Just less than a year after his elevation, Pope John Paul II wrote in Redemptor Hominis, the encyclical that set forth the principles that would guide his long pontificate:
Entrusting myself fully to the Spirit of truth, therefore, I am entering into the rich inheritance of the recent pontificates. This inheritance has struck deep roots in the awareness of the Church in an utterly new way, quite unknown previously, thanks to the Second Vatican Council…
You gotta hand it to the neo-modernists; at times they really are disarmingly honest.
These words of John Paul II constitute the foundation upon which Newchurch – the church-of-man that emerged after the Council – is constructed.
He is telling us plainly and without any apology whatsoever that Vatican Council II, in spite of its modest aims and its utter lack of intent to define doctrine or bind the Christian faithful, is precisely what the Captains of Newchurch have always said it is, a New Pentecost; i.e., it is the birth of a church “quite unknown previously.”
The divorce between the “awareness” of Newchurch and that of the Holy Roman Catholic Church is obvious to anyone who cares to make note of how modern day churchmen, including every pope who reigned during or after Vatican II, tend to view their mission relative to the mission given to the Church by Christ; their approach to ecumenism serving as a microscope that brings the disconnect into undeniably sharp focus.
I would suggest that all one has to do to find evidence pointing to just how novel (read: not Catholic) is the Newchurch approach to its mission is to take a look at the footnotes to Ut Unum Sint – the manifesto of modern day ecumaniacs.
Out of 162 references, one is hard pressed to find even a handful that predate the Second Vatican Council, and exactly ZERO that draw from the pre-conciliar popes’ teaching on the very topic at hand.
John Paul II obviously meant what he said he spoke of the “deep roots” and the “rich inheritance” that would inform his pontificate, but let no one be fooled; “they are unhealthy roots upon sheer rock,” (Sirach 40:15) giving rise to a barren tree that is destined to wither.
Since those allegedly “deep roots” have to do with the elevation of man and the dethronement of Our Lord, they are not roots at all, just canker sores and cancers infesting the real roots. Also interesting use of words: “struck” deep roots, not “sunk” deep roots, which would be the appropriate expression. Roots do not strike, but modernist diseases certainly do. Louie, loved the Star of David and square and compass…
Right on .
In the first part of “Redemptor Hominis” the Pope explained that he chose John Paul for his name, to express his “love” for “the unique inheritance” left to the Church by Popes John XXIII and Paul VI and his “readiness to develop that” inheritance with God’s help.
He seems to gush excitedly about it, like a schoolboy in love, saying the names made him feel linked all the way back to the beginning of the Church, “through those two pontificates”….and that John XXIII and Paul VI are “a stage.. a threshold from to continue”, with John Paul I, into the future,..
“letting myself be guided by unlimited trust in and obedience to the Spirit that Christ promised and sent to his Church.”
Being already so enamored of that “uniqueness”, that he viewed their pontificates as a direct link to Christ in the beginning of the Church, and a threshold from which to continue–as if nothing else existed in-between, is it not legitimate to wonder whether his heart and soul were really emptied enough to leave room for the Holy Spirit of Truth he was counting upon to come and continue to guide him into the future– restricted as it already was by that pre-existing condition of dual loves, and the parameters he had already set for God to work within ?
No man can serve two masters, after all. And likewise,
If either of us when we first met, had expressed an attachment of that magnitude to another human being or to a philosophy so different from the Faith we each held first in our lives, we would not have dated, much less married. It would have presented as insurmountable a problem as if one of us had contracted a prior valid marriage, and his/her spouse were still alive. When your thoughts begin and end with the beloved, you are deeply in love.
It’s how we feel about God, and the rest flows from it.
In fairness to John Paul II, he does briefly mention being connected with those down through the ages who went before him; however the feeling we got from reading this work, as we said above, and having lived through his pontificate while raising our family, experiencing in a very direct way, many of the extremely harmful ramifications of his actions and inactions, left us with the distinct impression that his love for the novelties, appeared to far outweigh any respect or credence he gave to the doctrines and Dogmas of those other Popes throughout the ages which directly contradict them- such as those on ecumenism, modernism, and indifferentism, to name a few..
“Entrusting myself fully to the Spirit of truth, therefore, I am entering into the rich inheritance of the recent pontificates. This inheritance has struck deep roots in the awareness of the Church in an utterly new way, quite unknown previously, thanks to the Second Vatican Council…
…The opening made by the Second Vatican Council has enabled the Church and all Christians to reach a more complete awareness of the mystery of Christ, “the mystery hidden for ages”69 in God, to be revealed in time in the Man Jesus Christ, and to be revealed continually in every time.
…Accordingly, what is in question here is man in all his truth, in his full magnitude. We are not dealing with the “abstract” man, but the real, “concrete”, “historical” man. We are dealing with “each” man, for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united himself for ever through this mystery.
…this is “each” man, “the most concrete” man, “the most real”; this is man in all the fullness of the mystery in which he has become a sharer in Jesus Christ, the mystery in which each one of the four thousand million human beings living on our planet has become a sharer from the moment he is conceived beneath the heart of his mother.”
Pope John Paul II, Redemptor hominis, 1979
“…utterly new way, quite unknown previously…”
“…to reach a more complete awareness of the mystery of Christ…”
“…with each one Christ has united himself for ever through this mystery.”
“…this is “each” man …in all the fullness of the mystery in which he has become a sharer in Jesus Christ…”
Astonishing when you isolate the novel phrases
Rather than fight the Philistine minions, Louie has chosen in this post to sling the smooth stone at Goliath’s head: the enormous worldly popularity of Pope John Paul II and his audacious proclamation of the Christ of the Nouvelle Theologie. God bless you, Louie. I’m glad Professor Dormann and I are not the only ones who see it.
jpii and his brothers in apostasy teach, not only a substantial divergance from the Catholic Faith, they establish and all together a faith antithetical to the teachings of Christ and His Bride.
St Peter the Apostole and first Pope said, ‘Thou art Christ, the Son of the Living God’. Who did Wolytja say Christ was? 22/10/78 First homily of Wojtyla – “please listen once again, today in this sacred place [St Peter’s Square], to the words uttered by Simon Peter. In those words is the faith of the Church. In those same words is the new truth, indeed, THE ULTIMATE AND DEFINITIVE TRUTH ABOUT MAN, the son of the living God—”You [MAN] are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Wojyla’s writings and speeches and actions are steeped with his ‘gospel of man’; his new god. Wojtyla preaches that Christ is automatically every single human being.
Evangelium Vitae: ‘The Gospel of life is something concrete and personal for it consists in and of the very person of Jesus…the Gospel of God’s love for man; the Gospel of the dignity of the human person; and the Gospel of life, are one single and indivisible Gospel. This is why man – living man – is the primary and fundamental way for the Church.’
Pope Saint Pius X E Suprimi Apostolatus: “this according to the same apostle [St Paul] is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist; man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God; in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in himself all knowledge of God, he has contemned [viewed with contempt] God’s majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored. “He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God” (II. Thess. ii., 2).
Another Wojtyla quote, ‘so that consciences can be freed in the full truth about MAN, WHO IS CHRIST’. 22/02/84
Speaking of roots and things, Sometimes analogies really seem to fit.
can start out, small enough to be unnoticeable, yet little by little destroy a whole garden. The best plan starts with prevention. Be vigilant so you can nip problems in the bud before they get out of hand.
Till your soil heavily— to kill larvae and destroy eggs. Check your plants regularly for those, & bite marks, holes or live worms. Hand-pick worms off of plants.
Wrap the base of your plants with aluminum foil–Some worms like to curl up around the stem below the soil line and in the night they cut straight through it.
Rotate your crops. Pluck fruits and remove and destroy entire plants when infested.
Companion plant.– Many types repel pests.
Often a hard blast of water is all you need to remove them.
Make a simple, homemade worm repellent-distasteful to them: with mild soap and water, or a hot pepper tea.
Wrap the base of your plants with aluminum foil–Some worms like to curl up around the stem at the soil line, or slightly below it, and in the night they cut straight through the stem.
Add or Attract beneficial insects to your garden,
such as LADY bugs and PRAYING mantises.
–These feed on common pests.
Great quote from E Suprimi Apostolatus. One can hardly imagine a more thorough condemnation than that paragraph of the “Cult of Man” Paul VI claimed (bragged) the Council had ushered-in, and which all his successors have striven to further.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!