRIEF CRITICAL STUDY OF THE NOVUS ORDO MISSAE (otherwise known as the “Ottaviani Intervention”) that he produced along with Antonio Cardinal Bacci, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and a group of Roman Theologians.
NB: This article is much more than just a parody.
So-called “conservative” Catholics are rightly horrified at the idea that a “liturgy designed to unite Catholics and Protestants around the Holy Table” is in the offing. Many, I suspect, cannot even bring themselves to acknowledge that such a thing could ever possibly be dispensed by the hand of a pope.
And yet, if Cardinal Ottaviani and his collaborators have even come close to providing an accurate snapshot of the Novus Ordo Missae, it is clear that an “Ecumenical Mass” – one created with the deliberate intent of making Protestants comfortable – already exists in the so-called “Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.”
Who can possibly deny that in Catholic parishes all over the world, militant homosexuals, abortion rights advocates, and notorious public heretics of various stripes have been waltzing up for Holy Communion, Sunday in and Sunday out, for decades on end?
In other words, persons who are quite obviously Protestant (in spite of pretending to remain Catholic) have long been openly invited to gather ‘round “the Holy Table.”
What’s more, it has long been reported, and in L’Osservatore Romano no less, that both John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger gave Communion even to those who openly identify as Protestant.
More recently, in November 2015, Francis publicly counseled a Lutheran woman in such a way as to grant her (and every other heretic paying attention) a license to receive Holy Communion at Mass.
So, what are we to make of these rumors about another “Ecumenical Mass” being in the offing; the motives for this one being more explicitly stated?
Once again, I’m having trouble finding cause for concern.
On the contrary, I say bring it on!
If nothing else, the introduction of such an abomination may serve to open the eyes of those who presently fail to understand that simply because the Novus Ordo was promulgated by Paul VI, this does not mean that it was dispensed to the faithful by Holy Mother Church. As such, it may not necessarily be good, and may even be harmful.
With this in mind, even if the rumored “Ecumenical Mass” never comes to fruition, I am grateful for the rumor itself since it may have created enough concern among certain of the rank and file that they are willing to at least consider, for the first time in their lives, the dangers associated with the Novus Ordo as identified by Cardinal Ottaviani and his collaborators.
As such, please consider passing this article along to any “concerned conservatives” in your circle of influence.
Bring it on, indeed! Will this be called the Not So Ordinary Form? Or will they call it the Ecu-friendly Form? This is actually the best news I have heard in a long time coming out of Rome. Ad Multos Annos, Mr. Bergolio. Keep up the good work.
Perhaps some Catholics will have their eyes opened as they see what is happening before their eyes to the mass. But, sadly, from my experience most with blithely go their way and go along with whatever the apostates in Rome throw their way. They have no real love for the faith and with eyes open, will swallow the garbage that the local bishop feeds them. I’ve talked to many Novus Ordo Catholics about tradition and more often than not get a blank stare in return or silence. Not once has anyone asked my an intelligent question as to why I’m a traditionalist. So sad. May the Immaculate Heart triumph soon.
I admire the honesty of the N.O. V2 pseudo-church to fabricate a “liturgy” in conformity with its beliefs which are contrary to the True Catholic Church. The N.O. “mass”, as bad as it is, pretended to be “catholic”. Now there is no more pretense. I agree–Keep up the good work, Bergoglio!! Congratulations, Martin Luther, wherever you are—I think I know where that is.
This could be called the NOUN Liturgy. For the inspiration of global sustainability .
New Order United Nations mass.
Forget the souls of mankind, man must save the earth for mankind, leaving it’s
Creator, Who values souls so much He sent His Only Beloved Son to save souls, in the dust.
If true, this is a brilliant move by Bergolio to further keep his opposition divided. All neo and trad guns will come out to oppose the new ecu-mass and thus render support and defense for the NO. Once the usual suspects fall for the bait, Bergolio will remind them how the new ecu-mass is only a product of what was intended by the NO and V2 thus forcing his opponents to either criticize the NO when criticizing the ecu-mass or to shut up. Either way he wins and neos and trads who supports NO validity will look like bigger fools than they already are.
Bergoglio already consigned Almighty God to the back of beyond. He is quoted as saying “Mother Nature created everything and she looks after us.”
May God forgive that evil man.
More stupid fake news from a site desperate for clicks now that its “sphere of influence” has shrunk to the size of Pope Michael’s credibility.
Cardinal Ottaviani, if he were alive, would spit on you and your attempt to fan the flames of your ever-decreasing circle of followers.
The brain-dead nature of said followers is perfectly illustrated by the sedevacantist heretic “Tom A” who actually swallowed this humorless, despairing, devilish “parody” hook, line and sinker.
This news is reported on other sites, and its probably a predictable ecumenical outrage overeach. What will they call it – Very ordinary Lite rite.? The protesants must be beside themselves, they get to “ordain” their woman pastors in Catholic churches now in Europe. Then interchange from the bench, like the rugby players do after half time breaks. Imagine that, Runcie could hold the fort while Jorge goes on vacation or secondment to the Global arena? At least one Cardinal, his identity we await can be aplauded for speaking as is his right.
Ordinary Lite Rite – has a simple ring to it, dont you thnk. I am afraid the salt has lost its taste and is now well trampled under modernist jack boots.
Shorten the days Lord. Our Lady of Good Success – ora pro nobis
It’s very hard, if not outright impossible, to convince Novus. Ordo Catholics of Tradition and the traditional faith of all time. In my opinion the odds are against conversion to tradition unless through grace one yearns for it, even if unknowingly. Nobody convinced me on a one on one basis but rather through my own research and curiosity I arrived. Luckily for me around that same time an indult TLM became available five minutes away. Now further research is revealing the problems of attending an indult mass. Oh, the fight never ends….
Dear Professor Q–Even if this were fake news, the N.O. “mass”, such as it is now, is already a protestant dream come true. This “ecu-mass” merely puts the icing on the cake. There is no need to get so upset about this supposed “stupid fake news”. Things are so bad now, it really doesn’t matter. The damage has been done. Whenever I get so upset, as you seem to be, I pray the Rosary.
Fake news? So the blasphemous Lutheran-Calvinist Novus Ordo was not in fact imposed on the Catholic Church in Dec 1969? The unbelievable heresy of Luther’s Mass: “for you and for ALL” was not inserted into vernacular Words of Consecration, beginning in 1967, thereby most certainly invalidating the Mass, if not at the very least turning it into a bizarre ape of the Lutheran celebration? “Peace to HIS PEOPLE ON EARTH” again a Lutheran heresy on the denial of free will wasn’t inserted into the Gloria?
What about the narrative format of the institution—in and of itself entirely protestant by turning the liturgy into a “memorial” re-enactment of the Last Supper? This remains after the 2011 changes. What about the wholesale removal of the Catholic offertory prayer and replacement with a Talmudic meal blessing?
Prof Q speaks with the same vindictive, sanctimonious, venom as his man-god Bergolio. Evidence of how the evil spirit of that man taints his followers.
The faux trads cite “No Salvation Outside the Church” when Holy Communion itself it distributed like party favors to protestants. At my own wedding, the Novus Ordo priest knowingly gave communion to a Lutheran woman who had asked him beforehand (as later reported to me by a friend). He was merely enforcing ‘John Paul the Second Coming’s’ sacrilegious 1983 Code that allowed this on “special occasions”. What an unbelievable religion.
Your last sentence sums up the Truth of the Catholic Faith
today , 2 Cents !
During the persecution of the priests and Faithful in Ireland , the Rosary was known as the “Dry Mass”.
After decades of dining at the smorgasbord , we decided to go dry for our own peace of soul and mind.
2 cents; sweepout, and Semper Fidelis – God bless you all abundantly for your loyalty, love and defence of our Faith. I can almost see “professor” Q’s mouth opening and closing with Lucifer right beside him spewing hate.
I refuse to give that poor misguided man credibility in any way, shape or form by responding to his bile! But I will pray for him to recover his soul from he whom he THINKS is his friend!
2 cents; sweepout, and Semper Fidelis – God bless you all abundantly for your loyalty, love and defense of our Faith. I can almost see “professor” Q’s mouth opening and closing with Lucifer right beside him spewing hate.
I refuse to give that poor misguided man credibility in any way, shape or form by responding to his bile! But I will pray for him to recover his soul from he whom he THINKS is his friend!
Ooops! Sorry I tried to cancel but it won’t allow!
This is well worth the read or re read for all of us.
Note mention of what “Older Catholics remember”‘
About thirty years ago while visiting my cousins in another state . we went to their local parish Church on Sunday. Prior to Mass I was saying my rosary to myself. The priest processed in , we all stood and then he stopped and looked down my pew. His expression changed and I was the recipient of a very sour face.
His ad hoc homily consisted of a terse admonishment towards “anyone” who would think to be so rude so as to recite the rosary to themselves at Mass !
In the car afterwards my very smug cousins asked me what I thought about their wonderful priest. I explained that I remembered our parish priests encouraging us to pray the rosary before ,during and after Mass while growing up because as they they explained, it was a Liturgical Prayer.
They can “cite” whatever they like – there is NO salvation outside the One, True, Holy, Apostolic Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ.
And I mean the true Church – not the Vatican II cheap and shoddy imitation.
John XXIII introduced Vatican II for no other reason than the Freemasons wanted it in order to destroy the Church from within.
Paul VI built on that as a willing and active Freemason himself.
John Paul I died suddenly after a very short Papacy
John Paul II was a Vat II supporter who was the first Papal “Rock Star”
Benedict XVI is a real Jekyll & Hyde who is a brilliant theologian but pandered to the modernists [ but now seems to be trying to make up for his mistakes.
Francis ………….. I have no words to express my disgust and horror of this man’s actions without being banned from AKA for life!
Has anyone read Father Luigi Villa’s life story on Chiesa viva – a magazine he founded? Fr Villa was chosen personally by St Padre Pio as his successor in fighting Freemasonry. Fr Villa survived 7 with possibly an 8th attempts on his life.
I can top that Semper. Years ago we tuned into a travel channel. the reporter was covering Rome and Vatican City. JP2 was saying Mass in Vatican City and the Square was packed with tourists who could not gain entrance into the Basilica. After the camera panned all the tacky souvenir kiosks, Mass could be heard over the loudspeaker. During Communion priests milled with the visitors handing out Communion. The reporter got one handed to her and she popped it in her mouth saying to the camera , “They even give out cookies”.”Hmmm not bad!”
I knew where we were headed after seeing what goes on in Vatican City itself.
Yes. I have read Fr. Villa’s website.
Have you read what is said on the site about Francis?
Louie, great parody, great history and great theology. Best click of the week; please keep them coming.
Professor Q is just deliciously butthurt that Louie so masterfully tricked him and many others into re-examining their ‘conservatism’ with regards to the Novus Ordo and Vatican-II-voodooism.
That Trollprofessor Q has been working hard and overtime and over-concerned for a blog with a small “sphere of influence” and “ever-decreasing circle of followers”, is proof in the pudding that he’s on his last desperate legs.
I especially like how he knows what Cardinal Ottaviani would’ve done.
What is Quitey-pie going to do when Francis forces his little Novus Ordo sphere, with actual documentable decreases in followers, to have Lutheran women priests raising their arms beside his nervous Novus Ordo priest as they silently stare at a piece of white bread upon the table? All facing the people of course! Proctologist Q wouldn’t have it any other way!
Hey, Poppy-Q!
Are you friends with Jeffrey Sachs?
I hear he also got very-very upset lately!
I have. And having watched and listened for 3 years; having heard comments from Argentinians ; and likewise from Venezuelans, I believe what Father Villa says.
Considering that Father Villa was hand-picked by the dying St Padre Pio to take his place as the main protagonist of Freemasonry – I trust him implicitly.
The rumors of evil in the Vatican started decades ago and were described in detail in David Yallop’s book “In God’s Name” and also in books by Fr, Malachi Martin. The description of the enthronement of Lucifer in St Paul’s Chapel in the Vatican is horrifying. God help us all.
Which causes one to wonder , is Mother Nature his God of surprises? Heaven knows the weather surprises meteorologist everyday. Im amazed they manage to keep their jobs.
Professor Q, you’ve again proven that you’re a master of the ad hominem. Do you have anything of substance to contribute?
^Seconded. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who realized this.
Ditto for me except I would go even further and say “BEST CLICK OF THE YEAR” other than possibly this article by Cornelia R. Ferreira that deserves posting again for those who may have misssed it.
Yes to what you say here — except that I do not trust anything that Malachi Martin has said. He seems to have been a “double agent.” Review these posts and see if you agree.
From reading the comments most seemed to me like they didnt even bother reading the article or maybe just read the headline or whatever but one thing I know for sure they definitely didn’t get the same point from the article that I got out of it.
Regardless , I must admit I was totally fooled and actually disgusted thinking to myself, oh no! another one of the million stupid articles once again disingenuously blaming Pope Francis for totally destroying everything thats wrong with the Church today including the Mass. But as the article unexpectantly and excellently points out at the end, the Mass has already been totally destroyed over 50 years ago under the watch of the last 5 popes and I would also add just like everything else wrong with the Church that the “conservatives”/TINO’s (including dubia cardinals, filial correction and their supporters) ridiculously and unfairly try to blame on their all time favorite human punching bag and skapegoat Pope Francis The Worst.
Always amazed how well written parodies like the one above are such an effective way of exposing the lies and half-truths of the disengenuous ones in our midst.
The factual story about PJPII and PBXVI giving Holy Communion to a protestant is another point that is and will continue to be ignored by TINO’s since it would only prove that Pope Francis is NOT the first and “worstest” Pope ever to “totally destroy the Church” by allowing those in a state of mortal sin to receive Most Holy Communion. No, nothing to see here.
Dear Alphonsus,
Kindly read the posts by your allies above and then tell me who is indulging in “argumentum ad hominem”.
But you’re the real master of ad hominem attacks. Kindly apply that intelligence to substantive critiques instead, if you can.
Louie–I challenge you to do a parody on Bergoglio that will top anything he has already said or done!
Vatican Insider just wrote a story in defense of pope Francis’s approach to inter- religious relations . It covered the story about St Francis’ visit to the Muslim leader in which he challenged the belief in Mohammed vs Christianity by walking through fire. The Franciscan historians are claiming this as a fable ,which it may be , and are promoting the notion that it will soon be all over the blogs during the commemoration of the saint’s visit to the Islamic leader to bolster “Catholic pride”, so as to counter to the Pope’s methodology of dealing with non Christians. The writer posits the argument that non Believers are not converted by challenges but are converted through love. My own thoughts remembered the early Christians who were martyred and the Christians of this and the last century.
Christians in the Middle East do not appear to be challenging the Isis caliphate instead, they are being slaughtered simply because they Believe in Jesus Christ and desire to continue to practice their Faith.
After reading the article I am left with the question in my own mind and heart as to how diluting the Faith by inter religious celebrations of any kind , bolsters one’s own Beliefs.
Years ago I watched as Catholics I knew were transformed into accepting the Protestant versions of Christianity after Catholic pastors participated with their flocks in progressive inter religious dinners with other non Catholic denominations.
After fifty years of all the progressive nonsense, inside Catholicism in general, these same Catholics did not know their Faith anyway and rather than converting non Catholics, the result of these social inter religious affairs contributed to a distorted understanding of their own Faith. The conversions that did occur touted many through Opus Dei ,were those of Protestant leaders.
Hahn and others became premier teachers for Catholics of Biblical Truth.
Does anyone recall how he preached the Holy Ghost as being female?
Did Metatics, Woods , Hahn or any of the other Gordon Cromwell Theological Grads enlighten Catholics to Catholicism or did they just confuse and cause more divisions ?
If I have a recipe handed down to me for a delicious perfect chocolate cake , will I be doing my guests a favor by mixing in every other ingredient in the kitchen or will I be baking a pile of slop?
……and just n case Comeford shows up here to criticize my overuse of commas or any other grammatical errors in the hopes of discrediting the meat of my posts. I am well aware and do not have time to edit all my posts or flower up either my salutations or closings with any other type of displays of false character impression.
I call it as I see and have seen it period.
The Abomination of Desolation mentioned in the Book of Daniel.
“Kindly read the posts by your allies above and then tell me who is indulging in “argumentum ad hominem”.”
Oh… okay!
Answer: Professor Q
Speaking of Fr. Villa…
“…it is generally known that Fr. Luigi Villa died as a Sedevacantist.”
God bless.
Her’s at start- found at Angel Queen.
, “Let this be a warning—I may be going to hell. I sent many deserving warmongers to their doom. I have no regrets. They’ll be waiting for me. When I arrive, they’ll wish God had sent me to heaven.”
Attributed to Jorge addressing warmongers – after All souls Day – funny that. There is just a Big Tent where he says he is going after death, with every one inside-
Now he acknowledges Hell as his possible destination- serious humour. Patriarch of the world can go everywhere it seems.
Ha HaHa.. That was really well done, Sir.
ABS was sucked in 🙂
Yes, conversion is always a miracle of God’s grace but a big miracle in these times. God knows the yearnings of our hearts. However, this just may open many eyes. I have old relatives who are seeing things now.
The real suckers are the ones that actually give money to Louie to write this crap.