Brian McCall, CFN’s Editor-in-Chief, has proposed the idea of us coming together to engage in a video conversation about the issues under discussion here…
Tag: Novus Ordo

Integrity Check: Examining the Novus Ordo Missae
Is it really possible for the Church as Holy Mother to dispense a poisonous rite to her children, thus endangering them?

Is the Novus Ordo Missae Catholic?
Is it not frivolous (and faithless) to imagine that it is appropriate to “say grace” over that which is infinitely holy?

Liturgical Devastation: Is it due to Vatican II?
The principles and norms set forth in Sacrosanctum Concilium are a blueprint for exactly what the Novus Ordo is, an anthropocentric and worldly rite with a discernible Protestant pedigree.

Deciphering the Council: The hermeneutic of cohesion
The propositions and proposals set forth in the conciliar text run the gamut – from…

A Newer Pentecost: Grave error in the Novus Ordo
By: Fr. José Miguel Marqués Campo Ordained as I was on Pentecost Sunday, 26 May…

The Sacred Liturgy and the Rule of Belief
In his 1947 Encyclical on the Sacred Liturgy, Mediator Dei, Pope Pius XII attempted to…

Real Presence or Symbol: The “lex orandi” doesn’t lie
According to the latest Pew Research Center Survey (August 2019), of U.S. Catholics who “attend Mass weekly…

Dear SSPX: Are Francis’ Masses valid?
On Sunday, June 23, Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Francis,” delivered a homily for the…

Revisiting the “pro multis” debate
Many Catholic commentators – no small number being so-called “conservatives” – have expressed outrage over…