On August 19, the London-based Catholic Herald, a media outlet that caters to conciliar conservatives, published an article under the title: No Jews or Catholics, please, we’re Democrats and have a cynical election campaign to run.
While an effective headline reveals just enough to pique a would-be reader’s curiosity, this one divulged far too much information about the article’s conclusion, its writer, and the editorial posture of the outlet itself.
Even before reading sentence one, the title alone suggests that the writer believes that Catholics and Jews stand shoulder-to-shoulder with one another against the nefarious calculations of the Democrat political machine.
Jumping ahead to the closing paragraph seems to confirm as much:
As the US election campaign plays out, it’s increasingly hard not to conclude that if you are a Jewish or Catholic public figure, and you deign to speak out on matters according to your religion or conscience but that go against mainstream or ideological narratives, you’ll be slapped down for it.
Is there any evidence that the Democrat platform somehow runs counter to the prevailing “value system” of American Jews?
Any list purporting to include the Party’s most treasured agenda items would be incomplete without highlighting abortion on demand; gender affirming care (aka the sexual mutilation of minors); LGBT activism more broadly; radical environmentalism, etc.
From numerous political surveys to scores of articles in Jewish publications, there’s ample evidence for one to conclude that every single one of these evil operations is reasonably considered a fundamental Jewish value. Moreover, one would be hard pressed not to notice the disproportionate number of Jews that presently occupy positions of power within their respective movements. In some cases, Jews even happily take credit for being at the forefront of their formation.
For example, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld (b.1868) is widely viewed as the father of the modern gay rights movement. William Sanger, husband of Margaret (married 1902), actively supported his wife’s birth control advocacy campaign in the lead up to establishing her pride and joy, Planned Parenthood. Alan Guttmacher (the son of a rabbi) founded the abortion advocacy group, Association of Reproductive Health Professionals in 1968.
Jews also proudly boast about the Talmud’s eight genders, which includes persons who are “identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.”
And here you probably thought that the ubiquitous transgender freak show is a recent phenomenon! No, it’s an ancient rabbinical offensive against God and man, devised centuries ago, that has largely been lying in wait ever since.
Waiting for what, you may ask?
Well, for the emergence of a counterfeit Catholic Church, for one thing, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
To be perfectly clear, it must be said that while Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. are not entirely identical with respect to a number of specific issues – some of which undeniably impact the common good in a profound way – both parties operate under the influence of the Zionist Jews, their godless allies and financiers, all in service to the broader Jewish agenda.
Lest there be any doubt, take a moment to watch Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress delivered on July 24. What you will see (if you don’t become physically ill beforehand) is some of the fiercest competition between Republicans and Democrats ever to take place on the floor of the House, namely, the battle to see which side could applaud its taskmaster the hardest.
Before we continue, I am compelled to repeat the following disclaimer:
“The Jewish religion was the foundation of our own; but it was superseded by the teachings of Christ, and we cannot concede it any further validity.”
So spoke Pope Pius X while addressing the so-called Father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl. And yet, within that very same meeting, he referred to a certain people as “Jews,” a designation that should be well understood according to the words of Our Lord, twice recorded in the Apocalypse, them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan. (cf Apoc. 2:9, 3:9)
That made clear, I read the aforementioned article so you needn’t have your own intelligence insulted. You’re welcome. (Maybe that verbose headline wasn’t so ineffective after all…)
Written by the Herald’s Assistant Online Editor, James Jeffrey, the article begins:
While you are going to hear a lot about “weird” as the Democratic National Convention runs from 19 – 22 August … you likely won’t hear as much about Josh Shapiro.
So, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is going to be highlighted as the victim of the Democrats’ alleged “No Jews” policy!
On that note, Jeffrey reminded readers that Shapiro was once considered the runaway favorite to be named the Dem’s VP candidate until, to the surprise of most political pundits, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz got the nod.
Shapiro “seemed a pretty ideal match,” Jeffrey stated. He had everything “the Democratic Party could hope for in a vice presidential running mate.”
Further along in the article, Jeffrey quoted Gerard Baker, Editor-at-Large of the Wall Street Journal, who said that the move from Shapiro to Walz “was a last-minute switch.”
As for why the switch was made, Jeffrey opined that it had to do with the “fact that Shapiro is Jewish [and] he has been outspoken, not surprisingly, in his support for Israel as it engages in an existential fight with Hamas in Gaza.”
“That evidently wasn’t going to work for the more leftist elements of the Democratic Party,” Jeffrey wrote.
He went on to cite an unnamed source “very close” to the Harris campaign, who said that there was “tremendous pushback against” Shapiro coming from “the pro-Hamas wing of the Party.”
While virtue is a rarely found commodity in Democrat circles, don’t be fooled: The Party does not include a “pro-Hamas wing” of such size and influence that it’s capable of asserting anything close to “tremendous pushback.”
The notion that a noteworthy “pro-Hamas” political movement exists anywhere in the United States is nothing more than Zionist propaganda designed to cement Israel’s perpetual victimhood status in the minds of the gullible.
Are there persons to be found who applaud Hamas led terrorist attacks on innocent Israelis? Sure, but their numbers in the U.S. are negligible, and their influence on presidential politics is even more insignificant. (Muslims comprise just 1% of the total U.S. population, just in case you were wondering.)
And let’s be honest, while elements within Hamas are certainly guilty of deplorable terrorist acts, the organization didn’t come into being ex nihilo. Rather, it emerged as a response to Israeli aggression decades after Zionist terrorists conspired to drive Palestinians out of their homeland.
It must also be noted that Hamas serves as a useful tool in the hands of Israeli propagandists insofar as it provides Israel Defense Forces (IDF) with convenient excuses for their ongoing ethnic cleansing operations, e.g., Israel’s painfully obvious complicity in the October 7, 2023, attack on its own citizens in order to justify the razing of Gaza.
I suspect that most of the more boisterous, flag burning, allegedly “pro-Hamas” protesters that garner so much U.S. media attention are really just maggots for hire, i.e., professional activists (like many of the inbred Antifa and BLM miscreants that torched American cities during the 2020 Democrat Summer of Love), many of whom were bought and paid for by the likes of George Soros. I’d further speculate that others among the most unruly in this crowd are likely on an intelligence agency’s payroll, be it Mossad or one of several others headquartered much closer to home.
The goal of the “pro-Hamas” psyop is obvious: To paint as a growing band of radical “pro-terrorists” those who recognize the IDF’s slaughter of innocent Palestinians, many of them women and children, for what it is, genocide.
The “pro-Hamas” label is wielded in a manner similar to such invectives as “anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist,” the intent being to trigger an emotional response on the part of the low-information masses, stifling authentic debate, and quelling any attempt to call attention to the underlying truth of the matter.
At present, Israel may be scoring victories in its genocidal military operation in Gaza, but it’s losing the public relations war and its leaders know it.
The longer the extermination campaign in Gaza rages on, the more eyes are being opened to the historical events that gave rise to the modern State of Israel in the first place, revealing it as a godless enterprise that was born of deception, thievery, and Jewish terrorism. As such, one should expect to see an increase in Zionist propaganda.
Enter, Josh Shapiro.
If Shapiro’s well-known Jewish identity (i.e., not exactly a “last-minute” revelation) had anything at all to do with him being overlooked in favor of Tim Walz, it’s only because canning him serves to perpetuate the well-worn victimhood narrative. In other words, Josh Shapiro – with or without prior knowledge of the role he’d eventually play – ran cover for Israeli war crimes.
Based on James Jeffrey’s article in Catholic Herald, the tactic seems to be working like a charm. The same can be said of the Wall Street Journal’s Gerard Baker, who seems quite confident that Shapiro “didn’t get the role primarily because he is Jewish.”
Evincing Republican subservience to the Zionist cause, Donald Trump, whom Benjamin Netanyahu dubbed in 2020 as “the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White House,” also got into the act.
“They turned him [Shapiro] down because he’s Jewish,” Trump told the crowd at a recent campaign event.
“There has never been a more dangerous time since the Holocaust if you happen to be Jewish in America,” Trump added.
You can decide for yourself whether Trump genuinely believes that Jews in the United States are in danger, or if he’s shamelessly conjuring up images of the Holocaust® at the behest of his Jewish handlers.
To me, the truth of the matter couldn’t be more obvious.
Either way, given that the Jews overwhelmingly go Democrat no matter who’s running, it would be foolish to imagine that Trump is merely courting an up-for-grabs voting bloc. Besides, it’s a tiny demographic anyway.
As James Jeffrey pointed out in his article:
Based on a 2023 Gallup poll, about 2 per cent of the US population identify as Jewish.
That’s it, a paltry 2%. So why is either party sucking up to the Jews at all?
The answer is simple: They sign the paychecks. Literally. Don’t believe it? Google AIPAC. After that, search for images of U.S. presidents and aspiring candidates (e.g., Clinton, the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Obama, Trump, Biden, DeSantis, etc.) sporting a yarmulka in Israel while venerating the Western Wall (a virtual ATM for U.S. politicians).
As long as we’re looking at polls, consider that Gallup also concluded that more than eight times as many people as Jews in the U.S. “don’t believe in God at all.” Sounds to me like a presidential candidate’s time would be better spent trying to win the atheist vote than the Jewish vote.
Given that there is considerable overlap between Jews and atheists – insofar as only 26% of the latter in the U.S. claim to “believe in God as described in the Bible” – one might be tempted to conclude that a political candidate fortunate enough to take 100% of the atheist vote will automatically capture 74% of the Jews! (Yes, I am being deliberately facetious.)
The point is simply this: The Jews – of which (also according to Gallup) a mere 2 out of 10 consider abortion immoral – occupy far more common ground with atheists than with Catholics.
So, where did James Jeffrey ever get the idea that a form of political solidarity exists between Jews and Catholics who dare to “speak out on matters according to their religion or conscience”?
This is the kind of absurdity that emerges when one chooses to embrace the lie, inspired by Vatican Council II, that the Jews are our “elder brothers in the faith,” as opposed to the Biblical understanding of the Jews as those who killed the Lord Jesus, please not God, and are adversaries to all men (cf 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15).
Bottom line: The conciliar counterfeit church serves the same taskmaster as the government of the United States, which goes a long way toward explaining why Catholic Herald and its scribe are so dreadfully confused concerning the political and social incompatibility that exists between Catholics and Jews thanks to the latter’s innate hostility toward Jesus Christ and the mission that He gave to His Church.